Variety (Sep 1935)

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50 VARIETY R A D I O Wednesda^t September 18, 1935 FORECAST OF LEADING AGENCIES t J5[.j4XEB_iSLSQN NEW YORK CITY- Most liberal spc-nder In thiJ Ayor fold continues to be Ford, cuvrently sponsoring Waring's variety .with Stoopnasitf-- -awi •• ■- --Su^sda $=• evenings, and ready' to resume: the Detroit Symphonies on ^ Sundays. Both are aired by CBS, Brand new Is Atlantic Reflnlrig's "X'tlani'!?'' .raniny","" ■'" tt.usl^" 'aTiOi --scrlpl._p.he»L_5Kith _e.u e«it^.Atar. Pro:v gram Is set for Saturdays on CBS, and calls for Frank Parker, Jack MacBrydfe, Rita-Allyn, Rosemary pe Kamp and Everett Sldane, J. C. Eno Is • putting more Crlnie Cluea on the NBC Blue w.Ith a Coast re-'brpftdcast. Kellogg continues to feature Ruth Ettlng, Wallace Sisters, arid Red Nichols' orchestra In the College Prom series on Fridays, . plus the usual Monday to Friday shot at juyeniles via the Singing Lady, both oh the Blue. Ford Motor Co. (Dearborn branch/ spotting Jl my Steyenson on WJR, Detroit, with sport, flashes. Pro- grams run a quarter hour (6i3Q- 6:46 week "days, arid 7-7:15 Sun^ dajrs), .every day the Tigers play. When Tigers are on the road; five- minute resumes of the gam^. are gi^n. Ford Motor Cti. (Milwaukee branch) ^slng a. quairter hour wax prograrh on WTMJ, Milwaukee, Sundays at 5. Golden State Co. (dairy products) sponsoring 'Menu Flashed' Mondays through Fridays On the Coast. Kellogg Co. (cereal) using play- by-play baseball over KMOX; St. JLrOuls, ai trio-over WIP, Philadelphia, 8(iid WOL, Washington, and partici- pation In a 'New.England Pure. Food Institute' over flvo - New England stations. Also a 'Riding with the Texas Ranger' show over the Texas Quality .i(3ro,up. Kopper's Gas and Coke to com- m(}rice sponsorship. of ,'Five Star Final* oyer WMCA, "New Tdrk, arid WIP, -Philadelphia, Mondays through Fridays at-8:16 p.m., and .Sundays McKesson and .- Robbiris CCalox toothpowder) participating In 'Uncle Dbn' over WOR, New York. Sheffield Farms Co. (dairy) Spon- soring JBi.lly and Betty' at 6:45 p.m, over.WEAF,. New York. ; Webster Elsenlohr Cprp." (cigars) isch^duling Transradip news flashes WOR, New York; days, 9-10 p.m. with a repeater tor .VfliMx.. Cincinnati, and some west- ern stations at 11:30 p.m. John Bar- clay and guest Soloists featured In tho. ro.usU!al co.medies arid, pperettas. C-P-P aiso~~runnlng 'House' oi Glass' on the Blue Wednesdays, S.;.3P.-,9,J?vm. for Simper. Sud» Powder. Clara, Lu 'n* Em returning to the pir over the Red next month for sariie sponsor (Coigate-Palrii- Mive-Peet). Will play the 5:45-6 Likewise for the same'sponsor 'Phil CpokV'Noriber^obk^witt-appeai'-Men-. days, Wednesdays and Fridays at various times over WIOD, Miami; WDAF, Kansas City; WDRC, Hart- Cdrd; WFB(i, Altpona; WEAN, Providence; WWVA. Wheeling; WORC, Worcester; WOKO, Albany, and WEEU, Reading. General Foods (M^ixwell House coffee) continuing tho 'Showboat' on the Red web at the usual Thurs- day evening tiriie,; featuring Lanny Ross, Frank .Mclntyre, Conrad Thl- bault, arid others. Log Cabin (maple syrup, and anr. other GF account) starts a series oyer the Red 'next month pri Wednesdays, 10-10:30 p;m., with a cast headed by Conrad Thibault and Harry Salters orchestra, Bristol-Myers will have its regu- lar 'Town Hall Tonight' cast back next month. Wi^ then consist of Fred Allen, Portland Hoffa, Jack' Smart, and the Mighty Alleri Play- ers (NBC Red, Wednesdays 9-10. pm). Same sponsor, using a sports re- view for Mlnlt Bub over KWK, St.