Variety (Sep 1935)

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18 VARIETY P I CT II R ES Wedneeday, Septeinb^il' 18, Mywood Productions 4 AVeek of Sept. 16 CPTcfu"re~e"fiQwinmmo, W'aHouTlo ^arTriW^rsleaIfelow'ttlpHatrettcatly- by studios. Symbols are: D—Director, A—Author, C—Cameraman.) -COLUMBIA 'Orlme .and FonlHtament' (Sth w«ek) D—Joaef Von Sternberg A—oFeodoc Stsc^oUiysky^ — S. K. Iia'uren Joseph Anthony and 8. K. Lauren C^Lucten Ballard Caet: Edward' Arnold: uouglas Dumbrllle Marl an_MarBh Nana Bryant ~ Mrs. Pat Campbell Robert Allen Tala BIrell Gene Lockhart Elizabeth Risdon 'Sons of tlie Damned' <4th week) D—Al Rogell A—^Fred DeGresae.. Fred Nlblo, Jr., Earle Snell C—John StuMar Cast: Victor Joy Florence KIce Norman Foster 'It Never Rains' <3rd \ve,el() D—D. Rosa. T<ederman A —Lee Loch and Harry. Buchman C—Al Seleler Cast: Ro r Pryop Joan Perry Jack Hatneld George McKay Arthur Hohl Arthur Rankin James Burke Paul Gullfoyle Peppino Uallala Torn nugan ' 'One Way Ticket' (2nd week) D—Herbert Blbermap Ethel Turner At— Oliver H; P: Garrett Grover Jones . . Vincent Lawrence and Joseph Anthony C—Henry FrcuUch Cast: Lloyd Nolan Peggy Conklln Gloria Shea Walter Connolly Edith Fellowa Thurston Hall METBO 'Tarcan Escapes' <14th week) Dr—James McKay A-i—Karl Brown ■ John' Farrow and Wyndham Olttens C—Leonard Smith Cast: Johnny 'Welssmuller Maureen O'Sullivan John Buckler . ■William Henry Benlta Hume 'Ah, wilderness' <gtli week) D-C1arence' BrovVn A—Eugene O'Neill Albert Hackett and Frances Goodrich C—Clyde DeVlnna Cast: Walla6e Beery Lionel Barrymore Cecilia Parker Eric Linden Aline MacMabon Helen Flint 'Rlff.RafP (3rd week). i>—r3. Walter Ruben A—Frances Marlon C—Ray June Cost; Jean Harlow Spencer Tracy Joseph Callela Una Merkel Allen Jenkins Roger Imhof J. Farrell MapDonald George GIvot Paul. Hurst Wade Boteler -t Victor KllUan Mickey Rooney Helen Flint Baby Jane Quigley 'Black Cliumber' (Srd week) D—William K. Howard A—Major Herbert O. Tardley C—James Howe Cast: William Powell Rosalind Russell Blnnle Barnes Sterling Halloway Lionel AtwIU S!dhey Bracey Charles Grapewln Cesare Romero Charles Wilson Mickey Rooney Sam Ashe Rudolph Amendt Heiiry Mowhrav PAH.\MOrNT 'Milky Way* (Otii week) D—tioo McCnrey A'—Lynn Root and Harry Clork Dorin Malloy C—Al Gllka Cast: Harold Lloyd Adolpho Menjou Verra Tcasdale Helen Mack William Giirgan Dorothy Wll«oh George Barbler Lionel Stander Brian . Donlevy Mllburn Stone Phil Tead Henry Rociucmore 'Collrglnte' (Otii week) D—Ralph Murphy A—Alice Duer Miller Walter .DoLeon and Francis' Martin O—William Mellor Coat: Joe Penncr Jack Oakle Mack Gordon Francis Langford. . Harry Revel I^ynne Overman Larry Crabbe Ned Sparks Betty Grnbid Edgar Deerlng Elizabeth Patterson Ethel Wales Albert Contl Peggy Hopkins Joyce Henry Kolker - A. S. Byron '£airle'a Brood' (4tk week) X>-rrSt.imerd ....Br.etJ»fx^,OJi.. ..^ A—Clarence' B, Kulford Doris Schroeder and Harrison .Jacobs O—Archie Stout Cast: William Boyd Jimmy 'Ellison Frank ^Shannon Nana Martinez ■WmiaiiS Farnum George Hayes Paul Fix Addison Richards Al Lydell 'The Boancet* (4tli week) D—Robert Florey A—Lewis E. Gensler Harlan Thompson and Herbert. Fields C—Ted Sparkuhl Cast: Carl Brisson Arllne Judge Mady Christians Eddie Davis': Inez Courtney William Frawley Grant Withers 'Corohado' (4th week) D—^Norman McLeod A—David Boehm Seeria Owen Don Hartman' and Frank Butler C—Gilbert Warrehton Cast: lieon Errol Johnny Downs Jack. Haley Eddie Duchin Jamleson Thomas Alice White Nella Walker Betty B.urges? George. Barbler James B.' Carson . Guy Rennle 'Mary. Bums, FagtUve' (Wanger) (4th week) D^Winiam K. Howard A—Oene Towne and Graham. Baker Gene - Towne Graham. Baker and LoJIse Stevens . C^Leon Shamroy ' Cast: : Sylvia Sidney Alan Baxter Henry HaU Esther. Dale Joe Twerp Pert. Kelton lyan Miller James T. Mack Isabel Lamal Wally Ford Helene Chadwlck Vera Stedman Maud. Fealy Winiam Pawley 'Anyuiuig (iocs' (ina week) X>—Lewis Milestone ' A—P. Q'. Wodehouse Howard Lindsay and' Russell Crouse Benjamin Glazer and MorriB RIskInd O-^Karl Stress Cast: BIng Crosby Ethel Merman Frank Morgan Ida Luplno .Grace Bradley George Barbier Louise Bennett ' londike Xou' '1st week) D—Raoul Walsh A—Marlon -Morgan and' George B. Dowell Mae West C—Uniasslgned Cast: Mae West Victor McT.,aglcn RADIO 'Love ttoug' (8th week) D—John Cromwell A—Elsie Finn and David Q. WIttels James Gow and Edmund North C—Dave Abel Cast: Lily Pons Henry Fonda Eric Blore Osgood Perkins Scotty Beckett Paul Poroasl Luclen Llttleflel Esther Dale Lucille Ball 'Sylvia Ikarlet' (eth week) D—George Cukor ' A—Compton Mac Gladys linger John Collier C—Joe August' Cast:^ Katharine Gary Grant Edmund Gwonn Natalie Pnlcy Dennle Moore Mrs. Pat Campbell-- E. E. Cllve Mae Beatty Oldt Hytten 20TH CENTUBY-FOX 'Thanks a Million' (Stir week) D—Roy Del Ruth A—Melville Grossman Nunnnlly Johnsoii C—Pev' Marley , Cast: Dick Powell Fred Aien Ann Dvorak Phil Baker with Bottle and Beetle Paul Whltcmnn & B'd Ramdna Rublnoft Tnoht Club Boys Patsy Kelly Radio Rogues Raymond Walburn Andrew Tombes Alan DInehart Paul Harvey Edwin. Mnxwipll he' Man Who Broke the ank at Monte Carlo' (4th week) D—Stephen Roberts A—IlUa Siirgertchon and Predrin A. Swanson Niinnally Johnson C—Ernest Palmer Cast: -Ronald Cclman Joan Bennett Nigel Bruce Colin Cllve .. SfojJtagMe .I«cy.9... Frank Rielcher Ferdinand Gottschalk Charles Fallon Lionel Pope Betty uaube Andre Cheron. 'Charlie Ohaiil's Secret' (4th week) • D—Gordon Wiles A—RoBiirt EUls Helen Logan and Joe Hoffman C—George Schnelderman Cast: Warner. Olend Charles Quigley Roslna Lawrence Henrietta Crosman Edward Trevor Astrld Allwyn Arthur Edmund Carew .Egon Brecher Gloria Roy Charles McNaughton Jonathan Hale Ivan Miller ■onatcned' .-(2nd' week) D—George Marshall A-^Kubec Glasmbn ' C—Bert Glennon ' Oast: Rochelle Hudson Bruce Cabot Cesar Romero Edward Norrls Warren Hymer - Robert Gleckler Herbert Rawllnson' Charles C. Wilson -Orrln Burke Frank Conroy. Paul McVey 'Splendor' (Goldwyn) (3rd week) D—Elliott Nugent A—Rachel Crothers C—Gregg Toland Cast: Miriam Hopkltis Joel McCrea Helen Westley Blllle Butke David Nlven Ivan Slmpsoii' Reginald Sheffield Torben Meyer VNrVERSAI^ <Hasnincent Obsession* (lltn week) D—John M. Stahl a: —Lloyd C. Douglas George O'Neill Sarah T Mason and Victor Heerman C—John Mescall Cast: Irene "Dunn Robert Taylor Charles Butterwortb Betty Furness Sarah Haden Gilbert Emery Henry Armetta - Arthur Hoyt 'East' ct Java' (4th week) D-^eorge Melford A—Gouverneur Morris James Ashmore Creelman C—^Norbert Brodlne Cast: Charles BIckford Elizabeth Young Leslie. Fenton. Ivan Simpson Nell Fitzgerald Frank Albertson Siegfried Rumalin' Clarence Muse 'The Invisible (Ist Week) D—Lambert Hlllyer A—Howard. Hlggln and Dpugl&s. Hodges O—George Robertson Cast: Frances Drake 'The Great Impersonation (1st week) D—Lloyd Corrlgan A—E. Phillips Oppenhelm Major H, O. Yardley Frank Wead and Eve Greene C—Unnsslgned Cast: Edmund- Lowe WARNERS 'Captnlit Blood' (7th week) D—^Michael Curtiz' A—Rafael Sabatlnl Casey Robinson C—HalMohr Cast: Errol Flynn Olivia de Havllland Robert Barrat