Variety (Sep 1935)

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Wednesday. September ,1 If 193$ PI C Y E C S$ES VARIETY iGlory' $7,000, Xhina Seas; Siiiashing $1^000; Joel. Brown $5,500 in Mpls. Minneapolis, Sept. 10. (Qest Exploitation: Century) 'China Seas' Is leaving the rest, of the pack far behind this week. Its screen oplposlsh is negligible and the town hasn't a single vaudfllm «bow to give It a battle. Critics haven't splHed any superlatives over: the. HarIo\vVGable-Beery opus, either, but. the starring combo in Itself seems strong enough to en- tice the shekels In a big way. As result, the State has a comfortable edge ovfer atl-competitors arid fair- ly sprouts prosperltyi Buttressed by the new Dlohrie short, 'Bright L,lght^,':i3 doing well and. promises to keep the Orpheum in the winning column.' Joe E. Srown hasn't been anything like a ppwer for the A houses, but better times apparently are here and the lesser luminary lights and ordinary progi^m pictures seem to be in for boxrofllce breaks^ . 'Page Miss Glory,' at the Cen- tury, also is giving a pretty gopd box^offlce account of itself, despite the fact that Marion Davles has , spelled anything but box-oifflce in. this burgh during the past several semesters. 'Escape Me Never' fl- naliy has departed from the World after its sensational nine weeks' run an^ its plaTce, 'The. Run- away Queen,' .is In '.for a single • weelc, previous bookings preclud- inig a^ longer rim, .according to ad arinouncementis. The Century landed first exploi- tation place by tieirig 'Glory' into the Dick Powell-Marion Davies' broadcast, and also by having Postal Telegraph insert dodgers with all telegrams. .Estimates for This Wieek Century- (Publix) (1,600; 25-35- 40)—'Page Miss^Glory' (WB). They started coming' to this one right from the outset. Manager Harold Kaplan's good publicity campaign helped. No race, but customers; seem to like it. En route to big $7,000. Last week, 'Eyery Night' (Par). $6,700, big. Orpheum (Singer) (2,890; 25-35- 40)—'Bright Lights' (FN) and Dloni^e short. Not much to bring 'em in here. Joe E. Brown not be- ing local card and picture being irated very ordinary. However, in- itial outpourings not to be sneezed at by lorigshbt and total may wind up close to $5,600, good, everything conisidered. Last week, 'Hot Tip' (Radio), and Olsen and Johnson on stage, with latter entirely re- sponsible for enormous $15,000 for six ..days. . State (Publix) (2.400; 25-35-40) ^'China Seas'. (MG). Sure-fire box-office with Harlow, Gable and Beery, Has the town in its clutches and is traveling along at smashing pace. Expected to boost the ante to 55c for this one, but switched at last minute. Almost sure- to rema'n a second week. Should soar above $12,000 for in- itial seven days, very big. Last week, 'Annapolis' (Par), $7,500, eood. World (Steflles) (350; 25-35-40- 65)—'Runaway Queen' (UA) and •March of Time.' Spotted for a .sin- gle week and very poor, $900- Last week, 'Escape Me Never' (UA). ninth and last week of sensational and highlv siiccesful run, $1,600, big. Time (Wathnell) (290;; 15-20- 25) — 'Hoosier Schoo I m a s t e r ^ (Mono). Looks like pretty fair $900. Last Week, 'Headline Wom- an' (Mascot), $700, light. Lyric (Publix) (1,300; 20-25)— •We're in the Money' (WB). Well- liked .picture arid Joan Blondell a draw-at this house. ..Around $2,000 Indicated, pretty good. Last week, •Hopalong Cassidy' (Par), $1,800, fair. Uptown (Publix) (1,200; 25-35) —'Call of Wild' (UA) and 'Flying Trapeie' (Par), split. Looks like pretty good $2,800., Last week, 'Call of Wild' (UA), $3,000, big. Grand (Publix) (1,100; 15-25)— 'Escapade' (MG), second loop run. Headed for pretty good $l,50O. Last week, 'Alibi ike' (WB), second loop run, $1,600, . fair. ■ Aster (Publix) (900; 15.25)—, 'Orchids to You' (Fox), second loop riin una 'While Patient Slept' (FN), first run, split. Good for fair $70o. Last week, 'People Will Tallc' (Par). 