Variety (Aug 1935)

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Wednesdaj, August 28, 1935 IIMES SQUARE VARIETY 53 HoDywood Feg Murray at Avalon. Carlisle Jones back at work. Nick Kenny came and went OUie Garrett again a Metro scrib. William Cowan here from Lon- 4on. Alice liake an extra In 'Frisco Kid.' Sol IiCBser planed in from the «ast. Ethel Shutta planed in from the ea£t. Dashiell Hammett raising a van dyke. Harrison Carroll resting up from vacash. ' David Hampton hero on vacash and biz. William Harrigan east'for 'Paths of Glory.' Eli Leslie east on buslness-va- cash trip. Intense heat set off Are bell at Universal.. ]E*a-ul Muni over that yellow jaun- dice attack. Pioneer into new offlcea on United Artists' lot. Clarence Brown planed in from Grafton, Mass. Robert LiOw added to Goldwyn publicity staff. Masqueris Club tossing monthly 'eeidel nights.' Carl Laemmle, Sr., on 10-day rest at Lake Tahoe. Howard Bristol on loanout to Walter Wanger. Roland Vamo, foreign film player; In from Holland. Jack Chertok and Herb Stothart expectant papas. Merle Oberon delayed London trip for preview. Joe E. Brown went for Legion meet at Stockton. Jim Timony says hia next play will be a shocker. Eddie Davis in for tiuree-week Job at Paramount. Carl lAemmle,. Jr., at Mallbu with an attack of sinus. Grover Jones back from week's fishing off Catalina. Shirley Temple - back from a month in Honolulu. Arthur Landau back from fast N. T, plane jaunt. Charles Kins planed in for "Mel- ody of '3C' preview. Douglass Montgomery to New York 'to do a play. Kuth Chatterton flying east for National Air Races. Bill Conselman planning trip to Europe next month. Matt Betts and H. H. Van Loan neighboring landlords. Jimmy Cagney tossing farewell puKy Tor mum and tilS. K<igar Selwyn at home for two weeks with a bad cold. Bill JFormby seeking surceanse from the midwest heat. Monday (26) was 'Joe E. Brown Day' at'San Diego Expo. Clark Rodenbach, Chi Daily News •writer, here for features. Mildred Seydell Interviewing Blara for Atlanta JournaL Gus Sclilesinger here on vacash, 'but talking radio hookups. John Ottcrson guested at stag dinner by Henry Herzbrun. Claire Trevor confined to her bed With a bad case of sunburn. Peverell Marley on loanout to SOth-Fox for 'Thanks a Million.' Henry O'Neill back from Orange. N. J., where he buried his mother. Forrester Harvey's cockney ac- cent acquired after he left Oxford. Elsie Ferguson, niece of the legit star, playing leads In two westerns. Paramount cancelled trip of six Le Roy Prinz dancers to Hawaii. Leonid Kinskey en route to Lon- don for spot in Dr. Eugene Frcnke's pic. Howard J- Green. Claude Binyon and Bob Ives have stable of four nags. Don Thompson, feature ed St. Louis Post-Dispatch, gandering Holly- wood. Norman Mcleod and Harry Beau- mont both limping with sprained ankles. Norman Dawn and Del Cambro oft for Alaska to film outdoor thriller. Patricia Ellis at Del Monte for two weeks instead of In Alaska for a month. Eadie Adams, night club torcher. doing a turn in Metro's 'Perfect Gentleman,' Loretta Young back from Euro- pean vacation and to bed for four -days to rest, Wendy Barry off to Mexico on a motor trip, returns here via the British quota. Chester Morris and Frank Mor- gan landed 65 barracuda off Cata- lina last week. Widow of Jack Boyle (Kramer and Boyle) running rental library, assisted by son Jack. Richard Boleslawskl's, 'How to Become an Aotor In Six Easy Les- sons,' in 14th edition. IjOyal Griggs, of Paramount, to Hawaii to secure shots for trans- parency backgrounds. Sam Wooda postponed his Hono- lulu vacash to .see the JIarx Broth- ers picture previewed. King Charney building stalilcB