Variety (Sep 1935)

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66 VARIETY R 4 D I O Wednesday,'September 18, -1935 Radio Chatter New York California Hy McKce fast becoming a na- tive. Myrt and Marge back from their Hawaiian holiday. Guy Earl in Frisco trying to line up a northern outlet for KNX. KHJ sales staff took on Sydney Gaynor and Amos Baron, „.„ Itefiirn of Lee^Robif tsV' Id: Mem- ory Box' set for .Sept. 19. . Georige Fischer handling the KFWB remote of Ted Dahl's prk from Bohemian Gardens. New NBO ^iudio Jn HoUywooil ready Nov. 15. , ---rJoseph-Pasternaclt wflfbiton th'e music for the Gi:ace Moore show. Jerry King way off on his golf form. Shot a miserable- 88 the other day. Han-y Hall of KFWB walking with a limp after that auto crackup. L. AV «:{idlo eds broke bread with ICHJ crew. Naylor Rogers handy with a pbl- Ishlng. rag. Bill Ferrarrl haunting the art gal- leries. Ruth Etting and Col. Moe Snyder have, booked passage on, the Frain- ■corila for that rbuiid-thei-world trip. Shove off Jan. 29. Platters keeping Cecil Underwood cn the well-known go^ . Joe Alvin of NBC;s Chicago press bureau piping the southern ?cene. tucky's Hit Parade will ertianate from the coast for about 12 weeks; No verdict yet from Mietro or Radio on those Don Ameche and Peg La Centra tests. Dale Armstrong, Times news broadcaster," having the • achnoz knifed; • ■ Valley Broadcasting company will locate in Pomona if they get that license. . Politico^, burned because they can't buy peak time on the inajors, Jerry King got a daytime increase for KFWB ^ut he'll feel better when the after dark upplng is granted. . Billy. Lowe, air chanter, couldn't figure how to pay $1,150 in debts with $160 aasets so she went for the bath. . . Jack Joy Is on. the last lap of his .joirlental opera. Don Lee chain gang broki bread Vlth Soucal's ether eds. Don Allen back' from his vacash virithout a fish story. KNX tower is higher than City Ball, the tallest structure In town> Owen Crump dazzling the femmes With apache scenic effects. Kenny Nlles named director of flramatlcp ht KHJ. Sam Pierce out of KHJ's sound effects dep't into . producer spot. Lloyd Creekrnore takes chargie of the nolse-makln.e: contraptions. .• Don Lee . chain presentation of ^Kaleidoscope', is seen by some as an attempt to wean dialers away from 'One Man's !Famlly' oh the rival web. Lady, on vacash innesota's North Shore iriccca. WTCN to make seven pickups a day from State Fair, skeded for Aug, 31 through Sept. 7. Hugh McCartney huddl'ng with KMOX'arid CBS, Chicago, reps at WCCO over findings in Mac's recent survey of cleared wavelengths in this territory. Florence Murphy arid her sister, Jean Abbey/ back to WCCO after three week's" lii their water wilder- ness, northwoods home. Crltchfleld -Graves ad agency leaves Foshay Tower and m.pvea into Radlssori hotel, Minneapolis. Illinois John Ba:ker Ijs a new WLS mlke- man. Tom Shirley on a sevenrday weekly grind at WBBM-CBS due to press of biz. Dick Voynow treating himself to a hew gas-eater.'. ' ; . Lou Gbodkind building a new house In Winhctka for the growing family. Rudy Vogel added to the Chicago NBC sales, array. Shaindel Kalish (Mrs. Charles Freeman) back on NBC ride in new 'Eyes of Youth' show. . :Philip Morris, now ohieflng radio angles iEor Morris, Windmuller & Bnzinger. Ben Bernie show^ originating but of Chicago for next four weeks as band leader sojourns at new Chez Paree. Gus Van auditioned and prac- tically set for Sinclair Minstrels show, Texas Minnesota Ramona Gerhard, after three months in London, dusting off that ole planna at WCCO. ■ 3. J, Prbckter in at WCCO from CBS, Gotham, for one day. . KSTP will have the Baer-Louls rlng:stlde description exclusively in Twin Cities area Tuesday (24) night V ■ Last night (17),. KSTP started a weekly series of sustaining broad casts In which heads of northwest biz firms will be interviewed by Val Bjornson. Purpose of series la to Illustrate what world markets northwest, products command. KSTP nixe.s rumors that Mpls. Journal has bought an interest in the station. Merely a 'you. scratch my back' and I'll scratch yours tleup. Doc Young his amphib on 'White Bear Lake, but managed to open the ship's door, climb out. and cling to a wing until aid came. Both plane and the WDGY owner are doing well. Neither KSTP nor WCCO are using local amateur programs: they say the tyrb stuff fed 'em by the net- works.Is much too good for them to compete with. WTCN just woiihd up a 13-week stretch in search of talent. Snyder Liquor Co., Mpls., slgn."