Variety (Jan 1935)

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TueBday, January fl[» ^j)3$ RADIO VAMmtY 4S WCKY Now ^Em ExclusivdSr--^^ to 'Another Station' ; Ginclnnatl, ;Jan. 7. ■ Amor 'n' Andy faded frbnf Cros- ley's •Wii# Dec. 31; wlth;expIriitlDn at tepcbdent's. low, rate iinder tih old cbiitract, the sponsor refusing \to imee't' advartced time charereis'-hi' kcieplni^ with^ tita'tloh's recent':climb 'from ■fett.OOO. to 600,000 watts.': WCKY; B,pob-watler'and second '■trongest NBC outlet hfere,' carrir- , ihg the program exclusively In this 'section. It formerly doubled oft'tfie' blasi \Wth Ay^LW in fall; wihtet* and V BprliiK ■ arid ■ carried the progra^'a lafe' sHbts In summier. ^Other tJBC link - IgcaJly Iq., Crg^ieyls - sjniallle^ WSAL New; Trap's - Dayi-' Amps • ;'n'v Andy foUbwerH I'stftri liig- in ^ tin W LW =h6ai'd ■ this 'arino'uhccsment- .At'''tlie ' start ' of the ' ai)p6lnti&d V Pe^fet^ perlod'y ;'Due to^iirdunistanceia be- yond i out "control, we?ttre unable !ta bring yoW' Amos In'; Ahdy^r at.-tljis tlm«ii.- : In pla,ce ^of .that feature • yire ..'preacint ii' program ccC' beautiful din~- Tier, music, approprltUe for this tlnie of the : evening. ■■ V «sted In following the'story ofr Amodr : 'n' Andy, we sug'gcst J.jhat they tune in on another istatlon.' I'f. ; As yet Wi-W has riot filled the spot" With "coniriierclal. ■ For flev-- ■eral days, the' station' occupied the time with a staft prk," later chang- ,ing tp remotes • of; ■-Ben tojlack's band^. currerit a,t ■ the Jjetlietlarid Plaza;. ,' . Code Inquiry; into worklhjg condi- tions of radio artists and perform- eris; i!r*fiuentlJr ppstptined' dtn:^^^^ the /pasti; ywiS/tetuaJIy got Under . way ^Iready-submlttedrPrese^Uajtipna^^ -^ftaf.. ■^Hp,iv7;^irT^oa"d<^ terg the.accpunt, wl'thv.the^disctisdons in ' -■ .j - . sevejraj^iristwtceu-Tleadlng . to —ther bi^llet that; EUl^ ;wlll make hj8;.<iecH ;i9ipn-by :Feb^4.f,,: --i/ri^rv, At its -pe^K.^t^l^ American. T^^^ )baQPo a4yerti^}dget accounted^ for 1.15,000,000 a year, • Baltimore) Jan, 7. Balto Sun voluntarily broke dbwn ■ Its heretofore wall of virtual, un- recognitlon of radio last week, and ~' "bought'' Wptr^anhoUriCfemeritff' on ' --iJKEBR:to_ piuig the Assbclated Pre ss "VVlrephpto apparatus which hais re- cently been.i installed at; thP Sun ■ plant, a mechanism, which can flash pictures coast-to-coast. In less than . eight minutes. The- newspapei* paid the-standard—rate lor .-itS':-tlme on ..' th.e'air."-.::- • "'T~t;"^:'"'- • . It looks llkeiiy, aiiso,; thut-the Sun —jKilL fprm-an=Jdii.an5e..«wit^ .WCAO . when, Hearst takes over pperatlPn '.. ,:°i_^^^^< .0*-^h'*^^ station to " '"the .publfsiier ' was ^arrinpuriced . ..six ' weeica ago, bvt active,'iicquis<tion ot : which has not been' conpummiaitfed .. as yet... .It Is kno.wn that riegbtla- tlphs .between the Suh^ and WCAO- have ))efen igrping on fpr 'some >y;eiek8 on the q.t.;; if de?^l - is .