Variety (Sep 1935)

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36 VARIETY R 4 D I a Wednesday, Septetnber 4^ 1935 Young and Rubicam Tells 17 Stations Dse Your Own Judpent' on Copy Novel twist In relations between sponsor and atation la being Intro- duced by the Borden Co. In Its com- ing ' campaign for Its Chateau brand of cheesespread. Full discre- tion win be allowed the 17 atations on the list in framing the commer- cfal. Compatgn, which is slated to run four weeks, will be split be- tween' minute announcements and pavtlclpation In cooking school pro- grams or other daytime shows with femme personalities, As an aid for the stations In de- vising the plug the agency on the account, Young'& Rubicam, is fur- nishing them with copies of news- paper ads which will par;?Lllel the air campaign, sample menus and some suggestions as to what may be or may be not stressed about the product. Otherwise the station is free to handle the commercial copy as it sees best. Borden is treating the Idea of non flimsy commercials pretty much in the light of an experiment. Through the varied results It expects to gather info that will be of value in determining the fashioning of fu- ture spot campalgnSi JUDGE SYMPATHETIC WITH THOSE nNEP Lynchburg, Sept. 3. There won't be any broadcMt of Judge Joseph P. McCarron's muni- cipal court sesalori. The judge said 80. himself. then officials of WLVA tried to the Judge Into letting them set up a mlke in front of hla bench, Mc- darron gave a hbrrifled 'No!' Added tliat he had no intention of making a|,public spectacle of his court, even at' the expense of a few embarrassed traffic violators. 'Maybe It^s funny to some people When a guy gets up here and I fine hlni $5,' he said. 'But It's not funny to the guy—especially If he doesn't have the Ave!' Ohio State Football Bought for $1S,0G0 CISLER'S IDEAS If WJTL Passes Ownership, Policies V/ill Change Atlanta, Sept. 3. Operation of V/JTL, Atlanta, will pass to a company organized by J. W. Woodruff and S. A. Clsler, Jr., as soon as the Federal Communica- tions Commission haa approved the formal transfer of license from Oglethorpe University and the as- signment of new cai; letters. Mean- while Cisler remains as manager of. the station for the university. New operating' organization, the Atlanta Broadcasting Co., has J. W. Woodruff, who also owns WRBL, Columbia, and WGPC, Albany, two Georgia 100-watters, as president, and Clsler as secretary and treas- urer," Pair Intend to let the per- sonnel stand as It Is but make a change In program policy by build- ing studios ample for more elab- orate live talent shows. Increase In day power from 100 to 250 watts and' authority to install a news transmitter will be asked of the FCC. Clsler purposes spreading out on the station's news broadcasts by in- creasing the dally periods of Its Transradlo service from eight to 12. Station has arranged,to install a studio in the Negro section for daily broadcasts by members of that race exclusively. Extensive educational programs will continue as part of the outlet's schedule. Cincinnati, Sept. 3. Ohio Oil Company grabbed oft broadcasting privileges for Ohio State's football games this season for a sum reported at $16,000. Air-. Ings will be through WLW, with mike work by. Walter 'Red' -Barber of the Crosley stafC. Sponsor pays epielor,' plus regular cai'd rates of the super station, and wire charges. There are eight games on the Ohio State schedule. Team's home Btodium Is in (bolumbus. Ohio Oil Company works out radio rights eenarately on foreign fields. Barber will be stationed In press Btand for piping to stations trans mitter plant here. He will be as- sisted by a field announcer, who will cut In by means of a small portable transmitter set to work through the main mike. Ground caster will tune In listeners on such details as flipping of coin for start Ing kick, pre-game powwow by cap tains a!nd officials. Traveling mlke addition is thought to be new stuff for gridiron blasts. Ohio Oil Company's outlets are in northern part of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and Illinois. Its account Is placed through Byer & Bowman agency, Columbus. Last year WLW broadcasts of Ohio State games, done by Barber, were sponsored by Sohlo (Standard Oil of Ohio). Crosley's smallle, WSAI, will again air home games of University of Cincinnati, with Bob Kennett do ing the voicing. Philly Clerics Extend ^Philadelphia, Sept. 3. Looks llke^WIP will supply most of religious program for Inter-Clty group during fall. Preachers who are putting radio religion on paying basis for station so far include Donald Grey Barnhouse, with half hour every Sunday on all eight sta tions; Percy Crawford's 'Young People'9 Church of the Air,' full hour Sun(Jay .on all but- WLNH. 