Variety (Dec 1934)

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Tues^aiyi Decemlieir II, T i M c f t n « A B e VARIETY «1 Broadw^QT t^ed We^ltori has . moved Into the Palace . building. , : ' Kitty C^rl'ljsle 'Is on ficom v the -Coast foir'Christmas. : ' Unrion Mtller Byram doin^ press work for>^Thumbs Up.' / . - iico- Morrison planed ba<ilc :td. the ; .on! Satlirdayv (8).. " ■' Mrsi. "Aroh; (Brownie]!' Selwyh to hc.spitdl'for ;opcn»tlon. : ' David W^allace ^ back as Airthui- Hopkins' i^ irepresentatlye, Sons :of Indiana; ..tossed anhual slag at Tic Toe club Friday (7). Adelaide 'HoWell, Southern deb working In night clubs, misses hier ': '^caiWn.'. 1. v. Harvey handling the hite . club hooking iror the Lyons & liyons agency... ■ .^:.'v-' f^edrge Wellbaum tecpverlhg after atoniach operation at' tBe New York -■ hospital. : , ■..'■' 'Arkle''"Schwartz Is- celebrating . the 10th 'anniversary of . the Club. ■ RichmswV.-'' ^ V.-. Jack Peters hsLs opened Caslntf de Luxe on.West 62n*, -assisted b'y Peggry Rich. ■ Fred Bradna.. .Is ; directing the ■ Santos. Artegas (Circus at the:Teatrp . Piavret, Havana.' ' ■■: Cornerstohv' of Jaijk Dcmpsey's restaurant laid by Mayor LiaGuardia yesterday (Monday). . / rtliiner tb John, Murray, Picca- dilly . hotel's hew manager, was —tK>h>e thing; , Blotch Stone .:oh. b ii •toes. .' ."" "6,rc ■ Lachmahn "(iolhg. spe.cial publicity for Yennle' Stern and Lew Brown at. the Manhattan - Music ■..^Han;. : ;. :; ^f:- -V, Miller's nifty display at Us Broadway shop balJ.vhpo^ the. legit productloiis putfittisl by the shoe V^shop. ■ r- .^.r'---. . Broadway bunch joined the sport- ing writers for'th^ Ford Fi-ick teisti- monial free;, feed . at. Xtephie's last ^-'weelCi'."-:;'; ;■: '^'-/r-''': ■ ICow hit show arrivals reflected in nlte life biz lipping also. "When they ; dress up fpr-the theatre, they step .out later. ', ; Boxing shows Saturdays, and wrestling earlier in the week, have been added to Mecca Audltoflum's schedule. • ; '. ■ Al : Wilkle and Alec/ Moss, Par p.a.'s, are planrilrig ii Vacatloh over Christihaa land New Year's that will : be: a west; Indies cruise. Dario (and Lk>ulse Brooks) plan- ning to bring over Bela Berkes, top Hungarian gypsy maestro, .ifor a ~~BwaTCk":hIter y I n some; future time. . Warner Club Playera gave their second annual performance . and dance Friday evening (7). Amateur ^^/''T*''"'' r°^'''v<*'>'^ ^'•f'rn nffl^'ft fin'v<'ftr Vi Bradley, iilghtly-at the Malson .liaflttc; hitery, although comlnig from the operatic flcfld, having suiig with the Chicago Opera and Chicago Symphony. : At the : A.M.P.A. . lunchieon last week Sally Rand cracked tbat 'fine; had taken « leaf out .of the ad Hien's book by using plenty of white ; space In her act. . . Hangers-aroundcrs . at a Broa[d way logit preriilfere were shooed out by the colored porter vwlth the warning/^ 'Closihgl Clbsirtg!* Some- body wondered lt\that meant the ehow or just that night. A Broadway niugg Went into a .6th avenue department store to have some uhderweaTi„mo(l?flled for . his -i-j(v4fe. for-Xmas -and-gotiso...engrossed in^ the svelte models that he wound up with a headache bill. ' . Sid Skblsky never flies, this being his iHrst time into N. Y. from Holly wood by plane, but his fast. flight enabled him to be present when his fathfef, B7, die d audJeiily. . S kolsky -^-c4me' east- for ah: .estimate on his tonsils before an operation, hot an- . tioipatifig ■ any seriousness with his y., pere.