-mside. the tie-up iylU be eiclusW^", and'will be the, Sun's protective riiiea^urd'Whfen Hearst forces sit In-At'WBAti and hopk-ln 61osely wlth the Hearst■ rks . ;here, the ■ NewsrPofeti\ Tom liyons, boss iit WCAQ^' 13' Iei former Sun executive. : ; •"<• Ma*y Scheafer to WOR? - Philadelphia, Jan. 7.. Margaret Sciieafer, program, di- rector of WHAT, left the studio last week. . Station is owned by the Evening Ledger. , Underbtopd she Is moving to WpiR, to hiindle alrcastirig tor Macy's - and Bariibergei^'s, stores. She . will also have chai*ge of the WOR Little Theatre . movement, which has been sliding recently. ,. See Agenc]^ Scramble^ Pkkmg Up Marbles With NBC. and • Cploriibla .\ busy whipping togetheir-a • ibatch of prograrjs ^-v'fop.. V audltlbnlng to Geprge WaaWri'gtpn^Hill, -indications last' iwpeic were- that' thP. A-merican Tobacco a-ccounf, v, whUh ; Inciudes Lucky istrlke clgarets^ wiaa .^bni t^b verge of being pulled out of Lord & Thomas. Over 10 vakehctigB^ltave, Long • Postik>ned Action to .iVc^^e^; biF^'P •.'J'v UST Chicago, Jan, 7. . ~"Twa''TS^pn^ startln^,,a ]iug^ splurge bf announcie-' menta. Particularly splurgey in.thls' regard is the Curtiss' Garidy com-', pariy which' is beginning the biggest radio campaign i.n .the. history, of the Arm. :CalIa|' for 26 announcements dallyoh a 62-week basis on iBbme 7.0 stations. Each annpUric^ment to :run 10 words; In this district the Ralph. Ati ass s tation, WjJD: in Chi. cagb and WIND In Qary, are tak-. Irig the'accpunt. . : Ll'MarmipIa is-aIso_expandlng-jlntQ radio with addltlbriai coin .ifpr an- nouncements thrpugh the land. wer() ctp^lied upon to f UrnisR detailed staltehi&its ,bf hoiiir$ bf V'bik ai^d :compeh1satlDri-.of ail -falenti ' WithPiit ■: .'iixinjs • any V i de'adUrie; Jainea . W. :.BaliS|w4n, :■. execirtive of- ficer ,the..Cpde. Autiiq^'lty',. ordered all'industry members' to returri the blanks'' WlthV aiiewet-s ,tp '(Svcry- ap- pllcablev4uestipn'at .earliest'possibly moment. Expect about ^ inPnth wllj b.b required." to'" gel n^c.essaty, . datti upon Vhibh 'ib bttsa'a report.'.to the National ■ Recbvei'y Adriiinistration Makeup- of qUestlbnhalre^ reprei sents cpmpiromises .between codists and Eqiiityj and": was determlhed largely by NRA, which intervened ih: roW; <Jver the chariicter of'the study.''. ' It is patterned after' the fiini salary'form; Ordering broadcasters to omit an- nouncers'and sound effects men; in iBtrumentali 'niusialaris, ^'iapeakeirs, and persons^not employed or compen- sated by- etther-4)rpadcaJSterApr-!jiiet» worl^ Godei . Authority retiuested dope on threei. classes: ofLrPerform- -«a?a^-:^>r<rfeflyl,onalB, .qeml-prflp^^jaJid. ' Frarik Muhn is temporarily. • .off i;the; Bayer ;aefplrln prpgra.m: : bri: iNBC. Baybp: product is' - advertised bii, the air as a pre- . ventatlye agalihst pblds.: > v Pn,S;^MunTt hais a-cold; , ■'-■-■\y- -^ ■' ■■■:.' ■'. ' ■■>■■■ ■■■ bpokirig ' sll^s; i'^aymerit; for; audi- tions, and chargine,; ..of tomnils- sipns.,.. Codlsts/'also warit/to know \vh^rier' iri ■ ydVamatlfi'. V i^ogr brbadcasters use. Wtudib,:, eniproyees|- Pther than a,rtlsts,' for' minor 't'oles. / ' Qu^istlonrialre.. also .,se6i^; lbw>l 'jdoTyri on": proj)Vrti9'ri b^^^^ cPmpensa-. tton-.,pal'd ^;forr-repe'»'t^^ rAte. ipi^'^ife l i eAts, ' p p 'H <i3Hepncernine- pay:>lf pro'erari^. }a cartceiled by either • spbnspr or station; rate paid for auditions, comm IsBlon rate, .and riaturb "Of servicei rendered ,by sta,- .MtlSow ilr 'chain ^higri cqinimlkh 1^;im pb^isd^ i. ■ '■' .