one-fourth mile track and small polo field on his ranch. Admiral Hyi-rt b,TC'' to New York after comolcting the editing work on Par's 'Little Amoricn.' Leo McCarey battling sf'vere r L CHATTE cold and stopping work on Harold Lloyd starrer, 'Milky Way.' Lloyd Pantages, in his Examiner column, had James Melton wed to Jane Froman, which ain't so. Robert Kalloch, of Col's ward- robe department, now head design- er, replacing 'Maurice Mayer. Jose Crespo to N. T. by motQr where he might appear in Blodget and Williams' Singing City' this fall. Richard Wallace to San Diego for the openln.^ of 'Annapolis Farewell,' his first long jaunt since hla pliine crash. Nunnally Johnson shadowed on the Fox lot by two stenogs to re- cord those vagrant ideas while strolling. Ralph Staub talking camera crew to Pendleton, Ore., to lense the bronc busters at the roundup for topical Warners short. William DIeterle has been count- ing sheep for days—but not to in- duce sleep. .Directs 660 bleaters in pastoral scenes for Paul Muni ic- ture. San Francisco By Claude A. La Belle Bruno Vecchiarelll, Sebastopol theatre op, in town. Bennie WcsUand here In ad- vance of.'Diamond Jim.' Cliff Work finally got through the installments of his vacation. Bob Hai-vey, former F. & M. Orpheum p.a., now free-lancing. Boh Worth given ticket as ork leader of. Capital, local bur ley house. Pat Patterson opened offices on Film Row to sell reissues of famous pix. Howard Sheehan, Hollywood the- atre op, home after gander at Frisco. Francis Palmer Tilton, Holly- wood artist, back to film capital after visit here. Eddie Skolak, house manager of Capital theatre, in hospital with bad case of blood poisoning. Friends of the Carol Nathans, married 25 years, helped couple celebrate anniversary. Frank Albert .succeeded Joe O'Connor as manager of Granada when O'Connor was boosted to divi- sion manager. LeRoy Johnson, press director for Jensen Von Herberg theatre chain in northwest, h^re on biz and va- cash combined. Herbert Harris here on film biz from Stockton. So are Julian Har- vey, of Watsonvllle, and James Beatty, of San Jose. Morgan Walsh, California The- atre Assn. prez, oCC to Klamath Falls, Ore., after starting Will Rog- ers Memorial committee. Hu'kda McGinn, manager of Cali- fornia Theatre Ass'n, has tairen over the big suite formerly occupied by the Grief Board of the Code.. Arch Selwyn and J. J. Shubert In town huddling with Louis Lurie, local theatre and real estate man, and recently become partner with Sol Lesser. Herman Cohen, owner of local United Artists theatre, dug Into his jeans this week to pay expenses of his usherette, Virginia Donham, to Atlantic City to try for 'Miss Amer- ica' title. Usherette has won two state contests, qualifying as 'Miss California.' Will trek east in a few days. Stroodsbnrg By John J. Bartholomew Beverly Gray to New York. Dorothy Lisctte off to Buffalo. South Sea Islanders at Dorney's, Baby Rose Marie at Columbia hotel. Pike Hillbillies at Craigs Meadow hotel. Buckwood Inn has ,Jack Lynch's band. The DuValla concerted at High- land Inn. . Plenty slot - machines being knocked-o£L Andy Mansfield (WJR) visiting his parents. Dorothy Knauss singing at Pocono Manor Inn. Inga Wank, Schumann-Heink pro- tege, recltaled.. Champ Jimmy Braddock and Joe Gould stopped over. Dorothy Avallone new dancer at Penn Hills Tavern. Leon Levy (WCAU-KYW) and Manny Sacks golfed at Shawnee. Dr. Walter A, Maler renews hir, radio period with MBS in October. Beth-Allen Casino has two bands, Art Mickley's and George Doddy's. Frederick Tozers and Winifred l^aw In 'Blue Monday' at Pine Grove. Sen. Huey P. Long addressed ninth annual Long reunion at Long's Grove; William