Variety (Sep 1935)

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Wednesday* September 11, 193^ P 1 C T U R E S VARIETY 2f CALENDAR OF CURRENT RELEASES --Chesterfield' .Offic««:..tB4a.Araj)tfwiyr— New York. N. Y. Ircumstantial Evidence. A mystery asking does circumstantial evidence con. y.lCi;J;l).e-Jln.0PC»ntt.;CblRte,X:iJianx1ler,-Shirley Greyv -Dlr^Oh L^tnont 67 mlhs. Rel. March 30. Rev. July 17. Condemned to Live. Horror story. Ralph Morgan, Russell Gleason. Mazine Doyle. Dir. Frank Strayer. 62 mlns, Rel. Aug. IB; . Eburne. Dir. Charles Laiiiont, 6S mlns. Rel. Aug. 1^ Society Fever. A crashing society comedy. Ijols Wilson, Lloyd Hughes, Bedda Hopper. Dir. Frank Strayer. 66 mlns. Rel June 20. Synthetic Lady. Modern love storSr HoptCn. J)lv, Charliea Luurent: Sidney Blackon^yi-ironfl- -WRrei- -aussett Holly wood,.Cat. ^OIUmDia |^|ew York, N. fter the Dance. Romance of a night cllib singer who finds love after a Jali- Carroll, Geo. Murphy. Dir. Leo Bulgakov. 60 mine. Rel. June 26. Rev. Aug. 22. Atlantic Adventure. HlKh crimes on the Wgh seas. Nancy Carroll, Lloyd Nolan, Harry Langdon. Dir. Al RogelL 70 mlns. BqI. Aug. 26. Rev. Sept. 4.- Awakening of MIm Burke. Tough consiriictloh .boss liearns to respect his men. Jack Holt, Florence Rice, Kathleen Burke, Jimmie Butler. Dir. Lam- bert Hlllyer. 70 mins. Rel. May. 20. Rev. May 22; lack Room. ThCi Mystery thrllller in .which Karloft's kias Is the seal of doom. Boris. Karloff, Marian Marsh. Dir. Roy Wm. Neill. 70 mlns. Rel. July 26. Rev. Aug. 21. % Champagne for Breakfast. Penniless attorney finds a sweetheart and a fortune through a breanfast call. Mary Carlisle, Hardle Albright, Joan Marsh, Llla Lee. Dir. Melville Brown. 69 mlns. Rel. June 1 SI Rev. July 10. Feather iii Her Hat, A. Pauline Lord, Billle Burke, Louis Hay.wardI ; Alfred Santell. Rel. Oct. 12. Girl; Friend, The, Comedy situations In a barn theatre. Ann Sothorn, Jack Ilaley. Roger Pryor. Dir. Edw. Buzzell. 69 mins. Rel. Aug. 9. Justice of the Range. Tim McCoy western. Dir. David Selman. ins. Rel. May 25. Rev. June 12. Lady of New York. George Murphy, ir. Erie Kenton. Rel. Sept. 10. Love Me Forever. Opera tic-ganster story. Grace Moore, Loo Carriilo and Robert Allen. Dir. .Victor Schertzlnger. 91 mlna. Rel. June 27. Rev. July 3. en of the Hour. Story of the newsreel cameramen. Richard Cromwell, Billle Seward and Wallace Ford. Dir. Lambert Hlllyer. B7 mlna. Rel. May 15. Rev. May IB. Ing Wild. Western. Tim McCoy, ir. David Selman. Rel. June ,28.. She Married Her Boss. Claudiette Colbert, elvyn Douglas, Jillchael Bartlett. Dir. Gregory LaCava. Rel. Sept. 19. Superspeed. Norman Foster, Mary Carlisle and Florence Rice. Dir. Lambert Heliyer. Bel. Sept. 1. Together We Live. Domestic tragedy Induced'by red propaganda. WlUard Mack, Ben Lyon, Esther Ralston. Dir. Wlllard Mack. Rel. Aug. 16. Unknown Woman, The. Action story of a woman government agent. Richard Cromwell, Marian Marsh. Dir. Al ROgell. 