Variety (Jul 1935)

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34 VARIETY PICYURES Wednesday, Jiily 17, 1935 CALENDAR OF CURRENT RELEASES Chesterfield Offlcat: 1S40 Broadwayi Now Vork. N. V Ircumstantial Evidence. A mystery asking does clrcumstanllnl eviilence con- vict the Innocent? . Clilck Chandler, Shlrlny Grey. Dir. Charles Lament 67 mins. Rel. March 30, Death from a Distance. A atratusphere mystery. Russell Hopton, L<Jla Lane. Dir. Frank Stri^yiir. 64 mlns. Rel. May t. Girl Who Came BacK. The legenerallon of a girl crooh. Sidney Blackmer, Shirley Grey, Nod Madison. Dir. Charle.i Lamont. Rel. May 25. Public Opinion. A drama of the greatest single force In the world today. Tubllc Opinion." Wilson Crane Wilbur, Luis Albernl. Dir. Trank Strayer. 68 mlns. Rel, March 16. Shot In the Dark. College mystery. Charles Starrett, Marlon Schilling, Dir. Chas Lnmonl. 67 mlns. Rel. March 1. Rev. Ma.-cn 22. Society Fever. A crashing society comedy. Lois Wilson, Lloyd Hughes, Heddn Hopper. Dir. Frank Strayer. 66 mlns. Rel. June 20. »«udlo: Gower at Sunwt, Columbia cos. 729 Seventh Ave.,^ H«llywood, Cal. V.OIUIDOI« New Yorh, N. V, After the Dance. R<.mance of a night club singer who finds love after a ].il|. break. N iacy Carroll, Geo. Murphy, Dir. Leo Bulgakov, Hel. .lune 26. A(r Hawks. Tlie death ray figures in commercial aviation. Ralph Bellamy. Tala BIrell and Wiley Post Dir. Al Rogell. 68 mine. Kel. April 30. Kev June 12. Awakening of Jim Burke. Tough construction boss learns to respect his men. Jack Holt, Florence Rice. Kathleen Burke, ,1lmmle Butler. Dir. Lam- bert Hillyer. 70 mlns. Rel, May 20. Rev. May 22. Behind'the Evidence. Newspaper man smokes out a master mind. Normnn Foster, Donald Cook. Sheila Manners. Dir. Lambert Hlliyer. 70 mina. Rel. Jan. 20. Rev. Feb. 6. Black Room, The. Boris KarlolT and Marlon. Marsh. Dir. Boy William Nelll. Rel. July 16. Carnival. Carnival story of a man's search for a mother for his child. Lee Tracy, Sally Ellcrs. Jimmy Durante. Dir. Walter Lang. 77 mine. Rel Feb. 10. Rev. Feb. 20. Champagne for Breakfast. Fennlless attorney finds a sweetheart and a fortune through a breanfasl call. Mary Carlisle, Hardle Albright, Joan Marsh, Llla Lee. Dir. Melville Brown, 69 mins. Rel. June 18. Rev. July 10 Eight Bells. Love and mutmy on the high seas. From a stage play. Ann Sothern Ralph Bellamy, John Buckler. Dir. Roy W. Nelll. 69 mins, Rel. April tl. Hev. May IS. Ightlng Shadows. Western. Tim McCoy, tieneva Mitchell Dir. David Sel- man. 67 mins Rel. April 18. Girl Friend, The. Ann Sothern, Jacli Haley and Roger PrVor. Dir. Eddte Buzzeli. Rel. July 31. I'll Love Vou Always. A love that could not be crushed by adversity. Nancy Carroll, Geo. Murphy, DIr, t«o Bulgakov. 68 mlns, Rel. March 20. Rev. April 3. In Spite of Danger. Auto racer goes Into the trucking business, Wallace Ford, Marian Marsh. Dir. Lambert Hillyer. 66 mlns. Rel, March 8. Ford, Marfan Harsh. Dir. Lambert Hillyer. E6 mlns. Rel. March R. Rev. April 10. ' ' Juttice of the Range. Tim McCoy western, DIr, David Sel 68 mlns. Rel. May 25. Rev. June 12. Law Beyond the Range.' Tim McCoy Western, Billle Seward. Dir. Ford Beebe. Rel. Feb. 16. Ltt'a Llv« Tonight. Love's indecisions on the Riviera. Lilian Harvey. Tullo Carminatl. Dir. Victor Schertzinger. 