-' ■ v ■ ^ ' ■ ■ ' ,■ By Gieorge Axelseon Mary Oardeh hiding oh the Rivir -era.' Riviera vaudeville- is 80% aicrd- ':-,'ba;tlc/: . Ccacle Flleds ih.and out en route . to Capri. ■ ' 'Little Woih^n' (Radio) in third week at EdpUard yil. :, All Amerlcaih drihkeries dlsplay- ' Ire? °«fr"R Sir Nigel Rlayfdlr left around ■f90,000. •.. Dave. Akipllbh pic to Kiev, Russia, to see lila. family. Mrv , and Mrs,- David Blu«8tein, parents of Ben Blue, here; Director Franck of the Apollo, DUss^ldorf, here oii talent hunt. • Bud vBursky 'and Nat Shaph-p due here for promotional purposes. Larry Is an added attraction in Charles Cochran'.s revue 'Streahi- line.^-^:-,"'-- .'.'^.'. : :Betty -Frahkiss will be one of the stare In the new Prince of. 'Wales revue."; ■ Wilson, K^ppaai aiid Betty making their debut in English film for Brit- ish Lion. Cai-roll Gibbons and Van Phil- lips are sole talent scoUts fpir Radio Luxombourg. , Glemehce Dolne^is ' 'Moonlight ' Is Silver^ closing after 10 weeks! ruh at the Queen's. ' Daughter born to James Laver, author of 'Nymph Errant,' in. Lon- don, Nov.' 22. iTry HHll," Tower Co., seriously ill with inter- nal hemorrhage. Gregory Ratoff back here to be in the retakes of 'Eighteen Minutes,' Vogue Films' flrst. ' Mack Sennett and Julian Wylle to debate fllins versus pantomime over the radio Dec 4. ■ Tennis stai- Eileen Bennett Whit- tingstall recPverlng from opieratipn for removal of tonsils. .. Collection of snuff bo?ces belong- ing to late Fred Terry got $1,250 at auction In London.. Zolma O'Neal due back any day to play-in a hew. musical. Lord Beaverbrook writlnjs to Archie de Bear to join the staff of the Evening Standard. Lydia Sokolova, English star of RuEsiair- Ballet, morryihg Ronald; Ma;hoh,' banker, in . Universal flrst here ito use flesh presentation for fllm trade-showing. Was done ahead of 'Great Expecta- tions.* ■ 'Touch Wood' Closed six months' riin at the Haymarket, Nov, 17, re- placed by ThiB Moon in the Yellow. River.' •■ Al Christie and Leslie Pierce here lEom A meric a. Latter to dl Leslie Fuller picture for Gaumont BriUsh. Noel Co-ward lias prpmlsed tb write a -niusical for Beattlce .Llllle, to be prodiicied ' in England and America. Engagement ^ announced between Louise Brown> Ameri'can dancer, and Joh n. Rutherford, a member of Parliament. ■ Oreta Nlsson taking June's place in Chariot's revue, 'Hi Diddle, Diddle,' while latter goes to the Drury- Lane ■ pantomime. • After handling . Carl Brlssoa's publicity for eight years, Robert Jorgensen Is now serving Jack Buchanan, in similar capacity. ' Walter Freedman^ and .^at Mcr Klegue burning up the wires to New York to get Jack Dempsey to handle Jack Doyle for America. Robert Novak, Hungarian singer, due to star here in Kenneth Duf- fleld's musical, "Knave of Diamonds,' rpfii.qpd q permit bv the HomeOfflce. Fourth . questionnaire issued by Sidney Bernstein to patrons of his 31 picture houses reveals Norma Shearier and George Arliss favor- ites. . • , Peggy Ashcroft and Theodor announce approach- ing wedding. Groom was co- respondent in the actress' divorce last year. Ivor Nbvello's musical adaptation of Anthony Hope's 'Prisoner of Zenda' will be: the next attraction at- the Drury Lahe. Novello will also star in show. Entire sales forcg of Wardbur I^ims, headed by *Aithur Dent, go- ing to the Coliseum to see Lew Les- lie's 'Blackbirds,' the show British International will film. , Alexander Korda lias acquired tour at the, Blrhtlns-' ham: Theatre sold out lii advance fop -the week,.