Variety (Dec 1934)

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Tnescbftyv December 18, 193'! HERE 7 I irouldi tike to take tb"< dpporlunity thuiK you for your very aup<erior 4tdcaataduHnB thepni^t gever^I yiears^ ,tiiir MI am concerned there is nothing' _ eqiud the MARCH QF TIME on the .: It wfluld giv«:meACnat deiu of pleos^^ aril to have the opportunity t6 see the pl<itorItl THE MARCH OF TIME aooR to be reteased,. iuid I h6pe there will be no difllculty in having this, film booked In Cleveland.'If it to nearly as fPCNt fs. TIME Magazine, and your broadcasts it should be part of every iiltlcen's education—young or old. , Very truiy yours, 2865 Southington Road Shaker Heights Cleveland, Ohio an;. ■ rj'V (Sira::-. ■ I.think that the MARCH OF TIME is the beat program oa the air. Wilt ask-the manager-of the Liberty- Theatre here to book THE MARCH OF.TIMEv.- ■ •Yours truly, ■ 122 Franklin Street Olympian Washington Sirs:' . Would much appreciate your exhibit- ing MARCH OF TIME in Lenaie Theatre (Gibraltar chain) in Santa Fe, New Mexico. : Mrs. G. M. . Santa Fe/ Ndw Mexico Sirs: •S -Gheers .■ ':'^ 3 Cheers for THE M ARCH OF TlMlE: Movies,-How can wfr'\vait!!^-.:-^A-— : ;. 1612—10 Avenue Movie vs. Study Sirs:- • '-■ ■ We should (by we I mean most 6( itiy friends who live in the dormitoryj prefer the Tiyoli Theater, one of the Balabah and Katz chain. It is convenient to the university community. Besides, we go there fairly frequently, for they have most of the pictures one wants to seti. Last but not least, , your picture would furnish the last link in the process of. rationalization; necessary to justify a movie instead of study. , . Sincerely, .N..L.B.:;\:.:;:,..;-.,v.;.;--^-.. College Residence Halls for Men 1085 East 60th St. Chicago, III. { But, THE MARCH OF^^ME ^ttiade history already, In diys ance the announcement appe^ have been deluged with thousands of letters and telegrams from people in all part$ of the country asking that their theater show this .new kind ofa niption picture*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ' Look for the name of ypur theater in •'these letters, Mr. Exhibitor, (the copies of mOse^^ p^^^ are on file at our office -—you . carefully; You dCin*t have to be told whiat a reception like this means at the box d Fashi o ii edhPie ET ME BE ONEi OF THE FIRST CONGRATULATE YOU ON IJR ANNOUNCEMENT THAT WILL ENTER THE MOTION TURE FIELD "STOP-1 KNOW tr WILL DO A GOOD JOB AND YOU WILL PROVE TO A LOT •OLD FASHIONED DIEHARI^ .F I^UMMIFIED PROFESSORS " OTHER SUPPOSED TO BE JCATORS IN THIS COUNTRY VT BY THE USE OF PICTURES D RADIO YOU CA^l REEDUr TE MANY MILLIONS STOP DO WORRY ABOUT THE THEA- 3S ALL ENTERPRISING THEA- !S WILL WORRY FOR YOU. ^3 TOLEDO WAY SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. ould liki to~^wTiIARCIfOFTIME le Rialto Theatre; JoKet. Illihois. ; Sirs:.: ■ ■■■ ■ , ; There ate only two theatres in this townr^ne for each, college. Both theav t>gs..Bre ow.nedJ>y„th« same ctlncern, so it's immaterial which one gets the new service, just so one of them does getit. One theatre is the "Metro" and the' othieristhe'^Ritz/'v; I hope you sell your service for show- ing at one of them. I'll work on the Manager from this end. : Yours sincerely,; : burant, Okla^^ 'Sirs:.;>v'.-v/:^;'..'