Variety (Dec 1934)

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36 VARIETY It A P I Tiiesdt/, December 18^ 1934 ^ Splurges Hearten Spot ffi^ to As ))ai t of Its December-January <Munpalgn the .Ghryslpr Corp. is re newinff . blanljet spot broadcjistinis; contriicts with r^sbme GO. stations . These Wanicet .boniricts liiyolye the maximum ritanibcr of broadcasts al- lowed . oirider: .the;', stat^pn'3 Highest - discount rate i^irict cover business turned In by a,ny Chrysler subsld '■■lary.-'"", - '.'T'.' ; .■ Busineiss y now being pli^ by Buthrauff ■& Byan tpi- Dodge fpr the Decembet--Jari.uary period takes . in 75 stationsi .with the contracts callng for. one minute annpiince- . jnents. oil a, split jschiedule. pistribu r. tion Ih this case will come to over .$150,000. . ; : ; • These represisiht the miost'he■arten- :- Ing omen in spot broadcasting this .' 'season.' ■'. '.'-^■ - Itfost compreKehsive dealer hook- up known' to spot broadcasting Is beiiig underta,ken by Ford Motors through' the World Broadcasting System. ■ eampaignxalls for the use : of .289 stations, with the car manu- facturer providing the discs and the! local. distribs arranging for- tbeir [ own station time^ , Stencil series, with , eacih progiram running 16 minutes;. &re dubbings from transcripts ikken of Preid ■ Waring's network shows, and are - being hilled as 'Ford's New Car. An- —^iverskr'y^-f—— ■' Oil 16 Stations Standard Oil Giving: Coast Symphonies a Nod ;.'\ ;ios'Angeles,:pec.-.l7i' ■.- Los Angeles Phliharmorilp orches- tra pf 90 pieces will be usedi for tWo broadcasts on the Standard Oil NBC symphony program, starting .Jan, 3. ; Here for sey«h weeks using Hay-, rrtond: Paige's orchestra; .broadcast was switched this week for three prpgrams emanating respectively Ini Sa:n Ffahciscoy Seattle and Portland; uslnjr local symphonies in each, knd then returns for the local Phllhar- mpnic':airers." ' Agencies-Sponsors Phiico ordered Arm Chair Trav- eler program put out on disc by World Broadc^atlng for 60 staitions Placed thrpugh Eutchlna AdVertla Ing donipany. Carnation Qo,;, has renewed with its Monday night program 6n NBC's red (W^JAF) link for the third year. Extension becomes, ef fective Jan. 7 and; Ihvplves ■ 41 sta tlohs. Ei'wln, .Wasey Is the ag:ency. Brpadqastlng: thrpugh 16 stations In the state, the New Tork Bepart- . merit of Health has what It claims : ■ to. be the most 'extensive program .. of public health educatlon.ever un^ .dertakea by a governmental agency. By. use of /direct broadcasting and trarri^ciiptlons and ■ ©mpioyihg dra- matic form of presehtatloh for its health messagets, the department is ~'OM-^e-^alr Honiewhere^n^thiS . every week day for a; total of four hours a week. The basis: of the new —gehecal-pcogranv Is-a^-series. of 16— mliiute pla ys _ w hic h have b een broaacMr~hy~%'Qir"lor more tfian a year tinder the title of 'The Health Hunters.' - .This! Includes the state at lairge outside New Tork City which Is out- . side the Department's jurisdiction. iJiBCKesomesB^^^ 1 W Kemp m Charge; Ei^els'^^M^^ NBC Artists Service will , return to the buiiriess of'■ booking dance ban^s shortly after the first of tho. year. Harold Kemp, who wias fori . merly in 'charge bf the'bureau's popu- --iMentertalhmeht-dlvlsloh, will-head up the revived -department; His i-flriat^asslstanV wilt-come-from the bureaii's—present : etalt other aides are being brought In from the. outside. : Gcprg^) Enggls, v.p. In charjge of the artists' service, figures on having tiie band booking thing smoothly goin-i by the end of: Jian'uary. After he has dlspbseid of this suggestion Distributors of the cariried, cof- fee in China would like recorded versions of Maxwell Houise Show Boat to broadcast over Chinese sta- tions in areas where therb are api- preclable Ehgliish-speaking. colonies BequestJIor .the disca. Were received last week by Benton & Bowles,' the agency responsible for the program. Mueller & Phlpps, which has the China distributing . franchise - for Maxwell Hbuse, advised . the iShanghal rep for the Conquest Al- liance'Co. that It would be interested in putting the -product on' the air If It could obtain stetoclIUiigs of the Show : Boat broadcasts. Wheh the conquest home oiSce relayed; the Info, to B &: B, thb agency avenred thiat although it hadn't made a prac- tice of recording the shows It would see what, could be done about tak- ing care of the Chinese situation. Nets' Housewreckers Steam Up Heifeti; ^^^^^^^^ ^.Depterfng. thatvhei-wa8:^an.