Variety (Dec 1934)

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Week of Dec, 17 (Pietijres now flimlna, ornboiit to start, arc listed bolbw aiphabetieally by studios. Symbols «rsj D—Director, Ar-AHthoTf C—Cameramaii^ GHAPI.IN :i (Viilt«d ArtlBta) V ' FBODV0330N No. B (Kth we*) r X>^-CharleB Chdpllu. A-T-Ctaarlpa Chaplin ■, RolUei Totheroh ■ ' • • ■ - - Ira-.Morgan - Gaat:: Cliatlle Chaplin.. .. Faiilotte Ooddard -Carter PaH^iven . . Henry-Bersihan ' : • Alan Qdrcia . ■. ■ Norman "AlnBlejr ' . , ■ . Tiny Sahford ' . . Dr; Cecil'Roynblda . COIiUMBIA" (3kI wpek) ■ I>—Victor Sche'rtzineer. •■■A—Bradley .King ■- . Gene . Markey. . C^Jeaeph .Walker.' '.- -■■ Caat:-'. • Lilian Harvey ,' - .. Tulllo Carminatt:: . Janet Beecher V .Tald:3lrrel ; ■ : HuKh WnUamBV Ferdinand ."GottdChalk liUlu Alberhl' . Claudia Cblenrtan - ! . Virgin la-Hammond -' Gilbert Bmory ■ ■ ■■■■:'Fox::--.-' 'ChMrile' Chiin In Pftrla' (Stb week) . I>-^Iiew Seller' . A—Phillip MacDonald Stuart Anthony • jpdward T. IjOwo. - . iC^T^rneBt Faliiter : -Worrier Ol.iand ' • Mary Brian .;'. -- - Thomaa . Beck - Erik Rhodea. V ■;-. Xeye'-IiUke ' Buth Petersbh . Henry Kolk'er • -' John MUJan. Murray- Klnnell . , . . Minor WatBon - . -John 'Quttlen . /; Perry lylna- Dorothy Appleby - 'One M«»e Sprlns*. (6th~ week) ; D.—Henry King A—Robert Nathan .Edwin Biirke C—John ■ Sella ' ■ ... - Cast: ; Janet Gaynor -' ■. Warner Baxter Walter King . Jane Darwell Rosmary Amea -- - -• Aatrld AUwya John Qualen •Roger ImhoC - Nick Foran Sttpin Fotchlt 'EAST'-KIvilR'' ■ <3rd- week). - 1>7-Irvlng Cummlngq .A—Bordon Chase .. Bdward J. Dobertr ■ C—Hoi Mohr Caat: - ■■ ' .Ediniind Lowe- . .Victor McLfOglen Florehce Rice- CharJea Blckfor4 . - -- -MarJorU :^Rditibed<i George. Regas Roger Imhdf. ' Siegfried . Rumann . George Walsh Warner RlehmbnA ■ Olln Howland . Jack-Wallace James Donlan ' ' — .-^ - 'DaBte'ST-Infenio' <ard week) V , ■ D—^Horry Lachman^ A—Philip Klein Robert Toat ■O—Rudolph Mats Caat: .' ' Spencer Tracy. . ' Clal^ Trevor Henhf B. Walthall ^-Alani^DlnohBrt.-. -.-i. George Humbert' J. Nlck-Foran.... • .. . Robert Glockler " ■ Maldel Turner! ■Tni»- Mrnwrl ..'Jamea Duiih. ^ LJlodfL. Rdbertt: Stuart' Brwln . Cllft Bdwards ■ ■;- '.Ned. SpiEirks ■ -.- .' Arlehe Judge ■-.. George White . :-01eanor' Powell-■ . Ruth Hart ■; METRO -• ,- .• .-. < 'West Point ot th« Air* : . (eth week).. I>-^R16hard RbBs'on A-r-John Monk, Saunders . J. K....Mcaulneaa. ' Phillip- Dunne G-^Clyde DcVlnna' . Cisiat: .■ , Walluc'o Be.ory. ' ' ■. Robert'Toung. - Maureen -&'SulIlV»a ' ' James -GleoBon . Russell Hardle - ' ' ■ ■ -.Robort Taylor . '. Robert'.LlvlngBtoa ,.-. • _ Rosalind Russell .- .: Henry Wadaworth . . . 