Variety (May 1935)

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VARltyiY PICT E GROSSES Wednesday, May 1, 1935 Biz lift Gives 'Private Worlds 19G, L A. Par; 'Frankenstein at Pan Good $6,000;'€-Men Is Rosy TACOMA IS ROSY 'Wadding Night' Getting Fair |2,500, But Othara Okay los Angeles, April 30. (Best Exploitation: Clilnese, State) Trade perked considerably cur- rent week with Paramount In the vanguard so far as take was con- cerned with 'Private Worlds' geared to hit an easy $19,000. Warner's Hollywood and RKO also going alone at rapid pace with 'G-Men,' ■while State and Chinese had no rosy path with 'West Point of the Air,' quite a disappointment. 'Frankenstein' in holdover at Pantages is oke, but not great, still doing more than twice the business house gets on initial week of aver- age attraction, however. Two moveovers from other houses, the Downtown doing fair with •Gold Diggers of 1936,' while United Artists not so forte with 'Reckless.' which shifted from the State. 'Van- essa' at Fow Star Is In the oke class and will show a very healthy figure, probably lingering for three Btanzas. Though State and Chinese were tops on exploitation for the week it meant nothing to both houses, which wound up In the red with ' -West Point of the Air.' Utilized all radio stations in Los Angeles area with announcements on the at- traction as well as tielng In with the Examiner and Evisning Record- Herald on a Junior Blrdmen angle. Estimates for This Week Chinese (Grauman) (2,028; 30-40- BB)—'West Point' (MG). Wallace Beery means nothing in this one. house will do a very bad $4,B00 at most. Last week 'Reckless' (MG). Just as calculated, week was not so hotsy and came a bit under esti- mate for a seven-day stay getting just over $7,000. Downtown' (WB) (1,800; 2B-30-40) —'Gold Dfggers' (WB>. Much healthier. tha;n house usually gets with double bill, headed for around $3,800. Last week 'Strangers AH' (Radio) and 'Love You Always' (Col) were a smallpox combination for house, which did short of $1,800; brutal. Filmarte (Relsenfeld) (900; 40-50) —'Heart Calling' (GB) (2d week). Just Grabbing loose ends, which will run to around $1,100. Last week very big In'tapering off at the 13,000 mark. Four Star (Fox) (900; 30-35)— •Vanessa' (MG). Montgomery Hayes combo make this one hit close to $4,000 mark for first week; fine. Last week 'Scarlet Pimpernel' (UA). Fifth week for Import was plenty oke at $2,100. - Hollywood (WB) (1,800; 25-30- 40)—'G-Men' (WB). Started oft at very good pace with trade mounting dally and headed for an easy $9,500. Lasf week 'Gold Diggers' (WB). Stuck for eight days to much dis- appointment at $8,100. Pantages (Pan) (2,700; 25-40)- •Frankensteln' (U) (2nd week) Letdown from first week, but better than average holdover; will come home with around $6,300. Last week started oft like whirlwind but tapered down toward end to $10,000, which, however, tremendous for house. Paramount (Partmar) (3,595; 30 40-55)—'Private Worlds' (Par) and utage show. Claudette Colbert seems to be natural for the local b.o. and Wanger pic a cinch for $19,000, even without stage attrac- tion help. Holds. Last Week 'Stolen Harmony' (Par). Came through to the dot, hitting the predicted $18,000. RKO (2,950; 25-35-55-66)—'G Men' (WB). Folks going for this one in great style, which necessi- tated a mldnlte frolic on Saturday. Will have a corking good. take of $11,500. Last week 'Gold Diggers' (WB). In for eight days and oke with $9,300. State (Loew-Fox) (2,024; 30-40 55)—'West Point' (MG). Though doing better than Chinese, It Is very weak; house will be lucky to hit $0,200. Last week 'Reckless' (MG) Not the b.o. cyclone Metro thought, but showed profit at $9,300. United Artis'.s (Fox-UA) (2,100 25 - 30 - 40-55) — 'Reckless' (MG) Move from the State not so help- ful for house; Harlow-Powell pic a headache with $2,200. Last week 'Love In Bloom' (Par) and 'Small World' (Pox). Just had to take the strollers In that neck of Broadway, of whom there are not flo many; wound up with a weak $2,400. Speed Up Tarzan Hollywood, April 30. In readying the next Tarzan fea ture, Metro Is figuring on a six week production schedule for the picture, which Phil Goldstone will produce. Last Tarzan tree-Jumper made by Metro in 1933 was In production over a period of more than .six months. 