-artist and not an auctioneer, and tiiiat the networks should have known better than to send over men to chbik EoTes fni the walls of hts Park avenue-penthouse-apartmentrJascha- Helfetz called off the charity broad- cast v/hlch Was slated to originate from his home this afternoon (Tues- day) . Program was to be staged In behalf of the Musicians' Emergency Belief Fund, with the event calling for the auctioning of mementoes contributed by figures froni the concert.:^y:Orld*;..._._^; Helfetz said he might have over- looked 'the attempt to make an auc- tioneer Of him had not - the men ^alenedTi>y t h e w eb s to Install the pickup equipment, bored holes ail over the Benaissance decor of hts apartment. Auctioning was to be aired over the metropolitan stations as well as NBC and Columbia, Mack MiBari, talMret Ed. Fisher, who organized the press department at WNEW, New Xprk, when ; the station started a year, ago, resigned Saturday (iB). He Is succeeded by Mack Millar, Broadway cafe .p,a - Flqhcr returns t o Unit e d Arllata, fpr Whom he has previously Worked, arid goes on the rpiad Immediately ahead of the film, 'illghty Barnum.' Studeba.ker has taken another 13 weeks on the NBC: red,. eftective Jan, 7, for its Monday and Friday night programs with Blchard Hlm^ ijer.' Hookup concerns 32 stations iRochej Williains :& Cunriynghath is the agency. • Pehtiac moveis up to tho; ,l() to 10 r 30: p.m., EST,, spot on NBC's red. Sundays; starting with Jan. 6, making that date also the sitartliig point for a second 13-Week run Program uses Gl stations. Agency is MacManua-Jobh-Adams, Inc. Shell Easterh Petrpleiirrt has re- newed for ' Eddl6 Dooley'a; sports spiels on 23 statibna over CBiS Sat- urday night j; Walter Thompson agentlng. Sterling Prbdiieta (Bayer's Aspirjih. iEmd Phillips Dental Magnesia) has given' CBS another contractlfor tlie .Xa;verider 'and .Old. I>ace' and - 'Ac-^ bprdiana' shows,, with; each renewal effective .Jan. 1. . Agency' Is Black- ett-i'Sample-Hummert, Inc.: . • r Vtck Ghemieil has renewed for the 'Plantation Echoes' thrlcQ V/eek- ly affair over NBC's blue (WJZ) loop. ■ WlUard , Robinson's band stays, but a male quartet will re place Mildred Bailey. Disc versions of the program will be continued' on nine supplementary statibhs In the south, southwest and KOU, Hono- lulu. Cecil, Warwick & Cecil Is the agency'and Jean V. Grombach, Inc., the producer.',: Venida produeta ,1b arranging for a Saturday matlhea program on NBC. ponahue:#^ Coe ageritliigv ' . Dr. ScholiV footpads la working bn. something for the Mutual Net- worki wlth WOR, NeWark, the orig- inating pblnt. . . ■'!:,:.. 'j- Split>Sfleond Stuff ■. Paul Whltjeman ork had Very, bad Thursday last -^wreek; .: Band playliur vaude which ciEilled for them to be at NfiC to rehearse Kraft show at seven In morn. Then to tljeatre Where they hibernated until nine t>. m, ■Wheir-they-^caTiiffht; vbuB police escort there was a. bit of a Jam with a truck, though no one Was hurt.' \ :■■ Wax Woib . Harry Earnshaw: of the Earn-: shaw-Y'oung Agencyi has formed Earnshaw Badio Productions. Is producing several disc . programs; rielcordlng at the FTeemiELn Liang stu- dlbs, Lios Angeles. MacQregor and Sbl.lie have made cbritracts with " 'stations CJOB, CHWK, XFGJ, CDAC; "GJOC arid CJGA In Canada. . HbHick's blossoriilrig out still far- ther.with Its Itum and Abrier' show which Is<nbw on the'Mutual system, covering WGN;rWX'Srz,. WLW and WQRi-v.. ; •:■■.■'': r- ' Beadylng to record the prpgram for ipbts throughout the w'est arid souyijyfeejb : , .i:Beech;.