Variety (Sep 1935)

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64 VARIETY RADIO Wednesday, September 18, 1933 I Edited Radio Agency List (Continued from page 56) L. S. Caskln Paul Cornell Co. 680 Fifth Avenue New York City Tom Everett J. Stirling Getchell, Ino, 406 Lexington Avenue New York City Louis A. Witten Hanff-Metzger, Ino. 746 Fifth Avenue Ne^ York City Paul Oumblnner Lawrence C. Gumblnner 9 Bast^lst Street New York City Martin Horrell Ldmbert & Feasley, Inc. 400 Madison Avenue New York City bave Elman Marschalk & Pr&tt 636 Fifth Avenue'. New York City ■ Arthur. Slnshelmer Peck Adv. Agency 444 Madison Avenue New York City W. L. Cheaman Donahue .& Coe, Ino. 1270 6th Avenue N6w York city Harry M. Overstreet I^rrance, Sullivan & Go. 347 Madison Avenue New York City B. Jason J. Dresser Agency 1467 Broadway New York City S. H. Ellner Joseph Bllner Componjr S31 JTourth Avenutf New York City F. Friedlander Empire Adv. Senrloo 1460 Broadway New York City John C. Esty Wm, Esfy & Co. 100 East 42nd Street New York City Donald Bryant Federal Adv. Agency Ino. 444 Madison Avenue New York City Jerry Cady Fletcher & Ellis, Ino. 600 Fifth Avenue New York City Roland Martini Gardner Adv. Co. 330 West 42nd Street New York City W. A. Arner . Geyer-Cbrnell Company U ■745 Fifth Avenue ■=.-— New York City Geo. Conaptbls Gotham Advertisinir Co. .260 Park Avenue New York City James H. Lan^, Jr. Grey Adv. Service, Inc. 128 West 31st Street New York-City Herman ICornblumi Lawrence C. Gumblntier Adv, Agency 9 East 41st Street New York City T. J. L. Crane Hazard Adv. Corporation 296 Ma:dlson Avenue New York City Leon Bloom Hirshon-Garfleld, Inc. 10 East 40th Street New; York City Wm. E. Larcomble Hommann, Tarcher & Sheldon, Inc. 600 Fifth Avenue New York City Klngsiey. E. Humbert Humbert & Jones 238 East 46th Street New York City Michael Altomiiri John Karch Adv. Agency 280 Broadway New York City Wm/'ftbbefts Kayton-Splero, Inc. Herald-Tribuhe Bldg. New York City P. Orr -Lenne'n-&-Mitcheair~Iac.... 17.East 46th Street New York City Marion Parsonnet Lehnen & Mitchell, Inc. 17 East 4eth Street New York City Montague H. Haxikelt Lord & Thomas 247 Park Avenue New York City Arthur C. Smith , Ji M. Mathes, Inc. 122 East, 42nd Street New York city Dorothy Barstovr McCann-Erickson, Inc. 285 Madison Avenue New York City Jules G. Mpritz J. .0. Moritz, Inc. 61 East 42nd Street New York City W'm,.Reydel Newell-Emmett Co., Inc. 40 East 34th Street New Yorit City J. F. Quick Mark O'Day & Company, Ino, 400 Madison Avenue New York City Ei J. Cogan Paris & Heart 370 Lexington Avenue New York City David Crosier Pedler & Kyan, Inc. 260 Piirk Avenue New York City Oakland, Cal. Bruce A. Wilson Atlee F. Hunt Co. 839 16th Street Oakland, Calif. Wallace F. Elliott Tomaschke-Elllott, Inc. Franklin Bldg. Oakland, Calif.; Omaha W. Hi Kearns Thomas Buchanan Adv. Company 412 South 19th Street Omaha, Neb. Philadelphia H. H. Kynett Altkin-Kynett Co. 1400 South Penn Square Philadelphia, Pa. Ward