Lionel AtwIU Ross Alexander Forester Harvey Guy KIbbG'e Di^vld Torrcnce Maude Leslie Frank McGlynn Colin Kenny Pedro de Cordoba George Hassell Hnrry Cording Leonard Mudle Ivan Simpson Jessie Ralph Gardner James Mary Forbes Holmes Herbert Donald Meek Hobart Cavanaugh Gardr>cr .Fames 'Frisco Kid* («th week) D—Lloyd -Bnoon A—Warren DulT and Seton I. Miller C—Sol Pollto. Cast: James Capney Margaret Lindsay George E. Stone- Llll Damlta Rlcardo Cortcz Donald Woods Joseph McWade Joe Sawyer Robert. Strange- Barton MncLane. Joo Crchan Claudia Coleman Johh'Wray' Fred Kohler 'Stars Over Ilrim ((Kh week) D—'■Win. Kclghlry A—Mildred Cram Jpi-ry Wald and Julius Epstein to do feature In Alaska next year called 'Harpoon.' Script was writ-' ten by Ewlngr Scott, alsslstant direc- tor of 'Annapolis Farewell.' Scott will edit and handle releasing de- tails of the"three fall shorts. Para- mount is" fufnlshihg all equipment for this flrst expedition. WB DUEUNG GOLDWYN ON BARBARY MEASE Hqilywopd, Sept.. 17. BbtK "Warner^."dnd" Stun Goldwyn are Working overtime to rush ' kid' and "Barbfiry Coast,' respec- tively, on the nation's screens ahead of the other. Both pictures have San Franclscb's Barbary Coast of the 90'b as locale. 'Barbary Coast' was slated for an Oct- 26 release, "Frisco Kid' comes out a 'Short while later. Warners have shoved up Its, picture to try aiid coiiie out ahead of the Goldwyn opera, but Goldwyn Is now planning early October issue. Ramsey's Indie Shorts For Release Via Par Oklahoma City, Sept. 17. _Arthur Ramsey, 20-year-old £on of W. R- ^Ifamsey, ib1;al'^murtT-mil- lionaire oil man, picked lip Fred Mayer^ Paramoimt cameraman In Hollywood, to set sail from 6eaittle for Alaska. Ramsey will make ia featurette^around Matan^^ V,".9'® Sam's spinach prospectors, anil'two more short subjects; all three scheduled to be released by Para- mount. Ramsey, who has |26.0q0 worth of modern eyulpmirtdt^has been tinker- ing-with-fitms- elflge chi ldho od.r-Plan& Coast Exhibs Bicycle Pix, Shortage Brings Demand for Extra Prints Fleeting Fame Hollywood, Sept. 17. Jfwss Laaky offlelally—le^t- 20th Century-Fox last Tues- day (10). On Wednesday the 'Laaky Cocktail' disappeared from the studio's cafe m^nu^ Lugosi Branches Out Hollywood, Sept. 17. -'Caglibstro' will be first release of new Indie producing organization being launched by Bela Liugosi. Story deala' with life of Gulseppe Balsamo, Italian charlatan, and Is based on original by Andre de.Soos and .historical research by Lugosi. Al Kingstjon flies east this week to arrange for rejiease. • McCOKHIGK^S COAST CAlX Hollywood, Sept. 17. S. Barrett McCormlck, Rad'.o's advertising and publicity director, is here for a 10-day studio call. Will devote Jiis time on cam paigns for forthcoming releases. Cbllins, McDonald Swap Hollywood, Sept. 17. Arthur Collins changes places with Frank McDoniald at Warners, taking over the direction of 'Meet the Duchess.' McDonald conducts the tests for 'Anthony Adverse,' for which Louise Fazehda, Herbert Mundln and Anita Kerry were spotted yesterday (Monday). NIBLO BACK, IHRECTS TOY LIE'AT 20-FOX Hollywobdi Sept'.' 