'WEST POINT' $7,000 Birmingham Okay—'Sweet Musi ,' $3,000, Empire. Birmingham, April 80. ^ ( est Exploitation: Alabama) Saturday midnight shows are getting to be the rage and even the nabes are taking the habit. Busi- ness at these performances are nothing to set the woods on fire but probably get a few extra dollars. Best this week appears to be 'West Point' backed by nice bally- hoo and Wallace Beery. Airplane flying over town pulling a elgn trailer advertising the show waa used along with dodgers and what nots. Estimates for This Week Alabama (Wllby) (2,860; 30-35- 40)—'West Point of Air (MG). Off to good start and may do close to $7,000. Last week 'Reckless' (MG) failed to excite, getting around $5,760. RiU (Wllby) (1,600; 25-30)— 'Folles Bergere' (UA). Around $2,- 600. Last week 'Ruggles of Red Gap* (Par) $3,000. Empire (Acme) (1,100; 25)— 'Sweet Music' (WB). In proportion to other houses this one will prob- ably be up around the top, $3,000 Last week 'Woman in Red* (FN) around $1,900, light. Strand (Wllby) (800; 26)—'It's a Small World' (Fox) and 'I Give My Love.' Not over $1,600, light. Last week 'Casino Murder Case' (MG) and 'Wicked Woman' (MQ) on split $1,600. Pantages (Wllby) (1.860; .26-30)— Four Hours to Kill' (Par) and vaude $1,800, light Indeed. Last week 'Good Fairy' (U) and vaude- ville $2,000. Tacoma, April 80.< Prices moved up to 40c. top at Music Box with vaudfllm policy, Rialto has Koib and Dill road show, with 'The Beat Man Wins' at two- bits top, and getting some dough, too. No special exploitation in burg this week. Music Box has 'Gold Diggers of 1936' and a nice cam- paign, but nothing extraordinary. Estimates for Thia Week Blue Mouse (Hamrlck) (700; 16- 25-36)—'The Wedding Nlghf (UA). With Cooper and Sten In lights, house is headed tor slow $2,600. Last week, 'Mississippi' (Par), de- livered 12,700, okay. usio Box CHamrlck) (1,400; 26- 3B.401—'Gold Diggers of 1935' (WB) and sUgeahow. Dick Powell get- ting press breaks and okay $4,600 Is anticipated. Last week, 'Star of Midnight' (Radio) and vaude got $5,200, big. Boxy (J-vH) (1,300; 25-36)—'The Shadow ot Doubt' (MG) and 'Vanes- sa* (MQ), split. Heading for nice $3,800. Last week, 'After Office Hours' (MQ), 14,000, good. ITS SPRINGTIME IN WASHINGTON Prov. Peppy; 'Private Worldsl'ine $9,200; 'Richelieu BuOding to Oke IIG Denver's Big Biz Nets 3 Holdovers; 'Richelieu $4,500 Denver, April 30. (Best Exploitation; Orpheum) Three films -will be held over here next week. .'Richelieu' will stay at the Aladdin for a second week, 'Star Qf Midnight' wJU cling to the Or- pheum, and 'Naughty Marietta' will move from the Denver around the comer to the Broadway. All three doing steady business and registered hold-out biz over the week-end. 'Private Worlds,' on its last seven days of a 10-day stay at Denhamr did fine and might have been held over also, but, with stage show booked In, Impossible to switch. President's radio talk Sunday night was big blow to theatres here, cutting all grosses way down. Orpheum tied in with Armour & Co. for a lobby display, since Ginger Rogers wa^ featured with the 'Meal of the Month,' bn.'ildes being the star in the film at the Orpheum. Estimates for This Week Aladdin (Huffman) (1,500; 25-35- 50-60)—'Richelieu' (UA). Splendid biz at $4,500 and hanging on. T^a-st week 'Man's a Man' (Fox) drew above averalge for westerns, doing $1,750 on the week. Broadway (Huffman) (1,600; 25- 40)—'Transient Lady' (U) and 'Rendezvous at Midnight' (U) double bin. Just fair at $1,200. Last week 'Straight from Heart' (U) and 'Gold Diggers' (WB), split, did some better, $1,760. Deriham (Cooper) (1,500; 25-35- 50)—'Private Worlds' (Par), llnish- ing a 10-day run at $6,000, could have held, but stage show booked in and uncallable. Last week 'Hold 'Em Yale' (Par) and 'Private Worlds' (Par), split, did $5,000, with latter, starting a 10-day run, doing the lion's share. Denver (Huffman) (2,500; 25-35- 60)—'Marietta' (MG) and stage show. Cinch for $9,000 and one more week. Last week 'Reckless* (MG) did 25% above average, clos- ing with $7,500. Orpheum (RKO)—'Star of Mid- night' (Radio) also sockeroo at $8,500 and will be held. L,ast week 'Green Gables' (Radio) did $6,500, above average. Matinees fine, with nights oft. Paramount (Iluftman) (2,000; 25- 35-50)—'Mister Dynamite' (U). Too much competition for this one; weak at $2,000. Last week 'Princess O'Hara' (U) only fair, closing with ?3,500, Washington, April 30. (Best Exploitation: Fox) Shows playing , the Capital this week ai% not as bad as the figures might Indicate, but first real spring weather kept patrons outdoors over the week-end for a bum box-oflBce beginning. Loew's Fox on last show tonight (Tuesday) presented extra 46 min- utes of fun with popular radio broadcast airing from stage and Gertrude Nelsen as 'guest artist.' Estimates for This Week Fox (Loew) (8,434.; 25-36-60)— 'New York Night' (Par) and vaude. Press only fair and weather blamed for light $18,000. Last week 'Four Hours' (Par) drew nice $21,000. Earle (WB) (2,424; 25-35-40-60) —'Private Worlds' (Par) and vaude. Claudette Colbert figured big pull Wit so-so stage revue brings it down to low $16,500. Last week 'Into Your Dance* (WB) did well with $20,000. Palace (Loew's) (2,363; 26-35-60) —'Reckless' (MG) (2d wk). Mild at estimated $7,000. Last week big $18,000: Keith's (RKO) (1,830; 25-35-60) -•Thunder In Bast' (UA). Pretty good $4,600 on flve-day run. 'Frankenstein' (U) opening tomor- row (Wed). Last week 'Star Mid- night* (Radio) held up rather well, holdover for fair $7,600. Metropolitan (WB), (1.86il; 25-40) —'Death Flies, East' (Col).. Doing very well with mystery, fans, a big $3,800. Last ' week 'Unwelcome Stranger* (Col), oke $3,000. Columbia (Loew's) (1,263; 25-40) —'$10 Raise* (FN). Doing poorly at about $2,600. Last week 'All King's Horses' (t'ar), got by with, bare $8,000. Belasco (Radln) (800; 25-36-60) 60)—'Iron Duke' (QB) (2d wk). Falling off to about $2,000. Last week a huge $4,600. life Begins/ 'Scandals' Both Nicely in Lincoln Lincoln, April 80, (Best Exploitation: Stuart) "Life Begins at 40' is the basis of glad hosannas in this post-Easter week at the Stuart. Indications point to Its easing over $4,000 very easily before the end of the seven day stretch. House In stunting for the pic had live pigs In the lobby and conducted hog calling contests as a buildup. •Scandals' was a surprlser when the b.o. opened and haa been doing well ever since. The Lincoln, which houses it. has been batting plenty strong for months now. Over at the Orph. Gene Gory's crazy band on the stage and 'Love In Bloom fairly rained money for three days. The Varsity closed with end of biz Thursday (25) and will remain shuttered for nearly a month of cooling system Installation. It's the first dark house here In nearly a year. Estimates for This Week Colonial (LTC) (750; 10-15)— 'Texas Jack' (Indie). 