Blumenberg, ex-vaude- villlan and now co-owner of Grand theatre, keeping busy with his Ye Saylor's Inn at Saylorsburg. Buck Hill Players closed season with Three Cornered Moon,' di- rected by Sally Thompson and with Jack Talbot, Cortrella Glllam, and George Linton. Paula Shay presents her last play for the season at the Shawnee Sum- mer theatre in 'Apron Strings,' fea- turing Sterling Mace, Evelyn Wade, William Valentine and Helen Roy- ton. elors' at the Radisson Inn, night spot. Fried Boll, 53, former veteran ex- hibitor at Stillwater, Miiih., died li) University hospital here after long illness. Amelia Galli-Curcl and husband. Homer Samuels, to vacation here while she recuperates from recent operation. Annual six-day bike race set for Sept, 10-16, earliest in five years event has been staged at Audito- rium here. Meta Burnbach, wife of former bead ol local musicalns' union, nov) with national organization in Wash- ington, here fur concert. Hog calling contest for men, and husband calling contest for women, among fe.atures of Hennepin county fair at Hopkins, local suburb. All thiee local newspapers now running dally movie schedule cards, showing starting time of first-run feature pictures playing theatrea Bill Ronnlng, Columbia olllce manager, followed Irving Marks, hooker in same office, in becoming a daddy, a daughter having been born to Mrs. Ronning last week. Detroit 'After Dark,' melodrama, is in its 12th week at Players theatre. Madison theatre undergoing alter- ations for change to vaude policy in September. Committee named to study feasi- bility ot a world's fair in Detroit within next decade. Bill Raynor, ex-Fox theatre man- ager, reports he has 3,500 acres in tobacco on his Ontario farm. Federation of Musicians rei>ort largest number of members em- ployed this summer snce 1928-29. Alfred C. Lane, manager" of Al- hambra theatre, sailed for England to vlplt relatives. It's his first ab- sence since he came here 17 years ago. , Motion to quash case, City of Detroit vs. Colonial theatre, Jake Schrieber, Geo. Buckley, et al., for use of Screeno, will be heard before Recorder's Judge Stein Sept. 3. Council in Suburban Hamtramck is considering an ordinance gradu- ating theatre license fee according to seating capacity. Uniform fee has been 950. Under new law, that figure will be minimum. Cleveland By Glenn C. Fallen Penn Square, foreign pIx house, folded. Players' Club taken over by re- ceiver. Amateur shows being tried by RKO Palace. Nick Plnardo back in nitery biz with the Paddock, Sammy Goodrich quits nitery biz for real estate line. Robert McLaughlin plotting.. biz trip to West Coast. Sol Comp out of cafe biz, into battery store of own. Charley Horvath reopening Tria- non ballroom .Sept: 12. Ward Mai'Eh covering films in New York for PeeDec. More gambling spots than ever before since lid was lifted. George .Stevens, only local theatre man to fly his own plane. Harry Propper busy on his thea- tre-casino opening Sept. 27. Sammy Goodrich may buy Hy Moss's interest in Torch Club. Frederick McConnoll taking rest before starting Play House's se.ii^n. Mary Eliiiaheth Gleason, society dancer known as Maris Isabel, off to Hollywood foi' musiral. Bernard J. McOwon, Npw York playwright, has organized group to put on his new play, 'Why the Baclieio)'?' Minneapolis By Les Rees James P. Shea, 53, Warner sales- man, died here. Bernie Swanson, of Star sports' department, daddy of boy. Minneapolis team of Central hockey league to disband. Warner Club holding steak' roast and outing at Kelly's Farm. Former Mayor 'Buzz' Balnbridge taking life easy at his lake home. I^abor trouble, in closing a num- ber of plants here, is hurting show