69 mins. Rel. March 1. Rev. March 2pc. Love Me Forever. Operatlc-ganster story. Grace Moore, Leo Carrlllo and Robert Allen. Dir. Victor Schertzinger. 91 mlns. Rel. June 27. Rev July 3. Men of the Hour. Story of the newsreel cameramen. Richard Cromwell, Blllle Seward and Wallace Ford. Dir. Lambert Hillyer. 67 mlns. Bel. May ' 16. Rev. May 15. party Wire. Victor Joy and Jean Arthur. Dir. I3rle Kenton 70 mlns. Rel. April 27. Rev. May 22. Revenge Rider, The. Tim McCoy western. Dir. David Selman, 67 mlns. Rel,. March IH. Riding wild. Western. Tim McCoy, Billle Seward, Dir: David Sel Rel. . June .28. Swell Head. Basel>all~ comedy, Wallace Ford, Dickie Moore, Barbara Kent. Dir, Ben Stoloir, 63 mlns. Rel. April 8, Rev. May 8, Unknown Woman. Richard Cromwell and Marlon Marsh. Dir. Albert Rogell. Rel. June U. Unwelcome Stranger. Located on a racing stock farm. Jack Holt, Mona Barrle, Jackie Searle, Dir. Plill Rosen. 6B mlns. Rel. April 20. Rev April 10. Whole Town's Talking, The. Robinson In a dual role as a killeV and a paclttHt who resembles him. Edw. G, Robinson. Jean Arthur, Dir. John Ford. 96 mins, Rel, Feb, 18. Rev, March 6. These tabulations ar« compiled from information supplied by .Die various^ production companies and checked up as soon as possible after release. Listing Is given when re- lease dates are definitely set. Titles are reitained for tin months. Man- agers who receive service subse- quent to that period should pre- serve a copy of the calendar for reference. The running time as given hert is presumably that of the projection room showings anci can only approx- imate the actual release length in those states or communities' where local or state censorship may result in deletions. Running time in the reviews as given in 'Variety' carry the actual time clocked in the the- atre after passage by the New Vork state censorship, since pictures are revievtred only in actual theatre showings. While every effort Is made to hold this list accurate, the information supplied may not always be correct, even though official. To obtain the fullest degree ot accuracy, 'Variety will appreciate the co-operation of all managers who may note discrap- marries a society derelict and then makes a man of him, Bette Davis, Ian Hunter, Colin Cllve, Dir. Alfred E. Green. 69- mins. Rel. June L Rev. May 211. Q Men. Story of daring exploits of the men Of the 0. S. Department of Jus- tice. Jam^s Cagiicy, Ann I>vorak, Margaret Lindsay. Dir. Wm, Kolghley. 85 mins. Rel. May <. Go Into Your Dance. Musical production about modern show business, Al Jolson, Ruby Keeler, Dir. Archie Mayo. 92 mlns. Rel. April 20. Rov. May 3, Gold Diggers ot 1935. Dick Powell, Adolpho Menjou, Gloria Stuart, Alice Brady. Dir. Busby Berkeley. 96 mine. Rcl. March 16. In Callente. Musical spectacle of famous Mexican resort. Pat O'Brien, Dolores Del Rio, EMw, iCverPtt Horton, the DeMnrcos. Dir, Lloyd Bacon. 84 mlns. Rel. May 26. Rev. July 3. Living on Velvet. 6hoc1< crazed aviator marries a society girl. Kay Francis, Geo. Brent, W.