Variety (May 1935)

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76 VARIETY ¥ I M E S S Q U 4 R E Wednesday, May 8, 1935 Broadway Alex Tokel In for another quick Visit. Billy Taylor crutching It. Broken knee cap. Lou Cowan readying for a gallop to the Coast. Leo Salkin planed to the Coast for a quickie. Lep Solomon of the Music Box now a grandpa. Charlie McCarthy has become a Kalmuck Kuhnel. ISddie Alperson ott for Milwaukee and thence to Coast. E. C. Grainger back from two- week vacash In Florida. Bob Coleman realized one of his ambitions, a 30-foot yacht. Dr. Joe Lee buying, a No. 2 rattler and taking driving lessons. Gene Lyons will really tell all about his Rusae experiences. Nate Plait and frau back from Excelsiov Springs and bosses. Bernle Bergman at Post Graduate hosp following tumor operation. Michael Todd, readying a new unit to be tagged 'Everything Goes.' Leonard Gaynor is collecting old Llncolns, having just bought a sec- ond. " Alex Ruloff branching out with a new three-act—Ruloff, Victor and Tamara. Giro now connected with the Ca- viar restaurant. Formerly had his own spot. Irving M. Radln, of Maged, Rad- In & Seldmah, law firm, is hanging up a solo shingle. Willie Priori, of the New York Sun dramatic staff, back from a month vacash abroad. Charlie Burrls, B. & K.'s young- est manager, celebrated a birthday last week at the Nortown. Plenty of chiseling going on try- ing to get in on those free flrst-trlp ducats for the Normandle. .F E. Kenny, ex-VAniffrr mugg In Mount Vernon, has opened his own lecture and advertising bureau. Lawrence (Larry) Anhalt con- tinues his summer stock activities this season at Saybrook, Conn. Arthur Hbrnblow, Jr„ hopes to take In Russia on his three-month foreign, jaunt. Sailed Saturday. Oscar Serlln, Par's eastern talent scout, recuperating from minor op- eration performed last Thursday (2). Herman Gantvobrt selling new electric organs while filling in time before starting legit producing again. Weather rulped Ben Marden's Riviera biz. Earl Carroll revue being revised, with new principals added. Sam Cohen, United Artists for- eign p.a., off to Europe for a month to contact the London and Paris oflices. Eddie Hanley is afraid his car will shrink if It gets wet. On rainy days It stays In the garage and he walks. Phil Rapp, Eddie Cantor's script- 1st, authoring scenes for the new 'Scandal.s' when he gets back from the Coast. Easy Aces took Doc Rockwell to sec his first horse race last week, ttnd Rockwell already has it all figured out. Jack Campbell moving back to New York from the country now that sumiTier's here. Just wants to be different. Charles AUhoff getting In some Jersey trout fishing before hopping west for a vaude route starting May 17 in Portland, Ore. Jack Robblns. writes that his new Beverly Hills manse is the B. H. branch of Robblns Music Corp.— only admitted. Roy Chartler; Variety mugg, made a Kentucky colonel last week. llarold M. Goldblatt. theatrical attorneS', moved to G7 West 44th. Leonard R. Hanbwer. his ex-law pard, now has his own office. Nell F.. Agnew (Par) back Mon- day after more than a month's ab- sence, Including a trip to Hawaii, following a Coast studio visit. Al Hanson, L.A. city manager for Fox-West Coast, hopped" a plane for Coast Thursday (2) after sitting In at C.A. confab on Los Angeles schedule. Gregory Ratoff to the Coast, but must be back in London June 15 for 'Job' (film). Monty Banks, who came over with him, has returned to London. Mack Millar, radio and nltery p.a., handling his first legit, the Jack Lalt-Stephon Gross show, 'The Hook-Up,' opening tonight (Wed.) at the Cort. Spyros Skouras off for Kansas City, where he goes into a hudclle with E. C. Rhoden and Rick Ricket- son on Fox-Midwest and Fox Rocky Mountain roorg plans. R. C. Music Hall cafeteria for em- ployees, seating 40, grosH.'