Variety (Dec 1934)

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Tuesdij* December 18* 1934 I c t E 1; no S il^ES VARIETr Wk.; 'Prentice/ Chi . Chicago, iDec. 17^ Shlninff out brilliantly am Hniiaite of lesaec bbz-offlce ilghts are tfio attractlonB, this week; 'Ghii iC/hln Chow* at the McVlckers and . ^♦j'olles Bergerea* (stage) at the . ^aliice ', For the rest o£ the town the usqal allbJs are In , order. Two ?av mllblB currently are, naturally; the %r(B-Xmas week. and. the blizzard ; Which struck the town last week ^ur 'Chow' and 'Bergeries' do not .^eed .them '■• "dhow' drew excellent notices and 1b proving a life-saver for the. house. Jones Will slough ' bit the Olobe 'iZ>heatre Shakespeare playei's after this current week and will run iiilther straight pictures or an out tfUindlhg name' stage attrictloh. If . such is ayailable ' . Two unusual things happened on ffiB Randolph atrfta t rlalto this Week I*lfst is the return of 'One Night of liove' to the Garrlcfc after havlngi bad a sbc-week loop stay, previously. iBuildIng commeht on this picture is truly remarkable. Other Itemi lis the temoval of the ApbUo from the first run column to subsequehts, this oc r ourrlng with the shift of 'Flirtation "Walk- from an Initial run at the .Boosevelt to loop hold-over at the . EstimatM for This Week ^Ap6iio (B&K) (1,200; 8B-46-6B)— .Tlirtatlon Walk' (WB). First sub Aeqiient for the house since going to B. .& K. Will pick up box-offlce lllnce flicker has been doing busl- :l)aess.- Can do |6,000, flhe for hold- over. Last week 'liady By Choice' (Col) fell away to $4,800, weakish. Chicago (B&K) (4,000; 86-B5-7B) ir-'Evclyn Prentice* (MQ) and stage show. Picture ■ getting good com .counts' a,nd will show steadily rising ,>^trength through week. Will up the : aross above previous two'sessionis to 129,000, good enough in comparison. -tast-'weiBk-less than-fair for-'Whlte ..parade' (Fox), $20,400. \ >Garrick (B&K) (900; 25-3B-50)r- fNlght of Xove' (Col). Back for geventh ^lt)OP week And .fltlll okay, WiU head for $6,000^ splendid for ;run and pre-Xmas. I^ast week 'Be hold My Wife' (Par) didn't get aby .Where at ?3,Bpp, Just macaroni.. , McVickers (Jones) (2,^00; 2B-36 Jp)~'Chu_Ghltt ;_Chow.:_(GB)i^ind Globe Theatre Shakespeare tab on Vtage. Globe Players on last week ■,.0f fornight stay. Didn't mean a quarter i: In this picture house. Which gblnK to the legit stage whiere Results a^e more likely. Had been pencilled In here for five weeks but Wouldn't stand "the " gaff. Gross upped currently In a wide and hand some manner by 'Chu Chin Chow' which is getting notices and a rounded play. Building steadily and Will ring up a hotchd' $11,000 lil a rousing session. Last week 'Jane Eyre' (Mono) didn't get going and let. the gross down, sadly at $7,800. Oriental (B&K) (3,200; 2B-3B-40) •-'Desirable? (WB) and vaude. Can't contend with pre-Xmas slump -r»nd-wiU-alide-o ff to $ 1 4 ,0 0<V-6urp for lowest gross In niany weeks. , liast week 'Lemon Drop Kid* (Par) end 'Platlum ,. Blondes' unlt> on stage boomed iii melodious $20,100, mess of profits for everybody con- : tor nod. .'■ . -• • Palace (RKO) (2,B00; 2B-35-BB) •-rMan Who Reclaimed Head' (U) •nd 'Folles Bergeres' unit oh stage; Continues at capacity for second week of unit. Will hit over $20,000 currently due to slightly boosted ad- .missloni , Last week walloping 130.100 on tilted gates. ' - icf(BI&K) (l.BOO; 3B-BB- 06)— Babes in Toyland' (MG). Kid program only and not getting any- where.. Will scrdm after six days to„V,"'^v^ri5'''''^' ^''^^'^y- 'Flirtation Walls' (WB) flriished second week to neat $11.200 'Pninta,^ t^^n' (MG) w.tomorrbw (Tuesday>. its *',*J?'