Variety (Sep 1935)

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32 VARIETY PICTURES Wednesday, Septcmliep IC, 1935 Film Reviews thunder in the Night " tContinued from-page atlons and Incidents of a reasonable cii8Jr3iCt6r« KareirMerleV plays the dlfilomat'^ •wife and Paul Cavaniagli does the husband, both ijkvlng balanced per- formancOP. . Olorla . Roy./girl ^yho murdered her woiild-be blackmailer out of unrequited love, isn't In the footage as miich as others, but gives a good account^-, of herself while there. , ^ j Sey.eraJ. J^gser . parts are ably pic- tured. Gene Lockhart, i5ruicipai -eowdy-bott;—v^'y-g ood a o a eop- • asBlBting Lowe, while Biissell Hicks, Arthur E. Qarewi John Qualen and Una O'Connor are all well cast. ChaT, on the tramp. parents when the auto arrives out- pld© their humble antique ehop. , Stern mother visits showroom to inquire reason of delivery and Is told the car has been awarded free TWO girls tall in love as ^nad vertlse^ CALENDAR OF CURRENT RELEASES TWO SINNERS Republic release of Trem -Cnrr produc- tion. Features Otto Krugcr, MaTtho Sleeper, Minna Gonibell, Ferdinand Muriler and Cora. Sue Collins. Directed by Arthur LU- bln. Producer, Trem Carr; story. Two Block STieep,' by. Warwick Deeping; adap- tation, Jefferson Porker; 111m editor,- Jack OgUvle; camera,'Harry Neumann. At Fox, B'Klyn, week Sept. 18, '85. Running time, 71 nrilns. i Otto Kruger I...,.Martha Sleeper ......Minna Gombell ..Ferdinand Miinler ....Cora Sue Collins Harrington. Reynolds Olat Hytten ...; .Montague ■ Sha-w Wm. P. Carlton ....Harold Entwlstle Henry Vane........ Elsie STummerstono.. Mr8,-;Fym......'..w Monte Sally Pym.. Ritchie... French-Judge;...... Mr. Grylls. Heggle. .i Pateman... With the tramp as a gentleman; one I ^as realized the glrr^^^^^^^ Is the rich man's daughter and the and bluff and c^^^ is m his other hTs- 8«lr-6miy:-BeBt the picture is when the tram^ steals the Cinderella's salary be- away to his friends at a cafe near h^^^^^^^ proportion, but the quay dress&d In- hie flno^^Iotbe.-t .j^-^^^^^.j.^j^^pjjg..j^ the'end. — " ' and tells them what a swell time -nrhUe there is no prejudice he has and how rich people behave, against foreign actresses over here, However, neither of ^he bettprs there seems ho rea.'»i)j?., why.... Gretfi Win, as it is found put that the Kj^^jj^j^ g^ould have been engaged tramp couldn't be changed into a f^r the leading role, in this picture, gentleman—he had always been a except'that she "made' thtt"TJirletnal gentleman. He saves the family abroad. She is adequate, .but does from disgrace by clearing up thfe shine In anything like a iatalrllke ■•theft 'Wlth bis own money,..which he Eianner. esA fo r Pla ying the'rich ma n's R obertson Har e Is a t his best as a scheme to amuse"his fainlly and, tiniorous Instrument-lesWl'"filrtd.'hair wRen he disappears from the house plenty of scope for laujghs. dressed In the same rags In which Fair all-rpund amusement in the he came, he is. followed by the rich | second feature class man's secretary. Adolf Jahi-is the main figure, and I _ i-i D -1. the other roles are filled by Carl Girl WhO i^amC DaCK Barkllnd as the wealthy man, Ivar p,„t Division release of Chestorfleld PlcU. Kage his friend, Olga Anderson his ia^oTK^ «• Batcheiler production. Features wife' and Brlta Appelgren his swhey Blackmer, Shirley Grey, Noel MadI- daughter, all leglt^names^here.