Variety (Sep 1935)

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Wednesday, September 18, 1933 VARIETY 49 is Over Success in radio advertising calls for showmanship that entertains—and sells THE good old days are gone in radio. Simply "be- ing on the air'- no longer means that millions of Bets are being tuned-in to your program. People no longer listen out of sheer amazement at radio's miracle. Now they take it for granted. And refuse to come to the show unless it is good. Building an audience of millions today calls for sbowmanship that entertains—and sells. This means:, **giving the audience a program so magnetic that it wins instant welcome for the sponsor's message." This type of salesmanship in showmanship opens up millions of sets day after day, week afteir week, to your selling message. Recent results prove that it gets and holds the big profits. It has enabled us to deliver commercial messages for as low as $1.00 per thousand actual listeners. /Ju^st a few months ago, a Lord & Thomas radio pro- gram sold $700,000 wortb of one drug product alone \n ten days. For another of our clients, a radio program on four iBtations sold so much goods that the manufacturer bad to re-open a factory unit this 'Spring which bad been closed for years. Usually, to. play safe, we let the thousands decidcHf what the millions will like. Thus, a short whiles since, we tested an utterly new type of daily strip show. Announcements on five con- secutive days over 5,000 watt test station, brought 64,000 sample requests. So we knew what to expect from the same show on the network. We are not sur- prised, at the time of this writing, that independent surveys prove it the most popular day-time sponsored show on the air. And after only a few months' time. »»» Some radio "firsts' credited to Lord & Thomas (names on request) It has been said that Lord & Thomas pioneered more kiew things in radio than all the other agencies com- bined. Those credited to us are listed briefly below: 1. First Daily Radio Contest of National Scope It rocked American streets with couversation. Made an average of 10,000 one dollar sales k day for nibmhs. 2. First Daily Network Strip Program Started a whole new technique of. commercial pro- gram building. 3. First to Rehroadcast Commercial..Program Repeat same program late at night for Far West coverage. 4. First Big Hit Variety Musical Show Sponsored oi|. Network Set the pattern for big commercial musical produc- tion shows in radio. 5. First Coniniercitd Broadcast of Metropolitan Opera Series 6. First Commercial Series of Pick-ups of Foreign Dance Orchestras 7. First Sustained Commercial Series of Spot Pick-ups Artists and orchestras fjrom all over country picked up on same program. 8. First to Present Authentic Police and Dept, of Justice Dramas 9* First in Number of Contest Returns 1,800,000 forty-cent purchases in two weeks. 10. First Chain Sponsorship of Football 11. First Network Daytime Serial Show to Women Talent which was first sponsored or popuUxriaed nationally by Lord & Thomas clients Amos and Andy; Bing Crosby; Eddiei Duchin; Hal Kemp; Walter OlCeefe; Phil Cook; The Goldbergs; Rosario Bourdon; Donald Novis; Fred Astaire; Ltmi and Abner; Al Goodman; The Revellers; Walter Winchell; Jack Pearl; Clara, Lu and Em; Thie.Cavaliers; B; A. Rolfet LORD & THOMAS New York, 247 Park Avenue • Ghicaco, 919 North Michigan Avenue SToBONTO, 67 Yonge Street • Paris, 16 Place de la Madeleine • London, England, Millbank, Westminster Los Angeles, (J^J West Fifth Street San Francisco, 235 Montgomery Street Each' Lord & Thomas office i* a complete advertiaing agency, aelf-contaihed; eollaborating with other, Lord & Thomas offices to tTie client's inter