Variety (Aug 1935)

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' Wednesday,- AiiguBt 21, 1935 VARIETY 61 Variety Oills NEXT WEEK (Aug. 23) THIS WEEK (Aug. 16) Nutnerala in connection with bills below indicate open! show, whether full or split week RKO NEW TOBK CITY roloca (23) Castlnff Pearls Ii«wl8 & Moore Jerry Mann Belene Compton Or (One to All) (16) I40U Duthera J ft J P Sydell & Spotty B&ton Boys Jack Pepper Co Maurice Colleano BBOOKLYN Tllyou 'let halt (Z3-2E) Dutbers J & J Heleji Charleston Rainbow Ilov <Two to nil) Palace (23) tilazeed Arabs Harris ft Howell Hal Kemp Ore (One to fill) (16) Incest Lopez Ore Nonchalants CLEVELiAND Palace (23) Vincent Lopez Ore The Nonchalants (16) Don Lee & Louise John Foearty Ben Blue Smalltime Cavalc'de DETROIT Fox (23) Smalltime Cavalc'de Sando Mattlson's nhythms (16) Hal Kemp Ore Jackie Heller Brodell 2 KANSAS CITT Molnstreet (10) Olecn & Johnaoh TRENTON Capitol iBt half (24-25) Foy TucUer & J (Three to All) NEWjTOBK CITY BoDlevafd let half (23-26) Chas Carrier Barry-Breer & W Abbot & Robey Billy Glason Dance FnBhIons Orphenm 1st half (23-26) Roy-Lee & Dunn Charles Corllle Cross & Dunn Peg Ttntes State (23) Lou Hollz Belle Baiter Block ft Sully. Moore' & Revel Tip . Tan & T BROOKtYN Valencia (23) Qaiitlc-'s Toy Shop Pork Chops OFFICIAL DENTIST TO THE N. V. A. DR. JULIAN SIEGEL PARAMOUNT nUILDINO On Tucatlon—Back Sept.. 4 Hunter & Perclval Variety Gambols (One to All) ' 2d halt (27-29) Bob HowarJ Bill Telaak Co Dance Fashions (.Two. to All) ;,' Paradise (23) Ed Sullivan Babs Ryan & Bros Dave Vine Eddie Rio & Bros Bob Murphy Lee & Louise Rev BALTIMORE Century (23) 'Herbert Lynne & M Bernlce Martin Joe Morris 'Co; John Lee & 3 Lees Don Bestor Ore WASHINUTON Fox (23) Bowes Am Winners Paramount BOSTON . .Metropolitan (23) Phil Snitalny Ore CmCAGO . Chicago (23) Bowes Unit No. 2 (16) W ft J Mandel Pete Peaches & D Adele Nelson Buster Shaver Olive & Grace Marbro (23) Mills Kirk & H (16) International Rev Mile Mlgnon DeVlto & Denny Oriental (23) Johnny Burke Jans & Lynton Rev (16) Rcnco Villon Joe Fanton Co Mills Kirk & H Dorothy & Lewrella Stevens Sis Nash & Fately Mark Fisher Uptown 1st half (23-26) Pete Peaches ft D Nash & Fately . DETROIT MlchlEun (23) Adair & RTlhards Wm & J Mandel Buster Shaver Co Harry Knhnc MEMPHIS Orphcum (23) Bowes Unit No. 1 ELIZABETH Rltz 1st half (2A-iT) DePace Andrlnls 8 Cohen & O Rocho (Three to flm PHILADELPHIA Earlo (23) Vrillle Mnus.i Stanley Bros Bfooks & Flill.<!on Sylvia Slanon Co 3 Stooges ' (16) 3 Queens HIckey Bros Texns Mi'stnnc Bd PITTSBURGH Stanley (23) Leo Carrillo Jack Pepper Callfoinin Rev (16) Bowon AniBtV Show WASHINCiTON Earlo (lu) 2 Ghezzls AI Dernle HiirfiR rialre & S Slmms & Bailey Independent CHICA(;0 state Luke (17) Billy Silvl & A PegKy Calvert Toto Beit Rome Johnny Palace Jack I.anc 3 Wlle.s Dora COI.OR.ADO Sr'<i.' 2d half (27-20) Bobby Harrlsdn Myrllo I.:inKlnc r.aFi'anco (Jiirno;: Paul Spor (One to nil) KANS.VS CITY. .M(» Tiiwcr CM) Coo I.n' A- P (.estci- Ji-i lint; iThico I ) ir.l I i.o.s AS(ii';i.iv'< Orplu'inii <M) ■;iiill & T.piina ■>ller .ci.s k T, ol) •ITho' TIcn!