Variety (Mar 1935)

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WedneBdny, March 13, 1935 ¥ I M E S S % ll A R E VARIETY 61 HoUywood • Joe Ev Brpwii on the flu list. Fred Datig; on a -desert. vacation . .Buck Jones gets a swlmmihg pboU , Hapry jlilsteln dragged north by H.elen Morgan jiiggUng ftlm rtf ■ foil's." •, HaJ Horne ahbvflng. the. wife tile llil:\en» CoBtello irbuhd .toiyn ■■|igaln;;;;o. ' Orant Garrett , thrpugh at ; ]?ai'aT •■.■jBipunt., ^,■ ^-V-; r-'y ;. Mel .S^urphy's cracked ribs, have , knitted. ■ Duart LabV.exec Arthur Gptttleb .'.-In; town. >. / . Demihy In.; tvith Dick Pollmer. ,: ., Williani J. .Rolllps, : Jr., hit town • by plane, ...'^ ' - -'Tobacco Road'.- set • at - Belascd ■' March:ljBi;r- • . -r,-r-• r . Nate krevitz pulled but . for In - dlanapollS; . Con Conrad flhaMy threw away that beret. ■• ■ ; ~ \ ' .'i . .Iico Morrison recuperating. Iroin , legal joust. Cliff. Work did ah in-ahd-out ; ft'bm'^'rlisco.;, llarry AV- Bpss . renewing ac« ■ quaintances. , :; V ___-Iiouls-:Schnltzer-naw.-wlth-Iitehtlg- & Rnglander. James R. Grainier .due to Coast In two weeks. - Harry Ruby kibitzing the Cubs at Catallna Island... ^-Jack Rbbblhs -an- interior—decr- oratbr would-be. ' r Dahny J)anker buying a.hilltop-In Outpost Estates. . . Dean Jagger eyeing Hawaiifor that hoheymooh, Lou Hart, Skouras, New York, p. a., here for a visit. Vred- Keating battling- a trouble- some ^ihus attack. ' Eddie Martin out, Jim Luhdy in as Radio publicist :: Nils Aether -must pay $138 for cuffed groceries. ■ • George Sackett oVer-seeing Bert Levey's Seattle offlce. Lee Traby back from;, crui'se to Santa Barbara islands.: Mary . Brian . changed . her ihlhd and will do persbnals. Doug Montgomery; got over the flu in Mohave Desert. Metro testing Lona Andre, former Paramount contractee; - Hugh Herbert and . the Jjnlssus .ttairied, for New York. Industrial plx' take :,; Hobart Brbwnell to Detroitk P. J. Wolf son In New Tork for the funeral of his mother. . . ' Mother of :Gertrude-Michaiel aerl- ously ill at San Jacinto. Noah T. Beery oh bitter eiid of t61 judjfnhent for pipe purchase.' ■ . ;-Wanda: Tuchock- and. Maurie Watkins off the Metro writing staff. .Tack McGowan killing the locals wttli wool shirts and ties to match. Hollywood Athletic Club tagged Barry Norton for (157 on past dues. . Sam Katzman eastbound to set a releasing deal for , group \of Indle Barney Briskin ahd George Mllner pocketed those' (25 Columbia sales prizes, Sid Silvers, rid of a tooth Infec-^ tion, sdndlng the dentist a bill, for —laughdr" ■ ■ .■ ■. " - ^— Biid Ldllibr'to Sicramehfd'tb'llght tax . legislation .-inimical - to picture. ^houseBr"'" -.rr r-—— Fox failed to take up its option on Tito Coral, Spanish language ■"Plaj^cr.:^--::-^;^;' ;'' ■ V- That 11 grand comihish suit "■ftB:aaHst^jffrtet~Bee"(aft~r~w . for (530. Gregg . Toland got a four-year ' Photographing "cohtract from Sani Goldwyn. . Musicians' prexy; Frank D. Pen- dleton, back oil the job after : 10- day illness, - • ; ■ Howard Seiter sbld his interest in fllrh dancers (iasting agency to Mau* rice Kosloff. •Arthur Hotighton but after' long Hu- siege; - -Jeda- Marlnoff-laid- low by flu bugs; -'. Lieut. Com. Park Pougali flghtlng - the war over again with his ;6ld.