. Wishing you success, ; 1427 West Bell ;. Houston, Texas Sirs:. Once we subscribed to several maga- zines covering current events; Now be- cause of: the vitality of TIME, we (a family of four) read it from coyer to coyer and feel complete ly aatisfi ed that worth while news- ihTIME'only. ' _ THE M arch OF TIME has become an appointment with us each Friday evening and a very thrilling one. We never permit interruption of ^pur stir- ■rtng portrayal by Ra dio of t he week's news;'' This hew venture of THE: MARCH OF TIME through the movie camera will meet 8 long felt need. .' It does not matter to me which, local movie house is, fortunate enough to win the MARCH OF TIME franchise. Whichever one gets it will be lucky: in- deed, for everyone •: I haye ticked to about it enthusiastically await your January Premiere. - . G L. K. VanF. 2 NicoU Street ; Newburgh, New York Sirs: . _Jtour.>IARCH_OF_IIME-radib:pto-- grara^ Vf, to iiiy mind, bne of the best on our tiiore or les& cluttered air waves, and I am glad to note that you are to giyie us a scrieen presentation.. Lodilly^ I would prefer to hftvje it shown at the Rialto Theatre in this city. '■: [ ' ■: S.mJw,::-:- Williamsport, Pa. . MARCH OP TIME IN TURlSS is even one half ;padcast, we are for it. a series of years, manager of lew^ service. Sirs: would like to hiaive THE MARCH OF TIME shown in erery theatro ia WBshing.t0n. \ .. . • J. ^:^■;■■'':■:.'v..\^XJl^W/ International Banlc . .726.Jack8oh Place. Washington, D. G. 'Sirs:.- Rye, New York, Playhouse^ .Proctor's or Loew's in New Rochell* ■, K.'II. S. . 19 Oneida Street V^, .-^ZRye,.N-Y.. Sirs: ' r suggest the liamsfxirt. Pa. ; Sirs: Rialto "Theaire. Wlk E. L., Jr. Williamsport, Pa. Have always enjoyed your program on air (Tertainly wiH enjoy your movies. Have asked our display sanM. iritottrRedrBanlcV- Mrs. C. Sirs; -' If the MARCH OF TIME moving pictures will be-like the broadcasta and the magazine (TIME), I-shalt endorse theni with enthtisiasm. : Yours very truly, ■■p,.Kv"' . 620 Second Street : Br<K>klyn, N. Y. Sirs: The Warner Thieatre in Ridgewood. the Hawthorne Theatre in Hawthorne and the Pascasb Theatre in Westwood are the ones I patronize most often. I'd be glad to see THE MARCH OF TIMB at any or all of them. Youra very truly, E..H. 224 Richards Bload .: ■ . r-:^RidgewOod,-NvJ.^—- •,...,P..D..; ,1417 BuckinjEham Str( . . - Sandusky, Ohio ■ Sirs: Enjoy your broadcast immense! wish you every success with yoi plan for use in the moving ..'VittwatreB.;...^^. :./.... : . _ .. . W.M. T. R. F. D. j;v Grennsboro, 0- . ■ ■'''■'.[■ Sira: Theatre preferred for MARC TIME.—Sute Theatre. Harriso J.N.D. Bwater, iira: "■.■\-:\-': 1 enjoy your MARCH OP~TI programs and I hope you will continu , them In the future. I am looking forward with pleasure to your new movie series. Yours truly, B.F. New York City RELEASED THRU nRST DIVISION I would like to see the MARCH OP TIME shown at Madison 'Theatre* Oneida, New York. Yours truly, E. A. ^_-WaitipsvilIe;-N-.-Yv - Interested in your new venture. Best local theatre for showing is The Centurj^ N. L. T. ■ ■. 2312 E. Federal Street* Baltimore, Maryland Sirs'. Have been enjoying THE MARCH OF TIMES over the radio and will be very pleiased to hear same in thempviev. Yours truly, W.H. 33 Mildred Terrace! Vaux Hall, N. J. ould like to have.THE MARCH MB exhibited at the Bronxville N. Y.' ■ G. C. VdeG. 660 Fifth Avenue New.York, N. Y. . nly would like to see the OF TIME in Motion pictures, tant listener, R. D. 112 West 63rd Street New York, N. Y. ope. THE MARCH OF TIME shown in the "Playhouse Thea- 'Great Neck, the "Beacon Theatre,"- 'rt Wasbin^n, and the "Capitol leatre,** Bayside. All three theatre*, e oh the North Shore of Long Island. Yours truly, E. S...G. 16 Buckingham Road . Great Neck, L. L COMING