biz. W. A. Steftes' deal for the Glen- wood, neighborhood house, fell throuc;h. Louis Blumie' Blumberg, MG salesman for 12 years, joined Re- public sales' staff. Al -Avid's office scene of 'golf match, with Al, Ted Bolnick and J. T.J. Stern participants. Starting with seventh Issue, "March of Time.' now at World, goe.s into Orpheum here. Kemme stars from all parts of country here for national women'o amateur golf tournamert. Emotte Hiller. Crookston, Minn., exhibitor, won Birclimont Interna- tional golf chamnionship. HaiTy Hirsch back from lining up entirely ne^v stock burlesque com- pany for his Gaycty thoati-e. W. A. Slcffcs (n Now York In nonncrtion_ with his Alvln theaire drnma season startinj: .Sent. 'AO. W. A. .SteffeJi. oy/nor of ,Mvin and World theatres, bought thfi Glen- wood, nabe, from AJ Cliarnn. Following closer ntniifition with ICSTP, Journal now runnlnrr fmn- day, radio gossip page for fu'Kt time. .iaines Hall, forinnrlv of fllmH, now with Cecil Oolly's '.lolly Bnrh- StLoflis By Sam Hurst Granada theatre. East St. Louis, haq reopened. Lucille Diekemper la new booker at Majestic Exchange. Annual boat ride of local Farchon & Marco School will be held Sept. 7, George Stern, formerly with Ma- jestic Pictures, is now member of G-B selling organization covering Southern Illinois. Voluntary petition in bankruptcy filed In Federal Court by Weetlake Park Co. Schedule listed aissets of $33.70 cash and liabilities at |S8,160. P. F, Musser, Gaseyvllle, III., plans to remodel local garage building into 500-seater for Thanksgiving Day opening. Will close local Lyric theatre. Tanner Ajnusement Co., Pana III., owners of chain of theatres In central Illinois, have purchased three connecting business buildings In principal section of city. Erection of new theatre indicated. Missouri State Fair, at Sedalla, closed Saturday (17) and pro noUnced most successful' In 'last lo years. Total attendance foi: week was 208,000. Grandstand crowd of 15,000 stood for minute In silent tribute to Will Rogers and Wiley Post afternoon of closing day. Chicago Gardner Wilson in the south. Noel Westley to the Coast for a crack at pictures. Tommy Kearns in ahead of the Fred Allen Amateurs unit. Charley Miller actually beginning to worry about the bald spot. Art Gordon now handling radi<i angles for the A^illLam Morris office. Gertrude Bromberg back in the loop after a look around. Hollywood Duke Hlckey back on the jo') as special explolteer for Universal here. I Jake WUk ducked into town on his way to see the folks in Minne- apolis. Movement starting to name the new municipal field Will Rogers Airport. hou LIpstone moving family Into a new overlooklng-the-lake apart- ment. Eddie Pierce company manager of 'Cocoanut Grove Revue,' the new Al Borde unit. Alex Yokel in for a confab on new season road plans for Three Men on a Horse.' Allan Ueber carried off a set of clubs as prize In the B. & K. Em- ployees Club tournament. They held the Century seven min- utes for Jim Winn, who hopped U. N. Y. to hear about his Warner pro- motion. Lou Cowan has worked out a tie- up for the Aragon ballroom with the evening American and Veloz and Yolanda on a contest. Ashton Stevens may produce his 'Prospect Avenue' in the loop fol- lowing the folding of the Ben Guy PhllllpB* rltz summer theatre ven^ ture. Denver By Jack Rose Long Island By Jo« Wagner Ed Wynn stopped at Port Jef- ferson. The Arverne theatre will keep open all year. Betty Fontaine, of Great Neck, to debut in 'Smile At Me.' Ray O'Hara at the new Wood- mansten Inn at Massapejiua. J. Cecil Prouty new conductor of Long Island Symphony Orchestra. North Shore golf courses are be Ing turned into housing develop- ments. Arthur