- .Extra, matinee was put on and show grossed |13,Q00, Which is record for the house. By Ecjwarii, Aaawad Azlzd : Rilianl . Co. has engaged r.rxilv, flini actor pioneer, .Om Kolsbum. Egyptian singer, 'jack from Eurppe' after long tour". Egyptian silent fllm entitled 'Vic- tirtis' is' being turned Intp sotind by the same promoters who ihade. it first. V,--"■-■ Lotus Film Co.' is producing a sound fllm entitled 'Shagaret el Dor.' Assia will assume the prih- '.■ipai role.- „ ■ Opera. House in Cairo is in course vf nogotiatibn with some artists of the Comedle Francalse of Paris for a local tour. ' Americans films have gained much svound in Egyptian picture theatres und one eciipislng French films, which led hlthertoi Italian Operetta Company, Au- he Blackpool-j-Tork,- has played oh Alhambra stage at. Alexandria for several weeks. Now performing on Alhambra stage at Cairo. : Lama Brothers are now produc ing an Egyptian, sound fllm entitled 'The Ghost of the Past' featuring Pedro Ljama and the Egyptian . singer Nadira. -1 w Togo Misrahl, Egyptian fllm pro- ducer, back from Italy. Entered into ah agreement with Fawzi Gazayerll and his daughter^ Ihaan,' for taking part In two fllnis. \ Madame Badla Masabni back ri'pm Europe after a long visit to Budapest. She has engaged Roslta 'Montenegro, dancer and bhe-time partner of Maurice Chevalier. First time she will appear in Egypt. -. British residency in Cairo has apprised the ministry of foreign affairs of the fact that India has acquiesced to,-! the -ihternatlbnal treaty drawn iip at Geneva, In Oct., 1933, relating to the exchange of flims of a Bcient^le, .educational or social character Kattan and. H^ddad, of Beyrut, have entered Into an agreement with the Arabian singer. Miss Kuther. to Stat her in an Arabic sound fllm V next'l onfUlo/l «Ttn.1or ftiA Tfltnplft Baalbeck.' Musical pieces wlU be cbmposed by . Salcli. Farugl. Author is Kaium Er NustanL Sound ap- paratus has been Imported : frbni America for the production. Paris By < Bob Stern 'dircus Star* 60 np. . Mary LossefC likely to star as the' 'Dubarry.' VolkS'management to.afflllate with dark Komoedle. Hermann Bahr's death mask pre- sented to Burg theatre. Ludwig Berger wrote 'Elizabeth of England' for Ida Roland. ■: U. S. clo-wn; Ferry Corwey. to be at Ronacher's In December. Kay Francis passing here en route Paris-Zurich to Budapest. Rita Georg to star in 'Lysistrata'. in San Remo, Italy. Dec. 22 .Sapha Gultrv's Th e Ne-w Tes t a- I Constani meht' under contract at Relnhardt's., Volks theatre - prize for 1934 awarded to Playwright Stephan Ka- mare. .'■ '., Stephen Wessely trying hand suc- cessfully at a local made cartoon short. -:' Fritz Stelner and . Serge Abrano- yics under contract to Stanley. Scott, London. Richard Tauber going on. tour with. 'Singing Dream' to Budapest and jParis. .'. ■ ' • ■ : Authoress Adrlenrie . Thomas • here completing biography of Sarah Bernhardt. Alexander Molssl to tour In Ber- nard Shaw's Too True to Be Good' throughout Italy. 'When Ladles Meet' by Rachel Crothers had a lukewairm reception 'Salome' revived at Opera. - Joe Jackson jilaying Medrano. :~ . Mack^y Twins back in Afcaiir,- ' Allan Byre back from Belgian. trip. ■ c ;"' Mrs. Dick Massock to U. S. for holidays. Lornc and Douglas dancing at Ritz gala. Paul Swan dancing at parties In his studio. . • ',■ / 'Figaro'- giylng cocktail party to honor Pirandello. : Martha Eggerth, Hungarian sing- er, passing through. Lacy Kasther off on a short busi- ness, trip to Belgium. ISeatrice, Wanger giving dinner for Peggie Spearman. . Jea.nne Boltel to return to