Wheelock P. Wallis Armstrong Co, 16th and Locust Streets Philadelphia, Pa. Edward A-' l^avles John Falkher Arndt 1411 Lewis Tower ' Philadelphia, Pa. Joseph Green Adrian Bauer Adv. Agency Architects Bldg., 17th janii Sam son Streets Philadelphia, Pa. H. O. Stone William Jenkins Adv. 220 South'16th Street Philadelphia, Pa. Miss M. E. Peeples Sidney H, Weller Adv. Agency 1420 Chesnut Street Philadelphia, Pa. M. S. Well Byren-Weil-Weston, Inc. Bankers Securities Bldg. Philadelphia, Pa. A. V. West Clements Company, Inc. Horn Bldg, Philadelphia, Pa. Edmund H. Rogers Jerome B. Gray & Co. 12 South 12th Street Philadelphia, Pa. Harry B. Schwartc Charles Gross & Associates, Inc. 1606 Walnut Street Philadelphia, Pa. Robert K. Hetherlngton Hetherlngton Watson Co. 2220 Lewis Tower Philadelphia Pittsburgh Allen p. Helnecke W. S. Hill Co., Inc. 323 4th Avenue ■ Ittsburgh, Pa. Portland, Ore, Mrs. S. Goodrich Adollpli' L... BTocli' Adv," 108 N^ W. Ninth Ave. 'TPorllarid,~OriSr " Rochester, N. F. A. Hutchinis Hutchins Ady. Co., Ino. 42 East Avenue Rochester, N. Y. . San Diego, Cal» Robert Elliott Robert Gracemlll Adv. Agency 316 Southern Title Bldg. San Diego, Calif. '\ San Francisco W. A. Brewer Brewer-Weeks Comjpany 664 Markdt Street - San Francisco. Calif.. Emil Brisacher . Eniii Brisacher & Staff Crocker Bldg. San Francisco,. CallC. W. Vincent Leahy W, Vincent Leahy Ady. Agency M,onadnosk. Bldg. San Francisco, CaliC. W. C. Day . Leon Livingston Adv. Agency Penthouse Mills BId«r. San Francisco, Calit. Seattle B. V. Todd Weller Service Vane Bldg. Seattle, Wash. St. Loiiis L. H. Budke Budke-Connell. Adv. Agenc/ 1129 Pine Street St. Louis, Mo. F. C. Weber D'Arcy Adv. Co., Ino. MisBpuri-Paciflc Bldg. St. Louis, Mo. Glenn W. Hutchinson Chappelow Adv. Company 3616 Olive Street St. Louis, Mo. Woody Klpse Mortlmore W. Mears, Ino. 401 South 12tli Street St. Louis, Mo. Sam Van Dyne Wesley K. Nash Company 102 North Broadway St. Louis, Mio. St Paul W. Schindler Chamberlin Adv. Agency, 681 Endlcott Bldg. St. Paul, Minn. St. Petersburg, Fla. R. F. Bullard , Griffith Adv. Agency, Inc. Times Bldg. St. Petersburg, Fla. Stockton, Cal. Elmer Klrkle Humphreys & Matthews, Irio. 644 East Maritet Street Stockton, Calif. South Bend, Ind. 0. F. Prell Xiamport-Pox & Co. J. M. S. Bldg. South Bend, Ind. Springfield, Mass. Milton Stoughton Wm. B. Remington, 21 Bess Place .Springfield, Mass. -Jack Edwards Norman W. Toler and Associates 631 Thlipd Ave. San Diego, Calif. Toledo, O. R. S. Sicelley United-States Adv. Corporation 240 Huron Street Toledo, Ohio WPRO, PROVIDENCE, USES BIG THEATRE Providence, Sept. 17. There is only one amateur pro- gram going over the ether waves in Providence Just noyr. WJAR, the Outlet Department Store, Is spon- soring Children's Program every Saturday morning from 10 to 11 o'clock. It . is non-commercial, and varied talent is used. The youngster who-'wins gets a week's engager ment as a sustaining artist at the station. Next month, however, WPRO; Cherry