67 mlns, Rel. June 14, Rev. June 26. from inforntation iiupplied by tha .vsiri.ou«. productiPA. eompaniea and checked up as soon as possible after release. Liisting is given when ra* lease dates are definitely set. Titles are retained for six months. Man- agers yvho receive service aubse* quehf to that period ahould pre* eerve a copy of the calendar for ^ presumably that of tha projection room showings and can only approx- imato the actual release langth in thoso states or communities where local or stato censorship may result in deletions. Running tima in the reviews: as given in 'Variety* carry the actual time clocl<ed in the the- atre after passage by the New York state censorship, since pictures are reviewed only tn actual theatre showings. While every effort Is made to hold this list accurate, the information supiplied miay not always be correct,: even though official. To. obtain the fullest-degree of accuracy, 'Variet/ will appreciate the co-operation of all managers who may note discrep- anci I DuWorl^ Offli i^e: 7^ Seventh A've.r I New York, N.Y. ralnquebllle (Fr). iDrama from Anatole France yarn. Ir. Jasqudia de Baron- celii, 80 mlns. Rel Dec. 1. Damd aux Camellas, La (Fr.). Literal adaptation of the Dumas classic. Vvonnr Prlntcmps, Pierre Fresnay. Dir. Ferdinand Rivera. 85 rains. Rel. March IB. Rev. March 27. Irl In the Case. Comedy in the Continental manner, jimmy Savo, Eddie Lambert, Dorothy Darling. Dir. Eugene Frenke. 60 mlns. Rel. Oct. 1. Kocha, -4.ubl, Szanuje (Polish). Young love In Poland, with muslo. Dir. Mlchal Wyzynskl. 70 mlns. Rel. Nov. 1. L'Agonle des Algles (Fr). Pre-Napoleonlc drama. Dir. Roger RIchebe. 70 liiins.' Rel. Dec. 1. Man Who Changed His Name ( rltlsh). An old Edgar Wallace yarn re- ' vived. Dir. Henry EdWarda. 75 mlns. Rel. Oct L Rev. Oct 23. Norah 6'Neale (British). Irish yarn. Dir. Desmond HursL 70 mlns. Rel. Oct IB. Rev. Oct 30. Sans i='amllle (Fr.). Story of a boy's flght without family. Robert Lynen, Dir. Andre Mouzy. 8<> mins. Rel. JUne 1, The Last Wilderness. E.Kpeditloh, animal ill laid in Wyoming. Howard Hill. 35 mlns. Rel. May 1. Rev. July 24. First Division ^^i^vfi^'k v. Releases Also Allied, (Chesterfield.and Liberty Ircumstantial Evidence. Reporter fakes murder in campaign against death penalty and almost goes to chair. Chick Chandler, Shirley Grey, Arthur Ylnton. Dir. Charles Lamont. 70 iniiis. Rel. Aug. 1. Curtain Falls. One-time'famous actress uses her talents in an entirely novel role; and stages one final glorious comeback. Henrietta Crosman, Dorothy Lee, Wm. Bakewell. Dlr Charles Lamont. 68 mlns. Death from a Distance, (Invincible). A girl reporter and a police detective match their, wits.' Rua'sell Hopton, Lola Lane, George Marion, Sr. Dir. Frank Strayer. 62 mins. Rel. Sept. 1. Irl .Who Came Back, The (Chesterfield). The regeneration of a girl hope- lessly involved In a vast counterfeiting plot. Siiliicy Blackmer, Shirley Grey, Noel Madison. Dir. Charles Lamont. 66 mlns, Rel. Sept. 8. Java Head (Associated). An adaptation of the Joseph Hetgosheimer prlze- wlnnlng novel also serialized In the Satevepost, a gripping drama of the barriers of race'and prejudice. Anna: May Wong, ICII^abetli .Allen, Edmund Gwenn, John Loder. Dir. J. Waller Ruben. 