Paris Icgit, after tour- In Egypt. ' - ; Walter Rummel back In Paris with score of his 'Requiem.' Lily Damita dropping in from Loiidbh, on way to Hollywood. Guy Crosswell Smith's release, 'La' Flambee,' holdover at Rex. Pathe Natan to distribute Vien- nese .film, 'Mascarade' in France. English niade. cartoons, on Disney style, doing well at the Ursulinee. Louis Lumiere presiding at Club du Faubourg debate on French cinema. ■'• ■' Misha Elman and Fanny Heldy appearing at Mrs. Berry WoJl's con- certs for French war blind at Cercle Interallie. .: Serge de' Pbligny; making .ex-- teriors at Gare St. Lazare for a UFA fllm. • / Maurice Rostand singing at Noc- tamhules—poet's flrst cabaret en gagement. Russian Aim, 'Storm,' held over seven weeks at .'^la^x--Joinder on Boulevards. . 'Mandarin' to bpen Dec. 6 at Mo igador, succeeding revival of 'Vie Parisienne.' . Metro putting Tarzan and' His Mate' - into the Madeleine, replacing 'Men in White.' Enrico dl Mazzei, Opera Comlque tenor, playing - Gaumbntr Palace, program hpuse. Paulette Pax and Oeuvire troupe back from playing iShaw and PIranr dello In Po rtujgal. Dejazet announcing new' farce, 'Five Mllllohs in a Bed,' by. Jean Guitton, for Dec, 7. United Artists, now titling "Monte Criato' and its German acquisition, 'Sleeping Car Conductor.' • . T'rt5effs~revlvIhg"^ernafd^h^W'iB 'St. Joan/ one of their, great suc- cesses, at the. Mathurins. ■ Ganna Walska having Prince and Princess Nicholas of Roumania as guests at Toscanlni concert. First preparations for 1937 expo is widening of Jena bridge, formally begun Wednesday (28). Mentone Casino, on Riviera, cut- ting cinema entrance price to 33 cbnts, including entrance to casino. Louis Brignon, ill; momentarily quitting as partner - in . Theatre Michelj leaving Robert Trebor alone. Libel suit of Detective Bony, Sta- vlsky case hero, against weekly 'Gringoire' one of the best shows in town. mmings In Paris, but unrecognized until she., took boat train at Gare St. Lazare on way home. . Cbuht Cesar Celani-Leprl going to Mexico to study folk music for use in film on Mexico he expects to make here, J. de Cavaignac back, after buy- ing indie films ill U. S. for France and arranging for French distribu- tion in U. S. Emile Pabre, chief of Comedle Francalse, to dedicate' statue to Madeleine Roch, actress^ at Mu- reaux cemetery, Potlhier<9 dropping variety. policy for a three-act comedy by Guy des Cars, titled 'Cruise for Ladies Only.' To open Dec. 21. Titled ladies here getting fllm minded since Princess Nathalie Pa- BerEn 'Splelereien einer Kaiserln' folded at the Schiller theatre. ■ . . IJate Max vbn Schilling's 'Moloch* took a terrible flop and Isn't likely to be repeated.. Olga Tschechowa and Harald Paulsen treated nicely by the crix in 'Tageszciten der Hebe' at the Trlbuene. - : ; -Legit In mid-season form, with several good shows running along well and a f ew exiJected to fpid ui» -raomehtarUy.. Asta Nielsen took her fifth act of 'Kamellendame' into the Scala for the November pirogram, bb the bill with Claire Waldoff. Kaethe. Dorsch returns this' win- ter to the Deutschen Theatre for the first time since her South Amer- ican guest tour last year. . . : 'Die Front unter. Tage,' by Josef Wiessalla, scheduled to go into re- hearsals at the KammerspieL Opening date unannounced. Hanna Ralph -will .do the Lady Milford in the new production of 'Kabale und. Ltebe' skeded for the Theatre ani'Nbllehdbrf platz. ; Hilde Hildebrand, Karin Evans and Ernst Dumcke continue to draw crowds to the Rehnalssance thea- tre with 'Lady Windemere's Fan.' . Curt Goetz's hilarious satire. 