<h:i\ ■ fi M Taft • iroi'd V!: Prarl 'Urns DaUcr &. B LOS .\N(iEI.ES Parumonnt (IR) Elsrudcro iK; Carniltn Edtlle Pcnbnrty Bd rUEHLO. COLO ('olorn<lo 1st half (-!3-26) Bobh.v Harrison .Myrtln Tai Franco i^- (i:i rnf^'' Paul Sp(ir (One to liin VA>COl'VEK. i». r Hrilrnn (1(>) Prince Mn.«oulin C> T)l Cla'M.'inu J):nir"'i Helen Risnll ^ Dri'. . .Tn.soTillIn'- J'lilii War-ri-n K- Inninn Mf>r:.- CWhr, I \*pnoti/in I'lan'- I vrip tlfi) Ki ll. Clovi; Co T.op Vnrkor T,a'/..-i:i< rianlnpr I'shi-r !<:- Hlu-uiii.-i Gr.Ttl." Clark Calvin Vvinlcr rc London Week of Ang. 19 Canterbury M. B. Leon Cortez Bd Dominion Gonella's Georelans Trocadero Cab Ken Harvey C*ram & Jerry Percy Manchester Glen Pope ft Ann Charlotte Leigh CU.4DWELL U'TII Palace O'Shea & Joan 2 Guys .& a Dame Strad & Boys CLAPTON Rlok Bobby Howell Bd EAST HAM Premier O'Shea ft Joan 2 Guys & a Dame Strad & Boys EDGEWARE RD. Grand Peter Fannan 4 White Flashes R ft E Myles EDMONTON Empire Peter White HAMMERSMITH Palace Gilbert Bros 7 Elliotts ILFOBD Super 3 Matas C ft G Keating Bertlnl ft Clarke jsmnGton Bine Hall Leon Cortez Bd KILBURN Grange Peter Fannan 4 Wlilte F;.isHea B ft E Myles KINGSTON Empire Geo Robey Sheldon & LeRctter 7 Faludys Eric Randolph Hope ft Ray Oily Aston Empire Melody Co LEWISH.IM Palace Tounkman Bd l/EYTONSTONE Rlnlto Chas Manning Bd 3 Emeralds SHREWSBURY Granada Conrad's Plceons STRATFORD Broadway 3 Matas C & G Keating Bertlnl ft Clarke TOOTING Granada Chas Kunz TOTTENHAM Paluce Bobby Howoll Bd WALTHAMSTOW Granada ChaS Mannlng'Bd 3 Emeralds Rustv ft jshlne WILT,FSDEN Empire Peter While Provincial Week of Aug. 19 EDINBURGH Regent 1st half (15-21) Sara Preece 2d half (22-21) Co as booked LEITH Capitol 1st half (lS-21) Co as booked 2d half (22-24) Sara Preece Cabarets NEW YOEK CITY Arroirhead Inn Irving Conn Ore Arrowhead Inn (Saratoga) Helen Morgan Endor ft Farrell Florence ft Alvarez Madrlguera Ore Barrel of Fun Benny Ra.lah Patrli'la Morgan Mi''"- Malloy 7- ^fpencer .1 -"Uldlng T.: Leonard i:<:iii RWage Pat Rofiney Marlon Rent Pat Ronney III Verna Burke Marty Becli Oro BlU'fl Uar BO'S Jos B Howard Bnhby Snnford Show Boat Bddle Stanley Sunny Shore Marie ft Antoinette Jay Mills Kathleen Harris. Meyer Davis Ore Brittwood nritt Williams Fred Hudson Donley Wilson Mary Strain Qiieenle Gall Margie Thomas Freckles Judah William Gant Ore Rruno George Thorne Angellta Lnya Fn« ft Balllsler Kalph Navelle Orr KDstannby'H Stan Austin Oro Cafe Dover Nell Golden Ruth SVayne Joe Ma.".