Variety (Apr 1935)

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52 VARIETY WediieBdaTV^HlVlO,: 193S NEXT WEEK (April 12) THIS WEEK (April 5) Numerals in connection witli bills below |naicatel opehing day ot , : • show. Whether fuiror split weeW bdinbdimh . ■ :B«ir«Bt • lit halt (•-!•) Donelly & SnttOB . 2d half (U-li) Cosgr'va ti Weitw'd RKO I^W TORK OITT Prtlace (13) Prifchard. &. GoJdIo Malnatreetere Cardlnl Lamb & JBelHt > Eddie South Or,e ■■ ■■■(E) ■ - -y- ■B'rtell & Hulrst Hev Carroll & Howe Eddie,Feabody. CDonnell .& Blalr Academy. , iBt half (12-15) 4 Trojans Ann Clrrllllo De .Ro2e \ Harry Howard Co,.: BJihacB -Ore • 2d half (16-18> Serge piaeh ■ Sylvia - & Clemen«e. Chairles Cia;rll8le Ross & Edwards'' . OaMibols of .1935 . 24 halt (9-11) Benny Davis, Rev • . . CbUseam ■ . ist half (13-16) , Chas Carlisle. Vic Oliver Bebe BarrI Dancers PetcE" &^ Deauvlll* Helen Honan'.. . CI>"CINNA!n . Bhnbert (12) Qus Arnhelm Ore Getie. Sheldon Selma Marlowe. . (5) ■■. -i • . .. Polles do . Pare* Mltzl Green : . CI.EV£IiAND V Polace (115) , French Casino Show ■Hello Paris* Ous Arnhelm. Oro, - Gene Sheldon. ". Selma Marlow* . . DAITON Ctflonlal (6) Thurston : DETROIT Foi («) Donald Novls West & Paige . : John Tlo ■ The Jansleya : . : CLIFFORD -and-.- .. MARION WEEK APRIL 5 ORPHEUM, PPRtLAND, ORE. Porclath Romance . (Three ,to .All), BROOK^TM . . Albee (12) Benny Merofl Rev . (6) Olne De Qulncy & X .Halnstreetera Al . Norman ■. PltH'Moy.Tr Moillson * Ist half (13-10 Keller Sis & U (Two to flit) ' ■■ . Tllroa lat half (12-14) : Ada Brown Stnart ■& Iiaab. (Two to -flin nosTON . Boston (18) . 8 Jvanes ■ ' Eleanor She'rry Toto -■■::■ . Buck &. Bubbles Jack Eddy Co -.(5) ..■ ■ Kaneav - ■ • Toto" • Buck ft Bubbles Jack Eddy Co tlinCAGO . . Pnlace (») Paul Sydell & 8 Ijirge ft Morgner - John Pogarty Vic Oliver ' Bebe - Barrl Dancers' Fetch & DeauvlUe Helen Hona,n . (6v: ; ^ ' Palul Sydell & S liarce &" Morgner John' Pogarty . Paraidoiint ■ .BOSTON-"- ■ HiBtropoUtoa (IS). Olympic Ace'a Bob Hall Mickey Conti 3.' Ohay Sis ' ■ BUFFALO ' BafTalo (18) Danny Dare Co Barto £ Mann 3 X Sis : CHICACk) Clilcaco (12) Brltton Bd Bobby 'Lane (6) Cross .&Dunn : C & J Prelsser ' PtahU- Gaby James Bvania Marbro .(») Ted Cook'-- ' Wills & Davis ' Jay Seller ■ Gray Pam :. Oriedtol (6), Jim Lunceford Ore Apiis Brooks - Sandy Burns Jelll Smith 'Jigsaw' . Jackson' Ford Marshall & J: - DETROIT Mlrhlgan (12) Olga Baclanova. . 3 Swifta Harris. 2. &' 1> . MINNEAFOUB State (12) Nick Lucaa . Alexander Santos BUZABETH ■.■ ■.:•;; Bits.■■ Ist half (13^16) N T Q Show Pinx.ADELPinA- Earle;(12) Ijlazeed Arabs : Hugh Herbert .. RadclifCe & Rogers ■ ■.;■-■ .