70 mlns. Uel. Sei)t. 1. Rev. Aug. 7. Public Opinion. Je.ilousy separates loving couple who are brought togethei by their child's (loathly lUlness and realize tliey stilll lovu each other. Lois Wilson, Crane Wilbur, Shirley Grey. Dir. Frank trayer. -65 mlns. Ilel. .luly 15. Rainbow's End. Western. A black sheep goes west, makes good and shows up father's partner as a crook. Hoot Glhsnn', .June Gale, Dir. Norman Spencer r>9 mlns. Rel. Jun.e 10. Rev. July 17. Shot in the Dark; From tiie hovel and 'College Humor' serial "i'he Dartmouth Murders' by Clifford Orr. Charles St.irrett, Kobert Warwick, Marlon Shilling. Dir. Cliavles Lamont. 70 mlns. Rel. .lune 15. Society Fever (Invincible). A mad; merry saga o£ the zany Proiitys, Lois .Wilson. Lloyd Hughes, Grant Withers, Hedda Hopper, Guinn Williams. Marion Shilling, George Irving, Sheila Terry. Dir.' Frank, Strayer. 6U mlns. Rel. Sept 18. Symphony, of Living. (In'vlnclblc). Boy violin prodigy buffeted between war- ring ij.-irents. FJvclyn Brent,-Al Shean, John UarroW. Dir. Frank Strayer. 82 mlns. Rev. July 3. First National ^ ''"^;:;.V5?K^^. Burbank, Calif. Iri From .10th Avenue. The adven'urea of a yOung shop girl lio' accidentally marries a society derelict, and then miikes a man'ot lilni. iJetle Davis. Ian Hunter, Colin Clive. Dir Alfred E. Green. 69 mlns. Rcl. June'l. Rev. Mav 29;. In'Callente. Musical .spectacle of famous Mexican resort. Pat O'Brien, Dolorep Del Ulo, r<:dw. Kverett Hnrton, the DeMarcos. Ir, Lloyd Bacon. 84 mins. Itel. May 25. ReV. .luly 3. Irish In Us, The. Three brothers of Irish extraction wllh 'C.agney leading In the mischief., .las, Capney. Pat O'Brien, (Mlvia D'e llavilland.:.Frank McHugh. Dir. Lloyd Biicon. 84 mfna. .Kel. Aug. .3. Rev. Aug. 7. 11 for the uanips of China, i'at O'Brien, Josephine' Hutchinson, Joan Mulr. Dir. Mervyh LeUoy. Ilel. June 8. Traveling Saleslady. One ot those Joan l-SlondcU-Clenda Fjirrel romp.s. Ir, Ray EMi-Jght; 03 mins. llo.\.. April 0.. llov. April 3. While the Patient Slept. Mystery in a mllllonalre'.s .mri.iif«lon. Cuy Kibbee Alltie McMahon. Dir. Ray Knright. 06 mlpa. Itel. March 9. Rev March 6, Icesi 444 West e6th 6t. New Vork;- N Y Ir^ llanDwan : Fox Hllir, F/iv Hollywood. Cal. r UA lack Sheep. Edmund. Lowe Claire Trcv 70 mliiK, Itel. .luno M. Ilev. July.3. Charlie Chan in Egypt. Further adv^nturcq of the. Honolulu Chlnnman. Warner Oland, Alary Brian. Ir. Lowis Seiler. 72 ihin-S, Rcl. June 21. Mini: 20. -6«rly-"Fot^--'Sl*ti^ey-^«mpteetori^-'-SWrlcy'-T*Tnvle,^J^^^ son. Dir. Irving Cummings. 75 mins.. Rel. July 26. Rev. Aug. 7. Dante's Inferno^ New version of an jid thriller. Spencer Tracy, Claire Trevor, ■ Honry B. Walthall. -Dir.-H&rry liachman. 90 ililrts. Bel. Aiig. 31; Rev't Aug. 7. , Daring Young Man, The. James Dunn, Ir. Wm; A. mlns. .Rel. May 24. Rev. July 24. tyWrtir?fHt!i''''Tmtrhtf4V''mfi. Oeoi-ge kelly's stage play, ^Vtio Torch BearerB.* Will Rogers, Billle Burke, Alison Sklpworth. Dir. David Butler. 