^s $1,000 weekly, wliich means but small op- erating profit to venture, which Is more of a convenience for the 500- odd employees attached to the lie 11. Loew's State Senators, slang for pit band, feted their maestro, Ruby Zwerling,. at the Paradise after the show on the occasion of the eighth anniversary of the orchestra. .Most of 'em have been together all that time. Since the Rockefellers were dis- cover(>:l paying their way into Radio City Music Hall some nights, the house staff watches for them, and seats, are unoflnclally 'reserved' for them on Saturdays and Sundayjs, their usual visiting days. Helene (Mrs, Monte) Samuel has a painting on exhibition at Anderson Galleries. She leaves her native New Orleans May 18 to attend the Washington, D. C, convention of the American Federation of Art as rep of the Southern States Art League. Paris By Bob Stern Chiqulta Scrano hoofing at .Melo dy's. Feddor Chaliapin due back In Paris. Lillian Templeton stopping at the CrlUon. Lucienne Boyer opening Monseig- neur nltery. 'Maria Chapdelaine' released on Gaumont circuit. Comedle Francaise troupe back after Italian tour. 'Rose Marie' revival getting fair crowds at Mogador. William Goetz booked for maiden voyage of Normandle. Edwin Miles Fadman and son to Ste. Maxlme for a rest. Leo Lellevre reelected president of the composers' League. Plccoll and TrudI Schoop dancers playing Lyons Opera house. Sacha Gultry making scene for 'Pasteur* picture In Sorbonne. Bill O'Brien telling how he came to be made a Kentucky Colonel. Movement for French film dicta- tor, governjnent named, growing. Lily Pons to sing 'Lucia' and 'Rlgoletto' at Paris Opera In May. French legit version of 'Private Lives' getting good hand In Brus- sels. Lily Palmer getting contract with Warners In England with 3-year option. Charlotte Seltlln, of Simon and Shuster, seeing sights like regular tourist. Jane Marnac selling h6r art ob- jects at auction and going to live In a hotel. Premier Flandin seeing delega- tion of showmen on the tax cut problem. Old Chaplin silent films being shown In naborhood stores, as crowd catchers. Palais Royal opening with new farce, 'Odette Is Served' by Roger Ferdinand. Odcon playing Georges RlvoUet's piece on St. Francis of Asslsl during Holy Week. Doug Fairbanks, Jr., and ' Irving Asher In Paris and Deauvllle for Easter vacation. Ballet and chorus from Paris Opera going to Florence for May music season there. Henri Douvernols play 'Rouge' broadcast, from St. Georges Thea- tre, by Poste parisien. New film theatre on Champs Elysees, Balzac, opening May 3 with 'Wedding Night' (UA). Comedle's South American tour; If decided on, will begin August 16 and end .In November. " New Marta Eggerth film, 'Casta Diva' dup soon at Studio de I'Etolle, with Philips Holmes opposite. Dallo, in legit for several years, returning to vaude at A.B.C. In a sketch written for him by Rip. Rip signing with Rottembourg and Goldin to write scries of revues for A.B.C, changing each fortnight. Willie Priori, of the New York Sun dramatic staff, eating duck number 126,800 at the Tour d'Argent. Mark Twain story, as raclo sketch, being broadcast from French stations in honor of writer's anni- versary. Only foreign distribs showing any interest in film on history of French aviation being made by Deville and Lascaln. Move started to broadcast reports of French parliamentary debates, first recording speeches on disks or wire during sessions. Final sequences of George La- combe's film, 'Scandalous Couple,' being'shot at Casino de Paris with Jeanne Aubert on stage. Albert I^amOert, dean of Comedle Francaise and for 50 years with troupe, voluntarily retiring to make room for younger players. Pierre Richard Wlllm reported cast for the lead In coming talker version of Stendhal's 'Le Rouge et le Nolr," to be made by Mllo Films. Carlo Bavetta, leaving soon for Fox S.A. post, telling French re- porters at luncheon In his honor that he still owns a piece of French soil. Jane Renouardt and Jacques Louvlgny playing leads In 'One Night' by Rene Pujol, 3-act farce comedy to follow the Dorln revue at Daunou. Samson Fairisilber designing cos- tumes and sets, as well as taking lead, In 'Divine Aretlno' by Alfred Mortlor, revived at Two Masques tlioatrc in Rue Fontaine. Beatrice Eretty, of