'Ginger' (Fox) and 'Harrlgan? (Fox), first two second loop runs, last first run, split, $900, pretty good. ^ mm' INTO 9TH MO.; ANTIPODES BIZ OKAY Sydney., Aug. 21. rade is ok;iy horo, with 'One ight of Lovo.' (Col) .sAvihging into Its ninth month, 'Xaushti'. Marietta' (M-0) goes out after a good run, with 'DaVia Copporfleld' (M-G) re- placing. 'Call .of the Wild' (UA) is a surprise hit and swlngis into its fourth week. With vaicatlon time, for kiddles here biz should mount. ' Bills Include 'The Scoundrel' (Par), 'Oiir Little Girl' (Fox), 'Ginger' (Fox), 'Pampas Moon' (Fox), 'Brown on Resolution' (G-B), 'Bulidog Jack' (G-B), 'Times Square Lady' (M-G), 'Winning. 'Ticket' (M-Cl), 'Brewster's Mil- lions; (B-D), 'Infotmer' (Radio), and 'Right to Happiness' : E.). New Zealand, Aug. Trade Is very good here, with •Break of Hearts' (Radio), 'Our Lit- tle Girl' (Fox), 'Enter, - Madame' (Par), 'Naughty Marietta' (M-G), ^Sanders . of the River' (tJA) and 'Mississippi' (Par)i "Redheads' Parades $7,500 Into Indpls. B.O.; 'Jim' Good $6,000 Indianapolis, Sept. 10. 'Diamond Ji ' Circle with a probable $6,000 and the good hold- over biz of 'Steamboat' at the Apollo with an Indicaited $5,700 are pace- setters' for the week In the down- town houses. 'Redheads On Parade' aiid vaude Is okay at the Lyric iVith a likely take of $7,500, while Loew'.s is very mild at $4,000 on a! dual of 'Bonnie Scotland' and 'Black Room.' Nothing of moment in exploitation by the deluxers. Estimates ..for This Week .Apollo (Fourth Ave) (1,100; 25 40)—'Steaniboaf (Fox). Will Rogers always big here, and in his'second week will do a nifty $5,700. This Is not Up to his record mark on pre- vious films, but same pic last week in Its Initial stanza topped his best with a smashing $9,800. Circle (Katz-Feld) (i2,600; 25-40) -'Diamond. Jim' (U). Favorable re- views and strong word-of-mouth Is aiding this one to a good $6,00.0. Last week 'Alice Adams' (Radio) fair at $4,700. Loew's (Loew's) (2,800; .25-40)— ^Bonnie Scotland' (MG) and 'Black Room' (Col). Double bills no attrac- tion downtown here and this one is ho-hum at $4,000. Last, week 'Anna Karenina' (MG) slipped away after strong openlrig day to a very mod- erate $5,100. Lyric • (Olson) 2,000; 25-30-40)— 'Redheads on Parade* (Fox) and vaude. Latter, played up with Frarikio Parish,, former local tenor, strongly billed. Results are okay at $7,500. Last ' week 'Bright Lights' (WB) and 'Platinum Blonde' stage unit finished Strong due to Fair week visitors from out-of-town wishing to see 'flesh' entertainment; register read $10,000, socko. 'Diamond Jim' Day-Date Disappoints in St. L, 22G St. Louis, Sept. 10, (Best Exploit'n: Fox-Ambassador) First day and date policy of Fox and Ambassador up to expectations, with Rogers in 'Steamboat' getting .