'Mickey . Rooney ' . ■ 'VBUeBstfr H«r Xov« flton* , : : (6th.>eek) ■ 1>—William K; Howard . A—^Hugh .'Wnlpole ' Lenore Coltee ' ■ 0-,-Ray Juno ■ !* ■ .Oaatt: ■■ '.. Helen'HnyeB. ■ .Robert Mont'goniery ■ Xewls Stone ;• Otto Kruger! : ■ .. : , May Robaon ' , I>ona.ld Crlsii . i , ' . -.■ .rAgnea Anderson Renry Stephenaoii ■ i .-TDorotfiy Granger. ""^ > Jessie Ralph -■ : Violet' Kemble-Cooper . Uonor Belmbre -'Town Tolk* (6tli week) • P—Robert Z,.X<e6n8ird A—Lawrence-Sta.lllngB... . 'Dale Van Bvery • . ' : 'Bermdii j.. Mankletvlca C-^harlcs Rosher ' Cast: - Clark Cruble'. V ' Conatiance Bennett ; . ' Stuar^ Brwih. : ; Blllle.Burke ■ Henry Trovers ..- ' Katberlne: Alexander , Henry Armetta ■ " '. ■-Frank Mayo.'■•'. ■ ". ; .v^ Harvey Stephena . . Herbert: Bunston' , . 'Becklesa' - (4th week) D—Vlctbr Flomliig A—Oliver Jeffries ' P, J, Wolfabn Joe - Mankiewlcs C—Geprge Folaey. > Cast:. : ' v, 'L'... ■ - .> ... Joan. Horlow ■ . \ William Powell : ' Fronchot . Tone . :. May 'nobaon : Henry WodBw.orth :.. . Henry Stepbenaon ... Nat I'endlotoh ' v Ted Hoaly ', - Rosalind Russell 'Only Eight .Hoars' (4tli week) D-M3eorgo • Soltz ■A-r^Theibdore-^Rebves';'^—^ Michael Fesaler Samuel Marx; <nh week) _ J>»-l,eo. McCarey—.. —— A—Harry ILeoh WllBoa Harlan Thbmpaoa . Walter DeLebn • <%-Alfred Ollks '■ ■ Cast; ' Charles liaughtoa ^ - Mary Boland : Charlea Ruggles ZaSn . Pitta , Roland Touns ' ' L«lJa. - Hyams . . Ma'ude Ebxims' Jamea . Burke: ' : Lnclen .Llttlefleld . Leota! Lorraine . - : Alice Ardell • Del .-Hchdersen Baby.LeRby. '.: '-'Bainbaf. " (6tU week) ■: ; D—^Marlon ' Gehrlng. A-^uy .Bndore' . , . .: . Howard- Green.' C^Ted Tetzloff Cast: ;■;.•:'■■ . George Raft. : . Carole. Lombard- ■ Lynniei Qvermah : - 'Ma'rgo' ■■' . . . .Iris Adrian: Monroe Owalejr \ Gall Potrick ■ Akini TamlroS Rafael Corlo . ■' ;. Eldred. Tldbarr ' - Samuel S. Hinds - . . .Virginia Hammond S(>llda,d Glmtnez 'All The Mint'* Hvnes* - (Bth wMk) TJ —^Frank' Tuttle ' - : A-r^Iaiwrence : Clark' • Max: Oleraberjg ,. .'.Frederick .Stephanl/. Herbert Fields CTrHenry: Shalrp. Caat:'.:-- . Carl- Brlason '. - .' Mary Bills Ed Bverett>Hort«n Kotherlhe DeMille Arnold Korff ' . Marina Shubert Eugene. Palletts ' 'HlssUalppI' <6tli weak) P^Edward A. Sutherland A—Booth Tarklngtoa. ■ Henry; Myers ". ■ ; Herbert Fields - Hugh Wiley ; G—-Kdrl . Strusa- Caat:-' ', V Blng Crosby W. C. Fields Joan Bennett ' Gall Patrick Claude Gllllngwater : Queenle Smith - John MllJOn ■ Stanley . Fields . Arthur. Hbyt .' . Harry Meyers The Cablii. Kids . .. .-.Mollassos. and January .. 