Variety (Dec 1934)

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44 R 4 D I O Tnesday^ December 18, 1934 ' fit B/H/Mais, British broadcasting^ System ofitcial, has made a. book .(Liippincott, $2.60) of his tour of 'America In late 1933*^ Mais was sent to the States by, the British, radio brgahlzatibn for a tour «f four months. Each wWk alone the route Mais broadca:st a, report of hl^ findings, which was relayed by . short wave to I^ndon. . NBC ctr- /ojpierated.'\:'vV■ ■v-;-' ' Book Is aii ampliflcjatlon of the broadcasts. As lieht readlhg It's dl- ; yertliig. - Style Is Slihple with Mals'^ 1^ eye and' seirise of humor helping to: make it readable.^ ; ^ ; Several Insidie slants are dlyulgodv Wlllliim laid put Mais! It- inerary from south to north which worked- Du^^ as to yeather. M^ H. Ayleswbrth was full of misinformation about Khgllsh radio dub tb a membbr of Parliament's previous bum steers. ■ John Royal arid Margaret Cuthliert (to whom the book is dedicated) w^ere the: patiirclbarera. for the British. Columbus. ' Mais wrongly atotes that Am^rlicah radio stars gel; much bigget" saiarles than Hollywbbd film stars. ■ ■ ■ iHystery Chef,: who si^hs oft becember 21 bn his present twlce-weekiy morning swing over the l^BC lor the Davis Baking Company after five years' spbiisbririg by that concernr is building up to a falrewell by bints to .the listening audience tha!t he will be heard on ahotber and bigger, prbgram under . differbht ausplbes. He says that he hopes 'shortly to ■■■ r^ach every home In the United States which has a radio; ivhereas the pipesent series b' broadcasts go but to 'only ten or twelve cities'. The lilyster/ Chef .(expresses, oh thb air, his apprecliaiion to. the Davis Cbiii- pany for the pleasant reiations which have existed between him and it. Unusual f<>r a sponsor to^piermit an artist to begin air-plugging for : anotlier ' prograni while: he Is still woriclng under contract; also- to have attention drawn on eiach broadcast for a month: before the fadeoiit to the exact date of the finale. ' / ; . In addition to laying the groundwork for a switch of the etheredrcbn- gregatlon to his new projerram, the Mystery chef . Is plugging, on the Itevis 'Coihpany shot, his rbcently-publlshed; 384-pager, 'The Mystery 'Chefs-dwh:Cook'Book'.' . Mai-shali Field depiartihent store, Chicago, this week-goes-ion-W-BBM,: . the Golumi>ia station, for the contlnu Musical Clock prbgraih brpughVoyer froni KTW now ln\P^^^ • In order to get the Field accbuht WBBM was forced to cancel the Armbui: company which had the program period , each morning. Move la destined, According to radio men, tb widen the long-standinigr breach between CBSjWBBM and. the Lord :& Thomas agency which handles • Armour, CBS and WB^M haye for several years been trying to crack Into Lqrd & Thomas' accounts but with littlb succes^. WBBM; has!car- ried a couple of librd & Thomas accounts, principall" lidvena, . but bpth the station .and' the network,believe that the ■agency .gave the business ■i to .'jyBBM only when forced to and cancels accounts as soon as possible. WBBM cancbllatidn of a Lord & "Thomas show figures; ais a turn-of-the- table^ oh the part of the station, but Indicates that the agency iahd net- work are now farther apart than ever oh any- possible future business dealings. Among the press releases mailed tb Philadelphia , radio . scribes last week by WCAtJ was the following subtle jibe in search bf a stray llno- typer: 'Paul Douglas,; how of .the CBS announcing staff In New fork, visited Phllly last . week and had lunch with