Variety (Sep 1935)

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Wednesday, September Iffy 1935 P I C T ES VARIETY 27 CALENDIR OF CURRENT REEASES XContlnwed from page 25) Iflht at th« Opera. Wild .adventures in mistaken Identity of three Italians. Qroucho, Clilcq and Harpo Marx. Din Sam Wood. Rel. Nov. 1. 5F^S?.l "^J?^^ Crawford, Robt. Montgomery, Chas. RUgglea. Dir. E. H, OrlfBth. 79 mine. Rel, June 14. Rev. June 26. One New Vork N|ght;Comedy mystery atory, Franohot Tone, Una MerKel, Courttd Nagei.—fMf. Jaretf COni/ay; tf» fiftriis. Rel. April 5. Revfl May sl O'Shauflhhessy's Boy. A father, and qon who follow the circus. Wallace Beery, Jackie Cooper. Dir.; Richard Boleslawski; Re». Nov. 8. - Pwfottt • €tett»l»nran; Titte- ^\y- tcctem "wira-'-romes back.- JSVaYik' aSoTKah: tJlCttV Courtneldge. Dir. Tim Whelan.; Rel. Oct. 11. Publlo Hero, No. 1. O man story. Lionel Barrymore, Chester Morris. Jean Aftbur. Dir. J.. Walter Ruben. 90 khlna. Rel. May 81.. Rev. June 12. , Robin Hood of ^1 Ddradb^ . Drama' of a frontier days' 'bad man.' Warner Bax- . tery Ann-Xorlng.. Dir. Wjllfam Wellman.! .. >..-, ,-.. . , - ■ ^Mte-Tlrf iVjlf •eHi'S's.- Sksiad W Dtckena' famous Wm (if the'Frtficft ReVbliition, R(mftlil-Col3Biftn._.EIl2ftbftth:..Allaii, .Kdna May. Oliver^ Basil ■ Rathbonor Henry B. Walthall. Dir. Jack Conway. Vagabond Lady. Younger brother s&ves bride from unhapplness. Robert Toung, Evelyn Venable. Dir. Sam Taylor. 72 mlns. BeL May 8. Rev. * June 19. Monogram (Released: through Republic) Y. Rel. Aug. 6. Ir. R. N. Bradbury. Rel. Ins. Cheers of the Crowd. Russell Hopton, Ireho Ware Dawn Rider, The. John Wayne, Marlon Burns. June 20. Desert Trail (Lone Star). John W'ayne western, lEtel. April 22. Rey, Aug. 21. Healer, The. From novel by Robert Herrlck. Dir.'Reginald Barker, Ralph Bellalmy, Karen Morley. Mickey Rooney, Judith Allen, Robert McWade, J. Farrell MacDpnald. .76^ mlns. Rel> June 16, Honeynioon LI ited. Nell Hamilton, Irene Hervey. Rel. July 1. Hoosler Schoolmaster, The. Norman Foster, Charlotte enry, Otis Harlan, Louis v. Mong. Dir. Lew L. . Collins. Famous classic ' by Edward Eggleston. 76 mlns. Rel. May 16. Keeper of the Bees, The. Famous story by (3ene Stratton Porter. Nell Hamil- ton, Betty Furness, Hobart Bosworth, Emma Dunn, Rdlth Fellowea. Helen Jerome Eddy. 76 mlns. Rel. July 15, Rev. Aug.. 21, Make a Million. Story ot how a professor gets rich by chain letter game. Charles Starrett and Pauline Brooks. Rel: July 26. onto Carlo Nlghtii. Innocent suspect traps his man at famous casino and Wins the girl. Mary Brian. John Darrow. 62 mlns. Rel. May 20. Paradise Canyon. John Wayne, Marlon Burns. Movie-struck family takes hus- bands all to crash Hollywood, with hilarious results. Wallace Ford. .62 mlns. Rel. July 20. Trail Beyond, In the. John Wayne, Verna HlUle. tudloe: 68S1 Marjithon St., Parammint '^??^ Hollywood, Calif. naramoum NewVork. N. v. Accent on Youth. From a current stage hit. Sylvia Sidney, Herbert Marshall. •Dir. Wesley Ruggles. 