'Stolen IlarmoilT* (1st week) D^Alfred Worker A—Vera. Caapary . vLeon Gordon Halrry'Ruskin G—Unasslgnea- ■ '■ -Goat ■ ' ■" C—Leater White Cast:'' . , . ■ . -'- Cheater Mbrrls : Virginia; Bruce Blllle Burke Donald Meek — r —^'Robert—Taylor 'Jallet DUys a Son' :(SpanlBh) ^—wMk) - l>r-LoUl». Klng: . . A—Martinez Sierra ^ -, Honoria' Maura - - - G—Don Clork " -Cast: ' Catallna. Barcena Gilbert Rolaiid 'The Little Colooer (3ril~week) ^^' ^ ~ J>—David Butler ,A—Annie Fellows Johnston —William- cbnaelman—> G—Arthur Miller • . fOaat:- - r-^ — -r; ' . Shirley, Temple " -Lionel BarrymorO Evelyn VenabI* ■ Bill Robinson '. . Jane Darwell . . Hattle McDanlsls ,, John Lodge: ' ' Willlarii. Burresa. Nynn?i Pntfa Jr, . pprothy. Potbrsoii : Mary Jo Mbthews .: .; Johnny Hlnps .. Raymond jWalbum Bobby Watson William Henry: . Henry Kolker ." Louise :Henry 'NsoKhty Marietta' .(4th._week). . .. ;D—W. S. Von Dyke A^Vlctor Herbert Rtdo'. Johnson 'T'oung . . John Lee M'ahln C—WIlllATti nntilPlM George Raft. ' .'Bisn Bernle ': . •Win or Loa*' : V : . (lat week) D—Elliott Nugent A—Frank R. Adams ^ Charles Brdckett , C-r-unosBlgned -Cast:-'--'.;- . —-,r— . ' Joe tilorrlsoh • . George Burns , ' Oracle Allen J". G... Nugent' :-. .'Cor ,W ■■ (Ist week) D^^harles Barton A—:Karl Detzer C.. Gardner .SulUvaa CrrJCInRflslgned Cast: : ■ " . .. Fred' Mocirurrar Sir Guy Standing Ann .Sherlddn Avonne Jacksdn ' '.'' 'LUe Begins at. Forty* (Srd webk) r .p-^eorge Marshall Ai—Walter Bi PltklB . Lamar'Trbttl.'. C-r-Harry Jttckaon ' : , . Cast: Will Bogers^ , Rqchelle Hudson : William Stelllng ; George Barbler ■■ .■ ■ ■ John Bradford - . Roger .Imhof ,: Slim Summervllle ' . '■Tho nma Bec k — Coat: . . : Jeanette MacDonald - ,-.,Neleoh--Eddy- .' Mary . Doran ' ■ Cecilia Pai;ker . • Frank Morgan >^ ■ Kit Guard . Eddie Brophy. . . . Aklm-. Tamlroff . . Margoret Bloodgood Joseph Cawthorne. "T"-" PABAMOUNT" ; •Wings. In the Dark* (10th week) -Dr^Jemos-Flood--—^- ' ' A—NeU Shipman -; Phiiip-iar-HuiPB r-- Dole Van BVery".- ; Jack Klrkland Fronk Partes.. • Cost: .•' Myrha Lby ^ ' ^ .. Gary-Grant-:..' . ' Roseola Karns '^ ' ; Hobort Oavanaugh TiBBn' Jagcer . •ftniky Wayt- . Jane .'Ddr Well Sterling Hallbway . ■ ' GhartoB Sdllon' Henry O^Nelll .. Edgar ..Kennedy ' . .J .'Richard 'Cromwell. ■ Jed Prouty : Rath Gillette : : /George Whitens id3s: Scandals* ■■■ (8d week). D-^ames Tlnllng :A—Jack Tcllcn . George WJilte .Sara Hellmon Gladys Lehman o-TGeoreb ;.SchneJdt;iiv:"i i -'Allo'a.Fdyt-' ..' Russell, Hoptoa' Lee Phelps ' Bert Hanlon : James Burtia . Arnold Korlf. - . Virgil Slmhvoris - . Esther Mlchdelson . • : fttatt -McHugh ' . ' ' ' Julian. Madison '.' • ' Rita Owen . . . George MacQuarrlbJ. ^Maibol J^brrest Grnhnm McNamee' . Alfred'Ddbombre Samuel Hinds' ' —--'Csiprice 'EstJorgitble'" (10th Week) Dr-Jbscf Von' Sternberg A—-John ' Dos Pdg'sps . Povid Hort^ C—iJoaef .Von Sternberg - Cast:':'.' . Marl.cne Dietrich ' .'