Variety (Jan 1935)

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Inside Stuff- j, B; Snilth, manager of tho Broadmoor hotel, Cblbrado Springs, where tbe'National Ais'n of Broadcaflters*, convention Is scheduled to be held in julyr^ answe'red, th0 objections of somis broadcasters to the selection; of the westera *«8ort by citing actual rates. Smith deprecates calling a »lalt to Colorado Springs a 'plutpcrats holiday.' . 'Smaller station men have^^spressed • dlssatiflfaction with the s^lectlpn of t]i6 cbhventlbri fllte as geograptilcally Inaccesslblo ;and flnanclally bhrdensbme. They feel that while It's okay for the wieilthler cHcque, jaunt Is a pcefeifini-Jloruthet^sniall town and. smftltwatt b^radbaatip^^^ Much <if the opposition to Colorado Springs undpubtedljr comes as a reaction to the 1933, convention at White Sulphur Springs. That turned out to be no fun for many N.A.B.' members who had to watch expenseis. NBC Is working on a one-hour broadcast which, will take ^1^ throughout the United- States . oh college opinions of current matters. Representatives of Cornell, Stamford, Louisiana, Columbia, Vaasar, Washington, Chlcagbi Harvard and Michigan'Will be among the speak-. '^B talking direct from the various ^MtnipuseSi Brbad^^ $a^urday, Feb. 2,. frpm six to seven,' . Editors of school papers are being* canvassed to either do the. spieling themselves or a,ppbint representatives. They will be perinltted to say anything they wish pertinent to currient life as affected on their own campuseis. About 1* major universities In all will bb in oh it. Margaret Cuthbert. In charge of the NBC speakers' bureau, thought of . <lie stunt and Is carrying ' Plenty of adverse coniment axound Chicago on a network announcer over his mari-inrthe-street, broadcasting on New Tear's Eve. , • Created noma lll-fcellng against the network and the stations when tlie anhbuneer cracked that It was 'a wild night,' that he was clinging -^o'^-taxi tunhlhgrboafd-andTtbait-all-the^^^^* —-tryi ng to i >ull him ogr-that^^fryHwer^hootin g gnns w i ldly . ^ Several ■ tlmea he repeated the >words 'hoodlums,? "racketeers', and 'mobsters. In referring to the; ordinary New Tear's eve celebrators In the loop.; in an inquiry made by the J'ederial Communications Commission on the free message privileges extended by the Western Union and Postal Tele- naph cb'B it was developed that the Mackay Bjadlo and Telegraph, a Postal subsld, handled 46,628 words gratis for the Byrd Antarctic Expe- dition for which the regular charges would have been $79,?50.^ Also that Western Union relayed 266,467 Messages free <>f charge In a demonstra- tion of how telegraphy might be used In connecUon with broadcast pro- ■ grardsi Perlbd spanned In either case was-^ffom Jan. 1, 1984, to Sept. i, ,;.M34,,;■ ,, '.]'/::'[,:.':■ ■': . ^ RCA victor company and. RCA BadlPtr^^^^ BoUdated into .a single organization, operating as such since January 1, and known as RCA Manufacturlni? Company, Inc. Both of the units which: have been consolidated thusi are wholly owned subsidiaries of Radio Corporation of Attierlca. OfBcIal announcement Is that the con- aolidatlon Is for convenience of operation, and entallis no changes In any of the sales, advertising or management policies of either of the former units. David Sarnoff Is chairman of the board of the consolidated outfit ■ and B. E. Cunningham, president. G. K. Throckmorton li executive vlocr • ;'I>reBldenti;\ ;.. - ' Audience broa:dcasts haye biscome so popular In Philadelphia that iieveral de pftrtTni.nt. Btorea have considered It not only good Bhp>i^?.nehli> Millbilly in 3pots Philadelphia, Jan. 7. : Plckard Family, recently mbv^ed to KTW In Pbllly from Chicago, are making local. listeners and daUies hill-billy conscious. The. group comc$ from the heart of the Ten- nessee hlU country. Dad Plckard is quoted as pull'^ Irig this line: 'I may.tie an old rube;: but I'm teilin'-Trou:- one thing stfaight-^I never heard the word •hlll-blllY' until I came " to New Tork. And . J. guess I'm the only barnyard broadcaster who wears: spats, Vt6orV_-:-';' ^- -^r^'.v,- /y^'■ : Bands Sees Trend from New York Agencies-Sponsors Hollywood Mask Creanri company's show, 'Sentimental: Srtma' goes WBBM, Chlcaiso, bn Jam 4i Pro gram -will hit six times weekly. STRICTLY CASH WCAU Sustaining Invitation. HigKly Valued Not ■ Philadelphia. Jan. 7. WCAU Is contacting :jNIabeV Love of the Daily News, to : I'ncorpPrate Jier Women's ^►TVice Giub Into the. station's daily Home economics show Which has been; jEiltcrihg since its Inception. Miss Love .is Willing: but wants to ^ be paid. WCAU hadn't iliought. ofc Qiylo^^ that ' Garber (Teastfoam) Newspaper; column, acts as a free! Chicago : patriots, point . to .. this service to all women readers who situation. as Buggestive of a trend want istdvice on ferhme subjects such something. For some years Chl- a^. what dress tpVwea,r and when, cago haa. been copping most of Its how to care .for babies and how. to radio honors through script pro^ operate the vacuum cleaner. . Edi.