77 mlns. Rel. July 12. Rev. Aug. 14. Annapolis Farewell, Unusual type of story made at the U. S. Naval Academy. Sir Guy Standing, Rosalind Keith, Tom Brown, Rich Cromwell. Dir. Alex Hall.. 76.mlns. Rel.'Sept. 6. Rev. Aug. 28. 1(1 Broadcast of 1936. The. Jack Cakle, Lyda RobertI, Burns and Allen and Wendy Barrle carry along a. fancliur story which serves as background for an array oT radio stars. Dir. Norma|^ Taurog. Rel. Sept. 13. College Scandal. Whodunit with college background. Arllne Judge, Kent Taiy- lor, Wendy Barrle. Dir. Elliott Nugent. Rel. June 21. Rev: July 17. Crusades, The. Cecil de Mine's spectacle. Loretta Toung, Henry Wtlcoxon, Dir. Cecll. de MlUe. 124 mlns. Rel. Aug. 2. Rev. Aug. 28. very Night at Eight. Radio story capitalizing the amateur craze. .Geo. Raft, Alice Faye. Frances Langford, Patsy Kelly. Dir. Raoul Walsh. 80 mlns. Rel. Aug. d. Rev.' Aug. 7. lass Key, The. t>olltlco-mystery story by the author of The Thin Man.' Claire Dodd, Rosalind CuUI. Dir. Frank TutUe: 77 mlns. Rel. May 81. Rev'. June 19. Here- Comes Cookie. Grade Allen gets her father's fortune and starts a private theatre for out-of-work actors. Gep. Burns, Grade Allen, Geo. Barbler. Dir. Norman McLeod, Rel. Sept. 6. Last Outpost, The. From F. Britten Austin's striking notion story. Cary Grant, Claude Rains, Gertrude Michael. Dir. Chas. Barton. Rel. Aug. 16. Man on the Flying Trapeze. Plodding office worker gets Into a series of amus- ing scrapes^ W. C. Fields, Mary Brian, Kathleen Howard. Dir. Clyde Bruckman; 66 mlns. Rel. July 26. Rev. Aug. 7. Men Without Names. G Men story. i<'red MacMurray. Madge Evana. Dir. Ralph Murphy. 67 mlns. Rel. July 6. Rev. July 3. Paris In Spring. Hwo Parisian would-be suicides who didn't jump off the Eiffel ToWer. TulUo Carmlnatl. Mary Ellis, Ida Luplno. Dir. Lewis Milestone. 83 rains.. Rel. May 31. Rev. July 17. PeopliB Will Talk. Combination of original stories by Sophie Kerr and Hugh Herbert. Neighbors almost talk the leads Into a divorce. Charles Ruggles, Mary Boland, Leila Hyams, Dean Jagger. Dir. Al Santell. Rel, May 24. Rev. June 19. Peter Ibbetson. George Du Maurlrer's famous love classic. Gary Cooper, Ann Harding, John Halliday. Dir. Henry Hathaway. Rel. Aug. 30. ■Rose ot the.Rancho. Richard Walton 'Tully'^ and David Belasco's gorgeous story of old California. Gladys Swarthout, John Boles, Charles Blck- ford, Willie. How.ird. Dlr; Marlon Gerlng, Rel. Oct. 25. Shanghai. Romanre; ot a Russian emigre working as a rickshaw coolie in China. Loretta Young, Charles Boyer, Warner Oland. Dir. Jas.' Flood. 76 mlns; Rel. July 19. Rev. July 24. Smart Girl. Postrdepresslon orphans work out their fotea In a comedy vein. Ida Luplno, Kent Taylor, Gall Patrick. Dir. Aubrey Scotto. 78 mlns. Rel. July 26. Rev. Aug. 2^. 8o Red the Rose. From Stark Young's best seller. Margaret Sullavan, Walter Connolly, Randolph Scott. Dir. King Vldor. Rel. Sept. 27. Tango Bar (In SpanishMusical, featuring the late (jarlos Gardel, Roslta Moreno. Dir. John Relnhardt. 