Variety (Jun 1935)

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32 VARIETY RADIO Wednesday, June 5, 1935 Radio Chatter New York Contest winners in WOR's Little Theatre tourney, which was won by the Chatham Community Players, depjuted Tuesday (4) for Bermuda to a'.ipear before the Gov.-General, Sir Thomas A. Cubltt. Those in the party include.d H. M.' Dawley, Connie Khish, Allen Rleser, Phyllss Taylor, Frank Taylor and Maj. Dawley. Richard NicoUs, of the station, also making the trip to direct the two performances while on the island. Benny Morrison, 18-year-old maestro, now heard at Cafe de Ca- pri, Is broadcasting over WBNX's international dance parade. Donald Novis begins a thrice weekly spread over WHN this week. Dick Robertson and Jack Ryan, both at the Village Barn, are slated for a Vallee Thursday night spread within three "weeks' time. Tim and Irene remaining on the Goodrich hour. Amateur winners on Slgmund Spaeth's Friday night hour over WEVD, New York, are now "ap- pearing In three Brooklyn theatres, including the Marlboro, Walker and Meserole. All controlled by Fox-Metropolltani Pat Mann of the station mlc.'lng these stage dates. Alka-Seltzer sponsors the air series. Jack Shannon, program director of WFBL, Syracuse, is now heard In a weekly program over a Columbia network of 75 stations, broadcast originating in studios of WFBL and heard each Saturday afternoon 1 to 1:15.EDST. JDorothy Garvin, WFBL, Syracuse, artist and conductor of the 'Bon Vbyage' program, has received a letter of commendation from Mus- solini himself. SKe contributed an article, 'Oh, Beloved Italia,' to the "American Traveller' magazine, and Mussolini was so pleased with It that he wrote Miss Garvin person- ally praising her work. Minnesota Kentucky Nate Lord, Manager Wave, father of new baby boy, his third one, born May 31. Howard E. Campbell, technician In charge WHAS transmitter, re- ceived word that son Colin. W., 19 years.old, appointed to U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis. Was appointed from ranks, having Joined Navy at Louisville, recruiting station, Morris Perelmuter, violinist, played farewell concert at Scottish Rite Temple, Monday (3) ,W111 leave for Los Angeles on 16th. Ha^ been for several years staff violin- ist for WHAS, and first violinist and concert master of Louisville Sym- phony Orchestra. Fontaine Ferry Park open. Oscar Kogel ork, Ruth Cole, vocalist, to play In park's Club Fontaine, with Eddie Slemer band, supplying dansapatlon for Dance Casino Virginia Barr and Slim Johnson both radio performers, are the vocalists. Bill Blanton, WHAS engineer, Tnc^i-rled to Miss Frances Cohen, in JeftersonviUe, Indiana, May 26. Wedding party of 30 Included several local radio artists. A-her Slzemore, and son Jimmy, takin^j several months rest from broadca.stlng, on Sizemore's 1,200 acre farm in Indiana. Clayton McMichen enlarging his fieorgia.Wildcat combo to 14 people barn da!nce unit. Expects to con- tinue playing dates in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Indiana throughout Simmer. A. B. (Happy) Chandler, has an nounced candidacy Democratic nopiination for Governor of Ken- tucky. Is erstwhile radio singer having been heard over both Louis- ville statinn.«:, and for a time over WBBM, Chicago. story of WBZ's thrilling adventure with the famous Hon In the spring of 1932, 'Minute Men' letters cramming Into Yankee Net offices at rate of about 500 a day, Newcomb F, Thompson's father (J. Bain) has joined the Malklel Agency. WBZ, Boston, personnel all upset with carpenters and electricians working and hammering. WBZ 1^ constructing new ofllces at their quarters In the Hotel Bradford, Boston. Hank Keene and Ills Radio Gang with Tent Show playing western Massachusetts and Connecticut. In between shows Hank is doing two broadcasts a day from WBZA's Springfield Studios in the Hotel Kimball. All the boys at WBZ, Boston, are smoking corncob pipes these days. Hillbilly entertainer supplied them. Roger Wheeler of WEEI, Boston, wrote script for 'Legionnaire' on Blue Net