© Yvette .P.ucal Bdillc Minor ,\Iarpar(:t Voiing Don Deleo Cafe Mlramnr .Marianne l-'avis Dick nos< fire Louise Wilmont Ciifp fit; Denid Wally Allan Crnlriil l*k. Caulm Basil Komrcii Ore ClialeaU .Moili-rnf Kav Cody l.uclllR I'nul lta>i!; Ore Clin I'anrliard Mnrvoll I,a Grec Art Lnckwonfl C)r. ClHrcmnnt Inn Trclillo Starr On Ilia Sxi?ell Ore ('lull Guuclio ■^ijniirila Leonn ('lull New Vorlifi Tlnimle llohliln .llmnile Rogers Jack Meyer Ore Co<'onnut Cro»e .Mourlno & Norva Elinor SUerrI ; 3 Rehnles Honey Gordon 1 Rob Dupont Ralph Brewster ; Zac Freedman Coin de Paris ' Renee Estabrook .Terre Farrar Harry Saoro Arthur GIbbs Charlie Deal Colony Surf Club' Paul Sabin Ore Cotton Club Nina Mae .McKlnncy Nlchola.i Bro9 Butter Beans ft 3 ' John Henry Babe Mathews Mlllpr ft .Vantan (;nq Rouge Joe La Porte Ore Cubiinacan Lupe Norlcgo Luis ft Roslta Antonio ft Juanlta Cuba.iens (!ry9tul ('tub .Meyer Davis Ore lleauvllle La DorlVH Molly O'Dohcrly Jacoues d'Avray Barbara Byrnes Alice I..owell ZynaUIe .Spencer Mllte Landau's Or< Jack Urmpno'ii Happy-Go-Lucky D Selma .Marlowe Yvonne Accent Pierre .Tcnesko. Irvlnp Roue Ore El Chirn Dolnrns ft Candida redro Panclin ft Rosltn Carmcllta l,a Mnnterlta Emilo de Torre On Kl Ttir*'udiir n .1 nifl''RrpInli>r Ol Mario ft Marfrarlt.n R ft R De Coro Fainoiin Dnnr l.oul.'^ Prlr.ia Ore Flreiize Dick .\)an.il1(lfl Freni'li Casint. LnllTa 'di'naufllta .N'orcnc ('arno.v .Muriel Si^.'iliur.v Waller Ilavirs Oliiiln Cilliert .Marl-i Mr-.iiy Harold ft t.ola Olympe Mradiiii (.en Man^lnls l.irllnie Knrln '/u.sha Drena (Vliinan I lel.m Rnliprlfi -lunn Gulilnr Rmllp f'.i'reo Perpl?. polan 4 iN'utilcnu-n Don Martone Oro Carl Bote Oro Olen ' Island ' Cailno Kay Weber Bob Eberle Rhythm Boys Murray Dancers Skeets Berfurt Roc HlUman Don Madison Steve Lentl Doreey Bros Orn Greystone Mansion Charles Buscaglla International Oro Palm .Beach 3 Hollywood Boys Gypsy Tavern Norman Astwood Marlon Alden Helen Derkes Eleanor CuUen Jules Bohemians Lillian Fitzgerald Ijiura Tuck Dolores Farrla 6 Spirits of P.bythra "Gloria Vestoft Ann Ayrea Jack White Louis Garcia Oro Anna Held's Farm Jean' Prague's Oro Bobbette Christine Jim Heaiy Vincent Padula Ore Hickory Huune .Tack ft Jill Jimmy Little Wlngy Mannone Bd U'lyn'd Bestaurani Ynez Lavall Tyonne Boavler Myra Lott Jack Waldron Princess Chlyo Crane Els Joan Mitchell Elolse Martin Gloria Cook Marshal ft. Inez Jonny Wells Terry Lawlor Marlon Martin Ann Graham Catherine O'Neal Hale Hamilton Ore Hotel Astor Jack Berger Ore Hotel^ Blltmore Bcnay Venuta Joseph Zatour Ore Vornone Dick Gasparre Oro Hotel Bucklnghnir Bdouard Fontana Hotel Commodore Johnny Johnson <Ji Hotel. Edison Alan Lee Ore Raoul Llpod Ore Lllyan Dell Hotel Firth Ave. .Musical Rogues Hotel Gov Clinton Bert Klni; Ore Hotel Lexington B Jelesnlck Oro Minor ft Root David Allison Will Osborne Ore Hotel LInroln Dick Messner Oro Hotel cAlpiD Bnoeb