87 mlns. Rev. July 17. (Not on regular release.) Two for Tonight. From the stage, hit by Max and. J. O. .Lief. Gay-hearted playwrights on the loose, Bihg Crosby, Joan Bennett, Mary Boland, Thelma Todd. Dlr, Frank Tuttle. 60. mlnaf. Bel. Sept. 27. Rev.'Sept. 4. Wanderer of the Wasteland. Zahe Grey story. Dean Jagger, Gall Patrick, Edward Ellis. Dir. Otho Levering. Rel. Aug. 16. Without Regret. From a stage play. Lovia and treachery in London. . EUssa Landl,. Paul Cavanaugh, Frances Drake. Dir. Harold Young. Xtel. Aug. 23. ' : Hollywood. R IT H Rn«liA • Office: R.K.O. Sldg., Calif- I\aaiO Radio City, N.Y.C lice Adams. Small town girl dramatizes herself and tries to win a rich hus- band by lying about her family. Katharine Hepburn, Fred MacMurray. Fred Stone, Evelyn Venable, Frank Albertson, Hedda Hopper. Dir. Cieorge Stevehis. 96 mlns. Rel. Aug. 23. Rev. Aug. 21. Arlzoplah, The. A vivid chai^ter In American Cavalcade. The bringing of law and order to the west of 1880. Richard L)lx, James Bush, Margot Grahnmo, Louis Calhern, Francis Ford. Preston- Foster. Dir. Charles Vldor. 72 mlns. Rel. June 28. Rev. July 31. Becky Sharp. The story of a woman who wrecked the lives of all. the men who loved her. Miriam Hopkins, Alan Mowbray, Frances Dee, Sir Cedric Hard wick, Nigel Bruce, Alison Sklpworth, Dir. Reuben Mamoullan 86 mlns. Kel. J\me 2S. l^ev. June 19. Break of Hearts. Two temperamental musicians discover, after almost wreck- ing their lives, that love is most Important thing. Katharine Hepburn, Charles Boyer. Johti Ileal, Jean Hersholt. Dir. Philip Moeller. 78 mlns. ReL May 51. Kev; May 22; * Freckles. Orphan boy who conquers fear In order to save the life of a llttl6 gin and thereby wins the love and esteem of his benefactors. Tom Brown. Virginia- Weldler, Cnlrol Stone, LumsOen Hare,- Jame.s Bush, Dorothy Peterson, Addison Richards, Ick Alexander. Dir. Edward Kllly. , Rel. sept. 27 Hooray for- Love. A yoiing college graduate Invests his small fortune In a musical show, fails In love with the leading lady, goes , to jair because of a bad xheoU, but tlie sliow opens on time and tl>e play Is a success.- Ann Sothern Gene Uaymoiid, Bill Robinson,. Mnt-la Onmljareili, Thurs- ton Hail, I'ei t Kelton. Dir. Walter Lang. 75 mlns. Rel. June 14. Rev. July 17. Hot Tip. An amusing tale of the vagaries of the race track ai\d the unquenchable fiver that surges In . the veins of men wlio follow the ponies. Jam«.<? Glcasoii. Z.aSu Pitta, Margaret Callahan, Russell Gleason Dir. Ray McCnrey. Rel. Aug. .16.. Informer, The. A slory of the Irish revolution, Victor McLaglen, Preston Foster, Heather Angel, Wallace Ford. Uha O'Connor, Margot Grahame, Dir. John Ford.. 91 mlns. Rel. May 24, Rev. May 16. Jalna. From the first of the Jalna series. Kay Johnson, lah Hunter, C. Aubrey Smith, Nigel Bruce, David Manners, Peggy Wood, Dir.' John Cromwell. Rel. Aug. 9. Last Days of Pompeii. The destruction of the City of iPompell. Preston Foster, Helen Mack, Alan Halo. Dir. Ernest B. Schoedsack, Rel. Oct. 4. Nitwits, The. Woolsey la an Inventor and Wheeler a aong writer. Unwittingly they become entangled in a mui*der.' They "discover the murderer through the truth-telling machine, which Woolsey haa Invented. Bert Wheeler, Robert Woolsey, Fred Keating, Betty Grable, Evelyn Brent, Erik Rhodes. Dir. Geo. Stevens. 