last Sunday. Arthur Edes of WEEI, Boston, spoke on 'Radio Censorship Begins at Home' at the FUene Educational OonfcroncCt E. B. Rldeout of WEEI, Boston, predicts, a wet summer—and he's usually right. Del Castillo of WEEI played the organ at Jack Beauvais' wedding June 1. Eva Gingras back to WEEI ether waves May 31 after maternal absence, Ed. Lord of WEEI, Boston, gets his exercise mowing the lawn which he describes as 'bigger than Studio A.' Ed Gisburne of WEEI, Boston, doing, numerous character roles sans identlflcations. Sylvia Winters, femme announcer of WEEI, Boston, taking to saddle horses on off hours. Charles Burton, station manager for WEEI, Boston, and no mean rod-and-rcel guy on the side, has been presented with a courtes.v fishing license from the State of Maine, contained In a special leather folder on which is embossed his monicker in gold letters. Staff announcers of WEEI, Bos- ton, have been allotted a private riecreatlon room on the 13th floor giving them privacy for mulling over scripts before they start their spiels. Ed Gisburne of WEEI, Boston, on the Edison gold tournament committee. Ruth Falby, secretary to ■ Lewis 'Whit' Whltcomb, of WEEI, Bos- ton, win tour Europe In June. Jack Beauvais of WEEl, Boston, goes ex-bachelor very soon. Plans to honeymoon on the Cape. Sandy MacFarlane, one of the pioneer radio' performers in Massa- chusetts, back to WEEI, Boston for Glendale Coal. Rumored that Boston's next radio station will be WMFH, licensed to Joseph M. Klrby of Boston, to be located in the Copley-Plaza hotel, with transmitter on the speedway, near Harvard University.. WBZ, Boston, win soon have an ultra high frequency transmitter for experimental broadcasting on 65.5 megacycles, with a power of 50 watts. Radio engineers will in vestlgate the possibilities of ultra waves for television. Claim is that transmission In these bands is prac tlcally free from static and at the same time fading is reduced to almost nil. Bert Lown In at the Lowry Ter- race, and airing over WTCN, Mln- neapoll.<]. Hector Sklfter now KSTP, St. Paul, technical supervisor, replac- ing Len Smeby, who takes over the chief engineer post for Krunsky- Trendle's Michigan network and WXYZ, Detroit. Earl Gammons just returned from a two-day CBS-owned station man- ager's huddle in Gotham. Buddy Fisher and ork in at the Casino and airing over KSTP, St. Paul, Hugh McCartney back from a swing through southern Minnesota and Wisconsin, checking WCCO, Minneapolis, reception. Ken MacKenzle, on WCCO's staff, doing sideline Job of scribbling for the local monthly class mag. Golfer and Sportsman. Dept. Is labeled 'Ether Here or There' and natur- ally Is exclusively about things radio. Stan Hubbard and Hector Sklfter back from KSTP's hearing before the F.C.C. In Washington. WCCO broadcast the arrival of Rubinoff (he's a St. Paul boy) when he pulled In at the Milwaukee road's Minneapolis station Friday (24) morning. Chevrolet's Musical Moments pro- grams back on WCCO and KSTP for the first time since April 6, when they bowed oft, due to factory labor troubles. John Harrington up from St. Louis for a visit and a squint at the Chicago Golden Gloves. Frank Schrelber and Jack Burt- nett have moved their WGN pub- licity offices to their own quarters in the Chicago Tribune towen Stewart-Warner and Columbia dished out a cocktail shindig In honor of Horace Heldt's entry Into Chi last week, Les Atlass readying for his first yacht trip of the season up Lake Michigan way. Ota Gygi returning to his first love, vaudeville. Eddie Duchln band and Sinclair Minstrels booked at the gas con- vention In Chicago on June 11. Bob Stephenson returns to town minus 30 pounds after a strict diet campaign. Holland Engle an amateur cab- inet maker, turning out a ma- hogany desk eet to go with his sunburn. BUI Stein off to the Coast to see what about more MCA bands in pictures. John Wakefield Joining the WBBM, Chicago, announcing EtafE. Ed Aleshire starting some test spots for Cocktail Hour clg. Massachusetts Virginia Warren, WNAC, Bos- ton, son.crstress, is arranging to take a long \'acatlon thl.s summer in an- ticinatlon of a storkish visit. Teresa Costello,, secretary to Yankee Web's John Shepard, 3d, sad lhe.