Variety (Sep 1935)

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Wednesday, September 18, 1935 PICT E S VARIETY 29 CALENDAR OF CURRENT REEASES (Continued from page 2^) Qolnfl^Highbrow. Kanw^^^ rlchea throuBh the stocu ma,Twu uuy KiDpee, iiaSu Pitts. Kilward Everett Horton Dlr Rob^n Vara 96 m?nl RevW^^^^^^ ^PAi O'Brien. Josephine Hutchinson, Mervyn LeRoy. wiw ^'"r*!. ^&^'"Wl"an). Marion Daviea. Pat O'brlen. Icjt Powell. ^f^^J'^^'^^' f^V^ McHuRh. L,yie TalbotrPatsy Kelly. Xllen Jenklni Dir. Mervyn LeRoy. 92 itilhs. Ra Sept 7, Rev. Sept! 4. "^""""^ Special Aflent. Bette DavlB. Georfte Brent, Jack liaRue;-Ricardo Cortez. Ifenry O'NeJll. Dir. William KoighJey. Rel. Sept 14.. ^^^yi'*^ --StwMtea,—4Cw-Btonol»- *»-^^ Kay Prancls.'x;«orge Brent Dir. Frank Bonage. 73 mln& Rel. June 22, Rev. June 2$. We're in the Money. ^ Joan Blondell. Glenda Farrell. Hugh Herbert, Ross Alexander. Dir. Ray Enrlght 65 nalns. Rel. Aug. 17. Rev. Aug. 28. MUcellaneous Releases Monte Montana. Cyclone Ranger (Spectrum). Western. Bill Cody. Nina Quartoro. Dir. Bob Hlir. bB mins. Rev. May -22. circle ot Death <\Vlnis Kent) Western, 66 mlh.s Rev. June 12. Flohtlng Pioneers (Resolute). • Frazer. Rev, May 29^ Frontier Days. ). May 1. Red Blood of Courage (Ambassador). Western. Kermlt dan. Dir. Jack English; 66 mlh. Rev, Juno 12. Rustle>a Paradise (AJax). . Western. Harry .Carey, Gertrude Messlnger Harry Frazer, 62 mlns. Rev. July 10. Speed Devils (HufCmah). Two dirt track auto racers go Into, the garage busi- ness.. Paul Kelly, Marguerite Churchill. Ulr, Jos Hennaberry. Rev. July 10. Wanon Trail: Harry Cater, Gertrude Messlnger. Harry Fralzer: -29. Ir, Frank Glendon. Ir. Harry , Arin Sherl-' Dir. Foreign Language Films 80 Lucie Engllsch. Dir. Conchlta Montenegro Johannes 70 Ir, Roger Because of the Blow movement ot foreign dims, this Hat cov«ra on* year of releases.) ( ost It these available with. English Aqua enel Suelo, el (Sp) (Col). Evll of gossip. Dlr, mina. Rel, Feb. 1. Annemahe, Braut der Kbmpanle (Gek-). Carl Boeae 70 mlns. Rel. Dec, 1. Aeejure A Su Mujer (Sp.) (Fox). Domestic comedy. Dir. Lewis Seller. 80 mlns, Rel. March 1. Aschenmlttwoch (Gentian). Romantic drama.^ mlns, Rel. March 1, Avec I'Assuranee (French) (Par). Saint Granleir. Musical comedy, Capellanl. SO mlns. Rel. May t. Az UJ Rokon (Hung.). An American orphan among Magyar,nobility. Dlr Bela Goal. 60 mlns. Rel. March 1, Bel Der Blonden Katherin (Ger.) (Bavaria), Ith music, Dlr Franz Seltz 80 mlns. Rel. Dec. 1, Belden.Seehunde, Die (German) (General). Comedy of a playful king. Weiss Ferdl. Dir. Fred ^Sauer. 80 mlns. Rel. March 1, Bohemlos |(Sp) (Clnexport). Love In Mexico's Greenwich. Village.^ Dir, Rafael Portaa 70 mlns, Rel. Aug. 1, :. Bollche <Span]sb). Cab^kret life. Dir. Francisco Ellas, 80 mins. Ret, May .16. Buzavlrag (Hung) (Danubia), Operet Itb romance. Dlr, Steven Szekely, 80 mlns, Rel. Jan. 1. Cantante de Napoles, El (Sp) (WB). Musical romance. Enrico Carnso. ., Mona Marls, Dir. Howard Bretherton. 