81 mlns. Rel. Juno 7. Rev. Juhe 26. Otd"Wan''fllh'yiRm: Xn"acforIng''fatTier''desef<a'bus 'bnr'Bon~ai[~a" college undergraduate. Six new songs. Charles Rogers, George Barbier, Barbara Kent. Dir. Edward LudWig. Rel. Aug. 2. .Return of .Peter Qrlmnlt^ The.; ,.Frarp, Davld^Warflold'a hit. Lionel Barrymore, Helen Mack, Edward Ellis. Dir. George Nlcholls, Jr. Rel. Sept. 13. She. Rider Haggard's novel. Helen Gahagan, Randolph Scott, Helen Mack, Nigel Bruce. Dir. Irvlnff Plchel and Lansing C. Holddn. 86 mlns. Rel. ■ -••V;'A::^ul>:-13r---K«T;-iJtily'51^^ — ., ............ , Strangers All. May Robson, the champion pf her own brood of four children, saves thein from her Indulgence, from themselves and from the fury of the law. May Robson, Preston Foster, FIbrlne McKinney, William BackWell. Dir. Chas. Vidbr. 68 mlns. Rel. May 10. Rev. June 26. ' THree Musketeers^ Froni the. Dumas classic. Walter Abel, Margot Grahame. ■ 'Rosamond ?inchot, Onslow'Stevens, Paul -Lukas, Heather Angel, Moroni Olsen. Dir. Rowland V. Lee. Rel. Sept. 20. .:„.,.^__„-;.. Top Hat. Ainerlcan dancer who falls in love wltii a young girl, but has a hard time winning her on account of mistaken identity. Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Edward Everett Horton, Helen Broderick. Dir. Mark Sandrlch. 101 mlns. Rel. Sept. 6. Rev. June 26. Village Tale. This story presents a cross-secilbn of average comihunlty life. In a typical small village in Utah. Randolph Scott, Kay Johnson. Arthur Hoyt, Robert Barrat, Janet Beecher. Dorothy Burgess. Dir. John Cromwell, ReL April 26. SO mlns. Rev. June 26. Woman. In the Dark. (Select). -Dashlell Hammett. mystery story. Fay Wray. Ralph Bellaimy. Dir. Phil Rosen. 68 mlns; Rev. May 22. ce: RKO BIdgi, New York, N.Y. Cappy Ricks Returns. Peter B. Kyne's familiar Action hero. Robert McWkde, Ray Walker, Florine McKinney. Dir. Mack Wright. ReL Sept. 26. Crime of Dr. Crespl, The. Original story suggested by Poe's 'The Premature Burial.' Eric von Strohelm, Harriet Russell, , Dwight. Frye. Dir. John H. Auer. v. . Forbidden Heaven. Suggestl/e of 'One More Spring.' Four derelicts lii an abandoned London house. Chas. Farrell, Charlotte Henry, Beryl Mercer, Fred Walton. Dir. Reginald Barker. Rel. Sept. 15. Lawless Range. John Wayne western, Dir. H. N. Bradbu>*y. Rel. Oct. 