~KUt^^ serial limited to . four stations, WTAM; Cleveland; 'WBEN, - But- falb; WpAF", ' Kalnsas City, and WJB, Detroit; Previodis: local, ^con- tracts prevents the inclusion of the foursbme In the.. regular. NBC hookup. . By NellijK Revell Impresario Haniia of the ■ Eno Ciflritie Club ' broadcast Is 'iiy. way of being the pe Mllle^Stokowskt of radlb. Uslnfir trick overhead epots; wearing large earphones, waving .his harid^ and spotting pianos in rear of: studio under wblrd llghtinfir, Heinria Is out-Bacherlng Bill Bacher. Phil Duey liavlng the edrly morairig B; A. Rolfo program. His evening assignments keep him out too late While the Bolfe morning show rings him to studio top early. At present Puey works on Philip Morris show which has a late repeat broadcast, liet'is Dance, which runs until the wed hours, and Manhattan Merry-Qp-Round. By the tlriie he gets home to Larchmont be meets himself going to work, ..'.■■:■■;■.' Discovered ' '..:■';.;'■...•:..:; Kathleen Wells, ex-vpcalist with Peter Van Steeden orkj Is to be next •find' to sing on lianhy Boss' Log Cabin show at NBC. However, pro- gram win be In nature of final audition- for Miss Wells. She Js now being handled by NBC and Benton &' Bowles, have taken option on her voice. Does she click on Log Cabin she Is readied to Join 'Showboaf after first of year. ' Rule No. 6789 Didn't Cover Crisis Ed "Wynn's son arrived at NBC last Tuesday eve toting his pet dog to pose for photos with his dad and the ,dog. HoiWeveV, service, men Wiould not okay, hia entry since there Is a house rule against admitting dogs to building. Even a frenzied search anabrig emergency passes revealed no form fpr special entry of dogs and there the long arm of service stalled. Finally the photographer, a gent from NY Times, hiled himself to press dept and where he wangled, a photographer's pass which okayed entry of pup. :'■^.:■^:^- ''<'-::-y'- :■■:.■.•■. Fan's Fidelity • v^v -"^;■ Mrs. Juliet Delmar of Long Island Is a. fan an^ong fans. For the past five months she has been att'bHdlng every Thursday rehearsal of Show- boat Just a yen to see rehearsals. Is among first In studios and last out, Coming so often of late she Is never stopped by pages now and sits and chats with members of cost between numbers. On busy days she brings her bundles with her.. She goes home to listen to broadcast :. :• Visiting Manhattan In town: J. T. Ward of Wl^C, Nadhville; S. G. Persons of WSFA, Montgomery, Ala.; C. W. Myers of KOTN, Portland, Ore.; H. K. CJar- penter of WHK, Cleveland; A, B. Church of kMBC, K€msas City; Tom C. Gooch of KBLD, Pallas; Jerry Hoekstra, chief of KMOX press; E. S< Rogers of CPRB, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wolfe of WBNS, Colum- bus; T. W. Symons, Jr., of KFPT, Spokane; Harry Butcher of CBS, Washington; Messrs. Winger and Thomas bf "WDC^D, Chattanooga; Tenii and Carl H. McKenzle of WLBW, Erie, Pa. . ^.■ ^ . ■■ Short Shots. Rosalind (Sreen, speaking voice of Showboat's Mary Lbu, will be the announcer arid rii.c. of new Llnlt all-girl show airing over CBSi on Jan. S .Gebrge Hicks and Howard Fetrlo will do miking on Let's Dance, ^hcle Don Is pflt...Goodrich Tires has definitely bought the Dr. Rockwell show though may Eave trouble getting chosen time on NBC arid have to switch to CBS.. .George B. Storer, prexy of ABS to Phlla for Glmbel dinner...Roxy will headline Klngsley .A Chase, the pianists, at opening of the-Maatba;um-ln^ Phlllay bh-Sat overrrRay^ Hbathert^^^^ lBt_wlth_Jack^>enny_ork.v.A Boston Eve Transcript Is now radio publldtying In NT.. .John Herrlck; NBC baritone. Is back on Gems of Melody show without name mention. Sponsor gave Merrick build-up last year but now has him, signed foip only alternating Thursdays...Harry Acton, ship news reporter, will air at WINS today...Flfi D'Orsay debuts at opening of Congress Res- taurant on Dec. 28_with..eie to radio spot.. Bill Sweets out of action last week with a bit of cold;. .Breen & DeRose celebrated fifth Wedding anniversary last week. . Scrambled. Notes Bos weir Sisters have been zipped from Crosby show with Mills Bros due on In few weeks. Meantime Bing will pad With guest stars.. .Helen Clair e e m o ting, u ii ' R o s e s and p r uina ' and S wlf t-Komberg show Is now writing