Variety (Mar 1935)

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62 VARIETY L E S Q II E ITednesdaj, March 20, 1933 (bohtlnued from pagfe 61J MiiwaiiiKe when his legit Beasqn' .finishes. Thring haig been anxlou^ to -break Into this field for . some time; Not known whether Sir Ben . Fuller, will b«>(Some Interested with: Thrlng, loly lowing hiisbreak with Comnion- wealth Broadcasters. Mexico ut By Di t. Grahams Ruth Draper bobked for recital scries here. Slight triehd ftway froih films to-. WuYlamson-Talt w^as anjlpi^^^^ highbrow comedy drama. : :■ Education ministry- ha,3 reorjgan- lzed the Symphony 6rk, giving pop price concerts at the Teatro Hidalgo: to finance the government's dining hall for' poor school children. High^.claas^ nlteriei send a company to Brisbane, : Queensland, but a message from their Tepi'esentative told them to lay off the town .because of thie ter- ■riflc heat;; ;-v.'- ' :;• Sir Ben Fuller visits his opera every^lrilghtV'arid iffiitSV- tOT^ that he just can't'stay away from cove? charge, first tliiie such miet I ^^-^^^^^ o^«iT»,i viora ■ wrnnt n«« hntni.q Sta.ndard Theatrp chain, m os|ucoan H. J. Fitzgerald and E(ld»^ her on vacation In Florid^ Jules Kaplan, operator , of th« Co- liimbla, has taken oyer idda Wiefl- ner's Gem. ^ J. H. Patterson Is selling the "Vio- let in order to devote; all his U<ne; to new printing company. - I Work has beeii started on dlB- mantling the Maljestio, which Is to be rebuilt Into a; chain store. Pat Liska, Injured in an auto- mobile crash some months ago, has returned to the: Riverside b, 6. , ; ' Ban oh children under Beveh : In thea^tres, churches and schools dUe to scarlet fever: epidemic, has been continued to April 15. . " T'Screeno^^ -test casfe -iB -opened" "by- S 'pi^od^ctti;^: :ih:thei^ld days.| order of Sr. Ben stuck ; around shows quite a lot, too. : . .. Ernest Rolls Is ; back again; In revue arid; playing the Apollo, Mel- bourne, with Strella Wilson, Roy Rene, Rene Riaho, Barrett liennard,. Cls and B.Uddy. Rogers and Alex levels of : hostelries ■ In average] American cities. An Indigent composisr, inmate Of the old people's honie, has" organ- ized a string ork of other inmates. Band is such a hit . that its leader and members expect;:to have homes I reiglonal board to discontinue. Herb Israel ; :Succeeds:, Evejyh Hammond as amusement arid, fea- ture editor of the • News. . Miss Hammond jiow .private secretary to Ei R. Mahbhey, managing editor. OBITUARIES be Interested in the venture. ; 'One Night of Love: (Col) Into Its eighth week in Sydney and win con- tinue.:'.No;. 9ate yet set. for; .Mel- bourne, but dickers proceeding be- tween; John McCurdy and Q. T, may I .mean that plo will be taken by, an: "Indierprobabljr.Parj If suitable terms ■^h't be" gotten from- G.T. rr— Frank Nell Is playing revue In .Neyr Zealand In .conjunction with W-T. . Also running a revue and panto In Melbourne 60I0, Neil has; is, nice list of performers including: ' Jim Gerald; Hetty Klnff, Sid Field, Jane Ayr, Eddie Leslie, EJastern Bros., .Ray :Vaughn, Michel and .Ar-: vona, Nice,- Florlo and Lubowi Joey' ,porter, Alex Halls, Hope and Ray, Les .Diamonds, Three Ambassadors^ Russell 'ea,lldw and Mcp6nald ..and.