$34,000 between theni, phenomenal business, arid grossing more, than if the pix had played one theatre for an extended run. However, second week, when same policy was tried with 'Diamond Jim,' both houses tailed to get off to a gopd start, and, despite one of finest advertising campaigns ever launched In city business is jiist norriial. Houses used billboards for second time since F. & M. came Into town lii 1933; In fact, advance boards out on 'Diamond Jim' three weeks ago, and prepara- tions were made to handle'crowds bigger than for Rogers, but natives didn't bi'eak doors down. Just an- other opening. Looks like; 'Diamond Jim,' better known in N.Y. and other eastern points,'t the romantic appeal for this burg. iiingllng Bros.-Barnum & Bailey circus Invaded town for two days Sat.-and Sun. and slowed down pix patronage a bit, Loew's State;., after advertising •Call of the Wild^. to replace 'Anna Ivarenina'- on silver sheet, changed mind and figured Garbo strong enough for- second week. 'Anna' may have tough slccUling. Ori)lioum CWB)i third big downtown houKo, i.s offering- 'Accent on Youth' and 'Lit- tle IJi.g Shot,' and this may hurt 'Anna' .i: bit. Estimates fpr This Week jpox (F&M) (ri.038r 25-35-55)— 'Diamond ..)im' (i;). Failing to live up to expectations and probably won!t do any better than a disap- pointing $12,300. Last week 'Steam- boat Round the pfend*' ($'oy) and- 'Dressed to Thrlll' (Fox). A s-n^6tl week, exceeding fondest hopes, and closed with $19,600, . ■ • Ambassador (F&M) (3,018; 25-35- 55)—'Diamond Jim' (U). Gave Garbo a spirited fight and 3>iould gross $9,600. Last week 'Steamboat' (Fox) and 'Dressed' (Fox) followed close to pace set by Fox, and count- ed $13^500 opening week, swell. Missouri (F&M) (3,514; 25-40)— 'Racket Smashei:' (MaJ) and 'Clair- voyant! (GB), dual. Doesn't 16ok so hot and seems destined for a mere $5,800. Last week 'The 39 Steps' (GB) and 'Society Fevet' (Jud), Donat proved a good draw and one to watch—he probably was respon- sible for the :$7,200 week, good. Shubert-Riaito (WB) (.1,726; 25- 35-55)-T-'SpecIal Agent' (Cios) arid 'Here Gomes Cookie' (Pax), (iff to slow start, but night business pick- ing up and should finish run with a fair $7,800. Last week 'Annapolis Forever' (Par) and 'Hot Tip' (Radio) nifever had much of a chance against Rogers at Fox, and grossed $6,260 for disappointing week. Orpheum (WB) (1,950; 25-35-55) —'Accent .on Youth' (Par) and 'Lit- tle Big Shot' (WB). Looks like this bill should gross $8,500 after 'Glory' pulled therii; (fowntown^ Last (2d) week of 'Page Miss Glory' (WB) and 'March of Time'; expected to do bet- ter than the $6,206 it finished with, biit opposlsh was too strong. Loew's State (Loew) .<3.163; 25- 35-6B)-^'Anna Karenina'. (MG) (2d week). Trying «Eor a $10,000 gross for second week and may make It if business and weather remains gopd. Last week was a wow $17,500, Astaire, $24,000, Noses Out Garbo, I, in Frisco San Francisco, Sept. 10. The Golden Gate leads the box office parade this week with 'Top Hat' and the Market Street Is be- ing treated to the sight of the Gate beating out the Warfleld, something that happens about twice a year, or as often as there's an Astaire pic in town. Gate's, normalcy Is Ibe-r tween $13,000-14,000, but the take this week will run close to $24,000. Fox Is back to straight pic policy with duals, a month of stage .fiesh iiaving corivinced the management that unless they put lii a Cantor the stage is a dead Issue. Exploitation is c>.s absent as a run- away wife this week. Estimates for This Week Clay (Roesner) (400; 26-35)— 'Thunderstorm' (Amkinb). Good for $1,200. Russ. pix always pull at this house. Last week $1,000 for 'Krinndrna Kring La;rsson' (Stock- holm). Fox (Leo) (5,000; 25-40)—'With- out Regret' (Par) arid 'Woman Is Mine' (Par). Lack name value and won't do over $5,200, n.s.h. Last week 'Smllln' Through' (MG) and 'Dressed to Thrill' (Fox), about $6,000. Golden Gate (RK0) (2,850; 30-35- 40)—'TOP Hat' (Raidio). Will do so close to $24,000 that the difference won't matter. Stage shows also. Last week 'Hot Tip' (P^adio) nor- mal at $13,800. Orpheum (F&M) (2.440; 30-35-40) —'Diamond Jim' (P) (3rd week). Ought to be very okeh at $6,000. Last week good at $7^500. Paramount (FWC) (2,740; 30-35- 40)—'Every Night at 8' (Par) and 'Gay Deception' (Fox). Near to $13,000 on marquee names. Last wei6k' 'Accent on Youth' (Par) and 'Here Comes Cookie' (Par), swell at $13,500. St. Francis (FWC) (1,470; 30-35- 40>^'Steamboat' (Fox). Moveover will be over $8,000. Last week 'Page Miss Glory' (WB), moveover; very good at $6,100. United Artists (UA) (1,200; 26-40) —'Call of Wild' (20th-UA) (2nd wk). At $7,400, good. Last week nice at alriiost $iO,000. Warfield (FWC) (2.680; 35-40-55) —'Anna Karenina' (MG). Should hold close to the $22,000 mark with Stage show. Last week 'Steamboat' (Fox),: almost $24,000, best Rogers biz, house has ever had, but no rec- ord. All Pbilly Holdovers Strong, Top Hat'Rousing $23,000, U'Mild 12G (Par) built to a fair enough $5,700. Poli (Loew) (3,040; 35-50)^—'Top Hat' (Radio). Opening day riecords toppled like trees in that Florida hurricane. Set for heavy sugar' around- $13,500. Last week 'Anna Karenina' (MG) and 'Girl Friend" (Col) drew a swell $10,100. Roger Sherman (WB) (2,200; 36- 50).—'Call of- Wild' (UA) and 'She Gets Her Man' (U). Stood 'erii up at openlrig. Nice $6,600 Indicated. Last week 'Miss GlPty' (WB) and 'Little Big Shot' (WB), rainy holiday helped to very good $6,800. College (Loew) (lj566; 36-60). — •Anna Karenina' (MG) and ' Irl Friend' (Col). Six-day holdova; will probably rate a fair $3,800. Last week 'Dante's Inferno' (Fox) and 'Pursuit' (MG) better than antici- pated: at $3,900 on 25-36 scale. Olsen and Johnson With ITelcome Home' Bang-Up $13,000, Cincy (5lhcinnatl,' Sept. 10. (Best Exploitation: Albee) •Top Hat' Is waving Albee' to a new high on present scale at $22;000. It's hefty trig Is putting a dent In the take-of other first run houses, yet combined gross. Is above last week by a comfy mark. 'Anna Karenina' is getting $13,500 for the Palace; Lyric is stacking up $5,000 with 'Bonnie Scotland' and Keith's Is in line for $4,200 on 'Little Big Shot.? Second week of 'Steam- boat' is ticketed for $5,500' at the Capitol. Shubert, only flesh-flick stand, is hotcha at $13,000 on 'Welcome Home' arid Olsen and Johnson. Fig- ure is close to opener last week, when Labor Day helsted receipts. Biggest publicityjnoise for current attractions on "Top- Hat.' with national campaign important Extra ad space in dallies on Olsen and Johnson, who had Post tie-up. for injection of local amateurs into their potpourri. Estimates.for This Week Albee (RKO) (3,300; .35-42)—'Top Hat' (Radio). Gallop tempo fronn opening gong. Second day set house record for Saturday biz at current scale. New high, assured for that bracket and stands to hit $22,000. Last week 'Every Night at 8' (Par), $9,500, fair. Palace (RKO) (2,600; 35-42)— 'Anna Karenina' (MG). Garbo and other names the. pull for $13,500, swell. Last week'Steamboat' (Fox), nine days. Increased