^^'<* Jones) (2,766; 20-2B- 5«»~r ^"^f'"ve Lady (Col) .and .va.U(j€. —In- on- Tegular-downbBat-of .majority of lopp houses and win m about $12,000, still on the right Sl,^' .^'i^*^ week 'Red Head' (Sec) held to $12,300, oke. : V ' ^ ■ •kHv'*^^ Art'«t«. (B&K-UA) (1,700• t\-4B-65)-;'Kid Millions' (UA) <2d ^^ok). Weather' crimped opening ■esMon somewhat but pace is hold- o»f.r^^,"^*"^-- "^"l .bU over $14,000 cmrently, good. Last , week $21,100, IS^" ■ - :Barhum' r(UAX TACOMA MARKS TIME fCollege Rhythm' Fair At Arbuifid Tacpma, Dec. 17." " Getting too- close to Christmas, with most close change going for' glftis, for show hiz to shgw' much. Rbxy is using- duals: on split week; to try to lure 'em; with quantity, arid also using Up product, v Music Box continues with split week vatide and dual sans vaude for last, half, while Blue Mouse has 'College Rhythni' .(Par). ■ ■ . ; .V:-: :-;-■: .■ ■ ;■. ■ / : -EirtirnotiBB^jFor tK Blue Mouie :(Hamrick) (700; 25- 3B)-r-'College Rhythm' (Par) Getting along for $2,B00, fair. Last week, 'Now and Forever* (Par) liked, but only fair $2,660. . A Musio Box (Hamrlck) : (1,400; 16- 2Br86)—'Baibbltt? (FN) and vaude, Bnllt with 'Wnfrntt WTinclq ': fPftr^ and 'By .Tour Leave* (Radio) dual. May:, see $3,B0ft which is slow. Last week, 'Kentucky Kernels' (Radio) vaude, with Wheeler and Woblsey in person, big: three days, $4j400;: 'Clebpatra' (Pai*) four days, $1,400, making week solid |6,8o6, big. Rojty (J-vH) (1,806; 2B-3B)W 'Have a Heart' (MGM3 a,hd: 'Whom the Gods Deatroy* (Col) dual, 6pllt with 'Babes in Tbyland' (MOV and 'That's Gratitude* (Col) dual. An- ticipations. do not go' beyond $3,066, not hot. Last, week, Merry Widow* (MQ) held live days, satisfactory at $2,166. . Mills Brothers IthiotliOOO Pittsburgh; Dec. IT. There ain't no Santa Glaus. 0** boys figure there's nothing* to do but go into hiding, at least for a few. more'days. . "TiA^eoffplerrbf 'minor flurrieis are In prospect, which furnishes a little Wt of encouragement a.t least At -the Alyin, the Mills Brothers on stage are the big noise, bolstering everything including the weak nicker, 'One Exciting Adventure,* and: should almost single ^ handed attract better than $11,600, no kicks coriilng. Penn should get a boost out of the . two-day stay of Guy Lombardo'0 motor caravain show, coming - In tomorrow (18) and Wednesday to pep up 'Evelyn Prentice.' Latter slated for eight days to give house ai Monday open- ing Xmaa week and takings should hit around $16,060 fol the extended run, which Includes, of course, a stl ffer scale f o r ataffa Bhnw tiayn . ~?)therwlse, all 1h quiet. 'Anne of Green Gables' at the Stanley may get $6,600, but It'll be a stiff push, while the Fulton continues to cry the blues with 'Student Tour,'which will be lucky to collect a gosb- awful $2,900. . Estimates for This Week Alvin (Harris) (2,066; 26-40)— 'Exciting Adventure' (U) and Mills Brothers on stage. Whatever there's In the till at tbe end of the Week, and it looks as If it'll be arburid a fair enough $11,006, the manage- ment can credit to the Mills boys. It's their first; time here and they're the lure. Last week 'Bachelor of Arts' (Fox) and stage show so-so at $8,000. Fulton (Shea-Hyde) (l,76ci; IB 'Show of Shows' iinlt abbut ' the same. ■ ■'. ■' • .. Stanley (WB) (3,606; 2B-3B-60)— 'Green Gables' (Radio), Sentimental fiicker j^hould get a xbat play from tired Tule shoppers, which' .might give it a chance to hit the .