Variety (Jan 1935)

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60 VARIETY T ■ M E » S Q MARE Tuesday* Januarj 8, 1035 I t.i'M-J'A»fi miM M i-i I I u I jH'H H M I-IW-H 41 M nm i I 4m in f»i^ifiiiiiitiiyii»iiiiiiiiimHmimBmiHH»milHIHIdliPrj the Vies no This depdrtment coniaim rew news items as published Juring <fte itfeet «« daily papers of New York. Chimo, San Francisco, Hollgwood and Lwdoti. : Vanety tqliei crj^iiii f or theit new^^ ;■.^'5^j^^c^^E^Tg ■t uNn i j fi M.nj»ia-n?i w^jj liH I 11 tm i mill li 1 1 1 \ L Radio East revised .Theatre jjnlon undecided between a play about textile workers, ditto about mine workers and a revue. Dorothy Burgess , replaces Edith acqulredv ^Slngr, Before Breakfast,' I farce about the show business.. ; Maria Mueller, G^rm'ahv slnRer, ^ , ^ . had her passage, encaged to New Ann Sutton,, midget, who sued ypr^ j nr prnfft .qalonal\date3.;/;_Hltier Andy Sliirphy for breach, fell ■ d6wn j^ji^ jjer. she was warite'S^ra^^zT when the court clerk asked^for a ggigij^j^HQ^- She may c6me over bond of $250 to defray costs in case, j^^^^ (She lost; Case tumbled out of court. Kaitharlhe idbrnell asking BOc for Evelyn Crowell, widow of the iat«. an lautographed photo. Money goes Lkvry Fay, married to WllUainvDur- tQ the Actors Fund, yea. Went to Harrison with tw^o _ggjg t^e new Martin friends. Latter came back hitched, j^hngoh film shown in an uti-plane * V * .■.„„_^ l but of the Newark airport. Three . "^'^^^^^Ll.^^ni nnh*^ trips necessary to care for all the In cloth. Samuei French will pubr j,g^ijj,jgj.g "^mL * .r. IIV imnnr Walter-Hampden extends his New ♦ M**-*i^«t.n"^.X^fi at^the New Amsterdam Ration of John Glelgud, Ayhose Ham- j^n^ jg, ^akes a full month. In- isSd^^oopee N.W of A^ed father Jf Harrl wbods^ worrying over a new verslon of 'The ■N. V^.,: Dec.; 30. Was-all alone in .lils - son's summer cottage wben It Was destroyed by fire;.' . Tlnie honored Mummers' • parade ■ in Philadelphia reisumed. Droppie^d^^ . last two years because of lack of Barrett In 'Piper. Paid. -^ds^-Pbst iinne d tn Saturday ( . '>1 Hftrma . n R . Lftn g^JPJs er . entered " on account of: rain. • a charge of felonious assault against Shuberts put /'America ■ .Sings' Joseph Lasango, of the Place bac : on the list; Opera-.about Ste- I Plquale. TtjUs the inaglstrate he phein Foster was shelved, after Ji | went to the nltery about some stock : Bbaton ti'yout. George IRoesnef re-: transaction. Got a check for $11.85 writing "the book. ^ ^^^^^ a check, Cov'ard-McCann will lissue ,Elmer bi,t claims he was beaten up In d - Rice's r 'Between —Two -Worlds' and row-which-followed.-: Magistrate re- : "Not for Children' In. March; Sepi auced the charge to disorderly con arate volumes. ' duct. Cardinal Dougherty, of PhlladeV Paul Muni in town for a couple phlnV annbunces he still has.the ban . Q^ jponths. . on motion pilctures. ; Marbo.Prbductlons to do Mary K . Union College, Schenectady,- an- gji^jjj^gg. ; comedy, " 'Clara Comes nounces a drama festival next, sum^ Home.' Same flrni has also taken iner. To d.o four plays;. Mr. and her <Four Glrls,^ but no Immediate Mr?: Charles Goburn wi" stage._ .broductidn plans for the latten ^ yFllIttg":of-fi^Kgfer^tax appraisal "^^Hedge ; reveals that the late Texas ^Gulnan Westchester Cbmmunlty ' Center- left a gross estate of :$52,405, gross, |^aychi-2 ' . with a net of $28;172.