'Dr. med Hiob Praetorius,' started as strongly this year as It finished last and looks like it will continue., 'Sie hat . hatuerllch. recht' at the- Deutschen Kuenstler thieatre got off to a bad start, despite Erica von Thellmann's heroic efforts to. save it. ■■; , ■ Ralph Arthur Roberts'! Tiiebe In Dosen,' passed its .25th'performance at the Theatre in der Behrehstrasse and looks to have caught on for the winter.. ".•■.'-/ Rene : Stobrawa has.' retuirncsd ; to the Deutsches Kuenstler theatre In charge bf productions for tho kid- dies, using fairy- .tales and uncom- plicated Ideas as plots. ' •Weh Dem der Liebt,' with Haha Adelbert Schlettbw,- Martin .Hell- berg, Georg Voelkel and Paul Hoff- mann at the Schillertheatre holds promise of lasting a spell. ; .'Krach um jolanthe,' farm com- edy built around a constable's ef- forts to seize a huge sow, ha» passed its 400th performance at the Lessliig theatre and still going strong. : Paul LIncke's 'Lysistrata' Is get- ting a fair play at the Plaza. Lotte Carols does a neat Lysistrata, but it's evident she's worRlnir under wraps. Hernian Molders Is her Xieonldas. Schiller. was given a whirl throughout. the entire country this ;;mpnth,-beglnninig-with-that author!<L 'Wallenstein.' played in the Theatre- des Volkbs with a 3 p.m. openlngr and lasting until well after mid- night Walter Putter winging east. . Sid Silvers home with the flu. Vera Gordon going east for a p. A. tour. ■ ^ ^: ■ ■■■ Dave Selznlck bos a new Bevhills homo.; ■■ ■ Walter Daniels named unit boss' at Radio. Malcolm Stuart Boylan back from; ■ :. Oscar Kanther ho 'Iraiger on the Fox payroll. Bert Kalmar laid up with a stom- ach ailment. Kitty Carlisle to New York until after Yuletide. ; A»n—aia rln i s getttaghyound^ih- a wheel chair. — - - ' Jerome Kern renewing a lot of old' acquaintances. -- Mrs. Lee Kohlmar out bf hosp and en rout to N; Y. Reginald Owens building a shack at Palm Spring's. Abe .Lastfogel and the missus here for a coupla months. Mary Bartol resigned as Colum- bia's fan mag contact. ; Radio's 'Puzzle of the Pepper Tree' on location at Catalina. - Pauline Tree bows out at Warners . for N. Y. stage seasoning. ; Wera Engels subtracted from tonsils at;GoPd Samaritan. Ellis Levy here from Frisco for a few days on CBS matters. Guru D. Lai here from Delhi, India, to study sound pix. Opera House in Nice - hieing used by amateurs for Mollbre tepertblrie. E. Phillips Oppenheim beating It tb Guernsey Islands because cheaper . .than Riviera. - -Morlene.Dietrlcli:bds..wrltten..locaL friend she intends to settle down on Biviera for good. . :- - -Monte Carlo h&s 'drppped-'chucka- luck,' dice game, because it wasn't profitable enough, 'Miss France,' : Louis Verneull's latest, at Nouveau Caslnb. Is only legit show in Nice. Egyptian prince, Reizlan Bey, only radio bug in town who can time in on the U. S. , Eldorado has troupe of Belgian chorus gal;;. ■ They ■underbid. Anicr-. lean and English talent. : 'La Boite a'Vitesse;' Skarjlneky's newest nitery,: fixed up like garage. Is popular with Nice suhdpdgers. Impresario' of, Caslnb with op- eratic repertblre. says lie gets good Toscas nbwadays : for . 