Variety (Sep 1935)

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6b VARIETY TIMES SQUARE Wednesday* September H» 1933 Broadway Ted Claii-e about due from Coast. Eddie Sutherland planed In £ro/n Coadt. Romnoy Brent back from a sum- mer abroad. Eighth avenue has a Chinamat—a Chinese cafeteria, -J-ate^-Lwy-tttnRe "BeacHrTur hbV daring: the water. June Martel, now on a termer with V, in from Coast. Town already spattered with elec- tion posters and banners. 0))en season, for...E;9.:fl lining up shows and attractions to. handle. Robert Shapiro's (he's treasurer at the Par theatre) are expectant. The George Browns' new Baysido menage Includes a swl. Ing pool. ■Walter Wanger pfflce moved from Paramount building to Madison €HATTE —aye; ■ ——"■ ' ~ Marsha Hunt, Par player, ^.rrived from the Coast Siaturday (7) for a brief vacation, "The ; new French Casino's $10 premiere rap kept most of the song pluggers away. Fall's here: ■. nlterles opening up one by one with new pplieies but the saihe routine. Ed Lowry on the slclt. list for a spoil and Jay C. Flippen subbing on his WHN ether dates,-' Sign, oh a Connecticut road— 'Freuderman's JJlssissippi Inn—^fried herring—southern style;' Marcella Knapp and arary Sim-' kins, from the. Coast, cliiiinin;j at Sardi's with Ruth Morris. Mack Hllllard back and Herman Bernstein ahead of the Cooper- Merlvaie Shakespearean .rep. Madeline Fosa, assistant to Paul Guillck' at Universal, back after a BlegQ of tonsplitis operations. Kapralik; Austro-German carica- turist, In U. S. placing his screen cartoons with Vanity Fair, etc. Harvey Torke, Gabe's boy, pass- ing through en route from' th6 Coast to. his freshman yelEif at Dartmouth. 126 th St. Apollo's reserved seat Sat. mldnlte shows, getting the ofay downtowners into Harlem for the colored vaudfllm. ' Ed Doran, cx-Cplonhades ai^d Glen Is, Casino impresario, operated T^BL big book at Saratoga and cleaned up with the faves all running out of the money, Ben Grlefer, of the Par theatre, subbed for Harry Royster at Astor J" on 'Crusades' run while Royster was in Cleveland. Bill Boyle, .of Boston's Copley Plaza orchestra, here visiting his former partner, Leeds Spencer (Cllflr.) Sawyer. ..John LeRoy Johnston, puUclty dl- tector &^ Universal's studio, re- turned to Hollywood after about 10 days in the big tovvn. Ruth Stein, sister of Jules and >Bllly (MCA) Stein, a secret bride for two months. All the family in cally ill; Jerry Xoeb, Warner's purchasing agent, in Royal hQspltal, Bronx, re- cuperating from Injuries sustained when he fell while, entering a cab last week. Bankruptcy discharges to John V. 4?ox, Jr., publicity and advertising; Graham Harris, musician; Hart W; Haeningsen, artist; Robt. G. Pen- fleil, reporter. .Chelle Janls, femme manager of liOew's Zlegfeld,- signalized the premiere-of the Patricia Lounge in the theatre with a gala .turn-out of . celebs, a WHN radio wire, etc. Joe Louis has decided to lose his stage fright and will play theatres If winning the Baer fight. Marty Forklns Is arranging the show, but Bill Robinson, called to the Coast by 20th-Fox, won't be In it. Harms, Inc.; in moving .over to the RCA .JBldg., which Is at 1250 Sixth avenue, also adopted Its Cir- cle 8-1250 phone number to coincide with the address. Three of the Miislc Corp, of America's offices from coast to coast effect the samp stunt of haViiig their phone num bers the same as the street ad dresses; hunting local colPr for his next novel, "'Pain'T?ngran5 on ■2rB'r'oaacTst3^ Luxembou.g, for Radio Publicity, Gaumont^Brltlsh subsid.. Leo Fuld, former specialty sineier with Jack Hyitpn, given marching orders by the home ofllce. Liipe Velez signed, _irp.r picture, 'Volga Boatman,' by Inter Europiean Films, newly formed ihdle Co.. John Glelgud has a new' version of 'The Only Way' and contemplates a stage appearance in it shortly. Fred Berhhard and Cecil Bern st<'in. lunching in privacy at for- •■iaei»'-3-^tt«-«t-.Gro35veaui Huusje.