= WTC!N contract to sponsor local groan-and-grunt matbhes over the station from now till next August Swanee Hagman away to Ni Y for a week. Frantz Werner walks off with-$2F as winner of AVTCN's State Fall amateur announcer Contest KROC, Rochester (Minn.). 100 waiter, makes its air bow on Wed- nesday (25). KSTP and WCCO arc skeded to feed It Special programs Debut ceremonies will last two days with hlicrli .school bands, a banciuct and local big wig.s all on the pro gram, Co-oppr-itlve gesture WCCO's pro.gram feeding, slnop KROC Is KSTP-owned. and WCCO and KSTP are rival" network afllllates. Arthur Lund. WL6 grad, new addition to WCCO's sales dept. -("S i)onn Clayton, WTCN program director, vacash Ing In New York. Mildred iSimons, WCCO's Market Josephine Brew, formerly with KIUJ, SantJ^ Fe, now on staff of KTSAi San Antonio, to conduct a woman's hour, . Foster Fort, former salesman fbr WACO, "Waco, takes a similar spot with KTSA. Lee Morse, the vocalist, opening Oct. 1. at Olmos Dinner ClxiJ), San- Antonio, win have a Southwestern web outlet nightly. Jlmiiile Barr of technical staff of KTAT, Fcirt Worth, married recent- ly to Maxlne .Tubbs. KNOW, Austin, now operating a high fidelity triansmltter. Paul Bos- taph the chief engineer for station. Judy Carroll, Fort Worth igal.who won a KTAT amateur contest, now over KTAT and SBS. network Wed- nesday nights. 'iCexas State Teachers* Association sponsoring weekly .'Texas resources' program via KTAT and SBS web. Orks with SBS outlets include Freddie- Martin from Rice Hotel, Houston, Jlmmle Jackson from Ringside Club, Fort Worth, and Loia Harris from Samovar, Dallas. Mrs. Merle Tucker and daughter, Pat, back from a vacation in Mich- igan. Pa is chief production man for KTAT, Still another hill-billy band for KTSA, Eddie Tucker's which has a thrice weekly 15-mlnute airing for tire company. Tune Wranglers, another billy combo, has a 26-week renewal on same station for Veedol Ludl Mae Sensabaugh, contralto, and Fi'ank Monroe, tenor, heard on Eddie Duchln-Texaco 'radio open' via WFAA, Dallas, are both WFAA artists. Lad is- heard on several commercials and gal, a college lass, is featured vocalist, on st^itlon's hl^ht .'Penner-Uppe'rs' stanza. Eleven musicians added to WFAA staff brings station's , total to 25 men, unusual for this area. New bandsmen have taken over fEarly Bird' program, nearing its 2.000th performance, and other musicians nlaced on other shows. Increased fall biz occasioned added men,' sta- tion claims. Morton Gould and Bert ShefCter begin a Sunday night spot over WOR playing two pianos on Sept. 29.' Jeannle Macy In from Clncy with MBS staff tossing a cboktall party for her, ... Peter visited WGY lapt week. James McDonald, elnger pn com- mercials and Bustainers over WGY; is now ether-tabbed 'James Mack.' Leo Kliwen. director of WGY's s''4-ing....e.Jisemble,.-_!xow: believbs Jr. longshots. punching a board sev- eral times, at ten cents a plunge, he won a swanky set of golf clubs. Harbld E. Smith, gen. mgr. of WOKO and WABY, Albany, wel- comed .J^ fllera. frbnv M<v»treal at the local airport, and m.c.'d a bro ad- cast-of-th-elfarrtvai, •'ovw'^ WOKo:: Smith Is a member of the Montt-eal Light Airplane cliib and one of Al- bany's mbst enthusiastic fliers, hav- ing his own plane, Nicholas D, Gualllo,. conductor of the ytlca Symphony, orchestra, again has been invited to direct thiat organisation's weekly broadcasts over WIBX, Utlca. LeBrun Sister's, singing trio who won the Kate Smith contest at WHEC, Rochester, 9igned as enter- tainers at Laube's Old Spain. 