- gra^^^ Music show^ have been few Chicago, Jan. 7.. Ciapital is being' made bh . Chi, , cagd's belialf of the 'fact that there are. .rioW five cojtrimerclaiiy spon- ¥bred dii.ic^ prcfiestras'ahchpredin--: Chicago, One -of these accounts, . Selby Shoes, will nPt get started until March witl .George Olsen from the College Inn, Others are Wayne King (Lady Esther), Art Kassel fGrove's . Bromo Quinine), Charles (Maybelline), and Jan but gOTd biz as well to programs on rertiote from theh? stores. WDAS has two of these broadcasters. In the Oak Hall clothlery and the Henry Department storOi -Former spent^ two grand In building a atudlo and installing control room apparatus, while the latter outfit ties lip traffic twice weekly on the main stem by airing a show from Its large iCront window. Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Is believed to have better radio reception than any other community In Canada, large or small. Available any part^-of the day or night, without noise or Interference of any kind, are all the broadcasting stations In New England, New Tork, New Jersey, Penn- ■yivanla,! Ohtbt Michigan, and almost anywhere else In the U. Cardless' of fidw'Ya^ awa^. Tarmbuth la-lbcatcd at the Junction-of the Bay of Fundy. with Its mother, the open Atlantic, and th is locat ion is believed to be the primary cause of; the universally favorable reception. Survey made in .Chicago on Dec. 30 by the Polk company shows a Bl% radio audience for Father Coughlln on his Sunday broadcast. Survey, tnkpn hPtwuen tbieLli6urs^pf:i3j-4j.m^M^^ two qu estions; 'Is your set. -turned on?!-and .'To what-statlon?':. . . j.. 1 Survey found that 36.% bf the homes called had their radios turned on. _ Of thfi:radlo_ll§teners 61% were tuned to WJJD which carried the Father Coughlln lectures. The'next two stations' In pppularify at this time Were" . WLS-WENR at 16% and WGN at 11%. Plefro Ton, organist oVer WPV, New Tork, to air a special program direct to the Vatican on Easter Sunday. Cerlbelll company, which spon- aors Ton on the station each Sunday, also behind this long-distance run. Both Ton and the firm have followlngs In Italy. The organist who manipulates the pipes regularly at St.. Patrick's cathedral Is also, an honorary musician tor the Vatican. His weekly program comes on from 1:30 to 2 each Sabbath. Radio station WMAZ, Macon, Ga., has adopted three different type fltyles for the typewriters In each of three departments of the Btatlon. Puzzled OS to the origin of various announcement Information, office, data and other typed material, E. K. Carglll authorized the Innovation. • Now material from his office has one style Of type, that from the sales manager's office another and that from Wilton; E. Cobb; secretary, a third. Chap In Los Angeles has a new radio gag. . He is prepared to spot 100 radios in restauraints all over town, with no cost to the cafes If they promise to have the dial set where directed by the promoter between the eaUng hours of 11:80 a. m. to 1 p. m. and 6:30 to 7. He Is soliciting radio stations for dough for ordering their programs turned on at the restaurants during these hours. So far no takers. Al Hlgglns remains as head of Paul Raymer's Chicago office with Homer Hogan associated in the capacity of an executive of Hearst Radio. Inc., the operating company for the Hearst stations. With the first of the year WBAL, Baltimore, the latest outlet acquired by Hearst, jjecame part of the list represented by Raymer In the national sales field on epot time. Procter & Gamble Company has made another shift In time for its three afternoon sketches broadcast In succession over NBC. "Vic. and Sade' (Crisco), moved from the 2:45 to the 3 p. m.i B. a-T.{-'Ma-Perkins' tOxydol), to 8 4-t6r-ftnd-^reiaTOs- Come True' (Camay), froni 8:16 to 3:30. Last-named Is a thrice- weekly affidr, the other tw< are Monday-throiighrFriday swings. . •Vic and Sade' repeats at a later hour on a ride which goes to the Middle West, Rocky Mountain and Pacific Coast regions. . Honolulu Strollere, playing sus- taining on WBT, Charlotte, N.. C, for the. past year, have been sold to Olsen Rug :Company, Chicago,! HI., for six .quarter-hour programs, a' week. ' Gifford R. Hart Is the new adver- tising manager for Health Product's (Peen-a-Mlnt, Aspergum, ^White's Cod Liver). Hart comes from Bow- man-Deute-Cummlngs, Inc. Before that-he was with CBS and Frank Presbrey agency. Colgate Palmollva Peat has re newed with ! NBC for the Colgate tress considers heir newspaiper tier and the town Ms gotten the reputa- In 'too valuable to give away, claim ing she has enough publicity as it is HARRIMAN BUILDING XFL. FORGETS WEB House Party, Clara, Lu 'n^ Km and the Palmollve Beauty Box Theatre, with each renewal eftectlve -the