~— ■ Jack Buchanan on. vacation, 're turns shortly to start on musical film version of 'When Knights Were Bold.' New Victoria, a Gaumorit-British house, again going in for big names to supplement double feature pro gram; Ronald Adams, manager of Em^ theatre, quietly married In Budapest recently a Roumanian actress. . Cass, Mack, Owen and Topsy off to Scala, Berlin for month of Sept.; then UFA, Hamburg, and Alham- bra, Paris. Arthur Riscoe back from a month's r lation in the South of France and getting ready for pic- ture work. . Capitol Films pic starring Johnny WeissmuUer being held up due to WelssmuUer not being able: to get here in time. Morris Goodman, foreign sales manager for Mascot and Republic, here for a few days, then off to Brussels and Paris. Frederick Lonsdale's new play, starring Edna Best and Laurence Olivier, opens at Shaftesbury. Oct. 1. Piece not yet titled. Grosvenor Sound Films, Ltd.,. started shooting Walter Hackett's 'Hyde Park Corner* starring Blnnle Hale and Gordon Harker. The U. S. provided 16,891 holiday visitors to England during July. This is an Increase of 3,368 over the same month last year, Charles Cochran Will be at the opening of Willlmetz new show at the BoufCe Parlsien, Paris, ajnd has an option on the show for London. Ward and . Van, who travelled 6,000 miles to play four weeks for GSeneral Theatres, go home. Tea;m could play more time, but Anthony Van has fallen sick. 'Star Dust,' musical .written by Bruce Sievier .ln cPllaboratlon with Albert Arlen, may be done in the West-End shortly, with a cast headr ed'by,Marie Burke. Walter Hackett'u new —play for mTlan^liO'rtie? • wli^irir icofffes lolhe- Apollo^ will be called 'Espionage.' Company includes J. H. Roberts, Edwin Stiles, Martin Walker. London touring 'Bucky' Taylor on the sick list. Aubrey Hyrhan off on vacation. Claire Luce to Russia for a holi- day. Charlfe Tucker back from sum- mer vacation. Jack Davis' Strand News theatre opened Aug. 29. Georgle . Harris oh the ether for first time Sept. 14, Charles P ley on Norwegian cruise for fortnight, Son born to Emlyn Williams and Molly O'Shaun, Aug. 28. Maurice Schwartz to make his lii- itlal broadcast for BBC. ^ KLmberJy and Page signed for an- other broadcast, Oct. 10. , Joe Seldelman off to the conlinehl on an eJchau.stive survey, . "Desirable Residence' closed at the Criterion, Aug. 24, after a montli. No truth to report Gauniont-Brit- Ish intends t reopen the Kit-Cat. ^ Clark Butt back home after pro- longed spinal treatment in Germany. Piaut Stein finishing his contract as producer for British International. , Horace Goldln's suit against Lucky Strike likely t« be heard In .Oct, J'. B. Priestly bound for Arizona, Sydney By Eric Gorreck 'Desert Song* (loglt revival) fair biz. Viennese Boys' Australia. • Wllllamson-Talt will revive 'Miss Hook of Holland." 'White Horse Inn' playing suc- cessfully in Brisbane. Richard Crooks has been booked for a tour here In 1936. Ernest Rolls will produce ' lame of Desire' In Melbourne. . Walter .Tohnson producing revues successfully for Frank Nell Freddy Foss, English, Will have the comedy lead in 'Yes, Madam 'The Scoundrel' (Par) in for a run • try at the Prince Edward, Sydney Prank Nell Is back In Australia With a nice lineup of American and F]ngllsh acts! Gilbert & Sullivan revivals In Melbourne are-meeting with wonder- ful success for W-T. Par. Is releasing 'The Scoundrel' and 'Now I'm a Lady* as a dual at Its Capitol, Melbourne. ^ Monogram will release 'The Healer,' 'Keeper of the Bees' and 'Girl of Llmberlosf here. Cameo, new Sydney weekly- changer, got away to a nice start with M-G-M and Par product. Frank Graham of Hoyts, will shortly take a holiday trip to America. By same bottt will go Cecil Marks of UA. 'David Copperfleld' (M-G) comes In this week to catch the school holiday biz. Also after holiday trade is 'Our Little.Girl' (Fox). . . 'Drake of England' (BIP) has secured the approval of Education Board and will be screened for all metrppolito,n school kiddies. 