Light Ore MdVy Davis . Hotel Hontclolt Coral Islanders Marti Mlcbel Ore Hotel New Yorker Minor & Root Clyde Lucas Oro Linda Lee- Lyn Lucas Ronnie, Van ft K 4 Diplomats Frank Besslnger Joe Bonnl Ore Hotel Park Lane M Schuster Ore Hotel Pennsylvania VIra Nlva Crawford ft Coekey Jack Denny Oro Hotel Pierre Capert'n & Col'mb'e Joe Moss Orcb. Hotel Plaaa Darlo ft Dione George Sttarney Or Hotel RIts-Carltoo Arman Vecsey Ore Hotel BooMvelt Esther Velos Hotel St. Morlts Ethel Pastor Rosalean ft Seville Gregory Mann Eric Correa's Ore Hotel St. Bests Johnny Green Ore .Marjory Logan Jimmy Farrell Virginia Verrlll Ames & Revere Jules Laride Hotel tVeylln Elsl Lloyd Charlie Wright Gonzales & Rougel House of Lords .Michael Zarin On Vivian Johnson's Don Richard Ore Jimmy Kelly's' 3 Riviera Boys Jean McCauley Joan Miller Louise Sterling .MIdgle Parks Alma Halsey Hilly Mack Jean McCauty I'rinrens Snatiedelk Carter ft Schaub Frederico A B'rb'ri. .Madeline Hughes I'eari Forrester f'has Albert Ore Kit Kut Elearor Bowers I'hil Stone Lillian Lorraine Ro.':alie Ray Mildred Walker Don Jaeger Ore l4i Cnhana Jackie Maye D'Andrea ft" Toncii R ft A Klnlcy Al (^azcntra .Joan Kowal Itonno Beck Lnrux Mourlce Slinw Orr l.eiin ft Rdille'* Vol Brney'H Ore >'oii1,liland GIrlH ■J'rudy De Klng Panl Duke Ann Haines Hal Simpson Lee Gardner Han-Abont-TOTvn Iris Bryaon Tbeo Aubin Jerry Williams Dorothy Blessing Al Manutl Ore Marden'a Blvlera Paul Whlteman Ore Honte Rosa Frank Marino Peter Oallo Maria Donia Herrera Oro Normandle Mario dl Palo Or. Old BonmonlaD Thais Sadie Banks Jack HIrsch Ruth Wynn Ronnie de Camp Ethel Bennett Colette Anita Feodorowns Abrasha Ore Onyx Club Red McKenzie Ore Paradise L Battencourt Ore Miriam. Verne Fay Carroll Peggy McAllister Paul Hagan Rita nio Stanley 2 Frank Mazzone Bernlce Lee Bee La Rae Barbara Beck Peggy Barrv Jerry Freeman Ort Kuy Parson Show Boat Connolly Ore Pavllluit 'Royal Abe Lyman Ore •Toan Blaine Georgle Tapps Piping Bock (Saratoga) Sophie Tucker Gomez & Winona MlUe Durso Ore Placp Elegante Bill Farrell Irve Harris Chas Gulatto Frank Lazaro Rex Gavltte Oro Plaza Casino (Long Island) Beth Rennrd Fay Pierce Vivian Cormondy Ben Bart's Bd Rainbow Grill Frances Stevens Val Olman Ore Meadow Br'ks. Boys Terl Josefovltz Bert Stevens Rainbow Boom Roy Atwell Beauvel ft Tova Doris Wester Terl Josefovltz Ramon Ramos Ore Ray Nnble Ore Ross-Fenton Farinn Eddie Ga'rr C.irolyn Nolte Pierce & Harris H Rosenthal Ore San SoDcl Satch ft Satchel Rosalie Ray Connie Bee Ruth Loma Muriel Dougherty Jerry Blaine Ore Savoy-Plar« Rob Grant Oro Ilda Moreno Basil Fnmeeh Ore Sea Cllir Cnslno Frank Fleming Bob Roberts Carroll Sis Eddie Copeland Ore Ship Grill Rllla Dan Jules Monk Ruddy Smith Stork Club Deslys & Claik Audrey Huarte Bil Jimmy Vincent Or'' Taft Grill Geo Hall Ore Lnretta Lee Tuvern-on-tlie-Green