$6,006 mark. That's behind the eight ball, but even, ismall favors are deeply appreciated here these, days; .Last week 'IniltaUon of Life' . (U) didn't duplicate its success elsewhere, get- tirig ^onljr $7,B00, n.s.h. ' - Warner (WB) (2,000; -26^46)— 'Beady for- Lovb' " (Par) aind 'Wake Up and Dream-: (II)i, Nbthlhg in this combo to attract *em; maybe weak $3,500. Last week ,'Du Barry'; (WB), going it aloiie at dlstrlbs' iii- sldtence, a little short of that. X ■ . . ,'^D^Bx^ye^, X>bc. iT..-^ ' Last Week waa the first week of the . resumption of the Fbrd" car glveawa,ys In the bight Harry Huff- riian theatres and Huffman repoiis thkt it boosted business in all his first runs on Tuesday nilght. The Aladdin was patcked, iiie Paramount waa filled and at the' Denver a.nd Orpbeum ^the business yrta from tWo , to three times that - expbcted otherwise. ; '. Esiimatea for This Week Aladdin (Huffman) (1,666; 26- 36-'66)—'Gentlemen Ar» Bom* (FN). Around $2,660 sighted, not hot: Laat week 'Wa'x* Rich Again* (Radio) ran the houav up to averr age,: bioslng with $2,660. Picture started ^low but built; : , . Denharn (Coopet-) .(1,660; 26-36- i60)—'Ga,y i)ivorcee* (Radio) (sec- ond ;week). Hbld over m an- ticipated.: .This wedt may tally $6,600. Samb film last week packed the house repeatedly and closed with $10,666. Denver (Huffman) (2,666; 26-36- B6)rT-'PaInted Yell' (MG)v Plgiire arbund $7,666, okay. Last week 'Imitation of Life' (U) let the house dbwn with lesa than avbriage, clbs- Ing with $6,666. Ofpheum '(Huffman) (2,666; 26- 3B-6Q)—'Captain Hates the Sea* ;(G.oi)..:jLpi>lw_J^lke_v^ d ock w ith about $6,606 Vabbard, fair. , La'sT week 'The St Loula Kid* (WB) left $7,666 in cash drawer. ; Paramount (Huffman) (2,000; 26- 40)—'Cheating CheiEiterB' (U). and 'Adventure Girl* (Radio). Split Week duals with "Down to Last Taicht' (Radio), and 'Strange Wives* may dlwy $1,660 on week.< week ' Flirtat ion Wa^ (FN); did $2^,006, an average week for the' Paramount following a $11,666 at the Denver for the same film; ItV IVactically a for R (1 .• This is the softest Week of; the year: for thb theaitrb treasurers and the bb± bfflcb:: cashiers. With feW tickets being sold and not much money to: count up,. it's practlcially a laybff. I The whole town is east of Sixth avenue: in the big stores, restaurants: as well as theatres tak- ing it on the chin as a result Only two pictures doing anything at all are 'Babes in Toyland,; at the reopened Aiator, and IWednesd^y's Child,' at the Rbxy.: Best is 'Babes,' which started: off sb strong Thurs- daly. (13) that Walter Reade upped the admission over the week end from the 6Bc price he-had estab- lished to 76c. Indications point to $16,000 on the Week, more thaii !Merry WidoW' was able tb iget there on a $2 twb-a-day run. Reade Will retain the; picture over Christmas. 'Wedhesdayls Child' lb - surprising the Roxy operators on a chance for $26,000, keeping house, in ft fair hiink of black..' 