'Bev. George A. Palmer, with 7 to spot daily on WIP and WMCA, will add WPRO and WMETX to his list, and Robert Frazer, seeking mid- week evening hour on WIP, WMCA, ■fcV^PRQ, WMEX and WLNH. Argentine Niteries On Radio—^Innovation Rio de Janeiro, Aug. 16. Remote pick-ups from the floors of local niteries is something new hero and getting a big ride cur- rently. Approached gingerly at first, with broadcasts Saturday nights only. However, Atlantlco Casino, which operates one of the city's newest radio stations. Radio Ipanema, in the same building, started nightly broadcasts by four orchestras from the floor. In addition, two of the b'nds,—RorAeu Silva (Brazilian) and Julio Gallhdo (Cuban) were called In for studio broadcasts twice a week before the show and French vocal material, contracted for the grill, got to double over the studio mlke. Studio and remote broadcasts have proved first-rate ballyhoo for the grill and the arrangement la to be kept up Indefinitely. Claudine Saxe and Gine' Narcy. Parislennes, have had top-spot under the new system to date. Howard Bloomfield, promotion manager of the Democrat & Chroni- cle subbed for Roy Elliott on the 10:16 p.m. news broadcast over WHEC, Rochester, during vacation. Illegal at-Sea Washington, Sept. 3. Presence of broadcast re- ceivers in ' the radio room of licensed steamships drew fire from the Federal Communica- tions Commission last week. Lacking traditional pity for poor sailors, Commlsh ordered the Pacific Steamship Lines to appear at an Investigation Into the circumstances and lawful- ness of the Installation of a broadcast receiver In the radio cabin of the 'Emma Alexan- der,' which operates along the Pacific Coast. Commlsh acted upon complaint of one of Its Inspectors at San Francisco. RADIO GETS LOTS OF PHILLY VOTE COIN Philadelphia, Sept. 3. Local politicians are depending more than ever on radio for fall campaign. iBoth parties planning laying out around 160,000 total, to be spread around all local stations. Republicans, with three leading mayoralty candidates In field for primary, will put'up total of about $10,000 to $12,000. Democrats, solid- ly behind Jack Kelly, former Olym- pic oarsman and brother, of ''Vir- ginia Judge' Walter C. Kelly and playwright George Kelly, will spend about $6,000 for primary, Sept. 17. After^ primary, heavier spending gets under way for genenral election, with each party planning outlay of about $10,000 to $15,000 and an ad- ditional $10,000 for statewide elec- tions for Judges. Campaign Is not only marked by heavy radio outlay but also In Increased showmanship in political broadcasts. Democrats In particular, with Frank Wellman, veteran local radio man, and Tom O'Neill, show-conscious newspaper man, handling ballyhoo, displaying plenty of Ingenuity. They're using spot announcements, sponsored events and short spiels by regular staff announcers on variety pro- grams to plug candidates and is- sues. Republicans, with divided front, are working along old-time methods. Jewelers-Publishers as Joint Sleuth Sponsors First'major Intercity account sold through WMCA, New York, for fall and winter airing is Flnlay-Strauss chain Jewelers, series starting Sept, 16. Deal is two-way, with McFad don Publications on dramatization of latter's detective thrillers. Will be heard over WIP, Philly; WCBN Baltimore; WOL, Washington, D. C; WDEL, Wilmington; WPRO Providence;- "WMEX, Boston, and WLNH, Laconia, N. H. McFadden and Flnlay Strauss splitting costs. Philip Barrison of station directing the live program which will be broadcast Monday through- Friday night at 8:45 p.m. [edst. Series to be called True Detective Mysteries. Lehn & Fink's Spot Splurge $250,000 Campaign in 20 Markets as Sup- plementary to CBS Network Show NEW YORK RADIO PARADE By Nellie Revell WLW Separate 'True Story' Broadcast True Story program shifting to NBC to air on Thursday eves will not air over WLW on that evo due to a previous commitment for that out- let. Instead the usual Thursday broadcast will air over WLW (Cin- cinnati) on Sundays. Erik Bamouw of Erwln Wasey Agency to Clncy to cast and stage first Sunday program. For succeeding programs the script Will be forwarded and handled by WL'W' production. An Upper Broadway Woof-Woof Announcer Paul Gregory of WMCA went to the dogs last week In a great big way. A program sponsored by a Dog Food manufacturer was airing from the same-studio used by the previous program. During tho 30-second station break for network station announcements the produc- tion sheet called for organ music. Someone slipped and the ot-ganlst waa not In sight. The cast of the previous program tlp-toelng out of tho studio were surprised to hear ,a human Voice' -barking In the studio. Turning they saw Gregory do a dog barking routine, with movements.