momentum right along and built up to $^2,000; biggest mark at this theatre for beaucoup months. Shubert (RKO) (2,150; 35-55)— 'Welcome Home' (Fox) and Olsen and Johnson troupe; Hotcha no-: tlces. A slap-bang $13,000. Last week 'Lady Tubbs' (U) and Cab Calloway ork, $13,500. Capitol (RKO) (2,000; 35-42)— 'steamboat' (Fox) (2d wk.). At $5,500, good. Last week 'Paris In Spring' (Par). $3,000, miserable. Keith's (Llbson) (1,600; 30-40)— 'Little Big Shot: (WB). Rave re- views for Sybil Jason. An average $4,200 in sight. Last week 'Page Miss Glory' (WB), $6,000. Lyric (RKO) (1.400; 25-30-40) — 'Bonnie Scotland' (MG). All right fun trade at $5,000. Last week 'Hop-Along.Ca.ssldy' (Par), -$3,000. Grand (RKO) . (1,200^ 25-40)— 'Alice Adams' (Radio) (*2d wk.). At $2,500, poor. .Last week '(Jurly Top' (Fox), fourth, downtown week, $3,000, making $28,500 for the run. Family (RKO) . (1,000; 15-25) — •Riding Wild' (Col) and 'Reckless Roads'. (FD). Split, $1,900, normal. Last week 'What Price Crime' (FD) and 'After the Dance' (Col), $2,200. Strand (Ind) (1,300; 15-25)— 'Dizzy Dames': (Mon), five days, and two days of 'ScarfacS' (t-'P) on ex- tended stay. Fair for $2,100, Last week $2,400. BUFFALO OFF A BIT But Still Oke—'Glory,' $10,000, Others Mild 'Top Hat/ ^Annapolis,' *Call Wild: Big in N. H. • New Haven, Sept. 10. (Best Exploitation: Poli) One holdover, 'Karenina', alroaOy in. and the town look.s s<>t for aii- othor to follow with 'Top Hat'. Lat- ter, doing tremendous, but other spots holding up pretty well in 3))lte.of this. A rainy holiday last week was a grand break all around. Estimates.for This Week: Paramount (M&P) (2,348; 35-50). —'AnnapoU.s Farewell' (Par). Pick-* Ing up an okay $6,500 despite hf.-avy competish. LaatwecEsk 'Here Comes Cookie' (Par) and 'Without Regret'.': Buffjlo, S*.pt. 10. (Best Exploitati Buffalo) Incllcationn for current week at Buffalo box offices.are toward som«' lf;t-up In the sn.appy buHln(?s.s which charaotorlaod the procedtng frariie. Thorf KC'.cmH to be a broafl('nIn;;.'()u'. of the. p.'irii g;;n(;rally, although gfo.sHes still look fairly formidable'. Li;).st v,-f'.('.k, inchifling the holiiWiy. period, was charaf;tfrizt;rl. by .sonic lihn.sual up's'f.'tH. 'Annapolis' at the Buffalo falifd to live up to its blll- ing.s .;ind .slumped sharply whll«' hotli 'Anna Karenina" and 'China S<?a;V uppf'l thfjr gros.sp.s, tho lat- ter climbing to a fine ligun^ tor its wcond woek, Kve^n the c;entury Hhowort a decided Improi'omftit. Love Me Forever' at the Lafayette I hlladelphia, Sept. 10. Witii flock of repeats occupying most of the downtown filrri houses this week, central attention will al- most certainly oeriter on 'Top Hat* at the- Stanley. Second wieek's a cinch and a third quite, possible. Arourid $23,000 looks like a, surety with ari extra grand or two If the weather breaks coritlnue good. Hold-overs are all hiealthy with •Steamboat' figured for $16,000 or $17,006 at th6 Fox, 'CM of- tho Wild' rating around $12,000 In' Its second week at' the Aldlrie and. 