'Pageant of Natlohs,' celebrating Constitution Day, was broadcast yesteirday ("Tuesday) from steps of City Hall 'Via WNEW. Ith Mayor H. LaGuardla, Col, Tlieodore Roosevelt and Henry F. Baker, president pf the Sons of the Ameri- can Revolution, as. principal speak- ers; Waldo Mayo, conductor on Majpr Bowes' Capitol Family progrran^s for about eight years, is being readied for an Individual air stint by Roger White Praductipns. . Aldo Ricci and his 'Rhythm Strings' ork make! their air debut tonight (Wednesday) over WJZ in connection with 'Rendez'vous Mu- sicale.' •4:-' Missouri Russ ipiavld, pianist of Al Roth's orchestra, ICMOX, St. Louis, leav- ing to join Art Jarrett's orchestra now on tour.. . Harry Cheshire,, director of 'Home Folks Hour,' .dally early morning program oh KMOX announced audi tlons for hill-billy acts...over 200 'billies' showed up and Cheshire listened to them (5 hours,. 46 acts) and found three possibilities. Bollie Williams, prod.uctlon dept KMOX now hubby of Lucy Fellows Sioux Falls, S.p; 'Tiny' Renier, production manager at .KMOX plarihlng nbvel audition for client. A minstrel show, end men and all—but will be produced ill auditorium studlb with live audi ence, invited guests. Howard Sanders, new to an nouiiclng staff KWK, St. Louis. John HArrington KWK sports announcer is the lad who is airing news flashes for KWK. Dpes stint six times daily, Danny Seyfbrth, production mgr of KWK, St. Louis, Is presenting musical comedy review each Friday eve. Sterling Harklns, chief announcer of kWK, St, Louisa, to Chicago on biz. lotto, was Injured in an autpmoblle accident. Two ribs were broken. Dorothy Thomas, formerly on the Hollywood staff of KFWB, is now living In Charlotte. She is married to 'Dutch' Krueter, professional football player. WDNG, Durham, la advertising regularly in' a weekly, newspaper published at Durham, which paper carries radio programs. The' appetll is to advertisers to use their 17 hours of time on the air dally. This Is. a CBS station. Father of Grady Cole, WB'T, Charlotte, newscaster and radio col- umnist, has been dangerously ill.. As a result Grady has had .to miss several scheduled broadcasts. Father how better. Charlotte is seeking a more pow- erful short wave radio for police and fli^e work^i^Cixe. present station,' WPDV, will probably, be made a arrtf in" a" 'State-'WtdS' gysfe'm'o'r'raaTo war against crime. The county and state police will' also make use of the imprbved station. Bob Bingham, WWNC (Ashvllle) announcer, has been covering base- ball gani^s in the Piedmont leagiiP for that station. Penhsylyania Jack Vincent; formerly with Wired Radio in New York, joins WIP an- nouncing staff. Edith Ellsworth, prexy of Philly Club of. Advertising Women, inter-; viewed on WIP's 'Women Who Haye Won' series. WD AS aired Willie Bryant's pre last week frPm Fay's stage. Elaine Millet resuming warblings from WDAS. Bboke Carter spurned offer to do a guest column locally; his secre- tary's article as a substitute was rejected. Previous report got these two facts jumbled. Hugh Brooks, graduate of Michi- gan U. radio, school, announcing for WIP. Mary T. Norton talk on 'Baby Bonds' for "Treasury Dept. Friday (20) over WCAU. Horace J. Gardner's 'Literary Pa- rade' dver "WIP moved from Tues- day to Wednesday. Jimmy Llttlefleld and ore return to air over WIP from Rafter's. Alan Williams, formerly with KOIN, Portland, announcing for WIP. Mrs. W. Maurice Steppacher, wife of WDAS, Philadelphia secretary and treasurer, returned home last week from hbspital where she'd been conflned for two weeks with serious stomach ailment; Physicians say she'll be at least eight more weeks convalescing. After summer recess. Uncle Wlp's kiddies' hour,, oldest .radio program of Its 'klnd, returned to air Sunday (15) for usual weekly show. 