-, all of which Theatre -Ticket BrokerEt Assh. has will go to her mother, Her brother, papers prepared In ia suit to enjoin Tommy, will receive $31,700 from Legit Code AutHoritv from ciittlhg an insurance policy, not Included their supply of tickets. In the return. Her sister. Pearl Boston police arrest Herbert E Smith, gets ?9.570 from another In- togan,. actor, in connection with surance policy. Execiltor explains recent theatre bombings in . that —-the- heavy dcductlons-as . partially clty-- TPound-a-^phosphorous--com— due to the bringing of her troupe pound In a Jar of wateir In His room . in. froni Vancouver. Would have burst into flame If William Janney Insists Standard permitted to dry. ' OJy la pot ba c king 'The O'Flynn.' jphn A. Loniax.. who liaa Iweii X.llly Pons takes a suite at 322 collecting, unwritten folk songs of' B. 67th strieet for . the winter, the southern Niegroes, back in town ■■="itlualc-^Sc*'sall^^^ —--on-an-elepl»ntJasiLEElday_(41_\sAen:U^.lcei_BU^ she opened at that house. Wore a prigon sentences. May go on raidio, skiing suit Instead of. her stage Suit of Blanche Anthony Mes costume and still. found It cold. singer, opera singer, agalnist Arthur Bust, of Henry King, ork leaider Q. Hoffman, tor breachj transferred at" the hotel, put dh exhibition Ih from the^ N. .Y. to the federail court the lobby of the WaldorfrAstorla. I because of ■ diversity of residence, . - John Anderson, doing the Haiipt- 1 post offlce bars 169 lottery, agents mann trial from the draniiatlc anglie I from the use of the malls. This —^tor—the-Post—_—-l— ■ - —L:-_Lbpihg8^he—total—humbeF—closel-to . •. .William W. Schorr, recently gpo. M ostly dealers in foreign lot litager for Harihon & XJllman, now I teryVsllps. : " ; ^— - a producer on his own. He has | . John. S. Sumner and . his cohorts had dancer, Ii. A. court set aside inter- locutory; decree of divorce granted Boris Petrolf, Attorney tor Mary Piqkford T[mdttvit-:^f-^<uinmonB Ini I* i * show that Dougl^ Fairbanks been served in her divorce aictldn, ^ ^^^^ ^^^^ w»is, ««« tul^v an ct- clearlng the. -way for trial of the I fdgter—It" appeared thSLt" he did sb | fec'tlveneasT"prbgram'nu^ ^"i*" A 1 . v,..!*- T>o..i o more on the first shot; than on the eluded 'Ring Out Wild Bells.' 'Drink Los Angeles Jury acquits Paul .K. last on* , beards, by ; cuttln^ down ^o MIe Only with Thine Eyes,' and DeGaston, musiciani of _ a ^murder o„ ^^e length and number of his an- .^u^ charge In connection with death of nouricements, as well as on the spiel Delightful part of tlie performance girl from illegal operation. , . , .delivered by the :'Hauf Hostess.' js soft pedal oh advertising ballyw On petition of porothy Berke, | program his reintroduced Marlon hoo, which is reduced well nigh to a Brewer, a "V^QT standby lii the niinimum; This is at the orders of pioneer days. and a long-time pyre oil Co. offlciifils and has at- t. 1.1. * Aj t t. n/r 4 . I absentee from the ether wave .tracted much favorable comment Brother of Adolphe MenJou ,fined ^^^^^ to a series of mlsfortuneB because of marked contrast In this ' .* .Vu A' '^^V" .