Allen Leafer' Orch Tliomaahetsky '• Boris Thomashefsky Reglna Zu'^kerbera Sammy Colton Harry LIttman On Florence Kiug Mme. Cnarova Irv Bercowltz Gertie (Pullman Cben Doherfy Rev Town Cnkino Geo Owens 3 Ray Hunt Tony Parro .Vina Rhodes Buddy Wagner On Town Grill Pat Clayton JImmIe Lee Ubiingl Gladys Rentlpy Itei Dusty Fletcher Velnia MIddlelon Pearl Banes Allen Drew FranclH Carter Mary Rrown r.illy Cole Helena Smith l^rHltine Hawkins Oi VerHulllcn (7roHH ft Dunn Mildred ft .Maurb " Jos Smith Ore Village linrn Dirk Rchi-rt-^on Jack Ryan Olive While Rich-Cole 3 Val Ve«'off .\Ta<'('rpa'H Ore Village .Slit Cluh lack Faifan '^heifr Ur-iH liei-be M i'lpt U'nMiirl- '"inrin Gcorftcs ft Jalna f.'armpn CaHlllIo Xav'.er Ciigat Or' Guy l.ombardo Or( IVIvel Frank LaSalle Oro Dolores Cortez Wynne Rolph Betty Nyles Eleanoi' Henry Bob Lee Alleen Cooke Milton Mann Oro LOS ANGELES Beverly Wll.ihlre Edith Cskldwell Norman Ruvall Orvllle Knapp Ore Blltmore Bowl Romo Vincent Pearl 2 Angelas 3 Condos Bros Marlon Daniels Packer & Larraino I^arry Cotton 3 Rhythm Rascals Jimmy Grler Oro Cafe de Paree Ramsdall Girls Burke ft Davis Mary Garber 'Tiny' Hogan Bill Fleck Ore Ted Dawson Ore Clover Clqb Sylvia- Froos Anlwa Boys Club Century NIta Mitchell Gladys Bagwell Lester Lee Marlon J.ickson Tic Toe Girls Hal Chanslor Ore O>eoonut Grove Marjorlo Kecler Eddy Duchin Oro Cotton Club Valalda Snn\v >iya3 Berry Cheesman ft Perry .Martha ft C RItchli Mae DIg.qes Cnnnle 'larris Flora Wahhington Rutlertge ft Taylur Dudlev DIekersnn Les HIte Ore (Txiuntje Room) Mona Ray Don Swander Hollywnnd Stables' Jorry Clifford Betty Daniels Dean ft Dexter Don Baldon Maxine Grcggory Bill Gordon • Ore King's Club Guy Rcnnie Pyramid 3 Clarence Orllck Joey Lee Ore My Bine Heaven 'Gene Austin Candy ft Coco Now Yorker Frankle Deveraux Mason ft Parvis Mary Lane Russ Cantor Roberta Smith B D B Peggy Gilbert Ore Omar's Dome Lorna Lee Henry Galanto Bob Fredericks Ore Falmeros Adrlana * Caria Montlel Alberto Sergio Chuy Perez Oro Painmar Gary Leon Marcia Mace Marjorle Borum Ruddy Moreno Gl Gl Royee Rita ft Rubins Baibarlna Co Jay Whldden Ore Purls Inn Singing Walters Thora Matheson LoUtii 4 Pete Contrelll Ore PIrrone's Dot Roberts Felix Martinke Gloria Amadoro Dorothy Davis Rhythm R<igui^:« Irving Adelsteln Ore Sherry's Wanda Cantlon Ronald ft Sandra June Seidell Glenn Paul Law Ore 3 Little Pigs Irene Barry Doris Baker Lesllo Slireckner Gene Tabor Faith Arrten Denlce Bruno Marjorle .McKay Marjorle Shelly Lloyd Rl-ppey Ore Topsy's Elmer Virginia Dlx r..eon Rice Ninon Bergeron Jackie Lavlne Betty Knox Geo Redman Ore Concerts B. O. CHICAGO Rlarkhank Joe Sanders Ore College Inn Frankle Masters Coloslmo's Mary Sunde Renee Villon Horlick 3 Berte Sin Irving Parker Lydia Harris Countess Borlska Bob TIneley's Ore Chib Alaliam' Trudy Davidson Dale West