Variety (Sep 1935)

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Wednesday* Septeml^er 11^ 1935 PICT ES SI 'Steamboat'Wow t Amateurs Clc-veland, Sept. 11. (Best Exploitation: Palace)' Top In red-letter grosses. Is bclne hit this weclc by three pictures. Comine a week after Labor Day,. yMmlly. a shnnp. perj.od, the vfb.oopr -_4ti«p—c'^owjis. -jamming- nearly- - ftU downtown houses are phenomenal. Cf-edlts: two ble conventions, bang- up attractions, perfect, weather and the most high-powered.. campaigns iseen here ,in the last three y6ars. Major Bowes' slmon-purea ^plus •Welcome Home' should set a new attendance high for RjCO Palace, hitting about $3i,000. Plve shows & day,: with, cops on hand every per- formance to keep the lined-up mob at the box-office from starting slde-r •WJilk traffic jims. ToAyn is plas- tered V, 1th banners, with-a huge one across the main a.yenue for the first time in years and amateurs getting an official welcome hy the mayor. AX Gregg's exploitation. Runne-r-un in biz is 'Call of Wild' at Libew's State. Cricks slapped It, but being an Ohio boy and an out- standlnpf fave here, Gablo Is yank- ing, in the conventioneers for what should be a .sure $24,500. Estimates for This. Week Palace (RKO) (3,200; 30-40-60)—. 'Welcome Home' (Fox) and Major Bowes' revue on stage. Flicker Is merely an also-ran, unit being the •whole works here. Fans rushing In a great $31,„000 if weather holds. Last wet;., 'Bright Lights' (WB) and Ben Bornle cUcked off $27,000. State CLoew's) (3,750; 30-35-40)— •Call of Wild' (UA), Set for a juicy $24,600 as result of strong cam- paign.. Came out last week with a good $21,000 on 'Anna Karenina' (MGM). jHippodromo (WB) (3,529; 30-40) »-4jSteaniboat' (Pox). Opening day j^s especially encouraging, with the y^ll Rogers -followers shaking? 6ft IdcsH taboo against posthumous films. A figure in neighborhood of $a,000 Is a cirich. 'Miss Glory' (SS[B),-In which tbey played up Dick Powell Instead of Marion Davies here, .last week slid to a slow $11,000. • Allen (RkO) (3,O0O; 26-40)— •Keeper of Bees' (Mono). Polly- anna stories not so hot here, doubt- ful if It runs up more than $4,600. Last week, 'Farmer Takes Wife' (Fox) held over ten days for a fair- ly good $7,500. Still'mah (Locw's) (1,872; 25-35)— •China Seas' (MG). Still smacking over theatre's usual grosses in third hold-oyer week, after a record- breaking 6i ;ner at Loew's State and being shifted for longer run; certain' $8,500; reached sweet $10,500 In second inning. B'KLYN GENERALLY O.K. / $17,000, Big—Garbo Strong $16,000 Brooklyn, Sept. 10. .(Best Exploitati : Paramount) •Town has been going through one awful siege of rain and more raAn. Letup over the weekend drove ■citizenry out of their domiciles and Inito theatres, resulting in consider- able spurt at b;o.s. There is plenty attractive flicker fare on downtown Bcreens with considerablie ballyhoo and exploitation' evident this week. Coney's Mardl Gras this week win draw large, but noh-spendlng mob. ■ JParampunt is celebrating its. sec- ond anniversary under the SI I^kbian management. House is of- fering' 'Page Miss Glory' and will get $l,7il)D0, gi:eat .biz. Loew's Met v/ith '.4tnria Karenina' (MG) also on up- gtade. This is second week for Al- bBe with double ffiaturc policy, 'Alice Ailanis' (R) and 'Silk Hat Kid.' Sjjiturday inic'nite shows; at dowrt town deluxers played to capacity. •Magistrate Malbin's decision that 'i^pyie sweepstakes' are not lot tel'Ies, and therefore hot illegal, hailed by neighbs with glee. Pi-aC' tically all oC tliem now goin.!; in for this type of bait; Anniversary week: at the: Par had J&e Lee pulling multifarious stunt.s, f' ntests, etc Plenty news stories the local gazettes on Fabian's try Into Brooklyn's theatrical pic- ture. 