78 mlns. ReL June 7. Rev. July 17. Dressed to Thrill. Tiitia Rolf, Cllve Brook. Dir. Harry Lachman, Rel: Aug. 23. Farmer Takes a Wife, The. rom the stage piny of the old canal days, .ianct Gayiior, Henry Fonda, Ghas, Bickfoi'd. Dlr; Victor i^lemlrg. 94 mina. . ,.,I^.L-^HE\_2:,„R.eyj..AHEuilv: ■^■■^■.■.-^ Wyler. ReL Aug. 9. Ginger. Jane Withers as a not-so-good little girl. With O. P. Heggle, Jackie Searle. Dir. Louts Seller. 80 mlns. Rel. July S. Rev. Jyl/. 24. Hard Rock Harripah. Rivalry oh a tunnel job.. Geo. O'Brien, Irene Hervey. Dir. David Howard. 60 mlns. Rel. July 10. Rev. July 31, Ladles Love Danger. From a . story by Uya Zorn. Mona Barrle, Roland.. Dir. H, Bruce Humberstone. Rel, May 3. Orchids to You. John Boles, Jean Muir. Chas. Butterworth, Dir. Wm, A. Seiter. 74 minb. Rel. July 12. Rev. Aug. 14. ' Our .Little Qlrl. From the story 'Heaven's Gate,* by Florence L. Pfaizgraf. With circus angles. Shirley Temple, Rosemary Ames, Joel McCrea^ Dir. John Robertson. 64 mlns. Rel. May 17. Rev. June 12. Redheads on Parade. Picture making and hair dye. John Boles, Dir. Norman McLeod. 78 mlns. Rel. Sept 13. Rev. Sept. 4. Silk Hat Kid. Settlement house and hi^ht ciiib a bad miix; Lou Ayres, Mao Clarke, Paul Kelly^ Dir. H. B. HTumbertsone. 70 mins, Rel. June 19. Rev. Aug. 14, Teh Dollar Raise. Edward Everett Rorton. Karen Moriey. shall. 6lf mlna. Rel. April B, Rev. May 8. Under the Pampas Moon. Mex; story. Warner Guizar, Dir. Jaa. PihUn. Kel. May 31. Rev. Welcome Horne. James Dunn as si confidence m'an. Judge. Dir. Jas; Tlnlin. 72 mins. Rel. AUg 9. Stodio Placements Rev. Cowboy Millionaire. Gcofge O'Brien western. May 10. Rev. June 4. Dir. Edw. Rel. Hollywood, Sept. 10. John Bright, Robert Tasker, scripting 'A Son Comes Home," Par Donald Meek, 'Bride Comes Homie,' Par. Michael, Nina 'Paddy O'Day,' 20th-Pox. Chris, .Martin, 'Sorijr the D&mned,' Col. Will Stanton, 'Monte. Carlo,' 20th' Fox, Sam Adams, Marilyn Knowlden 'Metropolitan,' 20th-Pox. Joan Blondell, Glenda Farrell, Hugh Herbert Allen Jenkins; Ray Enrlght directing, 'Mls0 Paclflc Fleet' WB. Jerry Mandy, Barry Norton; Rich- ard Strayer directing. 'Murder at Glen Athol,' Chesterfield. Betty Burbrldge, Leslie Swaback- er, John Kraiit, adapting 'Along Came a Woman,' Republic. Edgar Norton, 'Love Song,' Radio. William - Davidson, 'Public Prop- erty,' Radio. Monte Collins, Kitty McHugh, Ed- gar Kennedy short, Radio. George Regas, 'Rose Marie,' Metro. Russell Slihpson, 'The Immigrant,' 20th-Fox. Bruce Cabot, Warren Hymer, 'Snatched,' 20th-Pox. liola Lane, 'H(s Night Ouf IT. Walter Conrlolly. Gloria Shea, Thurston Hall; Herbert Blberman directing, '6ne Way Ticket' Col. Elmer Harris, continuity, 'Song of Joy,' U. Julie Haydon, 'End of the World,' Par. Stuart Anthony, screen play, un- titled Zane Grey stOry, Par. Richard Dix; Cyril Hume, adapt- ing, 'Green Grow the Lilacs,' Radio. Dorothy Peterson; .William Mc- Giinn directing, 'Country Boy,' WB. A. S. Byron, 'Collegiate.' Par. Harry Woods, Roger Gray, Jack Williams, Harry Cording, Tiny San- foi-d, Ted Cillvcr, 'The Bouncer,' Par. Kcrmit Maynard; Jack English directing, 'His Fighting Blood/ Ambaiisador. Roger Pryor, 'Thousand Dollars A Minute," Republic. Inez