several members of the WCAU staff, .yet he never cpmes hea,r the studio. Some of his bid irlends 'are .wondering if, the N; T. announcing hid at'last reached his head, and he is fbrgettlng epme of the old' fellows who helped him in the :iMTty:iayBj-yi y , ■ : , The sole local comment on the tole was- squlbbed by bot Love, lether ^ «d. of the Dally, (Phlla.) News, whb . printed :■ 'The" staff of the station ■ which^Ired Paul'PPuglas a bouple bit" years ago"expresses"amazement that :E»aul actually comes to town and doesn't drop in for a yislt. Paul, Whb has made good on the Coluntibla network, really should drbp In and ^toankJiei-bay^-fot getting-rld of hlm4-lt;g^ Recent radio appeal sent but, by MaJ. Bbwes bn his, WHN amateur hbur tb save the life of Stanley Walker, 12, at New York City hospital on Dec. li had more than 600 applicants rushing to the spot. Mob Btormed:tbe hospital right after the message was broadcast. Many came With sleeyes rolled up ready to undergo the blood test immediately.' ,Hbspltal staff was enraged at the intrusion.; The switchboard was glutted with Iricomlrig calls and with the added excitement in the recep- tion? hall, pandemoniuni was let loose. Amateur hour was just ready to go oh the alr.-when ohe-of-the-alck , |)py'j9 relatives teleiihbned. MaJ. Bowes, asking if. ;spnjetlilhg couldn't be done to save the patient's life. Numerous cab drivers were anipng those; who wanted tb submit to thb blood transfusion. ■Tai^' Ctmior Use Ifigh Sch(Kd^^ Editors in Syracose Syractise, Dec. .17; ; Avalanche of protests .by tele- phone and niall returned 'Tarzan' to WFBL's lineup after a week's lapse. First day that show wias iJrbpped, two trunks were required to handle the kicks, and th^re was a . steady follow-up : for the. rb- inainder of the week. Gortlalnd Bak- ing Cbmpahyr of Cortland, N. T., Is the sponsor of the' broadcasts, now spotted three times a ^veek—Mon- days, Wednesdays and . Fridays, at B-5^16 p. m. New i W to strengthen Juvenile Interest in 'Tarzitn'- brlhgs, editors of vicinity high school papers be- fpre the mike at; tl^e conclusion of each program to spotlight school activities. Kaltenborn Tells Em (Continued from page 37) Yankee Network*8 policy of limiting details. ■ '.: . .;' • Radio and newspapers both have been too free In their description of successful police methods, Kal- tenborn said, but for this the police, with their desire for widespread publicity, are responsible. ,. Predicting there will be 'tremen- dous' pressure -for-the -prlvllege^f- broaid casting tHals of important criminal cases, Kaltenborn said judicial authorities soon will be confronted with the necessity of fixing a policy and must decide whether broadcasting will- be help- ful or harmful, detract from ttief court's dignity, make judges .and attorneys, concentrate on radib audience instead of oh justice, will help prevent crime or stimulate an unhealthy interest * in crime and criminals. . , , 'I listened carefully to a New YPrk Traffic Court broadcast the other day and was not Impressed with Its value,'the broadcaster said. 