| ;Oraham. First dramatic sock here in .many moons is John iColton's 'Shanghai] Gesture' done .in Spanish, by an all star- Mexican - troupe: at- the Maria | Teresa Montbya theatre. By Reno Cinizares -—Baltimore By Albert Scharper,, Jr. RICHARD B. HARRISON • Richard B. Harrison, 70, creator of Ije Lawd* In 'Green. Postures'; and who played the chaiticter fo^ five years for a total of 1,676 perfonn- aiioes, died in th« iPlfth Ave. hos- pital. New York, March 14, of over- strain. He collapsed in: his dressing room In the 44th St. theatre March 2. of a heart attack. Pbysclons told hlih that he would require a long r^st, but he; was planning a return to the stage .when a sudden turn tor the worst developed. ; He' Is survived by his -widow, how- dangerously 111 In: a; Detroit hos- pital I a daiughter, Mairlan, and a; son named after Paul .Dunba,r. / Richard B, Harrison, whose per^ formance In 'Green pa.8turea' had made him the best liked of all i^egro players, was born in Ganada,.;,the son of slaves who had ;^ been. ?rall- rx)a^l6d'_^tQli3wiftaaC:.bi_t^e ground' in ; slavery .days.' He re-^ ceived bUt llttlb education, "but he developed a;; passionate; love for Shakespearefa plays -and could re- cite; many of them by heart. His talent he commercialized by glylng dramatic readinga-: before -Negro years. : Illness forced .hia retirement a yeor ago. His widow survives. It CALVIN iHALPBRIN Calvin Halperln, 46, died .lilCarch; In Los Angeles, following 4 yetu-'s'iUness. He was a: world wair v.eteran^ and for' past 14 years as- sociated; \)rith hip wife, Sadie. Hal* perlii, In the . 'Vaudeville booklniv - agency business here. FunenS ■ services, March 17, burial In L.:' A, JOHN E 8HLEMAN ■ Jo^n S. Eshieitnan, 87, for many years oiBsociated with th^ ; Central .Oliliq fair, which operated in several Ohio towns, includlns^ Orfvllle, 0« died Maroh 10 at his home in Orr* ville,; O. Survlyors ai-e three daugh* ters and two sons,: all living In Qrr* vlUe.-;- ■.: ^vv;"--y.: ...i-^.X/-, _ ■ Rodnely; Cblller .woxihg weighty. ; Eddlie Sherwood proud possessbr. of hew car. '; Novelist James Boyd at Hopkins hosp .bavinjg orbs b.o.'di^ . Ted . Rbwtibtt and the inater to Atlantic' City fbr few days. Harvey HanUhond back organlOg-. Ing at Century after minor'op, Exodus of 'rovoluclonarlbs*. for Mlanii has bee n great; few hours: the day before the strike I ^ began. j er In many of the schools of his Garcia of the Naclonal theatre ex- ^^50. Later he made the ChaUtau- pects to ;haV'e;a muslool ■how: wa^y. .^^^^.^,1 ^.^.^jj^ <.f..ik<. o^innA ^ ^iHi thm Marc Connelly encountered'him In sanS^'5?^ ?ehSd^bS^ ^ SSK U Harlenvdastlng.offlce when he was more thousands losing tlveir Jobs.. seeking Negro players for the new Curfew law had all' shows In the ventyre. At' .first- Harrison de red, as forced to close before' 9. p.m. inurred, feeling that the. role was Now they are; working normally sacirlle^ous. ; Connelly waa-persist-^ again- ; i: ent. According tb the' story. It was Newspapers; went; on strike be- | ^j^^ Episcopalian Suffragan Bishop, - "MARGI E^B; -MeCORT- r Mrsr:- Margie^ ^B.- - M^ known VaudevIUe; and night, club, dancpr,.. also a;. dance: Instructo*'* ! . died March 9 In Twin,City hospital yhrlchsviUe, 6., following on :oper». atlon -.for . appendicitis. Survlylnir. are; her husl)ahd ,:and. ah..adapted. . dahghter.. ; Burial locally. FRANK JOYCE ; Frank . Joyce, 43, died Sunday <17) 'Ih LOs Angeles-'after a; long IIN nessu^, He;was a forrner vaudeyiUlan and hotel owner, last a partner oC Joyce and Selznlck aigeney Irt Holly- •wobd, one of the; biggest agenclea. ■ahow-Jbiisiheaa-hgs ever kniqmjftPAj: unisurpassed ; as. to; Ineoihe. New* story In film sectlohi : •; -By, Lea''Rees■■..:.