(6)' ■■■;:- .32- Roxyettea Reynolds &;'Whit'e Johnny Perklna Ruth Petty J & M. 'Masdh Eleanoi: !WhIthey Harry Pollard. • WASmNGTON . .: Earle (12). Lew Duthers J ft J Oracle Barrle Eddie Peabody Cass Mack 0 & .T ■ ■• ■■■ (6) ";■ ICeene 2 V. & XaM Bob Rlpa Lamb & Belett - Grade Bar.rle Hugh Herbert . .. "■ (8) Pansy The Horse Frankle Connors Darsey Bros ' Bob Crosby ' BnMNEAPOLIS Orpheuin (12) Polles Chez Faree (6) ;■ Charlie. .Agnew. Ore Jackie Heller MEW BRUNSWICK Keith's 1st half (13-14) Vanity Pair (Two to nin PROTIDENCE Keith's (IS) Don Redman,Ore. (6) ^ . 3 Emeralds Therrlen Owen McQlvney Sid' Page Ru(z & Bontta.'. ROCHESTEB Keith's (12) Thurston ' . ■ . ■ (B) ■ Mangean Tr : Peggy Healy Harrison & Elmo ; Don Zelaya ■West: & Page . BTRACUSK Keith's (B) Dob Redmond Bd TROT - Keith's Ist half (12-lS) B'.way Jamboree. CNION CITY Keith's Ist half (12-14) All American Circus CHICAGO State Lake (6) . Knox' & Stetson Allen Rono Robblns Fam Harry 'Holmes Vernon RathbttrB Dave Tannen • LONG BEACH •: strand (S) Cappa' Bros & Sis Prank Jenks Co Armahda & Llta Marlow & Brother Bill Jones NEW TORK CITV Capitol (12) T, Brooks & Doris (Others to fill) ' Bonlevard 1st half (12-15) t Valors VInee Mundl Sylvia & CleinbhB .Lew Parker Co Elton Rich Rev Orpheiim 1st half (12-lB) Maximo .Duiicaii Sis. RoHCoe Alls Co CarmEin B Bros & O (One to All) 2d half (16-18) May Miles Rev . Chas ft L Gerard Mamie Smith Oro . (Two to fill): rnrndl$e (12) ; Ed Ltiwrey ■ Fred 'Sanborn Co ' Youthful. Rhythms ■ Call-a«ll - ' State (la) Bennv Davin Co BROOKLYN Gates Ave 1st half (12-15) FraTicb & LaPell • D G ood all BALTIMORE. Centnry (12) Cab Calloway Ore BOSTON Orpbeum (12) Homer Romalne. . May Joyce Smith & Hart 3 Fonzalls Joe Phillips Co . Merman ft B Rev BRIDGEPORT : Globe (12) Mells KlrK ft H Chas Melson ft 'I Dance. Dreams' Buddy -Monroe . HARTFORD Palace (12) Blanch Calloway Or ; JERSEY CITY . J/Oew's.(12) Sandy .L>ahg. Co Maud Hilton Co Al Shayne Jackson Irving & R Prances' 'Wills Rev NEWARK . ■ State (12) 3 DeLong Sis - Croel & Allen Chas ..Foy Co LOS ANGELES . Orphenm .. (3)" Ptcard ft Peal Doreeh ft ' Douglas Huffman T ft A Waldman , Benny Ross Maxine Stone St Onge 3 MINNEAPOLIS Alvin (4) T ft B Wonder . Paul Nolan Ross' Continentals Lesle Ayers ft 'Q 3 Rlxtords Fanchon & Marco NEW YORK CITY Roxy (12) Buster Shaver . Olive & George Lorlel Freddy Mack . Roxy Rhythm Ore (Others to nil) . liOS ANGELES . ParamoDot (4) Rube Wolf Bd The ' Panchonettes . O'Connor ■ Fam . Julia Curtis Etta Moten Marign Daniels Tom Jones PHU^ADELPHIA Fox (12) Jack Denny Oro ' Ray. Heathcrton Prance Stevens Crawford ft Caskey Oxford (11) Harmony Co-Ekls Stratf rd ft