Variety (Jan 1935)

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Taesday, Janiiaiy 15, 1935 IP I C T is VARIETY 35 Annemaria, Braut dei* Kompanle (Get). MtUtBry farce. Lucie Eriglisch, Dir. Carl Boeae. 70 mliJB.. Bel, Dec. 1. . ■; Bel Oev Bloiiden Katherlh (Qer) (jjavarla). Colleso comedy with music. Dir. Franz Soltz 80 inlns. Rel. Dec, 1. Blonde Chrfati, Die (Ger) (Bavaria). Musical. Karln Hardu Dir.: Franz Seltz. 7C inlnB. Rcl, Feb. 15.' BuenaventUFQi eu;.-. ;t)...:.„\'< A .^^i.i..-^ Vn-irj • Vi ; , ; • ■: tfacU. , .Dir.. V; Yllner.- 70 mlns. Kel. Feb. iB.-.. Rprtiantlc' tragedy, Dlr, Gabriel: Sorca; CO Broken _ April Chaliitzlm (Hebrew) (Acme). - First talker made In Palijstlne. Dir. Alexander Ford, ro rnlnsi Bel, March 15. : Chucho El Roto .(Sp) (Clhexport) mlns. Bel Doc. 1. (Cludad de Carton, La (Sp) (Fox), Drama bc marital relations. Antonio Mo- reno, Cata.llna Barcena, Dir. Louis King. 70 mlna Rel, Feb, 16, CoraioneB en berrolia (Spanish). Tragic drama made'Ih Mexico, Dir. Rubcii C. Novarro. 70 mlns, Rel. Oct. 1. . -^-yrpMin ft, Thprna rKlppmatrqd«?>^<-«ry |I1]'^>^A^ En ' Robert Wiene.' 70 mlns, Rel. March 1 :CrUs V u«:EiDada, La (Sp) (Fox),. Historical Tomanc^^^ Dlr; Frank Sirayej". 76 mlns. Rel, Feb. i. Cuesta Abajo (Sp) (Pat), Romantic drania, ■ Garlbs Gardel. Mona Marls. . Dir. Louis GasnUr. 75 inlns. Rel.;.Aug. 16, Czar "Wants'to Sleep, The (Rusp) (Amkino).. Satire oh cburt life of Paul 1. • Dir. Alexander Folnzlmmer; 70 mlns. Bel.. Dec;'1. ■ : Deserter (Bussii^h)' (Garrison). More class struggle, blr. V. i. PudovW^^ ^■.;;^'.. v'mlns/• Beli,.Oct. 1. ■ .... V .. ; Deux Orphelini;.'. Lea (Ff) (Blue Ribbon). .. d'\«t«iJne rhiEflodr^ Tvette Gullbert. . Dir. Maurice; Tdurneur . W Feb, 10 boa Mm Una Doa (Spanish) (Fox), Comedy rbmance. ' Bosttai Moreno. Dlr, John Relnhardt. 60 mlns. Rel, Oct. 16. ' Dot Mu]eres;S' 'uh Don .Juain (Sp), , Romahtlc comedy: Dir.' Jose Buchs: .80 . ■■'■ mlns/^. Belv June 1,'.;. - . •'■: ^ .'^'-^ v; ;■'■i;^^.'.' • ' .." .::■■.;;"':' D.U, Oder Welne (Gterman); (Clerieral). Operetta. ^Itta Alpar. Dir. Karl .:. Froehllch. 80 mlns. Bel; Oct." 15'. . .'' • , EIn QewiBser Herr Oran (Ger) (Capital). Spy. drama. Hains Albera. Dir. ; ^ Gerhard Lamprecht. 70 mlns.:; ReU 'Feb: 16' EIn Toller EInfall (Ger) • (Ufa). "Falrce comedy^ wiily' Frit^ch.^^^D^ Wiecke. Dlr Kurt Gerron. 70 mlns, BeL.May 15. . EInos Prlnaen Junge Liebe (Ger.) (Ufa). Romantic comedy. Willy Frltsch. Dlr, Artur Robinson 80 mlns. Bel;. March 15. Err Giao'Oiitt (Norwegian)- (Scandinavta:n). From BJornson'a novel. Dir. John Brunius.' 80 mlns. Ret. Nov. lb' '''^EInmal-Elng-Qro88e-Dame-Setiv-(qerman^)--(Ufa>TT7-€6medy-wIth--ro^slc. Kacth von Nagy. Dir. Gerhard Lamprecht. 70 rains, Rel. Oct. 15 EIn Monn Will Nach Deutschland (Ger) (Ufa). Drama of patriotism. Dir. Paul Wegener.. 80 mlns; Rel. Nov.'1. Enamlea of Prbqrtss. (Russ) (Amkino): . Last ot the Czari'st generals. Dir. \ :-. Beresnyeff 86 minis. Ret. Jan. 16. Rev. Jan. 16. EnemlgoB (Sp) (Inter-Contlnent). War drama. Dir. Chano Urueta. 70 mlns. Rel, Aug. 10, ; Escondalo, £l (up) (inter-uontinentx. Dfa'fiftiftlC'rbmaw^Tr'IDlrr^ : -• 70-mlns. Rel. Sept. 15; - . . .