Variety (Sep 1935)

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Wedneeday* September 4, 193^ RADIO VARIETY 43 Television Models and Literature Barred from London Radio Show Sponsors—Agencies Hathaway Bakeries of Cambridge, Mass., debuts a 13-week minute announcement campaign In that area Sept. 15. Stations -with wbom the business has been placed by J. Walter Thompson are "WEAN, Prov- idence; WEEI, Boston; WBZ- ■WBZA, Boston-Sprlngfleld, and "WTAG, "Worcester. Roger & Galtet, soap and cos- metic maker, makes its debut In network radio Oct. 25 with a 16- minute program framed around Bob Crosby and band. It will be a Fri- day evening spot on NBC's (WJZ) blue link. Marschalk & Pratt Is the agency. lackett-SampIe-Hummert hand- ling Just Plain Bill for American Home Products (Kolynos) which begins Sept. 30 over CBS. Jad ac- count of sarnie company presenting 'Mrsi Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch' on II stations also. Ruthrauff & Ryan In charge of Buck Rogers serial for Cocomalt starting Sept. 30 over CBS. On Monday to Thursday at 6 p.m. Willram Esty agency directing Camel Caravan which begins Oct. 1 with Glen Gray, Walter O'Keefe, Ceane Janls and Ted Husing. Eighty-seven CBS stations to pre- sent it.' Dorland International, Inc., In charge of Justin Haynes series starting Sept. 23 over WJZ, pre- senting The Charioteers. Thrice weekly at 6:35 p.m. BDST. Philip Palmer, Chicago, handling Pinex program, down to start Oct. 20 over WJZ and network. Leonard Freeman has started his own radio advertising agency to he known as Leonard Jay Freeman As- sociates, Inc. Florence Range and Oil Burner Company of Massachusetts Is now sponsoring over WGY, Schenectady, a once-weekly quarter-hour shot featuring Robert Hood Bowers' Band, electroed. Hardwick and Magee have signed 13 week contract with WFIL, Philadelphia, for weekly 15- mlnute musical program with Wil- bur fivans. Program will be built around Oriental atmosphere Idea, with' narrator spieling history of oriental rugs, sponsor's product. Alexander Schmidt's string or- chestra will provide accompani- ment. Arranged by Feigenbaum agency. Grossman Furniture store has doubled its spot announcement placement oyer WHOM, Jersey City, raising number of brief announce- ments from 40 to 80. Handled by Boss & Schillin. Bisodol Co., New York, will pre- sent 'Everett Marshall's Broadway Varieties,' 23 times, beginning Sept. 18 and concluding Feb. 19, 1936. Placed by Blackett-Sample & Hum- mert. Inc. CBS. Harvester Cigar show over CBS on Sept. 12 includes Teddy Bergman, Jack Arthur and Audrey March, and featuring the Rhythm Girls and Vic- tor Ardcn's orchestra. To be broad- cast at 8 p.. m. EDST. Consolidated Cigar Corp. sponsoring. •Mystery Flashes,' five-minute dra- matic show which did 125 perform- ances last season, ngaln set on WKBW, Buffalo, five nights weekly, 10:45, beginning next month. Yates- Lehigh Coal, sponsoring. Addison- Vars account. Bob Crosby plus orchestra air.s Jor Rogers & Gallet (parfum) start- ing Oct. 6 over WJZ. It'll be a quarter hour spot scheduled at 8:15 p.m. Marschalk & Pratt agency han- dling. Carlsbad Sprudel Salts is pl.acing its three oreliestra series, Freddie Miller, Dick Newton and Harold Sherman, according to the popu- larity of the name in a particular community. Each )i.-xs turned out 26 quarter-hour transcriptions. Con- tracts li.avc already been placed with 15 stations. It is figured to use between 12.'