'fumbling Tumbleweeds. Western. Gene Autry. Dir. jos. Kane. Rel. Oct. 24. Two Black Sheep, From the Warwick Deeping, story. Otto Kruger, Minna Gombell. Martha Sleeper. Dir. Arthur Lubin. Rel. Oct. 10. Spanish Cape Mystery, The. From the novel by Ellery Queen. Helen Twelver trees, Donald Cook, Jack La Rue, Betty Blythe. Dir. Lewis D. Collins. Prod., M. H; Hoffman. Rel, Oct. 26. Westward Ho. Western plonieer story. John Wayne, Ir. R. N, Bradbury; ReL Sept. 1. Republic United Artists ''?j?rvoV''k.''N*-V; Barbiary Coast. A blazing story of America's last frontier of untanied emo- tions. Miriam Hopkins, Edward G. Robinson, Joel cGrea. Dir. Howard Hawks. Rel. Sept. 27. Brewster's Millions. Story by Wlnchell Smith and Byron Ongley.. Jack Bu" chanan,'Lili Damlta. Dir. Thornton Freeland. 78 mlns. ReL May 20. Call of the Wild. From the famous Jack London story. Clark Gable. Loretta Toung Jack Ookle. Dh:..WUlIam Wellman. 89 mlns. ReL Aug. 9. Rev. Aug. 21. Dark Angel, The. A love story that will give love a new meaning. Fredrlc March, Merle Oberoh. Herbert Marshall Dir. Sidney Franklin. 105 mlns. Rel. Sept. 6. Rev. Sept. 11. Escape Me Never. Story by Margaret Kennedy. Elisabeth Bergner. Clair, Griffith Jones. Leon Quartermalne, Lyn Harding. Dir.. ner. 93 mlns. Rel. June 21. Rev. May 29. Let 'Em Have it. G. Men. Story by Joseph Moncure March and Elmer Harris; Richard Arlen, Virginia Bruce. -Uice Brady, Harvey Stephens, Eric Lin- den. Joyoe Ck>mpton. Dir. Sara Wood. 96 mlns. BeL May 17. Rev, June 4. Modern Times. A dramatic comedy based on mass production in a big fac- tory. Charlie Chaplin, Paulette Goddard. Rel. Oct. 11. Melody .Lingers On, The.. Lowell Brentano's best seller. Poignant mother- love. Josephine Hutchinson, George Houston, Helen Westley. Dir. David Burton. Rel. Oct. 26. Moscow Nights. From an unpublished novel by Flerre Benolt. Harry Bauer, Penelope Dudley-Ward. Dir. Anthony Asqulth. Rel. Oct. 18. Nell Qwyn. Anna Neagle. Sir Cedric Hardwlcke. Ir. Herbert WUcox. 70 mlns. ReL June 14. Rev. June 26. Red Salute. Two youiig lovers who And themselves tangled In a fast-mbvlrig. series of amusing difflcultleis. Barbara Stanwyck, Robert Toung, Hardle Albright. Dir. Sidney Lanfleld. Rel. Sept. 13. Sanders of the River. ' A vivid dramatization of the manner in which one white man holds: the destiny of a complete tribe. Paul Robeson, Nina Mae McKinney, Leslie Banks. Dir. S^tan Korda. 86 mlns. Rel. July 4; Rev. July 3. Thunder In the East. Story by Claude Farrere. Charles Boyer, Merle Oberon, John Loder. Dir. Nicholas Fark^s. 79 mlns, Rel. May 13. atudloi Universal City, IlMiwAwanl Offices: 30 Rockefeller Center, Calif. universal NeWVork, N. Y. Alias Mary Dow. Story of a lost daughter replaced by adopted. Sally Ellers, Raymond MlUand. Dir. Kurt Neumann. 65 mlns. ReL May 27. Rev. July 3. ' Alone Together. Comedy. Zasu Pitts, Hugh O'Connell. Ir. Kurt Neuman. Rel. Oct '7. ( Border Brigands. Buck Jones western. rlnde. 66 mlns. ReL ay 27. Rev. June, 26. Crimson Trail, The. Buck Jones western. Feb. 11; Rev. March 20. Chinatown Squad. Comedy-drama. Lyle Talbot, Valerie Hobson.' ray Roth. 70 mlns. Rel. May 20. Rev. June 4. Diamond Jim. Drama. Edward Arnold, Jean Arthur^ Blnnle Barnes. Ir Ed Sutherland. 