- bud-: dies on fllm row. Every English player in Holly- Wood trying to get ah apipolntmeiit with Mike Balcon, . Nina Mae. McKlnney hias a pale white Rolls, and Dave Gould sports a milky Duesenberg, George Weeks heading for L. A. •airly in April for confabs on Gau- .Mnont-Brltlsh product. .Everybody, Ihcliidlng the . perpet- - ual layoffs, sqiiawking about the proposed state taiKes. Judge Frederl<ik .Goldsmith gave studios one-day lookover last week, then hopped for Texas, Jack Doyle, Irish warbling heavy- .welght, having his pipes tested for ;Bohg spot at Warners. ' Clarence Brown's Hungarian find, le-year-old Mafltz. Gervay, here undst. contract to Metro. ^ V Mrs. R,. William Nelll getting over her bperattpn .nicely;' Mrs.; Freddie . March also on the mend- >-r- :■ After ; three: years • on the Coast, twp of them, in radio, Will Aubrey Is ^cttlhrTi'ea:ay to TnoVereast.- •. .—r; , Specially wrapped cigars, with tip- , tation 'it's a.boy,' were handed out •.hy. Mervyn ■ Le Roy last wdek. .: •: - - Ramon Porecla In town to pick iip equipment for iPruducGlories Pereda; which ho. heads in Mexico City.; Sam Nathahsbn, Barney Briskin and George Milner each spo|:tihg a (26 check from .Col gales drive. • Dr. Thomas F. MacLaughliri back at Metrb, technical advising,' after being' laid . up with an bid :war wound. ■ ■ .■■. . yice-prez . Morris ; .Goodniani: ..Jh charge of. sales for Mascot,^ In town from New York to confab with Nat Lovino'l ;. JpTanh Gay, four-year old Texas niece bf Mozell Brltohn, gets; part in \Fritrik ; Bbrzage'S /Stranded,' at Warners. A skunk chased Into a wardrobe tent by • a dog at a Fox location and doing exactly what a skunk would-be eXifeqted to dp, cb§t" the «tudIo -$5/000; - *' - By LesRees . Max Roth,. Cblumbla district mah'i ager, in town, _ . .; ■ '; Eddie Ruben laid up'a "few "days with measles, Mor rle Abraham s.-^MGr expl biteer , InyMll waukeo wprkihg bri 'Sbquola;' Frank Mantzke, U exchange man- ager^ marooned by "sleet storm In Duluth; ■■ ■"" ' ■ \ Gladysi. Goth, bf Columbia . office staff back on JPb-after twd weeks' Illness siege. '■ vV. . Si S. Keller, Warhers Bros.' trav-: «Uhg auditor, frbm New York'hPme ofllce, a.visitor.: Nipollet hotel lhaugurating Wed- nesday Theatrical Nights With Jack Malerlch .and his band, i " W. R- Frank, head of local indie nabe theatre group, recuperating Jh. hbspita,! following bperaition, Behnie Berger circuit reopening Lyric, Fergus Fills, .Mlhn,,; March 16 aftet^ Extensive ,alteratipna Northwest Allied States to meet here April 2 and 3 to discuss .plans for fighting industry code- more vigorously. . Eugen Oimondy, conductbr of Minneapolis Syrtphohy orchestra, In Philadelphia as guest conductor of orchestra there. Jimmy Shea, Warner ' salesman, returned home isuddenly bereft of hi^ sight and very ill, to And that his' father'had"dlied. : ■ " " ; Sydney and.; Bill. -Volk have' comr bined their; Nile and;.Camden thea- treis, neighborhood houses, under a partnership agreement. Eph-Boston,- RKO saiesmani badly shalieh up and his auto demblished when he had head-on collision with farm vragoii In fog. near Cannon Falls,, :• Minn,, - his second accident within year. J. J. Donahue, . Paramount «x> change manager, and Don. Woods, salesman, slightly injured In acci> dent tiear Menominee, Wis,,: when thelr>auto skidded off ice road . Into telegraph .pole, . By Cal S. Hirsh ■~Viceiite Faa'ula ,%"fowh. ; Nlbhblas Farkai's around. Curtain up on-buUflght season,' ■ ■ Edgar7Nevill«-pireparlng-some "fllm- shorts,. ■■■ Hotel Fomentor reopening in the Baleares: i-^"^-—^ • ' •;• V" -. Gong, music hail , i>eop .ened after TJp'lice clamp;. '"■ .