Mayb'ry Ruth Klncald (Others to fim WORCESTER Plymonth'. .1st half (11-14). Rita Ro'yce Rev Renardo 8 : -. Bobble. Barry Jarvls & Parker SakI Fain Wyoming 2 . . Dale Rhodes 2d half (IS^IS) Smart Set Rev. .Renard ft Frome Stratf'rd. ft Mayb'ry Justa 4 Irving Rose Palmer ft Ddree'a . Wilfred 'Du Bole Week of April 8 OPFrCIAL DENTIST TO THE N. V. A. DR. JULIAN SIEGEL PARASIOl'NT r.UILl)ING This Wk.; Dick Remy; Ted. & Katherlns Andrews ' Lewis & Moore , f Rofl.i & Ed wards • Mamlo Smith Ore (Ono to nil) 2(1 half (16-18) Lee-L &. Sinclair 2 Vlnce Mundl Lew Parker Co: MIchon Bros nimacB . . Metropolitan (12) Man! Mer'y O Rb'nd Andy Sanells Ore Rachelle Carlay, PIcrro LeKreiin : Jerome . Mrlnn. ' . 3 Merry Go R'ndcrs Gaylehb Sis ' Poplkoft Valencia (12) Pave Apollon 'Unit Cookie B.ri.wcrs .Dpn (;o.stbll6. Tlcv PITTSBURGH' Penn (12) Trlol of Century . Itcfoncys .. TimberKS ' Albce Sis • ' ■; Glar.ence ..Rock Jumes Kelly Foaler 'William Hdrry Koler Geo. Mayo WASHINGTON Fox (12) Splcea of 1936 WATEBBUBY • Poll ■-■'■■:■■. 2d half (17-19) Baby Rose' Mdrl». . Conterbnry U. Ist half (8-10) Fred Wynne . ■ Taps ft Tempo Ctr 2d half (11-13) 3 Harlequins" 3 Edmund BoyS . , Dominion' Bobby: Howell Bd , Eddie' Gay Theremin New Victoria Billy Cotton Bd Trocadero :Cab Gaston Palmier Eft D Waters Cavallo Luxor '. Rich Hales : Maurlco. CHADWELL H'TH Embassy .Shlels ft! Kewley Hatton & Manners. WolkowaUy Q'. ■ CH'EMEA ''. . Pnlace' 7 Elliotts. . ' CljAiPTON , Rliik Lewis Roll'g. Stones Walllni-ton Sis ' 'EAST HAM - IVcmler Shfels & KeWIey..: Hatlon & Manners WolkciwsUy. & G EBCEWARK RD. . Griiiid i Abcrdonluii.s ' ■ Keith. Wllbui- : .: EDMONTON Entpire Beryl OiMo, P.o'ter White- : Little l^orbeii HAMMERSMITH J Pnlnre - : HoUs BroH ■ Bowfer.Hulhort'rJ HOLI-OWAV .Miirllioroii^h. B Kraltnj.'iTi - ISUNOTON Bine Hall 1st half (8-10) 2 Harlequins 3. Edmund Boys 2d half (11-11) Fred Wynne Taps-ft Tempo'Ce KII3UBN - Grange 3 Aberdonlans Keith Wilbur LEWlSIiAM , Palace Rainsay Rhythm: 8y V . leytOn V Savoy . Viil : Rosing 6 Rhythm Boys NEW CROSS ''KInema' Reld Wdyne ft DJx 3.. Virginians ' PECKHAM- • . Palace' : Reld Wayne: ft Dix 3 Virglnlaha: SHEPJrRDS BUSH . Palace Bower & Rutherf'rd Hollla Bros STAMFORD lOLL Regent 5 Krdkajax ■ STRATFORD . - Brondirny ■ Val Rosing ' 5 Rhytlinj Boys .. STBEATHAM ■ I'nlace . ■ nbbby Howell Bd . Kddic Gay. :. TOOTING. • Griinada Gordldo.. Ore . : Drury & Raymond TOTTENHAM', Palace : Lewis RoU'g .Stones Walllnston Sla WALTIIAMSTOW Grandda . 'I'rnlp^ Mnhdolters hoTmcial Week of April 8 . LEITH CapItM 1st hair (8rl0) ■ Cosgr'vs ft Waatw'd 2d. half (11-13) Donelly ft Button Cabarets ipWYOEKCTTY Freddy Berrens Ore Armando's / Pat: Casey■';■■.;■■.