and Webb, will- once- more resume the Bamby Amateurs, y^l^iifh created cons;idera.ble-attention—liere. last winter.. This is commercial, and is backed by the New England Bak- ing Co. to exploit Bamby Bread, which retails for 10 cents. The af- fair is put on a large scale, pro- gram being, put on in the Metropoli- tan theatre, .8,400 seating capacity house, every Saturday night. Pro- gram goes oveir the'air for one hour starting at 9 p. ni. Theatre is usua,!- ly Jammed, Baking company is signed up for 18 weeks, as It was last winter. Recently WEAN, Shepard's CBS outlet, held a purely civic amateur affair for Pawtucket and Centr^il Falls playground officials. Time was furnished gratis, and lasted through summer months. MIAMI'S 3 SHOWS CUCiONG NICEY Miami, Sept. l7. Three amateur programs are aired weekly here, two by WIOD and one by WQAM. Former station turns cut a 16-minute broadcast from its studios titled the Junior Amateur Parade. Sponsored by- Economy Cleaners, popular-priced cleaning establlshment„,wlnners are rewarded with cash prizes. Sponsor has never used live talent heretofore. Same station also presents a 30-min. pe- riod each yreeik direct from the floor of the Royal iPalm Club. Sponsored by five Independent merchants, all Of which are small shops who have niever used live talent before. WQAM airs an hour amateuir pro- gram: each, week from Bayfrbnt park, prbduced by the station. All three programs have been clicking for the j>ast two months. Have a.p- parently hot cut into live talent. UNION FROWN KEEPS OUT CANADA'S AMS Ottawa, Sept. 17. Amateur try-out hours iiayen't yet hit the Ottawa air, and they may never become prevalent here because of the Dominion Govern- ment connection with broadcasting from the Canadian Capital through the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commlsh. In other words, the Government has to put forward a careful foot because of the influence of organ- ized labor, both, commercially and politically. There isn't much en- couragement for purely amateur or npn-unlon stuff because of the watchful eye of labor unions. Some time ago a cardless violinist was signed for regular programs, but the case became an issue with the Musi- cians' Union. Network Pr^eres Toronto, Ont. R. D. Albertlni Baker Advertising Agency 109 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario W. R. Johnston James Fisher Co., Ltd., 204 Richmond Street West Toronto, Ontario F. W. Perclval J. J. Gibbons, Ltd. 159 Bay Street Toron£o, Ontario C M. Pasmore MacLaren Advertising Company. Ltd; 372.Bay Street Toronto, Ontario Washington, D. C. Wi A. McGulre ^ Walsh Adv. Company, Ltd, Guaranty Trust Bldg. Windsor, .Ontario Windsor, Ont. Helen Stewart Henry J. Kaufman Advertising Homer Bldg. Washington, D. C. (.Daynoht Saving Ends Sept, 29)' SEPT. 18 'The Life Savera' (Life Savers. Inc.), Phil Duey^ Jane Williams, Aldo .Rlcci orchestra, NBC-WJZ, 8:3b'! '20,000 Years In Sing Sind' (Sloan's Liniment) Warden LaLwes. NUC-^JZ, 9:30 SEPT. 19 World Peaceways (Sau^jh Sons), Deems Taylor, Howard Bar- ■ low, Lucrezla Bori, Senator William E. Borah. CBS-WABC, 0:39 p.m. Atwater-Keht Concerts, Jessica Dragonettei 'Williani Daly.