Variety (Dec 1934)

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18 VARIETr Tuesdajv-December 18* 1934 IS THE NAME Slrii:.; Your ahnouncement in TIME most intereatihg. I woiild like t6 see your pi^uctions shown at Loew's Rochester. ■ Cordially yours, J. A, H. Sire:"..: I have jiist finished lisfening to your MARCH OF TIME program, which holds ine ehthraiied (or thirty ininu; iach Friday night—I . sixty minutes in lengti Needless to say, I si yi\t\x anticipation for y •TIME Newsreer. I only manager will buy this fel «uirethe people of our to ciate-this nevvrs feature, that he book the MAR< myself and I know my fi .tiliesame, : A toast to time's ne'v much success to its christei : Yours truly, .:.-\M: ■224 . Prat *'Our Whole Family -Sirs: With reference to your annol this evening on the. MARCH program, please be adyised thd as our whole family will be yei isupjiktrt your sew venture and hope that we niay soon haye the 'of Beeilig your pictures. . ■ . Very truly y.purs, ^'/'.■■\V.\r'V';.-r.R,-. : 616 Lyons. Irvington; '. Sire:.-; ■■ • We in this family are delighted to read that your new venture in pictorial jour- nalism is BQon to begin. The theatres at which we'd like to see the M ARCH OF TIME arer the Kentucky, the. Strand, ■nd/or the Ben All theatres. ' We greatly^njoy th^ Mprch <)f Time. ^(m:Friday,eyemng8^ oh NoiV. 80 was one of the best we've heard. : " ; Very truly Vours, r" "One Night of Love" Sirs;.^ ' r ' . Having jiist seen your Announcement in the current Mo. of TIME (Dee. 10) regarding your new "Venture" I am much interested; atad beh ih\i as ail else you have put before the public, will be a pleasing success. AUhpugh Fitchburg is a city of only about 40,0001 feel sure that this picture would be of interest to our would: like to Sirs:' Wo have a Veo^ wonderful theatre in this (own 6( teh thousand people. The United Artists, and I ani urging that your product will be shown in that theiltre. sa soon as. poraibleTTrwe .natur- ally want it to be among the first as we are sure the new film will be most inters, estihg. This theatre di whole of- Sirs: .■. Pteaae perauade Managfsr Jfames Zan- ias of the Myers Theatre at Janesville; Wisconsin, that your MARCH .OF TIME films will deliver him lots of customers—especially if he will adver- tise it' The i dcgj ounda great. rBSCRIBER J; B. G. lollege LWisconsin ure that I, look venture^THE in the. screen. I be even more h have been ojh iht programs, i HE MARCH ^n IndianapoliE at success, iSirs;:."'. ' As a regular reader pt TIME, I aim itiuch. intereated ihVhAving THE MARCH OP "TIM E , shown at ^ur Eniboyd Theatre this city. . Heire's hoping we may have the pleaSi^ ure of seeihg the firsVpicture isi^ue uiid- that it proves as interiesting and e«ie* cessful ^ TIME Magazine. • Yours truly, ■;:.-;-::;.s.-K:h;,:m.d./^:" Fort Wayne, indian* Sirsl^'■ ■■ ■'^'-'-v-. It is with pleasure' thai I note th<e ahhounceiheht cbhtaihe^ in yoiirlrauei' of Deceipber 10th that THE MARCH OF TlME'CeatUte. wiU be {available to inoving picture houses beginning with the month of January. ^ I presume that this feature will be shown at oiie of the leading theatres :A.'S.-- . -16p6jt^hniond-Rpad-—' Leiungtoh, ken. /Sirs: We in our family are indeed pleased to learn of your new efforts and we are •iire^ anything' that yow will do in the pictures will supplement your wonderful radio efforts. That can only mean to us . the one way you can outdo your radio efforts.: We shall look forward to review.! ' Ing your picturto and will be pleased to. offer our support in your neW venture. V Thanks to you for^past pei^Orinahcieisl . Ha J. L. . ■ 1248 Park Ave, : Hudson Heights; N. J. Sophisticated Harvard Smi : : We (editorial) should be most inter- •eted to see TIME march in it? own inimitable, timely way before the uni- vorsitarian eyes of sophisticated Har- vard students; in the University Theatre, Harvard Square in Caiiibridge : Yoiirs, with integrity of interests ■ r- h^W;^:;.: ' Cambridge, Mass. ■Sirs:.'; ■ We Want the MARCH OiP TIME to be shown at the University Theatre, Harvai^d Square, Cambridge, Mass. reel in wi^^^^merniea a fr<enzy of in)pa- tielTce and will petition the tiiahager of our local theatre accordingly. As one of TIME and FORTUNE'S most devoted addicts, allow me to tniah all the success iii the world to : the MARCH OF TIME, Inc., knowing that I shall follow its progress with, the same enjoyment I have derived, from the su- perb MARCH OF TIME VLettera"— in short-^all ventures of TIME, r- '. - - Very-sincerely,- - 60813. Mmu St. ' Washington, Ind. _ THi: jAARGli;pP^Tm^ be confined to metropolitaii cen- : tere.