■'■' Bal UnaetU Ardeit ' ft bniicaa -: ' Geo MarSchal Millard ft Aalta M. Perrl. '. ■ ' GeovlgnettI, Pietro ' Band B«S Allan Walker Biiddy Rolph ' Edna' Rnrica ..: Dancin?- Glorias : Lew AWhIte.Oro Barrel of' Fa'; ; Lewis & body Jack : Sheldon . -, -: Annette Lacy Andy's .Aces Bill's Gar M** Blgelo.w ft Les Jerry White . . Beaux des Ails' Nina Alien Justine Jal Tal ' . Brniaii . George Thorn* . Angellta Loya: Fox & Balllster Ralph Navelie Ore Cafe Ibternattonal Inez Elvira - . . Uta.Santos I..ngltanl11a Los Otedas ■ , Bl Chlcorrlto : Don Casanova ..' Rudy Hernandea Or Caiitlna' Barra Raym'nd' ft'.'Luclnda Ollberto ft Jose . nrlceno '. Don Jose Oro ; .' Casino de jParee Jimmie DurantS' Muriel Page, ..:,. . Stone ft Verno^ - Ella Logan . Norma GallO ' Martha Ray Gary .& Dixon Rob't WlUloma Jeriy Freeman Ore Lee Miles Ore Cientrat Fk. Ci Helen Cdrran: D'lvons Eddie Duchln Ore Choiteav Hodenisi Delta- J '. Betty Bowker . Babbette: Christia Tony. & Sam Paul Bass Ore Club' GaaelM Senorita Leona Clab New Lots Blllman Comfort ft RelllF Jack' Meyer Ore GInb BIcliinaa Wheeler. M ft 'W ; Cpcoanot '. OrafO Lloyd Oarreti Honey Gordon Ruth Williams Bryant,: Rains A T Alyse Henry. HalsteaA Ore ■■ : Coin de Twrim Renee Estabroek Jerre Farrdr: :Harry Sapro ArUbur Gibbs V . Congress . Sid Austin Oro - Cotton Clab C 'C-.Rev.'. .Mears ft' Hears Lieltha Hill Ophela ft Plstlsnto John Henry Swan ft Lee Lena Horn Bill Bailey Jessie Scott Dynamite Hooker- Cora' La Redd - ■f'_ .^.'CoiQ' Boas* . ■ joe La Porte Ora Cntwnacaa. -' .'. Lupe Noriego. Luis ft Roslta ' Antonio -ft Jqanlta Gubanens I)awn Patrol 'Olak Prank Parrell Ore Barker Trio .. ' -'Delmonlcd'i JCay Lazell Al White Jerry Baker Byrnes ft Swanion Gould Sis • Durso Oro- ' El Chica Wences ■ . Paco Cansino Mlgnon ■ Dallet . Roslta. Rloa - Francisco .Ramos ' Emlll.6 de' Tbrrs . EI Moroeca ' Nnh'o Rodrego Bd Billy MJlton Yevo ft'. Doro Ernie Holts Or* . la Toreador -. b J Escarpinter ^0r: Trinl Vdrela: DIndrdh Argndea MarlluB : ' Ramon (iulros R' ft R Do Car* .: Esse;! 'Hons* Glen.'Gray Or* .' :■. Flrens*. ' Sandino ft Falroblld Dick. Mansfield Oro ii'iylng Trapese Hazel WlUlams . '. Lollta' Bensuenta Norene Carney . .'. MtirleV :6eabury Walte.': Da vies ' Gloria Gilbert Maria Desty ' Harald ft Lola' Olympe Bradna Les: Msiiglnls . Leilme Trio , Drena ' . Ttritthan: ■ Delso . Roberts.' Juan '. Ouitur Emile Boree . LeRoy- Snitth Ore Carl Hoff Ore v' Bnyw'd Bestanrant Sophie- Tneker .' ■ Jack Waldron - : 6.Maxellos Nora ft Jtrrimy Bell Vlra NIva • Joiiny Wells Terry I^awlor.': Marlon. Martin . : Ann Graham. - Catherine. O'Neal' Smith Ballew Ore Hotel Astor : Jack : Berger. 