■ Fox Movietone; moving, to more spacious ^quarters, . Federico Moreno Torroba, cbm? poser, elected to Academy of Fine Arts.. . Barbierl and Excelsior, music halls, shuttered^-on - indecency charges. ■ ;,.-■ Enrique Dlscepplo, ace Argentine tango, composer, and Tarila^ war- bler, at Casablanca, ;;L Five centimes being-addedvto the-- atre and motion pic ducats at Ma- laga in observance of 'The Day of the: ' Poor,' ' With; pVoeeeds to ; the paupers. Rio de Janeiro John . Day - bound for Buenbs Aires/.. ■ :i,;-. Mariane and • Robcrs continue at' the Urea. Nat Llebsklhd, Warners g,m., still south on Inspectloh trip, . Pen Dean. (McCluskey) land brldei here on hoheymoon trip. ; Jake Glucksmian iherb: few days stppoyer on way to StatfeS; > - American girls "floor shbw due open new casino In Ipanenia. , Earr Leslie to Hollywood, after completion bf his run in Ruerios Alr*s. ■ ■ F. Serrarador, vet exhlb, acquires Cine Basil Circuit in city of Sao Paulo,. •■■,■;:•-/■ ■ ■ Glbnno.n, Fox production man. h6re shooting background ahbts new "Waiph'fer'Baxter filmT '''^ ~ No aiir-condltlbned cinemas for Rio, Theatre Owners have decided tp gang; UP- against this. Imprpve-" nlpnt,- .■ v. Wedding bells soon for Henry .Natha,hi maestro at Cathay Hotel. : Aimee : Semple . (MacPhbrisbri) striking her stride in Shanghai, preaching,., , . .• France Reed ' expecting to bring China's Diohriiei Babies' (sbven at a birth) .to. Amerloa sobn. ; Del Goodmani Fox Film; rep for 'the Par East, Just returned; firom a trip to Manila and Singapore,.; . Kira and Boris, formerly Moscow, headlining Cathay Hotel , show. Verna Gordon and Haisey Arm- •strpng good supjpbrt. » -f. RHUpsody GiHs Trio gblng" sti^Inft at the Del Mbnte^ Nite Cliib, . as are Three Colbert Sisters, Bill Chambers has the orchestra,: ' North China government put a ban on bobbed hair in public. Chinese actresseis and sing song Shis are ylgprously assailing the ■iiieasure; ■„>'. Long Tack Sam f and. Me-na and Nee-sa played ; one -special -week -here, on return from Statbs, Long says act is all washed-up because j-tho-Mrs; wants: him to iqult, , China obnsoriship In North very gtrlct,. 6b Mahchurlan theatres are e^ettlhg their Ui S. fllms throug;h -Japanese sub-branches, insTead bf directli!>^; from Shanghai or New York. ^At Paramount, jsmmptuous Orleh- - tal dahlce palace,' Cowah-and Bailey sweeping CblhieBe off feet. Two ^fhohths more. to their eontfact. Mia Monna and Caloris. are a flne adaglb couplein the show.- 'V; Equity ;irbuble here, too. . Josef Hans Buiizel divorced, Hohbrary' grave for , tenor Willi ■Bauer. ^ .. Franzlska Gaal hbllday-making in Kitzbuehel. ■ Richard Duschinaky wrltlnisr skit .on Greta . Garbo; Grete Natzler to star in /DuBarry' for B,LP,, London. 