^,^. k^^^^^ There are several scenes In this J-^JI^^^^jj^y^ Meiviue Shyer; production picture which reminds of Jahr's pre- manager, Lon Young. At Loew'e Mayfair, vious big film hit, 'Petterson & N. j., tjro days, half of double bin. Sept. Bendel.' Latter is the picture which j iV-i^«:«'*^^""°*^^'''°!'siL"y"Biackmer ... Shirley Grey , .Noel Madison Ma the w Betz ..-.... .-Toirben Myer ,........ .May Beatty ...... rank LaRue ....... obert' Adair ,,.; Ida Darling ..Edward Martlndel ...',.. . .John DIlBoii ..liou Davis Don Brodle (Continued from pase 29) . War fll . Ieber161ii. Dlj-i Paul • • • • 'Two 'Sinners' just misses.being of strong enough entertainment timber to stand up alpngiside the better class programmers. It is hot likely that the picture can climb to aver- age grosses. Cast, headed by Otto Kruger and Martha Sleeper, Is thoroughly capable, but won't pull It through. < ' Story originally •was a novel and later a magazine serial. It probably read better than It plays in screen I'orm. more than, half of its distance being alow and actionless. Trem Carr, producer, has given the sub- ject strong production background but the direction of Arthur Lubin leaves much to be desired. Among other things, too much stress is laid on the child part, played by Cora Sue Collins. Effort, seemingly, has been to throw the •weight of the narrative' too much on her shoulders, rather than con- fine It to the two leading charac- ters, kruger ana Miss Sleeper. Child Is follo^wed about too much by the camera,: many scenes leav- ing the leads standing around to watch her; Story also leans a lit- tle unnaturally, so far as she's con- cerned, turning her from an un- .disclpllned young brat into a kid who . suddenly becomes managing director of events, finally splicing ^the two leads. picture plays almost entirely among five persons featured In its ^ast. In addition to Kruger ..and the Misses Sleeper land Collins, includ- ing Minna Gombell and Ferdinand Munier. An effective portrayal of the . adventuress-mother Is handled by Miss Gombell. while Munier he- comes a vivid type as her para- mour. Opening In London, ivhere Henry Vane is just released from prison for having shot the mugg who moved in on his wife while he was at war, the action shifts to the south of France, where It sticks until' 'the finish. Love Interest Is developed slowly and far from Ingeniously,' with the ex-con making a play for the go^v- erness to Miss Gombell's exasperat- ing kl^. It's anything but a -whirl- wind romance and plods along ur til getting tiresome. Last two jeels of the picture gather sudden mo mentum and make fast film enter tainment. Had the opening and middle been up to the pace main- tained later. "Two Slnnei"s' would get better daties and grosses: More, plot and confilct toward the end helps Immeiasurably. It looks ^lllce Deeping, In Writing the story, took a situation and then had to. pad with .a lot of chapters In leading up to It. In every way those last two reels are good motion picture. Char. started trouble Ih Germany because I QUda of antl-.Iew angles. This one has! Brewster , an episode, where the necklace Is. smoky pawned at a Jew's shop, and Jahr ^*'^^"* has a similar scene with the Jew. in I Burke this picture as he had with Behdel Mathews ........ in. 