'pre: Hotel Blltmore Shep Fields Oro Florence ft Alvarez Virginia Verril Barry beyine. Hotel . BnolcinghaiD' Conauelo Plowerton Bdonard Pontana Hotel Delmonlco Julie - OUesple. Alex Pogarty Harry . Tuker pro iBotel' Edison.^ Michael Tree Ore H ft M Kane Hotel Fifth Ay* JUlQS ft Jo* Hotel Gov. Clinton Anthony Trinl Oro Hotel Gt. Northern Ferdenahdo Orcta. Hotel: Lexlnigtoii M: Schuster Ore Hotel HcAlpta jimmy Blak* Barker 8 . Prank Parrell Oro Plesale Osbeck . Hotel Hontclnir Toya Saaabe DeLtmas Marti Michel Ore Hotel New Yorker Barboira. 'McDonald Randalls ' Bill Aronson H*t*1 Park Laa* Max Berger* Ore Hotel Fcnasylvaaln Hal Kemp Ore . Hotel riaaa Bmll Coleman Ore Roslta :ft Fphtana Hotel Blts-Carltoa Rlch'd Hlmber Ore Joey. Nash Armaa Veesey Or* Hotel Boosevett Bernle Cummins Ore Bemlce Parks . - Poiherpy Rev Hotel St. .Horlta Maurlne ft Norva Leon Navara Oro Hotel Bt. Begl* Johnny Qreen Oro Marjory Logan ' Hotel VaaderbUt Joe Moss Oro. . Hotel Weylla John Hoysyadt Rosaleen" ft Seville Larry Siry.Oro- Hernandea' Bros House eit. Lords Beverly: Roberts Jlnuny Kelly's 8 Riviera Boys Wayne Cook. Jr Joan Miller •- . Sterling Sla MIdglo Parks Alma Halsey : Ira . Yarnell Peggy De La Plante Chad Albert Ore Rita: Renaiid Madeline . Hughes Pearl Pdrreater . ■ "La- Bne Walker-O'NellS Ore . Lescarrot d'Oir. Earl Moss Ore Leon. ft.Eddie's Billy Reed Paul Duke -: Ann Haines Hal Simpson Lee Gardner Bernlcd Parks'. Tie': Too Girls , Eddie Davis, Ore UalsoB LaEItt* Kathleen Karr Max bolln Oro: Thamara Slnirskaya . BlalaoBf Toxiiat^. A Valenllnb Ore : Spivy. • Rita Belle BEa^rfalr Yacht aab Walker aNell Ore Hont* Frank Marino P«t*r Oallo' Maria Donla . Bias . Pauls Paul Guldo. '. Mariana Arnold ft Hawkins Mary Alice Rloe- Gene Fosdiok Oro Herrera Oro . Nondandl*: Yaoht-Club 4 Ann 'Courtney ..' Victor Rodriiniea' - Joe; Zelll . : Helen Gray • Eddie Elklns Oro Old Rohmahlaa Tbals. ■ Sadie. Banks : Jack Hlrsch : Ruth Wynn . Ronnie de Camp Ethel Bennett :. Anita Feodorowna Abrnaha pro Paradise , Paul Wblterhan : Ore Durelle Alexander Raniona King's M.en : John Hauser' : .' ' Place Elegent Tommy.Mills , Place Flqdale Nbfthway. ft Danllio Harry Rosenthal .or Jeanette Carlay Marlon Chase Balabow Boooi Donna ft. Modrano. Endor :& Parrell Mar.cello Luzzato Jolly : C6burn Ore : Renio Merry-Go^. Boniid. .';..