■ . Cosar6 Romero ' ■ . .Lionel A twin :• - ; ; Ed Everett Horton :' Alison .Sklpworth • . Don Alvarado . - ■ Tempe Pigott . • . .I>a wren CO ' Grant ' . Lulaa B.'iplhol • Edwin Maxwell • .Honk Mninh- .. .M.o'rKmi Wullace 'Kugglcs ot lU-d Oap' . (1st week) D—Edward Sedgwick .^Arr-Lynn--Root— ..• '. Harry Clork Doris Mallo7 . C—'tJriasslghcd — -- - . Caat:- -■'. . Jack Ookle • Lee Tracy . Gertrude Michael: .: lyosco o : KarntL:i 1k7U>IO 'Boberta* : . . (4th week) —P—Wllllom-^Seltw-^::—^ . A—Jeromb, Kern-. •- ,.- Otto HaTbBctt~~.~" ' Jane Miirfln CH-Bddle Crbnjager Cast: . ■ \.: .;. • - Irene Dunne Fred Astaira Ginger fCogers '. Helen Westley ' Victor Varconl ' I Kprd l frnn a-Mwrier- Randolph 'Scbtt 'PucEle of the Pepper Tree' . ■ ;(2Bd weeliy P—Lloyd Gbrrlgon A—Stuart Palmer Seton I. Miller . John, T.wlst.' Or-NIck Musurhca Cast: .. Edna May. Oliver . James Gleasbn Spencer. Chortbra Gregory Bdtoflt ;' Gene Lockliairt-^'' - : -Sleep 'n'-Eht :, - DtrrbthyT-Rib oIre - Matt McHugh ■ Harry Ellerbo ' . ,'Captain Hurrioaiie* (2nd week) : P—^John vllobertsoh .' :A—Sara Ware. Baasett' Josephine' Lovett' C;—Lucleh.'Andrlot Cast: ■ James Y)(irton' .' . Hblbn Mack . ' Hpnry Travera • Helen Wcstlcy • '. Gene Lbckhart ' Ponajd -.Meek : . (I'iONEBR) ^Jtorky 8hurp- ' . (2u<l week) 1>—.I^owfell SliieriiiaU ' r ■ C T11 ■ fe S Gerald Rackett Heads?^ ^^^^ :: Holiyw Results ;bt ;elepti(>ns of ; Pacific Coast section of the: Society of Mo- tion Picture Engineers putei Geral.d Itackett_.of_TechiUcplOEJnjhe.pq of chairman fpr 1935^- Hbliia Moyce will apt. tw Bbcretary-treasurer; Ken- neth Morgan and Will Harcus:gro on the board of. it)a,hag:ers. .: Meeting last week was^ mainly de voted to disouaslon of plans for the forthcoming annual si>rlng conven- tion, of the SMPB, which will be lield oh the Coasi in. June^ ^^^^^ : ■ VARIETY 2S ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -'.:' ;■'/ ..';•■'■ " Detroit, l>ec. 17. Hajrry ,«ilverburg of National Screen Service was the ■ ohly tnah connected with .the fltm business to be Injured In the Lansing, Mich., blaze last Tuesday, 'which coihplete- iy .destroyed the Kerns bptel in the istate capiital. / Sllverbjurg ■was- serlr ously burned and iojurbd In tr-yihg to escape from the Inferno, which •Ibpk a toll of-67-lives .and;over. 100 injured. ;lie .is at present in' the hospital at -Lianslng and reports ::are that he stknds ^ah even chance- for recovery. ' - :''v' ■ Duei^ to miraculpus delay, (Chester .Bell of ■ the Farainbunt Exchange in this district, escaped being trapped in the iiostelr/ holocaust. ;.Beil wiia to meet Sllverber^ at tbe kerns. In fact Sllyerburg had; registered for him In this register which Was tie-^ stroyed in the: Are. \ X prolonged business appoihtnient^ 'fortunately, kept Bell too late to make Lansing that night According to Frahlc Butterfield, manager of the Strand, LAnsingj this 'was the only theatrical casualty In' the catastrophe, since most of the acts and professional people stop at either the Ibownejr or Olds 'hotels. .'