■• . .• ... . ... . Feldherrnhuegel, Der (Ger) (B.-vvarlan). Military comedy, Betty Bird, Dlr, -— -Eugen- Thlele: - 70 mlns. Rel, April 16. Fllckorna Fran Qamla -Stan (Scandinavian). Comedy with music. Dir. S! Bauman. .80 mlns. Rel. Dec. 16. • —Fluechtilnflo (German) (Ufa)i ' German refugee-yarn in-the Far East, Hans Albers, Kathe von Nagy. Dir. Gustav Vocky. SO minis. Rel. Oct. 1 Freundlh EInes. Ofosser. Mahnea, Die (Ger) (Ufa. Theatricail comedy. Kaethe von Nagy. Dir. Paul Wegener. 80 mine.. BeK SejJt. 1.;. ...... Freut Euch Dea Lebera (German) (Ufa). - Boihantlc comedy.v Leo Eiezak Dir. Hans Steinhoff. 80 mlns. Bel. Nov. 1. Fronteras del Amor (Sp) (Fox). Musical romance. "Jose • MoJlcaT "Bosltir Moreno. Dir. Frank Strayer. 80 mlns. Bel. Dec. 1 Fuerat Woronzeff (Ger) (Ufa). Bomantic drama: Brlgltte Helm. Dir. Arthur Boblnson. 60 mlns. Bel. Nov. 16. QeheUto Menachen «3er) (Fllnicholce). Drama of father love. !Dir. Fredrlch F^her... 70 mine. Rel. ^June 1. Qeld Rf^Blert die Welt -(Ger): X>omestl% comedy. Gustav Froehllch, Camilla Horn. Dir. Max Neufeld. 70 mlns. Bel. May 1 Oiria in Uniform' (dubbed English) (Ger) (Fllnichoice).. Dorothea WIeck and Hertba Thlele. Dir. BIchard Oswald. 80 mlns. BeL March 1. . . iBIuackazyllrider; Der (Ger) (Capital)..' Boarding house romanoe, Felix BrVa- sart. Charlotte Anders, Dlr, Budolf Bernauer. 76 tiilns. Rel. March 1. Ora i u d eroa d e l Amo r (3p) (Fox). Bemantio d f ama. — Cbnohlta Montenegro - , Baul Boullen, Dir. John Relnhardt. 70 mlns. , Rel. Sept L Heldeachulmelater Uwe Karaten (Ger) (Ufa). Nazi back to the farm prop- aganda. Dir. Carl Helna WoltC 70 mlns. Rel. April 16. Helmat am Rhein (Ger). Bomantic drama. Liicle ^ngllsch. Dir. Carl Bbelsei — - 60 mlns,--: Rel. Dec; 1 Romance Tropical (Spanish). Flrtt picture niado in Pbrtb Rico. Ubihaihlc drama. 70 mlns. Rel. Oct. 15. 8. A. Mann Brand (Ger) (Bavarian). Nazi propagtinOa. Dir. Frantz Seltz. 86 mlns; Rel, May. 16. Rev. ■ May 29. Schlemihl, bee (German) (KInematrade). Comedy. Curl Bols, "Dir. Erlcli Kngels. 60 mlns, Rel. Nov, 1, Dir. Abel Gnnce. 90 tnlna mlns. Bel. March 10 Sernient, Le (Fr.) (Protex). Heavy drama of love; Uel. March 1. Rev, March 20, So^nbra de Pancho Villa (Sp) (Col). Life' "o* the M(>xlcan bandit chief. Dir.. M. C. Torres. 70 mlns. Rel. March 1. Soviet Closeiips (Russ) (Amkino).. Newsrecl compilation, 60 nilWs. Rel, July 15. \. .' ..:':,[■■,: .3 ■ Soviets Greiet New Turkey, (Russ) (Amkliib). .Ncwsreei compilation. 60 mlris:- .■.■ ■y Rel. Sept. 1. ■ ... • '..'S, './' i j'" ^■>--'^ ^Spiel Mit Dem-Feuor-(Ger)-(Ufa),^—domestic relations comedy. Dir.,-Ralph Arthur Roberts. 70 mlns. -^Riel/ Nov. 16. Spy, The (Polish) (Capital). Drama. 80 mlns; Rel, March 1. ' ■ Stern voii Valencia; Der (Gei) (Ufa). . White. slaVe trafllc in Europe. Llahe Haid. Dir. Alfred Zelsler. Rel. April 16. Tango en Broadway (Sp). (Pair). Musical comedy. Carlos Gardel,. Dir. Louis Gasnier. 60 mlns. Rel. Dec. 16, Tannenbura (Ger) (European). Military drama. Haris Stuwe. Dlr, Heinz Paul. 86 mins. Rel. March 15. ;;, Tante, Qustl' 'Kommandiert (Ger):v Romantic comedy. Hansl Nlese, Max . Adalbert. Dir. Carl Heinz Wollt. 