Hana has renewed his lease on the Red Earn theatre. Lo- cust Valley. Louis Melsel quit the cloak and suit business to manage Playland in the Rockaways. They are still looking for those thicvt-s that carted away the 1.400-pound safe from the Strand theatre in Far Rockaway. Merwin Elwell came from Okla- homa to direct a play for Charles O'Carey .it his, summer theatre In Whitestonc. The Victory Leader,' a 28-foot cabin cruiser, the first known Gos- pel ship, Is bringing religion to fish- ermen and bathers on the island beaches. Newark, N. J. By C. R. Auatin Marge lllavla and Ann Coll lost their father. Gertrude Schlenger goes lo Eng- land for two months. The Shubert, being all dolled up, win be known as the Beacon. Harry Mcyerberg and George Stcine wired from Quebec for more money. Spitz Kohen misplaced his car at Warner Club outing, but It was fuund ivext day by Bill Bre.nn<». AVarncr.'i is .starting the .loa Pern- hard Sv/eepntalics f')r the i.-'ggRst grosses In i;i v/eolts. %\.:>iU ig cilze Kit; Solomon, of the Regent, won double honors with campstcn on 'Going to I'own,' $1,00 from I'ar and a silver T)la(|ue. IfaiTV RelnerK lias acquireil a cot- U;(if. at I.ake Hopatcoii^', but ho many of his filcnds have taken a liking lo tlie j)1aee that he canji, get In Janet Bible singing at the Denver. Wm. Lyris made a survey of Fox theatres in this territory, S. B. Rahn now salesman for the Sheffield-Republic exchange here. Fox Intermountain has added Be on passes for employes' relief funiL Max Schubach, pioneer film and theatre man, recuperating from long illness. Ross Bluck, office manager of the Denver RKO exchange. Is papa of new baby girl. Max Kravetz has taken an execu- tive position -nith Alexander Film at Colorado Springs. Seven and half-pound son at home of Chet Butler, Fox Intermountain theatres chief accountant. B. D. Cocxrill flew to N. Y. to ar- ranffe for rondBho\y of ^Crusades' at benham, Btafttng'Oct. 21 Sam J. Komlskj', former film -man, has been operating night club in Estes Park this summer. Frank Barnes' now employed by the Glbralter Enterprises, theatre chain, ae publicity manager. Judge Emmett Thurmon back from six weeks in New England and N. Y, in interests of 'Bank Night.* Frank Gulp, Isis manager, who has been in California nevcral months for his health, is expected back SepL IS. Eugene Hawkins wiU reopen the Orpheum theatre, Buena Vista, Colo.,, which has been closed for several years. A. J. Hamilton has purchased the Bide-a-Wee theatre, nabe, from Harry Huffman. This leaves Huff- man with seven housee,- four of them llrst-run, all in Itenver. New Haven By Harold M, Bone Eddie Weaver back. Eddie Roy's band into 30 Acres Inn. Ruth Rubin landed third In 'Miss America' prelims. Jack Scbae-fer'H theatrical weekly survived the dull season. Stan Garvey Is latest local to make the HoHyv/ood grade. George Rclslng has defterted his Paramount desk for two weeks. Film Row's annual outing left usual morning-after headaches. Doc'h orders made Lew Sehaefcr give up swimming this summer. Mitzi Hajos directing hcrtaU In 'Something Gay' at Guilford this week. Robert Donat's pop and mom guested by Roger Sherman at pre- miere of his new film. Asbory Park By Ed Hill Tom Howard mx. at Colony Surf club benefit. Aimee Somple McPherson drew ',000 ,-it Conventljn Hall. Holdup men preying on petters. Roland Ha yet, tenor, to mal:c kist \moriean apocamnccj uf scaiion at local high fichool. Joan Mitchell wai'ljling at beach- front giill. Enriea and Novello at RoKs-F<n- lon l'"!irm. Virginia Tyindcley tapping TfiwB 'r.ivern. Ann Mcl.ionel at (\)IonIal Jnn. n<'n Guy Odl''y doing the he w.'tlk. Le.s Voumans and ork at new d.ii- ing spot