'Petterson & Beiidel' when he S{^^',gfn gives the Jew a scolding for "trying wadsworth to cheat him. • sims Picture got good wrlteups in thel J^^"" local presis and looks like a big suc- cess. Bwenson, PARADISE CANYON Lone Star production and Monogram re- lease. Features John Wayne. Director, Carl Plerson. Story, . Llndsley Parsons; screen play, Xdndsley Parsons and Robert Tansey; camera; Archie Stoiit. At Arena. N. y., Sept. 15-17,. '86. Running tlriie, 63 mlns. John Wyatt ..,..' ...John Woyne Unda Carter ....Marlon Burns The Girl Who Camia Bacli' is hodge-podge of gangster stuff, snatch racket, cheatin' cheaters, and_sjiclety drariia. Sacrificing cre- dulity for melodra;matics, the action Is hot without its moments at times At others, even the tongue-in cheek Mayfair type of audience on Broad'way razzed it out loud. Essence is the New York gang ster's nioll who goes gopd in Cali- fornia. .Through •with the racket the highly Intelligent type of female CuiijP^joe'Gaiel!!V."V.'.!!YakVma^Ca^^ engaged In devlQUs practices Trigger ...Reed Howes | just for revenge, now for an equal- ly nebulous reason perpetrates a Strosatrupp, 1917 ( -. -■Hcb'-Fsb-.'-l; -~- - Sunny Youth (Russ) (Amklno). Glorifying. Soviet youth. Silent. KoromoitsefC.' 7B mlns. Bel. Aug. IB. Rev.. Aug. 21. Susana 'Tlan«-uti Scsreto -tSp^^*- Marital-farce;-. Rosita laz. Dlr; Perbjo. 70 mins. Rol. June 1. Tango Bar (Sp.) (Par). Musical melodrama. Carlos Oardel. Rosltai Moreno. Dir. John Relnhardt._^85 mins.^ Rel. July 1. .Rev. July 17. r>noo en iB^oadway'(Sp).' (Par)7" Muaica^^ 6'artfet' "iJlrl lioula Gasnler. 60 mins. Rel. Deo. IS. Three S{ing% .Aln>ot 'tttnih (Russian) XAtakliio). Newsreel compilation. . D. Vertrov. 6B mlns. Rel. Nov. 1. .Thuiideratorm (Ruse;) (Amklno). Russian melodrama.' pir. ... mios. Rel. Oct. 1. . Rev. Oct. 2. TIerra, Amor Y Dolor <Sp). Domestic drama. Dir. Biamon Peon. 60 mins. —Ket.-A-itr.-t-."'—' —~" • - ■ ■ ^. " TJocka Slakten (Swedish) (Scandinavian). Ir. Solve Cederstrand. 70 mlns. May 16. Topaze (Fr) (Par). Galllo satire. Ir. Louis Gasnler. 15. Rev. Feb. 20. Tovarlshl i Russian) . (Amklno). Love and comradeship In the Revolution. S. Tlmbshehko. 70 mins. Rel. May 16. Tres Amorea (Spanish) (U). Heavy drama. Anita CampUlo, Mona Marls. Dir. Moe Sachln. 80 mlns. Rel. Nov. 1. Tres Berretlnes, L'ios (Sp) (Hoftberg). Argentine'comedy. ■ Jan. 1. f/ Trlbu (Sp.)i exican drama. ir. 70 mlns. Rel. Una Semana de Fellcldad (iSp).' Dir. Maxl mlns, Rel. June 16. Unbekkarite, Oer. (Ger.) ( 60 mins. Rel. June 1; Und Wer Kuesst Mloh7.(Ger) (General). E>. W. Emo. 70 mlns. Rel, Jan. IB. Uno Etolle Disparalt (Fr) (Par). Murdeir of a film star. Suzy Vernon. Cor, stant Dir. Robert Vlllers. 60 mlns. Rel. F^eb. 1. Rev. Feb. 20. Onechuld vom. Lande,. Die (German) (XJaslno) Comedy of fight for stage career. Dir. Carl Boese. 80 mlns. Rel. May 1. Viktor und VIktorIa (Gei') (Ufa). Theatrical operetta, Reiiate Mueller. Relnliold Schuehzel. 70 mins. Rel. Jan. 16 Vloletera, La (Sp). Raquel Meller, Baaed on an old silent, 60 mlns. Rel. Jan. 1.. Vueto de ia Muerte, El (Sp.). Mexican aviation Calles. 70 mlns." Rel. April 16. Waltz Time In Vienna (Ger) (Ufa). Musical based on Johan Strauss' - Renate Mueller. Willy Frltsch. Dir. Ludwig Berger. 80 mins. Nov. 1. Rev. Novi 20; Wenn Herzen Sich FInden '(Ger). (Germania), Romantic comedy, Ander. Dir. Erich P.ngels. '80 mlns. Rel. Nov. 1. "Youth of Maxim (Amklno) (Russ.). Historical drama. Dir. Gregory Kbzlnt- zev, Leonid Trauberg. 80 mins. Rel. April 15. Youth of Russia (Yiddish) (Sov-Am), -Religious conflict. 70 mins. Rel. Nov. 1. Zigeunerblut (Ger.). Romantic comedy with muslo and Alpine background. Dir. Chas. Klein. 70 mlns. Rel. April 1. Zycle J. Rllsudsklego (Pol.) (Metropolis). History of the lite of Marshal Pll- sudskl. Dir. Richard Ordyriskl. A western that has what It takes Ij;'^'^^^-^^-!