60 mlns. Rel. Feb. 16. Cette VIelle Canrallle (Fr) (Klnematrade). Social draouu Harry Banr. Dir. Anatole LItvak, 80 mlns^ Rei. Jan. 1. Chapayev (Russ) (Amkino). Historical drama. Dir. Sergei and Georgi Vos- sllyev. 70 mlns. Rel. Jan. 1. Rev. Jan. 29. Chasseur de Xhez Maxim, Le (Fr) (Par), MUslcal comedy, Suzy Vernon. Dir. Cn^as. Anton', 70 mlns. ReL Feb. L, Chelyuskin (Russian) (Amkino). Historic record of Russ expedition to Arctic, wreck and rescue. 76 TDlns. Rel, May 15. Rev, May 29. Chucho El Roto (Sp) (Clnexport), Roroantlo tragedy. .Dir. Gabriel ^occa, 60 mins.. Rel. Dec 1. ludad do Carton, La (Sp) (Fox), Drama of marital relations. Antonio Mo- reno. Catalina Bnrcena, Dir. Louis King. 70 mlns. ReU. Feb, 16. lemencta (Sp). Seml-historlcal drama. Dir. Chatio Urueto. 80 mins, Rel. Aug. IB, Coghasse (Fr.) (Par). A bookkeeper with ambitions gets his chance. Tramel. Dlr, Louis Mercanton. 80 mlns. Rel. April 1. Corazon Bandolero (Spanish). Action driama laid during MaxI Illan's. reign. Dir. Raphael SeviUa. 60 mlns. Rel. March 1. Corazones en Derrota (Spanish). Tragic drama made In Mexico. Dir. uben ir^-lliiiK^jiw^s^iiiB^ ' «..^-v»«.*^.-.-^> 'iie£-ie sur les Toits (Fr) (far), French version of American farce, '11 Pays to Advertise. Pauley, Salnt-Granler. Dir, Karel Anton. 80 mlns. ReL .Juno IB. Crite Est PInie, La (Fr.) (European). Backstage musical. Albert Prejean. Dir. Rot>ert Siodmak. 80 mlns. ReL March 1. Rev. March 20. Cruz Diablo (Sp.) (Col). Mexican Robin Hood yarn. Dir. Fernando de Fuentes. 80 mlns. Rel. April 1. Czar Wants to Sleep, The (Huss) (Amkino). Satire on court life of Paul 1. DIf. Alexander Felnzlmmer. 70 mlns. Rel. Dec. 1. Czardasfueratin, Die (Ger.) (Ufa). Iktusical based on Emmerich Kallmann's stage piece, ^arta Eggerth. Dlr, Georg Jacoby. 90 mlna Rel. April 15. Rev. May 1. Dancing, El (Sp) (Hoffberg). Comedy drama.laid in a cabaret Maglla Barth. 60 mlns. Rel. Jan. 15. Delltb dl. MastrovannI (Tt.) ( etropolls). elodrama^ leto Palerml. Ob mlns. Rel. July 15. Rev, July 31. Deserter (Russian) (Garrison). More class struggle. L Pudovkln. 80 mlns. Rel. Oct 1. , Dona FranClsqulta-(Sp.) (Nosseck), Musical romance jaade. In ,Spain. Dir. Hans B«hrendr. 70 mlns. Rel. April 16. bbppelbraltlgam Der. (Ger.) General). Romance of a coihposer's marital mlN'up. Fritz Ka:nipers. Lien Deyers; Dir. MacFrlc. 60 mlns. Rel. March 15. • Dos Mas Uno Dos (Spanish) (Fox). Comedy romance, Dlr Johj\ Relnhardt 60 mlns. Rel. Oct IS. rel Kaleserjaeger ((Ser.). Military comedy. Else Elster, Fritz Kampera Dir. Robert Lorid, Franz Hofer. 60 mlns. Rel. March 15. rel von der Kavallerle (Ger.). Another military farce. Fritz Kampers. Dir. Carl Boese. 60 mlns. Rel. April 1. Oder Kelne (Cieimnn) (lienerai). Operetta. Gltta Alpar. Karl Froehllch. 80 mins. Rel: Oct IB."" in Mann Will Nach Deutschland (Ger.) ( rama of patriotism. Dlr, Paul Wegpner. 