— Ed. Sirs: ■ Please do not confine your MARCH OF TIME in the news to New York City. We want it in Baltimore. Any of the first oloss houses will be glad to haye it, I am sure. ' Very thily, E. M. B» ~:. -The Washington Mount Vernon Place Baltimore, Md. THE MAR(CH op Time wUl not be confined to any locality—it will A. D. Boston,'Mass.. . CongratiilaUons, TIME, on your hew v^tur«! Cambridge *ill be honored if '-tho-"MARCH OP -TIME'l-is.-shown reigularly at the University "Theatre, Harvard Square, Cambridge/; Mass. A. J.:L.' ■'■ Cambridge, Mass. be confined to certain theatres, exclusively— Ed. Sirs: - '■. We would like to see THE MARCH OF TIME exhibited in the Gem Theatre, htew Richmond, Wisconsin. New Richmond, Wisconsin Sirs: ' ■■' .With rtference to the recent: :adver- TIME, I suggest that you get in touch with the Court Theatre, isomer.^ ville,' New Jersey; the Liiierty Theatre, Bemardsville, New Jersey, and the Roth Park Theatre, Morristown, New Jersey; with ia View to their showing the prod,uction. • V Ve r y truly you i ffl; : , ' ^■'^w; v.:a.' '..'.- " ■ ■■ ■- ■ - ■; 140 .CedariStreet..Li . New York, N. y. Sirs: . May I suggest the name of the.Metro^ politan Theatre in Morgantown, West Virginia for your New Venture. Yours very truly, H. H. M. : Morgantown, W. Va. J.W. Salt Lake City, Uti Sirs: .1. lyould like to take this oppoftu to thank you for youi' very sup broadcasts during the pastseveral y So tar as I am conoirned there is not to equal the MARCH OF TIME oi Air today. It i^ould give me a great deal of p tire to have the Opportunity to see pictorial THE .MARCH .OF TI soon-to .be released, aiid I hope t will be no difficulty in having this boohed in Cleveland. If it is neari good as TIME Magazine, and ; broadcasts it should bo-part of e ritizenVeducation—youngrbr oldr Very truly youre, R. A. M. :. 2866 Southington Roi Shaker Heights Cleveland, Ohio Sirs:. We shall certainly urge the man of our Birmingham (Michigan) The to show your new MARCH OP Tl series as we consider the MARCH TIME by far the most all-around, ii esting programme on the radio, many of oiir friends agree with lis in Mr. and Mrs. F. B. S ——628-Ridgedale-Avenue- Birmingharn, Michigan IT'S never happened > before—a series ojf pictures getting fan mail —BEFORE THEV have ever appeared on a scree;n. The first announcement of XHE MARCH OF time; coining on the screen, was made oyer the Colunibia netwo^jk Friday^_pecember 7 th. TIME * magazine carried the n,e\ys December Iptfc Variety on December 11th told about THE MARCH OF TIME and its /' loyal following" that should make box office history. THE MARCH OF TIME ProducedbyTheMarchof Timeline Distributed by First Division HARRY Ii. THOMAS/PRESIDENT Sirs: \ It is with pleasure that I note the announcement contained in your issue of December 10th that THE MARCH OP TIME feature Will be available to moving picture houses beginning with the month of January, I presume that this feature will be shown at one of the leading theatres of Dallas, which include first-run houses of Palace, Majestic and Melba. ■ - Acting upon your suggestion: If you can persuade any one of these houses to exhibit your film, I belicfve it will be seen by a large number of Dallas' cinema addicts. Yours very trMly, — C«-.L."E.. .'~'.. " 1811 At hlietic Club Building Dallas. Texas ; Slrt: .■r'r.^'--' What a break for Thirtieth Century history students I Best.wishes, I.S. 1601 "R" Street Lincoln, Nebr. E. S. T. Fridays.— Ed. Sirs: ■ > I want to congratulate ybu on the fine plan to produce THE MARCH OF TIME on the screen. I believe that the idea is destined for a brilliant future. I suggest that you exhibit THE MARCH OF TIME at the following theatres locally; Coolidge Comer Theatre, Brookline, ■■■ ■ Mass. Needham Theatre, Needham, Mass. . Loew's State Theatre, Boston, Mass :: Metropolitan Theatre, Boston, Mass ':'■" ■.;'.; Yours truly, F. S. ~~" 760 Commonwealth Ave. Newton Center, Mass. Sirst "-' .\ \ "' ■ I and others here would like to see THE MARCH-OP TIME exhibited at our local theatre, Brewster Memorial Hall, Wolfeboro, A. Ni Sanboih,operator. Very truly you'ts, . R.M. Wolfeboroj N. H. are looking forward' to early January. ' Cordially yours, F. II. F. 88 Newbury Street Boston, Mass. Sirs: - - - And, whatever you do, may, yon' give me - a chance to see rybur THE - MARCH OP TIME by having it hibited at the cinema theatres 1 tend—the Walden in Williamstown, Mass., and the various theatres ia Providence, R. I. v B. H. . • /• ■ ■ W itl iarnstown, Miii i i. ' — Sirs: i. ■ : Ref^itiiig 'to'youriBdvertisement tan the December 10 issue of TIME, please have your MARCH OF TIME shown in our local moving picture house whieh is under the direction of a Mr. Alport. It will have high value as an educational picture. But keep it on the air also. Cordially yours, J. A. R. ■' ■ ; :. Colchester, Coon, : . BEFORE RELEASE THOUSANDS ARE