'Limehouse Jbtlues,' which finished Its' week at the; ;Rlalto last night (Monday) was another upset for the smiaxt gross guessers and ireviewerB. In spite of jpobr notices, it whammed home with $14,66a, but Was not held because Arthur Mayer is committed to play 'Gay Brtde,' which' went bii first run at the Fox, :Brboklyn, Fri- day (14), and does not want to I^^aVe It on display f br Xmas week. 'Bride' went into the Rlalto last night (Monday) on a preview. . ^ell in the Heavens,' brought Into the Mayfair Wednesday (12), doing better, than expected, maybe $12,660, while its nelghbbr. the Palace, is getting nowhere with "Babbitt' iiidlr cations fbr which are around $8,666. . istrand fire and its closing Friday night (14) Is believed to : have shifted some business to the May- fair, but did anything: but help tbe Capitol and Rivbll, which are alSo close by.,: On holdover of 'Painted Veil', the - Cap .lobka to dip. tb around $16,r660 after a disappointing^ Jirst_weelc-ot-^$24,006.>-^he—Blvbll slid to $21,660 on first week of 'Don Juan* and on the second, final, week ending Friday (21) will be lucky to hit .$li2,000. 'Mighty. .Bamum' comes in Saturday (22). Another holdover, 'President Tao- ishes', got bnly $18,600 the first Week but over the past week end picked up a little and may strike $16,000, lessenIngLlhe_t.earSx__.8ebQnd._.'TCeek Is expected to be helped a little the clbslng day when the Par tosses In a Thursday night preview bf 'Here 20 - 40)^. ' Student Tuu r " (MG).' It's been the dumps here tor the last couple of weeks and current flicker Is nojbetter.:. Ooei;:oJt.:_pDjdrestLlget!-: aways In months presages a miser- able $2,900, If thati Last week 'Lit- tle Friend' (G-B) one of the sea- son's outstanding disappointments at. $2,600, red. Penii (Loew's-UA) (3,300; 2B-36- BO)—'Evelyn Prentice' (MG). In for' eight days and .will have with It for two, days In mid - week Guy Lombardb's motor caravan show at increa$ed Scale. All together, out- look is for around $16,000, ■ with moat of it hoped for from the stage booking. Last week ?ClolleBe Rhy thm' (Par) best in town at $11,000; but disappointing. • Pitt (Shater) (1,600; 1B-2B-35)— ■Lightning, Strikes ~ Twice' (Mono) and 'Schooldays on Parade' unit. This site has been feeling tiio jiinch, same as the rest of thein, and there's nothing out of the way to. bring 'erh in this week. Probably liv the rielghbrtHiood of $4,500. Laist week 'Against the Law' (Col) and Mpls^ Joins^^^^^m^ MlnneapbUs^ Deo. IT^ Customsiry pre-Cbrlstmab slump, off to a much earlier start than nisual ajid bxcepllunaHynsevere, has its grip clamped down tight on the town. Grossei continue tb sink almost to the Vanishing point In view of the brisk November tak- ings, this collapse comes as aii'un- pleasant aurprlse. There's a .panicky feeling all around. Unfavorable weather haa been getting most of the blame for the tiirn in the tide, extreme cold and abundant snow being : anything but . box-offlce tonics. ., . Probably, realizing the futility of trying to buck the present trend, the loop entertainment emporiums apparently are holding back their more choice amusement morsels. The. State has the nearest apprbach tb what : ordinarily : would, be a winner. Ifm a eomhlnnMon nf vaaa weeks. This bne hot so forte, doesn't look like more than $2,666, po or. Last week, 'Flirt ation Walk' "X^'N) ana stage snow. State (Publlx) (2,400; 26-86-46) —It's a Gift' (Par) and 'Spices of 1936' stage show. Lots of good en tertainment for little moneys and only winner In town, maybe $10,- 000. Last week, "Tiansatlantlo' (UA) and