■■- ■. Erva Baye, 20-year-old New: York' nlte club entei^tainer, who: was ap- pearing at the I^alals RoyalO; Lan- sing, ■•was another guest of the hotbl who was rescued by. beilng carried down a ladder by. a fireman. Her aunt, Mrs. J; Chapiit, also escaped. Plaii$ IfHT Yr. Niew Tbrk iibme. oMces plan to: keep open ail day Saturday, Dec. 22 and ,29, and sliut db'wh oni the Mondays before iCmas ^ arid New Tear. ' Idea is to give employeies a three day holiday for Christmas and New Tear ; and make/Up f or the -M.OQday shutdown by working on Saturday which undeil' the; NRA Is a Closed; day. Paramount has definitely decided on this plan and other vcompahles arei • expected to follow suit. ' ;..':; ■■:.:.;■,■.■.■■.■ '" Anti4'hrowawa]r I. A. Mayor .tfOB lAngeles, Pec..l7i.. Cttjr cbuhcil; in - adoption of tw6 0rdIna.nce8^1a;Bt-Tweekj-^both^ arid walloped .exhlbitorsi By over- rldirig yetd- of Mayor Fr'airik Shaw, and adoiited by a .vote, of lOrS ah brdlnaricd. to regulate prosriiiscuous .distribution of handbills and other advertising ilterature, cbuncll hsis hit at picture houses which adver- tise theiir screen shows by means of throwawaVs, deposited on preriltsds of homes, In autpsi . etc. \ By. a 16-0 ypte, city dads adopted an. ordinance that permits theatres ,to Increase sl^e- of riiartjiiiecs from, a present limit of six feet to nine. This, will' enable houses to insrall triple billing lines, alnd will over- cbme much of the abbreviation tht^t has been necessary oii marquees of the style presently in , use* ■ , : Intmedlately ;Ui)on pai5sage> of the; ordinance, which was, brought kbbut after three weeks -of work ori part ot W. -" " - -t^ H. (Bud) LolIIer "of ^"Fox West Coast,, circuit arranged to in- stall new marquees bit Its. Rltz, Beli moot, Westlake, Boulevard a n d North Hollywood houses.. A—William Trockeray Pwlght Toylor. . . Fronds Faragoh i2rr-Ray Rfennahan ' Caat: : . Miriam Hopkins NIgol Bnice .:. Mrs. Leslie;Carter._ "~ColTn "Topley" . Charles Rlchihan Alan. Mowbray 'Elsie Ferguson . .: George Hosstill ' filllle Burke William Stack May Beotty '; Chorles Colentaa . G. P. Huntley Jr. . '.^Gedrlc—Hord wicke • BKO-FATHE .-: (ATHEBTON) .'When .a Man's a (2nd week) George Hoyes.'