■V'.!'- '> ■ t-o^v^ 'i/^i ' Going Iritb exact cases, codists de- tp^nd specific dope;, oh'■ e^ch^ erii- pjqyeb, whp- is to' bctydeittiiied -only, byf'a 'code huriibferv tThfe-pbttron pf the schedule requires definition of artist as .pro, semi-pro," or thank- you; whetber employed for, sppn- sored or Bustalhlng program arid on '^weekly, - monthlyv ■ or performance basis; gross and. net cpmpeiisation per Week; number of hpiurs spfent ,in rehearsalsV auditions, ,' brpadca^s, arid,,in ' all; riuriiber of mike appear ances and numbbr PC rehearsals for each; number of comriibrclal audi- tions and number, of, rehearsals; ampuht of tinib required to be sperit in .st udio da lly; and whether rhbUrs of work are cpnsecfftlVK'-"^^Irifp^iS .required for all performers used dtfrlrig wbek of pec. 15, 1934. amateurs •■■•;8«ihl-Prb« ■ ^eml-'prpfeBislonal cbVbrs 'Any In- dividual rbcelvlhg comii^ehsatidn for work In'thb dramatlo'fleld but whose principal incomiei Is derived from other' 'BoUr6es,'' while' itrofessioneU Includes ■■ '■ itersbniB: iatbtainlng com- perisation -priticipally'' from' radio; and amatburis- coyer petsoha j>er- forming Without compen'aatlon. ' ' .jreajbt .ho_an"sww to four principal inquIrieB reerardirig use of written cpritracts; use of Detailed reports, will .beTJmalyzeff , by Code . Authority arid NRA , to de tei^thirie the' need f or .and; feasibility of writing Into the existing codp schedules applying, tp tal^rit^ limit- ing hour^,. specif ylrig fees, and regu- lating other working conditionr^. : WI8N,: Milw((Uke»r : Is - sending three programs weekly over Colum- bia beginning Jan.^ 16...:Jac'k Teter band, Gypsy Caravan'and Twenty "Flrigem of ""BwjSetnWa" aet'for -half' hour periods. ' J. E. dpyle, radio editor Pf Oiak- larid iPost-Enqulrer, is" rtiaklng a tour of important radio tpwns .and reviewing shows. itinerary in- cludes Los Angeles, Denver, Sa,lt Lake, Chicago and New York. Raul Pehdarvis band, at William :iPerin.hpters_Chatterbo.x, now airing -oyer WCAE, Pittsburgh, instead of ICDKA,.: "': t>hiladeiphla,' Jan, 7; A sur,yey in connection With the Provldeni 'Jtutual' Life inaUrance Company show; 'The Story Behind the Clatfn;*^>'ec$ritly boriipleted in a rilrie-w^ek serie's dn NBC. 'dlscloises thb first deflriltfe'trend toward 'ra .for instltutlo'riai advertlstng Of in^ surance riatureV . ..Results .We Veaied ex'ciusiVely. to .VAiuErrr' last week/: : (y' . Prpvident p.rogrami: a 15-mlnute broadcast dvam.atlzlrig. true / stories from, the claim files, of the: cpriipanyi Wis tied in with an"' elcterislve mer- chandising campaign that included fireside canvasses and. varied phases pf other advertising. A questionnaire submitted from the home pfflce to agencies throughout the country concerning radio advert tislng as compared with other med- iums, resulted in the following reply totals:.; - ;'. . QuoBtion One-^'Which form Pf adr vertising do you prefer froni th^ point of view of replies received? Answers---Radlo, '35} -newspapers,: 8 ; magazines, 13; uncertain,: 3. : .Question Twb4-'Whlch form bf ad^ vertising ^do you prefer^^from the point; bf view of general effective- ness and public reaction ? Answers-^ Radio, 8?; newspapers, 9; magA'- zines, 10; Uncertain, 1. ' ppncerhlng the. Provident' survey Nelson White, advertising ma'nager, declaresc ■.' 