- Louis, and WGN) Chicago. B.B.I).&6;, INC. NEW YORK CITY •March of Time' has been re- sumed on a new flve-a-week sched- ule, with its running time ,cut to quarter hours. Goes over 40 CBS stations, sponsorship being divided between 'Ti ' a;nd Remington Rand. •Big Ben Dream Dramas' contln ulng for Western Clock Co, over the Red on Sunday afternoons. Bond Bread has Julia Sanderson and Frank Crumlt on CBS. E. I. duPont de Nemours & Co begins a 'Cavalcade of America' next month (9) over CBS on-Wed- nesdays evenli^gfs, 8-3:30 p.m. Will dramatize eyents of American his- tory.. -' ■ Atwa:ter Kent (radlo^ sets) on CBS Thursdays, with ari orchestra al^iX^^uest stars, .iidarborunduni Co. scheduling its CarlttoVuridum band for ;CBS as oiE nelit month (19). Following clients uslhg varibu;? forms of spot: Continental Baking; L. S. Donaldson; F. W. Fitch; Gen-: eral Baking'; Gold Dust (Fairy Soap, Shlnola White phoo polish, and Silver Dust); International Sugar Food Co.; Larus & Brother Co. (Edgeworth tobacco); Niagara ^udson Coi'p.; Oshkosh Overall Co.; Porto Rican American To- bacco Co. (Blackstone Cigar); Remington Rand; Servel (Electro^- lux refrigerators); Waltt & Bond (Qiilncy cigars and Yankee cigars); Western Savings Bank;' and CSeoii A. Horriiel & Co. BLAGEETT-SAMPLE- HUMMERt, Inc. CHICAGO, ILL. CAMPBE II rEW ALD DETROIT' MICHIGSN' • General Motors- opening Its winter series next month (6) with a re- sumption of the syihphpnles that 3a9t-S'€at*--w-j>n--on-e -of th».J^rpmcn's. Naitlonal Radio Committee's awards. But this year the hookup will be In-, creaised to Include the coa8t-to-coa.Bt Red of 62 statipn's. "(¥»w*S<aii$' --i>ow .jfunning Satvr<Sftjii»' nights on__the Red for Chevrolet, wifl'tbrmihaie'dptblB^^ ancT wUr be supplanted, by a program as yet undetermined. Meantime Chevrolet keeps up its 'Musical Moments' disc series on 300 spot stations. CBAUEB-ERASSEIT CO. MILWAUKEE, WIS. Attitude of Gener il Mills Is that after a dozen years of steadily in- creasing its radio expenditure, cxt perlmenting with new types of pro- grams for the utmost in radio econ- omy might still not be amiss. GM is now sponsoring several experi- mental progranas weekly. Company's regular lineup each Week Includes ten niusicals, two home r ^rvlce^ talks, ten dra.mas, all on. a near-natiorial basts, plus sixty baseball gantes and 12 sports resumes. Maybellinv Co. is continuing on the NBC Red with 'Penthouse Ser- enade' for another y^ar with ^same oast, but Is expanding current hook- up to 65 stations. Sterlirig Products placing 130 disc programs entitled 'The Montlcello .Party Line' for Dr. Caldwell's .Syrup Pepsin. Program's run Ave morpings weekly on' a 26-w6ek test over 22 South and Southwest sta- tions. lllett Rubber again spotting hill- billy music on Saturday evenings over outstanding rui^iai transmitters in Midwest Pine Bairn Co. ready to release a series of'spot programs In Midwest and . South. -.Talent not . set. A. J. Krknk making Bectlonal radio tests ,£pr Balm Argentina, hand lotion. Scripts call for> fem- ,inine gossip with musical back- ground. M141er Hatcheries will shoot quar- ter hour riUsicais over stations In Midwest and South- after: first of the year.. D. Hill Nursery Co. spotting wax invitations to visit its nursery over Chicago stations. Maytag Co. sponsoring University of Iowa football games over WHO, also continuing a ifa'dio test In Los Angeles. Nprge Corp., now using nation- wide spot, expected to blossom out with a network show In late fall. BIAGEMAN ABVERTISINC^, ... Inc. NEW YORK CITY Three projgrams noW running for ■Procter & Gamble, with a fourth due In October.: A ^fth,. 