Variety (Dec 1934)

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ii:iKB)i« Tnesdkjt Becemlmr 18« 19S4 m SECOND RADIO PRIEST on : - : St. Paul, Dec. 17. ': Kids yirake up In their aieep trying :tD Bidestep that wlthierlhe death ray. They sneak deeper under their • . coverlets " to escape ; some radio meanle's bluie-steel selmltiir. It's . biaen ; ffolngr on for months, this sort of thlnisr, and the end la not y^^^ But Thomas punning Rlshworth, KSTP educational dlrec- ; tor and^ tlncle - Tom pf ^thatv sta- ' - tloh's QJhildren's - Hour, proposes' tb da something about lt.v And how. /It all came to, a head when the Minneapolis Parent-Teacher Assn. groups recently joined in a cam- :paign, of . jprptest, against children's programs, ^ sending, r^isolutioris /to . aJl ndi-th^^ , - Rlshworth promjptly took up the Ciidgels and for the first- time In the sIs: years, he's been cohduotlng the KSTP Children's Hour, beeamie a bit wrathy oft thei air. For 10 iriin-- , utes during ' the hour on Monday ■ <iO) he minced no -words.. In sub- ■ 'Btande,; It was 'put lip or shut up.' He invited all patents :wiid object- _:^ ed .to kid's programs .to. cut put thei 'eliaeistepplng, stojp gabbing and DO Bomething-^r turn oft their radios. He scored Minneapolis PTA's for insincerity,' and ambiisulty,.- and. claimed their attitude manifestly unjiist If every inetnber of various: groups waa not represented at meet- ings wliicK adopted resolutions. iRlshworth aliso lit Into T. P, Gld- k^inigs, Buperylspr pf miuslcal educa- '5*'tlbn for Minneapolis ischobls, for beipg opposed to 'one of the best . educational prograina for children now on the air, NBC's' Walter . Damrosch Music Appreciation Hour.' - Rishwprth revealed that while op- posed to the program, Glddlngs at the ^ame tiine is a member -of its advisory boa,rd.. , Rishw6rth's spirited stand had two immediate and direqt results: a : flood of letters and phpne calls sup- porting hinl and an invitation: from the Minneapolis PTA council to conduct a symi>osium 6n children's . '. programs at .one of the Minneap- ■'-«>Hs-3cho0l3 .' - ^^r-r^:'-' Meeting was called for tomorrow . (18), with audience cbmposed of two --representatives ~ -ofr—every-^Mlnne- V:apoll3 P TA group. Oh the pla t- foriii with Rlshworth will be repre- eeniatlves 'from thie. fbllowlng pr- . iganlizatlona: Minnesota. Educational " Assn., . University of Minnesota, Minnesota Federation pf Women's / clubs, Campflre Qlrls, Boy Scouts.- .With kids ■ throughput the coun- try missing^ their meals and dPing ... a alldaidown- the health-charts- as . a result, simply Skeirtical Mags PerlPdlcal publlsheria, notably Hearst, McCall, :Satevepost and Crowell, are surveying the public for sponsor identiflca- , tion on radio programsV Un- derstood the undercover bb- jective of the glazied paper boys Is to; lay tiie .facts thus adduced ..In juxtappsltlpft with" facts previpusly . gathered for ; the publishers . on adyertislhg Identlllcatlpn: of copy pub- lished in magazines. It Is the thou^rht of the publishers that their flndlngs win reveal a isit- uation favorable tp them. Ciark-Hooper la making the survey for the petlodicala. CROKtEY REPORT Tft ASSUME NEW FORM ■ Subscribers to tli© Co-operatlVe Analysis pf Broadcasting, ptiierwiaie known as the Grossley RepprtSi .will get a better Idea of hpW their pror gTa,ms are farihg: aa compared to other ahows using the same span of time when the next set of popiularlty ratings Is released. Documenting of the period poll' results is. being revised so that- the hour, hailf-hour and quarter-hour shows, are feachi grouped as to time :,unlta.. There will also be an average rating ifor each time \ claims. ; By separating tiie programs ac- cording to the aegment of the clock aiid listing them in groups It la .fig- ured that the sponsor and agency will obtain a better Interpretation of their program's :r.elatiye standing. .Inatead of cpniparlhg tiie rating of a quarter-hour: show with; that Of .an hpur's stanzia these cohcenied will measure the status 6t a. quarr -t«r-hour affali-^by the averageT-penr centage prevailing for the quarter- hour class. I^ew form pf the Crossley Reports will also Indicate wha,t the changes InLayBrage::.percentages.havebeenfor^ each class^of time unit for the two previous two releasea. Father Coiic of Pittaburgh On CB8 Two Pittsburgh programs will go over the ABS network for' the flrat time oil Deb, 22. Both from Btatipn KQV.' First Is the new Father Cox hour, which is to present soine mili- tant political aiid tlmeiy: surveys. Prieat cannot solicit funds over tiie alr^ it'is uhderstood. On from 8:16 to 8:46 o'clbck. , . . Next In order will be "VViUC Ry- shanek's music from Hotel Schen.- ley.'i ;■■.■J']' ■ ■v'v ' ' -':' ■,'-,^-Chlcaigp,,15ec.