Comedle Francaise, first woman to be broad- cast by television in France, speak- ing on (I!omedie'a Italian trip from PTT station's television studio. London Anton Kuh writing for Korda, Hannen Swaffer on and off the sick list. Sydney Bernstein hiking from Paris to Rome. Martin Walker going Into new Edna Best show. Belle Baker off to Monte Carlo for a couple of days. Tilly Losch strolUng unnoticed down the boulevards." Cedrlc Belfrage back on legit re- viewing for the Express. Violet Vanbrugh Inherits $25,000 under will of her stepfather. Riley Parker and the missus re- turning to the States May 17. Walter Ellis • turning down two film offers for 'Shooting Stars.' Lew Leslie back from provincial talent hunt, but found nothing, Leo Mlttler to direct 'Honeymoon for Three' starring Stanley Luplno. Archie de Bear back In show business after three years' absence. Hella Kurty playing lead In Eu- gene Roberts' production of 'Roul- ette.' 'The Beggar's Opera' revival closed at the Comedy after seven weeks. 'King for a Cow' Is pro tern title of new musical show by Desmond Carter. Archie Cottier here negotiating bankroll for picture producing In London. George Robey admiring his daugh- ter's exhibition of paintings at Cool- ing Galleries. C. B. Cochran has decided on. the Apollo for London opening of 'Mes- mer,' May 16. Paul England joined- Connie's film agency, to cultivate firm's Holly- wood activities. Will Mahoney and his' road show booked for two return dates at the Holborn Empire. Laurence Olivier will play op- posite Flora Robson In Korda's Queen Elizabeth.' Rowland Leigh off to Hollywood after a fortnight's stay here, despite several offers of work. Eddie (joodhart, American song writer. In bed with strained should- er; b'ver-swung at golf. Actors Marjorle Stonor and Val- entine Dyall (son of Franklin Dyall) married In Chelsea, April 23. Houston Sisters, Scottish act, separating, one going Into straight comedy; other Into a musical. Carr Brothers and Betty fort- nlghtlng at the Savoy hotel, with General Theatres dates to follow. Wynne Gibson being talked to for West End legit show after her pic- ture work with Stafford & Han- bury. British Broadcasting Corporation telling Harry Roy and his band to Indulge less In clowning and do more playing. Sam Joseph, husband of Blnnle Barnes, sending cables hourly to Hollywood to find out how the wife Is progressing. In a fall during his pole balancing act, Francois Jansens, Belgian, suf- fei-ed multiple Injuries at the Broad- way, Stratford. 'Drake of England,' BIP's latest, to be given gala showing at the Re- gal, with proceeds devoted to King George's Jubilee fund. British Lion's 'Charing Cross Road,' musical, has been completed. Cast headed by Belle Baker. Di- rected by Albert de CourvlUe. Irving Berlin, Inc., has bought American rights of 'One Night In Napoll,' by France Vienna and Ed- die Pola, from Lawrence Wright. Jack Jackson, head of Dorchester band, starting own company of British made Silly Symphony, fea- turing a bee as hero and wasp as villain. Harry Welchman too 111 to be on the opening bill of StoU's New Man- chester Hippodrome, renamed Ard- wlck Empire. Hutch (Leslie Hutch- inson), American, substituted. May 21 date set for Dorothy Hy- son's wedding to Robett Douglas In Chelsea. Bride Is daughter of Dorothy Dickson. Laurence Olivier lending his house for reception. Trix Sisters act splitting up; Helen Lewis, who replaced the origi- nal Helen, has left following a dis- pute over terms, with another Eng- lish girl likely to fill her place. Parlorphone distributing 1,000 records of 'For Love of You,' song made popular on the continent by Franco Foresta at the opening of Andre Chariot's 'Danclpg City.' H. & G. (Tower Bridge), Ltd., a Hyams Brothers house, sued by Doris Norman, performer, for in- jury received on stage while work- ing, and ordered to pay $8,500 dam- ages. C. A. W. (Charlie Walker), Lon- don trade paper reviewer, snia-shcd up in auto crash. In same car was George Ayre, Warner studio p.a. Front wheel skid In Easter traffic did it. Jack de