'The General Agents' questionnaires • abo-w a ^surprising preference I for radio Advertising . to eithbr 6£ the :other principal forms of national advertising, and, on the wholei stamp pur .recent, campaign with a .^Tyhblgrjic^arted. and complete ehdorsoriient of approval. . . ,'Two-thirds, of the ' agencies re- ■ported that;- 'tlie. ■ radloi campAlgn stimulated': men to work harder than normally. > .most of the^ agencies re- ported that the ca,mpaign did. not help them to write more business in October and December (the time stretch of the sbow), ^though it Is significant to note that of the agencies in the mllllpn dollar ;Class annually,' a majority Indicated that they had been Assisted in writing more busijiess.. .a big majbrity of the agehcies reported a substantlAl airioUnt of deferred business tpl be. obtained as a result of the cairi- paign.' ' ;■■■ . 'More than , twice as many general agents preferred radio to both other form's of radio adyertlsing, on the basis of; general effectiveness';.'. all but four pf the mililpn-dollar agenf cies expressed themselves as "prefer- ring radlo.^ :' V Provident; program was oonceivied and ; agented by SariaUel Lewis, former, insurance, editor; of the ilearst-newspapers; who hae devoted the past few years to.; Institutional radio advertising. Lbcated in Lois Angeles, Lewis tested radio for irir surance by spot broadcasting, finally selling the first such fiitricate pro- gram; to. Provident earlier this year. This latter • outfit conducted its own local tests by franiscrlptiohs, eventu- ally buying network. V;^ ^^;' : ;_.pth.ers_ Coming?^/ . . . Lewis' prbgram " has undpubtediy presaged ;the . general tendency bf insurance advertising. He is audi- tioning ,this week .at NBC a musical and script 'show titled 'The, Sym- phony of Life,' which, it Is Under- stopdr has the approval of the gen- eral committee of the Insurance fraternity, connected with the im- pending Spring cAmpaigh. Preserit plans call for a iSr^eek series to be sponsbred prp-rata by..200 cpmpanles of the United States and Canada. Ai Goodman is batoning, with script produced - by Marthia Atwell of Wbrid Broadcasting. This will mArk the first compre- hensive radio : program by all inr surance./ firms. In pirevious years; Spring campaigns were Instituted in connection .. wltii, ' Life Insurance Week, during the early part of May. It is expected, this year, however; that the usual newspaper promotion will have broadcasting as its twin sister, with the show stepping ahead for twelve additional weeks.; ~' Metropolitan New York radio sta-^ ttons Are bearing down heavily oh. the Hauptmarin trial in; Flemington, N; J'.; All private wires through, to.. the cpurthbuse dire and in somei case's straight into the sur- rpunding: hpt^s And boarding houses where''Witnesses and principAls cure slkyirig.' CBS :and ;NB.C IjaV.e the smoothest lAyPutS' In coveriftj^ the : trial Step by'step; thoUigh WNEW lis - glvlrie. 