> .and 150 .stations eventually. Kicsowettcr Is the agency,. G u d e's Pepto - Mangan has switched to the Brook-Smith & French n.Krcncy and is planning on an cxten.sive spot campaign. FAST WORK AT WFIL' Use Amateur Shortwavera for Ship- wreck News Philadelphia, Sept. 8. WFIL resorted to a tleup today (Tuesday) with the Amateur Radio Relay League and WlOD, Miami, for a direct bulletin collections today (3) on the hurricane lashing Florida and the rescue of the S. S. Dixie, aground on a reef off the Florida Keys. Through Jack Wagenseller, the ARRL's communications mgr. of Eastern Pennsylvania, WFIL ob- tained the frequencies of Florida's amateur operators and as the sta- tion's engineer at the transmitter site decoded the amateurs' short- wave messages they were relayed to WFIL listeners. Earlier in the day WFIL had'con- tacted Jesse Jay, WIOD manager, and arranged to have him wire the latest reports it received from the Florida station had a shortwave connection. Combination of amateur relays and the WIOD angle resulted in WFTL's getting the edge during the day over the bulletins fed the other local stations by the regular news services. Scotch Twist Jed Kiley, newspaperman, scenarist and Paris boulava- dler, is of the opinion that the Ethiopian ruler has a streak of Scotch In him and so he's written a theme song that he would like to dispose of to the sponsor of a broadcast series from the'"war area. Title of Kelly's themer Is 1 Love Selassie,' Little HoDse's Fate Decision Dae Soon Fate of America's Little House, at 39th and Park, which CSs has been ballyhooing for the past several months, is undecided as closing date, for the model Is Nov. 4. Place was erected Jointly by the network and Better Homes Committee as a com- ipercial stimulator. For a time CBS aired several of Its domestic commercial accounts from the miniature studio at the house, but for past few months all .programs emanating from there have been sustainers. ♦■ Card Rates Are Card Rates Philadelphia, Sept. 3. Despite the rumored pro-Demo- cratic sentiments of WFIL man- agement that station last week cut Jack Kelly, the Democrats choice for mayor, off the air when his speech overlapped the 15 minutes he had bought. Samuel Rosenbaum, president of WFIL, is in realty firm of Albert M. Greenfield, prominent Democrat. Max Halperin's 2nd. ITnit San Antonio, Sept. 3. Artist bureau of WFAA, Dallas, Is lining up a second tour of station talent, first unit having met with success in 10 Interstate theatres, which booked It. '^«iM| In the meantime. Max Halperin, who pilots the station's bureau, Is In Chi. looking around. Ir ' London, Aug. 27, Television models were rigorously excluded from the annual radio show held last week at Olympia Hall, Lon- don. So much did the Radio Manu- facturers Association desire to keep distracting television, factors out of the show that even the distribution of pamphlets dealing with the see- hear innovation was not permitted. Despite the whoopla put over In' the British press the radio show was pretty dull and served to dramatize the failure of British factories to produce new. models of receivers cal- culated to stimulate sales. Of soma. 2,500 sets on view, less than 50. for example, had shortwave circuit. Britain notably lags behind the Anierlcan market In this respect Vivieno Segal's contract with Bayer Aspirin's Album of Familiar Music (NBC) has been extended In^^ def. On the Air, as in the Air Showmanship of the sort which gave NBC Networks the 1935 Winners in every program classification on a nationwide poll. Showmanship wins and holds the crowds— in the breathless "delayed opening" para- chute jump, or, the carefully built radio program. Showmanship delivers the enter- tainment the whole world wants —thrills, laughter, tears, romance. Without them, there is no entertainment, no audience. Showmanship has made the programs on NBC Networks the outstanding entertain- ment of radio since 1926. Day in, day out, sponsored and sustaining programs on NBC attract the greatest air audience in the world —an audience which recently cast 1,250,000 votes to elect six programs and artists as the Radio Winners for 1935. Every winner was a program feature ou NBC. Each an outstanding example of the showmanship —of agency, advertiser and NBC—which has kept America's pioneer broadcasting organization pre-eminent. NATIONAL BROADCASTING CO., Inc. A Radio Corporation of America Subsidiary NSW YONI > CHICAGO > WASHINGTON < SAN I'RANCISCO