'As a former newspaper reporter familiar with procedure in the minor courts I recognized that the judge was painfully conscious that the great world outside was hang- ing breathlessly upon his judicial words. His ego was rampant, his insincerity was manifest, and while the attendant publicity probably persuaded him to temper jjustlce with ihercyr'fhere was grave dbnbt in my mind as to the social value - of the brbadcast.' » •--^rlme-^preyentlon-vpirbgrams—Inl-- tlated by a number bit station^ have proved beneficial, Kaltenbbt-n said, but the value of such features de- pends pn the manner In which the programs are handlec".. . Remarking that the chief indict- ment of radio results from disap- proval of crime dramas, Kaltenborn noted that no competent study has been made into the effect of radio drama - on chlldrenr-and—coiicluded" from personal observation that 'the chief indictment against; . these dramas does not concern their rela Tion to crime, but grows out of the fact that they are too exciting, which is another way of saying that when radio presents adventure. AllMljWAMS (VARIETY PRINTS HEREWITH A LIST OF THE PROGRAMS BROADCAST IN NEW YORK CITY BEFORE AUDIENCES. APPROX- IMATELY 65,000 FREE DUCATS ARE DISTRIBUTED WEEKLY TO THESE 80 FREE SHOWS.) Easy Aces' Lay-Off -fiasy Aces,' who went off Colum- bia last jPrlday lilght (14), will re- turn to a matinee schedule on the same web, Jan. 7. Interim Is being spent by Goodman and Jane Abb in Flbrlda with salary. - New spots ', contracted for the script act by Jad Salts are Mon- day, Tuesday, Wednesday end Thursday, 3:46 to 4 p.m. EST. Hmebrahd on WHN Fred Hlllebrand Is to m.c. a new music shPw for Mlbhaels' Bros, over WHN, New York. First commercial for this former musical comedy headltner. ■ Program to present elaborated versions of pop tunes. Hlllebrand In for a song now and then besides Impresario duties;.: HaiAraiian Exec ShifU ; ; ; ■ Honolulu, D^c. 17. . Webley Edwards steps up as sta- tion manager of KGMB, succeeding A. Henley, who will continue his Inrporting—huslness.. Edwarda .was formerly program manager of KGU, another Honolulu statlbn. . , KGMB Is Hawaiian outlet of Cb- lumbla. Heller Goibb Woof-Woof Chicago, Dec. 17. Little Jackie Heller takes on an- other commercial on Jan. 14 and one In which he will top the bllUhg. Will be, sponsored by Chappell Brothers for Its Ken - L - Ration product. Win hit once weekly In the eve- ning and backed by : an orchestra directed by Harry Kogen. This commercial figured tp stall the con- templated, shift of Heller to New York for sbme time. ^ ; WFBL Gets Permish - ^ Syracuse, Dec. 17. ' Federal Radio Commission has authorized WFBL (CBS) tb in- crease its daytime pbwer from 2,500 to 6,000 watis. --Only- slight-changes ^n- the- s^^^^ tlon's ■ equipment In the Onondaga hPtel studios will be necessary, the tra nsmitter being des igne d for the higher wattage. Girl P. A.'s Program . ; Syracuse, Dec. 17. Syracuse's first—and only—^radlo station p.a., Katherlne. Cuff, turns artist for a new WFBL program, 'Radio Press Book,' heard for the first time today. Broadcast will be a regular Mon- day -show -at - 6M6—p;m;—Program will spotlight Columbia and. local radio news. Fred Lane nas joined tne an- nouncing staff of the-Northern Cal- ifornia Broadcasting System. He will serve as alternate announcer MonjKJBS.-SanrFrancIscOrand-KQWr Saii Jose.'; He was formerly with ICFAC, Hollywood. COLUMBIA : Bond Bread "/ Gulf Headllners .Fben-a-Mint ,': Chesterfield Bayer Aspirin ; Chevrolet Rbadways to Romance Ford Motor Corn Products Ex Lax Phillips Rental Camel BI-So-Dol Roxy and His Gang NBC NBC Music Guild Plantation Echoes , Enb Crlmj Clues Red Da.vla Lanny Ross' Log Cabin 20,000 Years In Sing Sing Vlnce ;■•'•, Molle Show Death Valley riays Music Appreciation Bromo Seltzer Radio City Party Tastyeast S herlock H olmes 'Roses and~jDrums' ~ ; American Bosch Spratts progriam Spartoh Tribllans jeiip Bakers program General Motors Studebaker Champs Voice of Firestone A. & P. Gypsies Colgate House Party Philip Morris Texaco .