'Page Mifis .Glory' exploitation lEjcluded 25,000 heralds, window .tie- i^ps with local department stores. Tj'iJiousaiid plioto insertions In film ria.tjs witii pl.'iydato and theatre; I*p.stijl Tele.i^raph tioup (heralds, dis- tributed with telegrams), contest in fburlocil woekiicVj and dallie.i.. WINS rtidio, Drande-nog ticup (■J\'Indow stri>a.mpr-. and counter cjards in 400 restaurajits and lo^i cream pnrlors); Scliulte cigar store tieup, etc. Estimates for This Week. Paramount (4,000;'J3-35-50). 'Glory' (WB), Davies flicker got fairish notices but biz is fine. This is second anniversary of house under Fabian control and Joe Lee. management. Plepty. explo}t9,tion this we.ek.wlU give the house splendid $17,000. Last week 'Annapolis Farewell' (Par) $9,000, n.s;g. House Is giving Sat; - Hria+rfte—,sht!*f^—rtvnr.- • • —- • Fox (4,000; 25-35-50)—'She Gets Her Man' (Fox) and stage show featuring ..Bits;.....Br.os,.. ...Only • • hoKse hereabouts with flesh. Nothing to rave about. Mebbe $12,000. Last weeit .'K6ep£F.,ftt,13e.?.s^', X.Moxif?) $11.-* 500, fine. Albee (3,500.; 25-35-50)—'Alice Adams' (Radio) and 'Silk Hat Kid' (Fox), Very big, looking $15,000. Last week, 'Orchids to Tou" (Fox) and Dante's Inferno' (Fox) $S,000, good. ■ 'Anna Karenina' (MG). Nice show- ing for this one. About $16,000. Last week, 'China Seas' (MG) .(2d ■vveek). $14,X)O0, good.. Strand (2,000; 25-35-50)-^'We're in the Money' CWB) . and 'This Woman Is Mine,* (Par). Unexciting, $4,000. Last week 'Bright Lights' (WB) and 'Atlantic Adventure' (Col), $8,000, excellent. AGENTS SEE OUT IN RULING ON $100 TAP ollywood, Sept. 10. With the appellp.t« division .of the Superior court ruling that in the case of bail bond compianles, city and county officials cannot demand a license fee for their operation when the state has already licensed them, agents, feel that, the same ap- plies to them. To this extent, a number of agency barristers, in- cluding Martin Gang, haye notified their clients not to pay the $100. yearly license fee to the CJity of Los Angeles. Most agents feel that two license fees are out of place and that as the state has Hciensed them to operate, the city has no Jurisdiction in the matter. St. L. Trial (Continued from page 5). operating the Ambassador, Missouri and New Grand Central theatres have combined wlth,.;lnterests oper- ating Pox and St. Louis theatres to control exhibition of first-run films in St. Louis were made last Wednes- day (4) by six picture companies arid affiliates in return to an order to show cause why a temporary in- junction should not be issued to restrain them from wlthh,olding fea- ture films 'from: the three houses. Return filed In U. S. district court where hearing scheduled to start today before Judge George .H. Moore was signed by former U. S. Senator James A. Reed, Sam B. Jeffries, Ar- thur E. Simpson-and Paul P. Plum- mer, attorneys for Warner Bros.' several pic and theatre subslds. Last week cornpanies filed an- swers toi an injunction suit recently filed against them, by Department of Justice which alleged they were violating Sherman anti-trust act by refusing to supply films to three