^^^^^^^^ sters, In thrills, action and plot develop ment. Above the average, oats opera; Presents John Wayne in about his neatest broncho dramatic Job to date with plenty of strong support. Wayne is government sleuth. What appeal Irl Who Came Back' holds Is strictly to the credit of the cast. Shirley Grey Is con- vincing In the title role. Noel Madi son and Mathew Betz sustain the cowboy regalia and all. detailed to I ""^^^^e . f eP^'^^^^^ ^.r^„.,+-:...f»u.»,.= HncT and Torben Meyer register In char W. Back-stage romantic comedy. Dir. uncover counterfeiters operating near Mexican border. He first sus pects a 'Doc Charter,' owner of a medicine show. This pursuit of medicine show and its crew •even- tually leads him to his man. Idea ?nr th?«'',n?-?T^iv wifh" t^h^''I ^^e unimpressive, pseudo-exterior for this sort of jilx, with the result | h^ckirrounda are ofttlmes too crude- that few air pockets are encoun tered. Romance- introduced via the Kanske En Gientlemen .('Perhaps ■ Gentleman') (SWEDISH MADE) Stockhol , Sept. . Ircflim productlbn and release. Adolbh Jahr starred. Directed 'hy Rngnar Arvld- Bon and Tnncred Ibsen from Ideo buffed on O, B. Shaw's 'Pygmalion.' At the Astorln and Plaaa theatres, Stockholm, Aug. Si, •35. acter bits. Sidney Blackmer evi- I dences an aptitude for sympathetic I assignments as weir as the suave I light heavies usually given him. Technique ia too Indle. Scoring sounds like its off-tbe-disks; sets medicine show owner's daughter High dive off a clllf into a lake is the halr-ralscr.. Production end has done a good Job plus Okay performances turned , ^ ^, in by Wayne, Earie Hodgins, Keed | ^^^^ ^. Howes. Takima Canutt and Marlon Burns. Good enough as single feature In some houses where family -trade and kiddles expect these dramas. Drawing possibilities of John Wayne In spots where they go for westerns Illustrated by way young sters and others packed into this house. < Weor. backgrounds are ofttlmes too crude ly cyclorama. But'despite the. de- liberate economies It achieves some illusion of atmosphere. Film's spotting on a . roadway grind's dual bill Is about the gen- eral extent that 'Girl Who Came Abel. CAR OF DREAMS (BRITISH MADE) London, Sept. 5. Gaumont-Brltls'h production and relsase. Star^ Orete Moshelm, John'Mills;, features Norah Howai'd. Robertson Hai-c. Directed by' Graham Cutts, Austin Melford; screen play, Austin Melford; adaptation, C. Staf- ford Dickens, R. Benson; camera, M. Greenbauni. At Adelphl' theatre, Sept. -4, '35. Running time 72 ming, Robert Miller John Mills: Miller, Sr........ -. .Mark Lester Anne Fisher... Norah Howard Henry Bulterworth.. n . . J. Robertson Hare Vera Hart..- .'.Qrete Moshelm Mrs. Hart .Margaret Withers Mr. Hart....i., Paul Graetz Molly ,Glcnnis Lorlmer Peters ^ Jack Hobbs Chauffeur ...Hay Plumb THE GYPSY BARON (GERMAN MADE) (With Songs) UFA production and release, Dldccted by Karl. Hoftl. From operetta by Johann Strauss; adapted by Bruno Duday. At TOth St. Playhouse, N. T., week Sept. 18, '33. Running time. 106 mlns. Skindor Barlnkay Adolf Wohlbreuck Saffl Hansl KnotecU Zsupan Fritz Kampers Arsena, Seine Tochter... .Glna Fiilckenberg Homonay Edwin Juergensen Emoe Rudolf' Platte Pall i.Josef Sleber Czlpra ; Margarethe Kupfer Junge Kenneth Rive Key to Address Harold Auten, 1540 Broadway. Amklno, 723 Seventh Ave. Bavaria Film, 489 Fifth Ave. Casino; 240 E 86th St. Danubla. 