. Kane Richmond ■ E'ddlb Feotherstbne ' Jbsef Swlckard . ■ - Rolph Lewis . . Billy Belcher Bill Mlllmon .: _^ JIhb Cbrrldo ..' . ~ > Jerry-Prank . '. Mllburn'. Morontl . . UNITED AKTI8TS (SAM tiOLDWYN) , IVoddlng; Night' (2od week) IV-KIng VIdor / Ar-r^EdwIii Knopf . ■ Paul Green' ' Edith Fitzgerald G^^^regg Toland '■ :..(iast:_ ; .,:.. _:' ;':; V'_^ : \ ', TXrina' ,Sten " Gary- Gooper ' v . ; ..Helen Vinson 'Mystety ' of Edwin j>r«ttd (7th week) P-^9tuart Walker:: A-^harlett Dickens- ' Leopold "Atl'os : Bradley . King C;— George Robinson ' . Cost: ^ ■■' •' Cloiide Rains- - ^.■ ' ' • .- Douglas .Montgomery Heather Angel . .. ; Dovld, Manners • Walter Kingsfori George Ernest .Francis L. Siililvon ' Valerie Hobson - . 'Zertio Tilbury -J.-.M:_KeEclgan Arty theatrbs' are. on the:: way babk-—and strpng.t'For the; first ilme since talklrig pictures and fbrelj^ languag-e films sounded the de^th knell of strictly ifrllstlc i^^^ the U. S. has suddenly ^bebome. conscious of sure-seater bookings fbr out of the ordinary pictures arid i mbibe ' such spots are bperilrig'up thrbughout the country. ; / .y ,■■'. ' British pictures ' are largely the answer to the new situation, since it glyes the ininnie theatres; product to -fali. back on. Tlieire have been only about a dozen or so ;flims made in Hollywood during the pist year or so which are considered gbod fbr^ .artles, with the cinemas compelled to rely ori'foreign langriage films for the rbst of the programV When Ger- iriari films went put of fashlbri a bit oyer.. two years ago; it practically killed the fprelgh language market pbtentlalitles,; because not enough other language production > which mean't anything was. available fbr the .TT. a. V.Recently, however, with the. Iinprbyemerit of quality bf . Brl^v^ : .(Goritlnricd on pa^e 61) -/ A—Horpld Boll -Wright . Agnes ;,IT. Jobhstoa . '^Frank Mitchell Ddzey^ C—^Frank' B,' Good' Cast: ' ' "Georgtf O'Brien Dorbthy • Wilson Poul Kelly Jimmy Butler Harry Woods ■ .—Richard - Corlyle-——- (MASCOT) The Thantom Kmplnf (4th week) "P^Otto Brewer "—' Bree?y Eason - /- ■ -- A—'Wallace MacPonaU •, John -RathmbU G—Ernie Miller - Bill Nobles ■ Cast: Gene Aiitry Frahkle Parro " Betsy" King Ross ' ' Lester Burnett ' .wiiiioiH Maoy^ ' ^alph Bellamy ... Siegfried Rumann ' Xreonld gnoeolt : (20tn:'' ^ENTUBr , 'FolUflA Bcrigere' ^■ (2nd 'week) : P—Roy Del Ruth : r Marcel" Achard ' A—Rudolph Lothar .Hans Adler ■ -Bess^ Jlecedy-thi- Frank Glehdbn' Ed Pell . , Jack-Garlyl'e . J'tlck Byron- Ed Cobb Pbrothy. Christy (MONOGBAM) 'Great God Gold" (2nd week) ' P—Arthur Liibin . A—Albert J. Mcserbv Eleanor Dalkort Norman Houston ' G—Mlltbn Krasher .Cost;;. '■;_/■. ; ' :>: . ' - .- SraheyTBiackmer; Martha Sleeper . Gloria Shea - .' - .V ' •Regis Toomer ' Edwin Maxwell ^. Ralph Harblde Maria Alba: . ' J'ohh. T. Murray . . .'