-irren William. Dir. Frank Borzage. 80 iplns. Rel. March 2. Rev. March 13. Mary Jane s Pa. Whimsical story of a small town printer who Is born with the wandeiiURt and who cannot resist the call of the road when a train whistles. Aline MacManon, Guy Klbbee, Dir, Wm Keighley. 71 mlns. Rel. April 27. Rev. June 19. Maybe It's Ueve. Gloria Stuart, Ross Alexander, Dir. Wni. McGinn. 02 mine. Rel, Jan, 12. Rev. Feb. 12, Murder In the Clouds. Lyie Talbot. Ann Dvorak. Dir. D. Ross Lederman. 61 mins. Rel. Dec. 16. Rev. Jan. I. - Oil for the Lamps of China. Pat O'Brien, Josephine Hutchinson, Jean Mulr. Dir. Mervyn Leltoy. Rel. June 8. Red Hot Tires. LyIe Talbot, Mary Astor. Dir D. Ross Lederman, Rel, 2. 61 mlns. Traveling Saleslady, The. One of those Joan Blondell-Olenda Farrell romps. Dir Ray Enright. 63 mlns. Rel.. April,6, Rev. April 3. While the Patient Slept. Mystery In a millionaire's mansion. Guy Klbbee, Aline McMahon. Dir. Ray Enright. 66 mlns, Rel. March 9, Rev. March 6. Woman In Red. Voung wife faces scandal to save a man from conviction ot murder. .Barbara Stanwyck, Gene Raymond. Genevieve Tobln. Dir. Robt. Florey. 68 mlns. Re). Feb. 16. Rev. March 27. Stodio Placements DuWorld Office: 729 Seventh Ave., New Vork, N. Y. Blue Light. (Aiistrian and Italian.) Mountain romance among Italian Dolo- mites, Directed and starring LenI Rlefenstahl, Rel. Sept. 16. Crainquebllle (Fr). Drama from Anatole France yarn. Dir. Jasqude de Baron- celll. 8u mlns. llel Dec. 1. Dame aux Cam'ellas, La (Fr.). Literal adaptation of the Dumas classic, yvonnp PrlntompB, Pierre Fresnay. Dir. Ferdinand Rivers. 85 mlns. Rel. March 16. Rev. March 27. Girl In the Case. Comedy In the Continental manner. Jimmy Savo. Eddie Lambert. Dorothy Darling. Plr, F.ugene Frenke. 80 mlns. Rel. Oct. 1. Kocha, Lubl, Szanuje (Polish). Young love In Poland, with music Dir. MIchal Wyzynskl. 70 mlns. Rel. Nov. 1. L'Agonle des Algles (Fr). Pre-Nnpoieonic drama. Dir. Roger RIchebe. 70 mlns. Rel. Dec. 1. Man Who Changed HIa Name (British). An old Edgar Wallace yarn re- vived. Dir. Henry Edwardai. 75 mlns. Rel. Oct. 1. Rev. Oct. 23. Norah O'Neale (British). Irish yarn. Dir. Desmond Hurst. 70 mlns. Rel. Oct. IB. Rev. Oct. 30. Sans Famine (Fr.)T Story of a boy's flght without family. Robert Lyncn. Dir. Andre Mouzy. 8" mlns; Rel. June 1. The Last Wilderness. Expedition, animal til laid In Wyoming. Howard Hill. 36 mlns. Rel. May I. nU.IalAn Offices: BIdg., r irSt Division New Vork" N. V. Releases Also Allied. Chesterfield, Monogram and Liberty Ircumstantial Evidence. Reporter fakes murder In campaign against death penalty and almost goes to clialr. Chick Chandler, Shirley Grey, Arthur Vinton. Dir. Charles Lamont. 70 mlns. Rel. Aug. I. Convention Girl. (Falan). Cabaret hostess on the make in a convention town Rose Hobart, Raymond Walburn,- Sally O'Noll. Dir. Luther Reed. 66 mlns. Rel. Oct. 31. Rev. Juno 26. Curtain Falls. One-time famous actress uses hei tuleiita In an entirely novel role; and stages one final glorious comi-back. Henrietta Crosman Dorofhy Lee, Wm. Bnkewell. DIr Charles (yiimont. G8 mlns. Port of Lost Dreams. A gun mnll s pasi catches up with her after she has ret'orme'l and Is hapiUly married to a sea-faring mnn. Lola Lane, Bill (qcreen) Boyd. George Marlon, Edward G.nrgan. Public Opinion. Jealousy seii.aratcs loving couple -who are brought together by their child's deathly llllness and realize they stilll love each other, Lois Wilson, Crane Wilbur, Shirley Grey. Dir. Frank Strayer. 