Variety (Dec 1934)

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TiieBday, Peccmber 181.1^34 tt 4 0 1 O VARIETY 43 lin\9, Blfcir Spight, Inc;, Kave been appointed exclusive national represehtativejB of Btatlori WH^C, Bochoster. Don Forboi, tormerly ; proeram aitector of GIOR, yancbuver, B; C. ^haa Joined the announcing stall of KHJ. Los Angeles. Omaha, tripled over to Washington from New York last Week, ■ WINS, New York, has added three new acts to Us schedule. Lll- Uani Moritalr. .contralto, on Mon-. days and Wednesdays at. 2:30; Rose Plamohdi the accpmpanlsf, Hal Gould; baritone, pn Saturdays at 8 p.nii, and Llewelyn Price, playing two plarip arrangenierita. RCA Victor Is .working on a matinee proisram oyer; NBC; Irving Qrisstmah, manager of the WHO, Des Moines, artists' bureau, and AI Crosiser of the Oklahoma Outlaws^ are fatiiers . of new daughters. ■ •L. A. BeniPn, WIL, St. Louis; James Li Hu^hea, WHBF, Rock Island, 111., and John Glllan, WOW, HERB • KINGSLEY and CHASE ::--WABC;;;:-V^-:'':.-^-;';. Sntnrday Mlt«B at Klcht ROXY REVUE AIM Openlnc Boxy Maitbaniii, Phil.; . D«.o. ■ 2*^l»oBbllB». Special ArranKemeata andV M.atarlsi BxclMslvely by : . ', JEAN PAUREL blreoHbn, WM. VORBIS STEVENS CONDUCTOR PINAUD PROGRAM . Every SAturdar Bvenln* at • P.M^ : ■ • ■-, WABO SPECIAIi. DROADbAST „ : ' of ' I«lth BteVeiM ttannbiilM . Thiintday^ Beo. 8»h, 8-8:80, WABC Exo1u8lv« Haiia«euent Colombia Broadoaistliijr Syttcm , TASTYEAST STARRING Every Sunday at Noon for 30 Minutes WJZ ManaKement'ROdkB-TROBVOTIOMS Jaokandioi^iEa .WEAF... ■■■ 'i:30-10:30 pIm; V Saturdays IVORY SOAP • .v;-__L .Direction . ■\ NBO Artist Boreau . and .; Ben Bocke Frodaetlone MACK ON TOUR DE LUXE THEATRES Menacemeat HERMAN UBKNIE 1610 Broadway, New Tprk A( Banks (>f the commercial de- partment, WHO, Des Moines, mar- ried, to Betty Halliburton, AI Tr 18(18, KSO, acting as com- mercial manager during Craig lAwrence's stay at. WMT, Water- loo, and Gwen McCleary, head of continuity, assisting, In the com- mercial department. , DENTAL ASSN. ON AIR Ethics arid Advertising pbscures ■, Issue Kay Becker new member of the continuity department of KSO, Des Moines, to pay special attention to programs for women. PriscillaWayne, chief sob writer for the Jleglster and Tribune, in- terviewed Max Baer, but Max wouldn't read the right words and give the right answers much to the embarrassment of Priscilla and KSO. Dubuque, la., Dec. 17. WKBB hd.j ii" Bustairilng program at present with members of the Dubuque Dental association talking over the air on care of the teeth, preventive medicine, and health in general as affected by the molarfi. The series, once a week..Is presum- ably under sponsorship .of the Dubuque Dental association and an- nounced as such. Ethical phases as a conimercial still in process of be- ing ironed out and if oke will Ro on as a regular paid program. As it Is station has it logged as part of its public and community service pro- gram. Dubuque Dental association, sponsors, lis composed of some 36 dentists in the coinmuDlty, Talkis over WKBB, by varlouos members of the. a,ssociation, relate in subject matter, to topics strictly within the bounds of ethics that permits no direct advertising, other than the urge to care for the oral reKlon and the tag of the Dubuque Dental as soclatloh. ■ It is thinly Veiled-advertising mat- ter, but whether it can be commer ciallzed under the banner of the ai soclatlon remains to be