Variety (May 1935)

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Wednesday, May 8, 1935 TIMES SQUARE VARIETY T7 Hollywood ailbert Roland at Palm Springe. Lou Edelman- back from Annap- Kettl GalUan planed east for facaeh. Jack Drum flehlng In the High .jjlerraS, Tom Keed cruised in from- hie jioUday. ■ Jack Brower bought himself a new car. Mrs. Wallace Beery back from ■• Honolulu. Dean Jagger recovering from ton- Bllectomy. Margaret Lindsay Palm Springing for a week. Charlie Skouras back trom a brief Frisco stay. . Donald Ogden Stewart vacashlng In New York. Jack Benny takes Bill Powell's BevhlUs manse. Nell Agncw In from Honolulu, off for New York. Victor Fleming pulling out for Sonora location. Robert B. Kane on the briny head- ing for Honolulu. Harold Bock In from the north with a downpour. Jack Gross going In for bus rid- ing In a big way. Hoot Gibson planning anothec ro- deo for Labor Day. Norman McLeod Illustrating the Dole pineapple advs. Bert Levey spent several days in Frisco on vaude deals. Doug Montgomery's Irish wolf- •■ hound weiit to dog heaven. Nathalie Bucknall now a fellow of the Royal Empire Society. ' Harry Brand and the mlesus oft to Panama for three weeks, Eleanor 'Clssie' Patterbon, In town on vacash from'Washing ton. Mona Barrle on tour of Canadian northwest .with her husband. Joe Krumgold back In Hollywood after months In New York. . . Mike Boyland sold hla yacht and Is going for one a little bigger. Arthur Edeson in charge of came- ras for 'Mutiny on the Bounty.' Stanley Longan upped from dia- log director to aolo pilot at WB. Radio will make a short of Lou Alter'e 'Metropolitan Nocturne.' ISarl Baldwin trying out the new fishing equipment at Arrowhead. Eddie Hitchcock in Frisco to ex- ploit opening of 'Les Miserables.' Andy Clyde dealing out a new litter of Scottle pups to his pals. ' Sir Guy Standing's new racing dinghy launched at Mallbu Lake. Arthur Ripley and wife fortnight- Ing at their Lalce Sheridan lodge. ' Joe Rapf takiea his first vacash In 10 years and sails to New York,' Milbourne Stone, nephew of Fred, in cast of a Wilshlre-Ebell show. Jack Barnes here writing a new film column for the Copley chain. Gary Cooper back from New York. Mary Boland dropped in via plane. Herb Williams here from Broad- way for Par's 'Rose of the Rancho.' Nelson Eddy back from eastern concoi't tour for next Met.o musical. Merle Potter, drama ed of the Minneapolis Journal, here for his rag. Lou Golden planed In from St.' Paul due to serious Illness of his dad. Helen Schroeder, .sec to John Ber- tero, fully recovered after long ill- ness. J. J. Murdock, Pat Casey and Vic- tor Clarke looking over Boulder I5am. Mitzl . Cummings resigned as fashion editor of Photoplay to free lance. Reginald Owen boasting a two- swordflsh catch off the San Clemente banks. Bert Wheeler and Bob Woolsey hopped a plane for the Kentucky Derby. Ann Dvorak personolled with Warners' 'G Men' at the Warfleld, 'Frisco. John Heerman filming the naval maneuvers off Alaska for Par's newsrecl. Bert Hanlon, Kuhec Glasmon and Fredric Stephani off Par's writing payroll. Sam Wood Joined the Marx Brothers on tour to get a load of their gaga. All film row turning out for the Warner exchange club houKe-warm- ing May 11. June Marlow, cafe singer, recov- ering from Injuries sustained In auto crash. A. B. Schiesser, of Amalgamated Thoiitre.s, Sinpapore, looking over the studios. Mona Maris heading for Spain the end of the month for a picture, then to Germany. Hal Roach flew east for the Ken- tucky Derby and the Metro sales oonventions. Lois Llndsey, University of South- ern California co-ed, given contract by Columbia. Film nimrods Inventing alibis to eneak oft for opening week of the trout season. John B. Wallace, Col makeup chief, Jay wanted In Pasadena and drew a ticket. Fred Zinneman at Paramount working out special cntnf-i;i pffects for 'Peter Ihbetson.' Jolin Flndlay leaves Fo.