17. iVed Nlblo returns to pictures after several years .In retirement, getting ticket at-20th Century-Fox to direct 'The Holy-Lie,' from (3er- man play by Karln Michaella Strangelarid. "Picture will be handled by Sol Wurtzel, executive producer, and IS diie for start in Diecspaber, dakie in 'Burlesque* Hollywood, Septi 17, Jack Oakle swings over to 20th Century-Fox on loanout from Par«. mount. Comedian gets a jceatu'red part In 'King of Burlesque.' *Fats' Walter haa been signed also for 'Burlesque.' StJE FOB, AUSIt Los Angeles, S^P^- 1'^* Demand for $7,000 assertedly due on auditing contract has been made in Superior Court here against Jesse A. Grayson i>y '!Harry C. Wixbn. Suit clalriis money due for examination of books of Motion Picture Projectionists, Local .150, International Association/' of The"- atrical Stage Employees. Complaint alleged agre e m e n t made Sept. 1^, 1933. FBED aniMBY'S COAST 0. 0. Hollywood, Sept. 17. Fred Quimby, short subjects sales manager for Metro, is at the studio on his semi-annual call. Conferring with producers on new brlefle lineup. PAB^S HANBSHAZEBS Hollywood, Sept, 17. Chris Dunphey and Rufus Blair, Paramount publicists start a tour of 22 cities on a good-will hand- shaking junket. Yola D'Avril's Comeback HoHywood, Sept. 17. After several years oft the screen. Tola D'Avril is making a comeback try. First role Is in lood' at Warners. O—George Barnes Cast: Pat O'Brien Jean . Mulr . Jane Fr.oman James Melton Frank McHugh William RIcclardI -Eddie Conrad Frank :Fay George Chandler Maurice Black Pat West Marie Wilson - - E. B. Cllve 'Broadway Hostess' (6tli week) D—Frank McDohald A—Ben -Kaye George Bricker C^Arthur .Toua Cast^ Winifred Shaw Iiyle Talbot Phil ReRan - Genevleve Tobin Allen 'JeAklris Donald Ross Spring Bylngtoh Harry Seymour Frank Dawson Joseph King Mario Wilson. 'Enemy cf Man' (Sth week) D—William Dleterle A—Pierre Colllngs. Sheridan Glbney C—Tony Gaudio Cast: Paul Muni Josephine Hutchinson Anita Louise Henry O'Neill Raymond P.rown Fritz Leiber Porter Hall Walter KlnRsforth HRlllwell Hobbes Iphlgenle CaqtlgllonI Donald Woods Alclm Tamlroff NUes Welch DIcHIo Moore Frank Relcher Herbert Hey wood Andre Beranger 'Hord Lack Dame' <6th week) n—.Mfred H. Green A—Lolrd Doyle 0—Ernest Bailer Cast; Bette Davis Franchot Tone . Margaret Lindsay ' Alison Skip-worth John 'Bldredge Richard Carle Douglas Wood. George Irving Walter Walker 1 Foand Stelln Parrlsh' {. (4th week) D—Metjvyn LeRoy A—Johi) Monk Saunders •-Ca^fy Robinson C—Sid HIckox Cast: Kny Francis Sybil Jason Ian Hunter Paul Lucas Jcs.sle Ralph Harry Bere.oford Barton MacLahe Eddio Acuft Jon Sawyer' 'MIsfi I'aciac Fleet' (Znd week) D—Ray Bnrlght A—Frederick Hazlett Brennan Peter: Milne Lucille Newmark and Patsy Flick 0—Arthur Todd ■ Joan Blondcll - Glenda FarrcU Hugh. Herbert Allen. Jenkins Warren Hull Marie Wilson 'Country Bey' ' (2nd week) D—Wllllom McGann A^—Dawn Powell Bertram Mllhauaer C—L. C Conn el l Cast: Barton MacLane Mary Astor John Qualen Dorothy Peterson.. Joseph King John Eldredge Joseirh Crehan •Too Sawyer INDEPENDKNT PRO- Dl'(!TIONS « (INVINCIBLE) (SInecot) 'Murder fit [Clen Athbl' (2nd Week) D—Frank Strayer A—NoTman I^lpplricbtt John W. Kralt C—M. A. Anderson Cast: John Mlljan Irene Ware Barry Morion Ncel Madison Jerry Mandy Oscar Apfcl Betty Blythe Iris Adrian James Burtis Harry Holmdn Wilson BcngH (Mjcw cl!:^'l'UKl^) (Talisman) 'Just 3Iy T.uck' (£/d week) D—Ray Hclnz A—Wallace Kulllvan and Snub Pollard C—Arthur MartlnelU Cast: Charie-i U&y Anne Grey EddIo Nugent John Ttocho Matthew Betz Robert Graves Quentin Roland Smith Lillian Elliott Bath Marlon Snul) T'ollanl (RELIABLE) 'Trigger Tom' (2nd week) D—B. B. Ray A—George Cory Franklin Tom Gibson C—Pllng Goodfrlend Cast: Tom Tyler Bernardlne- Al St. John Bill Gould Wally Wales John Elliott Bud Osborne 'Never Too Tjite' (1st week) D—Franklin Shamroy A—Jack Natteford C—Pllng Goodfrlend Cast: Richard Talmadge Thelma White Robert Walker George Chesbrough Henry