'them a race! in tying' up wth the . Hearst .press arid getting, pierity bli^exfra pubilclty/^ ; Columbia ' is usrlriir: vthree' - radlb jarbsa'b-'jllPtlris'•dally'. '-Tirst- cornea , tHrpugh; at ,10 "Aim., the ■ next at :i p;m.', and the'' final at Ai'ourid 8 in the Afternoon. 'T^ to run thtisly 'fdr the- next'Hwo -wee^s - at - least until;: further, aeveiopmenta IWceBsitate expanding • the': break- 1ns, Bbake Garter'; also- ;fPllpWinff the; trial 'in'" his program.' :'Edwln C. Hill devoting c'pristderable jatteritlon tb the^ day's excltemerit. • ■ !nbg .us.lng^A^ . rblfeasb^^'uaiiy ' bri Its. yarlDus m Works, '"rhla 'will VJsp' W Iricreased . wh'en the' rabre sensational 'details ar^'brougM^^'t^^'iiobd- irig. its airways with nine anriotlrice- ments daily besideia thb'' regulax ■ press radio, squibs. : WHN'a Lawyer ; - WHN -BaA Samuel; S:; LeijioWltZii - .attorney, broadcastingJnlghtly 'at 7 b'clpck lyij^ .a cbriip^^e.. resume bf the, day•$. witnesses An4 thelf testis monies, "thisis to; continue throrigh" out the duration of the trial. Ga-^ brlel Heatte^ .Is doing a similar, first-hand Job .for WOR, cpmlrig oa at l:iB arid 6:30, dally. WINS, JHeaiBt---Putlef,^ _has.^^f$xan^ Kamirisky,.. assistant :dlstrict' attor- niey> on nightly at 6:45 :fbr authentid ''; " -;■ ■■ ;• '." \\- .. '. WN¥;W. .got Into .the .Tac>:;eArl7 oh Christmas Day by tying up yith; the Hearst papera. They. borrpwbd Jack :Lait from WINS' for the;:oc- casion and. rushed. Mrs.'Hauptmann to - tti^ miprophone In .Flemington for an. air .interview, WUd -rumors foUp^ed .this. Some said Nazi money was behind it.Others . declared that the flat sum of 15,000, was.-includedl' Iri the deal tp'liandlejthe. series of, intimate broadcasts. 'WiSNX, jBrbnx station, liad a- chancp-ta-^brlng- Mrs.-L Hauptmahh to -the; air some:, time Ago, .tpp, but, executives hlxed it a* riot quite the thing, f \ CHARUt STAHi ftESlGNS clarence Taubel . Expected to :R«<( aume Poet at WPEN , Philadelphia, Jan,.7, ' With internal friction the Under^ stood cause, Charlie Stahl resigned as WPEN riianager last Saturday; (5).' ■ -■^-■,-': : :■■■■;■■^■■■ •■■ Stahl was upped'frbm sale^mAn*' : ager last October; to his directorial position after Clarence Taubel, WPN Pwner-pperatbr, fell ill. tJpph assuming the relnfl hP hiAdP a blean sweep of studio - policies "r and; ataff^ first, eliminating, the fpreign re- corded progrAni idea iri .fAvor bl ah organized hpusP band: /tie :l8 -alao! credited tvlth Ihcrbaslrig' WPEN' In- come ovbr to the black side: of the ledger for the first tlnie in; ihany, moons. Stahl also began the. local, trend towArd vlaual brbadcasts by presenting several atudio reviews In; the atation auditorium pr' hired theatrea. ■ . .' It is believed that Taubel's deci^ - slon to take up active. nianagement was the reason for Stahl's reslghaA tlon. . -■' Hope WiUiams' Hope Hope Williams,- society girl and legit actress, has an Idea... She wants to be a gagstcr of, the Jack Benny type on the radio. . To get started in her new line, Mis.g Williams is rehearsing jokes in preparation for ether auditions, with the, Willlani Morris .office handling.' " '