92 mlns. Rpl. Sept. 2. Rev. Aug. 28. King Solomon of Broadway. Musical drama. Edmund Lowe, Dorothy Page, Pinky Tomlln. Ed. Pawley, Louise Henry, Philip Brooks. Dir. Alan CroSland. Rel. Sept. 16. Fighting Youth. Football story. Charles Farrell, June Martel, Andy Devlne, J. Farrell Macdonald, Eddie Nugent. Dir. Hamilton Macfadden. Rel. Sept. 23. Lady Tubbe. From the novel by Homer Croy. Alice Brady, Douglass Mont- fomery, June Clay worth, Anita Louise: 69 minis. ReL July 16. Rev. uly 24. Manhattan Moon. Drama with music. D|r. Stuart Walker, Ricardo Cor- tez, Dorothy Page. Dlr; Stuart Wheeler. 62 mlns. ReL Aug. 6. Rev. Aug. 2L Outlawed Guns. Western. Buck Jones! Rel. ;luly29. Raven, The. From Edgar Allan Poe's story. KarlofC-Bela LugosL Dir.. Louis Frledlander.. 60 mlns. Rel. July 22. Kev. JUly 10. She Gets Her Man; Comedy. Zasu Pitts. Hugh O'ConnelL Wni. Nigh. 66 mlns. ReL. Aug. 19. Rev, Sept. U. ^ Storm Over the Andes. Drama. Jack Holt, Antonio oreno, Gene Lockhart, Mona: Barrle. Dir. Christy Cabanne; Rel. Sept. Stormy. Outdoor drama. Noah Beery. Jr., Jean Rogers, Arizona Wranglers. Dli-. Louis Frledlander. Rel. Sept. 30. Throw Back, The. Buck Jones western. Rel. Sept. 9. Werewolf of London. Chiller. Henry Hull, Warner Oland, Valerie Hobaon. Lester Matthews. Dir. Stuart Walker, 75 mlns. Rev. May 16. ReL ur- itiidlos; ^urbank. Calif. W„„^^. Offices: 32tW. 44th St , amer > tSrotners Newvork.N. y, Alibi Ike. Famous basebiall comedy by Ring l^rdher. Joe E:. Brown, Olivia do Havilland. Dir. Ray Enrlght. Rel. June 15. Bright Liflhta. Joe E. Brown, Ann Dvorak. Patricia Ellis, William Gargan. Dir. Busby Berkeley. 83 mlns. ReL Aug. 31. Rev. Aug. 21. Broadway Gondolier. Radio singing star tires of the phoney atmosphere. Dick Powell, Joan Blondell, Adolphe "Menjou. Dir. Lloyd Bacon. 100 mlns. Rel. July 27. Rev, July 24, Dinky. Stirring drama of Everybody's children. Jackie Cooper, Mary Astor. Roger Pryor. Dli. D. Ross Ledcrman and Howard Bretherton. 66 mitis Rel, May ll. Rev, July 3. Dr. Socrates. Paul Muni, Ann Dvorak. Barton MacLane, Ir. William Dleterle. Rel. Sept. 28. Don't Bet on Blondes. Warren William, Ouy KIbbe*, Ci.ilre Dodd, Willlann Gargan BIg-tlme gambler who reform.s and enters tlie Insurnnce busir ness. Dir. Robert Florey. C2.mlna. Rel. .July 13. Rev. July.24. Front Patie Woman, Newspaper men and women—and love. Hotte Davis, George Brent, Winifred Shaw, Uoscoe Kams. Dir. Michael Curtlz. 81 mlns. Rel. July 20. Rev. July 17, (Continued on page 29) Studio Placements (Continued from page 25) many Yoiuhg, Monte Carter, Fred Santlcy; Ileinie Conklin, Jack Mul- hall, Franklin Parker, 'Anything Goes,' Par. catlonal. Leo Carrlllo, CJopk,'.. poL. Grebrge E. 'Anthony Ad- verse,' WB. ^liSa.u.vv^j:sibdJi.^JS3X.JSSje£.\^. ...Saxa.. Hayes,. Ethel Ms^y Hall,, Gertrude Astor, Hay Cooper, "Tom Curran, •The Milky Way',' Par. Helen Jerome Eddy, iClondi Lou^'PaF, .Edward Earle, Henry Rocque- jj\ore,-!CoKmadb,'—Par.