70 mlns. Rel. May 1. Tausend fur Eine Nacht (Ger) (Capital). Farce. Trude Berliner. Dir. Mai Mack. 70. mlns. Bel. Feb. 1. Three Songa About Lenin. (Bussian) (Amkino).' Newsreel compilation. Dir. D, Vertrov. 56 lAIns, Bel. Nov. 1.. . ■: Thunderstorm (Buss.) (Amkino). Russian melodrama. Dir.. V. Petrov. 80 . ; mlns. Rel.. Oct. 1. Rev, Oct, 2.. '. ^ ; ' : ■] tocttter'Der R.egimepta, Die (Ger) (General), Military musicals. Anny.Ondm^^^ Dlr; Karl Lam&c. 70 mlns.; Rel. April 1. " . - ;'■ ; ' Trenck (Ger) (General). Mliltary drama. Dorothea Wleck.' Dir. Hans Paul and Ernst Neubach, 80 mlns, Rel. April I. Tree Amorea (Spanish) (U). Heavy drama. Anita CampiUo, Mona Maris. . Dir. Moe Sachln. 80 mlns. Rel. Nov. 1. Unaere Fahne Flattert Una Voran (Ger) (Ufa), Hitler propaganda. Heihrich Georg.' Dir. Hans StelnhofC. . 80 mlns.', Rel. July 1. ' Rev. July 17. " " " Verkautte Braut (Ger) (Klhematrade). Smetana's operetta: diluted.. Jamlle Wnvntnnr--—Fth'—M<»»-C>ph.u|a—aft_i»l»o Ral Ap Ht IR. Rpy. Mav 1. yi Som Gar 'Keksvagen (Swedish) (Scandlndvian). Musical. Rel. April 16. Waltz. Time In Vienna (Ger) (Ufa); Musical based on Johan Strauss' life. . Benate Mueller, Willy Frltsch; Dir. Ludwlg Berger. 80 mlns. Rel. Nov. 1. Rev. Nov. 20. Wenn Herzen. Sich Finden (Ger). (Germanla). Romantic comedy: Charlotte Ander. Dir. Erich Engels, 80 mlnsl Rel. Nov. 1. Wie Mann Maenner Feaselt (Ger). . Frahzlska. Gaail,' Musical comedy. Dir. - Carl Bbese;. 76 mlns. Bel. May. 16, ;Voutn of- Russia- (Yiddish). (Sov-Am). 70 mlns. Bel. Nov. 1. Key to Addraas , ■ ■ • Acme, 66 East 14 SL Anktno. 723 Seventh Ave. Bavaria Filni. 489 Fifth Ave. "-. Blue Bibboh Plcts.. 164 W: 65th. . Capital Film. 630 Ninth.Ave. X>anubiia, '729 Seventh Ave. European Film, 164 Weat 6etb. Ellihchblce, 609 Madison Ave,. .. Jls, Garrison Films, 729 Seventh Ava, CHICAiGQ . . : ' ; CliicagOi Jan. 12. . Soniewluit of a cheatei" and It'd tough when the word 'clicatci'' miist bo applied to this, the top houHe oil the and ono oi; the . .-tco. houses, of the -country. Noihint,' of ' • sound boxbfllcp to hold uu the sec- . ond week of "Broadway Bill' (Col). Only . three acts on the show and okay as act's Indlyldually, But put them all together: and tlviy f-pell nothing-. It is Jimmy Savo, back . In town after a recent date at the rival Palace, who shoves the enter- ., talnment to jts only real ,bcil ring-^ IngV . Sayo saves the show from be- i»g-jentlreiy devoid of sock and .run-; ning time by deliveping encore. ;\tiev. ' encore. It marked the first tim^ In .a long, long tlrtib- that the production fails . to hold up Its end. Week In and week out production setup here can be depended upon to come through with excellent show backing. But this week there Is nothing and as a result the weight is too much.. £or the performers. , . . .. For instance, there are Lee Sims and'Ilomay Bailey, two standard perforihfet's who^cap always be de- pended upon. 