first week In January. Benton & Bowles is the agency. . Lady Esther baa extended for Wayne King over 82 atatlpns on the red"(WEAT)llnk. Agency Is Stack- Goble. ■ ■'. Wander.Co. Is makln g_lt_ .another 62 weeks itbr tittre Orphan Annie oh NBC— TOftftkett-Bample-H ummer t handling. tion of not being' able : to compete with. New Tork where hot rhythm is wanted. Union rates has been another factor favoring the east. f2 Differential It is now-steted-that ther-e-ls-only- $2 per me differential between Chi- cago and New Tork . union scales . Chicago, Jan. 7. I ($16-$18) so that sponsors may give Entire reorganization has taken Chicago, a' tu' ble henceforth. One place at the Chicago Federiatlon bf band booking agency has Us fingers Labor station, WCFL, following the cfosiaed but hopes to bring General departure of Ota Oygl, who had Motors Into Chicago to bankroll 60 been working on the Affiliated Radio minutes of dansapatlon. Networks .with WCFL as key spot Alarming drift of the dance band In the new line-up Colby Harri- centre from Chicago to New Tork man comes into practical leadership Uias caused some. anxiety. For at of the station as far as everything least four years Chicago has been that goes bv^r the transmitter. Qygl taking It the chin as a radio pro- brought Harriman In originally from ductloh' centre until advieirtlscftB. a-theatre post with. Loew's In New have gotten In the habit of coh", Tork. siderlng Chicago as a double Kew^ Harriman will concentrate on | ark In a radio sense. WCFL as an individual station and y^m slough^ft all. matU^ Contradicting any 'trend' to Chi- Ing a possible regional network at k^^""^';^*^^ recent New Tork dance this time. • , bands who have copped sponsors In StaUon Is , now- readying a new J*^" gj'"" ek or two^ Newest Man- B.OOO-watt transmitter ^hlch was the^^t ^weeR pr ^^^^^ shipped from CamdenJast week byi JJ^^^pSiiV^pitalny ^ CLlnlt)^. RCA. Expected that the nej^pow g^^i^^Smah (Eno"). M^er Davis setup will be in operation by ? savers), Don Vorhees (Hinds). March 1. ■• ■ ■ ' D. R, -Menthall, president pf.Jhe Pacific Advertising Club Associa- tlonir-has-callei- a. conferenC.$._tp_ je RKO-Radlo studio jazzed up Lionel Stander's radio antecedents ?n Identifying that Russian dialectic comedian, now in Hollywood, .a3_the •Parkyakakas' bf Eddie Cantor's air programs. Latter Is Harry EIht stein, who does Greek comedy, where Stander does the vodka brogue Both have appeared with Cantor which explains the mix-up. Bide Dudley's stunt of radio-revlewlrig New Tork stage-play^rthe same night of the premiere has another exponent In Gilbert Sclfles. Latter just started over WHN. Dudley's been doing his stuff at midnight for mor6 than two years over WOR. ' ■;.. \ ■ : held-ln the Palace Hotel, San-Fran Cisco, on Jan. 21, for the purpose of discus3lng-a2nd_Annual. convention In San Diego, June 23-27 Edward P. Shurick Agency, Min- neapolis, adding B. J. Britain, Les Larson and Ralph Van Lear to the staff. Selby Shoe Company has set a show on NBC atarUng approximate ly March 10 with George Olsen or chestra and Ethel ShutU. Program win originate In Chicago for a weekly 80-minute gallop. Candy Cod debutting a 80-nilnute live program on WIP, Philadelphia, this Friday (11) for a run of 39 weeks, RediSeld-Coupe la the agency. .'. ■ Benjamin Moore & Co. has re newed for Its Wednesday a.m. quar -ter-hour, effective Jan. 23, with the spiel about Interior decorating originating from CBS' Little In Park Ave Wax Works Eastern States Ice Ae«n^ Is hav- ing cut a series of 26 quarter-hour musical programs for placement in the early spring. Discs have al- ready been subscribed for by .84 Ice dealers in various cities in the east. These dealers will make their own arrangements if or time on local eta- 11 on 3. . Members of the association liast season used 13 programs on 35 station?, . . NBC ANHOUHCES AFTER more than a . year of intensive analysis, covering both field strength and au-_ dieii^einaiiritKeliJa^^ pany has determined the number of radio :Kmilies Teachable-througlrneach^ ciated station, group and network—and has adjusted its network rates accordingly. The new NBC Network Rate Card (No. 18) is ready—eflfectiye Feb- ruary 4,1935. : r'::-:,;^:; Network advertisers who have contracts with NBC as of Februaiy 3, 1935, and who desire to continue on the pres- ent rate basis, may do so for any period or periods up to and includmg December 31, 1935, providing that they continue existing series of broadcasts, using the facilities under contract at the time the rate adjustment be- comes effective. Additions to such facilities may be made only on the old rate basis, but the adjusted rates are applicable to all new broadcast series contracted for on and after February 4, 1935. National Broadcasting Company, Inc. A Radio Corporation of America Subsidiary ' ; NEW YORK CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO 1