80 mlns. Rel. Nov. 1, Inmal EIrie Grosse Dame Sein (Gernian) (Ufa). Comedy with music Kaetbe Von . Nagy. Dir. Gerhard lianriprtcht 70 mlns. Rel. Oct. 15. I DIo Que Me Quieras (Sp.) (Par). Romance In the theatre. Carlos Gardel. Dir. John Helnhardt 80 mlns. Rel. April 1. I Hombre Que Se Rela del Amor (Si>.). Romance from Madrid. Dir. Benito Perojo. CO mlns. ReL July 1^. lao- Gutt (Norwegian) (rScandlnavlan). From BJbrhson's noveU tr. John Brunlua 80 mina Rel. Nov, .16. En Nott (Sw) (Scandinavian). War and lore. 80 mlns. Rel. Jan. 15. Fantasma del Convento, El (Sp.). Spooks and iove. Dlr, Fernando de Fuen-, tes. 80 mins. Rel. April 15. Ferlen vom Ich (Ger, )(Ufa), Romantic comedy. Ir. Hans Deppe, 80 mins Rel. April 1. Finanzen des Grouherzogs, Die. (Ger.) (GenerAI). Comedy of nobility with music. Dir. Gustaf (3ruendgena 60 mine. Rel. April 1. Fllckorna Fran Oamla Stan (Scan<iinavlan). domedy with music Dir. S Bauman. 80 mlns. Rel. Dec, 15. luechtlinge .(German) (Ufa). German refugee yarn In the Fat East. Hans Albers. Kathe von Nagy. Dir. Gustav Vocky. 80 mhis, Rel. Oct I. Ir. Vladl IrSchneld- 80 Lucie Roniawtitt -drairia; Ir. Ir. Carl Boelse. Ir. HahS' Behrendt Ins. Ins. 80 ir. E.. W. Emo. Martha' Rel. Rel. elss Ferdl. Carl Froehllch. "Dir. Amieto . Serge ir Rel. Fraulein LIselott (German) (Casino). Magda Schneider. Romantic comedy. Dir. Johannes Gutter. 60 mlns. ReL ftlay 15. Fruehlingsmaerchen (German) (Gen Romantic operetta. Dir. Carl Froeh- llch. 60 mlns. ReL May IB. Freut Euch Des Lebens (German) (Ufa). Romantic comedy. Leo Elezak. Dir. Hans Stelnhoff, 80 mins. Hel. Nov. 1. Fronteras del Amor (Sp) (Fox). Musical romance, Jose Mojica, Roslta Moreno. Dlr Frank Strayer. 80 mins. ReL Dec. 1, Fiierst Worohzeft (Ger) (Ufa). Romantic drama, Brigltte Hel Arthur Rqblri^son.^60 mlns./jlel.^ ,. lioitlen"Wlgr?Russ)' (Amklmi)" Adventure in Siberia" erhof. 80 mlns. Rel. Aug, 1. Graefln Marlza (Ger). Operetta. Dorothea Wleck. - ' mlnsr. ReL Jan; 16. Gretl Zilt dos grosse los (Ger.). Lottery ticket mnk Engllsch, Dir. Carl Boese. 80 mlns. Rel,. Feb. I GrosM Chance; Ole (Germaa) iCaolnc^r-<3anjtila-Ubrn. Victor Jansen, 70 mlns. Rel. Miay 1. Helmat am Rhein (Ger), Romantic drama. 60 mlns. ReL Dec, 1, ' Hochzielt am Wolfgangsee ( 70 mlns. ReL Nov* 15, HuBzarelehn (Hung:) (Danubia), Romantlq comedy with music and military _ , .backffl9jiB.4._jBUc.Steyea,ai5eKels^.jBft^^ —_ ich Sing Mich In Dein Herz HInein (Ger,) (Casino), (jbm.edy with muslc^ Lien Dyers, Dir. Fritz Rampers, 80 mlna Rel. June 1. .Idolos de La Radio (Sp.). Romantic musIcaL Dir. Eduardb ReL June 16. Iglol piakok (Hungarian), Comedy with music m Helderkrtig (Ger). (Ger nla). Romantic farce. ReL Jan. L Jo As Oreg a Haznal. (Hung) (Danubia). Farce with miislc. Ernst Verebes. Dir. Fritz Schulz. 60 mins. ReL Feb. Johannianacht (Grer). Love In the Alps; LII Dagover. Ir. mlns. Rel. Feb. 15. Judas Von Tirol, Der. (Ger.), Analogy to the Passion PI 80 mlns. Rel. April 16. Juliets Compra un HIJo <Sp.) (Fox). Marital drama. Catalina Barcera; II- bert Roland. Dir. Louis Klzig. 