-I, his which included the loss of her sing-, respect to many other programs wife with a; pair of binoculars.;, Ing voice (while brbadcastlnigr on a' Police make two arrets, in ^dr ve^^ on ring, peddling counterfeit admlsh orchestra) ind a long Illness. Until ARCHIE BLEYER'S ORCHESTRA tickets to. Santa, Anita i^ce^track. 'Microphone Discoveries' were in- Dance Music Jed Harrl^ tagged by Pasadena augurated. Miss Brewer's only ap- IB MinW. police lor doing B2^m.p,h.. ep^^^ pearances before theVmlke^fter COMMERCIAL hpurin Jail before the law^was con- strange naralysis; of her vocal WMCA, New York vlnced the car he WOT ^riving was K.^ made in ; the A part of the ^ Spreading dance '"^'^if-^ *il?„?^Ltf iii**^^^^^ bf backstage broadcasts parade which starts nightly around i-«Jirf; ^™ hy headliners ftt RKO's Albany lo. Takes ,in ill types of rhythms TWhm= ivLf i.J =4,<.t7i Jil^^t Palace. At that time. Miss Brewer inbludlng tango, continental, rumba Bevhllls home by sheriff on court L ^^ '-"ggryi „ g^_^^^^^^ | „ "p rt ltnr of a Hd-undilute4-^ertcitM Coast filed (Coritlnued ^rbm page 44) I PURE Oil. MALE CHORUS (16) liirgely to th<5 yocal. the major share «'IS'..; - of which Is.handled by singles; This (j*Q|y,|y,Ej^Q|^|_ condltlon;makes for a sameness of yy^l^gQ Popj,g^^^^ programs-r variety ■;and dash^ are This is one of the best local proi lacking. "The fact that many of the I gj.^,„g the air In this, neck of the jiewcomera use slow-tempoed num-1 ^Qo^g. gon^g niale voices from bors further contributes to th« Ben- pastmah School of Music, eial effect of draglness, Whlch^ by ,jirected by A. IrVlno McHose, har- the way. is In marked contrast to monize so perfectly that it is dlf- "Tie zip the theme seoms to promise; flcult to teU the number of slrigerfli ^ngram begins .with the s^^ " choice of songs ruriBU ov^old tlnia ailMn«--«lghllghtftt=^-04iar^ to""5n5Ie7^= former feature, but soon loses this, ygtces. Yarib-Js trtcks of hummlns He . could, .pace the proceedings ^^^^ jjitg add variety an«i ef- order by former husband GarVIn Foss. secretary of Holly- wood Stage and .Screen dub, arV algned on grand theft charge on cbmplaliit bf woman. Latter claimed she: paid him $600 on the promise of a picture contract. Hearst's ^'Times Union,* and her I solos In the bvehlng's layout; speaking yolce was, so; hUsky that ■ Bleyer's. musics now at the: Hotel few observers believed she. eVer j cbmmbdbre. v Plenty of Variation would Bintsi tiga-ln bh the .air. Her Un ^ the arran^rements. . Sounded persistence, however, finally had its smpbth; rewiard, a? two engagements on this For the seS^ime since last stanza would indicate. Miss Brewer's LANG and SQUIRE JuiF"Lu4^ Vblez hM fli^^^^^ JSfce"!!; ^ "^gaSst Weissmuller. Cruelty in the form; of tossing fragments of furniture | at her. is alleged. Award of back salary ;bf $9001 against Mascot Pictures wais sus- tained by the appellate court, on appeal bf D. 'Ross Lederman, dl- reefbri- l)rlefiy. . 