729 Seventh Ave. European, 164 W. 66th St. Garrison Films, 729 Seventh Ave. General Foreign Sales. 729 7th AVe. 60 mlns. Rel, June 1. Germania, 22-33 19th St., Astoria, L. L J. H. Hoffberg, 729 Seventh Ave. Inter-Gonthient, 60 E. 42nd St. Klnematrade. 723 Seviehth Ave. Martin Nbsseck^326 Audubon Ave. Metropolis, 260 Fifth Ave. Scandinavian Films, 220 W. 42d. John Tapernoux, 126 West 46th St, Ufa. 729 Seventh Ave. music, . however, and that's. where a lot of boresome repetition and un- necessary action comes In. Wohl- brueck and Miss Knoteck do most of the singing, arid capably, with chorus backgi'ounding. Kampers plays the part of a pig- gish moron exceptionally well, while Rudolf Platte neatly portrays a skittish bunco-man. Sound is good, but photography is spotty, ^chc. Flickornas Alfred ('The Girls' Alfred') (SWEDISH MADE) Stockholm. Sent. 4. wivefllm production for Svensk • Fllmln- dustrl release. Directed, by Edvin Adolph- -soni At the Palladium, Stockholm, Aug. :3. '33. —■ (In excedish) Two men see 'Pygmalion,' and on the way home they bet that one of them, who ' Is a wealthy business man, can make a gentleman out of a tramp; Tiiey go down to the Stockholm quay and pick out a tramp who is taken to the wealthy man's luxurious home. 'Here all kinds of funny situations develop in the procedure of changing the tramp into a gentleman. Meantime thei wealfhy rian'3 son steals a necklace from Uls mother to pay gambling debts, and circum- stances cause the theft to be blamed (Not for V. S. Release) (jossamer entertainment of the pleasant, sentimental Cinderella variety; This one is set in a musical Instrument factory, which gives op- portunity for plenty of humorous Interludes, and excuses to burst into occasional numbers. John Mills gives an easy, natural portrayal of the rich man's son who falls in love with one of hie father's factory girls. He doesn't even know, fit first, that. she is in the firm; noi has she an" idea of his connection with the buslnessi It all arises through her love of beautiful things and Insatiable habit of gpinff I'lto .shops and pricing tlie most extrava- gant articles on show. She does this once too often, when she marches Into a motor salesroom, prices a Rolls-Royce and. h.avlng overheard it is sold. boMly insists she will have that one and no other. Young hero hear.*! this, and insists oh let- (Irt Gertnan) A «howmah, In Ordinary times could have taken 'The Gypsy Barwn' arid made it something of a b o. film on this side of the pond. That is If at Jeast 36 minutes of footage were judlclbusly . amputated, and mcst of the English titles rewritten. As the iBlm stands It can only play a limit- ed number of theatres, despite the excellence of its score. But. 'Baron' will probably be seen by more people In America than the average (German film of today for two reasons. First, 'the Johann Strauss musl&; secon . the story is laid In Austria without seniblance of Nazi propaganda. Film goes back 100 years, story concerning itself with th^ exiled scion of a wealthy family returning in the disguise of a gypsy to re- claim the land of his father from an unscrupulous swine-breedcr. The gypsies follow the standard of Adolf • Wohlbrueck, who plays the title role with a dash. of Fairbanks and only slight histrionic ability, in htiniillat- Irig Frits! Kampers, the pig-dealer At the end; Wohlbrueck not only wins back the family manor, but also succeeds in thoroughly insult- ing Kampers' daughter (blond(; ftlna Falckcnberg) and marrying the poor gypsy maiden, Hansl