'Abdul the Damned' (BIP) and 'Radio Parade' (BIP) will go Info Fuller's Mayfalr, Sydney, by ar- rangement with British Dominion. Little theatres continue to grow stronger weekly. Current qhows In- clude 'Tell Me the Truth,' 'Little Women' and 'Richard of Bordeaux.' Dave Mpnohan is doing a Will Mahoney en the xylophone over the Nell Circuit. Other current, acts In- clude Flo Mayo, Moroni & Coralee, Janice Hart, Frank O^Brian, Joey Porter, Four Florays, Maidle & Ray, and Forsythe, Seamo.n & Farrell. By Bob Stern Dob Mackay goln^ to vichy. Jim Donohue at Baden-Badeii for cure, - Mai-cel Achai'd boo lerican fllnfs. Jack Connolly (Pathe News) back in town. Harold Smith back from Norman holidays. MPussia s unbathing-. a.t Salnte^ Maxime beach. Roseray and Capello at Maxim's In Jiian-les-Plns; Maurice Gllles .^of. Casino at Mentoh. 'Monsieur Beaucalre' opener for Galte-Lyrlque. Louis Pasquler's band hired for the Alcazar in pit. Michel^ de° Bonnay, hailed as hew French kid star. Bob Davis dropping In at Hudson Hawley's for cocktails. Marjorle. Lawrence back at the opera here in 'Walkyre.' (Comedian Harmonists, rehch sextet, to play the A; B. C. Lolc Le Gouriadec, playwright, plahnlng a trip to Canada. Vlctot PerOsIno and Jim Wltte- rled motoring to San Remo. City of Nice killing municipal tax on film theatres until Nov. 1. Willy Thunis, tenor of Liehar shows, booked for A.B.C. vaude. WInfleld Sheehan and Mrs. (Maria. Jerltza) iti Paris oh honeymoon. Ray Ventura, band leader, to make a trip to New York to look around. Tlno Rossi, accordlon-tenor, leav- ing on a tour, starting with Geneva. W. Strijewsky to meg 'Volga Boatman' with Charles Vanel in lead. Danielle Darrleuz, film player, wed to Henri Decoln, writer, in Paris; Kid theatre 'Petit Monde' giving performances at Cabourg, Norman resort. Robert Slodmak to make picture at London when 'Vie Parlslehne* is finished. 'Tarass Bulba' troupe back from Hungary, to shoot In local studio hereafter, Jacques. Deval, back from Riviera, on way to Moscow and then to Abyssinia. Fox giving lunch "to newspaper- men as sendoff to Simone Simon, French find. Ramon Novarro spending only one hour In Paris before flying to "Biwltiwrfand i-."-i.^ v: .•ii'ir:.- Nicole de Rouves, actress, back In Paris after making a French ver^ sloji in Berlin. Douglas. Fairbanks popping In at looal United Artists agisiin, on. his way to Japan. French version of Bruno Pranck's 'Nina' to open the Comedies des Champs Ely sees. All Important French outlets car- rying radio news report on funeral of Queen Astrld. Richard Strauss reaching Vichy to preside over International ' Com- posers' congress. Metro quitting the Madeleine Cinema Aug. 31 after holding it as a showcase 10 years. Jacques Copeau signing Jose Squlnquel for Amblgu appearances later In coming season. Prince of Wales .attending dance show of Nadja (Beatrice Wanger) at St. Paul on Riviera. Raymond Bernard to direct Joan of Arc film for Uniclnea, based on scenario by Paul Slcault. Luclenne Delforgie, pianist, plan- ning a tour of London and the con- tinent, beginning In Nov. War scare reportedly keeping English capital and Insurance out of film biz on continent. George HIrch hot clicking on deal that was to give him a second local cinema, besides the Apollo. Jesus Artlgais, Cuban Impresario, here to dicker with Josephine Baker for an appearance at Havana. Joan Warner, fanner^ at Juan-les- Plhs, getting big crowds into the Casino and Hollywood nltery. Bill O'Brien (Pathe ■ News) and Jack Kennedy (Radio) . among crowd at Deaiuvllle Grand Prix. Trocadero organ, ftrst inaugurated in 1878, being' dismantled, to be put In new auditorium; and electrified,. First executive committee meet- ing of international film chamber to be held In Paris In three months. . Henri Duvernois oft for a rest at Cap d'Antlbes, before helping In filming of his operetta, 'You're Me.' Concert Mayol Burley show, based on American 'Comls Nudists' Sym- phony,' reaching 100th performance. Prefect of police authorizing those who find the neighbor's radip tpo loud to call a cop and tell him about It. MIstlnguett, back from Brussels, beginning rehearsals of tn4 Porte Saint-Martin show, how tliied 'Zl-Zl.