houses. Answers denied conspiracy in-restraint of trade and In return defendant companies said they were prepared to offer evidence to refute charges on which allegation was based. To grant preliminary in- junctlon^ said return; would injure defendants and public in that the lessees and others operating the three, houses have entered into ar- rangements and combinations with persons and corporations controlling the Fox and St, Louis theatres (Panchon & Marco) 'to dominate first-run houses in St. Louis and absorij thu ava,liable supply of first- run films for stifling and preventing cornr>etitlori in St. Louis. Return continued that tera-porary Injunction would further such stlfilng and cause operators of Shubert-Rialto and Oi'pheum. theatres^ operating as outlets for Warner-controlled films, loss of large sums invested in ad- vancie.of a Judicial determination of the con.spiracy charge. Return that disputf.-d facts In case arc sariie on application for temporary ' in- junction, a.s f!iey are on merits 6f case and full issues can ))e heard arid dotei-miried as speedily as. pre- li inary hearing. Lp.s Angele.s, Sept. 10. Milton B. Arthur, operatinj,' hi'ad of (Fanchon & Marc'6 S'ub- sld), planed out Saturday (7) "for St. Loui.s to testify at federal hear- ing into activities of major distrib- utors In the -St. Louis area. Arthur, siibpoenacd by the Gov- ernment, i.M a partner of FancliOri & Marco, and brotlier of Harry Ar- thur. K.C. OKAYS TOP HAf FOR $20,1 'HAT' $7,500, OMAHA Astaire Pic Rings Up New/Rej/ord at Brandeis , Kansas City, Sept. 10. - (Best Exploitation: Mainstreet) Looks like t^e town has gone 'Top Hat' as the lines of cash cus- t«ffi«-"i'Wrg?Srf5{rn'a''tlffe^'milnstreet, where the Astalre-Rpgera picture is showing: There Is considerable local intei-est In the success of the two stars as Astaire la from St. Joseph^ M6.. :ttot faf from -here, and Ginger liogp.r,"^ not., many V years 1 ago . was •f©o4i«g-ar&und-here-wHh"ft-girl-tiab- playing the very ismall tlitte. Both have many friends In K. C. Plctufe Will very likely stay for the second week. At;the Midland 'Bonnie Scotland' is On the screen and got away nice- ly. The management had a kilt dad Highlander piping on the streets arid In front of the house for an extra publicity stunt; , 'Flying Trapeze' is getting the "W. C. Fields fans at the Newman, arid holding its own against the stiff op- position.' 'Steamboat' is a holdover at the tlptot^n after breaking the house record with $11,000, arid will no doubt remain for the third week. The combination. policy of the Tower, together with its 26c scale at all times, continues to prove at- tractive to the bargain seekers, and business Is holding up nicely. The house, however, will tilt the night admission to 35c starting Sept 20. The bne-miU) state sales tax thing is still causing the managers, ticket sellers and treasurers lots of "grief, and all aire trying different plans to expedite the handllrig of the lines at the box offices as the extra mills to be collected cause an approximate 50% slowup. The Mainstreet used thousands of extra; lines to tell about 'Top Hat.' Also was on the atr' for spot au' ncuncements, had special' quarter sheet cards In the news stores and stands, special heralds In a tie-up with music stores, photos of the stars in large department stores, night spot orchestras plugging the scing hits, and numerous .pther stunts. Estimates for This Week Mainstreet (RKO) (3,20Q: 26-40)— 'Top