'Uncle Charlie's Ivory "Tent Show,' has just folded after a 52-week run, Capt. Tim Healy's 'Ivory Stamp Club'—aimed at Juvenilesi and noW appearing thrice weekly'over WJZ, WBZ and WBZA—is to . be enlarged to the NBC Blue end of this month 'The O'Neills' flye-a-weefc dramas' begin on the Red next month in afternoon, spots. r ^ic and Sade' and .'Home Sweet Home'—both ' domestic dramas— continuing on the'Red, EMIL BRISAGHER and STAFF ' SAN FRANCISCO BENTON & BOWLES NEW YORic City Colgate-Palmollve-Peet sponsor- ing a new set; of 'Colgate. Mysteries.' over WOR, New York, Mondays, 8:30-9 p.m. Richard Gordon cast as Flroif.-. Pordney. '.Palmollve Beauty Box theatre j^lip^tlnulhe; pYfir. the IS^C Blw.Je^:y Geo. W. Case well Co. (National Cresit Coffee).^ is continuing Gilbert Sa Sullivan pvet the NBC Coast hookup. Believed to have the oldest continuous radio show in the., coiin try, haying sporispreiJL the operettas since 1921. Also - using - one '. day time show on same net, corislstlng. of music and. drama. California Brewing Assn. (Acriie beer) shooting a.muslcal-yarlety of- fering over the NBC Coast web,.plus Denver, Salt Lake City and Phoenix, Also some spot anripuricemerils. BTER & BOWHAN, Inc. •COLUMBUS, OHIO Broadcasts oyer WLW of all phlp State, football gariies, both at honie and away, make up the fall schedule of the Ohio Oil .Co. Red Barber Is to do the announcing, with Suz Say ger giving highlights between the halyes. Plugging will be held to a mlml mum, arid nO commercial breaks are to interrupt progress of the game Betty Bowkei^-ls on lA, New York, and the Inter-Oity group, with a Wednesday afternoon WH. ESTT & CO. NEW YORK CITY Starting October 1', R. J. Reynolds Tobacco (Cainel) is l»-lng:lng the 'Camel Caravan' back to CBS Tues- days arid Thursdays 9-9:30 p.m. Health Products (Feenamint). cOn tlnuing. 'National Amateur Night' over same web on Sundays 6-6:30 p.m. No deflnlte plans as yet for 'Thomas Leemlng & Co. - (Baume Bengue)' which used the Mutual hookup last year. fllT TCHIN S ADVERTISING-CO. KOCHTIST] Philcq. Radio & Television . Is Scheduled to continue'Boake Carter In his customary CBS spot Mondays, through Fridays.^ HUTCHINSON AOVERTISINQ COMPANY , Plllsbury FlOur has 'Today's Chil- dren' on the NBC Blue,_and supple- nientaries five mornings per week, also 'Cooking Close-Ups' on CBS Wednesdays and t'ridays. Gluek Brewing and Northwestern National Life Insurance are com- ing Iri for locial programs consisting Of he'wscasts; ball scoresl sports re- vievrs', and' sponsored football. H. W. HASTOR & SONS CHICAGO, ILL. •Lum and Abner' from the Mutual the NBC Blue. —Peyuudeul uunlliiuluK tiie •venei'^^ ■ able 'AmOs 'n'- Andy' grind on and on. "' Additionally Pepsodent is taking a. daytime show this 'year, to start next rinonth (7).. Scheduled for the- NBCK^iar^Mondttys.'mmeJdays'Aiid Fridays 4-4.30,: and features Al Pearce