•;■ ■ Pour-day Chicago Grand Opera season, first here in years, k flnan- Itlal flop a t TT. o f M. Auditorium,, -aui;urated-lir^MarylandTjext-month v^hen Bowie track opens season; Frank Mulloy hopped to Pitts- burgh; over week-end on dual mis- sion :i visited family and hospitalized self- for a. day for-operatlb'n oh schnozz. ■ < '.. . Descendant of Edwin Booth, has givftn rankBf nf tha ■ I'fl.mlly'n old I^J^^avand.Avance^co^rt^ ^ Douglas "Fairbanks and Lady Ash- sume the character. Hpw good the ley/with a party. In on a yacht, but advice was found a reflection In didn't have chance to. see much of Harrison's ; assurance to Cha,rles the city bh account 'of the strike, I Winter ;Wobd,-Vhi3 understudy, that he would soon be back in the cast 'because the world needs thla play.' . iiutle Velez and Gene Baymbrtd correspondancei to municipal - mu- ^Ai^t^i.A tn^ r^i^Jlanna^'nnht'ATILlxhM^^ prOVlSO that mlSSiVes nnderllned for personal appearances ^jj^ opened till 1970.: ] at Orpheum. - . : ^New play, 'Tinkle; In the Crash,' ; iBlli; Elson in Chicago for few days, will get first liearliig next month at ]Biil Shartin, U salesman, back On Hopkins' PlayshOp; Authored by Job_after; flu siege. '.• '-, • ; 1 Elmer_Greendfelder, whose 'Broonv- Ge'rinaln^ Burite, of TJA office staff, stfcRs, Am^^^^^ brief run brt laid up with measles. . Bway^last season. ^ . ■ - . -^Eddie- McErlane, . -Of-^-Warners, - - tO-Ute toL.giYe, Holly wood .^the ^'ipbFtlng heW Bprihg/atllfeT^-^^:^ TmgM club holding aeries of crlck. artd ^ho better-ha^ soreenings and buffet lunches. . . raelT cbluninlst on same .sheet, and Al Aved, Columbia salesman, in Morris Mechanic, owner of thei New . head-on auto collision near Detroit theatre. Quartet Inotorlng out, and ; Lake8, Minn., but escaped aerloiis | will be. gone three;weeks. ■■.Injury.:-;.-'-' ,:' Epli Rosen, RKO salesman, bacR | on Job after .recovering from iauto . accident hurts. v . ' : -.- Bee Kluczny,~bf-RKO .office staff, - recuperating f rom opeiatlon in As- , bury hospital. ; ;Art Huesihan back; with National Screen Service. ' ' :' Mrs.. Jei-ry Abein, Sauk Rapids, Minn.,- exhibitor. In.,local hospital ■..Jifor .treatment.. ^Ix-day bike races speclflcally ex- cepted from ahti-walkathoh ban In bill which already has passed lower | legislative^house.—; ' Wife of Bill IWllllams, Journal 1 WI^LIAM p. CWLLEN William P; Culleri,; 60, died March 13 in' Hbllywood -following several months' illness. His widow . Bur vlves.; ■'. ■ •' , Gulienr a-natlve-of-Chicago,r-weB Karl Zuckmayer: writing a TyrO- nj^ny .years with Henry W. Sav l^iiS-Novotna^^contraoted <orUf^ateaqUonsroad.showed;^tjof O. L.Premlnger to "London.; !Rudolph'Lothar 70 years old. ; Hubert Marlscbka getting, a dl vorce.- •;';"■: ■:' ■■ ■ : ' - -. ■ "" -.' By :Jbltti- Qtiinn Jlrifimy Joy and band headed for Chi this Bummer. " -. cherry Sisters; wound up two Weeks at the New Modern Club. - .^ National, Flower Show, dog ahow, and building ;shbw all coming up next month. : Henry Busse and ork In "a one-, night- stand at- the Chermot, topped lost year's sugar. columnist, died from pneumonia. | Southern Mansion Is a new nlte .Parl-mutuel betting legalized In a dub opening, in spot formerly hel<l Salzburg fest. Eddie Cantor film - "Whoopee' (UA) called 'All But Marriage' here. Arthur Hellmer niegotlating to take'over the Theatre an der Wien; Hans Siaray's 'Ping-Pong* 66 up and under consideration with Ger- trude Lawrence,. London. Paula Wessely Invited to Star in "Liebelei*? f or a German season un- dei^ profei^sorTlObeft ih" Londott; Richard ; Hageman :and ' Arthur Goodrich's opera ' 'Caponsacchi,' based On. Robert Browning's "The Ring and the Book," announced at Volks ; Theatre under direction of composer. ' New Torli. In Chicago he produced a -Jiumbjer- . of,. legit .rqad . shows, among them : -The Burgomaster;' 'The Tenderfoot,' -Alaskan' and others. About 10 years oso he moved to San Francisco,; where .he was prominently . identified with legit ventures, both ahead and back for several years he piloted Fahchon & Marco :Tinit»-on-^ur Cullen suffered a heart attack last Winter and was for a tlhie in G«h eral Hospital In Los Angeles. Burial March IB in. Hollywood. bill introduced in the state legisla ture.--..--: ■ "--:.-•■••.