script for the Swift opus—.Jimmy Cagney sick last week and niissed some Lux rehearsals.. .Henry Herbert ork with WHN wire will replace Claude Hopkins at Roseland with Claude going trouplng.. .Silver Dust looking to dear tlme. on Tuea and Thiirs so cari air "The O'Neills' five times Weekly stead of three.. .DOn Bestor at Arcadia In Phlla may go Into Roosevelt Hotel after that engagement.. .Boy Campbell Swanee Singers of CBS go vaude at BKO. Routine will have choir using soloists Xrom^pur_dlffexsntJ}ands._JlIildred-Munson of Coburn ork; Bill- Thome °l,^^^^I>'^''^^ ,ork'. Jean Ule of irv Conn ork, and Eleanore Bowers of Mischa GQ^.I>jmigr:Connah-ls-npw^headrof commercials^ o^CBS press,. vLeah Rule; ABS traffic nigr; bri6;e publisher of 'Toledo. 6.. Weekly Tribune.. .Carol Lee, once Voice of BKO before she Joined Tom-Coakley s- orkr has returned to >ix and signed rieW contract with ■ Gossip American Radio News Corp is now Hearst Radio, Inc ork at' MftadpWh»-f.f>v wit>, —- Frank Daly n«c.«»«ij or.VK i; ,A - , \ Gro uping , Daly Qwna and 0?^^!!^ ^'^^^uV'*^^*"^ Crk..;Dlck Fishell, all-Amerlcan footballer t -V \ handled by Rockwell-O'Keefe. Fishell has sports s^ow tlUed-Our Coach' aimed at youngsters.Hi Brown Ss S sho^s per week on air.. 'Gumps' and 'Little. French Princess' on . CBS and 'Gap'n Tom;pn: .WOR. ..Bpb Sullivan of ABS press is pro^ pappy of nine.pound boy . .NBG Artist B Peg LaCentra on CB^Wbon- Keech to Bermuda for four-week vacash due to jumpy nerves..,Tom Terrlss will 'Scrooge' at WOB on Xmas Div '■^n'^f^'^ ^"'"^^ *° specif event! s?a« of 'S3 '^*Sb3 banned lyrloof-Let's Have.Brea^^^ ^^nL^ct^S-Have-^reakfastV-^^ O'Flynn* and Louis Hector, villain of show, are man and wife In real life Baver Aspirin's 'Lavender and Old Lace' renewed "re...Bayer from the' recent report of Trade- '^Vay.s, Inc., Engels will move on to Chlca.«ro and HPlljrwpod to put Into effept all thp Trader Ways proposals, as has been practically, done in the New Tork office. l^iBC dropped out bf the band • business about three years ago after taking some hefty losses, particu- larly in Chicago.. Before Joining r'BC, Kemp was general vaudeville book- —IngTngi'T-fDr the- WaTner~Bros.' cir- cuit-. Hexin Folds 'Wings' - :■ ■]'. Chicago, Dec. 17. ■ Hexin Is taking Its "Wings of Dawn' show off the Columbia wires with the close of this week. Lack Of appropriations at this time understood as reason for. the slough-bre. Show is expected back after the first of thft yfiar. ; Dept Store Starts Richmond, Va., Dec. 17. Thalhimers, large department .store here signed a 13 week contract Tvlth-WRVA for-so-called ' 'Thurs- day Matinee.' Electrical and shoe departments are co-sponsors of the program which top lines, Fritz Meyer and orchestra with Meyer and Helen Wyatt as vocalists. ' Program from 4:30 to 6:30 p.rij. and presents short drairiatio, sketch between musical numbers.. It boosts a special 'matinee Itein' of merchandise and Is aimed at jvoman-Shopperglpr - ABS'Bridgeport Stunt Bridgeport, Pec. 17. aBs invades Bridgeport, hitherto completely monopolized by WICC of the Tankee web, with a remote special. Thursday noon In advance of the world premiere of 'The Mighty—Barnum;^'-Openlng—Friday (21) at the Majestlp. . . .' Broadcast, eriianatlng from Bar- num museum, reopened for the oc- caslpn after gathlng dust for a long i.time, will present Gbyernor Gross, Mayor McLevy and p.a. of Adolphe Menjou who .appears In film and who's east on vacash. ' Sam Taylor, ABS film commentator, will rii.c ' Program was arranged by United Artists with ABS headquarters In New Tork. Understood to be on a good-wUl-baala; . . . Colored Singer Sponsored Bob Howard, colored singer, on Uiis first cpriimercWl; over WINS, New Tork.. Edwin Cigar firm spon- soring. :,'■'. Daily except Saturdays and Sun- daiys at 6:16 o'clock. Howard also i n Jack potigla s' -Bolatives progpam over same statlpn. -^->— Six-Year-Old Pianist Oakland, Dec. 17. KROW has added a child-prodigy; Pianist to Its staff. Tvonne Farrar,: age six, . plays a quarter-hour of classics once a., week. Z;:Bl).e!fl_^Iu:otegee:-bt-Norraah^^^ bury.