'Four Irish Provinces,' one of old- est radio programs in the country, began news series Monday (16) over WDAS. Representing four provinces from 'Ould Sod,' instrumentalists and vocalists include Pat Stanton,. Eddie Lee, John McCormack and others and offer familiar Irish folk songs. Tills Is their seventh con- secutive year. Thrills of G-men sleuthing will wll recounted by R. George Harvey, supervisor of Philadelphia District of Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Justice, in series over WIP Fridays beginning this week (20). Understood special per- mission had to be obtained from J. Edgar Hoover, department chief, since airing by G-men had previous- ly been taboo. Maryland Announcer Blaine Cbrnwell, of WFBRi" "St^ps - Out of radio: this week. Joining sales stalff of Lam- bert 'Pharmaceutlcal Co. of N. Y. Jimmy Allen has gone to Wash- Ingtb^p. Ea^l^Neely, winner, of amateur cpritest spcnspred by commercial i)rogram that ran simultaneously bver WBAL, W.CAO and WFBR, got week's booking- at~'indle vaud-' fllmer. Hippodrome. WJEJ, Hagerstown,! Md., has opened second remote control studio at Chambersburg,. Pa., 40 miles away. Broadcasts from that. tbwn several hours daily. Some time back WJEJ opened up similar studio at Martlnsburg, W. Va., and has been running programs from that point in afternoons. Helps out in matter of securing talent, also.. WBAL, Baltimore, snagged ex- Gov.' Ritchie On day he returned from European junket, and had him tell populace over a mike of his travels and current political outlook. WBAL is Hearst-owned, and the publisher recently came out with proclamation saying he'd like to see Ritchie on a presidential ticket in •36. Roy Smeck, banjoist current on Hipp stage, guest 'on George Browning's WFBR, BaltO, program last Friday nlte. Henry Hickman, WFBR an- nouncer, spieled the sound track for pic, trailer - local Community Fund made for fall campaign use on screens in theatres. P. L. -Deuisch, prez of World Broadcasting, makers of e.t.'s, in town Monday (9). Manitoba North Carolina L. P. Bulllngton, CBS traffic hianager at Charlotte, working In connection with 'W'BT, has resigned. The post has been filled by Regi- nald L. Acker, from Western: Union. Lee Everett, program director for WJSV, Washington, and formerly with WBT, Charlotte, in. the same capacity^ spent his vacation in Charlotte. When he returned to the capitol. Clair Shadwell, of the WBT program department; went with him for a postman's vacation there. Writers Club, of Forest City, N. C.. will hold its September meeting in Charlotte, and will be conducted through WBT. Pat Newman; who produced the Gruripw prPgrAm on WBT, Char- Valdlne Condie, . on the Milton Cross White Rabbit Sunday a. m., program the former pianist of the 'Radio Kiddies' of CJRC Winnipeg. CJRC Winnipeg going in for wax works in a big way. Already_have taUen 'The Croonaders, 'Hon. Archie,' Anson Weeks ork, 'Melo- dius Moments,' 'Congion,' Mus-kee- kee Varieties (medicine sponsor), and Ma Perkins (Oxydol). CJRC going back to full time operation (7:30 a. m. to 11:00 p. m.) Harold Green, CJRC musical di- rector, back from tour of States; CKY Winnipeg, tlelng in -vtlth Local Safety Bureau on thrlcd dally chats. Mornings, for children, before they go to school; noon, safety around the home, and eve- ning, directed at adults, on trafflc regulations. 'Prince Mus-kee-kee* (Chuck Jol- ley) formerly of vaudeville. To Regina last Monday. Clyde Trask, arranger on WLW, Cincinnati, did music job on new 'Tidal Wave' tune. Chai'lie Dameron and Jack Saat- kamp; oh Crosley music staff, dualed vacash in Wisconsini Katie Nelson, telephone operator and conductor of juve programs on WGKY, Clncy, sopranbed on Tasty Yeast progra during her'holiday In N. Y. '. ' Baby sister for son of Forrest Rose, of WKRC, arrived last week in Clncy. Hugh A.. Latham a .returner to sales staff of WKRC, CBS thread in Cinclnhail. Eddie Duchtn did . a one-nighter at Lotus Gardens, Cleveland, Tues- day (17), and networked his WEAF broadcast through WTA.M for Texaco's local contest in which 34ii entered. Mickey McCarthy, only hlll- billyctte in Cleveland, ill for a week during which Worth Kramer, plnch- hit for her over WGAR under name of 'Uncle Kay.' Kramer Is a bari- toner In Walberg Brown's ork. Ralph Wordeh,. former raldo ed of 'Cleveland News,' has joined WHK to handle station's news arinounce- ment.