-•--■ ; April 27 set for d a te of first Va, _ riety: Club charity ball, with tickefFpie-ups' to go at $10 instead of $16 per. I stunts by" l>aul: Spor's;''Club Araby. Claude .- Morris, Metro- exploiter, st opping off l ong- enough to arrange cally for two. national Couple. Des Homes By :R. W. Mpbrhoad A second habbthood house Is tb tie built soon by the Hju-ry G/ Allace Company for lease by ;Tri-States. operator of the Robseyelt, It will seat 700, and: W'lll cost 150,000. ■ ^ Tony Sarg's mairlbhettes at Drake U auditbriiim, March 25. - "-"^ —A-rrHr^Blomc tb~H6tr-SpfingB-fbr a'rest,;; ■:■..;;:.-■-;■-.■;■ , Hale Cavanagh celebrated .his birthday at the new. Variety ;club; . roojns. ' ■ '-y'': ■ _ ■ ■ "The ."RVv." Girmartlh, wW sored foreign; - films for the : First Unitarian Church, resigned, but-the cbhgregatlon will, cont inue t he pi c- ture.idea".; , ■ ■ ;'.; " ;;-^" ""^"'-."i ' " J. M. Spalla has leased the Rlalto, - QrundyHCenter,-operated - for many- yeara by Wm. Hawn. Marie. SlatkoAVslde. former-Fojc '. '. film Inspector; tb have charge; of new film exchange projection room for Midwest Film Distributors. Electric sigh on the RKO Orphe- uhi, the first animated electric isign; In' parts, razed because no one could see it for the tall build- ings. . ■ ' .; ; \ More than 200 girls from the . country came; to town for the -per- V sonality and ability contest' con- ducted at the two-day meeting of the Allied Theater Owners of Iowa. OrviUe Renne switched to the Par as assistant manager to work on the audition system Intrbducing vaude acts. ; Community Playhouse/presenting 'Wet Palnti* translated^ from the French locally bv Bess Bozell and Bernard Szold. ^ _ -- , - ^ . " Tangler 'ShrlneTARsarbeh "Thdoor' Circus got set . without: mishap, -though--train-wreck-in-the"-€ast:^e>- layed arrival two hours. ' HOLMAN: DAY Hoiman r»ay, 72, died Feb. 27 at Mill Valley, Calif., from ^a compU iTratiun uf"tdlaeaaes; 7-A7Tiativo~of Maine he had written around 60 noVela; and i,600 short /'stbrles, mostly laid in the Ibgglng districts of his home state.: He was former polltldal editor of the Lewlstoh, Me, Fourhal and"T:ame~IntorptojHlnHnce": locally through the poetry he con trlbuted; to the paper, later pub Ushed in book form He formed the first motion picture cpmpany in Malhe, the Holmah Day productions, and produced bne of his. hovels there In film form, 'Rider ^ of the King Log.' Later he joined GoTdwyiri/Nlct Rrrtg, nviii A dolph Zuknr fl.ra ynftn - rFltt"^htg-?-puth^-and-.rema^^^^ tiofled among those- who have ad- Rp'^ .^eyeral years as a scenarist. He vanced beyond . the ' threatehing |survived by his widow, stage■ .ahd. are preparing to move awayjtrom California If; forced.; 1. JOE ELVIN ICent, the Fox president, as a com- Joe Elvln, 72, veteran cockney mlttee^oft;onV-*as—Just ; re.turnedJ-muslcJiaULcbmedlah, diedJh ,a. Lon from ■;Florida where he has been don hospital March 4; after some looking over property, talking. to weeks' illness., Starting at the; age Calif.yHereW^^ (Continued frbm page 6) alL employees, npt to buy anything unnecessar y within next f ew weekSj^ l and not to sign leases or enter into j.any property obligations until the situation is Ironed out one way or the other. Meanwhile Hollywood is looking to the legislatorS'in Sacramento to I make the decisive move. N. V. Execs Serious :S.._Ii._ Kent, . Joe . Schehck;.. Sam Billy Elson In on another /look- around. ;.■■'•-.v'^ .■■■-■ Rosalind Gllckman giving a piano I high state and other offl^ realty I of 10 in boy parts, he made his -^tlnf'- Sv r'^-- a 1 .. -j:.: interests, etc,.; He virent -Into the name in horse racing sketches, and flj f tW !n "^^^^ situation t | was a Contemporary of Marie Lloyd "KctT^^o!' Harry Revel and^^S MaCk Gordon in .th a loop. - ; - Wednesday. .