65 mina Rel. July 15. Rainbow's End. Western, A bluck sheep (toes west, makes good nnd shows up father's partner us crook. Hoot Gibson, June Gale. Dir, Norman Spencer. 59 mlns, Rel. June 10. Shot in the Dark. From the novcl'and 'College Humor' serial "Plie Dartmouth Murders' by Clifford Orr. Charles Starrett, Robert Warwick, Marion Shilling, Dir. Charles Lamont. 70 mlns. Rel. June 15, Sunset Range. Girl unknowingly Involved with kidnapers through her brother goes west and Is saved by cowboy. Western. Hoot GJbJion, Mary Doran Dir. Ray McCarey. 52 mlns. Rel. M;iy 1. Rov. May 15:' Symphony of Living. (Invincible). Hoy violin prodigy buffeted bctweon war- ring parents. Kvelyn Brent, Al Shcan, .lolin Darrow, Dir. Frank Strayer. 82 mins. Rev. July 3. tudlosi BurbanK, Calif. lack Fury, The underdogs' In a Pennsylvania mining town. Paul M\ml ICaren Morley. Dir.- Michael Cuitlz. 95 mlns. ltd May 18, Rev April J7, Case ot the Curious Bride, The. Whodunit. Warren Willlnm, Margaret Lind. say. DIr Michael Curtlz. SO mlns. Rel. April 13. Rev. April 10. Qirl From 10th Avenue. The adventures of a young shop girl who accidentally Fir»t National """" "'n^«V'!:,."V,'. Hollywood, July 16. Man Mountain Dean, 'Return ot Cappy Ricks,' Republic. Robert Yost, Lamar. Trotti, screen play, new Will Rogers pic, untitled. Pox. Benlta Hume, 'Tarzan Returns,' .Vletro. Agnes Anderson, John Davidson 'Last Days of Pompeii,' Radio. Otto Fries, Mary Foy, 'Tale of Two Cities,' Metro, Allan Bridges, 'Gay Deception,' Fox. May Beatty, 'Broadway Melody of 1936,' Metro. Billy Gilbert, ere Comes the Band,' Metro. Doris Lloyd, 'Two for Tonight, -Vletro. Muriel Evans, 'Throwback,' U. Charles Mlddleton, Robert Grieg, 'Special Agent,' WB. Hal Price, William J, Welsh, Jules Cowles, Fuzzy Knight, Alfred Del cambre, Jim Thorpe, Brady Kline. Marino Schubert, Maxina Reiner, Philo McCuUough, Prank Lactoen Bruce Mitchell, Lew Kelly, 'Wan derer of Wasteland,' Par. Dewey Robinson, 'Lonesome Trail, WB. Ronnie Cosby, Lillian Kemble Cooper, Hattle McDanlels, 'Living Up to Lizzie,' "WB. John Eldredge, Philip Reed, Frank Reichter, Joan Blair, Don Barclay, Prank Shannon, 'Prom This Dark Stairway," WB. Buzz Barton, 'Powder Smoke Range," Radio. Dorothy Gulliver, Prank McGlynn Jr., 'Custer's Last Stand," Weiss Bros. Gilbert Emery, Arthur Hoyt, 'Mag nificent Obsession,' U. Edward Sedgwick, directing Stepln" Petchit, 'Virginia Judge Par. Robert Allen, Florence Rice, 'Bodyguard,' Col. Stuart Anthony, screen play, sec ond of series of Zane Grey westerns Par. ' Selmer Jackson, 'Red Salute,' Re llance. Syd Saylor, 'Here Comes Cookie, Par. Luis Albernl, 'Bad Boy,' Pox. Fred Vogeding, 'Charlie Chan in Shanghai,' Pox. Stuart Erwln, Mary Carlisle, 'In the Bag,' Metro. Harold Goodwin, Paul Hurst, G Pat