Hat' (Radio). Long lines In the afternoon and night on the open- ing day and continuing over the week-end Indicates the best showing for many weeks. AroUnd $20,000, and probably lylll stay for the sec- ond •iveek. Last week 'Alice Adams' (Radio), $8,000; not so hot. . Midland (Loew) (4.000; 15-25-40) —'Bonnie Scotland'. (MG). Nice showing over the week-end is slated to reach $7,5i)0, fair. Lut week 'Anna Karenina' (MG). $13,900, good, but not as much as e^yiected. Newman (Par) (1,800; 26-4Q)— .' lying Trapeze' (Par). Opened light Friday, but Increased Its speed Saturday and Sunday, and should hit close to $6,000, goiod. Last •week 'Annapolis Farewell' (Par) clicked for f7,500, fine. Tower (Rewot) (2,200; 25)—'$10 Raise' (Fox) and- stage show. The real' live girls and vaudeville con- tinue to draw nicely and the combi- nation is a real amusement bargain. Heavy takings over the week-end indicate $7,000, good. Last week 'She Gets Her Man' (U), $8,600, socko. Uptown (Fox)—'Steamboat' (Fox) (2d week). Going strong* headed for $0,500, great after $11,000 the first week, a house record. Will likely hold for third vireek. OffliSlfia. Sei/t. 10, Best Exploitatfion: Bratideis) jo^j th9.„ji ne -,u^.. jst jPiMr..Mm..,bfffj'-~ Ings/ for the -vyeek/lowV is in the croseflre/5fs>jheiysxploltatIon surges cQ.mirite^Jlfe-om tWe...Omaha...arid...thi Brahderel) Both houses With^^tne best of wke new product_and-1etting the \itiz|^fe/Know abtSut It. t - thAt •Bi.-aR<i*}s- SHi-a- Crtin^^^Sg^^ thjeTomaha will take theia^W^Stliteohouses far above ii9i§Sa|S8sr^|^t with the excellent _ iUnd them. ^ red it for ;exploitation goes to the randels and LoUise Cottfei"^ ftrl"'Vhe B£ri,er.4.)LJGflJnj})^ covering practically every angle possible on "Top Hat;' This cam- paign, aided by some co-ioperatlve ads from the distributing office gives the film the edge in the town. Estimates for This Week Braindeis (Singer-RIJO) (1,250; 25^35-40)—'Top Hat' (Radio). The newest frorh: the Astaire-Rogers duo in for the first single feature bill the house has had in weeks. One pic- ture policy. allows six shows daily,- turning them In and oiit half again as fast as. the ordinary dual bill. Fans., goaded by natiorial and local campaigns have been waiting for this, and will make it flrst choice. Film stands excellent chance of de- feating 'Little 'Women's', all-time house record, and will do at least $7,500. Last week 'Bright Lights' (FN) showed Itself by far the best effort Joe Brown has ever given this house,' and, with "Hot Tip' (Radio) for a partner, ran up to $6,000, in the money. . Omaha ( lank-Tri-State) (2,100; 25-40)—'China Seas' (MG). Strong- ly boosted, will run practically neck and neck with any oppo- sition. Might have beeri shadied In the running hut for a dual part- ner in 'Silk Hat Kid' (Pox). Long program is an advantage In draw- ing power, but handicap in the num- ber of daily shows possible. At any rate, these two should make $7,500 or over, smart coin here. Last week 'Annapolis Farewell' (Par) the cen- tre of the campaign, and had 'Calm Yourself (MG) for the other half of the bill; $0,600 good enough. Orpheum (Blank-Trl-State) (2,- 970; 26-40)—'Bonnie Scotland' (M(5) and 'College Scandal' (Par), dual. Comedians will find theriiselyes' a couple of lightweights in the face of opposing flicks, but will be good for most of their usual following; $6,400 will be barely average here. Last week 'Here Comiss Cookie' (Par) carried out the Paramount