- , Palmolive Beauty Box Phillip Morris repieat Fred Allen Flelschmann Yeast Maxwell House Showboat Kraft Music Hall Magic of Speech Thrills of Tomorrow Fox Fur Trappers Cities Service ' Waltz Time ,. U. S. Tobacco Swift Hour Smith Brothers Gibson Family ,. Let's Dance Children's Hour -Empire" Gold ■' T , • ' " Maltex,. Little Miss Bab-O Catholic Hour Chase & Sanborn Manhattan Merry-Gp-Round Music Album Pontlac program WQR Sugar Cane Malverlck Jim, The" Amateurs :''•' Affairs of Roland : -M usic M e mory Bciok Golden Dawn Paul Gullck Frank and Flo Spotlight—Review - • Three" B's —— Bamberger Symphony.. Two new NBC programs were bpTn "from ,air songs, .'Hurdy Gurdy Man' by Dietz and Schwartz which' was In Gibson Family script Is name of one, to be more or less dramatic In script. Will ru n a h alf hour on "the al^^"':"^~:"■^■•^■^"-~-:'""V^'' '^^ ' " ■—■ ■ " ' ■ ' V . ~~r^ ' 'Around; the Marble- Arcb'j an English marching tune, also supplied stimulus for another hew half-hour session. Panpramlc Impressions worked In here. Soiig has been on various B. A. Rolfe programs. crIme,-or"niystery7:lt-dQeaItoctg^^^ a Job.' Arde Bulova, of the watch firm bearing that name, is one of the —petitioners—before -the—^Federal -Communications Commission for a Brooklyn, N, Y., wavelength. Bulova is financially Interested fh WNEW, New York, although not an official of the station. This is because of Milton BIow^ president of the station, also handling the Bulova account via the Blow ad agency. Lincoln newspaper radio columnist. Instructed to Ignore the local slt- uatIon_aa much as possible, because of the Intense feeling between the two aaverLlslng mediums, took it but on the KFA1& 10th anniversary Press material said the program was to celebrate the rise from 250 to 6.000 watts. ■>.-;■.;..;;::■-■. ■ ■ 'Sp watt,' cracks the columnist. Pickards in Philly Philadelphia, Dec. 17. PIckard Family, standard hill- billy ■ act for , many seasons, will move from the west this week to take a dally series on KYW, Phllly. ; Pickards replace another show of like nature, the Susquehanna Moun- taineers, under the sponsorship of Drug Prortiifftg, Tt./. ■; " ' ," Some eyebrbw-ralslng .within radio circles over the explanation of one of the networks of a promotional brPchure' Issued in October with ^ some ballyhoo. Subsequently the stunt boomeranged embarrassingly; whereupon the explanation was made that It was privately gotten, up and published by a network employee and was not an official publication: Cecil, Warwick & Cecil advertising agency, in sending out a selection of Grace Moore photographs to newspapers on behalf of the Vick Chem- ical program, appends a note telling editors the star is hot copy because of her recent motion picture, 'One Night of Love'. ,. Anderson-Cramer Bid Council Bluffs, la., Dec. 17; • Revival of the Carter. Lake radio station Is seen In the application of Gordon Anderson, Council Bluffs, and W. L. Cramer, Kansas City, Mo., ,to the Federal Commuhlcatlbhs commission seeking permission to construct a neiv lbo-watt transmit- ter at this point. To be spotted in Nebraska terri- tory to get away from excess facili- ties ban now applicable to Iowa. . '. Tor the prwi legc and opportui^ity of vs/rin-ing amd collaborating vmith tou on vour first fifty programs for the BAKERS' BROADCAST o PARKE LEVY DOUGL.A.S Featured Sotoitt STAN BURY chase & sanborn hour —BARITONE OF CHICAGO OPERA CO. WEAF^-Coast-to-Coast Network SUNDAYS—8 to 9 P.M. EST Excluslvb Management OEORQE E. DILWORTH ^ _ Hotel Park Plaza BO W«rt 77th ,Stre«t ; BNdlcott 2-3700