Irving Aarorisbn 'Conv; mariders' on stage, $7,fiOO, much leas than ahbw deaerved. ■. '■■ World- (Steffes) (366; 26-36-66- 76)—'Night of Love* (Col). Third week, here at higher prices than it was scaled for an Orpheum during Its highly successful fortnlgHt fun. Light $900 indicated. Last week, $1,000, light. Uptown (Publlx) (1,200; 26-35)— {Merry Widow' (MG). Enroute to mbderate! $2:000. Last -week, is. My Heart*, booked in for two weeks VlthsSr^Waf^^^^ in the pit. The Music Hall is also blab, prob« ably no niore than $65,006 this Wtjek on "Music. In the Alf. •Dealers in Death', war , ihunltlbns compilation at the Criterion, will get around $6,600, mild, and may be supplanted before Christmas by 'West of the Pecbs*, Radlb booking. Latest estimates on Strand place; its: reopening. at barllest two arid a half weeks frorii nbw, with dam- age: frorii fire and water possibly running under $166^000. Warnfer unlikely to.; be. reopened,: although WB was anxious to get 'Sweet Ade- line* on the street for Christmas. Company may Sell ,lt tb another: hbu^e. It able to make a suitable deal/. , ■ :,- Ettimateb for tills Week Astor (1,012; 25-40-6B)—JBabes in; Toyland' (MG). Reopened' house CTTA ); f9,!^nn, iie-v.f Thursday (13) and off smartly, indl- eating a first week of $14,006 arid holds. ' Walter Reade is operating house for Lbew*s on a percentage deal. ■ ..■ • ■ ■ Capitol (6,406; 36-76-86-$l-$l.l6) —Painted Yell* (MG) (2nd week) and stage show. Looks lib'mbre than $12,006 on the holdover after a iBrst week Of but $24,666, veiy dlsalp- polntlrig for a'Gafbo release. ; Criterion (876; 26-46-66)—'Dealers in Death' (Topical), opened Thurs- day (13) and on first week around $6,660, mlldi Last week, third of 'The Battle* (Qarganoffl)i $3,800. •West of Pecos' (Radio) next It may .be brought :ln' for Christmas. Gaiety (808; 26-66)—:'War Is a Racket* (Samjax) (2nd week). Do- ing nothing, prpbably hot mbre than $2,600 this week, but riiay be kept over Christmas ajiyway; First seven days was $3,600, Mayfair (2,200; 36-66-66)—'Hell in Heavens' (Fox); Air picture not do- ing badly, helped posslbly-by Strand closing,-'and .arbund $12,600 on week.'Gambling (Fox>>-^predecea-- sor, S7,160, bad flop. Pilace (1,766; 86-66-66)— 'Bab- bltt*^(WB) and vaude. In here on first run but going nowhere, prob-. ably .hot', more than $8,666. Last week, secorid of 'Divorcee' (Radio), was good, $10,000. Paramount (2,664; 86-56-75-86) —'Presldeht Vanishes'. (Par) (2nd week): _iand^;;.pit-. -band.—--Second- week-end better than" first 'and may tbp $16,000 with 'Here Is My Heart* (Par) preview thrown in last day (Thursday). First week of 'Van- ishes' was only $18,606, Fred War- ; Ing's orchestr'a unit comes In with ■ the Crosby picture Friday (21). . Radio City Miisio Hall (4,946; 40-66-84-,99-$1.16)—:'MusIc in the Air* (Fox) and stage &how. Falling to show any stamina and lucky It getting $66,000. Last week, hold- over bf 'Broadway Bill' (Col), the business eased off sharply, $65,000, also. 'Bright Byes' (Fox) comes In ■ Thursday (20) fbr Xmas week. Rialto (2,000 ; 40-66)—'Llmehouse Blues' (Par). Finished Its Week last night (Monday) at the sur- fafrrtPrtSlnBTake of $14,00ffT)ut not held" due to booking commitments. 'Gay Bride' (MG) came in last night (Monday) on a preview, while 'Murder in the Clouds' (WB) is set for Christmas eve (24); ■ Rivoli (2,200; 40-65-76-85-99),— 'Don Juan' (UA) (2hd--^final week). Closes Friday night (21) after a. second week of only $12,000 or slightly under,; poor. First week' dropped off to $21,600. 