^:i7.'> Ralph Sbliltt. has : reaigned, jas president of Lord A Thbrna^, .effec- tive Inlmedlately. SblUtt's reslgna-: tion i>reaics.'an association ;witit this agency since 1923 and removes a president who ^las been in the chair aince 1931. A, D. Lasker returns to active presidency of the organiza- tion and iSpHltt will continue on the directorial board. pther elections last week in the agency natihed I>on Francisco as^ ex- ecutive ylce-piresldent resident in Los Angeles. In New York among the top men in the agency will be Sheldon Coons and Steve Hannlgan, ainong others, while here In Chicago Ralph Allum continues as head of the local pfllce with David Noyes and Stewart Sherman In higit exec positions.-;- ' " WHN, NEW YORK, WIRE TO FLORIDA FIGHT ^wait—to^hear-:wiien-and-where—the corpse will turn up,Vor who did the counterfeiting, slugged the mbrt- gage-ridde'h, widow br robbed poor Mr. 2Silch, the present picture is ad- inlttedly acute. Blobd-and-thunder, marrow-chilling, hair-raising, nerye- gripping radio, programs designed for children's cohsumptlbn have left the-kiddles-wlth-a bad-case of Jitters.-. ; -■' , Beiiny Leonard—will broadcast lights for Truly. Warner firm from Miami during; winter over - WHN, New York. Said to, be the longest single wired, remote . on record. .Lebnatf} Kaa. .resrular JweeklyL-series over statlpn coyering mat tussles at St. Nicholas arena on Mondays and from Rldgewood grove o n Saturr days:— 7 - -: ^ '-r ■ ■' — ' ■--Period—will-cover-^fiijm-elght-^-tbr 10 weeks, with former champ hop- ping back and fprtlu: Station Managers Will Fiha a YekrV Sub- scriptioa.. to Variety,, the only critical IJ^MVk in Broadcasting, _an._Appreeiated Gift by StatiOn^^^^:^E^ As- sociates* Packecl with Mevv^-^nd: Ideas=^ An Investment in Sour<:e MateriaL ; SUB$CRIPTldN-.^$6 ANN FOREIGN $1 ADIbiTIONAt. - - ^ - - - - - (ORDER BLANK) - - _ _ - _ _ . -.-■.l54:West-^^h: street-- -^'v V-New'-York^City.::/..:.- : I wish to send,. Variety for one j'car as a Christmas Gift to— i] ■ ; ^- • •••••• • • »••.••••«•• ." Enclosed please find, check for ..... .. Dollars in pay- ment. :/■"■■: (Signed) Ad Agency WiD Tefl System devised by the research department; of Young & Rublcam for determining the value of each radio station according to lis- tener response can. If adopted by the advertising trade in general, force a complete readjustment of rates in the broadcasting Indus- try. Copies of the mass of cliarta developed by the probe have been turned over to Professor H. S. Hettinger, who recently tbok a yeai-'s leave of absence from the University: of Pennsylvania, to' make a study of the relation between station coverage and cost tb the ad- vertiser for the Natlbnal Association of Broadcasters. , br; George Gallup, who, as director pf research for Young & Rublcam, charted and directed all angles of the Inquiry, describes his as a simple way of determining station coverage, even though It is still In the experimental stage. The method relies wholly on two sets of figures; One Is the census of seta in each station's ; primary and secondary areas and the other is the results ' by a breakdown by primary and secondary, areas of ttie mail received froni an inquiry. Involved In the ^yst^m are two 'equations, one ■ dealing with the value per listening; u'nlt of the station'^ cij^y cbver- age and the other with the like value for the coverage outside the ■ city. On 6ne side of the multiple mark Ih each eqiiatipmls; thfe num- ber of sets pver the nunriber pf responses and on the other the. ratio ■ of the number o'f responses to the sets in the area over, .the figure •X' which represents the linknpwn value per listening -ijinlt''6 the station. *- • ■''-.,^ - -' ■ ■ Dr. Gallup avers tliat In some of the, spots probed: the local sta- tlons were charging anywhere from 10 tb 20 times more for per listener than outlets in other sections of the country. The chartings. he said, showed that an appreciable liiimber of the cpuntcy's sta- tlppisi carried rates that were far beyond their wbrth, wiiUe other outlets were selling their facilities at excessively low levels. ^ Networks are reported alarmed and resentful' at the efforts of agency to. work put a method of cost-appraisal. One executive has 'Stated If the movement should spread the networks would combat the imposition of outside criteria. NRA HEARS BUFFALO PANELMEN DISPUTE Buffo^lo, Dec. it. Operators' strike at "WEBR (How- ell Broadcasting Company) was settled after labor differences with the station already had been aired befpre the NRA Adjustment Bu- reau. . Two operators who had been dis- charged were reremployed,' although pne resigned in\medlately after hav- ing' been reinstated. Prior to the NRA hearing the station headquar- ters had X