15 Mina. O'Hare is . a smooth ;master of SustaihiniGi' ceremonies, and the ybung wbman vtfiNSi Nevv York ; playing the pai-t of hpstess knows Lang and Squlrb; with their her. wiy around-a,n amplifier. If 'Broadway Booking ; 6fllce' have a the program were presented IB or script show that's big leagMO stuff 30 minutes later-^lt rides the waves and has' been ringing the bell for a- jjiiltheJ :46-6.,P. jM.jBlot --th6Jlsten-( .coup le^i>ijtyeek a btit urettjr jnucji of. Ing audience woiild be largerJ7?rtttt,Tatsebret-on-^vrNS. rr—' the potential talent group. r It's a comedy script show with Jocelyn Lee;; film actress, to haye been marrted tbddy. (Tuesday) to james Seymour, associate producer at Warners. Bride-tb-be is former i wife of Luther Reed; writer-director. Geraldine Louise Ott, singer, of [ ... Beverly Hills, goes to N. T. to Mins. _ .^^ press her clalnl for widow's share vDMM tROiAU .of $6,000,000. estate^ of Bertrarid I^- P^^'^'^et^^^^^ in the field I actefs between them, swltchlhg from Taylor, asserting she waa his com- I. pv"tc'-'»"^ ^a.. 1 t> ^.^ c><i» tA ME AND MIKE S With Gerald K. Rudulph Comrnehts and Reminiscences lots bf novelty and no jsmall. amount of talent. Harry Lang and.; Luise Squire are: vaude vets. • They're an-, nbunced on WINS As writing their own material and also doing: the protean Imitations in that both essay some half dc^en br more char- i;,i„ , of"hewff-bommentsrr Mea-conceived filp-;BroaUiwiay^^^^^^^^ ™^l?a,S!& of her six-year-old Rud^^ daughter.^ Jane J?annlster. .^^^^ In- grantpd Anrr Harding hy a, y°^°Ld Sy wu^^^^ ad dlcatoo. Ibca to-i s-an agont . ' . s haunt court in suit against Harrv Ban- fPr^ ana noiiywouu.^xji^^ court in suit against Harry Ban nlster. Ten HoUyigoaiiL^glrlfl-iji to a p pear in Eng lis h revues and possible picture work. Hollywobd's New Tear's Eve mes- sage to the nation was broadcast by Will Hays- from the First Presby- terian Church in Hollywood. Motion picture night will be ob- served, at the Ii, A.. Auto: Show, wiiich ojpened a nine-day Btand Jan. 5 und er canvas, dressing audience directly. Rudulph (Lang). It's colorful, actlonful, with talks to a silent character—'Mike lots of change of pace, fading put iW5l HHwt4iiMiiiK Ol^^ a fbWitatibn-^'fbr-i^tf&etini^ ?MTli^^«^^1ea^tf ■ ■ - " _: :bktonday.^JKfidiieaday_a.tIid_mdaj^ cSerit^s 'chiefly upon current it's too early for; so gbbd a .Bcript events and reminisces on personal show; Belongs In malPr J^ag"* exnerleiices in RudulpWs former ac-r company around the dinner hour a^ SSi?h "tronB iLnlngs^^^ the theatre and motion pictures. ! . Aoei. Program has become popular here, Lounsberry group giving (spot • NORMAN NEILSON in newspaper advertising of Best So nga • rBets-f<>rr-T-onlght.?--Sponsor-T48-theLj46-Jyiina.. „. . bii iSaturday raided a loft at 45.;W. il 45th street, regarded as headquar- . >*<i •—. li ters -for-mall-order- stag -literature. Npdi) York Lt\£CLttCSn \ Took hundreds bf booklets and 1«_W_AJ«JV_*.J.i5r*tA.._^i|.|-jj2;000-B^^ - ; —— Rudy Vallee divorce case hoW Jumped to Feb.. 4. Twice postponed at Mrs. Vallee's request, last delay due to assignment of-Jusfeice-Cotillo to the Brbnx. l; Negro Democratic club in Jersey City has 'Emperor Jones' for a tag. Ben Hecht and Charles Mac- Arthur "have turned ~ over the script of'Jumbo' to Billy Rose.. John An- derson will stage when he gets back from his vacation. Open sometime in April Hugo-^«Seir-wn^ I Sustaining style an<l diction. " muslca;l--prbductibn-supervisorj-and Alexander Ounaahsky, dance • di- rector, for tlie ,Hollywood .Theatre Guild. V Danny:,.JDQwling,l_;Btage.. _dancer, sought by L; A. county sheriff for assertedr.vlolatlon-cif-the state liquor law at Empire Club, RKO THEATRES 86** ST. Tuea. to Fri. Jan. 8 to 11 Georse Bait in ••LIMEHOCSE ' ■. . BiUBS" —atid— "BABBITT" with .Gay Klbbe« I . Join . ■ ■ CUrk- ■■ CRAWi'OED GABLE itAuiw Ebbert MONTGOMEKY I^VAI. In "FORSAKING AliL IVcrA 1^ OTHERS": |JI I'lH — oh the Staxe. TED lewis; Hd REVUE rri.. 7m. II—t«y« 'Ti n Night It Ywm g' _ GARBO 'PAINTED VEIU' .