seen. VVBNX, Bronx, to air the Spatarl radio code oh Dee. 23 now frorai 2": 30 to Program was first scheduled for next week. Canadian bX relay, U. S; DX club and the Newark News DX group cooperat- ing by picking up the messages. , Jean Boat, blues singer, returns to WLW, Cincinnati, as Jean Bowes Goes on Pure Oil Popsters, commer- cial, alternating with Jeannlne Macy, a newcomer, from WJR, De- troit. Jane Treksler, young Cincy blues singer, whose success on WSAI wairanted promotion to Crosley's WliW, in hospital recovering from appendix jerking. Don Gjiman, Coast NBC v.p., is in Phoenix, Ariz., looking over KTHR, tile chain's outlet there. O. B. Hiinson, NBC chief eiigi* neer on the coast. Is in "Denver for the opening of the new quarters for KOA, BO.OOO-watt NBC outlet In that-city. \ ■ : — -—■ Clifton Wood, WTAGj Worcester, announcer;—is back. pn jpb after a month in . hospital. . Bill Williams, formerly with WBZ, did pinch cast- ing during Wood's absence. Louis Hadad,. conductor of the 'Bridge Club of the Air* over WON, Chicago, has been elected president of the American Bridge League. Douglas Stanbury gets two more appearances with Chase^&. Sanborn opera guild. Baltimore, Dec. 17. L. C. Herndon, regional . super- visor throiigii this territory for the^ Federal Communications ~ ddniml'sh, h^s _ been shifted to the . Pacific Northwest territory with headquar- ters In Sekttle. Aenidon steps Into f«ew spot Jan. 1. George Sterling, who has; fOr long been Hemdon's assistant at Federal office here, as- sumes top spot when later leaves. Understood that when Herndon goes the sector of east-coast ter- ritory which has been supervised out .of Balto,-will be narrowed dpwn and Federal offices liistalied in sev- eral cities to take over the jurls- Irving Askenazy, the pugilist^poet of J. Walter- Thompson's writing staff, : did the Christmas sketch wJiich Ben Lyons and Bebe Daniels may enact on the Flelschman show this Thursday (13). Eleanor P. Hurky, G. W. (Johnny) Johnstone's sect, at NBC f6r over five years, has joined him at WOB, Newark. . ——— '' ', ' " . . Hubbe!! :. Robinson, of Young & Rubicam, was iput out; of the run- ning for a spell last week by an at- tack of la grippe. ; Jack Vah Volkenburg, gen. mgr of KM OX, St. Lo tttsr-tn-ahdrttPound the CBS home office last. week. Raymond 'Northcutt, who used to be Wheatehavllle's Santa Cfuas, is now Santa-ing for KROW, Oakland. pmil.Cough, of Hearst's American Radio News, is In San Francisco. H. C. Gannett, KYA, San Fran- cisco, script man, is back itrom an enforced lay-off due to illness. ■ W FBL) . Syracuse, has a new 'whispering, baritone,' Al Morris.'. Is his own announcer. ,. HARTHA MEARS COliOATE HOUSE PARTY, MONDAY, 0:30 P.M., BED NETWORK, WBAF ARSrOim, FRIDAY, 0:30 P.M., BI-UP) N15TWORK, M'.IZ WEDNESDAY, 4 VMa, RED NETWORK, UTiAF ,. . Sunday, i tM:, bed ntbtwobk, weaf ; ' lUaaRrenMnt- MB^Per DbredtlMi BTarry; X^eiMtsfcii. Radio AfiUs Flop^ Philadelphia, Dec. 17. . Exact sign-off time of WPEN 'S. S. All Jn Fun' show proved an Important, link in iehaih of evidence pointing to guilt of hit-and-runner who wfts jshot to death recently while!. resisting arrest on Phllly boulevard. When' wife of Hebert Smith, in presenting dead husband's alibi contended that on fateful night at 9:20 they were both aware of pro gram's slgn-bfl and were in bed at 9: 30, the time the death occurred This prompted investigation by local detective burieau, and checking the station's log