Palange, ' •' Col. Jack Nattcford, lalre Church, writing Original, Invincible^ Selmer Jackson, Patty O'Dea," 20th-roXi Harry Bradley/ ,' 36th-l<'ox. Billy Gilbert 'Coronado,'Par. . Leonard Snegoff, 'Monte Carlo,' 20th-FGx. Reginald Sheffield, Torben Meyer, 'Splendor,' Goldwyn. Lambert Hlllyer directing ible Ray,' U. Jerry Chodorov, Wellyn Totman, screen play, 'The Leathernock.s Have Landed,' Republic. Roger Whateley, screen play, 'The Re.scuer,' Regal. Jack Kirkland scripting 'Sutter's Gold,' u., fn Ktoloff directing 'Two O'Cloclt Courage,' iiadlo, . . Barbara C.ummlng."*: . Ray Mcr f!arcy ' directing, 'Millions In the Ail-,' Par. ..Gene Towne; Graham Baker, writ- ing orlsinal for ' Charles Boyor, Wanger. Julian Josephson, writing original [or JOdgar (Suest, U. Heather Ahgeli Jes.sle Ralph, 'Mother Loae.' Radio... William Slavorig McMutt, Jamos- Oivint,'adapting 'Big Brown liycs',' Wanger. 1 Anthony Coldeway writing orig- inal, WB. Paul Kelly, Claire Trevor; George (Continued on G-B Clairvoyant, The. Chiller. Claude Rains, Fay Wray. mlns. Rel. July 16. Rev. June 12. Loves ot a Dictator, The. Strong historical costume drama. Cllvb Brook, Madeleine Carroll. Dir. Victor Savllle. 83 mlna. ReL Jun^.-^, Rev. June B. . Man Who Knew Too Much. Reailstle underworld drama In the Alps and London. Peter Loree, Leslie Banks, Bdna Best Dir. Alfred Hitchcock. 75 mins. Rel. March 15. Rev. April 3. My Heart is Calling. Romantic musical. Jan Klepura, Martha Eggerth, .Dir. Carmine Gallone. 70 mlns. Rel. April 1. Rev. April 17. My Song for You. Romance In the opera hoiisb. Jan Klepura, Dir. Maui^lco Elvey. 76 mins. Rel. May IB. May 29. Princess Charming. Musical. Evelyn Laye, Henry Wllcoxon. Dir. Elvey. 70 mlns, Rel. June 16, Rev. June 26. I iltArfv ^'^^ Broadway,, UOeriy now York. N.i Y. Born to Gamble. Four sons inherit a grandfather's taint Onslow Stevens, H. B. Warner, Maxine Doyle, Qrlc Linden. Lois Wilson. Dir. Phil Rosen.. Rol. July 10. Dizzy Dames. Musical. Theatrical boarding house locale. Marjorle Rambeau, Florlne McKlnney, Lawrence Gray. Dir. William Nigh. Rel. May IC. did Homestead, The. Suggested by the play. Six musical numbers. Mary Carlisle. Lawrence Gray, Dorothy Lee.. Wlllard Robertson. Dir. William Nigh. Rel. Aug. 10. : 1776 Bdway. Motive for Revenge^ Thrilling adventures resulting from desire to salbfy wife's craving for luxury. Donald Cook. Irene Hervey. Dir. Burt Lyrtwood. Rel. May 17. Mutiny Ahead.. Stark dramai Adventure! Romance! On the high seas, Noll Hamilton and Kathleen Burke, Dir. Tommy Atkins. Rol. May 1. Reckless Roads. Comedy-drama o( two thoroughbreds, a girl and a horse. Judith Allen, Regis Toomey, Lloyd Hughes, Dlr, Burt Lynv/ood. CG mlns. Rel. July t. MAarAf- Broadway, maSCOl (Mew York, N. V. Harmony Lane. Life and songs ot Utephen Foster. Douglass Montgomciry, Adrlenne Ames, Evelyn Venable, William Frawley. Rel; Aug. 21. » Headline Woman. Strange romance develops when a beautiful society girl Is forced to live with a "vlse-cracklng reporter to save her reputation. Heather Angel, Roger Pryor. Dir. William Nigh. 7C mlns. Rel. May IB. Rev. June 26. ' Ladies Crave Excitement. Sparkling action romance. with' newsreel back- ground. Norman Foster, li^vnivn Knapp, Kric Linden, Esther Ralston.. Dir. Nick Grinde. 