14 bucks, ■Canlos are' 10 and iiit, aiid ais fpr bassbs; they're, giving 'em away this season. ■ " . ■ - . ' .. ■ Elswyth Thane's 'Young Mr. DIs raeli', for filming. Show Is by author of 'The Tudor Wench,' cur- rent at the Kingsway. Sir Oswald Stoll wanted Max Jleinhacdt toistagej.'DIe. Fledermaus' at the London Coliseum as. Christ- mas attraction, but the professor could not spare the .time. ■ ■ ;~B^rtisTr~&~i3oiM'mionB'--^w duction, starring Anna Neagle, di- rected by Herbert Wilcox, will be ■The Girl from Bohemia,' a free adaptation of Balfe's 'Bohemian Girl.' ■'■.;■'■ : Flanagan, and Allen Avcre offered $5,000 for five days' work in picture for British Lion, with George Black refusing to grant permission, as Bud Flanagan Is just recovering from serious illness. ' Shortage of musical . attractions has caused re-vival of. pantomimes in London aiid the provinces. . Lon- don and its environs have 20 panto- mimes, this year, which is the big- gest number in the past 18. . 'Mr. Whlttlngton,' with Jack Buchanan* • «t)ened" ~ its ; provincial at the Akadamle here Two: local offers for English com- edy 'Lo-vers Leap' now scoring at the Vaudeville, London. Nora Gregor to . resume Burg theatre activities Dec. 1. i n cl assic Hebbel play 'Agnes Bernauer.' Ralph Benatzky's Louis Phillipe play 'The King With the Umbrella' imderr contract for-the-Josefs*adtr-r- •Men in White' talker (M G.M.) succeeding here under title "The Most Difficult Case bf Dr..Ferguson.' Anny Hartmann of Burg' theatre now filming in 'Dandy Dick' for B. I. P. in London opposite Edmbnd Knight. • Leo Tolstoi's diary '1904-1910'. to be published on subscription basis in Switzerland as no German or Au.strian publishers bid, Herminn Thlmig plays double role of old uncle and young nephew In 'Trip Into Youth.' talker now be- ing made in Sievering. ; Relnhardt management trying to set Oscar Homolka tb star bpposlte Paula Weesely In revival of Gehart Hauptmahn'a 'BoM -Bemd.'. : ley led way to Hollywood with a United Artists contract. . . Josephine Baker and Florelle help- ing to run St. Catherine's Day party, for the town's 25-year-old spinsters, at Volterra's LUna Park. ~GaBtoh" Baty-oldening 'Prosper,' Oriental play in 13 scenes by Lu- cienne Favre, at Montparnasse, re- .p!acing-iVoyage..Cir.culalr.e^ French state radio stations neg- lected to broadcast Armistice Day ceremonies, and official in charge of programs got fired for forgetting. Princess Miarthe Bibesco, who ex- pects fllm to be made in Hollywood based on her 'Catherine-Paris,' will write impressions of her U. S., trlp. Nadie Pitocff, .eldest daughter , of Georges and Ludmllla, to make her stage. debu t with Rldeau de Paris In 'White Man' by Andre, de Rlchaud, opening Dec. 21. Victor Barnovsky, German legit director who failed to pay off Shiakespeare troupe at; Theatre des Champs Elysce.s,, forbidden by police to return to France. Now in London. ' ■ ■-■ ■ / . y ■. New name on tlie Jackseh-Leyton agency door Is C. K. Brown. Betty Furness will air east for Xnias layoff to visit her family. Stage part in 'Mother Lode' draws Helen Freeman tb N. Y. cr: Gardner—Sullivan Is "wdw^'sch"' associate producer at Columbia. Bert Glennon to Mexico and Ar- gentlneJb get stock' footage for Fox. Adoftp "TLyiles in town tb pick up features' for his Buenos Aires sheet. Par's. 'Bengal Lancer' back for retakes after 88 days in pi:oductlon. John Howard I^awson back to New York to work on another play. Clarence Brown has purchased a now plane after swearing off. flying. C. ; Henry Gordon free-lancing after three years under contract to Metro. J. ■ R, Driiinmohd, editor of. tho C. Si. Monitor, looking b-ver the studios. •. Metro's distrib head in Hbiiahd; Y. H. Kroon; In town fbr a look^ around, , Flu tied up Mlriarn Hopkins for (Cbntinued on page 62) .. .