Collins, acting; Allan Garcia, on Spanish script, 'Robin Hood of Bldorado,' Metro. Frederick Sewell, 'Dark Angel Goldwyn, Marcla Hunt, 'Virginia Judge Par. William Gargon, 'The Milky Way Par. i Lester Cole, screen play, 'Jack hammer,' Col. Ward Bond, Wyrley Birch, Eliza beth Risdon, Nana Bryant, Arthu Hohl, 'Bodyguard,' Col. Thurston Hall, 'Lady Beware, Col. Inez Palange, 'Melody Llnger.s On," Reliance. Maureen 0"SulIIvan, Norman Pes tei*, Dudley Dlgges, Nigel Bruce .Melville Cooper, Lumsden Hare, Lillian Bond, 'Bishop Misbehaves Metro. Jane Darwell, 'Beauty's Daughter," Fox. Wallace Smith, screen play on un- titled original, by H, B. Smith. Col. Irene Hervey, femme lead, Charles (Continued on page 38) Studio: Fox Hllli, Hollywood. Cat. Fox Dir. Allan Dwan< omcesi 444 West csth St. Nsw York. N V. Black Sheep. Edmund Lowe. Claire Trevor, Tom Brown. 70 mlns. Rel. June H. Rev. July 3. Charlie Chan in Egypt. Further adventures of the Honolulu Chinaman. Warner Oland, Mary Brian. Dir. Lewis Seller. 72 mins. Rel. June 21. Rev. June 26. Charlie Chan In Pane. The Oriental detective moves Into new territory. Warner Oland, Mary Brian. Dir. Lewis Seller. 70 mlns. Rel. Feb. 1. Rev. Jan. 29. County Chairman,. The. Will Rogers, Evelyn Venable, Kent Taylor. Dir. John Blystone. 78 mlns. Rel. Jan. II. Rev, Jan. 22. Cowboy Millionaire. George O'Brien western. Dir. Edw. F.' Cllne. Rel, May 10. Rev. June 4. Dante's Inferno. New version of an jld thriller. Spencer Tracy, Claire Trevor, Henrv B. Walthall. Dir. Harry Lachman. Rel. Aug. 31. Danng Voung Man, The. James Dunn, Mae Clarke. Dir. Wm. A, Seller. Rel. May 2f. Doubting Thomas. From George Kelly's stage play, 'The Torch Bearers.' Will Rogers, Billle Burke, Alison Skipworth. Dir. David Butler. ReL June 7. Dressed to Thrill. Tutia Rolf, (Hive Brook. Dir. Harry Lachman. Rel. Aug. 23. Farmer Takes a Wife, The. From the stage play of the old canal days. Janet Gaynor, Henry Fonda, Chas. Blckford. Dir. Victor Fleming, Rel, Aug, 2. Gay Deception, The. Ii^ancis Lederer, Benlta Hume, Frances Dee. Dir. Wm. Wyler Rel. Aug. 9. George White's Scandals. Second edition of the musical. Alice Faye. Jas. Dunn, Ned Sparks, Geo. White, Lyda Robert!, Dir. Geo. White. 85 mlns. Rel. March IS, Rev. May 1, Great Hotel Mystery. Flagg and Quirt as detectives. Dir. Eugene Ford. 70 mine Rel March 1. Rev. March 6. It's a Small World. City people stranded in a small town. Spencer Tracy, Wendy Barrle. Dir. Irving Cummlngs. 72 mlns. Rel. April 26. Rev. June 26, Ladles Love Danger. From a story by Ilya Zorn. Mona Barrle, Gilbert Roland. Dir. H. Bruce Humberstone. Rel. May 3. Life Begins at 40. Based on the Plikin book. Will Rogers. Rochelle Hudson. Dir. Geo. Marshall. 79 mins. Rel. March 22. Rev. April 10. Little Colonel. Shirley Temple, Lionel Barrymore. Evelyn Venable. Dir. David Butler. 8U mins, Rel. Feb, 15. Rev. March 27. Music in the Air. Gloria Swanson, John Boles. Dir. Joe May. 81 mlns. ReL Dec. 7. One More Spring. Three down and outers In Central Park. Janet Gaynor, Warner Baxter. Dir. Henry King. 87 mlns. Rel. Feb. 8. Rev. Feb. 27. Our Little Girl. From the story 'Heaven's Gate,' by Fiorence L. PfalzgraC With circus angles, Shirley Temple, Rosemary Ames. Joel McCre*. Dir. John Robertson.. 