Vlrla Vaughn Bubbles Reltb Dot Myers Helen Burke Behnle Adier Club Mlnaet Prank Sherman Freddy Bernard Myra Lang NIkkl Nlchalls Yosha ft Masha Adellna Possena .loan Clark Maurle .Stanton Ore Coconut Grove LIna Basnuette Bill Hogan Ore J Chernlavsky Ore' Drake llnfrl Bnters ft Borgia Rio ft West 4 McNallle Sis .Mary Martin Horace Heldt Ore Edgrwaler Bearh Ted Flo-Rlta Oro Candy Muzzy Marcel.'lno 3 Debutantes Bui llnrry'B N. Y Earl RIckard Ginger Wood Billy Meyers Edna T.ieonard Art Buckley Floyd Town Harry Harris Al Wagner HI Hat Club Muriel Ijove Harry Stevens Vlrla Vaughn 2 Andre Sis Eflle Burton Lincoln Tavern Joe Lewis Ben Pollock Ore J & E Torrence Doris Rnbbins Palmer llou^e Veioz ft Yolanda Cardinl ParumnunI Club Sammy Walsh Ruth Delmar Hawaiian 4 Phelps 2 Joe Marino Corllen ft Palmer Maurle Stein Orc; Royale Frolics Billy Gray Jerry Bergen Frazee Sis Beh .Sherman Barbara Belmore Terrace Gardens Glenn Leo Orc Roberta Walnnt Room (ni)tmnrrk''llntel) Eddie Leonara George Nelldoft 50 YEARS AGO (Continued from page CO) were back on the lot. Elephant ac't£ out of the bill at the night show. 'Little Tommy' was advertising hlK thffttrlcal headquarterB In Detroit.' wa.s good for olther a cocktail or a 'good' cigar. That meant a 10- eepter In those dayH. Mclntyi'c and Heath were playing 'Way Down South,' with a steam- boat explosion (he big .scene. Ner- v(,u« Htasc hand touched oft the red lli'o In ridvanne of the rest of the ef- Cccl and scared the audience stiff. Detroit museum was featuring a cdw with quintuplet calves. ,)bhn ningllng was heading one of liip advance brigades for the King- liiig show. Inlaying tlie middle usual. Wallace circus was [)laylnK towns .iifng the Kentucky bordei' to beat 'ill high license charged In Teii- nf'ssoe. <;oaxf;d ll-;; crowd.s <iv'.t tlu' line. (Continued from page 1) demand for fine music by the public is seen in the business drawn at the Lewlsohn Stadium, N. Y., a week ago by Jascha Helfetz. Violinist played to approximately $20,000 on an attendance of 30,000 persons In two performances. This is an alU time record. Tibbett's $200,000 Top vocalist on concert lists at present la Laurence Tlbbelt. His earnings from radio and concerts ioT the current year are estimated at about. $300,000. This doe,, not in- clude royalties he gets from his Vic- tor records, film work c - work at the Metropolitan Oper in New York. Ranking vocalists at present aro figured as being Grace Moore (who. It is figured, would outdraw Tlb- bett in concerts if sho had more time to give to it and were not so occupied by film work); Lily Pons, Nelson Eddy and Richard Crooks. There are only three real draw orch leaders, at present, in the United States—Arturo Toscanini (New York Philharmonic); Leopold Stpkowskl (Philadelphia) and Sergei Koussevitzky (Boston). Instrumentalists rank