and his gang. "Will plug F'ep- sodent itpothpowdcrv and Junls face cream. ^ ... Pinaud (rnen's^toiletries) on three -atations-of-H^he-lif utual ww b-MoA-g- days through Fridays 7,15-7.30 p.m. Also .usirig transcriptions' on KNX, Hollywood, and KFRC, Toronto. Program features Paul Pearsiiri, and orchestra, and Jeannlne.' RCA Radiptrpn sponsoring spot announcements on 15 stations. Crew Levick (i^asollne and oil) shooting «. live talent show; featur- ing coriiedy and song, Mondays through Fridays 6.15-6.30 p. m. on WJSV,. .Washington, D. C, Welch Grape Jiiice continuing Ruth Ettlng dramas Fridays on the Blue; with one-jninute spots on vari- ous schedules'. rerie* a Procter & Gamble sham- poo,: ha,s a 'Jack Randolph' slngiriig' and niuSlcal schedule oyer WMAQ, WW J, and WFBR, also some one- minute spots. Plutp Water beginning a qua,rter hour "musical disc schedule, dubbed from World's Library. Service, on a once-a-week basis over 30 small stations, coast to coast. I A. GOLDMAN & CO. BAL-riMORE, MD. Frankly preferring professionals to the simon-pures for entertaln- "ment value, the Gunther Brewing Co. is sponsoring a show with an- amateur twist pver WRC on Monday evenings. Liberal newspaper ads arid Showmanship .voting, hooks snare .further audience interest. Half a dozen pros do their stuff durlhg the Initial l5 minutes of the half hout stanza, three winners be- Irig determined by electrical gadget ;that rnglsters' the strength of audience applause. Program con- cludes with a script show giving each winner a role. Mearitlme the llstenlng-ln audir once cari also stick an Oar into the voting by getting blanks from Gun- ther dealers. Artist l-eceivirig most votes In. a month gets a sliver cup. Ultimate winner at the end* of 13 weeks of baliotlng draws a- gold cup,, and a week's -engagement at Loew's Fox netting $200. W. S. HILL CO. PITTSBURGH, PA. Cllmalene Is sponsoring 'Cllriia- lene Carnival' half hour Thursday mornings over the NBC Red, Coverage is alnied mainly at women, housewives In .partlculai;.. ' JOSEPH KATZ CO. NEW YORK CITY • Ex-Lax, which has betaken itself to spot without waiting for the CBS anti-laxative axe tp take its toll, is releasing a campaign over 50 stations consisting of. drama.tiza- tlons of John Hlx' 'Strange As It Seems' yarns. Radio Institute of Audible Arts has okayed the series. HENRY J. KAUFMAN WASHINGTON, DT' Doings In the 'Grand Hotel' man- ner, murder and all, are being sponsored by a list of participating 'clients Mondays, .'Wednesdays, and Fridays over 'WJS'V, Washlrigton, at 9:30 a.m; Name of the program .Is 'Sally at the Switchboard,' the ingredients being the Operator's one-way chatter anent Internal em- broilments in the hostelry, with a -murder for & lead-off to hold audi- ence ' interest. Saks Fur C.6. taking two quarter hours pver WRC,. Washington, per week. Entertainment is of the song and patter type by the Hunnlcutts under the title 'College Sweet- hearts.' May be increased to three- a-weeK Liberal Credit Clothing Co. usirig World diiscs on a Friday spot over WJSV. Chermer Motor Co., biggest local Ford dealei*, signing for 48 half hour shows' on a, once-weekly basis over 'WJS'V. Arthur Godfrey to conduct them a la Jack Benny. Agency's spot bllllrig has been upped .50% over last fall. Looks like a big Ipcal year for that 'type of business. Frank HennoMey - latest- member of announcing^ staff of KILiRA^ Little Rock, Ark. Fonnerly with WLAC, Nashyi^le. " .." GARR UGGETT, Inc. CLEVEtAi^D, OHIO Spot announciements have been placed on 30 stations for the I. 1^ Cp^ (rubber heels), the only account now using radio. Announcements fall between popular chain, programs and-after play-by-play accounts of baseball games. One station gets a jlye minute .newscast four days per Aveek. ' . I. .T. S.