Variety (Sep 1935)

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Wednesday, September II, 1935 TIMES SQUARE VARIETY 61 Hollywocd Bob Smith furloughlns In Frisco. Columbia put Gene Morgan under aeal. Arthur Liybha Indisposed for few --^ -days;- - v -r- ' Her'bert Marshall eastbound by train. Lewi's' Sfonia bkcif from Alasftaii cruise. Claude Blnyon Chlcago-bo.und for vaoasir. ■ .. ■ . Eddie Crpnjdger to hosp for minor ailment. Hal lly back from Honolulu. VMlcRfey wa^ed up at Westwood. —-€hftri€s-Huggle9-back-f TOm-east* rh vacsish. Francis Ford got an acting ticket at 2pth-F6x. Irving Cummings back in saddle at 20th-Fox. ' Hal Roaph baick from Hawaii po'o playing.. (Gfertrude, Purcell off Columbia •writing staff.. Grant Garrett departed from Par scenario staff. ; Hari'y Wai ren being observed, in local hospital. Jack Joy on the last lap of his Oriental opera. Fred Astalre back after three- month vacash.' Philippe de Lacy flled for natur- alization papers. Elizabeth Allan pulling out for England shortly. Everett and Robert Iskin back from Xew York. Harry Nace here from Phoenix on product buys. William Koenig re-elected prexy of Warner Club. H. S. Everett here on equipment deals from Manila. There's four nags in the Joe E. Brown 'istable now. Henry .Armetta will do elgiit wieeks of personals. George Hassell taking it easy after foot infection.' Roscoe Karns up for the p.a. spot in Metro's 'Ziegfeld.' Bud Schulberg writing for Tay Garnett productions. Eddie Mannix sci'ams for Euro- pean trip next week. Henry Henig^on .back at Par - mount after rest-cure. Max Parker with Jes&e Lasky as supervising art director. Fi-ancis Lederer planed east, re- turned threie days later. Edward H. Griffith scouting for locations around Frisco. Eddie Shubert entering all the goif tourneys hereabouts. Sir Guy Standing ,tc»;slng party, for Paramount ball club. Lou Schneider here from Dallas '•«iiiWlrtne,*'fot'*Kvi'ti')T«PiElta3-j .-••■c^.-ivj John Zanft back from Eiirope and abed with foot infection. David Jack Holt recovering from Infantile psu-alysis attack. Carl Laemmle, Sr., back at U helm after three weeks' vacash. Par's 'Last Outpost' back from its third remake location trip. Paramount handed Sam Goslow new sbng^wrlting contract. Gene B^owler back at 20th-Fox to dialog 'Professional Soldier.' Pete Smith master of ceremonies at Metro studio picnic Sunday. , Richard K. Pollmer sued for $5,000 damages to house he occupied. Joe Toohey, studio drivers union rep, to Portland for annual conven- tion. Len Smith, cameraman at Metro, stuck on Job with busted rib in cast, Leo Morrison Jugged for few hours by Mexican-immigration offi- cials. F-WC home office ball team de- feated Al Hanson's, managers, 22 to 12. ":, Joan Blondell selling her house and eyeing an estate at Toluca Lake. Parkyakarkas hosting M. W. Bliss and' Harry Kane, his former em- ployers. Bob Montgomery displaying a Behtley runabout imported from England; Eddie ^Sutherland planed to New York and back in a week for his .next at U, Three Stooges due in for more Columbia shorts after summer of personals. Arnold Schank back from, three weeks in. Chicago aiid northern Michigan. icket agencies went heavy on buy.s for Ina Claire engagement at the.Be'lasco. Ji-ving Cummings returned from layoff to direct 'King of Burlesque" at 20th-F6x. Frank Tuttle scoutlns locations in Oregon for his next at' Paramount, 'Easy Living.' .Terry Saf.on back from three months' stay In N. Y. on Co.liimbia product deal.s. George ■ Hickey wound up three- month stay in New York on Metro film deal.s. Eastman now handling processing of 16-mn\.. Koflachrome reels at Coast laboratory. jack Selfl, former casting aide to Phil Friedman at Fox. now with.Al Kingston nsency. Now Paramount, at the tail-end 'If the visitor season, lias, clamped ■lown on- callers. - Rponpor Tracy bnu lit a 20-acre C H A T T E ranch from Clarence Brown and ■will raise thoroughbreds. Henry PrJngle, of Collier's, here to-tvi'lte an article On'tfhiak Ipire-, views for his mag. Arthur Shadur planing In and out of New York to spend one- day wltii wife and new-born. Tom Bailey oft to St. Louis to publicize world preem of Edward Smallls 'Red Salute.' Moe Morton staging iiew Club Continental floor show with Jack .Le.s.ter_ on the dances. •' Eddie Duchlrt " and " his band" trained out of here for a one-nlghtei- tour opening at Dallas. Irving Cummings added El Toro rancho hiear San Diego to his acre-: age for close to ?100,000. Femme lead for paramount's 'Na- tional "Velvet' will be secured through a beauty contest. Boston . Club being organized by Jack Robbins, Jack Haley, Benny Rubin and Jlmmie McHugh. ■VVarners had press gang out to see two blocks of prop Barbary Coast burned down for 'Frisco Kid.' Arthur Levy draws year's con- tract . as biz manaiger of .20th-Fox wardrobe and designing depart- ments. Carl Lesserman planed back to N. Y. after sewing up Golden State and T. ,& D. Jr. circuits with WB product. Irving Epstein talked Insurance problems to F-WC managers in dis- trict convention at Colorado Springs. Robert L. Vann, of Pittsburgh Courier, and the missus ogling studios under chaperonage of Clar- ence. Muse. Louise Henry back from New York- bedside of .her- father. Dr. Jesse Strauss Helmann, .recovering from serious illness. Lee Tracy and Polly Moran skip-: pered their boats one-two over the line to win Ca:talina'-San Pedro sail- ing race Labor Day. William Guthrie, Warners loca- tion department. head, planing to Arizona to And locale for Leslie Howard's 'Petrified Forest.' Marilyn Cantoi", 12-yr.-pld daugh- ter of Eddie, and Irene Kahn, daughter of Gus Kahn, are collab- orating on a musical comedy. Riviera By George Axelsson. Mayol runs a nitery in Toulon. Regina Camier. at Cap d'Antlbes ^< Peggy •.-■'•••BpsayRmn'> -^toeb - ■ r.vt> hubby at Cap d'Antlbes. Joan Warner doing her stuff at the Juan les Pins casino. Praink Fay, ex-newshound, now runs a shirt shop in Nice. Yahne d'Argent's snooty La Poul- arde nitery in bankruptcy. Le Caneton, superexpensive Rus- sian eatery, closed until winter. Chevalier did a charity show at Palm Beach.^ It grossed $17,000. Diamond Brothers doing well in Felix Ferry's Monte Carlo show. Cecile Sorel and her husband have been in Nice for a couple of days. \ . Mrs. Frank Harris entertaining Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman in her Nice flat. Municipal Casino reopens Aug. 31, earliest yet. Interior has been done over, even the chips will be new. Prince of Wales dined at La Colombo d'Or at St. Paul. Proprie- tor brought forth his distinguished visitors' book for the Prince to sign but Wales refused. . Beatrice Wagner and Helen "Vanel doing high class terplng in a barn at St. Paul. Place seats 50 and the gals beat amusement tax law by charging no iadmishi Only dona- tions; Harald Molander, assistant \ rector of Svensk Film, ha.s been here doing some background anots for 'Brollopsrcsan' ('The Wedding Trip'), next SF production, starring .A.nne-Marie Bruiu.s and Hakan Westergi-en. St. Louis By Sairi X. Hurst ill Pickens of the Garrick thisa- tre, burlesk, opened house Saturday (7). Colleen Moore here from N. Y. to attend display of her $-150,000 doll at local dept. store. (3). James B. Gallagher, 35. m.c. at Irish Vllla.ere, North Stl Loui.s nitery. died In De Paul hospital Sept. 3 from injuries suffered in auto acci- dent near Mitchell, III., Sept. 1. Mrs. John 15. Weo.'i*', vlcc-prew. East St. Louis Betcr Film.'i Council, discussed 'Intimate of Hollywood' at mcctlnrr of council; .<3he recently returned froni coaj-t, Gloypnnl M.