been picketed by the operatprs. . ■ ■.. - . ' ' > McKee on Coast ; Los Angeles, Dec. 17, J. H. MckeCi of-Cecil, Warwick -& Cecil, la due here this week to start the Grace Moore programs for Vlcks over NBC Expects .to be on the Cpaet a month. — No-date-Bet~for tKe^'eglnning of the program, but likely start early in the new year.: ■ ABS Affiliates' First Get-Together " "XbS rates are due for revision shortly following the one-day ses- sion held Tuesday (11) at the Wal- dorf - Astoria hotel, New York, In which all network afBllates came together for the first time. Albert Cormier, new v.p. In charge of aalea, and Edward Aleahire, director of aale.s—research - and- 'development, presented to the visitors aldo for first timbi - Closer co-ordination in operation discussed at length. The slashing of commercial schedules now In process to be ready for. the stations within a week's time. ■ Not. all rates h . r , ft i to hn changed, howevbr. Those attending meeting were: Alfred Pote and William Pbte, of WMEX, Boaton; William C. Cherry, jr'., prealdent, WPRO, Prdvidencej William J. Pape, president. "VVIXBS, Waterbury; Benedict Glmbel, Jr., president, WIP, Philadelphia; Clair McCollough, president, WDEL, Wilr- mington; John. Elmer, president, WCBM, Baltiniorer H. J. Brennen, president, KQV, Pittsburgh; Robert M. Thompson, commercial manager, KQV, Pittsburgh;. H. H. Howell, president, WEBR, Buffalo; Roy Al- bertson, general ; manager, WEBR, Buffalo; Ralph Matheson; treasurer, WKDH, Boston; Harold Smith, president, WABY, Albany; Ralph Atlasa, president, WJJD, Chicago; William Clark, manager. WFBr, Clhcinnatl; Janies L. Huglils, gerir eral; manager, T<rHBP, Rock Island, and L. A. Benson, president, WIL, -St. Lpuia. . • -v ■-— ■-——--.— ROCHESTER STUNNED Pure Oil's Terse Plug* Delight* - Station Rochester, Dec. 17. ■■ Pure • Oil Company of Rochester is ;aatbundlng_the : radio trade by advertising the brevity of ballyhoo in its new program of 10 male yolces over WHEC. At the opening broadcast Sunday, Dec. 9, the an- nouncer said: 'Pure Oil Company, makers of etc. (Hating' producta) presents—' • '- ■ •' JNext day tn© company .called the station and complained, 'Too com- merciial.. It's too good a program to clutter up with advertising. Make tiie opening, 'Pure Oil: Com- pany presents—' ■ ■ Other announcements also were cut so that no more than 20 words of advertising were given for the IS-^minute prbgrani; a new attitude in this city, where the stations have to use pressure to keep advertisers from usurping the programs. .. WHEC la surprised and dellgiited. WJW^Akroii^Jloffi^ WJW,. Akron, Is latest station to Join ABS network. Members of the firm are: WlUiar.x T. Jones, Samuel Townsend and John F. Wcimer. Tdephooe Co. Washington, Pa,, Dtfc. 17. Granting of a license renewal for WNBO here is being held up by the Federal Communications Commis- sion pending the receipt of Its ex- aminer's report on the case, Among those who opposed the station's renewal application. during the hearing . before : Examiner Ralph L. Walker was the local tele- phone company. Latter accused, the \ outlet bf circumventing the cost of a special telephone hpokup for » football bVo'adPast by making" rOu~ tine long-distance calls frbm.a liolnt 26 miles away from Wsushingtbn. - Phone -company—cited—other—In- stances of alleged similar practices and" averred~"fHat~ifs confract'lfor" Ibcal exchange service was confined., to personal and business calls and not for the transmission of remote point broadcasts. . ' COMPLAINED OF HOURS; AS EXECS IT'S WORSE PhttadelplTlHT-Dec. 17. Murray Arnold: and John Hayea^ a duo of WIP ex-spielers who have been upped to publicity and pro* grammlng respectiveiy, .- were th« studio's constant squaWkera anent. nfght announcing. ; ■ : Boys find that their new chorea bring them in at seven In the dawn- ing for a short stay until midnight or so. ■ ' ■■ life Savers Goes Web . Life Savers, onco a major spender in the spot broadcast field, goes CBS January i with a IB-minyte ' ""VTent iiiio ef^t .Saturday (16)^ patter act, 'Vivian and Her Life Saver,' over 36 stations. Candy ac- count will, use evening spots on both the Monday and Wednesday sched- ules. ,:■■■•>'■;■ "Topping & Lloyd, Inc., Is th« agency. - Bernie Biennan's Acct. : , St. Paul, Dec. 17.: Bernie Bierman, coach of the: champion Minnesota eleven, starts airing for General -Milis every Mon - day from 9:30-9:45 P. M., beginning pec. 24: .,.: / ■•: ; .:';-- -"-•:■-.-: Win be interviewed by Halscy Hall, , Minneapolis '■ Journal . sports . scribbler and WGCO's baseball and football expert.. Program; designed to sell Whoatles, will Include tho original Wheaties quartet for the lighter .entertainment.. .Signed fox 13.week3._ McCprd. Co. agented. . - .