69 mins. Rcl. June 22, Rev. July 24. One Frightened Night. Nutty millionaire who distributes his fortune on a wild, stormy night. ChaUcs Grapewln. Mary Carlisle, Regis Toomey. Dir. Christy Cabanne. 04 mlns. Rel. May I. Streamline Express. Story of a girl who-eloped to baptize-a train and marry ' a man she didn't love. Victor Jory, Evelya Venable. Dir. Leonard Fields. Rel. Aug. 27. Waterfront Lady. Ann Rutherford, Frank Albertaon. Rel. Sept 20. itudios: Culver City,. Offlces: 1B40 Broadway, Calif. meiro nw vork, n. y. Age of Indiscretion. Divorced couple's child problem. Paul LuUas, Madge Evan.s, David Jack Holt Dir. Edw. Ludwig. 77 mlns. Rel, May 10. Rev. May 22. Anna Karenina. - Tol.stoy's famous novel x>t a woman's struggle for love. ■ Greta Garbo, Fredric March. Ua.sll llathbone. Dir. Clarence Brown. 85 minfs. Rel. Sept. 6. Rev. Sept 4. Bishop Misbehaves. A. cleric Impressed Into duty as a detective. Edmund Gwciin, Maureen O'SullIvan, Norman Foster. Dir. E. A. Dupont. Uel. Sept. 13. ■ Bonnie Scotland. A farcical romp through the Highlands. Dir. James W. Horne. 82 mlns. Rel. Aug. 23. Rev. • Broadway Melody of 1936; Big song and rtiincr- show, Knight, Eleanor Powell, Buddy and Vllma: lObsCn. Rel. Sept. 20. Calm Yourself. From 0. magazine story; Madge Evans.' Dir. Geo. B. Seltz. Capture of Tarzan. New jungle thriller. • livaii. Dir. James McKay. China Seas. Intensive drama with a-locale of a tramp steamer., Clark Gable, .lean Harlow, Wallace Beery; BS mlh.-j. Rel. Aug. 16. Escapade. Love and Innocence In . Vienna' with a new star, Wm. Powell, Frank Morgan, Vlrplnla Bruce. Dir. Robt ' Ins. Rcl. July 5. Rev. July 10. Flame Within, The. Woman doctor becomes enmeshed with a mental pa- tient. Ann Harding, Herbert .M.Trshall; .Maureen (VSullivan. Dir. Ed- mund Uouldlng. 72 mins. Uel. May 17. Kcv. June 4, Here Comes the Band.- An ambitious song writer nnd a stolon melod.v; I'ed Lewl.s and Ma band. Virginia; Bruce, Ted Healy. Dir. I'aul Sloane. Rel. Aug. 30.. Let Freedom Ring. JMgh pressure comedy with Htratosphoro .sotting. .Tack iJenny. Una Mcrkel, Grant Mitchell, Mary Carlisle. Dir. Charles Rle.sncr. Uel. Oct 2r, Mad Love. Thriller Of a mad .surgeon who takes uti'ifiiie .royrngc. From 'The Ihind.**' of f^rlac.' I'cter Lorroe, Kranees iJnike, t'oliii Ciive. JJir. Karl FiC'und. 07 min.s. 'Uel. .July 12. Uev. Aug. 7. Mala, r.ovo stoiy of the .South Seas. iila, of "HMkl Dir. Uichurd I'liorpe. Mark of the Vampire. . urrter hiore, ICIIzahe'h AlKin, Hela April 20; Itev. May 1. Mutiny .on the Bounty, ilas'-d on f;irnoiis hislorlivil fpiKO? inullny. Clark Gable, Charles Laugiitoii, Fr.uichot Tone, •r — L-hTpl Uel. Oct. I*. • ♦ Murder Man. Nftwspapi'r reporUT who >;p(?cliiliz/'.s In' fntirdv Virginia iViice, Lionel Alwlll. Dir. Tlin VVIielaci. I'J. Rev. July ?,]. Murder' In the Fleet. v.stcry aboard a balMoship. Itobt. kf>r. D:r PJdw. Serlgwlck. 70 min.s. U'-l. May 24. Ito (Continued on ^O)