-'vtlnelll has been chosan to sing title role, in Gounod'r "Fau.'^t.' one oJ four grand oncras to be given here in new .convention hall of Munlcinal, auditorium st.D't- Ing Oct. ' Pro" am open.**, with Pucclnrs- 'Turandot' ^ylth Marin -Tprltza (Mr.<<. Winnie .Shechan) in the star role. Scale for is from 50 cents to $3. Stroudsburg, Pa. By Johcv-Jv Bartholomew Hall Johnson Choir at Unity Ho«se» Sunny Rae does iier paint dance- at Kresge's. Lester Ehglander cbncerted at Poc.ono Manor, ight baseball folded' thfee weeks' earlier than usual. 3jdcirXyircH^"Fan9"~?enfanvely^^^ for the Miami-Blltmore.. Evelyn Wa:de, Jane Walsh and Sterling Mace to New York. . Corky O'Keefe and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Waring at Buckwood, 'Virginia . Peterson, Paul Sargent- and Frederick Dvnbch at Buck Hill Falls Inn,: " Amateur winners of borough's 135th birthday show booked into Penn-Stroud. Bill Magill, formerly vocalist with Vincent Lopez, now with Jack Lynch's band. Local passenger oh ill-fated liner Dixie-, won trip through newspaper popularity contest. BUI Melick and bis Blue Jackets switch to Dot and Jane Tavern, with Fred Gilloti m.c.'ing. Clyde. Sherman took over Lew Stanleiy's Nighthawks at close of their run at Budd's Lake, and will ohe-night them in New England. Marie Gassano, vocalist with Webb Cook's "Venetians at the Hof Brau, died from injuries following motor crash, which injured some of the bandsmen; Brooklyn By Jo Ranson Fire at the Gold theatre. Cops pinching marijuana pickers. Tallulah Bankhead slumming on Surf avenue. Coney's Mardl ras this week* biit. no, spenders. Mlnsky's burlesk downtown re- opening, also the Oxford. Brooklyn property owners want second Jones Beach on waterfront. Charles Miller, Luna manager, slugged by holduppers, recuperating. Louis G; Hart, detective and in- spector for State Liquor Board, died. Paramount and Metropolitan in- augurating Saturday midnight shows. Alyce Jane McHenry, upside down Namm's. Kockaway Playground closed dur- ing; rainy spell, but Luna and Steeplechase kept open. Old Gerrltsen's Tidewater Mill at Marine Park, 250-year-pld landmark and showplace, swept by fire. Henry Kellett Chambers,. play- wright and editor on Literary Di- gest, died in Great Neck, L. I. Garth Cate, resort and ti'avel pro- motion manager of Brooklyn Eagle' returned from New England trlpi.- Samuel H. Speck, theatrical man- ager and music publisher (managed Fay Templetbn and Eva Tanguay), died in Woodslde at age of 80. DeWitt A. Forward, banker, heads Citizens' Committee to increase membership of Brooklyn Institute so that it can take over Academy of Music. C^andldates for Democratic nomi- nation for district attorney, William F. X. Geoghan and Samuel Leibo- witz, criminal lawyer, making policy racket hot issue of campaign. Winnipeg Sammy Swartz back from Cali- fornia, Amateur theatricals on the up- bea.t here, , Lyr.'c Opera to be producing agoin this eeason. Dave Robertson, Osbourne) and frau, off on holidays. Equipment of Garrick getting thorough overhauling. Margaret Sutherland latest addi- tion to Par office hei-e. Charles Straw in from Fort WI1-. liam and John Hazza frohi.Calgary, New .stage put In at Dominion (legit) in preparation for coming scf.Kon. " . Beacon. Installing new cooling equipment and additional material^ in booth. Takiepver of three U hou.«:es by Allied chain may bring vaud back to the loop. Ijarry CJrayburn, Capitol, only film man left In Municipal Golf Tournament. ■Dominion elections retarding gon- eral ifgit until after ciec- tionMlate (Qct. 14). Jerry Bourke, former manager of old legit Dominion, to Wc-.tcrn Rroadcastlng Bureau (CJGX), Win- nlpcgv Shuttered RKO "Winnipeg to be opened for rond-showing.s of 'Mid- •njnimfr Nl.'^ht's Dream' (WR) and Trusadcs' (Par), ,, Frank, owner, of the Tlvoll and O.