'O^ Friday, night they Were .sent out on. that stage wjth a piano. so^ -filthy with hand marks (across ■:the duai, that it was • un- •: plea;s9.nt to even glance upon. ' The , two carried on nobly and did a good ■ Job of it. ■ No question of Miss Bailey's voice. It has range, power ahd emotlohi You don't often get this combination in a gal so easy on the optics. Slnjs plays with his u.qiial dexterity but It's unquestlon- ReJlgloiiS:. conflict;.! DlTt. Hehry^ General Foreign Sales. 729 7tb Ave. ' Germaiila, 22-33 I9th^t., Astoria, L. I. J. H. Hoff berg, 729 Seventh Ave. -Irtter-eontinent, 60 E. .•42nd-St.- '• Jewish American^ 630 Ninth Ave. ' Klhematrade, 723 Seventh Ave. Protex Trading. 42 e: 68th. . ' Scandinavian Films, 220 W. 42d. • John Tapcrnoux, 126 West 66th St. Ufa. 729 Seventh Ave. : Variety House Reviews ACADEMY, N. Yv (Continued from page 12) ; minute renlayenient for Mazzone Hall, an Earth (Ger) (Garrfson) rdiaiog in Ave -iBneuages)-.-'^owor»-of-w«»wl -thah.JAWftl in the .ne^tj:to-(^h^^^^^ Hochzelt am Wolfgangsea (Ger).- .Romantic ciomedy. Dir. Hans Behrendt .70 mlns. Bel. Nov. 16. Im Halderkrug (Ger). (Germsinla). Bomantic farce. Dir. Carl Bbese. 70 mine. Bel. Jan. 1. Inga und die MIIHonen (Ger) (Ufa). Bomantic crook drama, Brlgltte Helm; 66 mlns. Dir. Erich EngeL Bel. April 16. . In the Land of the Sovleta (Bus) (Amkino). Newsreel compiiatlon of past year. 66 mlns. Bel. J uly l._ _^ ' . . . . ' Military In .WIen Ham .Ich Elnmal EIn Maedel Geliebt (Ger), Germanla). : musical. Dir. Eric Schoehfelder. 70 mlns. Bel. May 16. iza. NenI (Hung). Produced, written by and starring Sari Fedek. Bel. June 1. ■ 80 ming. -—JuarozA'---Maxlmlliano-(-Sp)-(<3ol)v--Mexican-royaltjiiB-fallrr—Dlr^^^ 80 mlns. Riel. May 1,, Kalserwalzer (Ger). (General). . Musical with Johann Strauss tunes. Martha ' Eggerth. Dir. Frledrlch; Zelnick. 80 ihins. Rel. Jan. 1. .v. .. Kara Slakten (Swedish) (S(iahdina;vfan). : Bomantic inuslcal. Dhr.'Gustaf Mo- , lander, 80 mlns.. Bel. May 1. ' LKkba In; Uniform (Ger). (6ermanla). Military- romance. • Harry Lledkt. Dir. Georg Jacoby. Rel. Oct, 1, Llebe Muss Verstandeh Sein (Ger.) (Ufa). Comedy drama with music. Dir. Hans Steinhoff. Rel. March 16. i: Madame Bovary (Fr) (Tapernoux). Faithful transcription of Flaubert epic. Dir. Jean Renoir, 100 mlns. Rel. Nov. 15. Rev. Nov. 27. Maryjka (Pol). Rural romance. Dir. Jan Nowlna-Przybylskl. 60 mlns. Bel. Dec. 1. . .. ... Mass Struggle. (Sp) (Klnematrade). Bussian revolt Dlr; 1 Kavalerldze. 70 mlns. Bel, Sept. 16. .Melsterdetektiv, Der (Ger) (Bavaria). Mystery satire. Weiss Ferdl, Dir. Frank Seltz. 76 mlns. Bel. Feb. 1. ; Melodja Prohibida (Sp) (Fox). Musical fantasy. Jose Mbjica. Dir. Frank Strayer. 70 mlns. Rel. March IS. Molodle der Llebe (Ger). (CSermanIa). Musical rbmance. Dir. Georg Jacoby. ; 70 mlns. Rel, Sept, 15, ; ^MlfDh^Dufch Dick und Duenn (Ger) -(Bavaria). Comedy-romance.—Dlr,- ' Franz Slitz, 80 mlns. Bel. Nov. 15. . Based on a (jorky novel Mother (RuBS^ (Garrison). WelsB-Ferdl. Dir. Dir. V. l.-PudDvklnr-T:70- mlhs, tlei. June 1. Bev. June 6, Mutter ber Kompagnle, Die (Ger) '(Bavaria). - Military fairciB. Betty Bird, 70 mlns. Dir. Franz Seltz, Bel. March 1. Mutter und Kind (Ger) (General). Mother-love drama. Hehny Porter, : _ JHans.Steinhoff.