Fritz Ki-els- ler first, . then Jascha Helfetz, Y^ehudl Menuhin, Sergei Rach- maninoff and Jose Iturbl. In this field It Is curious to note, say con- cert men, that violinists always out- draw pianists. Only one dancer is considered an all-time d;'aw name In the concert field—Argentina. Noticeable that a number of standard concert names are no longer In the running or aro not mentioned for other reasons. Feodor Challapin and John McCor- mack are the most noticeable names missing, although both are still concertlzlng. According to music men, they've dropped In the listings due to the public^ yen for younger people. Rosa Ponselle would bo one.of the top five. It is figured, but Is not available for concerts at the moment. Helen Jepson and Nino Martini, only singers ever developed by radio to star rating prominence, are being watched clo.>(ely by con- cert men and figured as comers. John Charles Thomas is another warbler who is considered almost at the top, althougli not having quite developed the draw of the Othcra* New Faces (Continued from page 1) They asked questions about the players' pasts; wanted to know where they came from; •were they extras getting a break or stage play- ers having their first fling on the screen; were they married or sin- gle; where did Miss Powell learn to dance. Executives from every studio at- tended the preview. Whether or not they noticed the enthusiasm of the fans for the new players is not known. It has long been argued that the inclusion of unknowns in top parts In a picture assures Its failure be- cause audiences care only for those stars they know and must recognize the player before they will unbend. No more enthusiasm could possibly be shown for stars than was dis- played for those who played the featured roles In" this pictures.: If the same reaction is attained nationally this film may do much to overcome the studios' reluctance to use screen unknowns, no matter how talented, in Important roles. In Germany and going strong. -N'tgro trainer was about the best elephant man in the business, but stayed abroad because he had a white wife and feared racial trouble over here. The veteran Chas. Couldock, opened his season at the .Madison St; in 'The Willow Copse,' In which ho had m.idc an hit sfmp 30 yeai'H before. Ills Diin.stan Klrkc in 'Ila'/.ol Kii ke'was paUcrnod •after Ills chuiviotiT in '(.'opsc' Eph Thomp-son, formerly helper to A'dam ii'orepaugh, wa.s on hi.--: own C'liieiniiJiii had bcnn u.sinj,' ii ship for 'i'inaforc.' Now boolted in Capt. IJoynton for Ills aiiiiiUle .show. To biiiw up 111" ..iilp ;iL hi.s, Corma nco. .N'cw "V'ojk judfre refnyerl to re- Ktr.'iln ll.'irr.v Miner from piesciitln^ ll)(. iUadir.' (claiming Ihe enp.vrjght plTL^f^s v\ei'<: tof) Involved for ii snap <l('f'lsioii.> Minor put u|) a $7,.iOO bond and gav'f; tire sliow.