-(27), at which tlnie he ""Henfy^THef^eTTgrving "u irig for golfing this summer. . •■ ..Industry magnates James Cpston tp<the Coast on an ohe^ \yants to- pull stakes but that if I ycars.he drew a pension from Brlhs 'irgent^wire frbnV Harry Warner. ; | matters reach a point 'where heavy J ^vorth,; the"^r^ hoh1e''fpr aged prps burdens are placed upon the studios, I %vhich he had founded ; and aiibsl It will have to be dorie without |3*5''e<l regard tb. the sacrifice entailed in. _____ r>ABDni 1 property out there, other invest- , . mchts, cost of moving, etc.. I Peter Carroll, 58, assistant; pro Lou Llpstone, Ed Levin and Wal- ter Immcrman back from sunshine | cruises. Fritz . Blockl on to New' York to I set a deal, for h Is ' Serial thriller, | 'Five Against, th^ Stars.' -Billy Diamond: tossed a npOhdayl feed for; the bpya ,tp celebrate an | anniversary and a new pffice. Joe Rogers shipped his 16-cyllnderr car to; iSan Dlegb and is off to'the I Coast, having sold his Michigan bbulevard restaurant. Will stick tp the carncy: biz for; keeps. I and Dan Lejio.: His; hobby was bet ting,, and he won' $25,000 in. one aft I ernbbn, fr'prt.%hich-he the: mpnth .-was, but. In his later Jrlhs- prps, - JOSEPHINE H. ABRAMSON Josephine Hllty Abranison, 69, singer and composer, of children's songs^ died March 9 at Compton, MRS. WM. B. GUYTON Mrs. W tlJUafflUPo othe Guytot 63 died March 10 in Los Angeles. Sh* was Identified: with L. A. Grand Opera Ass'n a:hd Phllharmbnio 6t* chestra _ HARRY BENTLEY \^ TIarry Behtley," 84, Tone" of .dancir band crooner pioneeria here, died lOi 'Middlesex hospital, -Londont -March . 3, fbllowing three months' Illness ivith" pneumonlaiT" - " :: - -—— - r- - JACOB W. RICHARDSON -Jacob W. Richardson, 78, klUed by. an auto . March . 18 . in - Bound FRANK N. HEARN, Jr. March 2?, 1932_ |Mr '.darlflnK Boy: ' ._ |l Bball remember wblle the itgbt Uveal I And In tike darktieu I ehaU not fo r-| get.. MOTHER. Brook;: N. J. Did : yaudevlllo i» blackface ;aB . solo; aiid ;as' Richard*; sbn and Mitchell. - . -MRS. HEUAN- E. DODD MrsT Eian~B; .Dodd,~6.7, longTii" " pictUrea, died In Brooklyn, March 13. Originally with -Vitagraph;-r-sfi«— transferred tO: Vitaphone . when Warner Brothers took over. . MRS. HENRY PRATT Mrs.;Henry Pratt, 86,, died at MU8« catine, la., due to infirmities of old age. She -wa^ known, in theatrical circles as Amelia Watts, making her first appearance at the age of six. ,: GENE METZER Gene "Metzger,-" ihariagi^r^^ th* -LyrIc-theatTe^at-; Lima.-rOi, "Wias-ln«-- stahtiy' kilied: recently Ih an'- nutor mobile accident. He -wad well Icnowa in theatre circles in southern Ohio. ; JOSEPH SOHN ; Joseph Sb hn, 67/ fbrmeir musical critic of Ithe New" Tbrk; Amierican; died In New York March 16. Bet? ter known as a concert pianist, hay- ing made his debut at the age Of 16 in Steihway; Hall, New Tbrk, V Lazarus Noah, 75, in charge of . dressing. rpprii . keyii ;at .;Uniyersal; studie for- 16 .years, died March: li" in .Ikis, Angelies of a heart attacjcv, . Father of ' Bud Murray, Holly- wood dance • stager, died In New; ■york,. aged 7,0, aboOt, three weeks ago/ ■■.;,: . ;■. ■ - '■/ duction manager at Hal itoach atu dio, died after a lingering illness in Wife of Al Sobler, formOr p.a. for I Lbs Angeles, March 13/ .peceased Chicago 'Warner theatres and now was branqh manager for Pathe in Indie theatre operator,, died in Chi- Spojtane, Wash.,. before he Joined cagb on March 12 of pneumonia. I Roaich as eastern repfesentative, in Burial In Chlcagos^ jwhlch capacity he served for 10 Elniisr White, 46; night superin- tendent of Pa.ramount atudlps, died in LPS Angeles'; March 7. /" ' - : faiher, 76,;/of David Broekman, Lbs Angeles , Orchestra cohductoPi died in Holla;nd,