■' Ruth Denning. Reno - Dudea.. .: Val'. Olmah: pro" Kits 'i'oWer Nat Harris Ore. . SayoyTPIsiro Bob .Grant Ore O ft C Herbert Dwlght Plske Florence Herbert . Roslta' ft: Pontana: Joa Zatour .Ore '. ,. .'Sherry's- Maurice :& Cordobn Alice Ddwh Al Ross ' . ' Jos Smith Oro Stork Clob Earl Sd'nde ' '. Gay Adams Vercelle Sis Carols Nolte Hay ward Powers Or Taft GrIU Geo ;Ran Oro . ' Loretta Le* . . Th* Baneh Jerry '. Blanchard - Ted White Bedle St Boys- Honey Biirns . ~ Mary, Rose. Thonutsbefsliy'i ' Boris rhomasketay Regina Zuckerberg Sammy Cotton - Harry Littman Ore Florence Klug Mme. .Churova . . Irv Bercowltz . Gertie Bullmah Ches Doberty Rev .: Town': CafiljDo (3eo Owens Ad rl an Valerie ' Tokay Best . Eddie Ashman Urc Sandor , Hungarian 'Rev . i>o«vlile: Jlni: .Miller pro . Versailles ^ Helen Morgdn : .: (jlalre: Deerfletd :. Milton Douglaa . Pox- .&', Walters ; KIngsley ft 'Chase Danny HIggens. John' RdukwoOd . Al.Ross ■ Don Costello Oro Rodriguez Bd', TUIace Bars Sanimy'Walsh ' , 3- Boston Girls Dolores Farrls Eddie Gale - Accent & Jeiiosco Josh .Medd^rs "" ' ."; Vlliage Nut. Club Jack Pagan ; Pheer Broa Becbe. HofTet '. Allee'n Cooke ' Val Vestoff Plorla' Veetdft Milton Mann :'Uro . Waldorf-Aiilbrla Paul & Eva Reyes Georges ft Jalna : Conauelo: Hal LeRoy Carmen Castillo: .Benuvel ft Tova Xavler Cugat Ore Henry King. Oro. CHIGA60 . - Blackbawk Kay Kyser Oro: Beverley. Kirk Alex'nd'r ft Swanson Prdnces Wilier ' Ches Pare* Al Trahan Yukon Cameron Nick Lomg Jjr . Miles ft Kover Betty Kean Gus A.rnhelm Oro .: College Inn ' Art . jarrelt Eleanor Holm . Olive Olsen Chaz Chase Chas Agnes Ore. - : Coloslmb's Don Enrico . Adelaide KerofI Gano ft Rita Mary Nevells - Arthur Gretlow Ols Bob TInsley's Ore ' Cdharess Hotel . (Joe . Urban Roeim) Robert RoycS Eddie Scope . Patricia Norman Maroy ft LaBelle J Chernlavsky Ore Olnb AlabanS , ' Trudy: Davidson. Vlrla Vaughn . Bobby Danders Gloria Starr . - Hiiiton Sie Phyllaa Herry ■ Gate West Clab Algiers Kay Davison' , Roslta Algiers Club Or* Evelyn Camen The Welamuellers Kay Davidson Sammy Kahn Austin Mack pre; Clnb Hlnaet Prank Sherman Corlles ft Palmsr Ercelle Sla Helene Carol . Adelins: Dossena Hope Parker . Maurle Stanton's. Or Drake. Hotel . Rarre : L'ebarons Ferde Grofe Ore . Edgewater Be^cb Alta Warsa'w'ska Herbie Kay Oro James: Kozaks .pro :EmlMi88y .Clnb:-!' Eivon'ne Faith . Ruth.' JofTee . Pepi & Ginger Roy Fox Lou Shatel Danny Alvln's Ore. .French Casino Farls-Vlenna Rev Tom' Geirun'a Oro.. : Earl Rlckard . E^^dle Dander's Ore Joe Buckley. Oro Bai Harry's N. 1. Harry' Harris AI Wa ghor ■ Phil Furmdri '■ . Harry LeGrand Sid Raymond HI Hat Club Elaine Manzl Muriel Love Glalrei Powell: Bflle Burton' Joan Pbat Lamb's ^ Cafe Bob Prlc.s:' - Peggy Leonard.. Gwyn Rogers... Edna' Stanley- -: Dodda, Br«s MIchelob laa Betty Mpdre ■ Delores' Marceit* Jeannette Graham Hal Htatt's Oro Opera. Olub Ann Seymour : BerenoS ft: Earljm* Vernon Rlckard -Jules Albertl Orb' - Palmer. Hons* Stuart ft :Lea Jay Seller Stanley