Leon and Daniel Mayer reviving 'Line Engaged' at Golders Oreon and Streatham theatres with company Including Sam and Barry LIvesey,. Marjorle Mars and Irf>ulse Hampton. Alexander Korda temporarily postponing 'Whither Mankind,' H. G. Wells pic, and Instead doing 'Miracle Man' by same author, Lothar Mendes directing, with Ned Mann to handle special trick ef fects. Emlyn Williams starring In own play, 'Night Must Fall,' which Miles Malleson producing In West End In May. Angela Baddeley also in cast, her part In 'The Greeks Had a Word for If taken over by. Joyce Barbour, Diamond Brothers quit Cocoanut Grove club, where they were dou bllng from the Cafe de Paris, after two days. Place had no room tor knockabouts to exploit their rough house tricks, and was doing the Diamonds no good. Pemberton Billing, former mem ber of Parliament, has Invented a pocket camera and floated two $10d,000 companies. One titled Compass Company, Ltd., and other Compass Company (International), Ltd. Ensign Films has distributing rights. American acta going to Paris on chance dates are finding permit trouble worse there than In Eng- land. Cannot open unless permit Is In order before arrival, Stewart and Vale, and Roblnsoif and Mar tin are among acts that encount ercd such trouble. Vienna Robert Stolz writing an Austrian 'Cavalcade.' Hubert Marlschka's villa ne Velden robbed. . Paula Wessely to Paris to act In some French-made, films. Franz Werfel having his 'Die MIt taggoettln' turned into an opera. Hans May's 'Dancing City' has been taken by the London Coliseum. Max, Hansen going to London to make his first English film, 'Cadet Love.' Leo Slezak's new film, 'Music In the Blood,' being prepared for Kng- land and the U. S. Elisabeth Bergner consented to return to Vienna In 1936 for a series of stage productions. Lotte Lehmann considering an of- fer to act and sing in a Vienna pro- duced film this summer. Jeno Ormany, after conducting nine concerts In 10 days In America, coming back to Budapest. 'White Horse Inn,' operetta, will be filmed In Vienna In English, Ger- man and French versions. Gilbert Lennox adapting Grotzln- ger'a 'Der Hexenmeister' for produc- tion In England and United States. Max Relnhardt, who Is having trouble with the Austrian Income tax people, due to return to Vienna in June. Austrian film version of Musso- lini's Napoleon play, 'Hundred Days,' with Werner Krauss having great success. Johann Strauss' unlucky love af- fair with Angellka Dietrich will be the theme for the first film to be produced here by Gaumont's Vien- na studio. Alfred Jerger, from the Opera, In a lead role. Berlin Hagenbeck's circus In town. 'Wiener Blut' folded at the Plaza. Rio Rita reopened; still film hang- out. Werner Flnck new m.c. at the Katakombe. 'Lauf ins Glueck' Into mothballs for the summer. Hans Wacke, Essen soloist, signed for Braunschweig. Garbo's 'Painted Veil' (MG) doing well at the Capitol. Lotte Werkmeister heads new Kabarett der Kor.ilker bill. Renaissance theatre premiered Carl Laufs' 'Pension Schoeller.' Ifeinz Klihgenberg signed for two years in Dresden Staatstheatre. Karl Mllloecker's operetta 'Gas- parone' readying for a stay at Plaza. Juergen Fehling producing Les- slng's 'Minna von Barnhelm' at Hamburg. 'Gentlemen,' despite continued panning from the press, still holding up at Komoedle. 'Krach Im Hinterhaus' at Theatre am Schiffbauerdamm looks good for the entire summer. Otto Wernicke has lead In Walter Gllbrlcht's 'Michael Kohlhaas' at Deutsches Theatre. Maria Paudler and Hans Brause- wetter paired In '11 Teufel' at ICurfuerstendamm theatre. First prize for best theatre plans at Dessau went to Prof. Helnrlch Straumer, Berlin architect. 'Die Frau Im Spiegel' with Friedl Schuster, Grete Weiser and Paul Heldemann away to good start at Komlsche Opera. Richard Welchcrt will stage Klelst's 'Kaetchen von Heilbronn' at Heidelberg with Angela iSallokor and Paul Wagner In leads. Budapest By E. P. Jacobi •Three and a Half Musketeers' finished at Hunnla Studios. 