80 mins. Rel. March 15, Jungfrau Gegen Moerch' (Ger^). Romantlo comedy (Ufa). 80 mins. ReL March. 15.. KaFfeerwalzer ( (General). Musical Eggerth. Dir. Friedrlch Zelnick. Kalte Mamaell, Die (Ger), Comedy romance. ■Jan. 1; • Koeszoenoem Hogy Elgazolt (Hungarian). May 1. Korijunktturriter (Ger.) 'General). Dranta of profiteering. Dir. Fritz Kampers, 60. mins. Rel. Aprll 15, Krach uni lolanthe (Germany) (Ufa). Rural comedy. 100 mlns. ReL May 1. Rev, May 15. L'Eredlta dellb ZIo (Itall.) C etropolls). Palerml. 85 rains. Rel. June 15. Les As du Turf (French).(Paramount), de Pollgpy, 60 mlns. ReL May 1. Llebe In Uniform' (Ger). (Germania), Georg Jacoby. Rel. Oct. 1. ■ Llebe Dumme Mama (German). (Bavai'ian). Comedy. Dir.- March 1. Llebe, Tod und Telfei, (German) (Ufa. Kaethe von Nagy. From a Robert L. Stevenson yarn. Dir. H. Hllpert and R: Stclnbicker. 100 mlns. ReL May 15. Rev. May 29. Llebe und die Erste Elsenbahn (Ger) (l)fa). Romantic comedy. Dir. Hassa Prels. 70 mini Rel. Feb". 15. Llla Akac (Hungai'lak). Pre-war musical romance. Dlr, Utyan Szekely. 70 mins. Reli MayMB.; Llorbna, La (Sp.), Mexican melodrama. Rel. * June 15. Llllom (Fr.) (Fox). Molnar's play. Charles. Boyer. Ir. Fritz Lang. 85 ins. Rel. March 1. Rev. March 20. Lockvogel (Ger) (Ufa). Mystery romance.. Dir. Hans Steinho Ina Rel. Jan. 1, L'Ordbnnance (Fr.). Love In a garrison. Marielle ChartaL Dir, Simon Schif- frln. 79 inlns. Rel. June 15. Madame iBevary (Fr) (Tapernoux). Faithful transcription of Flaubert epic Dir. Jean Renoir. 100 m|ns. ReL Nov. 15,. Rev, Nov. 27. Maryjka (Poi). Rural romance. Ir, Jan Nowlna-Przybylski. 60.mins, Rel. Dec 1, Meliie Frau, die dchuetzehkoenlgln (Ger) (Germania). Theatrical farce. pir.-^<Jarl Boese. bU mlns. ReL Jan, 1. Men on wings (Russ) (Amkino), Story ot Soviet alvlatlon. J. Ralsman. SO mlns. Rel. June 1. Rev. June 12, Mercedes (Spanish). Musical comedy, Dlr, Jose Castllevi. 80 mlns. Rel. May 15. MIt Dir Durch Dick und Duenn (Ger) C Comedy romanco. Dir. Franz Slltz. 80 mins. Rel. Nov. IS. MIzlcl Svet (Slovak). Dl culty of far ir Ulehla. 70 mlns. Rel. June 1. Moscow Laughs (Russ.) (Amkino). First Riiss. musical. Ir. G. Alexaridrov. 90 mlns. ReL March 15. Rev. March 27. Mutter und Kind (Ger) (General). Mother-love drama. Henny Porter. Dir. Hans SteinhoCr. 70 minis. Rel, Nov, Nada Moo Que Una MuJer (Sp) (Fox). Version of 'Ptirsued.' Dir. Harry Lachman. 60 mlns.° Rel. Nov. 1&. Odio (Sp,). Melodrama of life in fishing village, Ichard Harlan. 70 rains Rel. June 15. Page vom Dalmasse Hotel, Der (Ger.), (jomedy with detective ramifications. Dolly Haas. Dlr, Victor Janson. 70 mlns. Rei, March 15, Payasadas de la VIda (Sp.); Love in a circus. Dir. Migull Zacaras. 