- 70 mlns. Rel. Nov, 15,. . My wife the MIsb (Hung). Inter-marital farce. Dir. Steven Szekely. 80 mlns. Sept 1 :■■ ■ Nada Mos Qu^ Una Mujer (Sp) (Fox). Version of ^Pursued.!' Dir. Harry Lachman, 60 mlns. Bel. Nov. 16, Oded the Wanderer (Palestine) (Hebrew). Life in Palestine, Dir. C. Halahml, ■ 66-mins, Rel, May IB, . • ■. .\ . .- \ ■ •rb y Plata (Sp) ; (Inter-ContIricnt), " Romantic tragedy. Dlr, Ramon Peon. ■ 90 mlns. Rcl. July IB. . . ;•,; . ^arada Rezerwlstow (Polish) (Capital). ' Military musical. Dir. Michael Was- zynskl. 76 mlns. Rcl. May 1. Paiersburg Nights (Russ) (Amkino). Baged on two Dbstblcivsky stories; Dir. . F. M. Dostoievsky. 7 0 mins. Rel. Sept 15. . :. ■ , , Patterson & Bendel (SwedTsliTTSicandlnavlan): Comeciy^drffHnr wlth-tnuslc;- ■Dlr., Peri-Axer Braniier. 80 mlns. Rel. Feb. 15. i. Problem of f^atlgiie. (Russ)" (Amkino). Scientific study. Dir.. I,-P. Pavlov. 60 mlns. Rel. Aug. 16. ; ■ .■ ' ■ . ,■ ••■ Prokurator (Polish): (Capital); Tense court drama. Dir. M. 'Waszynski. ' 80 : mlns. Rel. May 15. . • Rikoczi Induto (Hung) (Danubia). Iklusical romance, with Paul Abraham, ^ »muslc. Dir. Steven Szekely. 80. mlhs. Rel. Nov. IB. .Hlachullo (Sp) (Hoffberg). First Atgentlnerihade pic. Musical romance. Dir. ■ : : L, J. MogUa Barth, 80 mlns, Bel. Deo. 1, ; '_. ' li .Reman Einer Nacht (Ger) (Bavaria). Bomantio myntPty. Llane Hald. .T)lr. Carl Boese. 70 minfl, Bel. June 16. ; and Keane Revue, cahcselled Due to the lack of laughs pre- ceding them, (jollins aiid Peterson, always a surefire hqke turn in nabe spots, panicked them more ace Indlan-cltib jugglers, who have a soft snap in the deuce by following the foreign magi, Roody (New Acts). Latter, in his closing trunk-switch stunt, was im- prisoned in the trunk for a: couple of minutes, when his assistants and audience stooges (iouldn't get the TockV ft"bpen.':"TllusI slowness and inability of the Italian to speak for himself, is exceedingly dull. Tommy Manahan acted as his _mouth=.piec'e,-but .found^lt har.d_:t.<>. make him understand. Edith Murray (New Acts), sbnigs- tress, lately on CBS' sustaining', holds down the: trey in fair fashion. She, at least, gives the show a patrlotlc touch by dressing .her Wuei gown and white Jacket with a irbd handkerchief, Manahan's ork, 11 pieces, closes show nicely with vocal embellish- ment from a igood tenor and the fast acro-kicklng of a femme. Band, though, can trim that 20 min- utes running time, Bcho. COLISEUM, N. Y. • Donald Novls, on hlA first visit to this nabe house, set bimiself in nice- ly with the crowd, and was called back: time and_again_untll he was "completely "but of song;s. ""He •Wins .seen._on .theL.screen_.and then -foot- lights aire :. bh as the" present five come forth. Singing, dan<jlnr and chatter comprise the material. At .blb s e, th e Juven l W a in the i and ably true that If he played tunes a bit more popular he'd garner more apnlause. ^ v. Showmanship la the missing Iri- jrredient In the Six Damvllls' turn. Grood acrobatics In the to-ssinj?; but not sold sufricieritly well; Biz