- Gregory had seen the vacant organ bench and summoned the only standbjr he could' get, remembering the coming program. Francetf Lee Barton Off Air General Foods program featuring Frances Lee Barton, the booking expert, exits from the air next month with a return date not set if the show returns at all. The name, Francis Lee Barton, la the property of tho sponsor. For the -past four years Francis Lee Barton has' been played by Mrs. Harry Beach.- t» Cecil Warwick & Cecil Deny This column regrets its error' of last week in stating that the 'Vlcks Vatronol audition of a news commentator was set. Ben Rocko was cred- ited with having grabbed the plum. Rocke made audition, but Cecil, Warwick & Cecil deny any deal set. NBC Cevera Military. Show NBC shipped a troupe of 23 men to Pine Camp to cover the war maneu- vers. The complctie cast Included Nelson Case, George Hicks, Dan Rus- sell, Charles Wall, Fred Ripley of WSTR, Frank Healey, Barry Halloway, Bill Lundell and Walter Brown. A group of 13 anonymous engineers and Captain Mike DeArmand of the Air Corp, who made a special journey to air maneuvers from a plane, rounded out. the cast. Props were supplied by New Tork and Cleveland each of which shipped a Mobile transmitter. The engineering staff manufactured two more Mobile units on the spot. Payoff has each member of'troupe theoretically a ghost since all were ruled dead at least eight times by the referees. These gentlemen would select an area and rule everyone In bounds dead< Scrambled Notes Frank Tours will handle the baton for Sam Harris production of 'Jubi- lee.' This leaves the Gulf broadcasts opens for the Hal Kemp ork. ..Don Bestor having a bit of union difficulty.. .The Dorsey Bros ork Is on verge of another break. Brother Tommy Is readying to make further attempt at running his own band.. .Liord & Thomas; McCann-Erickson; J. Ster- ling Getchell agencies, are brewing additions to their radio - departments ...Xavler Cugat leaves the Waldorf-Astoria on the 10th and goes to Mexico for a single broadcast for a liquor sponsor. He will form an All-Mex ork for this performance.. .Agnes Moorhead back after plane trip to see folks In Columbus, O Charley Leland came in from the Coast four months ago. Dana Biackman sold him to NBC and he aired as lead comic in sustalner 'Hits and Bits.' On air four months and now vaude boys are beginning to dicker.. .Paul Whlteman' opening at Ben Warden's Riviera saw Paul slgnihg tab for umpteen dozen people who 'had worked on his Fox plx finished prior to Paul's opening...Sheflleld gave out its third 13-week renewal effective immediately.. Program airs at NBC.. .Marjorle Logan, vocalist of the Johnny Green, goes not to the Coast with John. Dicker under way for her to do l&git musical. Rejoins the ork when they come east...Socony program will use guest con- ductors to replace Maestro Green for the rest of its airings. Lehn & Fink has mapped out for Hinds Honey and Almond Cream the most pretentious national spot cam- paign using live talent exclusively that,has come to the industry in four \ years. Account will use a minimum of 20 stations in that number of cities with the contracts calling for anywhere from three- quarter-hour periods a week to six 30-mtnute shows a week. All deals will stipulate 20 weeks and start by the first week in November. Cost oC time and talent Is figured to total between $250,000 and $300,000. Live talent spot series, which In all cases will be on daytime sched- ules, will sujjplemcnt Hinds Honey and Almond Cream's Sunday night 'half hour over Columbia. In spotting the local contracts the drug combine will try to avoid -.stations that are included in the CBS hook- up, but. should the CBS afllllate be the first qhoice of the local dlstl-ihs or dealers the NBC or Indle sta- tions In competition will