.(SENNJETT).- - ■ 'The. Xbst Clto* ' : tSurlol) •■ (2nd week) P—Harry Itevler ■ A—Ben Cohen Robert Pllloa C—Eddie Linden ' Ilbl.'ihd Price Cast: -':' Bill .Boyd Claudia DeJl C-^Barney McGtll Cost: . . ' Maurice Chevallbr : Merle -.Oberon'V—•——- -•ReKlnald.JJ.Wen):- .- : Ann .Sothern . ' ■ Rbbert Grieg. - - Walter-Byrbn - ' ^ Erie Bloro : Ferdlharid Munler Frank McGlynn NatoUe Paley '. ■ Ferdinand Gottschalk Gilbert Emery . "-r — JhUlp Du re .'Veta Buckland, .-s EiBo^ Buchanan Ethel Grlffles : Harry Cording ' '• ^^Trttufdent £sdj .- (3rd week): P-^Kddle Buzzell -A-^OctavU9 TibyrGbhenT' ,: Wallace Smith Arthur. Caesar - G—Charles' Stiimar Cost: ' ~ • Henry Hull Gene Raymond' ' -Frances Prake —r-^ —Junci-Gloy worthy— - 'Call, of the Wild (liit . week) . ■ p—William Wellmon; A—Jock Londori'^^ '- Gene If^owlbr • . - Leonard Prosklns C^Unosplftnea. ' • Cost: '. -,' . :. tlttrk Gable ^ ' ■'.UNlVERSAl;' . 'The Good: Falrr> (Mth vireek) P-^WlIllam .Wyler ' A—Fereiio' Molhar I. ■ ' Prjostbn .Stu'rfffta^ yZ. : -- Han.H Kraly : . .C-=-Norli(»rt .IXroUlne , CasVi.;. . ■- ' '"'"■ .:^' • JlarKiXTcit-fjuliaviiii llcrbert: Mariihall ■ : Frank Sforgan ' . "RfiiginaUi Owen-: ■ - Jliigh- O'f'brineU' : : I'liylllaHiclwIe Anni) Uhrllhg : Aloiic: CaiToll ; : -Aliin Ifalb . . ■ Matt ircHugh . -. Lui.>j Albernl .. Jaino 'WIther'H Xleul.'ih HohUI , Plc)c >^'lii.slbw' . 'I'-rofrlc Mnran . .To.sppl) I|cinsr(,'lt ' .. . Krlc-isiore ■ Gidrk. WllUnms. Spencer .' Charters ' ■^:WAB'i*EBS^ ^. .'Go _liit«. JtoUt:JD«nce' : (4th week) ' P—^Archie. Mayo '■ • .'A-T-Bradford Ropes Earl JQoldwin C—Tony Gaudib -Cost: , '; '.■.'.;■ '\- AI Jolsbn - Ruby Koeler •: . . , .'. .. Glenda'Farrell. Hpinn - Mnrgnn • :Benny 'Rubin. ".Bobby 'tronn'olly; :-.Aklm - Taihlroft ■■' Potsy ICoIly -. ■ •, 'While tlie Fdtlcnt Slept'. . (4th wfek) D-^Rny Enrlght . A—MlBnbh O. iSberhardt • - Robert: 'Leo .C-^Ai-thur ;Ede5bn- ■ .past;- -. Allnc MacMahon • , ■ Guy KlbbCfc - T.ylo Tiilbot ' I'atrlclR' Bills ' . - ' ' : :-Allen Jenklria' . ' Helen .Flint . •'•;.'.. 'Dorothy' Tree : -- ' '.' :'' Robert'iJarrat . Hobfirt Covnhavielii : '■ :. '.Henry iS'Ncllt' Ilu.s.sell Hlcka . Walter-Walker 'Urandoji :HUrMl Ed(llo ahubort • 'Oil for J/amps of Clilna' .. (Ist week) . . P—^^e^vyn. Lpnbv, '•^^-Alan. Tisdnio Hobnrt . . -Lolrd Poyle . C—Sbl Pblllo - Coat: . • Cicorgo'Brcint ' .•..'