«:e days because of the loss of her diamond ring. Olin F. Miller, Yankee Web con- trol operator, will be wed in mid- June. Alice O'Leary, WNAC-WAAB songtt-res.s in Boston, going In for 'slinky' gowns. Personal appear- ances at Hub cafes are to blame. Franlc Rand, Yankee Web p.a., is doing French dialect bit with 'The Hemingways' three-a-week over the Network. Roy Harlow, as.slstant to tho pres of the Yankee Network, has had another song,. 'Men of Valor,' ac- cepted for publication. Gerry Slattery of the Frost Agency popular with amateurs who clown for him on the Welch candy program from the Orpheum the- atre. Gerry hands out samples! Walter E. 'Hap' Myers of NBC, Boston, spoke on 'Leo the Lion' before the OranUe City Stamp club oC iilncy, Mass. Hap related the Alabama Bryant Sisters, harmony team In Birmingham, are moving to Mobile and will Join Bill Pape's' station there. Dunk Rendleman has returned to Birmingham from Louisville. WSGN now wants to play WBRC fox the baseball championship of the Ham. WBRC has licked WAPI twice but WSGN Just discovered they've got a team. WSGN, Birmingham, is getting ready to move part of its studio to the second floor of the Tutwller hotel. Work has already been started on the rooms. Since the chain letter fad has en- veloped everything else including show business one more story won' hurt much. Aaron Shelton, opera- tor at WSM, Nashville, and an amateur short wave fan has been sending out chain radiograms Short wave stations in New Or- leans, Chattanooga, Birmingham Youngstown and Cincinnati have received them. Talbert Morgan, WBRC's Blr mlngham new announcer, has a de gree from Washington and Lee University, attended Stanford Uni- versity two years doing post-gradu .'ito work, and is now doing post- graduate at Blrnilngham-Southern John Connolly found himself l)rnridcastlng the Southeastern Con- ference track meet without know ing the first thing about track sport.s. Jack Bailey, manager WAPI, Bir- mingham, has a new apartment. AVBRC presented Huey Long's Louisiana State University track team with a big trophv when L.S.U copped the Southeastern Conference championship. Illinois includes shifting of announcers back and forth. Latest change has Ralph Childs e<Jlng back to Waterloo and J. B. Lake taking his place In the Cedar, Rapids studios. Col. B. J. Palmer, head of WOW and WHO on the schedule of the American convention Disabled American Vets meeting in New Haven in July. Reggie Martin thinks he has a find in Dora McKay, local colored songstress, doing her first work on KSO. Dalton Norman, formerly of KOIL, WOW and KMA, now on KSO. Happiness Campaign, which originated with G. Ralph Branton, general manager for Tri-States Theatres, and sponsored by 65 lead- ing newspapers in the state, now has a tie-up with KSO and WMT, Cedar Rapids, with a program called 'Rainbow Over Iowa.' Iowa Broadcasting Co. has ordered an Electronic organ for KSO and KRNT. Missouri Ontario Contralto Amy Fleming snares a Commission contract. Dick Mansell sports-subbing on CFRB Torant. for angling Al Leary. Roland Todd presenting the 'Road to Yesterday' aeries for CRCT, Toronto. Tim Maurice's morning broad- casts on CKCL to fold for the Sum- mer. John Duncan to conduct the 'Old World Musicians' series for CHBC's dinner hour. Ernie Magann has sold his 'Para dlse Islanders' to the Commission for a series of Hawaiian music programs. Staffs of CRCT and CKNC have organized a ball team with Stanley Maxted on talent member; rest are engineers. Maxine James, Robert Hunt and Scott Hunt (Judy and Her Jesters), have moved from KVOO, Tulsa, Oklahoma, to KMBC, Kansas City. Kaspcr Sisters, after a road tour with the WLS road show, have Joined WHB, Kansas City. WHB, Kansas City, offering steady dance music Saturday after- noons from 1:16 until 5 o'clock. The music is piped from the" Muehle- bach grill, Kansas City Club, and the studio. Pi'ogram is called 'Hot and Low Down.' Cast of 'Red Horse Ranch,' known as the Texas Rangers, has returned to K. C. from Chicago, where 39 15- minute discs were completed in six days. Erie Smith has Joined the KMBC forces as news editor, and Merle Jones Is hustling in the sales de- partment. Eduardo Hellmund is the new WHB Travel man. He was formerly head of a travel, bureau in New York. Van Volkenburg of KMOX, in New York City. Kathryn Cravens, woman news commentator for KMOX, is back on the Job after rest, fSkeets.' yodeler of KMOX record- ed 'Freight Train Blues,' for Decca. 