be passed up. A. vH. Proskey, sales mgr. for Hinds Honey and Almond Cream, is now on the road picking the sta- tions and the talent. Two towns al- ready settled on are Cincinnati and Chicago. Product In these instances have undertaken the bankrolling of the 'Life of ^ary Mariin' for five quarter-hour periods a week Among the other towns on the spot list are Cleveland, Detroit,-St Louis, Kansas City, Tulsa, Dallas, Houston, New Orleans, Atlanta, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, DCS Moines, Minneapolis. With the exception o£ Atlanta the Atlantic Seaboard Is not included in the H H & A C spot campaign. Account has elected to use newspapers In- stead in this area. Though the Hinds campaign is In line with the policies that Fels Naphtha and Borden Co. have been pursuing the past several years, it was Lehn & Fink that established a record for live talent spot ex pcnditures four years ago when it ran iip a national bill of $385,ODO In behalf of Pebeco. Short Shots Neighbor Nell program switches from 10:46 Sunday ayem over WEAP to Tony Wons' old spot on WJZ at 11:15 on Sundays. Switch takes effect on the Don Wilsons are readying to leave Coast and head east. Don feeling much better after recent kidney clipping... Robert Walthrop of KGO, NBC Frisco outlet, headng for New Tork and berth on NBC annbuncing staff...Don Lowe, the NBC announcer, weds an old friend, Miss Trotter of the Bronx.. .James Clemenger, WMCA spieler, weds Dorothy Ann Hull, a'non-pro, on the 7th,..Leo Relsman appointed to advisory board for dance orka of NY and Boston project of "WPA...Carl Bixby doing the scripts for the'new Grace Moore program for 'Vlcks. He did 'Dangerous Paradise' scripting.. .Popeye to air for Wheatena after all. King Features may make adjustment with Wheatena .Roy Campbell has a choral group in the new Bea Lillie legit musical.., New group known as 'Continentals.' Campbell also has 'Royalists,' a choral group now on air... Ed win C. Hlllback in town after vacash... RubinofC not set for the Cantor program.. ."Vaude houses In England close on Sundays. Mills brothers keep working by planing to Paris doing a Sunday afternoon concert and planing back to London...B. A. Rolfe vacashing in Canada.. .Patti Pickens learning to play one of the new electric guitars.. .Gertrude Berg's 'House of Glass' to appear In comic strip with Daily Mirror set....Don Richards NBC maestro to Ber-' muda for nine-day cruise.. .Ethel Shutta has a birthday this week. Stand By Al and Lee Reiser's Thursday ayem song show over WEAF gets addi- tional spot on WJZ Satdat eves.. .Chipso renewed at NBC. Innis G. Osborn of Cleveland B. Chase staff now doing scripts for this program .. .Barry McKinley taking fast Bermuda rest. Left Thursday after air- ing and returned Tuesday ayem before show...Barry exits from air on Oct. 1 after one year and a half for Camay. Sponsor going off...Just Plain Bill makes it three yea.rn on Sept. 19. Arthur Hughes, Ruth Russell and Curtis Arnall have had leads in this script since start. James Meighan been with program for two and a half years...Port of NY Authority renewed over WOR. New program will advise football fans how best to reach scene of game. During summer advice was how and where to reach vacash spots... .Chat Stratton back in action. . .Richard Halliburton returned from Europe and radio—eager.. .Harvester Cigar show on CBS the 12th has Ted Bergman, "Vic Arden Ork and Jack Arthur and Audrey Marsh playing characters of 'Harv' and 'Esther'. Show a once weeker for half an hour. Billy K. Wells scripting.. .'Helpful Harry' e.t. of World Broadcasting continuing. Ditto'Danny Dee's 'Did You Know' e.t. of same outfit.. .Bobby Benson program will have tie-in with rodeo when hits Garden again this year. Topper will be Bobby Benson Day and 10- Gallon Stetson to top cowpunchcr. Nemo Douglass Montgomery may go Lux to air 'Waterloo Bridge'.. .William A. Brady around CBS minus his mustache.. .Tiny Ruffner ill last week and Jean Paul King took couple of his spots...Sani Arnow of Matty Rosen booked William Kent, Joan Marsh and has Toby Wing ready to air on Vallee show...A. L. Alexander replaced AValllngton on Vallec pro- gram.,.Al Goodman's frau back from European trip...Jacob Tarshlsh stays off air until next month when he returns to MBS net\vork. Layoff gives him chance to trip to Clevo for combined p.a.'s and vacash... Arline Bl3ck, frau of orkman .Ted Black, resigned from the WMCA pro- duction dept.