only fklr. . ' Gold.. ience are glven .extra thf'lll^ in thb spectacular bicycle, stunt by Capt. Willie Maiiss. Just the one. feat in which he circles a large wheel, but it gathers cphsiderable excitement. ■tStaga. .departnierit ■u'sesr..Upu7i]i-minf<. •Wednesday's Child' (Radio) the screen. '■. on ORPHEUM, MINN. \ Minneapblls, Jan. i :■ ' Vaudeville . along conventional lines, artd much of it familiar in Texture; clicks Tiere "cur'jrelltly be- cause it hews, throughout to a con sistently. high entertainment leyel and embodies the degree of dlver- -fllty—which proyide3_.a_^, general, appeal. Each of the five, acts pos sesses merit and contributes com edy, singing, dancing or acrobalWs,- all of it okay, . The Royal Uyenu Troupe of Japs and Americans fill the bpenlhg. spot acceptably with their routine of acrobatics, tumbling and foot bal anclng. Some of the feats, incliid ing back "somersaults. bn an elevated narrow platform by one of the young' men, are thrilling. The act does not move with the speed or smoothness of some of the similar turns . seen here, but passes muster In the No., 1 position. • Even though some of his gags are ripe with age and much of his com- edy business has ' air its no.velty worn oft by constant repetition, Clyde Hager still smashes through to many laughs^^ with.. his street audiences throuj^h his Ingratiating pitchman impersonation. A stooge manner, hops oir.rttnd-oft tho stage-[-h<'1P'< thf fnnmnklng. bng^of the blts in brisk style and sings without af- ' ' ' "' ' " fectatidii, which Is sure-fire with the patrons; Kids especially epthus- l.tstlc and demanded that he.- sing 'Iiovc in Bloom' and other pop tunes from the filmiislcals. Vernon Rathburn, with seven saxophonists, open. Lots of throaty tones here, with periodic snatches of song and dance. Outstanding nov- elty^ outside of the music end,, is a slapstick' version of the dying swan danced by one of the. girls. Act is dressisd tastefully. Ivy and Neecle Stevens, two hard- working girls, . present , imitations . ovef the microphone. Much of their "stuff"Srenis-forced, h owever. Pen-O- ner's take-off just fair. Both make a nice appearance, which covers up some of the stretched but nonsense. NoVIa next and opened With- 'Stay as Sweet as You Are.' 'Charmalne' and 'June in January' eilBO sung. Then the encores started and, as expected, the first was 'Trees.* He had to curtain-speech. Eddie Poy. Jr. and family Is flrst being a demonstration of soft soap which finds: him , On the receiving end of a generoiis dosage of the sUds. :• .. , Keller Sisters and Lynch, billed headllners. harmonize pleasantly Into a mike.V It's' a straightaway .singing act put over by the per- formers' personality and first-rate voices. . ■■ . ■ / Hill and " Hoffmian return with pretty much the' Same combination of horseplay, piano antics and sing- ing that they have. offered here on numerous occasions before. But they work Well enough to fill next- tb-shut in applause-provoking style, _Mlss_Hoffman'j3 slngrlng,.Jn. partlcu; lar, putting the customers' hands to wbrk. In the Adier ahd Bradford adagio turn, three men toss Miss Adler around as though 'she were a fea- ther. The routine leaves the au-, dlence breathless and makes a fine flhish for the show, .