'Dizzy' Dean was host to KMOX artists Including 'The Three Hired Men,' 'Jimmy and Dick,' Charley Stookey and Aunt Sarah at the Cardinals-Giant game. Guests en- tertained both clubs at noon and over amplified mike Just before the game started. France Laux, who wm on the shelf with a bad throat attack for a week, is back at the mike giving a play-by-play of ball games at Sportsman's Park for Kellogg Com- pany. More than 1,000 attended the opening of the Home Folks Hour Barn Dance on May 25th. Al Dletzcl, loader of the KWK studio orchestra, was the winner of the first golf tournament for the members of the staff. He turned In a 66 card. Bpb Richardson, sound- man, was the winner of the gross low with 77. Peony Park when the outdor grovt opens this week. Billy Williams, dean of KOIL, Omaha, continuity writers, awa^ from his typewriter temporarily to. take the rest cure. Commercial staff member AUt Strom of KOIL oft on a two weeks' vacation through- Missouri and Easter points. Harry Burke antj Mrs. soon leav-r Ing for three weeks of fishing and ocean air around Astoria, Oregon, Connecticut Iowa Lien, treasurer Iowa Co., papa of a new Rodney P. Broadcasting daughter. Religious fanatic broke into WHO and because he wasn't al- lowed to go on the air he went into a tallspin that necessitated four policemen and a straight Jacket Stan Widney, announcer, badly bruised by the barnstormer, WHO will continue 40 artists on the payroll during the entire sum mer. Hale Bondurant and Ernie San- ders, Central Broadcasting Co., both received honors on the same day. Bondurant elected vice-presi- dent of Pes Moines Ad club and Sanders president of the Officers Reserve club. Harold Fair, program director, WHO, directs a symphony orches- tra himself—heard every I-'rlday night on WHO. Douglas B. Grant, WMT, Cedar Rapids, program director, is a first time father, a daughter Donna Rose, arriving recently. John and xry are the newest addition to tl.e WMT staff of Waterloo ar.'t Cedar RupldSi being acquisitions from WCAZ, Carthage, 111. Successful Farming has a half hour on WHO every Saturday called 'From Cover to Cover.' New policy of WMT, with studios in Cedar Rapids and Waterloo, han- dling broadcasting lntennitt«^ntly. Nebraska Cecilia Broderick new face at the outer office of WOW, Omaha. Betty Free back to the insurance com- pany division. Phon Jones of the KOIL-KFAB, Omaha, office, turned the day's work over to Sally Steele to take off for recuperating. Ralph Wagner of the Bee-News sports department on a new sports broadcast for Barnsdall via KOIL. Al Bates did some heavy scurry- ing to set up the remote lines to pick up streetcar barn news for KOIL, Omaha, when the strike broke. Russ Baker and Harry Burke concocting the continuity for the Paul Christensen programs originat- ing for the NBC red from Hotel Paxton, Omaha. John Chapel, of "WOW, and wife, planning a South American tour for the summer vacation spell. Helen Whltmore, of the WAAW outer desk, enjoying a visit from her daddy. Valley newspaper editor. Al Bates of KOIL wearing a ban- daged hand, the result of a broken flashlight bulb, after trying to .snap George Givot and Governor John Troy of Alaska at the muny airport. Manager John Glllin, Jr., touring the state with the Omaha trade del- egation. Harry Burke at his desk meanwhile. Commercial Chief Bnryl Lottrldgp of the Omaha studios of KOIL and KFAB on a three-day biz trip through and points south. Art Randall and his ork, who left the Paxton hotel and it.