'Lives^bf' a Bengail Lancer*-" <i»ar) called ^engAli' here. v- . . Society, to concert in Rome and Venice. : . . Annie .ROsar to portray. Tnu -Sacher in new talker^- -7-----7—r——- Henri Bernstein's 'Sspolr' under' cohtract at Josefstadti . Hans Thimlg directing "Grand- Pop* by R. V. Igler at Vblks, Hedwlg'Blelbtrea and Ewald Bal- ser invited to. play In Berlin. , Alfred Piccaver aad States Opera management flgbtihff It out. Lotte Lebmaun and Annie IConetznl- set f or Covent Gai'den. ^ Anton Edhofer to split future ac- tivities between Berlin and Vienna,. ;* Oscar Straius' latest musical,. -^Caltz^ - Kammerspiele: .manager ; Erich Ziegel playing lead at Ralmimd the- ^Wilbelm ,Oymes to direct 'Venus ol Vienna' revue here and In Lon- dOri,:^:- '-"-'y: .>.-:■■:-.-.---—; ;^Ian ■ -Heesters-^-wwt "as -film stax Valentino .in lUce-namitd; inusMEal tit Volksoper. • Sacha Gulti:y's «New Testament' .»nd_irordor.'i9.?A_Woman^Unfalthfuli^ to alternate at Relnhardts'- . O. li. Premlnger slgnihg. new comedy, 'Penelope Waits,' by local Par rep Karl Burigrer for production at Relhhardt's, with Paula Wessely and Hans Jaray as leads. ^oman')i comedy, yanked after one show at the Teatro Maria Tbresa Mohtoya, name house of Mexico's Junior, ace dramatic actress, because of mediocre biz. Maria Teresa: Mbntbya, ranking young Mexican dramatic, actress who has a name theatre here, sued for 60,000 pesetas, a loan she is al leged- to have obtained during her toiir of Spain a couple of seasons ago.-.- ■ ■" : ■ ort By Humphrey Doulehai i . :Harry Ar<jher ,in Miami, -Cecil ahd Faithe Htjim off to Plor- -Ida,;V --^f^ ;--V> - Dave Burns entertaining at Foun tain Inn. Mario Chamiee commuting ' to Chicago. Maury H. B, Paul Otit looking over his place. Colony ; reading Rita Welman's hew hovel.~ ; jHorace MacSlahbn Jblnp ISalibri Beware' on.tour. Gertrude Hitz cbmmutes. for her radio broadcasts. ' ; l .. - i Ira Hards is the deart of, lOcal the atrlc^ commutors. - Sarah Atlierton has ipbmpleted new-novel and play. Carol Dempster wll! Occupy her hew home this spring, i . Kate Enos' has arrived from ,Nice and bought bid Ruth St Dehlis stu ;dio;--"~-,^— ^r-r—~-^v -■■y John Paul Stack agia:ih handlihig publicity for Pat Powers* Longshore ■club;"' "'• ■ '■■■.■■■• .■.- ; '■ - Bill: authbrlzing special tax ' for nduhicipal concerts'reaches legisla .ture... ■;:.-^ . ■ , Lawrence Lahgner ■will have a curtailed, season at the - Country Playhouse this year. . . ' ^ Farmer Harry Puck, iate bf . G'r'eiit Neck, talks crops . with ; Homer Mason and Marguerite Keeler. . Al Borde and Jack Fine back from aweek in the east. ;Ed Morse scramraihg to Florida for .a. look. at. the-sun.-; ..; -: .L:. ; Wm, MorrlsTB. & k. Vaude pre views-now: at the Senate'.- - Ben Feldman now managing the United ArtiistB for B. & K.. Miles Concannon 'dolling iip the Tlboievelt" with " hew earpellng. Harry Smltz back from the Car rlbean with a coat .of genuine tan, - John Pollock, cracking the town wide open oh exploitation for 'First Legion.' George, Wood supervising- the vaude booking f or, Paramount in St. Paul. '■ . Billy Diamond readying to move acro^ the hall In • bigger - Woods building quarters. - Michael Todd should be- getting tired of that New Yotk-Chlcago comniuting-by-thls-tlme; - ■ ',- Thode Cocraft will again head for California at the conclnsion of the Jbcai-AmerIcajuTlieatre:i Society sea.' Bon:-— ■■.':--.:;,.;■■•■.-:---.