week theriie here, and had 'China- town Squad' (WB) for double bill; twoj^cere average at $6,600. IVERS IN WASH J HI yLLOK BUFFALO (Continued from page 11) style and developed into a real smash at $13,300. Century (Shea) (3,400; 25) — 'Thunder in Night' (Fox) and 'Red- heads on Parade' (Pox). Improve- ment to be noted here since Labor Day and this program should go to around $7,000. Last week, 'Here Comes Cookie' (Par) and 'Hop-a Long Cassldy' (Par), hot for here at $7,300. Lafayette (Ind.) (3,400; 25) — 'l-ove Me Forever' (Col) (2nd week). After some apparent hesi- tation in determining the holdover, looks to do about 60 per cent, of first week's business, off at $6,500. Last week, failed to hold up to dop- ing with bulk of opinion that film was not up to predecessor, $11,500. CALENDAR OF CURRENT RELEASES (Continued from page 29) Going J-llghbrow.^. Kansas farmer suddenly rises to riches through the stocU niarket. Guy Kibbee, ZaSu Pltt.s. R.lward Rverott Hortoii. Dir. Itobert Florey. 67 mlna. ReJ. July 6. Rev. Sept. 4. Goose_and the Gander, .The. Kay Francl.s, George Brent, Genevieve Tobin, Ralph Forbea, Claire Dodd. Dir. Alfred E. Greoii. 72-mins. Rel. Sept. 21, Little Big Shot. Sybil Jason, Robert ontgomery, Cleda Farrcll, ■ iward Everett Horton. Dir. Michael Citrtiz. 72 mlna. Hel. Sept. 7. Oil for the Lamps of China (Cosmopolitan). From AlleeTLsdale's best BCller. Chinese oil Industry. Pat O'Brien. Josephine Hutchinson, Mervyn LeUoy. 9o mins. Rev. June 12.' Page MIsa Glory (Cosmopolitan). Marlon iXavIcs. Pat (Ji'bricn Dick Powell, Mary Astor, Frank.McHugh, Lyie Talbot,. I' Kell.v, Allen Jenkins. Dir. Mervyn LeRoy. 92 mln.s. Rel. .Sept. 7, Rev. Sept. 4. Special Agent. Bette Davin, GeorRe ilrent. Jack Lallue, Iticardo Cortez. Henry O'Neill. Dir. WllUam KelKhlcy. Ite.l. Sept. 14. Stranded. Kay. Francis as a traveler.**' Hid worker. Kav Francis,. George Brent. Dir. Frank Borzage. -73 iplns. Kei. .Jiine 21.'. Hev. June 26, We're In the Money. Joan Blondcll, Gleixla Farreli, Hufjli Herbert, Ross Alexander. Dlr; Ray Enrlght. 05 \nn. Rel. Auk. 17. Kev. Aug..2((. Mitcellaneous Releases Cyclone Ranger (Spectrum). Western. Hill. 6T> mIns. Rev. May 22: CIrcio of Death (Willis Kent) Western. 5u (nin.a I{ev. June 12. Fighting Pioneers (Resolute). Fra'/.Cr.. Rev May 29. Frontier Dnys. (Spectrum). May 1. Red Blood of Courage (Ainbassador)i Dir. Jack- English. 65 miii. Ill Cody. Nina Qiiaftard.. Ir, Oob Monle Mont.ln.T, Dir. Frank Glendon: Harry Cl mIns. Rev 'p.stern. Kor Uev. June 12.- herl- Rustlera Paradise (AJax). Western. Harry Carey; Gertrude Me.sslnger. Ir.' Harry Fraier.. 62 mlns. Rev. July 10. Speed Devils (Huffman). Two dirt track aulo rarers go Into the garage busl-, Paul Kelly, Marguerite Churchill. Dir. Joa Hr.itin.'ibcrry. Rev. July 10, Wagon Trail (AJax) Western. Harry Carey, C; e.sslngcr. Dir. llarry Frazer 66 ralnn. Rev. May 29, Washlnigton, Sept. 10. (Best, Exploitation: Fox) Despite three holdovers, Capitol will push v.'ell beyond average total e«asf:-Xhi9:. xvt^-,. -Ea^-.<of--tiie' re- peats-'ls ettualiing usua:! opening rtgure~ana"Tw6"'iif'6~ro""a?5"-?ock- btz" judged from any standpoint. 