'Passing of Third Floor Back' at National theatre, total flop. Not a single operetta theatre play. Ing; city used to be full of them PIroska Anday,. ringing in opera at Athens, got Greek Order of Merit Invasion of foreign tourists ex-" pected .for Festival Fortnight in June. Zoltan Korda resting here after completing 'Sanders of the River' for London Films. Imre Nadosy dead. Was one of the most Interesting show figures of recent history here. Regular open-air opera perform- ances to be held during the summer on Margaret Islartd. vT.^f!®?''^®"* °* Hungarian Radio Co.. Nicholas Kozma, la Minister of In- terior In the new cabinet. Unusually high percentage of newspapermen among members of newly elected Parliament. • 'Plain Girl- Is title of new Hun- garian-speaking picture now being shot, with Lily MuratI In lead. This is her first picture. 'Fairy Tale Car' to be'dubbed 'Car of Dreams' in Gaumont-Brltlsh's English version. First Hungarian film to be done over In English, Hungarian radio uses jio more American discs In Its broadcasts, since failed to come to terms with American recording companies. Erna Rubinstein touring the prov- inces with 'MIml.' She is studying the part In English, as something may come of Inquiries for English rights to the play, with herself In the lead. Owing to unexpected Ipng run of some local-made pics—'Fairy Tale Car' and 'Students of Iglo'—distribs are left with a number of forcign- mades, scheduled for this season, on their hands. First showboat on the Danube to be established this summer. Not a traveling show, merely a theatre performing oh a boat plying the riVer on the precincts of Budapest on hot nights, with the cruise calcu- lated to last as long as the play and the supper. Mexico City By d: L. Grahame Beas' Model Circus In town; do- ing oke biz. Jean Krlston, blues songstress, performing here. La Argentlnlta, now In Europe, booked for a concert series here. Radio stations cooperating in gov- ment's health and hygiene instruc- tion broadcasts. Walter Gleseklng, German pian- ist, booked for six concerts at Pal- ace of Pipe Arts (National theatre). Stable of foreign wrestlers making a magnet of the local bull ring. Shows are especially populor with femmes. Cuirent pic smackos are 'Behold My Wife' (Par) at the Cine Ollmpla,' and 'The Night Is Young' (MG) at the Cine Regis. Joaquin r'ardave, Mexican comic who has played second in revue companies, heads his own unit at Teatre Fabreghs. Several big strikes settled,' Includ- ing that of electricians, which closed cinemas and theatres in Tampico and eight other cities. First made - In - Mexico pic to glorify boxing Is 'Todo un Hombrc* ('Every Inch a Man'), produced by Produoclon Rexio-Mex., and doing well. Maria Teresa Montoya, junior ace Mexican dramatic actress, consider- ing flat offer of $1,400 to play lead in a pic a native company is to make. Negotiations afoot for Barry Nor- ton to head a company being organ- ized to open a season at Teatre Arbeu, which government Is reno- vating as an arty playhouse. Cuban femme ork, playing the Cine Maximo, holds special diplo- matic passports Issued by the Ha- vana government, which considers gals ranking exponents of Island's folk music. Authors of 'Educating Mama,' comedy which civic government suppressed after 100 performances, without giving reasons, have written a similar rlbber called 'Educating Papa," which they propose to pro- duce here soon. Moscow By Zakhary McLove Eva Bandrovska, Polish opera singer, j-ecently on a concert tour in America, Is expected In Moscow for a series of concerts. Beverldge Webster, American pianist, has been invited by the Soviet State Phllharmony for o number of recitals In Moscow and Leningrad. Carlo Sabalno, composer and conductor of the Scala opera or- chestra In Milan, is visiting Mos- cow for a number of public con- certs under the auspices of the AU- Unlon Radio Committee. Gordon Gralg, English theatrical producer and .stage designer. Is here on Invitation of the Moscow State Dramatic Theatre. Craig in- tends to produce a Shakcspeaio play here. In 1912, he produce?' Hamlet' at the Moscow Art TIi ■ atre.