Variety (Sep 1935)

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Wednesday, September 18, 1935 RADIO VARIETY 65 New Business NEW YORK CITY Eterhardt d Oehme, Inc., series of spots for 62 weeks on Sundays. WBNX. Ait Medicator, Inc., series of spots in English, Italian and Jewish, thrice daily for 62 weeks. WBNX. Euo.ene Endreu, half-hour rauslcat featuring Hungarlain songs with live- piece orchestra orvTuesdays at 7 pirn, for 62 weeks. "WBinC. Mcsstnger, Itic, seriies of spots twice weekly In Genhan, for 13 weeks. wBNX; Treeniark Bhow Conivany, Inc., series of spots Monday to Friday for B0 weeks. Placed through Wiaxel- ■ batim, Adveriislfle;* A^fc'ftcy. VvBNX. . - -Reirttan & Bireese-, -^new^l -f 6r"C2 weeks, series of half-hour German miisicales, thrice weekly. WBNX. European Art Troupe, renewal for 52 weeks, series of Jewish dramatic programs oij Saturdays; WBNX. . Sack's Qwlitv Furniture, Inc., for .13 weeks, Tuesday iand Thursday at 7:30, presenting Boake . Carter disk serial. WMCA. Dentists' Supply Co., for 26 Weeks^ Thiesday arid Thursdoy at li ai.iri., presenting Dr. George Wood Clapp talks. WMCA.. Stodrtchi'ld d Co., series of spots eveir other week, for 52 weeks. Placed through Nelsser-Meyerhotf agency. WNEW. Finkenberg's Sontf, series of 40 spots, for 26 weeksi Placed through Eesa & Schlllin, Inc. WNEW. , Crazy ' Water Crystals, one . half- hour daily, Monday through Satur- day, for 13 weeks. WNEW. h'uicie Motors, series of six broad- casts, presenting Magic Harmonies "in disk form, starting Sept. 23, Mbn- day, Wednesday, Friday at 6:45 p.m., and Tuesday, Thursday, Satur- day , at 8:15 a.m. Placed through Erwin Wasey Agency.^ WOR. Tripe^'On ..Corp.j starting Sept. 16, participating spots on Martha Deane hour, thrice ■ weekly, for six weeks. Placed through E. M.' Freystadt Agency. WOR. Gr&oe Lalforatories, Inci, starting Oct, 14, for 26 weeks, Monday to Thursclay at 6:30 p.m. presenting Flash Gordon serial. Placed through :6tack-Gable agency. WOR. Olsen Rug Co., for 10 weeks, Mon- day through Saturday, presenting hill billy music. Placed through Palmer Agency, Chicago. WMCA. Ex-Liox, .Monday through Friday, presenting disk serial for 39 weeks. PlaOied through Katz Agency. WMCA. Elmo (cosmetics), starting Sept. 26, five times weekly. Including a Sunday program, for 13 weoka. Placed through Phelps, Engel, Phelps.. Agency, Inc., WHN. Restjiand Bales Management, Inc., for 13 weeks, on Sunday^ at 1:30 p.m., presenting musical disks. Plaoed through Hudson Advertising Agency. WOR. . McKesson-Rohiins (tooth paste), for 13 weeks, participating on Uncle Don series, starting Sept. 16. Placed through N. W. Ayer, WOR. Railway Express Agency, for 13 w6eks, starting Oct, 1, series oh Tuesday at 9:30 p.m., presenting news paralde; Placed through Cap- ples Co. WOR. Roya.1 Organized RepuhUcan League of Union County, one-time shot, Sept. 16, talk. WOR. Republicans of Essex County, one- time shot, Sept. 16; WOR. Wholesale Radio Equipment Co. (Stewart-Warner radios), for 13 weeks, starting Sept. 19, Tuesday and Thursday at 7:30, presenting disk variety show. iPlaced through Steriifleld-Godley Agency. WOR. Charles 8. Boettger Travel Service, series ot spots, for 62 weeks. WBNX. K, Jdrzebowslci, renewal of Polish musical hpur. five times- weeklv. for 52 weeks. WBNX, Springer Cocalts Theatrical Circuit, half-hour amateur program on Sat- urdays, for 13 weeks. WBNiX. Dr. Brown's Cel-Ray Tonic, weekly spots, for an indefinite period. Placed through Waxelbauirt Adver- tising Service. WBNX. Henry J. Nockin, series of German