Variety (Sep 1935)

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20 VARIETY Wednesday, September 18, 1935 This advertisement is addressed to tliose liundreds of titealres 1 Mat willff.lay **TOP HAT" witliin the next few weelis J PULL YOUR ADVERTISING PUNCHES! * THERE SEEMS TO BE NO LIMIT TO WHAT ''TOP HAT*' CAIf DO! It has upset evsiy preconceived notion of how much money can be crowded into a theatre! We know off no theatre that has not broken Its attendance record with ''Top Hat." It Is making and Is going to make more money for theatres than any picture In show business history I PERMIT US TWO PIECES OF ADVICE: Firsts Extend your playing time; open your doors earlier; close them later; give extra shows; have plenty' off ushers and doormen to Insure rapid turnover, and police assistance to keep your outside lines ihovlng;: SecOfllf; Don't pull your advertising punches! Naturally, you are going to give "Top Hat" the biggest advance campaign you ever gave any picture. You're going to whet the public's appetite days ^ weeks In advance. You're going to advertise so big that they'll be standing In lliie hours beffore the box^^fffico opens. But DON'T STOP ADVERTIStNG affter the opening day! Shout your success! Tell theni you^ro running extra shows to accommodate the crowds! Tell them that Iff they have to bring camp stools and box lunches and stand in line for liours. It's worth it. TELL THEM IN ADVERTISINGt\en Iff you can't take care off the crowds — off the wonders off the show. Keep the bail rolling! Keep their interest up! IVIako, 'em hungry ffor ''Top Hat"l People love success. Tliey love going to theatres where they can't get In. We know that Iff you didn't spend a dime on advertising, "Top Hat" would do wonderffui business. But with big, enthusiastic advertising, there Is no limit to what you can do. You can't measure advertising costs or' pfncfi pennies when you've got a sensation fike Ihfsl Don't depend on word off mouth. Spraad the good news yourtelff, in advance and while playing, with advertising. WHEN YOU'VE GOT A WINNER, RIDE IT WITH EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT! There are people in your city, your neighborhood, your surrounding country, with money to spend. They've got Astalre-Rogers-"Top Hat" money in their pockets waiting ffor you. Get ALL off It! Wliere you usuaily play 'a picture a week, play ''Top Hot" two or three or four. Where you play three days, play a week, ten days or two weeks. Look at Radio City Music Half. They've had record weeks! They've hung: 'em on the raffters. They've had two- Mock-long lines... yet "Top Hat" the first week played to 40,000 more people than it seemed possible. In Hershey, Pa., population 2,500, they played to five times the population off the town In the first three days. They came ffrom 100 miles around! At the Downtown Theatre, Detroit, a house closed ffor 18 months, two blocks off the main section, against the stiffest competition off the season, "Top Hat" topped the town. Look in your own zone, no matter where you are, and you'll find similar almost unbelievable performances! DONT PULL YOUR ADVERTISING PUNCHES! DON'T LAY BACK IN ANY MANNER ON THIS, THE BIGGEST GROSSING OPPORTUNITY YOU EVER HAD IN YOUR ENTIRE EXHIBITING CAREER! RKO-RADIO PICTURES