^boume theatres, back from tour of Canadian and' Ameri- can coast cities. Maurice Silverstone, United Art- ists". general, inanager for Great Britain, visiting here on combined pleasure ahd business trip. Mel. Hamel and his ork. to; come In froml the Edmonton 'Cave' to open Winnipeg 'Cave' on Oct.' 1. tsoth owned by A. O. King. Gcoi-go Dbwbiggin, assistant at -Metro, off. "oh. holidays. Broken cartilage on khee, sustained at Film Exchange _plcnic ^.ecently,^on__the_ "inenfl'. ~ "' " " " Two new houses being built In St. "Vital, suburb of Winnipeg. One by the Windsor Amusement Co., other by Dave. Joyal, who. is wrecking his Onyx, to build closer to town. Directors of the radio and indus- trial e:.-position appointed. Chair- nian, Walter Johnson; vice-chair- man, E. H. Chapman; music and orchestra, I, Lavitt and Perry Wish- art. Opens Sept. 16. Irvin C. Miller's 'Brown Skin Models' playing through Famous Players Canadian, western houses, at Fbrt William, Winnipeg, Bran- don, Regina, Moose Jaw, Saskatoon, Calgary, Edmonton and. Lethbridge. Pittsburgh By Hal alt Detroit It's a, boy,. John Bernard, Jr "the. Eernie Armstrongs. Lou Gilbert's car snatched frond in front Of his apartment house. , Herman Middleman practically set for Nixon cafe's ork spot this »fall. Tom Bodkin to company-manage Ethel Barrymore's tour in '(Constant •Wife.' Buzzy Kountz's band at the Sky Club for season's vihd-uip at out- door spot. Harry Olshan, Columbia sales- man, moved his family to New Haven, Conn. Hardie Albright, Charleroi .boy, heading east for Guild's 'Taming of of the Shrew.' Joe Relchman plays a week at the Alvin When he finishes at the "Wil- liam Penn hotel. Kap Monahan's wife and kids back home after a couple months In native Denver. Helen Donnelly back with her old boss, George S_harp, on a pub- licity assignment. ~ Steve Trilling in for a few hours andjjf t J.'M^i.iSJwX Jt(>.u<'M<?iiJti&»^ P^aU Olsen-Johnson unit. Wilma Horner off for Boston to settle her accident case against a Hub theatre out of court. Alfred Golden back from Deal (N.J.) summer theatr? to take over direction of 'Y' Playhouse. Irene Lee quits Warners; story de- partment on Coast to sign with a New York literary agency, Anne Grcenway headlining new show at Towns Club, with Nan Black.stone following her in. E. Reeves Cochran, playwright, having^his works broadcast regular- ly over WJEJ, Cumber'and, Md. Theodore R; Schlenkert, mainager of the Oakman theatre, opened a night club In the theatre building. Night, clubs are busy lining up .a.t;tra.cJ; of. World...Series here. Last October did bi with top show^. The Michlgain Stat6 Fair and thc^ Detroit. Zoological Gardens broke. lO^year attendance' records during the past week. Detroit's. Symphony Orchestra., under . "Victor Kolar, will return to the air, via WJR,. Sept. 29, . with Jascha.Heifetz aa the guest star for premiere. Fox Film Gbrp. wiU move shortly front' its headquarters on Shelby Street to ne-A- Wo-^Btory buildlWg"on- "CaTSfe?' halr^broelc' -Irtmr Ffim'^-Bx--— - change building. C. Howard Crane, local theatrical ai'chltect, deslg'ned a mammoth amusement center to be erected at Earl's Court, London. Project to cost over $6,000,000. •Paul Bunyan,' new play by Richard-Stokes; win open the fall season of the Detroit Community theatre. Albert Riebling is starting his tenth year as manager. The National theatre now showing a vaude-burlesque policy. Pictures have been droppe' from the pro- grani for the first time in the 2.*i years house has been open. Contract of Operators' Union, Local 199, with ; rst-run houses hei-e is due for settlement ne:tt week. .Contract with subsequentrrun thea- tres has been continued for two years. J. J. Schubert has closed deal with Navin baseball park for presenta- tion of Opera Under Stars In 1936, Shows drew 460,000 persons during 12-week se-ason this sumnrier after a bad start.., Cohen Bros., who now operate five theatres here, will add.the sixth Oct. 15, when the_new 1,500-seater Rio house will be completed. Miay add vaude to their Mayfair^ unit after wideninrf of Woodward Avenue is completed. 