spots, for. 13 weeks. WBNX. Flex-Arch^ Shoes, Tna, Tveekly spots, for 62 weeks. WBNX. New York Auto:Sales and Auction Corp.i series of dally spots, for an Indefinite period. WBNX. American Agency Association, sevr ies of German and Italian spots, for 26 weeks.' WBNX, Sroboth <£ Co., program on Wednesdays, weeks. WBNX. SALT LAKE CITY Southeast Furniture Company, two 15-minute weekly, one daily an- nouncement. KSL. II. J. Heinz Company, 13 an- nouncements, ICSL. Dodge Motor Car Company, one quarter hour program weekly. KSL.. Utah Hotel, CBS program, half hour,, weekly, KSL, Beneficial Loan Society, daily an- nouncements, KSL. Marroio Manufacturing Company, three 15-mihute programs weekly, KSL. A.C. Sparii Plugs, daily announce-, mcnts for indefinite period. KSL, Zenith Radio, four-annoimcemcnts weekly for indefinite period. KSL. Capitol Theatre^ five announce- ments weekly. KSL. Midwestern Dairy Products Com- pany, two 15-minute programs week- ly. KHU Hudson Bay Fur Company, daily announcements. KSL. Associated Stlgar Industry, daily announcements for three months. KSL. ■Petite Shop, 52 five-minute pro- grams. Placed direct. KDYL. Home Api}liance Company, 'our flve-minute night programs, for 26 weeks. KDYL, Panek Fur Company, 26 fivie-min- ute daytime programs. KDYL. Association of Coal. and Stoker Dealers, three 30-minute programs, remote control from Paramount the- atre for amateur show. Placed through Ad-Craftsmeft, • Salt 'Lake ^ttyv KDYL. . NeisonrRicks-^Creamety dCompaay^ four 30-mlnute programs, remote control from Paramount theatre for amateur show. Placed through Ad- Craftsmen, Salt Lake City. KDYL.! White. Fawri Mill and Elevator Covipany, 52 flve-mihute programs. Placed direct. KDYL, Whipple Style, Shop, daily an- nouncements for one year, KDYL. Day and Night Beauty Sdlon, nightly time signal for 52 weeks. .k:dyl. Bell Taloring Company, two ah- riouncements .dally for 26 weeks. KDYL. Sorensen Co-op Furniture Corn- pany, 26 flve-mlnute programs. KDYL. South Washington Furniture Com- pany,: daily announcements. KDYL. Lyman-Oberg Motor Cornpany, daily announcehiehts, for indefinite period. KSL. . Mill Stream Dance Hall, dsiily 'an- nouhcemerits service, for five weeks. KSL. Earl Cf. Marsell (optometrist), 60 announcements, .KSL. Flint Distributing Corripany, brie quarter hour weekly for indefinite period. KSL. Grantie Furniture Company, one IB-riiinute program weekly for six months. KSL. Sjnith-Flinders, Inc.; nouncements. KSL. Whipple Style Shop, 312 announce- ments. KSL. ■Wright's Store (Ogden, tah), daily announcements. KSL. Standard Fuel Company, Oi&ily an- nouncement service for four months, KSL. DAi-LAS Lone Wolf Manufacturing Com- pany, Lone Wolf hair tonic and shampoo, 100 100-word annburice- ments. Albert Couchman Advertis- ing Agiency, Dallas. WFAA. Better Monkey Grip Company, tire patch, 60 50-word announcements, Neil Ferguson Agency, Dallas; WFA-A.. ; Lee £ Schiffer; Rolls ra>,or, 13 100- word announcements, Klniball, Hub- bard arid Powell, New York. WFAA. Startling . Detective Adventures Magazine, six one-minute electrical transcriptions. Crltchfleld - Graves Company. WFAA, Health-O-Quality Products Com- pany, 13 15-mInute electrical tran- scriptions. Key Advertising Comr pany, Chicago. WFAA. John Monell A Company, 'Beef 'n' Viegetables,' 52 flve-minute programs. Henri-Hurst arid McDonald, Inc., Chicago. WFAA. Ponca City Milling Company, flour, 104 15-minute programs. Ray H. Glenn Advertising Company, Okla- homa City. WFAA, Waples Platter Company, White Swnnn products, 300 15-minute pro- grams. Wilson