Morner. Condos Bros Abbott Dancers Ted Weems Ore . Faraniohnt 'Clok Billy Gray Nan Bldckstone '3 RobeFts . Joe Marino Maurle Stein Ore . Bbyale Frolics: Joa. Lewis . Giggles Re^an Bebe Sherman - Marge ft Marl* N ft O Detrlck . Dolores Cecil Blair . . Henri Llahpa Or* . Terrace Oardeaa Roma Vincent . Alice Blue Szlta ft AniB Hank, the Mule O'Brien Girls Stan Myers prs ■: .VVia.,Lago■ Rick ft: Snyder Chteak Stanley . Peggy Laurie. Lou Blake Oro Walnat Room (BIsmarok Hotel) Art .Kassel Oro - Berlnott ft Earljrne Lillian LaVerna ' Florence -Sebubert Ted ;TraVers - .:iio« Perrone's - J. Marengo Pre Murray Peck -'' Dee Sis . Patsy.Lee .■■ Texas Tommy ' Freddy- Beardan Ruth. Van Lolse: Csjbartt Ctoar* Henry Btisse Ore Cottea Clab Pats' Waller LSroy Br'mfleld ft C Taylor ft: Rutlodg* Flora Wasblngtoa Les Hlte Ore Bay Clab Max lierner Johnny Herrlck pre tooilywaad Btableo Jack Rey '. • ' . Mile dee Gee Bobby Organ Dell ft Dorothy - Boyd Sis: Jerry Clifford.. Pauline Starr . ■ : Paul Laws ..Ore: ■ Hotel RooBeyelt . Nelson Hdii. Ore .: Italian yillSge C (janoii's OlrlS :' Peggy Gilbert Oro I Adelijtein's.Pro Klng> Club Claire Frances ' Joey Lee Ore . Harcell ITia ' : Don Julian ' Adele Burlan Marvin Jenaon Chick Theck . Ore .: Clab New Yorker , June Marlowe Rhythmettes Peggy Renard. '- Charlie Borne . earlos Shaw pro, . :Falmerb.s Gypsy Sereiiaders Edith Davis pina de Tolly : ; ' Howard JarraA Chvx Per*x Ova . FaloBwr . ;' Hudaoh-Metzer <|la. OraC ft Oary .Mason ft Pavls Dlok Judgen Or* . . Paris 'laa Singing wsiltera Janet. Sis Thelma Rodolfo ft Chlqulta Bert Rover*. <}r*' . ■"-■PIrrone's.;' bot Roberts . .'- Glenn Harris- Ruth Coffer :. Ted Sharp Freddie Be'ardoa' . Ann' Ti^ezna . Wallace ft . Pltzp't'k Joe.^Marengo Or*: .;:'' Sherry's'. Mayheth Carr: . : Murray Sis Bert Douglas Jeanne Blanch* Lucille liOhman Ronald ft Sandra - Bob Millar Ore . S'.iittia/Pif*-' ;:' 3 .Mah' Jongs Bleanor Briaer Gene Tabor Irene Barry '. Patsy . Darr Blllle Lane Dorothy Gunimlngs Betty Knox ' Lou Singer Or* . .Topsy's -: . , Agnes Johiisolf ' Elmer Judy Lang : Ijk.ft M Saunders - : Leona ft Vdughn. 50 YEARS AfiO ; (Coptiue4 from pasp .50) Corinn«». Co. In for short seaaon. Ticket specs got hold of the seats to sell at an adyahco of'7-Sc. Even Nlllsoii hall, honie of .fash-, ionable concerts, was turhed Into a skating, rink. Was an adjunct to the -Academy, of Music and; served as a ballet room during the opera season. Faced on 15th street. Fred Bert was plahning to do 'The JDevii-s Auction' in Prisco with, the 'jalna' costumes and 'Snowflake' sceneryr. Costumes and scener/ bought from defunct shows. William Muldoon, then a champ wrestler, was doing poses with a miiistrel troupe. One ojC the big fea- tures. : Another mihatrel manage- ment wad after him with a proposi- tion to' pose with Charlie Mitqhell, Bngllsli ring champ, the following season, ■:■.