sheets, it was dis- covered that the show in question did not leave the air until 9:56 Alibi was thereby discredited. This is second reported instance, of an a;ttempt to use radio as alibi Feed, Speed Herndon First liquor Show Okay, So KSTP Tries Second WM; LANSING, SEES FIRE FROM WINDOWS St. Paul, Dec. 17; . KSTP, already airing Benz Bou- quet, hard likker account, and re- ceiving ho squawks, has signed its second liquor account. It's called 'Haskell's Punchbowl' and dispenses music and Info on 'what's behind the wine.' 'Haskell' is the same Bennie Haskell who two weeks ago pleaded guilty to Federal charges of income tax evasion. To be sentenced Dec. 26. Local radio circles are watch- ing for reaction on this angle, feel- ing that if no howls are forthcom- ing, almost anything should go froni now on. KSTP, however, has signed the account for 13 weeks on two IB- minute periods, for Monday and Thursday airing, with no proviso for Immediate cancellation, evi- dently anticipating no trouble. Only restrictions for KSTP liquor pro- grams: (1) Must run at least 16 minutes; (2) Must be dignified in character: (3) Must not contain ob- jectionable material; (4) Must air after 9:30 P. M., as protection to the little uns. Blues Singers Become WOAI She-ttiUbillies San Antonio, Dec. 17. Newest: angle; oh ■ the hillbilly vogue is a' twp-gal btarmdny team which yodels the rustic ditties for WOAI. Team is Zelma and Irene Cullom, who have aired for various local stations. WOAI spot is team's first venture into hillbilly music, their previous stuff embracing hot and blues tunes. Program initialed Satur day (14). ' diction, in tnose areas. At present everything south of Jersey, in- cluding Pennsylvania, forms part of the Baltp domain, and the terri- tory stretches south to South Cii-o- llna. Burden has grown too weighty for one office, it Is deemed, and likely first of year that a Fed rep will be installed In Phllly, and one In a southern town, probably Char- SudiB Air in Baltoi , Baltimore, Dec. 17. Brace of big brewery accounts debut pn ether over WFBR today (Monday). Arrow Beer, set for a year, has a 30-min, morning' pro gram that's slanting off a new angle locally. Tagged 'Today's Events,' and subtitled — 'What's (ioing on in Balto Today.' teripd Is sort of civic info fount, announcer readihu off list , of events taking place each day^ and where—such as charity, bazaars, dinners, etc. Pro- gram prances daily, save Sundays There's a novelt? orck on period, and guest stars are brought down froin N:"T. of'frOm""otlrer-burgr"on^ weekly basis. Tommy .McLaugh- lin, NBC warbler, is due In. today to Inaug the series of out-of-town entertainers. Ray Heather ton slated for next week. Account placed by Joseph Katz agency. ■ _. Other suds account on WFBR Is half-hour weekly mystery drama program for Gunther Brew. Serial is penned by Mrs. Margaret Sanger, N, T. novelist, and the programs, drlgihatihg'ih studlo's^of WFBB7^ to be piped over to WRC, Washihg- thn, n-n i\ onrrlpd. Thft bper is Lansing, Mich., Dec. 17. . WJIM. Lansing outlet , of th* Michigan Radio network and lo- cated opposite the Kern hotel, was in a <|irect position to air details of the fire which destroyed that hos- telry last .week. The conflagration started shortly before the station opened in the morning, and within a few minutes, engineers were tele- phoning news bulletins, into WXTZ, Detroit key . station of the web. Regular flashes were then carried out