Crook Advertising Agency, Dallas! WFAA. Purina Mills, 27 one-minute elec- trical transcriptions, Gardner Ad- vertising Goinpany; St. Louis. WFAA. Southwest Oreyhound Bus Lines, 14 14-minute programs, Beaumont & Hohman Agency, Dallas. WFAA. Lichstenstein-Mittentlial Company, wholesale millinery, 12 25-word an- nouncements. Placed direct. WFAA. WINSTON-SALEM, . C. Anchor Department Store, renevfs three 15-mInute programs three times each week for 13 weeks. Placed locally. WSJS. Carolina Drug Sto» e, dally spot an- nouncement for one month. Placed locally. WSJS. Stacklei/s Piano Bouse, renews daily spot announbement for one. month. Placed locailly. WSJS.; Binder Wave Studio, daily spot an- nouncement for one month. .Placed locally. WSJS. . Mears Jewelry Stwe/daily spot an- nouncement for orie-month. Placed locnlly. WSJS. Electric Service. Co., daily spot an- nouncement for one month. Placed locally. WSJS, Big Bill Bottling. Co., renews daily spot announcement for one month. Placed locally. WS.IS. Pure Oil Co., three spot arinouhre- ments daily for 30 days. Placed by Freitag. Advertising Agency, At- lanta, Ga, WSJS. American Bakeries, Inc., flyc-min- ute program once each week for 10 weeks. Placed by .lames A, Green Agency, Atlanta, Ga, \VSJ,S. True Value Dress Shop, dally an- j nounccrhont for one. month. Placed locally. wpjS, . Fircsthnti Service' Stores, renews daily spot announcement for one month. Placed locally. WSJS. O'llanlon's Drug Store, renews daily spot announcemont for on^ month. Placed locally. W.SJS. / -PORTLAND, ORECiON California Brewing Association, 13 qu^u^ter-bour programs; tlaced by B, Brlscher Advertising Agency. KGW. Dodge Brothers, five quarter-hour, programis, electrically trariscrlbed. Placed by Ruthrauff & Ryan AdveN tiiaing Agency. KGW. Country Press, ix orie-minute electrically transcribed announce- ments. Placed by Critchfleld Graves Advertising Agency. KGW. Armand Company^ series of i30 spot ainnouncemients, daytime. Placed by . Goolldge Adfertising. Agency. KEX. Pacific Fruit and Produce Com' pany, series of spot announcements and quarterrhour programs. ICEX. P&wer Seal CoTnpany, 26 quarter- hour programs monthly, one yeaK Placed -dlrecr.—KEX; - - ■ - — ■ - Durbin and Cornoyer Hop Com- pany, series of spot announcements, Placed direct. KGW. Buick Motor Car Company, series; of 20 .spot anriounceriients. Placed' by Erwin Wasey Advertising Agen-i cy, KGW. Shows Insecticide Cpjiipami/, .series" of 15 spot annbunceridents on base-I ball broadcasts. Placed direct. KEX, Blitz-Weinhard Company, beer,: sponsorship of flght broadcasts. Placed by MacWllklns and Cole. Ad-' vertising Agency. KEX. Lambert. Gardens, series of spot announcements. Placed direct. KEX. Dourniti: Foot Comfort Shop, quarter-hour prograrin, three tim'es. weekly, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, 22 times. Placed .direct. KGW. Dodge Brothers CorporaWon/ quar- ter-hour progra;m,. electrically tran- scribed, five times. Placed by Ruth- rauff and Ryan Advertising Agency. KGW. Acme Beer', California Brewing Company, 60-word spot arinounce- ment, Monday, Wednesday and Fri- day, 13 times. Placed by Emil Brlscher Advertising Agency; KOW; Pacific _ Fruit and Prpduce Co., quarter-hour talks on horine canning, Wednesday and Friday. Placed di- rect. KGW. Armand Co,, 50-word announce- ments, every day of week, .30 tirhes. Placed by Coolidge, Advertising Agency. KEX. University of Washington, half- hour program, through station KOMO, Seattle, two times. Placed direct. KEX. Startling Detective Adventures