'Top Hat' Is unquestionably th« big Item building from estimated ^20,000 last week to record $24,500 at Keith's; "Anna Karenina" at Palace i.s piilling nice $12,500 for second week, while "China Seas" In third week downtown Is ivlng Columbia beautiful $6,600. Interesting angle Is way o* much- ballyed revival of 'Smllln' Thru' held up at Columbia. Boys: were skeptical, despite heavy selling, and expected a slip. Instead it built, winding up with swell $6,000. Rialto, formerly- leased by Uni- versal, reopened Monday (9) play- ing indie plx and prologs. This now gives Capital eight first-run pic houses which is all-time high. Recxiperatlng f rpri last week's spree, the boyis let up on exploita- tion. Honors go to Fox which col- lected plenty on Eleanor Holm through spoi't pages following cock- tail party at which sport writers rubbed elbows with critics. (Estimates for This Week) Earfe (WB) (2,424; 2^-36-40-60- '?0)—'Accent on Youth' (Par) and vaude. Pic well received and with Ted We.ems ork to make light- weight program comiplete house should win nice $18,000. Last week 'We're In the Money' (FN) and Roxyettes snuck by with passable $16,000. , ' Fox (Loew) (3,434; 26-35-60)— 'Dante's Inferno' (Fox) and vaude. Art Jarrett and Eleanor Holni helping on stage, but week won't top light $18,000. Last week 'Here Comes Cookie' (Par) can thank Don Bestor's ork for a good bit of oke $21,000. Keith's (RKO) (1,830; 26-35-60)—. 'Top Hat' (Radio) (2d week). To- ward v/ow $16,000 on L. I, Last week same flicker sinashed all rec.- ords with $24,500, Palace (Loew) (2,363; 25-35-60)— 'Anna Karenina' (MG) (2nd week). Garbo taking big $12,500 for second week. Last week same pic collected sock $24,600. Belasco (Radln) (900; 25-36-50) —'My Heart Is Calling.' (GB). Kiepura getting raves but pop trade not giving him much of a rush yet. Maybe oke $1,800. Last week 'Loves of Dictator' (GB) took good $2,500. Columbia (T.^eW) (1.263; 55-40)— 'China Seas' (MG). Third week on malnstem cleaning up with swell $6,500, Last week 'Smiiin' Thiru' (MG) revived on wave of bally tind held up to big $6,000. Met (WB) (1,853; 25-40)-^'Page Miss Glory' (WB). Second week after good stay at Earle should click with good $4,500. Last week 'Irish In Us' (FN) in second week after Earle triumph took good $4,500. Rialto (Moore) (1,940; 26-35-60) —'Harmony Lane* (Mascot). Spotty notices and light names will keep newly reopened out-of-the-way spot from big coin, but week should see satisfactory $2,000. Tacoitia's 2 Duals Let Down a Bit, but Fair Tacomai, Sept. 10. A letdown "this Week compared to last when 'China Soils' went to town and elsewhere during Its sensational nine day run, and the dualcd 'San- ders' with ' in Us' got nice colli at the M.B. This week both houses are dual- Ing. M;ll. as j-eg policy, but splitting Into two fotir-day week, with 'Happy Go Lucky Hour' talent on stage last half. Roxy also duallng with spilt, so there Is plenty in the burg to chqoHc from, with the atago faro naturally upping biz at the Harni'lpk house'. Estimates for This Week usic Box (Hamrlck) (1,400; 10- 27-37)—'Break of Hearts' (Radio) and 'Stolen Ilaimony' (Par) dual, split with. 'Lady Tubb.s' (U) and 'Happy Oo Lneky. Hour' on stage, r^ach Cor four days. Looks to do ok.Tiy for elKht (ijiys, $}i,000. Last Week, 'Sanders' (UA) and 'Irish in Us' (FX) dual, g"t very Okey $4,600. Roxy (J-Vll) ^L.-iOO; 16.-27-37)— 'Here Comes Band' (M(i) and 'Wo- man Wanted' f.\irj) dual spilt with 'JJartng Yduii:,' .Man' (Fox) and 'Or- '•hlds to i'ou' (Fox), dual, latter tak- ing' the 3 days of. woolc. Fair for .?3.«00. Last \v(«ek,. 'Clhlna .Seas' (MG) a natur.'U for this .seaport with Its Orlfntal mnrket.s, held over for nine d.'iys, Itindlng $9,000, Hen.satlon.'i I, topping \>i'i In many a moon.