* JuUen Puvlvlet, at Juan-les-Plns, finishing continuity of '(36lem' film. In which Harry Baur will play King Rudolf II. City of Dieppe celebrating cen- tennial of Salnt-Saens with a con- cert directed by S. Bovy of the New Tork-M-et.:'-"^ ——^. - . Tatiana Athanasesco, daughter of Elvire pppesco; actress, marfled at St. Hbripre ■ d'Eylau to Giilllaiime Lecolntrei Alice TIsaot, film actress, will re lii^rn to legit oppPslte FermhdeT iii operetta 'Ignace,' to open Oct. 1 In Marseilles. Films Rbusslllon running a con test for best poster to; advertise Jos^hine Baker .film, 'Princess Tom-Tom.' "Roger GaiUard ^signed to play In 'Indiana' at the Sarah Bernhardt, with Madeleine Sorla and Luclen Rozen.berg. : Sena Benelll, author of 'Jest,' speaking up for International play- houses In great capitals' as a means of saving legit, Looks likely that M. Quinson will take over the Plgalle Theatre this year and reopen it with a piece by Maurice Rostand. Roland Marcel, commissioner ■ of touring, patting films on the back as best possible propaganda to bring Visitors to France. Diana Ward, Roslta Montenegro and Callgarl Bros.'on bl!l of Sliver Night at Palm Beach, Cannes, with Maurice Chevalier. Maurice Chevalier giving a pre- hearing at Cannes benefit perfPrm- ance of his new songs for the coming Casino de Paris show. Fox. spotting 'George White's Scandals' and 'Helldorado' in tiny Studio 28, which hitherto played nipstly Paramount films. , Howard Irving Young reaching Paris to help stage the French verr slori of his 'Hawk Island,* whodunit, at Deux-Hasques theatre. Denlse Godard, who won an oper- etta prize at Bouffes Parlslens, get- ting the lead in the new Boiiftes operetta, as her first part. Paul Raynal's 'Unique Napoleon,' originally planned for production last season, to be staged in Nov. by the Comedie Francaise. Meg Lemonnier demonstrating how well she does cucuracha danc^ as 'Hortensia Sisters' film Is .started at Paramount Jolnville studio. Monlque Rolland, who has played opposite Max Dearly In pictures, to make her stage debut with him In a sketch at the A.B.C, vaude house. George Mejati Fox newsreel cam- eraman who caught the King Alex- ander murder, to cover the Abyssin-; Ian war from, the Addis Ababa side. Gaumont-'BrUlsh to .maK? jexigUsh msioii- 'iiSlvafs^ Gf&lnV ifBatf Seed'), with Jeah Wall and Maupi, retaking some shots on French loca- tion. Louis Jouvet reported planning a ;Phedre' at the Athenee with Lu- clenne Bogaert, who played Eliza- beth Barret in the French version. In title role. Arthur Fiedler, conductor of the Boston symphony Orchestra, here to arrange concerts during the coni- Ing season as guest conductor with Paris bands. Georges Manu and Jean Arrey, with cameraman Pierre Godefroy, sailing to make official picture cele- brating tricentenary of the French West Indian colonies. Gaumont announcing here that Jean Lenauer has taken to ■ New York Its song short 'Vieux Chateau' ('Old Castle') and feature film 'Passing Houseboat.' Fox Movietone News claiming a beat on the death of iQueen Astrld of Belgians, as first on scene of ac- cident and only reel td film the car where it fell Into watei-. Max Dearly now slated to super- vise French version of 'Beloved Vagabond' based on the W. J. Locke novel, which Ludovici Toeplltz Is to make In two versions In London with Maurice Chevalier In the lead. 'End of Worldi' comfedy In which Sacha Gultry and Jacqueline Delu- bac will, play at' the MJadelelhe, to be tried out at the municipal the- atre of VllleneuCe-aur-Lot, contlnva- ing Gultry innovation of provincial openings. Rome By George Byrne Fbno Film how cutting new film. 'Abyssihia,' compiled by Captain Roberto Aslnari, who made a nine- month trip in 1929-to get material. A religious film, 'The Land of Christ, According to the Gosper running 2,000 meters, has been dPm- pleted by the Naples Catholic Society of the Holy Land. Carmine Gallone, director, and Karln Hardt and Sybllla, Schmidt, actresses, n w in Rome completing shots for film from the novel 'Der Kraft-Mayr' ln the works for Tobls of Berlin. There are 15 houses In Rome now using double features; Admlsh generally eight c. Majority of these are In the center of the town. One theatre the Altlerl, lets them In for a nickel In the pit. The Hague By M. W. Etty.Leal Seaside season here. Is drawing M a close, ^ Hansl Goetze and her Dutch bal«. let signed for tour In Italy. .