-' •- ■■■■ Maxine Jennings, Jane HamlltQh, 'Love Song,' Radio. Paul Gerard Smith, 'P Man,' Par. Herbert Fields, additional logue, 'Collegiate,' ^ar. Eddie Jdoran, Sig Herzlg, adapt- ing 'Millions in the Air,' Par; James Stewart, Robert, ^ 'Rose Marie/ Metro. Louise Brieri, 'Sylvia ^Scarlett,' Ra:dlo. Janis D'arwell, Harold Mlscha Auer, 'Hu3k,' Radio. . Bsther Ralston, 'Forced Ijanding,' Republic. Boyd Ir\vlh, Helena Grant, Found Stella Parrish,' 'WB. Ann Doran, 'It Never Rains,' Col. Andre de Sejsurola, 'Black Cham- ber,' Metro. Collri Tapley, Fox. Billy Gilbert, Rolfe Sedan, George Burton, Art Miles, 'Coconado,' Par; Harry Bernard, 'The Milky Way,*. Par, Keith Daniels, Beranger, 'The Bouncer,' Par, Ed Gfargan, Matt McHugh, Harry Wilson, Bud Fine, 'Anything Goes,' Par. Ray Enrlght directing, 'Miss Paci- fic Fleet,' WB. Jack Holt;. Elliott Gibbons adapt- ing, 'Men of Glory,' U. Gordon .Rlgby, Robert St. iClalr, Karen de Wolf, screen play, 'Httcli Hike Lady,' Republic. John Colton, Lambert Hlllyer re- writing 'InvisibleT Ray,' U. — Walter Bretinan, Joel TlcCreafi Stephen Morehouse Avery, adapta« tlon, 'Navy Born,' Gbldwyn. Alan Mowbray, 'Desire,' Par. .. Karen Morley,. 'The Littlest RebeV 20th-Fpx. Leonard Fields, David Silverstela, Artliur Hornblow, Jr., screen play; 'Florida Specla.1,' Par; Ottola Nesmith, Lotiis Thompson, 'The Boulicer,; Par. Bobby Breen; Karl Brown adapt- ing, 'Show Must Go On,' Lesser. Harry Bradley, .'Stars Over Broad^ Way,' WB. Ken Maynard, Geneva Mitchell, 'The Twain Shall Meet,' Darmour. Milton krlihs, Wellyn,-. Totinan, 'The Leathernecks Have Landed,' Ma.gcot. Walter ,Klngsford, Francis Bush- man, Jr., 'I Found Stella Parish,' ■WB. Tristram Tupper scripting *Magr nolla Grove,' U. J. Carroll Nalsh, 'Captain Blood,' WB. Addison Rlctiards, WB. Nlles Welch, 'Enemy of Man,' WB. Julian Rlvero, 'Desert Schooners,' WB. Minna Gombell, Marie Wilson, •Miss pacific Fleet,' WB. Ftank Lawton, Frances Drake, Violet Cooper, Bculah Bond!, Walter Kingsford, 'Invisible Ray,' U. Milton Owen, 'Manhatan Monkey Business,' Roach short. Harry Depp, Ruth Warren, Frank Mills, James Quinn, 'Bride Conies Home,' Par. Claude King, personation,' U. Henry Armetta, Felix Knight; Ralph Staub directing, 'In Tour Gondola,' 'WB technicolor short. Eddie Fcathcrstone, 'The Milky Way,' Par. Henry Travers, 'Seven Keys To Baldpatc,' Radio. Albert Treynor, writing original for Jimmy Savo, Roach. . Marie Loos. 'Rose Marie,' Metro. Russell Simpson, 'This Is the LJfe,^ 20th-Fox. John Twist, Joel Sayr.e, screen play, 'FaLrmer In the Dell,* Radio. CONTRACTS Hollywood, Sept. John Carroll handed termer i>y Radio. Glenn Trypn signed, with Radio as combination writer-director. Radio took up Fred Guiol'a option, assigned him to direct Wheeleir andT Woolsey's 'Wild West." Ann Rutherford- tied to Mascot for three yeara, with options. Keye Luke drew five-year optional pact with' 20th-Fox. New writlnt?. ticket for IJlum ./it 20th-Fox. . Radio' handi^il Wall.'iec Fox ncvir directing contract. .. Alexander Tolwlnrff;rncd'for. a yeiU' u.-j art director for Walter W.'inger. Paramount took up option." on Ilo.salinrt Keith, Frances Drake and AUini Tiimlroff.