70 mlns. ReL March 15. Pechmarle (Ger.) (Fox). Comedy about a lady with hard luck. Dir. Eric EngcL 82 mlns. Rel. April 16. Rev April 24. Peter Vinogradov (Riiss.) (Amkino). Life on the far mlns. Re). June 15, Rev, July 3. Prenez Garde a la Peinture (Fr) (Tauornoux). Ortglnal version of Chris- topher Bean.' SImone Simon, Dlr, Henri Chomette, 70 mlns. KeL Aug. 15. Prinzesain Turandot (Ger) (Ufa). Adaptation of the opera. Koetho von Nagy, Willy Fritsch. ir. Gerhard Lamprecht 60 mlns. ReL Jan. 15. Pulpo Humano, El (Spanish) (Hoffberg), Mystery melodram.a. Dir. Jorge Bell.' 60 mlns. ReL May I. Rakoczi' Indulo (Hungji (Danubia)., Musical romance, with Paul Abraham, music. Dir. Steven Szekely. 8Q mlns. ReL Nov, 15. Red Village, The (Russian) (Amkino). Sabotage Id the power plants. 60 mlns. Dir. Brodyani^kl and ICorsh. ReL May I. Belter ,von Deutsc'h-Ostafrlka, Die. (Ger.) (Casino). Seml-hlslorlcal drama. Dir. Herbert Seplin, 60,mlns. Rel. June 1- Riachulio (Sp) (HofCberg),. First Argentine-made pl(i. Miisical romance. Dir. L, J. Moglla Barth. 80 mlns. ReL Dec 1i Romance Tropical (Spanish). First picture made In Porto Rico. Romantic drama, 70 mlns. Rel, Oct 15. . Rosen aus dem Sudcn (Ger.). Romance with Strauss music. Dir. Walter Janssea. 70 mins, Rel. April 15. Sangen Till Henne (Sw) (Scandinavian). Ir. Ivor Johann> son,. 70 mlns. Rel, Feb. 15, Sciilemihi, Der (German) (Klnematrade). Curt Bols. rich Engels. CO mlns. Rel.. Nov. I. Schlmmelreitep, oer (Ger) (General). Native drama on coast of FrJesland Ir Curt OcncI, Hans Dieppe. 80 mins.; Uel. Feb. 15. Schloss Hubertus (Ger) (Ufa). Rom^ince In the Alps. Ir. 70 mlns. Uel. Feb. K Rev, Feb. 27. SchwarzerJaegerJohanna (Ger.). Nallonallstio hurray In Napoleonic setting Dir. Johiannes Meyer. 60 mins. ltd. April 1. Senora Cisbada tSpl (Fox). .Marital drama. Catalina Earcena, o- retio, Dlr Janies TInlIng, 70 mins, Rel. Feb. 1. Sluby Lilariakle (Pol) (Frlriclpal), Military mlns. Rel. Feb. .15. Song of Happiness (Russ.) (Amkino), hope. V. R, Gardln. Dir. April 1. Sonne Geht Auf, Die (Ger), Mu.-Hcal romance, Rclbcr. CO mips. Rel, Feb. IB. Soviet Journey (Russ) (Amkino), Tour of Ruaslat Aug..l. Soviet Russia Today (Russ.) (Amkino), TIssc, 80 mlns. PoL March 1. SdI4I Mit Dem Feuer (Ger) (Ufa). Domestic relations comedy. Arthur Roberts, 70 mina Rel, Nov. 15. (Continued oh pag(; 32) Dir. A. Macharet 80 TWIN CITY HGHT FORlOcADMISH Minneapolis, Sept. 17, That the Industry will be dis- rupted and I'eveiiues seriously cur- tailed if compelled to service de luxe ^heittres ehavgihg a.tiime aUtni^ion- top is set . forth in affidavlta filed by local film exchanges, who are de- fendants In an action brought In federal, court by the, Benz "^oa,. In a suit to compel the distributors to furnish sub sequ ent-run nroduct for the .li900-£feat Palace here and the l,20() Lyceum, St. Paul, The excihanges Justify tlielr ac- tions In supplying piroduct for cer- tain so-calied Gatev-ay district ther atres in the lower loop districts playing double features at a dime top . oh the ground that these: are; 'store theatres' and 'It always has been custoniary to service therii.' The exchanges' affidavits deny tha:t their companies furnish jiro- duct to any riegular theatres play- ing twin bills or having