Knoteck a distinctly non-Aryan type. Film's music Is exceptionally good entirely pvpsy airs, while one scene an orgy In the swlne-hreeder's homC; ting her have the car, Consternation on face of the girl's is a standout.. Story supercedes the (In Swedish) Story Is about a young lawyer, Alfred, Bjork, who lives,with his two aunts in their little cottage; belong- ing to Baron von Harrdbow's big estate. Baron has a good-for-noth ing son. Ulf, who. like his father, never leaves the girls alone. One of the lawyer's childhood girl friends, Marta Roos, conies to Al fred, tells hhn of her troubles and asks for legal help to have her baby acknowledged by his father, the young Lieut, von Harrebow. Law yer accepts the case, since he him- self has suffered scorn and disgrace m his own childhood for being pair- entless. He has been given the nickname 'the girls' Alfred' (refer- ring :to his two aunts). Town's home-made lawyer, Per Bunke, has long tried to figure but the . secret about Alfred's birth, which also has beeti an obstacle for his chances on the inatrlmpnlai mar ket. During the trial, at which many secrets are revealed, Alfred becomes the principal figures. Per Bunke has gathered all the Ingredients, and when he lets the bonib explode, the young lawyer Is preselfited with both father and mother and also gets his beloved Birgit. Very good players In the cast The two aunts are done by Hilda Borgstrpni and Maria Schlldknecht from the dramatic theatre In Stock- holm. > Baron is played by Anders Henriksbn, a big name at the dra matic theatre. Birgit jngroth and Sture Lagerwall in Birglt's and Al fred's roles, are big film favorites here. But the one who steals the -picturfe is Eric Abrahamson in Per .Bunke role. People laugh as soon' as he .shows himself on the screen, Thi^ is his first big role and he looks to be quite a future star. Stcenson. 68 SUCKS OF DYNAMITE FOUND IN ORPH., ST. L. t, Louis. 17. Sixty-eight sticks of dynamite and two powerful dynamite bombs were fo^nd in an unused .room on third flpbr of Orpheum theatre (WB) house last week and police conclude from newspapers wrapped around the explosive they had Jain there two years. Discovery was made by Ray QulUen. chief usher, who opened room with view of establishing dressing room there. The dynamite sticks were in a, Gladstone bag .and bombs in a can- vas bundle. Two coils of fuse and 50 percussion caps also were dls-' covered In the 'plant.' Theatre was opened by WB about a year ago after having been dark since Jan- uary, 1932. Management at loss for presence of explosive. Theatre Is located at Ninth and St. Charles streets, across narrow thoroughfare from Statler hotel. Wagner Bosgrd Ready To Sift Pic Squawks Los Angeles, Sept.. 17. Labor troxibles drising In pictures under Wagner labor act will come before Dr. Towne Nylander, Who forrherly served as head of Regional Labor Board for Southern Califor- nia. Complaints are how belriff re- ceived by Dr. Nylander bat actual work will riot start for another IQ days until Instructions arrlye from Washington.. Complaint filed by National Association' of American Employes has; been withdrawn. Dr. Nylander said, as Warners restored offending workers to: thelf jobs after brief layT STORY BUYS Hollywood. Sept. 17. Picture rights to Ann Jordan's 'Kitchen Privileges,' which ran In Ladles Home. Jour.nal, bought by Universal for Jane Wyatt. 'Legion of Dishonor,' original by Ivan Lebedeff. taken on spec by Rudolph Mate. German at 20th-Fox.