Magazine, one-miriute program, elec-. trically transcribed, split schedul^j six times. Placed by Critchfleld arid Gravies Advertising Agency." KEX. Knit Toggery Shop, 50-wbrd an- nouncement on Home Institute pro- gram, 16 times. Placed direct. KEX, Power Seal Co., quarter-hour piro-i gram, daytime, 26 per month; one year. Placed direct. KEX. 8. J. McCormick Co., 60-word an- nouncement, six times. Placed di- rect. KEX; G. A. Paine Co., spot announce- ment service, 13 times monthly, KGW; 15 times monthly, KEX; one year. Placed direct. Enke's City Dye Works, series of spot announcements on 'Home In- stitute'. program, one month. KEX. Clow Roofing Co., series of spot announcements on 'Home Institute' prograrii, evenings, 15 times monthly, three months. KEX. Texaco Oil Co., series of spot an- nouncements, afternoon and evening! Placed by Hanff and Metzger Ad- vertising Agency, KEX. Davidson Baking Co., series of spot announcements, one month, placed by Botsford, Constaiitine and Gard- rier Advertising Agency. KGW. Nu-Enamel Co./ series of spot an- nouncements, 15 times monthly, three months. KEX. Varsity Theater, announcements until forbid. KFOR. Cornhusker Fruit Co., one month of annbianceihents daily,' KFOR. I4nco1n Army rf Navy Store, year of announcements daily. KFOR. ' Barker Shoes, six months of an- nouncements. KFOR. Wells «£ Frost, announcements. KFOR. Wiestinghouse Electric, announce- ments daily for a month. KFOR.. GJcn Kustcr Grocery, four an- nouncements, one day. KFOR. Bismark Ca/e, ^ one year of dally announcements. .KFOR. Federated Finance, announcements for a. year. KFOR. Barbara Joy Cosmetics, announce- ments for a riionth. KFOR. Hei"mann's Shoe JJejjair, anriounce- riients for a "year. KFOR, KWiHy^s F«rr<itlire, annoursfftraents ■daily -4nd€fifl;te, KFGR, ^'— - Sxcartchild & Co., 15 minutes daily' for a year, starting Sept. 23. Placed by Neisiser-Meyerhoflf A&ency. KFOR. LINCOLN Dodge Motors, local, 15-^minutes, three times weekly, one month, KFAB. Lifebuoy Soap, three weeks of an- nouncmerits. KFAB. Game, Forestry and Parks Com- mission, nine announcements. KFAB. Storz Brewery, 200 announcements during the next year. KFAB. Purina Milk, two months of an- nouncements. KFAB. Mrs. Stover's Candy, one day of arinouncemehts. KFAB-KFOR;, Wfitchtower Program, one hour broadcast, Sept, 29. KFAB. Moffat Coal Co., 26 announcements on both KFOR arid KFAB. Creosoted Pine Post Co., 62 15- minute pi*ograms twice weekly. KFAB. Lincoln School of Commerce, one riibrith of dally announccmentR. KFAB. Gooch Milling Co., 26 weekly 15- riiinute programs, placed locally. KFAB. Ditto on KFOR. Fink Park, daily announcements Indefinite. KFAB. Nebraska State Fair, dally flve- minute prbgram.s. KFAiB. 15-riiiri- ute programs daily KFOR for three weeks, Hume-Sinclaif Coal Co., 7'8 an- nouncements, KFAU, Lincoln Tannery, 45 dally an- nouncements, KFAB, Buick Motor Co., four announce- ments a day for a month. Placed by Irwin Wn.sey Agency.. KFAB. Vrtn Sickle Glas.'i and Paiiil Co., month of daily aririouncemenl.s. KFAB. Scward City Mills, three months of announcements over both KFAB and KFOR, norland -. Simnson, flve-minute progra.m duily for a year. KFOR. DENVER Ford Motor Co., three 15-mlnute programs, KOA. Charles Wells Music Co., 30 an- nouncements. KOA. United States Rubber Co., 1? a-i*- nouricements. KOA.