> . ' ."Broadway:Blir (Col),"the feature, i\hd hfz-was very Mg. Rcet. HIPPObROME, BALtO Baltimore, Jan. 11. : "'Paul Whltemah'B. orchestral and specialty retinue comprises -' the-': stage bill at the~Hlpp this week and supplies the most wholly satlsfao!*- tory. entertainment seen Iq r.ecent years an a vaudfilm stage in Balto. Current show embraces talents bf many old fanilliars and a few new faces among the specialty perfbrni- ers. Top talent in audience estima- tion Is Bob Lawrence, baritone. He has to go to five numbers before being able to beg: off. ^The band he is ■ with . produced Crosby and - built Downey; in Lawrence it has T^iptHer lad"whb"should" go tar; - Ramona, with as sophisticated a delivery as can be found, over as digging at the keyboard and her rippling recitations of pop and spe^ cialty songs. : : , Ruthle Barnes, tltlan-topped lass In velveteen suit, cut herself a wide swath- into .audience approval, with Mercer, tenor. Works- variously and countlngly. Peggy Healy has but one number, smacking it across strongly.- Gbldle's trumpeting non- sense clicked as .usual, ditto Jack Teagarden's lethargic singing, which. he contrasts with his hot' trombon- ing. The quartet. King's Men, scor» a's'always; highlight is their tra- vestied parody: of the w,k. 'Rlgo- letto' foursome singing scene. Mike Pingatofe, vet ban joist, has a brief .moment,, .while .Rpy .Barey.djliyers,,. couple of fiblo vSteihwaying inter- ludes. Also included are the Lindy Hoppers, three couples Whiteman brought down from Harlem. The band, of course, paces the specialists with linmatched acumen;, plus' furnishing ~ an undiminished fiux of svistained socko mu^sikln?; when on its oWn. Crew can handle anything, as has long, been known. Sticking largely to the pops for this engagement, only time it steps up a bit is when the smartly modern music, 'Park Avenue Fantasy,' Is rung off. Whiteman handles his Job of an- nouncing numbers, plus a little sly pattering, . with dlfcrfttioh and 'dignity. Whan ' he: goes gay. With . Peggy Healy, Mercer and Goldle ih the novelty bit, 'Here Cbmc British,* he Is very amusin.g. .' .'^ ;.. .. .: i. ;; Show JS Rpiih.bff with spefid: com- ing and going in B7 mins. 'Romance in Mannattan' on .screen; noon. j(Ra. a io) Bi.j! good Friday after- Story Buys ■ Hollywood, Jan. 14. "Metro hjts taken JRenne Pedlgoi),* . by Booth Tarklriglbn, as the next '. produptlbn for Hunt Strombwi;. V Four Karl Detzer yarns, 'He Also Selves,' 'One Good Turn,' 'Still Small Voice' and 'Hue and Cry,' all of . which have appeared in the Sat- evepost, have been bought by Par-, amount and will be combined into one story, .after the type of "writer'^" 'Car 99,' now. in production. . :: • .: Paramount has taken the screen rights to tho German plaV,: 'The" Creator,' by Hans Mueller. ^Mulled as Sylvia Sidney's next. ' 'Trenit of the Lone Hand,' by Wyndam Martyh, has been acquired by Sam Wood, who is on ft deal to direct' it for Reliance.