'Television* . scoreboard, through which Coleman Action Players re- produce every movement of Tigers baseball games on the road, is pack- ing 'em In at the Broadway Strand theatre. Rain checks are given in case game is called off. Chicago Charley Riley ahead of 'Going Places' revue. Billy Diamond back on his feet after a siege of illness. Henry Herbel has completely given up yachting for golf. Eddie Levin and frail busy buying furnitui'e for their new apartment. T-Vsnk "Glllmore expiectcd In*o town for one of his midwest visits. Jack Hein on the road rouhdlng up some biz for Brunswick-Colum- bia. Coppccs have been chasing the gambling boats parked oiit on the lake. Betting on the Louls-Bacr light now rating'Louis favorite at eight- to-llye. . Coppers are sloughing heavily on all gambling spots around here at present. Gardner Wilson back fromi the south to handle 'Lope Rahgcr' unit publicity. Jimmy Meo, orchestra leader at Itoyale Froiics,. has opened an Italian eatery. Irving Mack has appointed Joe Abramson business manager for the Filmack Trailer. ribldle Goldflnger has a ICth c>ntury sUvc.' yacht model, a family heirloom, In his office. Dally VH besieged with requests for reprints of the Lloyd Lewis biography on Will Rogers. Jinimy Petrillo taking bows for the successful completion of the (Jrant Park free band concerts. Mrs, Jc.Kct (I^aura) Cherhlavsky hfading the -piano department at the Chlcrgo'C'inservafory of Music. H. II. Hartuntf now on publicity foi- French Lick .Springs and Hotel, lie's a mldwoht ncw.<rpaper man of lonr .standing. With the. demolition of the Rkyrlde tower, the lake front is about clea.' of all vestiges of th<' Century of. Progress expo. Indianapolis By Bill Kiley TreeSi country nitery, SaruTday (7). Tom Devlne reopening Indiana Roof Sei)t. 14. Corbln Patrick. Star crick, now tennis enthusiast. ^A'AvcirJiartifL-i. bidding;.-., durln.r the dinner hour. Lyric ork bemoaning a week Va- cation during unseasonable cold spell; . Lester Huff returning to town to do only local theatre organlogue at Lyric. "VValter Whitworth back at critic's diesk at the .News after prolonged Illness. Frankie Parrish, Charley Dav!s < crooner, doing week on the. Ljrlc before rejoining ork Fred Burleigh, Civic theatre di- rector, back from Gohasset, Mass., where he has been doing summer stock. Ot;orge Fish checking valuables In his home which was .entered by burglars while he was vacationluj; at the lakes. Westport, Conn. By Humphrey Doulena Grant Mills In from Skowhcgan. Roton Point Park closed for sea- son. Homer Mason recovered from ill- ness. John Cecil pond. Walter O'Keefe riding In horse show. ' Kathleen Clomegye Into ' Treason.' Thyra Samter Wlnslow Ditto Homer Croy. Firemen's .Frolics, put on by local artists, cleared $1,000. Bert I,ahr back to ^town after summer of speed-boating. Open Door Inn opens new tap room, with occaslona.1 acts. Mrs. Caroline Barthelmess, mother of Richard Barthelmess, here, Phil Dunning and daughter Vliri ginia comniut|ng to town for 'Re- member, the Day' broadcasts. Mexico City By p. L. Grahamis More talent being hooked In U, S. for local cabs and hlght clubs. Fu Manchu, magician, playing here again after acquiring new equipment In the U, S. •Stranded' (WB) at Cine OUmpla, and 'Break of Hearts' (I'.adio) at Cine Regis, most popular current pix here. Mfna?ccment of arty compaiiv at Toatro Arbeu has a«krd Barry Nor- ton why he is still lingering Ir Hollywood whon he proml.<,ed t' coTio hcj p to nlay lending roles wit' this .stage unit.