\ publicity 'lepartmcnt to rejoin the English ■lopartmeht May 20. .\ray Robson gave Karen Tlale a cactus garden wlien • she arrived home from the hosp. Dr. Thomas MacLaughUn north In charge of a camera crew getting footage for Metro shorts. John Stone, Eugene Forde, Lamar TrottI and other Foxites took In the 'Ramona' pageant at Hemet. Sam Hellman back from his Ha- waiian vacash with the completed screen play of 'Matinee Idol' for Fox. Mary Curtyn leaves sec post to Harry Brand and marries J. Arthur McLoughlln, Chicago tire man, May 11. Bess Meredyth on a busman's holiday at Laguna, doing an original on her first vacash from scripting In two years. Harry ■' Carey, David Sharpe and William Berke reviving old days by trekking to Hoot Gibson's rodeo In a buckboard. Rosemary Ames released by Fox when she told studio she wanted to live In Chicago with her new hubby, Abner StlUwell. Karl Freund and Peter Lorre eat through two major operations at the Lutheran Hospital to get atmos- phere for 'Mad Love', their Metro picture. Ronald Colman, Charles Chaplin, Herbert Marshall and Merle Oberon bought tickets at $50 a pair for the jubilee showing of 'Royal Caval- cade' In London. Charles Qllmore, who operates the Gibraltor Amnsement Enter- prises, with theatres In Colorado, New Mexico and Wyoralne, here to give the studios a once-over. Another 30 days and the thing will die out by Itself. That's what Postmaster Brlggs and postal In- spectors think about the chain let- ter gag that has swooped down on the town. Annual Metro studio gol( tourna- ment will be held at Rancho golf course Jtine 16. Event, which has been held for' several years, will bring out around 400 divot diggers to compe'te for nearly 300 prizes. New Haven By Harold M. Bon« Frank Heiison bachelor-quarter- Ingr. Police lifted ban on "Waiting for Lefty.' Lew Smith takes In a carnival on his nlte oft. Hey^ood Broun chattered at Yale News banquet. Civic Orch closed most successful season to date. Alan Overton new publicity mgr. of Yale Glee Club. Big Top is now Club Petite under new management. Sam Wasserman has opened his place at the shore. Dick Schafer now trims the old man at duck pins. Savin Rock trying to stir a little early season activity. Cinema Guild showing foreign films at Little theatre. Alfred Mahew elected treas. of Council of Theatre Patrons. Ed Wynn was life of the party on maiden trip of new streamlined 'Comet.' Howard Twins drew commissions (admiral and colonel) from Kaln- tick governor. Richard Moody directed three one-acters for Dirwell Players at Little theatre. Catherine Cunningham and John Rogers, Hollywoodites, were knotted by local Justice of peace (25). Boston By AJ.axwell Fox Toronto Bill Tilden in town. Tom Hamilton to Scotland. Alice White buying a pooch here. Lila Mantell into the 'Birthright' lead. Patricia McFerran into the Em- bassy. Tim Maurice assombling an or- chestra. Gale Gordon looklni; for a femme warbler. Sally Slatter has organized a girls' band. Mickey McDougall back into the Silver Slipper. Kim (ex-Telegram) Bcattle sells a serial to Liberty. Al Leary back from Florida and 17 pounds heavier. Horace Lapp to move his orch into the Royal Muskoka. IJarvey Robb back at the console of the Royal York's organ. Donald Novls recalling his lum- bering days In the North. Wally Short's orch into the Bav- arin with Milton Sherman, Minerva Elliott back from Holly- wood with the latest gossip. Nels Craig and the harp-playlhg Maude Watterworth to wed May 23. Ward Archer of the Ben Bemic ensemble Initiated into the Drum- mers' Club here. Jake Berman host to the local band-leaders during the Dorscy Bros.' engagement. Lo\iise King, late with Jules Al- bertr.? orch, now blues-slnglng with I.uigi Romanclll's band. Boston Ad club vaude show May 27. Joe Bines hitting his stride In golf. Charlie Burton writing short stories. Amateurs getting breaks in Hub nlteries now. Lancaster theatre, opposite North Station reopened. Legion of Decency hufted over the 'Folies Bergeres' show. Pop Ginsberg back at Mayfair after wintering in Florida. Helen Eager's turtles squawking at the steady ant egg diet. Monarch Club playing amateur floor shows two nights a week^ Boston pony track under construc- tion. Ditto for pup track at Revere; Ranny Weeks left Keith Boston last week when house went straight aim. Canoe concessions around Boston installing vest-pocket radios In the love barges. Joan Blondell coming to Boston to catch her sister, Gloria, in 'Three Men on a Horse.' Marjorle Adams studying Spanish in preparation for her annual South American cruise. Since coming to Boston from the Coast, Bob Leicester has become a virtuoso at eating lobster. Since his wife settled her auto case Frank Jenkins has been hounded by gold brick salesmen. Thad Barrows to be feted Sunday (12) at the Grove. Benefit for .TImmy ayes fund same night at Wilbur. George Holland, only Hub critic who understands Russian,- did not review Moscow Art Players because of Shubert ban. Boston Friars dlub opened new quarters at the Statler hotel with a housewarmlng, buffet siippcr and informal celebration. Thad Barrows will vacation in Hawaii after attending the conven- tion of Motion Picture Engineers On Coast this month. Rudy Vallee's smoked-glasses dis- guise proved too obvious. Without the goggles he went around un- noticed. Instead of a grapefruit re- ception this year. Harvard boys In- vited Rudy to a smoker. show putting Normandie in front rank of Montreal nlteries. Montreal orchestra refused grant by Quebec government leading to embittered correspondence in local press, Mrs. Corey Thompson, wife of Canada's stand-out announcer, ap- pearing In Shefier's Revue at His Majesty's. Chez Maurice reopened with big- gest Broadway show eVer brought to local cabaret from New York since Tex Gulnan's days. Arthur Pike and Krausmann's cabaret staff tender banquet and presentations to H. J. and Mrs. Lynes on double birthday. Dominion Goverhrnent reduced liquor duties^ but Quebec will hot follow suit on prices until Ontario, of which there is little hope. Harry Dahn opening with, big British Jubilee pic 'Royal Caval- cade' at Capitol, May 4, two days before its premiere In London. IndianapoBs By Bill KIley Milton Feld In town. Show Boat shuttered. Steve Harter back from Florida. Charlie Olson back from Chicago. John ServasB up and around again. Variety Club dropped Monday luncheons. John DilUnger'a grave is mecca for tourists. Theatres deserted aa staffs meet on local links. Pickpockets working deluzers on heavy patronage nights, Charles Washburn here In ad- vance of 'Taming of Shrew.' Fred Burleigh, director, taking flrst part in Civic Theatre play. Wife of Frank Prince, Ben Bernie crooner, back in town after divorce. Charlie Davis entertains Press Club with entire stage organiza- tion. Charlie Davis taking Radio Rogues, WPfiM, to Denver with his band. Frank Sharp, old-time theatrical figure, now head of municipal goK courses. Tom and Howdy looked over Butler Bowl for summer midget auto races. Bob Tucker, Star crick, main speaker at Indorsers of Photoplays convention, Film Row deserted as exchange managers circulate through terri- tory to plug products, Sinclair Minstrels doing one show here for benefit of Indianapolis Fire Department uniform fund. Speak.s arc being established In private residence now that law pro- hibits sale of liquor on Sunday. Des Moines By R. W. Mborhead Trl-State closed the Paramount for indefinite period. . Affiliated Distributors now have between 600 and 600 bank nights in operation in a dozen states. Mrs. Allan Frledlich, sister of George S. Kaufman, playwright, called to New York by the serious illness of mother. Alfred J. Buaby, widely known Iowa theatre manager in Waterloo, Dubuque and Marshalltown for ?0 years, died April 21. Huey Long was the outstanding attraction at the Drake Relays. His appearance brought boos and cheers from 17,000 spectators. A further "Trl-States managerial change relieves Vergme Ford at the Strand,', with Wm. B. Beckley going back to- his former spot there. On request of the local ministerial association the 'Believe It Or Not' oddltorlum was hauled to the police station on charges of an Indecent show. Annual convention of Iowa Press Association asked co-operation of newspapers and radio stations in attempting to change the opinion of I the east that Iowa Is choking to I death from dust. When Mrs. John Brink, a plumb- er's wife at Atlantic, Iowa, won $450 in the bank night contest at the Iowa theatre there, she had a heart attack and had to go to the hospital, but survived. If Claire Dodd, who failed to get a passport for Europe because she couldn't remember where she was born In Iowa, would ask the clerk's office at Newton, Iowa, she ♦would learn she wis born in Baxter, Iowa, Dec. 29, 1911, as Dorothy Dodd. Ian Keith joined the 'Mary of Scotland' company here for rehear sale before taking Philip Merlvale's place when the company reached ChJe^go. Helen Hayes got reams of publicity, but all bad. First, she let go a tirade against all news- papermen, then got sore because they took her picture when she was frowning because she was tired. To make matters worse they caught her when she was knitting and wear- ing glasses and on top of all that she had to strain her voice in the Shrine auditorium so 4,600 cus- tomers paying $9,000 could hear. Montreal Gilbert Draper dead. George .Sims orch at Stadium. Fred Poland here for week-end. Harold Moon back' from Lonrion. Harry Spear m.-c.'lng at Chez Maurice. Leo .Shelley postcardlng town on new show. Jim Adams and Harry Dnhn talking fishing. ' Tom KIrby putting in annual kick on road conditions. Frank fihaughnessy predicting pennant for his team. Tommy Conway starts prellmH for re-opening Belmont summer park. Roma restaurant, one of Mon- treal's oldest night clubs, reopens in new quarters. U. S. tourists starting to come in and flock of new French eateries opening up all over town, Fred Keating orch and new floor Minneapolis By Lee Rees Bill Ronnlng is minu.s his tonsils. Law enacted placing 10% tax on wrestling matches. Wholesale outbreak of loop stage shows tough on suburban houses. 'Buzz' Eainbridge, sliowmian mayor, fighting for re-election. Ted Bolnick reslftned as Publlx circuit booker to pilot WCCO 'Barn Dance' show. Metropolitan gets 'As Thousands Cheer' for throe nights and a mati- nee starting May 19. Pete Smith musical stock sup- pluntinK vaudeville at the Alvln, with scale tilted from 30c to 40c top. Approxim.'itely $15,000 more In subscriptions needed to 'save' Min- neapolis Symphony orchestra for city. Legislature pa.ssed bill prohibiting all walkathons, dance marathons, skatatlion.'? and similar endurance contests, excepting 6-d;i,y bike races. Tfniversity of Minnesota football team drew total of $22-1,727 for its not 6h.arc of eight g.ames in 1934, a fjaln of approximately $70,000 over previous season. Danny Danlelson quit Orphftum assistant manager Job to connect with Catalina Island, Calif., Casino, C. A. Reed moving over from Seventh .Stroet theatre to replace him. SLanU-y D. Kane, formerly man- aging erlltor of a dental putillcation and a University of .Mlnne.scitii Phi Beta Kappa, named pxef-utlvn secretary of N'fu-tli--,-. -i .suied Pittsbnrgh By Hal Cohen Mrs. George Tyson on from New York for. a few days' visit. Colleen Moore's doll house due in town May 15 for a fortnight. It's a seven and a half pound boy. at the Kaspar Monahans. Judge M. A. Musmanno to Phllly for a personal with ''Black Fury.' Harrj' (Dad) Faith, veteran door- man at the Penn, is seriously ailing. .Gail Garbei- doubling between the Italian Gardens and auto show. Goorgie Somers staging and m.c.'Ing show at new Club Atlas. Helen and Frank Stout quitting Pittsburg Playhouse at end of sea- son. Roberta Welch going to Hotel Siimmlt in Unlontown for indefinite stay. Johnny Luterman back in nite club racket as manager of Villa Royale. It's a boy at the Johnny Marines. He's the trumpet player at the Variety. Mannie Greenwald has opened a publicity office In Penn theatre building. Mrs. Florence Fisher Parry, Press crick and columnist, to Hollywood by auto. Percy Roberts starting his 2Bth summer at the Forbes Field ticket wlndoSvs. John Duffy has reopened the Towne Club after a four-month shutdown. Cledge Roberts, former stock Juve at Pitt, rehearsing In 'Them's The Reporters.' It's a boy at the Eddie Moores. Pop's WB's district manager In Johnstown. Kay Dev.. 3, of DeVoe Sisters, called to Buttalo by serious Illness of her mother. Cy Hungerford, Post-Gazette car- toonist,-represented the newspaper gang at the Derby. Wilma Horner, still In a cast, quit the hospital over week-end but goes back in August, Tony Conforti opening Willows May 26 for summer season with Emerson GUI's band. Audrey Christie will Join St. Louis muni opera for summer when 'Sailor, Beware' folds, Johnny Downs has succeeded Harold Rosenblatt as stage director of Pittsburgh Playhouse. Herman (Little Hip) Segal named manager of Center Square theatre, which is reopening again. Jack Bowman has become a nltery entrepreneur, opening New Windmill on William Penn high- way. Circus season gets under way next week with Hagenbeck-Wal- lace - Forepaugh - Sells* two-day visit. John McGreevy taking a leave from his booker duties to work out with the McKeesport baseball c'.ub at spring training headquarters in Greenville. Baltimore By Albert Scharper, Jr. Local legit season ended. Vincent Lopez ork will two-nlte at Summit next week. Lillian.Dletz keeps a pet turtle on her desk In the Hipp office. With wife away for summer. Herb Morgan is maintaining bache- lor hall. Native-son John Charlea Thomas will shut Balto concert season with recital at the Lyric May 13. Herman Weinberg, manager of the Little, now U. S. correspondent for Film-Art, a London arty film mag. Art Brllant around thumping the tub in advance of Rublnoff's en- gagement at the vaudfllm Hipp next week. After three years' abBence, Hinda Wassau, stripper, back on local boards currently at Hon Nickel's Gayety. Estimated there are now 3,000 spots In Balto peddling likker, and more tliau 1,000 moro with hut beer-and-wlne licenses, Leonard McLaughlin Is one of the characters in new novel Dayton Stoddard has written, but identity Is concealed under different monick- er. Milwaukee Abe I'eiley, furme.r exhibitor. n.)W pedding dims. Ben Marshall, Fox publicist, un- derwent an appendectomy. As Thousands Cheer' booked for ond of this month, will wind up Da- vidson's legit season. ' Two new neighborhoods to open in near future have been named the Time and the Sherman. Robert Henderson opened his (ive- wcek Drama Festival at Pabst Mon- day (C) with 'Laburnum Grove." Mayfair nltery has been re- modeled and j)ow runs under name of The Aztec. Same management. Kdd.a \V( ir:sn( r backing new neit^liborhood \entine in oui.sUi-ts of town, with house to be run hy WiscdnHiii .\riuisenirnts. Stand.ird Theatres taking o'.rr llie strand. loTif il.-'rl'. ns .n. sf'-'nrd- C^on'In'!''1 on i^.i?'? 7-