'Death Stalks at Midnight' (Indie) and 'McFad den's Plats* (Par). Three changes, good $1,100. Last week 'Frontier Days' (Cap), 'Great Hotel Murder* (Fox) and 'Behind; Green Lights (MaJ) for three swaps good enough considering the lull weekend, $1,000. Lincoln (LTC) (1,600; 10-20-26)— •Scandals' (Fox). Nice $2,600 In sight. Last week 'Star of Midnight' (Radio) a veritable whiz and netted $3,000 which Is swell. Orpheum (LTC) (1,200; 10-16-25) —•Love in Bloom* (Par) and 'Run- nin' Wild' unit on the stage, three days. Four days after taken up by 'Mr. Dynamite' (U) and 'Spring Tonic' (Fox) on dual basis. Stage end was out for sock biz and the week heads Into $2,800, very nice. Last week 'King's Horses' (Par) with Gertrude Avery's revue (3 days) and 'While Patient Slept (WB) and 'Night Life of the Gods' (U) dualling last half, about aver- age $2,100. Stuart (LTC) (1,900; 10-25-40)— 'Life Begins at 40" (Fox). Gross will get up to $4,500, If pace any indicator. tTagt week 'Mississippi' (Par) was clogged by 'Midnight' at the Lincoln, but swelled up over average by some margin with $3, 500. Varsity (Westland) (1,100; 10-15 25). Closed for three weeks for In- stallation of new cooling system, Last, week 'My Heart Is Calling' (GB) and 'Take the Stand' (Indie) took $1,050, the best in weeks, but not good enough. Monarch's N. Y. Hdqs. Dave Chatkln, former Publlx op eratlng executive, now a partner In Monarch Theatres, will make New York his headquarters hereafter In stead of Cleveland. He and Harry Katz, brother of Sam, are associated with Milt Feld president, in the Monarch chain. Too Many Seattle H. O/s Three Films Try Second Weeks to Mild Grosses; 'Reckless' Moderate $7,500 Seattle, April 80. Three holdovers at local first run houses and letdown in the other spots finds the burg without any wow stuff this week. Biz Is generally oft, with sunshine on the week-end no help. Paramount reverts to duals after good biz with Marx brothers. Tilt- ing admish to 65c. top, while worth it, kept some people away, and gross was below hopes, although plenty oke. State sales tax on commodities and amusements may have to with- stand court tests as to constitution- ality, but Is set, to start May 1. Theatre tickets must collect from patrons, with no exceptions, not even press or officials. Estimates for This Week Blue Mouse (Hamrlck) (960; 25- 35-40)—•Star Midnight' (Radio) (2nd •week). Ginger Rogers and William Powell baiting 'em for oke, $3,000 on six days. Last week, same film, $6,400, good. Coliseum (Evergreen (1,800; 15- 25)—'Society Doctor* (MG) and ■Cllve* (UA) dual. Indicates a fair $3,000. Last week, 'Copperfleld' (MG) and 'Chan In Paris' (Fox) iliial, $3,900, big. 6th Avenue (Bvergreen (2,400; 26 35-40)—'Reckless' (MG). Just an ordinary campaign, so only mode rate $7,500, Last week, 'Life Begins' (Fox) was fair at $8,400. Liberty (J-vH) (1,900; 25-35)— 'Town's Talking' (Col) (2nd week) Only so-so $4,500 against $7,100 good, first week. Music Box (Hamrlck) (900; 25 35-40)—'Gold Diggers' (FN) (2nd week). Another one that couldn' make the holdover going; so-so at $4,500. Last week, pic got $6,200 good. Orpheum (Hamrlck (2,700; 25-35) —'Mary Jane's Pa' (FN) and vaude, Fair at $6,500, Last week, 'Franken stein' (U) and vaude, got record b. o. Saturday and Sunday except when Wheeler and Woolsey ap pcared at house In person; $9,600 for the week, wonderful, but wouldn't risk holding and, In view of other business, was probably right. Paramount (Evergreen) (3,106 25-35)—'Scandals' (Fox) and 'World War' (Fox) dual, and vaude, only moderate at $4,500. Last week, with price up to 55c. 