■ ■- Nate Plaitt wllf^ bV^ /the ii*xt B : '&■ 'K:" exec fo "jsallbp away-_oV vacasfi;'/will make for C'oiUit. in. a couple bit weeks. - Clerebnil By Glenn .C. Puilen By D. L. Grahame ■ MIsha. Elman booked for a concert series • here in-Marcb.; Ramon Peon, film director, jailed for injuring, a man Tvltb hla car. ' . tttiye against fortune tellers hei'e; Carnival in full swing throughout the country. . Sonera state has banned manufac- ture and sale of siich native hard drinks ai9 tequila and habanero; Mexican fiymphbhy brk has beeii placed under jtirlsdlctloh of i the puhlic : education ministry, which will arrange programs for lt.\ •Babes in toyland* (MG), retltied 'Once .Uppn a Time "There WereiT.wO Heroes,' here,: current pic .iwhacko. 'Here Is My Heart' (Par) next most pppiilar current film. All-glass of Palace of Fine Arts (National theatre), supplied by Tl.ffahy'a, New York,- for (250,000, oh 'ItieW. to tburists twice weekly. Np 'charge,. but passbs are neices"- sa'ry,. -'";; ,■ ., ■; • Esperanza Iris, Junior deaiioss of Mexican _actr e8 aeB, sued by a n acto r f6r"(T5;opo. claimed as wages' whlif playing at her name theatre hero before . it w:as converted into . a ;<!lrieniaV'r'..-'-"i;^ ■ ■- •La: >fuJpr DeMyda', ('The Nfk'ed. Joe CanrDullo on Texan barn storming trip. Archie Bell, hit by bad ticker, is taking sun cure in Florida. Bob Snajdr, feature mag editor bf Pee Dee, ln , :hbspital with pncu- monla. ■Roger sterns. New York society pia,rilst, -imp^orted by :Statlef ""for" cocktail salOn. One colored-nltery here has this sTgh:""'Our kitchen is -dirty, but bUr food Is'clean,' Stanford; Zuckerj band booker, set up cocqtallis in- honor of eight- pound baby boy. Harry Prbpper and Joe Bock, ahgelis of Mayfalr, how backing ex- clusive, Deauyllle,. . . ■ ■ ■■ ^ ■ Howard Gould opened Indle pub- licity .offices for nlterieg, conven- tions, theatres, etc; ' ',: George Stevens, . manager of Cameo, has patented a cleaning solution for movie screens. Charles MacArthMt" . flew. here to see ..wife, Helen • Hayes, '■■ diirlhg Hanna run of 'Mary of Scotland,' . Nat Holt, RKO division manager, appointed agent by Ohio Tax Com-, mission to enforce theatre admls- sion tax-. ". - Mr*).. Carl O.sborhe, form'SVly. May Alllsah of movie famp, and hiibby off to. London to cclebrdte flrst wed- ding .'innlVcrsary; .-- ' Kokoon Club's', art ball did . a floppo In spite of Faith Bacon with chnrua^ of fan--iugtrler fl. T ap of (10 a. f oii|))c too hlg}); . ' Si).ii».-.Manhelm, byt of -islfirht twb years returning to nxa'nage 'grind: lihn-liouse. -Once-protluccd .'Captive- rf nd .'>lcrry ■UMdoAV-' htre,';. ; .. By Hal Cohen Vance King now a . p;a. on the Coast for the Motion Picture Acadr emy. ■ Harvey Gaul, former crick, lectur- ing on music and drama for the clubs. ■ ,;,: Harry Hai-rls back In town after several weeks on the beach , at Miami, Gerritt Kraber; Tech drama grad with Group Theatre, goes into 'Panic' ■ Jerry Blahchard, salling-for South Arherlca for some cafe work in thev tropics. . Mary Brlian booked to open her i personal appearance • tbur iat Alvih' AprlL^B.-,.':;'-;. ' V- ';^•-■■;■.'V:,■ ; EJd (Hippo) Segal scaling down frbni, his 250- pounds witii tap-darice lessons. .