- Europe's - MoBt Famous Revue :in an amaz-: Ing 3-TOllHon- (lollar reatau- rant. - NO COVER CHARClE, ■ Dinner, frqim 6 :30 to 10. : / $2,501 _■ Suppjer Jro - ^nJNEB-1 I I Supper _f rom 10 ' to,. clojsliis.; FRENCH CASINO ^, |7>li ;*v«. ■« aOth -St.. ..; COIuiw bUt 5-7070J 'Listen My Children' is the latest idea for joe Cook's next play. They've soaked off; the - 'Windy' label. .. ■ . Herman Shumlln arguing that; it would, be better for actbrs to give ih excess of the four weeks of re-- hearsal time if it bettered the chances of a run. ■ Former apartment house Janitor fornis a dog-walklhg flrni and ad- vertises the service at |5 a month and up. ' ■ ■ ■ ■ . Offlclal announcement made that Talullah Bankhead -will - do -'Raln- fbr Sam Harris. To open in Feb. Dr. Henry Mbscowltz peeved at Federal Cbmriiunlcatlons. As head of the League of New York thea- tres he protested fi-ee radlb shows and asked the Commission to do something. FCC replied It had nft power to censor broadcasts. That wasn't what Dr.,, MosIibiVltz was talking abbut. . Last Saturday was tbps for'Close- tips with 10 withdrawing.; Runner up was iiov. 26 with eight. . Cbl, Ruppert declares the five cent'glass bf beer will be bne of the 193S victories. 'Page Miss' Glory* and .'Farmer Takes a Wife' drop to $2 ^tops, Others to.follow. Slax Meth picks up the batbn In New "Aomsterdam—^plt^.:. Victor Baravable leading 'Revenge With Music': ' ... Strand* N. to reopen Jani SuBtaininfl ; ' House breakers made off withl.WABC, New York J500 in wearing apparel from the Since first reviewed in 1931. two- . „ intelligently He puts con I«me.of-Gu»MelnB..directbr.for:Hal of ,50.000 are asked by J^tl^r e^?"^^^ Mae Prestelle. film actress^ for in-, class but still not too high-brow | are hetter/'^^^^^ Juries received when run down by for the masses. ."" a studio truck at Metro while work- Right now they figure a? CBS Ing in a picture with Max Baer. sustalners though they have had Bill Roulette, film actor, in court short filngo at various commercials, on complaint of his wife that he Generally three """J^^rs are je- twice broke her nose hearsed for the air. DeBussy, _ . ^ u Francll I^dere? Klveh flve-daV Chopin and other masters are treat- support from Joseph Kahn en i<rancis xjeaerer given nve-aay i ^ —itw „ \ hances the young man> vocalizing. FRAY AND BRAGGlbtTI "Twir-PianoB - — -15-Minis. •• " ' - ■ ^—_ Introduced as .'a new ybice/ Nell-; son is warbling on the morning net^ work slot lohg filled by the 'Mystery Chef^- for a commercial accbunti - -H* can best be described as a rorii antlo tenor,. pbssessed' bX a sweet~lQne, but apparently of nb great vblume. The-vblce is trained ^.nd. the singer. Enunciates, lyrics clearly.. : NeHson's pinging ;shbuld appeal t* femme dialers, albeit few of th» younger element are likely to be within hearing range of a loud- speaker at 9:30 