.J.D.ibDii I ho .n u t <'li liiwon . John Eldrcdge IN SETTLEMENT The Coriibrford circuit cannot en- gage In riew; .theatrickr activities in; any of the; towrib. In which, it operates fbr aV-perlod, of' 25 years. This ;is a;gr'eed [ to: by : thb, 'Cometr; fbrds on Insisterice of the Far' trustees In settUrig a controversy between these. Perinsylvania bpera« tors and Paramount under a con* tract of Dec. St, 1932, when i?af made, a hew deai against the. re» maining purchase pirice of the cir- cuit it: wis uriable to . satisfy.... — Under, the settleriient: reached, the Cpnierfords continue In manage- - ment control. of; the 61 thebtres of the chain, all but two bf :(irhich are , located in PennsjrlVarila; This cir- cuit under the original: pu rchase agreenrient- ofT[530: was spld^to Par. It was to be paid fbr as follbws: Cash bf $6,018,940; assumption of mortgages arid other: obllgatloris, 13,869,489; Unsecured nbtes" of Par, |422i000 arid, secured hbtes of Par, . pbyabie over a, ^period bt 11 yeai's, $6,970,800. , ' - Uiider an bptlbn, Par elected to securb- th a notes by pledging' stbck.s of subsidiaries formed at.that tlnib . to : take title tb B? :proneirties in . Pennsylvania, with subs setup at a stock caipl t alizatlon o f Sl.lOOOOO ana~Par required to assume riiort.-, gages and othejf' encumbrances on thp theatres conveyed to: It. '3a , Par ow e d Cpiii- erford $5,6^2,621, represented largely by—serial- -notes . then—due. • Under— the -contract written bn this dates .when Par could, not go. thrbugh oh purchase,. Pai' formed a ■ ne'w- com- pany known as . Perincorii and ' transferred to it an the stocks -of ±he_1930 su bsids- and of-a-New-York . . subsid . cpritrollihg.. two bouses in that State, plua all; claims b,/jalnst ^bMC-bompardes.l j^;. ,r LV Iri satisfactlori of Par. indebted- - hess to Conierifofd, Par gave Cbmei-- ford-all of the 'A' preferred stocii pf PenncpmV having' a par : value o£. $5,633,000 a.nd one-half; .of ' the com - .: rnph. stbck,'worth $1,000; hlus $148,- . 540 in notes. Par kept the 'B,' prc- ferred of Pfifthcom, whlbh had a pa:r value of $6,274,900 and; 50% of the'; "commbn.". .Cpritroyersy on. this deal; settled under the agreement, reached,'arose over ivhether ti-ansfer of stock and i^otes of Penncbm to Cbmerford cbri:- Stltuted aL Voidable preference. The transfer ^yas.within, four rnohths. of . Par's bankruptcy, or after the ti'ah.s'- fer period had elapsed In b.-irili- : riiptcy.' .Comerfpra. contended ,th(!. .. .transfer did ..not fccbate .it .p.rcierericc. ■ .and :Sp^cial. Mastd:, Joirn E.r Joycb;-- in hls-.rccqmmendatioi'i.s. pointed ou that,; fairly reasonablo . contentions ■ existed both Ways..: . ■ ' ' Under - the .'com'iti'oinij.'r' humv>i"on.'< '. otlvei- ciiaiiffcs. are riiiide .as against' the Deo. iftSiV contract, in addi- tlbn : tq ., rf^.titfirt iricr CMiu'erforrt : ex- - pansi'on.- U.tuT.or Ihf- . .cbiiLi.'iict. :Pai- has a • film fnuK'jii't.c .with tlic Comerfprd' ciroiilt'.fo.r. 10. yedi's - frbrii' Dbe^ 31, ' 1932.' ■ i- ••■ ■ .