■„■;';••;•;■■.. Tommy -Plymr'-s band- retuKna tO' -Show :Boat next-w-eek; replaclng-.liee:: Crosley outfit; Joe Falvo has abandoned that unit • and: is -playing dance dates with his band,- r Miltbn BraUman bf. the Metro force has .been mairrled since: th* first of. the ye6r. Hot Spririgsi Ark., will be Georga>' Jaffe's forwarillng- address for th* next three "■we^ks. ;-'" " , Lunt-Fbntanhe 'Taming of ■ the Shrew' a likely late season subscrip* tibn play ,for ATS^: v^--r ' ' John Harrises won't'^make their annual spring trek to Coast .until hockey; Reason ends, ; iJohnny Jones celebrating eleventh anniversary as Pittsburgh's Old Tyhifr daihce impresario. • Warren Munsells, pei-e et flls, here; for . preniiere -bf --junior; - Munseli'a- play, 'Rich Man, Poor Man/ , Thief broke into Joe HiUer's Mu- sic Box and wall^ied but -witii clothes belonging to three musicians, • : Judge Musmanno tb New Yprk" foip fecreisning of - Paul Muni's •Blaclt Fury;' which he helped :wrlte, : ~ Dick Flshel bf the Post-Gazett* advertising staff doihg some abtlhg with the Pittsburgh PlayhousiB. i ■ " Dixie Fassnachti bf ■ Southland. Rhythm Girls, related to Fassnachta' of Obberammergau Pasislon Play,. , - S. 'M. Weller,: ahbad bf- •DbdsW worth,' and Frank Cruickshank, for 'Life Begins at 8:40,' hoth around. Sally Heller, Jackie Heller's kid sister,- singing with Tubby Flint'* ork at Hotel Roosevelt Blue Room. Johnny Harris, jimmy Balmer and Rosy Rbwswell- to: Twin ..Cities to install- "Tent No.r 14 bf Variety .Club. -' Aftermath of seasickness keeping Surihy O'Dea out" b'f Cilffbrd" White-'' ly's London revue, 'Stop Press,' for few weeks. -llRiith Miller .ha^ turned dowin University of Plttsburigh's offer to stage choriiB numbers in Cap and Gowh: shOw. Post-Gazette editorial staffrtossed dinner for W.,U. Christian, iiiahag* ing editor. On his silver anniversary with the ragJ Number of fllhis submitted for re*, vision in-ItaIy^br=past-22-years-total=- 2tl,'?79.: ■ -■;■.■':;.■,;■ ■ , Script-of 'Gold in the-Ocean' coni* pleted and'^--wlll —berrrproduced--by" :QuagIie, - i>reBldent.:bfi-the-iSoard-bi DirectoEB.^ofj,the-.SotIma....._^^-^^ First-ftinni'-io^-go-inta-w^ork^tttrthe- hew Cines will be-^Scarpe dl Sole,' by-Paolo, Morelll. Marco Elter, forW mierly Henry King's aide at UnlW vergal. will dire ct. . -":.'■ : ■, New film, .'Mudundu,' result of an expedition IntO: Italian Soma)Hand which , touched on.; the Aby,<3siniaa. frontier, will be released by the As- sociated Artists. Ernesto Quadrone^ , journalist, directed the butflt Alexa,nder Molssl, German 'actor, has completed his picture work in Lorenzino de Medici' and will foi m a company- to present Pirandello'* ., hew play, -'They Don't; Know How? .ThlB..he.wlll; follow; with: a j?res£:nta-_ tlori of Alessi Rlnb's 'Savoriarbla' and •Flight of the Vuitures' at 'tli« Flop^tine May icelebratipn.. . i By M. C. Fox Len'Libbey in Florida, Angellne ..Mahey added two . hc\r dogs tp her cbllectlort, ; Jacques R'enai-d i-epbrted leaviiigf Cocoanut Girbve March 20 to feo on tbiir^ ■ Massachusetts showmjen hopeful that Siihday danjcing Ph stages is not far. distant under the reg:ime vi Governor Jame.^i' M, Gurley;, . Bastpn Garden looks now lik^ tlib brily l)bs.sible spot .for db^ racing.. Holders of; pup race, licenses ad- vised , by -city, hall not to. start building yet. ;. ' -;-. JbQ .Gallo, local halrculter, biUlri-j; lilmself , at .the'shop -arid. Jh:-new.->■- : paper, ads as the 'greatest barber iii' ;Ameritai'. with title goes (l.'O'jO challenge'.to. doubters, ., Those, who oon.qidcr the.insph.^fs ffopd at flifures ha'vfi Jt .air doped b;,-t that tho new horse trinok in Eri.-t ■. •Ltpstohi-ivDi Just:abou.t, tiikb the hr.-.v munlcrpal tunricli un'dp;' Uie hai-b'M'.- out of ;the; lieid, : '• i