^s fall-winter schedule will 'contlriue the formula currently Iri use. LORD & THOMAS NEW YORK CITY International CellUcottori Prod- ucts CP. (Kleenex tissues and Quest deodorant) sponsoring 'The. Story of Mary .Marl.ln' on CBS daytime, coast-to-co'a$t. Runs ' flve-a-we'ek a.t 11.30 CDST, and consists of a serljfcj drama designed especially for a woipian audience. Horlibk's iMaltied MUk has moved LORB & THOMAS CHICAGO, ILL. . Lucky Strike sponsoring Lerinia Hay ton and orchestra, i)lM8 Fred Astaire, Kay Thompson, Charles Carlile, and the Rhythm Kings, over the NBC Red Satiirdays/8-9 p. m. Cities Servfce continuing on the Red. Frlda,ys. 8-9 with Rosatlo Bour- don and. prchestra, Jessica Drago- nette and the Cavaliers. Also uslns 15 other stations, in addition to the web. Radio Corporation of America, abPut to sponsor Sunday afternoon variety over the Blue. Frank Black and NBC symphony orchestra, Jphn B. Kennedy, and guest, artists (names not yet announced). Bourjols (perfumes) using the. NBG Blue Mondays 8.30-9 p. m. -with Marie Warnow and orchestra, Odette Myrtll, Pickens Sisters, and Milton Watsbri. MARSCHALH AND PRATT NEW YORK. CITY Standard Oil Coi of New Jersey continuing 'Lpmbardo Road'; with split ops coverage from 'Maine to Louisiana. Novel. conmiercials woven in; with the guest stars doing them. Scott and Bowri.e featuring Ga- briel Heatter in a "Week-end Nfews Review' pver NBC Blue Saturdays, and Sundays, 6:46-6. Five Sootty pups to be given away weekly for winning letter on 'Why Scott's Emulsion fortified Is the- b^st'way to take codliver oil.' ;'. Crusaders, a non-profit organiza- tion, continues over Muttial, Yankee and WLW Mondays at 10 p.m., !fea- turlng Fred G. Clark, national com- mander. American Radiator using bale Carnegie' to expound "Little Known Facts About Radio Stars' on a six- a-week nation-wide spot basis. Pro- gram has a contest: twist, awarding writer of the best letter a complete heating system. Roger & Gallet bringing .Bob Crosby and his orchestra to ■ the NBC Blue Fridays at 8:15, next month. It's the toiletry makei-'s'first ether attempt. McGANN-ERICESON chicago, ill. Standard Oil of Indiana has pliaced, a .Sunday night variety show tp ■ start in October ovtr n.» van midwest hookup with Jadk Hylton, British maestro,. as conductor. Cur- rently the sariie sponsor has a dallj- sports, review over KWTO. Cover- ago is for gas and oil, tlr^s and ac- cessories. Standard Oil of Nebraska has- a Wednesday spot on KFOR and WOW, presided over by iLlnk Ly- man, Nebraska's llrie coach. Daggett & Ramsdell ^ponisorlng beauty and style chatter over WGN thrice weekly. BANB. MINOR GO. LOS ANGELES, CAL. WUshlre Oil Is entering Its second year of 'Witch's Tale.' live talent sponsorship over KHJ. "Western Auto Supply Co. winding' up third' year, of .'Outdoor Reporter' on KPWB. The show is seasonal, April to October. W. J. Ross using live and disc pro- ' (Continued on:page SI)