*^ CBS-^ WABC, 8:30 p.m. —- —SEPT; 21 - Weekend News Review (Scbtt Bbw^e), Gabriel Heeitter, NBC« WJZ, 6: rp.m. SEPT. 24 Packard Concerts (Padkard Mo- tor Co^, Lawrence Tibbett, Don Voorheos. , CBS-WABC, 8:30 p.m. SEPT. 25 "The Log Cabin (Log Cabin Syrup), Phil Cook, Conrad Thi- bault. NBC-WEAf, 10 p.m. SEPT. 20 Jack Benmy ( Jello-O), Mary Liv- ingstone, Michael Bartlett, Johnny Green.. NBC-WJZ, 7 p.m. RCA Revue, variety bill, with tal. ent yet to be picked.. NBC-WJZ, 2 p.m. Great American Tourist (Gulf'Re- flning), Phil Baker, Hal Kemp: Orch., Seven G'a. ensemble. CBS- WABC, 7:30 p.m. Ford Sunday Evening (Ford Motor), Victor Kolar, con- ductor, and guest concert artists. CBS-WABC, 9 p.m, SEPT. 30 Tom Mi Adventures (Ralston. Purina), script- serial. NBC-WEAF, 6:30'jp.m. Og, Son of Fire (Libby, McNeill, Llbby), script serial. CBS-WABC, 6 .i).m. - Myrt and IVIarge (Wrl^l^y Gum), script seriaL CBS-WABC, 7 p.m. Vanished Voices (Blue Coal), dramatic program. CBS-WABC, 6:30 p.m. Hammerstein's Musie Hall (Amer- ican Home Products), Ted Ham- mierstelnsand guest support. NBC- WEAF, 8:80 p.m. OCT. 1 Jack and Loretta Clemens ( Coal). NBC-WEAF,..11:16 a.m. Easy Acfss (American Home Products), Jane'and Goodman Ace, NBC-WJZ, 7 p.m. Helen Hayes (Sanka CofCefe), dra- matic series. NBC-WJZ, 0:30 p.m. Eddy Duchin Orch. (Texaco), with vocalists. NBCrWEAF, 9:30 p.m. Kate Smith (Atlantic & Paclflc Stores), with Jack Miller Orch. CBS-WABC, 7:30. Camel Caravan (Camel Clgarets), Casa Loma . band, Walter O'Keefe, Deane Janls. CBS-WABC, 9 p.m. OCT. 2 Town Hall Tonight (Ipana-Sal Hepatlca), Fred Allen, Pbrtland Hoffa, Jack Smart, Peter Van Steeden. NBC-WEAF, 9 p.m. Chesterfield Concerts, Lily Pons, Nino Martini, Andre Kostelanetz, conducting. CBS-WABC, 9 p.m. Burns and Allen (Campbell To- ' mato Juice). CBS-WABC, 8:30 p.m. OCT. 4 Mills Bros. (Elgin Watch), with Art Kassel Orch., Hal Totten. NBC-WEAF, 10:30 p.m. OCT. 6 Bakers Program (Flclschmann Yeast), Robert L. Ripley, Ozzie Nelson Orch., Harriet Hilliard. NBC-WJZ, 7:30 p.m. Musical Moments (Luden's CQugh- drops), Al Goodman Orch. NBC- WEAF, 6:46 p.m. The Town Crier (Cream , of Wheat), Alexander Wbollcott, GBS-- WABC. 7 p.m. Eddie Cantor (Pebeco^, Parkya- kairkas, Gus Arnhelm, James Wal- lingtoh. CBS-WABC, 8 p.m. Beauty Parade ( Inds Hopey and Almond Cream), talent to be Picked. CBS-WABC, 8:30 p.m. OCT. 7 . Al Pearce and His Gang (Pepso- dent), variety. NBC-WEAF, 6 p.m. OCT. 20 Pi Valley (Plnex), musical show with talent yet to be selected. NBC-WJZ, 3:46 p.m. OCT. 25 Bob Crosby Orch. (Rogers Gallet). NBC-WJZ. 7:16 p.m. Itty Bitty Moves starting Oct. itty Bitty Kiddle hour, with Pei-ry Charles and Ward Wilson, shifts from, Sunday night airlnff time to Wednesdays at 8:30 p. m. Wilson's network dates necessi- tated the change.