a.m. Excellent piano jail term by Tulare, Cal., Judge bn a speeding bharge. He appealed. - Al Rbgell, «laked court to be re- lieved bf $360 monthly alimony payr meht to his estranged /wife on ed freely with a POP tune arrange- . - v * ... ment thrown in for good measure. This Is not a smash snot, but ic Their rendition of Ravel's .'Bolero' wings home okay for ; a mbrningf still stands as their. butstanding | affair. • Jocp,, creation and marshals, listeners grounds that he is without work and when known that they will repeat pL;^^.p^^,Q^ ECHOES living on borrowed, money.. Willard Rbbison, Sduthernalrds Chet Miller _I^AtnvIn_H.?ind, pit;: banA con ductor of Chicago and director of the I3oard of Trade American Legion Post band was alppblnted to the perr sonal staff of; Gov. Horner of Illi- nois.-^':.■■ ■ Bandit got (700 in payroll money In the office of the Haryey Orches it. : When; dialed in here the dub played capers with; 'Auld Lang r"^V 'o'.'.'al*.* Talk Syne.' Three impressions given out. each one being In a different keyHc^jJIl^^PQiy^L and tempo. ■ ; ' I WJZ, New York Replacement of Mildred. Raliey "Svlth "the Southernalres; hasn'tiJima much to perk up the musical leVel ■ NEAPOLITAN -STRINGS Italian Musical 15 Mins. ■ SiJstainino ' WGAL, Lancaster This", program gives local/audi of this thrice weekly session. Rou. tlned to a moanin' low key. tho string cbngeries of Willard Rpbison sound as swampy as ever, while the ertces their' first Intrpductlori .to a 'band's warbling virtuoso continues tras, Ihc;. in Chicagb last week foreign language airing over a locail | to^ make hiiriself n^d^^^^ when he held up Cope .Haryey and station^ All an^ ' - -^^^^^ Ellen Hill Reofganlzatibh' of Guyort; Inc., operators of Guyon's Paradise Ball- robm ■ and the; hotel Guyon in Chi- cago was sbiight in a creditors pettr tlon filed list week, in; the U. S. District court. . ' ; Paul Petrbff. .member of the Monte Carlo Ballet Russe, was stabbed at a: party in Chicago, on New Year's . eve. Wburid was. not .seriou3.:^;.;L;:_::^^li:-._...l-.-.'.:■-■---- ■-- Jacob Clifton, cashieir bf Qrches made. In Italian giving the enter talners the solid support of the limited Italian population here. - Program- began - some time ago with;a:nnouricement3;and descriptive matter In English but gained no substantial following.; ; Switch to Italian ;lmmedlately jumped its mail by more than twice as much. : . Sluslc, all bii string instruments, with, occasional vocals Is very good aiid interpolation ;i3: said to lie flne^ Has an exfenslve HstonTng audTcifcfi tra Hall, waa robbed pf fBO while J beyond the Italian population;due to in the bbx-offlce of . the theatre;- ^.its noveU^ The .Sputhcrnaires, ah NBC istand- ard fbUrspnie; specialize In spirit- uals and do acceptably ,by the bet- ter known laments of this genre. , During the orchestral Interludes (he progratti- leaves no doubt as :t(> the fact. that Its sponsors, -Vlclc, Gliotri- Ical, is ^in the medicinal bu-sines!?, by coniining itself to isuch Iplksy •anodynes- as 'Love's Old Sweet Song' arid 'Juat a Song at "rwlliprht.' ■- With the switch In wafbler.s.Chel Miller .has lieeii bro.ught.-ln to dtsh "ouf-palavor: ariiT S,d"~cppy bctwbcr mu.slcal numbers. Miller doefl his u^ual expert Job of both. . Odco: