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Variety (Jun 1935)

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VARIliTY PICT E GROSSES Wednesday* June 5i 1935 Film Fare Too Thin to Buck Beaches, Expo; Par LA. Pacer, 18G, M Novarro; Rogers Dualed, $17,501); Hepburn Cold T-os Angeles, June 4. (Best Exploitation: Paramount) Bcachea and the San Diego expo- sition put the damper on the local box offices this week. Boys figured Memorial Day trade would be top heavy, but It was in only one in- stance, at the Paramount where Ramon Novarro on the stage, first time locally, is big card. His personal is carrying the pic- ture, 'Four Hours to Kill,' as most of the biz that is bringing it to an $18,000 Income in. from the Spanish element, most of them, being strangers at the h<^se. Also there is big woman dra%vSit the mats. and State perked up a bit with double bill policy having Will Rogers in 'Doubting Thomas' ?ind 'Casino Jlurder Case.' How- ever, take there Is Just about equal to what the houses have been get- ting for any Rogers pic on a single bill. •Break of Hearts' with Hepburn and Chas. Boyer is 'no dice' at the Hollywood and RKO, with latter having to slip in previews to keep the ushers occupied just a bit. Mc- Larnln-Ross fight ' picture also tossed in, but even that didn't help. 'Black Fury' moved over to the Downtown from RKO and just bet- tered take of previous stanza, ■which spells profit. 'Miserables' still showing neat profit i:or Four Star in fourth and final week there. XJA just so-so with moveover of attraction from the State. Paramount put on a great cam- paign with the Spanish and Mex colony, of which there are around a quarter of a million, for stage appearance of Novarro. Announce- .ments were spotted on five radio stations that are hot favs with the Latins and heavy space was taken in the Spanish language paper. Also heavy billing in the Mexican quarter seemed to have the effect 'tor trade. ' Estimates for This Week [ Chinese (FWC-Grauman) (2,028; flO-40-55)—'Doubting' (Fox) and fCaslno' (MG) split. Draw Is all (Rogers here and though trade not J.errlfific, with holiday aid will hit an easy $7,800. Last week 'Flame' (MG) and 'Scandals' (Fox). Just a couple w.eek sisters that showed 'red' with $6,200 gross. Dovintown (WB) (1,800; 25-30- 40)—'Black Fury' (FN). Move- over wise idea as this Muni ia get- ting labor trade and will hit close to $4,200 on session. Last week 'Dance' (FN). Right up to ex- pectations and profitable stay for house with the calculated $4,300. Filmarte (Relsenfeld) (900; 40- BO)—'Man Who Knew' (G-G). They went for this English gangster yarn and a chance to see how Peter Lorre acts, with result nice week at $3,600. Last week 'Beyond engal' (Principal). Nothing ter rifle, but good gap filler to little over $1,800. Four Star (Fox) (900; 50-75) — •Miserables' (UA), fourth week. Most consistent grosser house has had under this policy. Will bow out with around $3,500. Last week, third staniia, bigger than figured to a ;)4,C00 total. Grand International (Rosener) (7So; 35)—'Maxim* (Amklno). Does not mean a thing and will hardly Wt $800. Last week 'Song to Her' (Scandinavian). Fell off after first couple days and wound up with less than $1,100. Hollywood kWB) (2,756; 25-35- 40-55)—'Hearts' (RKO). No jell for this Hepburn-Boyer, which is Btru^gHng hard to hit close to an even $4,500. Last week 'Black' Fury' (FN). Thought no panic, came through as anticipated to finale of $6,500. Orpheum (Bdwy.) (2,270; 25-30- 35-40)—'Spring TpnlC (Fox) and 'Gold Diggers' (WB) split and vaudeville. With more for the coin than any other first run,'attractions find little excitement, so house hitting around its u.sual take of $5,200. Pantages (Pan) (2,700; 25-40)— 'Mary Dow' (U) and "Frightened Ivight' (Mascot) split. Though not outstanding, this combo doing bet- tor than average double attrac- tions and will come through with $3,900. Last week 'Werewolf (U). Held over for five day.s, did a nice 53,100. Paramount (Partmar) (3,5!)5; 30- 40-.'j5)—'Four Hours' (Par) and stage .show. Ramon Novarro about 70% of the reason for trade hore this wefk- Plenty biillyhoo on his personal helps to proHtable $18,000, as screen feature is nil with customers. Last week 'Town' a-'ar). This Mae Wester for sec- ond linal stanza did oUo at $12,500. RKO (2,950; 25 - 35 -40-55) — Hearts' f PiICO). Couple extra pie- views helping take here plenty, .'i.s hou.=e hnvincr tough time with this p;c nnd M('Larnin-l{OKs to hit an even $4,500. Last week 'Black Fury' (FN). Strengthened bit to- ward end of week and above ex- pectations with a $7,600 gross. State (Loew-Fox) (2,025; 30-40- 55)—'Doubting' (Fox) and 'Casino' (MG) split. Rogers is draw for the double show here and take running ahead of Hollywood, but not great for holiday throwin, with $10,000 in sight. Last week 'Flame' (MG) and 'Scandals' (Fox). Was pretty tough going to get even a scant $6,900. United Artists (Fox-UA) (2,100; 25-30-40-55)—'Flame' (MG) and 'Scandals' (Fox) split. Couple of sick twins that will not get over $2,300 mark. Last week 'Little Girl' (Fox) and 'Harrington' (MG). Just what figured, $2,500; but red for house. 'BREAK HEART,' lISERABtES' TOP DENVER Last wfiek, 'Curious Bride* (WB) and "Vasabond Lady' (MG). Com- plete floppo for combo at $4,800. Great Lakes (Shea) (3,400; 26- 40)—'Break Hearts' (Radio) and •March of Time.' A little rich for the local blood, although consider- ably eased by 'Time.' Will depend upon women for something over $6,000. Last week, 'Miserables' (UA). Excellent attraction but failed to hold up. Under. $10,000. Century (Shea) (3,400; 25)— 'Harrington' (MG) and 'Ladles Love Danger* (Fox). 'Another week at the $5,000 average. Last week, 'Yale' (Par) and 'Cowboy' (Fox). Preserved an even keel for $5,200. Lafayette (Ind.) (3,400; 25)— '.Mills of Gods' (Col) and 'Swell Head' (Col). Got going nicely and seems headed for $6,000. Last week, 'O'Hara' (U) and 'Chateau' (U). just about as expected, $5,100, Denver, June 4. (Best Exploitation: Orph) Orpheum again doing business of town and doing best ; exploitation also on gummed stickers on fan and other magazines distributed to stenographers, who also got an- nouncements in shorthand on 'Break of Hearts:* Crowds steady and strong all week at Orph. Dinky' yanked after five days at Aladdin. 'Les Miserables' will stay at least a week and a half at the Broadway, : following three weeks at the Aladdin. Other houses be- low norjtial, although flood pic- tures boosted gross at thre? .Huff- man first runs. Estimates for This Week Aladdin (Huffman) (1,500; 25-35- 50-60)—'Dinky' (AVE). Blah $800 In five days. Jerked. Last week 'Les Miserables' (UA) on its third week, did well over av.erage, clos- ing, .with 43JQ0.. and was moveti to the Broadway for an extended run. Broadway (Huffman) (1,500; 25- 40) 'Miserables' (UA). Following three weeks at the Aladdin, cork- ing $2,500. Last week 'Our Little Girl' (Fox) did $1,500, average, fol- lowing a $10,000" week at the Den- ver. Denham (Cooper) (1,500; 25-35- 50) 'People Will Talk' (Par). Below par at $3,000. Last week, 'Goln' to Town' (Par) did average, $4,000, on its second week. • Denver (Huffman) (2,500; 25-35- 50) 'Pampas Moon' (Fox) and stage show. Brutal $4,000. Last week "Black Fury' (FN) was pulled after five days, doing $5,000, and was taken across the sti'eot to the Para mount for three days. Orpheum (RkO) (2,600; 25-35- 40) 'Break of Hearts' (Radio) and stage show. Nice goin' at $6,000. Last week 'Laddie' (Radio) did the big business of the town, $7,000. Paramount (Huffman) (2,000; 25- 35-40) 'El.ght Bells' (Col). Below average, $3,000. Last week 'Let 'Em Have It' (UA) just par, $4,000. Humidity Gums Rogers In Buffalo at $11,000 Buffalo, June 4. (Best Exploitation: Buffalo) Heat is beginning to play havoc with box offices currently. Will Rogers, at the Buffalo, started well, but was sloughing over the week- end. Takings are consistently low elsewhere. The Buffalo walked off with ex- ploitation honors, tho Rogers film being tied in for lieavy promotion with the News, wliich syndicates Rogers' daily article, the paper and tho theatre nxchauging courtesies. House used a trailer boosting the News' .syndicated stories and the paper, in return, gave special arti- cles on Rogers and Billie Burke. Several thousand patrons of local Studio Theatre Players were cir- cularized on the feature's tie-up with 'Torch Brarer.«.' Usual win- dow, magazine and radio plugs wore utilized. Estimates for This Week Buffalo (Shea) (3,000; 30-40-50) —"Doubting' (l'"()x) and sta^'c sliov.'. Humidity will i)ri)bal>)y bring this dowr. to $U,noo. .Should, do better. Lust week, 'liitllp Girl' Cl^'o-x) and stage show. Hold ui) very nicely for SH.500. Hipp (Slioa) f2,i00: 25-;0) — 'Have TL' (i;.\1. .Slow, but i)U:w li?;- urlng h.'iiidiciips. I'nb.nMy $fi,.')On, 'G' $3,700 UNCOLN'S BEST, BUT OTHERS OKE Lincoln, .Tune 4. (Best Expioitaition: Stuart) Despite several' openings shoved up to meet holiday play, ^G-Men' at the Stuart which began>a)day later, was still Indicating the Tiigh pressure biz on the street. Orpheum, however, lii last week of vaudc un- til fall had the Dan Fitch Dixiana revue In a day early, with 'Times Square Lady,* and was batting capacity. House probably due for dual split pic weeks from now on. Laying pretty much off Jolson, the Lincoln is allowing Ruby Kecler to carry- the load of marquee strength with 'Dance.' House will go over the even break mark a little. 'G-Men' has been plugged strong with retouched newspaper head- lines carried by .phoney newsboys up and down the street. First suc- cessful attempt to get by the city's ordinance which says no signs may be carried on person or vehicle, other than Institution name. Estimates for This Week Colonial (LTC) (750; 10-15)— 'Border Brigands' (U), 'Ticket to Crime' (Indie) and a third change unset. Week will dp $1,100 easily, oke. lASt week 'Tonto Kid' (Mono), 'Chinatown* (U) and 'Night at Ritz* (WB) for a trio was oke with $1,000. Lincoln (LTC). (1,600; 10-20-25)— 'Dance' (WB). Opening pace would suggest a probably $2,500, a little over average. Last week 'Sales- lady' iWB), garnered nearly $2,800, good. Orpheum (LTC) (1,200; 10-15-25) —'Times Square' (MG and Dan Fitch's Dlxlftna revue for three days. Dual 'Village Tale" (Radio) and 'N. T. Night' (MG) five; eight- day stretch In for a pip $3,300. Last week 3 days of 'Rhapsody in Rhythm' stage show and 'Daily Bread' (UA), 3 days 'Million Dollar Baby (Mono) and 'Small World' (Fox), double. Short week, but good money with $2,200. Stuart (LTC) (1,900; 10-25-40) 'G-Men' (WB). ■ Great reception. Clank of b.o. steady and will run near $3,700, okay. Last week 'Reck- less' (MG). Helped by a strong weekend and Memorial Day, hopped Into the $3,900 class, good enough. 'Scoundrel' Vs. Trank/ Both Around $8,000, Okay in New Haven New Haven, June 4. ( est Exploitation: Poll's) 'Scoundrel* at Paramount and 'Frankenstein' at Poll's battling it out this week. A 'Scoundrel' cam- paign aimed at intelligentsia Is having results, but week's total is heavily dependent on co-feature, 'People Will Talk.' Some extra activity in exploita- tion this week, with Poll's drawing top spot on 'Frankenstein.' Cam- paign started with advance lobby display of dummy 'Bride' and an action trailer that tied in with ap- pearance of fake monster in upper box during showing of announce- ment. Stunts Included a Frank- enstein (one sip and you see mon- sters) cocktail; faint ticlcets en- titling holders to return for balance of film 'if they pass out before pic- ture is finished'; emergency candles in envelopes for 'those afraid to go home in the dark after seeing pic- ture'; nurse in lobby emergency station; lobby counter offering free coffee to quiet patrons' nerves; sidewalk business of man in Frank- enstein mask protecting dummy of his bride at box office. Estimates for This Week Paramount (Publix) (2,348; 35- 50)—'Scoundrel' (Par) and 'People Will Talk' (Par). Heavy first half indicates excellent total. 'Scoun- drel' is drawing the scldom-guii'rs and 'People' is dragging in the reg- ulars. Nice $7,800 on eight d.ays. I.,ast week 'Goln' to Town' (Par) and 'Green Lights' (Masc) hold- over, fair $4,300.' Poll's (Loew) (3,040; 35-50) — 'Frankenstein' (U) and 'Partv Wire' (Col) and 'March of Time.' Probably oke $7,900. Last week 'Star oC Mid- Xaliente $17,000 Leads Capital; 'Flame and Flesh, 22G; 'Hearts' Off night' (Radio) and 'Strangers AH' (Radio). Just abouit satisfied at $6,700. Roger Sherman (WB) (2,200; 33- BO)—'Let 'Em Have If (UA) and 'Girl from Tenth Ave.' (WB). Good weekend points to $6,200, okay. Last week 'In Callente' (WB) and 'Informer' (Radio) not good enough at $4,600. Bijou (Loew) (1,500; 25-3B)— 'Daring Young. Man' (Fox) and 'Spring Tonic' (Fox). Saturday openings not working out too well here. Fair $2,800 In eight. Last week 'Ladies Love Danger' (Fox) and 'Cowboy Millionaire' (Fox) bumped along to moderate $2,600. College (Loew) (1,565; 25-35)— 'Jim Burke' (Col) and 'Chinatown Squad' (U). House runs weekly (Frl.) amateur night and currently is bringing In a single (Mon) Har- lem night on stage. Not good, not bad around $3,100. f^ast week 'Flame Within' (MG) and 'Air Hawks' (Col), no grief at $3,400. SHIRLEY, $20,000, IISERABLES' 146, HUB Boston, June 4. ( est Exploitation: Met) Generally placid along film row this week, but there's a ripple at the Orpheum, with 'Miserables,' second run; and at Keith's Boston with dual bill. Hepburn at the Keith Memorial is breaking the treasurer's heart, with only $12,000 indicated for eight-day week. Par-Fenway-Scbllay all playing day and date double bills and they'll feel the split draught individually. Hub p.a.'s are still on the some- thlng-for-nothlng June blues, bud- gets, so there's little action on the exploitation front this week. Met has been concentrating on special parties from schools and colleges lately and this week roped in a gang of 500 from Boston U. with special house stunts, -and -the stage- band supplied--with- alma mater music for the night. Tangible re- sults on a gag that has little or nothing to do with selling the film of the week. Estimates for This Week Met (M&P) (4,200; 35-50-05)— 'Little Girl' (Fox) and stage show; Will do mild here, around $20,000. 'People Will Talk' (Par) and Ozzie Nelson on stage pulled moderate $20,500. Orpheum (Loew) (3,000; 25-40-55) —'Miserables' (MG), second run, and vaude. Will turn in a happy $14,000. Last week only $8,000 for 'Vampire' (MG), 2nd run, and vaude. Keith Memorial (RKO) (2,900; 25-35-40-55) — 'Break of Hearts' (Radio). Not breaking any records, and eight-day stand loolcs like $12,- 000. Last week (6 days) worst in long while. 'Werewolf (U) all bark and no bite, $6,500. State (Loew) (3,500; 25-30-40-55) —'Flame Within' (MG) and 'Vaga- bond Lady' (MG) dual. 'Just luke- warm, about $13,000 for eight-day week. Last week, six days, also tepid, $10,000 with '."Vge of Indiscre- tion' (MG) and 'Eight Bells' (Col). Keith Boston (RKO) (2,300; 25- 30-40)—'Nit Wits' (Radio) and 'Chinatown Squad' (U) doubled. Aiming at $10,000, good. Last week sickly $5,S00 for 'Man Who Knew Too Much' (GB) and 'Brewster's Million's (UA), Paramount (M&P) (1,800; 25-35- 50)—'Goin' to Town' (Par), 2nd run, and 'Last Wilderness' (Hub), first run, doubled. About $6,800, fair. Last week a good $7,500 for 'Girl From 10th Avenue' (FN) and 'Be- hind Green Light' (Par), dual. Fenway (.M&P) (l,fi00; 25-30-40- 50)—'Town' (Par), 2nd run and 'Wilderness' (Hub), first run, dualled. Indicate a medium $4,COO. Last week $4,COO on '10th Avenue' (FN) and 'Green Llglit' (Par), double. Scollay (M&P) (2,700; 25-35-50) —'Wilderness' (Hub) and 'Goin' to Town' (Par), latter 2nd run. Around 54,800, oke. Last week a bullish $6,000 for 'G Men" (WB), 3rd run, and '$10 Raise' (Fox), 2nd run, dualed. TOM BROWN LARYNGITIS Baltimore, June 4. .Tom Brown of the cast filming 'Annapolis Farewell' for Paramount at the Naval Academy, was hos- pitalized here over the weekend at Bon Sccoiws for laryngitis. Suddenly taken, was ru.shcd to hosp, treated for couple days and di.=inissod. Bad; on Innation at .■\n- nnpolis o.k. now. Washington, June 4. (Best Exploitation: Earle) Weather has been garbled of late, but outdoor spots have been Qpenlhg at rate of two a day for past week and theatres haven't had product to. offset the usual let-up. It Isn't too bad, though, and nobody Is seriously squawking. Big surprise Is 'Break of Hearts' at Keith's. Hepburn, always good for two to three weeks here, just barely got by an oke one-week stand. AVIU have ployed seven days, but comes out Wednesday (5), unable to pull house back to regular Friday openings. Earle opened oh Thursday for first time in years, because Paul Whiteman played only six days last week due to air stunt In New York. Novelty got some fans and just balled up others, so gag figured 'to about even break. WB crowd tops bally boys this week witth raft of store tie-ups, making a pretty complete cam- paign to make town Mexico-con- scious for sake of 'Caliente.' Estimates for This Week Fox (Loew) (3,434; 25-35-GO)— 'Flame' (MG) and va.ude. Harding, plus some help from Joan Marsh as .pic name on stage, getting oke $22,000. Last week 'Indiscretion' (MG) with Myrt and Marge oh stage. Took light $16,000. Palace (Loew) (2,363; 25-35-60) —'Town' (Par). Second week not equalling past West biz, but seeing very satisfactory. $11,000. Last week same pic took big $20,000 following hefty bally. Keith's (RKO) (1,830; 25-35-60) —'Break Hearts' (Radio). Disap- pointing as a Hepburn grosser, but will get profitable $8,500 for seven days. Last week 'Werewolf (U). Held up to good $6,500 for six. days. Met (WB) (1,853; 25-40)—'G Men' (WB). Came In four d.ays early when revival of '42d Street' died. Should see satisfactory $6,- 000 for 11 days if it sticks. Columbia (Loew) (1,263; 25-40) —'Little Girl' (Fox). After big week a;t Fox, shooting close at nice $5,200. Last week 'Marietta' (MG). Held up in third week on main- stcm to big $4,500. Earle (WE) (^2,424; 25-35-40-00) —'Caliente' (WB) and vaude. Landt^ Trio top stage bill; but bally on pic is responsible for satisfactory $17,- 000. Last week 'Harmony' (Par) can thank Paul Whiteman personal for-gotrd^-18-,<H)0-ln: stTi-viaysT " - -Bela600~(Kadln -(-WW-;- -36-36-6<>) 'Symphony' (GB). Being milked for second week and may get pass- able $1,000. Last week same pic built after slow start to get oke $2,500. Coney Iskind Bklyn's Toughest Opposish Brooklyn, June 4. •The Brooklyn Paramount in its third week with 'G Men' has estab- lished some sort ot a record for extended runs. House has been doing fine biz for past two weeks and this week, too, while dropping off, will still be okay. Coney Island over weekend got under way full blast with practic- ally everything open Including Luna Park and Steeplechase. Heavy play at seashore. Albee and Strand ploddln" along. Estimates for This Week Paramount (4,000; 25-35-50)—G Men' (AVB) (3d week). ' An oke $9,500. Last week tlie Ca,E;ney flicker brought in $17,000. Mae West due next week. Fox (^,000; 25-35-50)—'Dyna- mite' (U) and stage show. A'i'eak $12,000. Last week 'Thunder' (U.\) produced $13,000, unimpressivo. Albee (3,500; 25-35-50)—"Frank- enstein' (U), minus fiesh. Will give hou.<?e possible $10,000. I>.ist week 'Informer' (R) and vaude, $14,000. Loew's ctropolitan (2,400; 25- 35-50)—'Miserables' (UA) and vaude featuring WHN air talent. Some biz but nothing to shake rafters, around $14,000.~ Last week 'Vampire', $15,000. Strand (2,000; 25-35-50) —'Air Hawks' (Col) and 'Higli School Girl' (Fox). Will get $,"?,500, jnild. Last week 'My Heart' nnd 'XiS'lit at Ritz", $4,500. Joe May Out of Fox Hollywood, Juno 4. Joe May is out at Fox after be' at the studio six months. He directed one picture, the Air.' CONNIE CUMMINGS BACK Hollywood, June 4. Const.ance Cumniings check' il in at Reliance for the toj) spot in 'Amateur Girl.' Kidney LanlieUl di- rects for UA rolea'^^p. Picture gpts Die quii in tv. ii w.p"' >-.