^..A* Kuraaal^Marlan^ lowed by the BoswelTSisters. Wllhelm Mengelberg signed to condhct in. Berlin-the ,cp.m aeoson, Hagespelers announce revival of Shaw's 'Arms and the Ma;n', In Am- sterdam, ~ "X3erard" vbri. " rucken Pock, 75, Dutch composer,, died at Heemstedew near Haarlem. Theatre Royal at Ghent (Belgium) secured rights of Dtiteh play, 'Usurer,'.Jl^Bromet. ._ jiulchLJi£±£u:.^llvala--Poons,—oflt---t©- Java with a batch of actors to tour the Dutch East Indies. . butch pic, 'Hoping for Blessing,' first banned In Surinam (Dutch Guyana) now passed with cuts. Dutch conductor and Composer Hiigo de Groot off to London to write muslo for Gaumont-Brltish. At Municipal Theatre, Amster- dam, premiere of Dutch version oC French play 'Blbl' by Jean de Letraz* Albert May of Fritz Hirsch Com- pany left cast; has signed with sev- eral theatres in Switzerland for winter. Amsterdam Schouwtooneel pre- ijaririg premiere of Michael Egan'a The Dominant Sex' in a Dutch version by Pothast. 'Brterht Eyes'. (Fox) with Shirley Temple, running simultaneously In Amsterdani in one cinema three weeks and two. others five weeks. In order to boost Metro pix, AVRO broadcasting In a special hour songs from 'Naughty Marietta,' 'Reckless,' 'Shadows of Doubt,' 'Bab^ In Toy- land' and .'Night Is Young:.* Amsterdam has a new orchestra with 26 musicians, 100% Dutch, con- ducted by Jacques Presburg. First performance In Theatre Carre, Amsterdani, this week with ad'slst- ance of Spprano Magda Flary of the Royal Opera, Budapest, Budapest By E. P. Jacob; Ferehc Molnar after illness. Wallace Beery cut Budapest stay. Newly discovered composer, Iska Magyar, Is a country doctor's wife. Marlka Roekk bacit from Berlin for outdoor shots of her first Ufa- picture. Victor Katona, mar.ju»er .of.. Clna. of material. Twelve to 16 Hungarian feature pictiires to be released during the coming season; Foreign book publishers liavlng books printed In Hungary, paldl for by frozen assets. ~ Archduke Joseph Francis writing another historical drama. His first was about Columbus. Open-air festival fortnight of Szeged visited by 50,000 spectators. 'Miss 13' to be the title of Francy Gcuil's next pictiire. Joe Pasteriiak now at work on the scenario. Never so many foreign tourlsta In Budapest as this summer. An- other big batch of moneyed- for- eigners expected for the autumn shooting and hunting season. Picture theatres alll opened up again. Only Ihipiortaht American picture so far is Marlene Dietrich's 'The Devil is a WPman' (Par) at.the Radius. Success only moderate. Nearly every theatre In town un- dergoing repairs and not to open be- fore the middle of Sept. National Theatre Is revolutionized by hav- ing two bathrooms for actors and actresses put in. 'Addressee Unknown,' with Scen- ario by Istvah Szekely based on a Bus Fekete bPok, currently being made at Hunnla. Irene Agal la starred, Plrpska Vaszary featured; Vienna Tobis: Sascha starts ■work end of Aug, on a musical comedy film, 'Sylvia and Her Chauffeur.* Gustl Hube.r. 01ga Tschechowa. Wolf Al- hach-Retty. Leo Slezak, and Rudof Carl In cast. Hubert Marlschka has been aiskcd by the new directors of his old The- atre an der WIeh to appear as guest In one of his most famous roles. In Edmund Eysler's operetta, 'The Laughing Married Map,' Dusollna Glannlnl, whose sore throat at the beginning of the Salz- burg Festival season was ah oc- casion for all sorts of- rumors, will be able to sing acraln In 'Falstalf' and 'Don (Slovanni.' Also has been engaged to sing at Vienna Opera in Nov. Director Aleander Perfall has en- gaged to date for the new theatre that will open end of Sept. in the Praterstrasee: Helen von Llnd, Helen Lauterboeck, Else Ram- bausek, Thea von Arehs, Thoo Frlsch-Gerlach, Paul Hardtmuth,. and Norbert K^emmel.