'Anna Kairerilna' doped at a grand 6r\so better at the Boyd. Earle won't do a great deal with. Ted Lewis' 'Here Comes the Band' with $12,000 as likely tops. Karl- ton's 'Keeper of the Bees' and Stan- ton's 'Little Big Shot' will probably find the competish, everi of the hold- overs, a little too heavy. Give th^ first-named- $2,400 arid the other $4,700. Last -week, despite five days pC rain, fotind sensational biz most Everywhere. Rain that blued Atlan- tic City Labor Day brought cheers, to local b.o.'s. Biz upped to high figures and stayed tha:t way all week, 'Steamboat' led the proces- sion with a walioplrig $22,000, Just under estimated figure. On tho other hand, 'Page Miss Glory' with $14,000-was a grand and a half : bet- ter than flguried at the Stanley. All "In all it was a remarkable, weiek considering that Philly was getting a shot of Pago Pago weather all the time. Estimates fpr This Week 1 Aldine (1,200; 40.55-66)—'Call of the Wild' (UA) (2d week). Lppks like a sure $12,000. First week's $14,000 a real sensation. Arcadia (600; 25-40-50)—"EVery Night at Eight' (Par). Second run, looks Just fair, $1,900 If staying a week. 'Barretts' (MG) revival clicked to- rilce '$1,200 In three days after ' succeeding 'Woman. Wanted' (MO) which didn't go over $600 in same time! Boyd (2,400; 40-55) — 'Anna Karenina' (MG) (2nd week). Fig- ures for strong $13,000, first week A walloping $17,400. Earle (2^00; 26-40-60) — 'Here Comes the Band' (MG). Doesn't look so very hot this week with lack of vaude undoubtedly hurting some, $12,000 probably. I,ast week, 'Bright Lights' (FN), first week without vaude, and $13,600 was satisfactory. Fox (3,000; 40-55-65)—'Steamboat' (Fox) (2d week). A rosy $16,00() or $17,000 figured. Last week Will Rogers led the town with $22,000. No wbri'y ftpm. lack of stage show Karlton (1,000; 25-35-40)—'Keeper of Bees' (Rep). Not over $2,400.. Last week, 'Without Regret' • (Par) $2,7O0, better than expected. Keith's (2;000; 30-40-50)—'Pago Miss Glory' (WB). Second run, Pkay $3,400 seen. Last week, 'Ac- cent on Youth' (Par), so-so $2,600, Stanley (3,700; 40-66)—'Top Haf (Radio).' Biggest new one of week and although start, was Just a trifle under glowing figure expected it will do a rousing $23,000 and get maybe three weeks. Last week,' 'Page Miss Glory' (WB) nice $14,000, Stanton (1,700; 30:-40-50)—'Little Big Shot' (WB). Average $4,700. Last week, 'Diamond Jim' (U), sec- ond' week, and still above averagei, fine. $5,500. \ was under expectations but showed well. The music angle played the most Important part in 'Miss Glory' ex- ploitation and In fact music of current films Is furnishing the jriainsprlng for exploitation activi- ties hereabouts. 'Glory' music was used for two weeks over the radio and at night clubs with the music store.s coriiing through with lavish diijplay windows. Plenty of co- operative advertising with mer- charidlse stoi-es, several newspaper contests and radio and newspaper plugs wt-re freely unfA. Estimates for This Week Buffalo (Shea) (3,000; 30-40-50) —'M1.S3 (Jlory' (WB), Setting about average pace and picture will prob- ably come on to about $10,0,00, La:4t week, 'Annapolis' (Par), had a bad sinking spell after elaborato ex- ploitation and advertising taking« dropped to $9,r;00. Hipp- (.Shea) (2,400; 25-40) — 'Honnlo Swtliind' (MfJ). and 'With- out ,Kn?ret' (far). JAiiUa like a ■Htop-gaj) i,iual week with indica- tions for-wit'oUnd ?fi,OO0. F^ast week, 'China Koas' (^U'.) find wppk), Hwitc-hr!il to h'.')-(f from, tho Buffalo, ran -up to .-in uncxpcctiidly fine «ro.SM of S:),200 mo lt ing over $27,000 for th(> f'fKnight. Great Lal:nH (.Slic:)) C.'!.400; 25-40) ^'Two for Yonltrht' (Par), ' Seems to be liIltinK only fair stride' with i-'.'vicw.s luh'JW.'imii perhaps $7,500. \y.>.it wc;"k, 'Ann.a fCar.^nina" (MC!), i-'in up ovfr e.vpi.'C.taiions in fine (CunLiuuc-d on page 31)