64 mlns. Rel.-May 17. Rev. June 12. Spring Tonic. Reluctant bride and surprised tiger tamer. Lew Ayres, Clair* Tlrevor. Dir. Robt, T, Kane. 65 min, Rel. April 19. Rev. June 12. Ten Dollar Raise. Bdward Bverett Horton, Karen Morley. Dir. Geo. Mar- shall. 6!< mlns. Kel. April 5. Rev. May 8. Under Pressure. Romance with the sand hogs under the river, Edmund Lowe, Victor McLaglen, Florence Rice, Dir. Roaiil Walsh. 70 mlns. Rel. Feb. Rev. Feb. 5. Under the Pampas Moon. Mex. story. Warner Baxter, Ketti Gailigan, Tito Gulzar. Dir Jas. Tmlin. Kel. May 31. Rev, June 4, Welcome Home. James Dunn, Arline Judge. Dir. Jas. Tlnling. Rel. Aug, 23. When a Man's a Man. From the Harold Bell Wright story. George O'Brien. Dir. Edw. F. Cllne. C6 mlns. Rel. Feb. 16. Uev. Feb. 27. G-B Office: 16(}0 Broadway, IMew York. Claude Rains, Fay Wray. Rev. June 12. Dir. Maurice Elvey. 7t Clairvoyant, The. Chiller. mlns. Rel. July 15. Loves of a Dictator, The. Strong historical costume drama. Cllve Brook, Madeleine Carroll. Dir. Victor Savllle. 83 mins. Rel. June 15. Rev. June 5. Man Who Knew Too Much. Reall.stlc underworld drama in the Alps and London. Peter Loree, Leslie Banks, Edna Best. Dir. Alfred Hitchcock, 75 mlns, Rel. March 16. Rev. April 3. My Heart la Calling. Romantic musical. Jan Kiepura, Martha Eggcrth. Dir. Carmine Gallone. 70 mlns. Rel. April 1. Rev. April 17. My Song for You, Romance In the opera house. Jan Kiepura. Dir. Maurice Elvey. 75 mms. Rol. May 15. May 29. Liberty Oifflce; 1776 Broadway, New York, N. V. Born to Gamble. Four sons Inherit a grandfather's taint. Onslow Stevens, H. B. Warner, Maxine Doyle, Eric Linden. Lois Wilson. Dir. Phil Rosen. Rel. July 10. Dizzy Dames. Musical. Theatrical boarding house locale. Marjorle Rambeau, Florlne McKlnney, Lawrence GJray. Dir. William Nigh, Rel. May 15. Old Homestead, The. Suggested by the play. Si.>c musical numbers. Mary Carlisle, I.awrencc Gray, Dorothy Lee, Wlllard Robertson. Dir. William Nigh. Rel. Aug lO. Once to Every Bachdor. Honey/noon with a hired bride. Marian Nixon. Nell Hamilton, Allein Pringle Dir. Wm. Nigh, 72 mlns. Rel. Dec. 14. School for Girls. Ueform school drama. Sidney Fox, Paul Kelly, Lois Wil- son, Anne Shirley. Dir. Wm. Nigh. 73 mins. Rel, Mar. 22. Rev. Feb. 20. Sweepstake Annie. Society cio'iks frame sweeps winner. Tom Brown, Marion Ni.\on, Wera Engels. Dir. Wm. Nigh. 77 mlns. Rel. Feb. Rev. Feb. 27. V/lthout Children. Modern drai is of divorce. Marguerite Churchill, Bruce Cabot, Evelyn Brent, Rcgln iJl Denny, Dir. William Nigh. 31 mins. Rel. April 15. Majestic Offices: 1776 Bdway. Motive tor Revenge Thrilling adventures resulting from desire to satl.ify wife's craving for luxury. Donald Cook, Irene Hervey, Dir. Burt Lynwood. Rel. iMay 17. Mutiny Ahead. Stark drama! Adventure! Romance! On the high seas. Hamilton and Kathleen Burke. Dir. Tommy Atkins, Rel. May 1, Perfect Clue, The. David Manners, Skects Gallagher. Dorothy Llb.ilre. Dir. Robt. VIgnola. 6-1 mlns. Dynamic detective mystery thriller. Rcl. March 10. Rev. March 20. (Continued on page 38)