'Mighty Barnum' (UA) premieres Satiir-daijr . (22)....- - :..:;^:.-: Roxy (6,200; 26-36-65)--'Wednes- day's Child' (Radio) and stage show. Bucking pre-:Chrlstmas dol- drums pretty well and may get out With $26,000, keeping bbuse in black. Last week^ third-final lap for. "Imitation of Life' fU). «22,60o, the three weeks totaling uiT Yor nifty profit. 'Anne of Greeri Gables' (Radio) Is booked in for both the Christmas and New Tear weeks. Strand (2,900; 35-66-65-86)— ^Flirtation Walk' (WB) (3rd week). Went two days on the third week when Are Friday night (14) closed; house dowri. Got $4,000 on the- two jclays,. after_aisecorid-week of $ai.600.- Started repairing house yesterday. (Monday) : but: eistiriiates on •re'- opening all the Way from two-and-, a^half weeks upi. ,'Sweet Ad.cline* (WB) was on the bbokitig, scheijule . for Christmas week. State (2.30O;. 35-55-75)—'Merry- Widow' (MG). arid ;vaude: Was dls- ■ appointing at the C?ip but here doing, all right, arbund $19,000. week "We Live Again' (UA) sur- prised by getting $18,000. . WB's 'Devotion' Hollywood, Dec, 17. Wnrnera will make 'Peyotion,' yarn about the threo,:Bro,nt|e sistera. BOLESIAWSKI'S YACASH _Rlcliai-d Bbleslawskl is due in New York this week from the Coast; Di- rector will sail on. first available boat for Poland to. spend tlie holi- days, and, will .return early in , January. ■. . - ;; ■ ■His-next pic is 'Lefi Mlseirables,'' 1 wentleth Century. Count Berni Vlci and his 'Splceis bf 1935' as thb stage attraction, and 'It's a GSlft' ori the screen. A.plenty good show, arid' it's ; heading for $10,000, gbod.. The Orpheurii Is' laying off stage shows for twb Christmas Weeks but will resume Its yaudfllm policy Dec. 28 with Benny Meroff. Cur- rent screen offering, 'Caiptaln Hates- the Sea,' is no great guns as a draw..■.:.. .■• ■■,■';••■:.■ Neither 'Muslo In the -Air nor; Limehousb Blues,' at the Century and Lyric, respectively, is causing : any stir. . • 'Prcsencb of. the 'Zlegfeld Follies' at' the-Metropolitan isn't dfling the pic houses any. good; either, f; Estimateafor :Tliia Week : Century (Publlx) (1,600; 25-35- 40)—'Music in i the Air' ; (Pox). Doing its share of the suffering.. Maybe $3;000, poor. Last week,' Painted Veil* (MG), $4,500.- bad. Orpheum (RKO) (2,890; 25-35- 40)—'Captain iHates Sea' ■ (Col). Npthlhg bixt pictures two Christ- Time (Jbhnsbn): (260; 20:^25-36): —'Jane Eyre' (Moriogram). Get- tlnjg good matinee play from women shoppers arid: Vacationing school kids, but way off at riight Fair $1,000 In. prospect. Last week, •Hell Cat.' (Radio), $700, poor. Lyric (Publlx) (i;300; 20-26)— 'Llmehotise , Blues' (Par). : Good.: picture for this house,—but--unable-^ to overcbmb' prevallirig haridicaps. Maybe $2,000, fair. Last week,' 'Hell ;^In Heavens' (Fbx), $2,106, light - . ; '\'''-: : Grand^ (Publix) (1,100; 16-25)—• Mrs. Wiggs.' (Par) and 'Cleopatra' (Par), second runs, .split About $1,000 In prospect, light. Last webk, 'Barretts' (MG), second ruri, $1,200, llght,^- Aster (Publix).: (906; 15-25)-- 'Eclle of Nineties* (Par), second run, 'Sell Anything', (FN), first run. and 'Firebird' (WB), first run, split $600 likely, poor. Last week, 'Wagon Wheels' (Par), second run, and 'Gariibllng* (Fox), first ruri, split, $900, fair. / '