<? WOW re- mote a few weeks ago, wU be In the bandstand when Krug nark opens. •Russ Baker of WOW getting to- gether with Paul Christensen. boas of the Paxton ork, on continuity for the. Tuesday NBC red stretch. Harry Burke takes over tlie milcp ill Herr John Cillin's absence on the Tuesday night chain dance music half hour from the Paxton. WAAW, Omaha, move.s in a re- mote to picic up dance music from New artists at WATR, Water, bury, include: Dorothy Jones, pi- anlst; Arthur ColUngsburg, concert violinist; Domenlc Mecca, accor- dionist, and Mickey McCarthy and his Shamrock orchestra. WIXB, Waterbury, is now giving AP news dispatches, as well as tak- ing Press-Radio news through WHN. Station also has two periods of local news daily. Alan Wallace's 'Reading the Fun- nies' program has been renewed on WIXBS, Waterbury. George Duffy, station manager at WATR, Waterbury,' is making plana for the station's anniversary pro- gram next month. Paulette Wolozin, concert so- prano at WATR, Waterbury, made her bow last week as a commercial spieler, handling spot announce- ments for women's wear shops. 'Naugatuck On the Air,' remote program heard over WATR, Water- bury, leaves the ether shortly. Another Major Bowes winner makes good: Wesley Cann of Bridgeport has a tenor spot with NBC. Ann-Marie Havrllla, chanteuse, back on WICC, Bridgeport. WICC. Bridgeport, has picked up a bus-driving baritone. Jack Mor- ris. Julian Woodworth's CBSers open- ing Pleasure Beach, Bridgeport, dancerle, over holiday. Alma Dettlnger's new music com- edy sorlpter, 'Melody in Maytlme,' shelved until fall. Len and Leona, New London long- distance sustainers, finished at WICC for season. Benny Goodman's band ushered in season Sunday at Roton Point park, Norwalk. Jimmy Cavallaro of New Haven has a new string ensemble at WICC's New Haven subsld. Gus Meyers, former pit maestro at Globe, Bridgeport, readying for dance tour with orque. Prankle Carle, former pianist with McEnelly and Mai Hallett bands, striking out on his own un- der managernent of W. J. Cook, Springfield, Mass. Eddie Mayehoff's band gets sum- mer stand at Westchester Embassy club. Meyer Davis unit goes into Long-, shore beach club, Westport. Conn. Edith Jolson of WaCC, Bridge- port, doing the summer blues in the Catskills. Herbert Anderson's 'Chapel Echoes.' celebrating second natal on WICC, Bridgeport. Program will recess July and August. Bridgeport Musical .Research club finaled the air season Sunday on WICC. Freddy Bergin's CBS band one- nights Into New England with Roton Point, South Norwalk, as first stop next Sunday (9). Uldine Utley, girl evangelist, held over at WICC, Bridgeport, for an extra week. Adelle Fredericks revamping 'Airway Frolic" at WICC, Bridge- port, to bucolic continuity. Joseph Lopez, station super at WICC, skedded to emsee disabled vets' convention banquet Saturday (8) in New Britain. Dance bands at Pleasure Beach, Bridgeport, will again be remoted this summer by WICC. Lou Weiss, WICC's 'Ivorytickler,' readying own ork for the summer danceries. Mickey Carr's Canadian Caper, ork set for summer on S. S. May- flower, New York-Bridgeport ex- cur.sion boat. Union ti-oublc kept Gus Meyers and his orchestra, of New Haven, from going through with a radio program scheduled for WATR, Wa- terbury. Union thumbs down ges- ture came but a few hours before time set for broadcast. Jack Henry of WIXBS, Water- bury, joins the benedicts this month. Vita Vail, commercial spieler al WATR, Waterbury, has blossomed forth as a columnist for the Water- bury Democrat, Vita's stuff, a la Dorothy Dix in style, appears Fri- days, Louisiana Leonard Holland added to tl'n KTBS, announcing staff and will also serve as master of ceremonies on local programs. Mrs. HoUaml accompanied her husband to Shreveport. Red Mills aiid his orchcslr; , who h.ave been heard nightly over KRMD from the Silver Slipper nlghtery, concluded their eng.-ipe- ment (25) and moved to Corpu.s Christi, Texas, Wlien Fred Ohl marclie."> to the tune.H of Lohengrln'.s WeikliiiR (Continued on page 38)