from there. '; ■'■ Later In the da.y, a special broad- cast was given In which. several persons who escaped were inter- viewed. Fireman, flghtlng^ tiie blaze were also brought befbria the ihlcro- piiohe, for ; first-hand description.. Other details of the tragedy Were carrier) fpr two days afterwards. BARITONE Soloist with Tastyeast Every. Sunday, 12-12:30 P.M. , 'Representative'- ROCKE P.ROOUCTION8 ■■■ Experienced < Radio Matter-oiP' (^remb'nies Comedian Capable.of Ad-Libbing Comedy Material to Fit Required ' Cornmercials for Early Mornina-Program Now on the Air. " No Novices or Amateun Wanted Apply In Wrltlnr, JAaHtpg Esperleaee BOX 17, VARIETY NEW YORK' peddled in both burgs.' Cast enact- - Ing programs recruited heire from little theatre circles; the serial is called 'Black Moqp.' Account set^ by 1. A." Goldman, and it Is the Initial llye-talent drama series -on- commercial scale eyer aired In Balto. ■ ■ ■ - WLVA Drops News Lynciiburg. Va., Dec. 17. WLVA '. here has. dropped dally newscasts, put on by Nowlln Puck- ett, Washington Herald correspond- ent. NO reason given lor the dis- continuance. ; Program apparently was designed to scoop local dailies on hews breaks occurring between the time the last edition of the aft- ernoon paper went to press and the appearance of the morning sheet. Lasted about three months. Traffic Court on Air Cincinnati, Dec. 17. Traffic court proceedings hit the air: today over WSAI, Crosley's 2,500-watter, and will continue to be broadcast dally for an jndef period as a means of reducing Clncy's death toll from' auto, accidents, which la one of the highest in the nation. ■■ '\. •. Court is presided over by Judge Samuel W. iBell, who Is blind, Joe Ri6s, announcer on . Crosley's 500,000 7watt .^VVLW, handles' the mike. .Blasta are from 8:30 to 10 a.iii, : ■ , - -Fause^That-Refreshet Title devised by Coca Cola for Its half-hour Friday night program on NBC's red (WEAF) link starting this week (21) is a twist on the firm's slogan. Stanza Is being billed as 'The Pause That. Refreshes on the Air.' A Frank Black studio combo and a mixed chorus has the entertain- ment assignment. Walter Craig, as production man, acts for D'Arcy agency. . BENAULT CHAMPAGNE ON WIF Philadelphia, Dec. 17. Renault Champagne, the Egg Harbor (N. JO winery, which has escaped local radio contacts for the period of repeal, finally succumbed to WIP for two 15-minute musical shows weekly, tb debut. Wednesday (19) at 8 p.m. ; Program.^ using /Leo ZoUo's 14- plece unit, will air from the Ben Franiilin hostelry where the band disports Itself nightly. On the tal- ent list is the .team of Pat and Patty, a song-chatter duo, recently discovered by Ben Gimbel.. Show Is said to be a test for air reaction, with the client looking for national release early niBzt season. THE-QREEK ■"AMBASSADOR" OF GOOD WILL TOURING, DELUXE THEATRES - : . 'PWMUt' DlrMilM '■ HERMAN BERNIE ■■■ Xtlt BrMdvay, Nm .¥«rt u -TOWS HAM. .TONIGHTt" ■. 'V ■ •: - - HOCB rOF^SMIIjES^ with PORTLAND HOFFA JACK SMART ■■■■ uoNEL stand;er JOHN .UROWN. . . ■MINERVA PIOI7S OEILEEN DOi;OI.A8 ^ ^ _Jfateclal-_by.:-Fred—Allen-«iid— ^M- ■ Harry Tasend . : »^ Management, Walter Batchelor. Wedneadaya 9-10 P.M.. E.S.T.—■WKAF D u O n R O] n 10 ARMOUR HOUR FBIDAY—wiz—9:30-10 F.M: NIGHTLT, CAStNO DE PAREB Broadca6tliiK--^Coaat-to-Coast-^CBS . Direction, HERBIAN BEBNIB 1019 Broadway. New Tork EMERSON GILL ^i^? ORCHESTRA ^ HOTEL WEBSTER HALL .V DETROIT « MCA DIBECTIOJJ