'Ten Dollar Raise' (MG) and Marx Brothers in person, hit a healthy pace at $5,500, b»it be- low expectations. Providence, April 30. (Best Exploitation: RKO Albee) Natives are crawling out of their shells again. Trade Is better, gene- rally. Attractions exceptional both on stage and screen. Big noise this week looks like Private Worlds' ^at Strand, when nianagement concentrated only on newspapers to get the message over. It's a woman's picture and seems as though all the boy friends are being dragged In by the gals. Cardinal Richelieu' opened rather tepid, but every indication that a buildup later in the week will give Loew's a better than average week. Exploitation for Boswell Sisters is netting the Albee type of publicity not usually seen In these parts, where newspapers are tough on press agents. Through a tie-up with Catholic .Charity Drive Boswell Sisters were given swell breaks. Estimates for This Week Loew's State (3,200; 15-25-40)— Richelieu' (UA). Purely class enter- tainment and held back a bit by tepid opening, but comment around town will bring gross for the week up to $11,000. oke. Last week 'Reck- less' (MG) failed to click as it should have; house satlsned with $9,800. Fay's (2,200; 15-25-40)—'Spring Tonic' (Fox) and 'Spring Gambols' and 'Neapolitan Nights,' two units on stage. Oft to a rather slow start, but finish should see at least $8,000 in the till. Last week 'Small World' (Fox) and unit was tepid at $7,300. Majestic (Fay) (2.200; 16-26-40)— 'Black Fury' (WB) and 'Mary Jane's Pa* (WB). Good start, but since film is distinctly limited in appeal finish may not be so hot. At any rate house figuring on $8,500, better than average. Last week 'Into Your Dance' (WB) Just fair at $7,000. Modern Fine Arts (1,600; 15-25- 40)—'Imitation of Life' (U) and 'One Way Passage* (WB). Not likely to go over $1,500, but oke. Last week •42nd Street' (WB) and 'Back Street* (U). House suffered first set-back in revival, gross just get- ting out of red at $850. Strand (Indie) (2,200; 15-25-40)— 'Private Worlds* (Par) and 'Great God Gold' (Mono). Opened big and pace holding up. Gross sure to be close to $9,200; best in town as plenty of velvet. Last week 'Hold 'Em Yale' (Par) and 'Million Dollar Baby' (Mono) oke, too, at $7,200. RKO Albee (2,600; 15-25-40)— 'Strangers All' (Radio) and vaudo. House figuring on at least $11,000, with good chance of gating It. Last week 'Star Midnight' (Radio) and vaude, came near $9,500, oke. RKO .Victory (1,600; 10-16-25— 'Dawn Trail' (Col) and 'Sunset Range' should do at least $1,100 on split week. Last week 'Fighting Pieneer' and 'Mystery Mountain' oke, too, at $1,000 on split week. INTO YOUR DANCE' OKAY $8,500, BUFFALO Buffalo, April 30. Box offices are off again during current week, after a decided spurt over the Easter holiday period. The absence of outstanding features currently Is also undoubtedly re- spoijsible for some portion of the drop away. Estimates for This Week Buffalo (3,600; 30-40-55)—'Devil Is a Woman' (Par) and stage show. Picture handled severely by local newspapers and stage show looks average. Opening business bad. Looks like $9,600. Last week 'Mis- sissippi' (Par) and Bernle. Bernie built the situation up to a fine gross and gets all the credit. Swell business at $24,000. Hipp (Shea) (2,400; 25-40)—'Go Into Your Dance' (WB). Tongue- in-cheek comment on this one by local press, but public seems to be going for it Just the same. Will probably better $8,500. Last week 'Richelieu' (UA). Fine returns for this fine picture, with business climbing up to $9,600. Great Lakes (Shea) (3,400; 25-40) -'Traveling Saleslady' (WB) and 'Shadow of Doubt' (MG). Another double bill which, while of high en- tertainment value, lacks sufficient distinction to reach much over $7,000. Last week 'Reckless' (MG) showed strength and moved up well over predictions to $11,000. Century (Shea) (3,400; 25)— 'Casino Murder Case' (MG) and •McPadden's Flats' (Par). Regular fodder for the house for probably under $5,000. Last week 'Times Square Lady' (MG) and 'When a Man's a Man' (Fox), up slightly at $5,300. Lafayette (Ind) (3,400; • 25)—'Mr. Dynamite' (U) and 'Straight from tho Heart' (U). Not much to write in about for this program at a mod- erate $6,000. Last week 'Death Flies East' (Col) and 'Let's Live Tonight' (Col), dropped off again and felt the competition of hc.ivior attractions elsewhere; $5,700.