«t; Announcing as well as edit- ing flashes. Connecticut WICC, Bridgeport, at last feeling Influence of Yankee-Mutual alliance, Shepard unit darrying Nat BrusIloff, Tom Terrls, Alfred Wallenstein and Little Symphony to start. Tie-up means.; three ..wfib.a...feed.lJQg- .WJCC,. which has long relayed CBS and own Yankee jproduct. Anne Newitt, Norwalk mezzo- contralto; newcomer at WICC, Bridgeport. Danny Glanninl, sax with. Artie Maynb's ork, Bridgeport, mulling of- fer from Mai Hallett. Westport artists' aeries done at WICC, Bridgeport. Edith Josephsoii Perelmutter bflbk fibnf vlfe *h'6n%ynibbh' 'to 'fhursday- -night--spot-bn-WIG€f —• Worthy Hill's band at Pavilion Royale, Savin Rock, gets another 13 weeks on WIXBS, Waterbury-New Hiaven. Lep Tellone's rhythm groiip turned to'WICC schedules. College takes Margaret Leach; soprano, from WIC(j lists. Brldgepbrt Musical Research club readying iEor fall series on WICC. Lily Pons leasing Comstocic Hill, Norwalk, home of Jay Hyde Bar- num, illustratPr.- New Hayen Advertlslriigr luncheons, formerly carried Wipe, snatched by WlXBS. , Ray Downey and Henry Arthur, Twb Diplomats of Song^ get break at WTIG, Hartford, ■ after shojs at most of the state's other stations. Duo win continue on . WiXBS, Waterbury. Eric Petersbn's; Larry Durant's Mllford. Joe Lopez, station isuper a.t WICC, Bridgeport; and the frau. back from. Vacash. Guested with Dr. A. R. Difoe at Callander. Ont. Frank Silva, long time news man at WICC, transferred to New Ha- ven branch, Larry Gruia" leaving latter for Bridgeport headquarters. WICC, New Haven, again exhal- ing Eddie Weaver's organlogs. Miriam Miller, Boston bluesong- stress, visiting landtsleute in New Haven. Anthony Trlni closes summer season at Roton Point, Norwalk, next Sunday. Fay Merlin, Brldgepbrt contralto lately picked as Miss 'WICC, 1935,. studying for month before steady •work at station.. Elsa Lumb, back, from Chicago, rejoins 'Airway Frolic' cast at WICC, Bridgeport. Elliott . Eberhard, WICC key- boarder, Iplottlng trip to Hollywood via Canal. Jud La Haye and Alma Dettlnger already shaping next original mu- slcomedy for WICC. Harry Neigher, WICC gbsslp- colyumer, .emseeinjg amateurics at Globe (Locvir), Bridgeport. Lawrence Tibbett taking the air at Wilton farm before taking It for Packard,. Sept. 24, on CBS. South Carolina M. L. Hammette has replaced Roy Garner as WSPA commercial man- ager, Spartanburg. J. W. Mclver, WWNC AshevlUe advertising man. Ibst car and hei and his two small children narrbwly escaped serious injury when ma- chine was wrecked 'in Pennsylvania as they were enroute' to Mrs. Mc- Ivcr's fuiieral at New Kensington, Pa. • Trip continued by bus, follow- ing collision with milk truck at outskirts of Pittsburgh. Jacob A. Welser, MGM scout looking over little theatre and radio talent prospects at premiere of 'Harp of Many Strings,' AshevlUe. Making American motor tour, fol- lowing return from Europe, where he scanned more than 170 plays for MGM. Carried several scripts of Dixie playwrights back to Manhat- tan with him for a look. N. C. Symphony ork. LaMar Stringfield, conductor, will maker fall headquarters in Charlotte, fol- lowing three months radio and con- cert engagement. . Arturo de.Fllippl, tenor (forrnerly .VEC) now on Metropblitan -oppery staff, drew one of iseason's largest crowds for AshevlUe concert. Now (in rest trip in Dixie, More than $16,000 Federal aid to back AshevlUe ork apparently nsr su'red. Joseph DeXardo will con- duct. Planned.for ether and con- cert engagements. Organization virtually complete; Raymond L.. Cai-r and Manuel Roger.s covered Pelzor, S. C, mill rioting (22 wounded, one killed) for WFPG, .scooping regi,onal press with broadcasts from scene while bullets whined. Jesse Jackson, WFBC staff. ; WSPA. ljack on fuU time schedule, day and night, following Interrup- tion for openlnf. and testing hew broadcasting statioh. Dixie Four quartet sot for WFBC progrnms. Martin VVnlos. WFBC ahhounror. has turned musical and now on diilly duet with Mason Stapleton. Boots Downing AVBT (Charlotte, N. C.) baritone, on Friday nights over WFBC. , Ted W'e^ma anil ork touring Dixie sketchlly at $1.10 per admlsh.