a dime scale. However,, counter-affidavits from the Behz Bros, name theatres in bthier sections of the ' country 'owned and controlled* by the pro- ducers and having a double feature policy. The counter 'affidavits re- fute the claim that the Twin CJlty dime, theatres now being serviced are 'made over stores' and cite the local Bijou, a l,SOO-seat theatre that forrherly hciused legitimate road at- tractions. They also aver that the St. Paul Orpheum'is a distributor- Controlled theatre (Radio). Hearing In the matter, twice post- poned, is scheduled again for this week. ..'' life and Ins. Rel Ir. WIllj Rel. If. Edward Dir. Ralph Syracuse Map Changes Syracuse, N. T., Sept. 17, Syra,cuse's riiltp; as result of the recent pooling agreement entered into l>y KKO and Schlne Interests, will undergo a general realignment. The number of major first runs will stand at three, a reduction of two, with the pooling Interests coc^rol- ling two of the three* StandlAg aldof will' be Loew's State (Metro, United Artists and Columbia * roduct), Keith's will be the pool's No. 1 theatre, playing the pick of Radio, Warners, Fox, Universal and Par- amount pictures. The Eckel, orig- inal Schlne house, will also con- tinue a first-run policy, playing the excess 'A' releases and 'B' pictures. Tho Paramount, now In Its sec- ond year of operation under sub- lease to RKQ, will become a sec- ond-run outlet, and will be the first downtown major house under cir- cuit control to do so. It will have available the product effected by the pool. The Strand; which reopened this week under an extension of tiie old sublease by RKO from Warners, will, at the same time the Para- mount shifts from flrst-runs, also drop Its present first-run policy, for one 6f subsequent runs. Similarly, this will be the first attempt by the circuits to try such a policy In the downtown area, RKO Schlne will centralize all publicity for pooled houses In Syra- cuse, with George O'Brien, formerly of Heargt's Journal- American ad- vertising staff handling press agen- try for Keith's, Eckel, Paramount and Strand, Henry Earle Is bade at the reopened Strand as house manager. Brighton, South Side de luxe nabe, pretty much of a White elephant from its iopenlng day sieveral years ago. Is again dark, the Karp , Inter- ests quitting. House had Ijestcr Wolfe as manager, A Central N. Y. Circuit Is reported ta.iklng terms, but the deal Isi^contlngent upon the re- sult of another also iiending. 'Gets Man' Suit Joe Laurie, Jr„ and Doiph Singer have started court proceedingsj against Univer.sal on film, 'She Octs Her Man,' which the two allege is based on their original yarn> 'She Got Her Man,' submitted to U a few months ago. Singer is with Warners, Backer handling case. WALLACE'S, N. Y., GOES GRIND ^Yallack's, old-time: legit house on West 42d street >f, Y„ is scheduled for rcopcinlng as a picture grind this veek. Same Interests as operate Cohan on Bro*dway reported behind proj- ect, wilh dual policy act.