Ro<iuemore Fern Emmett Lloyd Ingraham Paul Eljla Los Angeles, Sept. 17. Atfute >htwtaB6 • Of feiatore- print*- in virtually all local and San Fran-^ brought a demand from the Inde^ pendent Theatre Owniers of South* era California that three extra prints of all 1936-36 product be sup-, p lieid to take care of play dat es upon availability, Print BcaiTiSlty has brought about a condition of tagging or bicyclingr unprecedented, in this territory. . Pik are being tagged over distances of from 10 to 1^ miles,; playing .ftavoQ with house sChedulea and causing plenty of wear and tear on th«! celluloid. In an attempt, to overcome thei situation, ITO,, through Robert H. Poole, its general manager, has. served a demand upon evei^y: major aiBtributor here that the extra print system be -put into effect so that thfl evil can be corrected. Shortage of available prints, .iTO holds, has put local subsequent °ruin|. theatres under a; terrific handicap through hot being able to play pic- tures within at least an approximate date of the clearance allowed them' under the NBA zoning a,nd clearance schbduie adopted by the industry In this territory. FOX-WEST COAST'S NEW CONTRACTS FOR EXECS Hollywood, Sept. 17. Fox-West Coast gave new five- year contracts to yice-presidents' JJ J. Sullivan, chief film buyer, , an^ Charles Buckley, legal Head for circuit. New pacts are also being r.^adl^^ for Arch Bowles, Rick Ricketsonj Elmer Rhoden and H. J; Fitzgerald, division managers. Arbitration (Continued from page 7) iz&tlon, to distributor companies and to the Film Code Authority In hopes that latter may bo continued by the industry as a governing and pro- tecting body. Distributors now have clauses In their contracts for arbitration of disputes with exhibitors but latter do not have to sign this clause, sub- mitting to arbitration unless want- ing. In the past arbitration was compulsory. But subsequent de- cision threw that out together witli much of the power vested in thei Film BoarSs. Latter liave been maintained throughout the country and are set up ready to function. While a large majority of exhibs favor arbitration of all disputes and machinery which at the same time protects them again against unfair- trade practices of distributors or other exhibs, there are various fac^ tions to contend with which, It is feared, will make organization of suitable and enforceable machinery a knotty problem. Expectation -of leaders is that Allied States Assn., headed by Abram F. Meyers, will vigorously resist machinery of an effective nature the same as this group fought against the code, neVer really signing It though partaking of many of Its benefits. If nothing else. Allied exhibitors under the code were protected against unfair trade practices on the part of com- petitive theatres which had signed and were living up to codlstic rule. Another group which may be count-, ed on to fight organization of the kind of coi.trol. desired by the MPPDA and leading exhibitors not in the radical class, is the Inde- pendent Theatre Owners Assn. of Greater New York headed by Harry Brandt. The Motion Picture Theatre Owners of America, representing the cream among affljiated circuits and indie exhibitors, is expected to provide no trouble. Most of its members sign the present Individual contract arbitration clauseis because Itls.more convenient to work oiii squabbles with dlstrlbs at exchange centers through arbitration than by going to court. Scores of cases -are actually arbitrated this way. each week, usuilly through the ofllc6s of local film boards.