■: Mrs, Tom Thumb married t6 Count Rosebud (Magrl) in New York. Fashionable ceremony. Show printer got an oirder from the John O'Brien show for 1,000 circus stands of 40(| sheets each. Ii| four colors and called for 1,600.000 , Impressibns. Took 1,600 plne boardSt used Instead of. Utho stones, . igs ANGELES Week of April 9 Beverly Wllshlre; Orvllle: Knapp' Pre .. BUtmere Bowl : - Jlnimy Grler Pro': Rhythm .Rasdals - :Beatrlce -Hageh • Dolores: Andre ft D Ruth ft Leister. - 3 Romeros . ' Diictay R ft R tlght^ -'. Cate:de Pane- ' Ray Herbeck'bre . Russ-Cantor Patsy Narr. . Kenny Wllmar'th . i Rockotts Dawson ft Gtenil . ' Casino: .. (A'guai- Callente) Mile Rene Vallon iNIna Siindoval Nona . Lollta Ruls Rita Dlrecho Terrlba.e ft Rojas - RIcharo Martlnej Collins ft .'Wanda - : Chapean Rong*' Ramon ft Resits - Elena ft Ulalaa Les . Argentine Ore Bpb Ltghtner pro - ' . Clover . Clob: Msjclne L^wts Pred Boblnqon Ore' BunneiU's dime: 'museum, NeW Haven, converted Into an operai house for a one-week stay of, th» Bpstoh Ideals. Name changed tO Peck o^era house. . Had a large auditorium, most of the museuma going heavier on their stage, show* than the curio halls. 'Qiieen of the African Earthmen,'< brought over for a circus, died la Chicago and mourned by'the tribe with fantastic ritual. Great stuff for^ the newspapers.. TiynWpod,' one of the early war dramas, was being played in New Orleans.; In the south the play waa changed> with the hero In the .Co|l• federate:lnstead of the Union arm;^. Sounded just as good that way, and safer for southern patrphagie. Buffalo MUslQ . Halt . burned M show . was about to open. McCauU opera troupe. made the Btreet In "cS3tume:and without street clothea. Clod-poppers XCbntlhued fronl Page 1) .. ' ■vlsldn haa 1,265 employes, on th* payrpll. Besides, there are nearly 1,000 vplunteer workers who recelya no pay; . Leaders get $100 a mpritii; a'ssistarits, : J90, out of which they pay their own traveling experisefl.~ Sculpturing, .painting,- designing, interior decorating and' wppd and rnetal wbrk are taught by SERA, in- structors to, 400; studes in: St. Paul > alone, with the 16 instructors aggre- gating $1,000; a.monthv ; ' . •: Main squawk fleeriis^ to emanate, from the rural sectors, since almost, any kind of .money .sounds big to 'the clod-hppperB, iilthough a; checkup-, dlsblpses that more farm'wlveB than city slsteri. are flocking to jeaxn how the . light ■ fantastic Is beii^p tripped!