- Wheatend Corp., 15-minute transcriptions. KOA. Airplane Club Cafe, one announce- ment daily for one month. KFEL- KVOD. . Netb Deal Coal Co., three an- nouncements. KFED-KVOD. Publix Cab Co., one 20-minute pro- gram and 10 announcements.. KFEL- KVOD. Gi'ayson's Apparel Shop, three an- nouncements daily for eight months. Placed through the Robertson Agency. KFEL-KVOD. Harco Conservatory of Music, 13 one-hour programs. KFEL-KVOD. . Blackmer Furniture Co., three an- nouncements daily for three months. KFEL-KVOD. ^Denver Rocky Mountain News, 30 announcements. KFEL-KVOD. Mile High Roller Skating Rink, one announcement dally for six months. Placed through the Tracy Agency. KFEL-KVOD. National Adjusters, Inc., 13 ahr nouncements. KFEL-KVOD. Boggio's Parisienne Rotisserie, one announcement daily except Sundays for one month. KFEL-KVOD, Golden Eagle Dry Goods Co., 15 flve-miriute programs, KFEL-KVOD Cobb's Dress Shop, three announce- ments daily for one month, Placed, through the Ted, Levy Agency KFEL-KVOD. DES MOI ^ Carbon Coal Co., renewal, 312 spot annoiiricements bver one year. KSO- KRNT. Church of the Open Bible, IS-min? ute program daily- except Sunday. Haag Agency, KRNT. Gordon Wicks, 15 15-minute pro- gram. KRNT. Askin Beverly Di ess Shop, 15-mln-. ute program daily except Sunday. 15 weeks. JKRNT. Wolf's Department Store, 104 time contract for one year, KRNT, Union Pacific System, 13 120-word announcements. Caples Co; KRNT- WMT. Swartchild'Co:, 26 one-minute tran- scriptions every other Mbnday. Neis- ser-Meyerhoff Co. KRNT-WMT. (Sisndol Co., 100 120-word announce- ments. Hogan Agericy. KRNT- WMT.. Schiilz Baking Co., 15-mInute daily lexcepf Sunday for 13 weeks. R. J. Potts Co. KRNT. Falslaff Brewlno Co., 76 30 and 120-word announcements weekly over indefinite period. Gardner Agency. KSO-KRNT. Winston-NcweU Co., 2 30-mlnute programs weekly for 52 weelts. Mc-; Cord Agency, KRNT-WMT, General Foods (Grape Nuts), 2 5-minute programs. Young & Rubi- Can Agency. KRNT-WMT. C.,B. 4 Q. Railroad, 8 30-word an- nouncements. KSO. Mdlt-O-Meal, participation on Magic Kitchen prograni for 26 weeks. KRNT-WMT. CLEVELAND Oshkosh Bigosh Overat , seyeri five-minute hillbilly programs by' Slim .Eberhardti for indefinite period. WTAM. Nu Enarnel, 104 spot announce- ments three times daily by Ethel and Ben> evening time. Direct, WGAR. Goodrich Rubber, 78 arinounce- riients three tiriies dally. Placed by Fuller, Shiith & RO.S0, N. Y. WGAR. Gold Dust Corp. 100 announce- ments at 11:00 and noon. Placed through Batton, Barton, Durstlne & Osborne. WGAR, ' Fresh Incorporated; 52 announce- ments to be broadcast at 7 and 9 p.m. daily Placed through Advcrtis- iiig Sorvlw. Inc., Louisville, WGAR. Bqlcon Ynast Co., six announce- riierils wcokly, n:15-noon, for 13 wcek.s. placed direct. WCtAR. I{('0 Motors, 100 annbuncf.mcnt.<), four limes weekly,. at 8 )),m. Placed through M.axon, Inc-DetirolC 'WGAR. Ciirlsbrtd Products. 52 15-minuto )>i:Of,'rams of uiecUicul tran.vcrlptlons, Mojidfiys, nt II a.m. riacf-d throu;;h H. M. Woi.wwatter Ad Agency of N. Y. WGAli, Aiibiirn .iuio, i:,G flvc-nfiinutc INS news broadfast.«!, Mondays, Wfrtnf.s- days, Fridays, 6-<:05, by V/.-iyne.; Mack. ' Plaff-d thi-oubh Ilumijhrfy-. I'rontkf Art Co. WGAR, WHITE PLAINS, N. Y. New York Business School, Indefi- nite series of announcements. Placed by Associated Broadcast Advertising. WPAS. Jom-Brite (Jewelry cleaners), New York, series of arinouncemfrits, in- definite. Placed, by. Associated Broad- cast Advertising. WFAS. John Wi. Eschen, Inc. (artificial, limbs), New York, indefinite series of announcements; Placed by As- sociated Broadcast Advertising. WFAS. WrHiht Otal School; New York, series of arinouncernents, indef. Placed by Associated Broadciist Ad- vertising. 'AV^'AS'; *" . X. Bermont (furriers). White Plains, announcements. . Placed di- rect. WFAS. Floral Gardens Apartments, White Ptklns. annoricements.-Placed di- rect: WFAS. ., . . — Florence-Caner-School of, At:t,..Nssf^ York, one five-ritilriute pi-ogram, Sept. 12, and 10 anriouricementis. Placed by Associated Bfoadcaat Advertls-" ing. WFAS. New Yo)k School: of Interior Dec- oration, announcements. Placed by Associated Broadcast Advertising. WFAS. Afonroe "Secretarial School, New York, announcements. Placed by Associated Broadcast Advertising. WFAS. BrovM School of Tutoring, New York, announcements. ..Placed by Associated Broadcast Adyertisirig. WFAS. . . ' American School of Design, New. York, annbuncements. Placed . by Associated Broadcast Advertising. WFAS. - R. G. Dougherty, Inc., New York (refrigerators), 30 announceriaenta weekly and part, sponsorship of Junior League program Saturdays. Placed by George Bosenbeirg. WFAS. z; Posner, White Plainis (furirjer), series of 18 time signals weekly for two months. Direct. WFAS. FORT WORTH Winona Rosie Nursery, series of 13 quarter-hour programs, placed di- rect for an iridef stjiy. WBAP. Hawk <£ Buck Co., 62 programs of 15-mlnute duration. Priced direct. WBAP. C-S-O Laboratories, series Of 13 IB- minute programs. Placed by Pitluk Agency, San Antonio. WBAP. Mrs. Chetty's Beauty Shop, 26 an- nouncements. Placed direct. WBAP. Ft. Worth Luggage Co., series o< 62 announcements. Placed direct. WBPA. Ft. Worth Battery Co., total of 26 announcements. Placed direct. WBAP. Nelson's Beauty Bhop, series of. 52 announcements. Placed direct. WBAP. W. Lee-O'Ddniel Flour Mills, feriea of 300 quarter-hour programs. Placed by Albert Evans Agency. WBAP. pUBUQLfE, I A. Stampfer's, Department Store, three a week, 16 minis,, transcrlptloil and personal talks under Mary Davis alias Ddna Ward doing the continuity and planning programs, WKBB. Sutter's BaJcery, Dubuque on- pa- rade, spot and indef. ' Corbett arid Scott, garage, Du-. buque on parade, spot and indef. WKBB, Kies Bootery, announcements, in- def. WKBB. Home Supply Co., 40 programs, 16 mins., seaiibrial; WKBB. McFatUlen's Coffee <t Spice Co., hour daily, six days, Punker's club, one year. WKBB. ■ louKi Shoe and Clothing Store, two announcements daily, for iridef. WKBB. OAKLAND, CALIF. Hough Products Co. (stove polish), i39 quarter hours, three times weekly, records. Direct, KNOW. Lee Typewriter Co.,' 240 spot an- nouncements, 4 daily. Direct. KROW. . Prudential Building <S Loan Co., five quarter hours a week for one year, discs. Direct. KROW. Brant Shoe Co., Ltd., 66 spot an- nouncements, 2 dally, Placed direct. KROW. . Beiman Furniture Co., 120 spot announcements, 4 dally. Direct. KROW. Barl'a (women's apparel), 13 half- hours. Records. Placed- direct. KROW. .Icme Doughnut Co., 26 spot an- nouncements. Direct. 'KROW. Pacific Brewing Co. (Fredericks- burg Beer), 52 quarter hours, twice daily, discs. Direct. KROW. Ooldeh Ribbon Bottling Co.,. 26 quarter hours, discs. Direct. KROW. (7s W, Hammon, auto finance, 104 quarter hours, once dally, talk. Di- rect. KROW. i. ' Roberta, School of quarter hours, one dally, rect. KROW. FARGO, N. D. Iriuin-Ma.icy Co. (H nouncements a day, 23. WDAY. Rua'iclUMliler Milling Co, (Occl- .lent Flour), 16 daily annouriccmjnts,. T h r 0 ugh Mitchell Advertising Agenr;y, MinneapollH. WpAY. Acme V/hite Jjead and Color XVork's, partifiliaiion WDAY Barn fj'ancc, Jr> rhhiiitf.s, 13 weeks, start- ing !=?cr)t i'l. Through Henri Hurst & McJ;oniiId, Chiongo. WDAY. .Korlhtrrstrrn Pud, two day an- nounce enl.s for 13 wpck.M. Through CrUchfkld-Gravcs, WDAY.