Variety (Sep 1935)

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Wednesday, September 18, 1935 RADIO VARIETY 67 FCC's Washington Docket Washington, Sept. 17. Grants and Applications Construction of si new sta,tion and two Increases in power were /6kayed last week by the Federal Communications Commission. Application of WMBR, Jacksonville,.. Ela., for. daytime increase in poWer from .100 watts to 250 watts'was granted. .Station WIND, Gary, ind., received day power boost from 2% to 6 kw, as Comrhish upheld .,jjjcaralnex.MeJyJln i).alb.erff-.~ „ ....,„..„.., ....„., Probably heading for a court tlfif, Commlsh silenced KFTR of Bis- marck, N. Dak., denying renewal of license to operate on 650 kc; in pun- Ishnient for station having Jumped power without Governihent sanction. Station Is expected to appeal , to D. C. courts. JSs^V tr#Bsjn,ltter is-to be constrggtfed'at Buffalb, feporispreji "by Roy Jt4. Alhertson, .lt_wlll operate on. 1370 kc with ICO watts night 250 watts day, Bharln^ frequency w^ - - . Flock of applications Was set.for hearing, including 10 pleas for new stations, one frequency change and one request for daytime power Increase. Referred to Exami The following applications were referred to examiners: Dean R. Richardson, Watertown, N. T., hew station operating on 4340 , 260 watts; Steel City Broadcasting Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., new station operating-on 1420' kq,. with 100 watts night, 250 watts day; TuscalQosa Broadcasting. Co., Tuscaloosa, Ala., new station bperatlng on 1310 kc with 100 watts days; Hunt Broadcasting Assn., Greenville, Tex., new station, 1310 kc with 50 watts days; James H, Braffett, Price, Utah; new station operating on 1420 kc with 100 watte; Royal Viller, Sacramento, Calif., new station operating on 1210 kc with 100 watts; C. W;. Snider, Wichita Falls, Tex., new station,, operating on 1,500 kc -with 100 watts; Whittle Furniture Co., Brunswick, Ga., new station;'operating on 1200 kc with 100 watts; F&rniers Educational & Cooperative. Union of An^erica, Bismarck, N. Dak., using faciUtieil of KFTR, operiELting on 650 kc with 1 kw nights, B kw days; WCAZ, Carthage, ill., daytime power boost from. 100 to 250 wat ;. Station K6m6, Seattle, .a,sked frequency change from i920 to 760 kc, facilities of KXA, Seattle; A. W. Patterson Chattanooga, Tehn., new station operating on 1420 kc with 100 watts, days. Play .by Ampn G. Carter for KGKO, Wichita, Tex., was seen In station's application for authority to transfer control to the blg-shbt Democratic politician and. publisher. Owner of the Ft. Worth Star Telegram which operates WBAP, Ft. Worth, Carter has been whispered as angel for some of the army of smalltown Texas papers seeking 100 watt quota-exempt transmitters. The following applications were received during the week: Clyde E. ferltton, Lima, Ohio, new stitlon to be operated on 950 kc with 260 watts, days; C. A. Rowley, Ashtabula, Ohio, new station to be operated on 1200 kc, 100 watts, days; James R. Doss, Jr., Tuscaloosa, Ala., new station to be operated on 1200 kc, with 100 wattsj days; Jess H. Jay, Miami Beach, Fla., new station to be opwated on 1500 kc, 100 watts; Sta^ tlon KSAC, Manhattan, Kan., power Increase from 500 watts night, 1 kw day, to 1 kw day and night; Station WEHS, Cicero, 111., increase in day power from 100 to 260 watts; Station WKBI, Cicero, 111., day power in crease from lOO wattts to 250 watts. Knickerbocker iPress, Schenectady, N; T., new station on 1210 with 100 watts days; Continental Rai^ do., Toiedq, O.,. new station on 1210 with 100 watts night and 250 watts day; Continental Radio Co., Colum- bus, O., new station on 1310 with 100 watts; Georgre B. Balrey, Va}ley City, N. D., new station on 1210 with 100; Donald O. Carruth, Tillamook, Ore., new station on 1600 with 100 watts days; KHSL, Chlco, Ca.llf., change of' frequency from 950 to 630 kc, change of time from days to nnUmited with 250 watts; and KOOS, Marshfleld, Ore., change of time from d&ytime to unlimited using 250 watts. Ft. Wayne, Sept. 17. tatlon WOWO's new 450-fobr antenna tower Jiow under construc- tJon Is to • be f-inlsh«ia.. by - Oct^; 28,. and power will be boosted from 10,000. to 25,000 watts. Bla.w-kno,\ company of Pittsburgh In charge of construction work. Hoosier outlfet expects tb expand -greatly.-oa-its- program' e^rvkie tl:«iv, using only professional talent, and weeding out much of its present amateur performbrs, Station re- cently started a sustaining series over. CBS on Wednes'iiay ' after- nop.nsj_ labeled^i ;Hoo_s1^^^ a cast of is, and is planning si i- lar spreads for its wider coverage next month. WOWO TO 25,000 WATTS Will Expand Program Creatibn— AmateMrs Out Examiners' Reports Favorable action by Commlsh for a new transmitter, applied for by the Pacific Acceptance Corp., San Diego, and for frequency change a;nd power increase for station KIEM, Eureka, Cal., was recommended by . Examiner P. W. Seward. San Dlegb station asks to bperate days on a frequency of 1200 kc, with 100 watts. Frequency change from 1210 kc to 1450 kc, and power boost from 100 to 500 watts, for KIEM was advocated, as Increase In quota would be slight In comparison to the service rendered to an area not now receiving adequate radio service. Denial of request of KGGC, San'FrJincIsco, for change from specified to unlimited time, was advocated by Examiner Melvlh Hi. Dklberg, as there lis no substantial nieed for the additional service and granting of request would result in an increase of broadcast facilities in a state and zone already over quota at night. Boost for one of six stations in the United States operating with a power 6f 50 watts was recommended by Examiner Seward, In reporting on request of KPPC, Pasadena, Cal., for a raise to 100 watts. George Bijur's Lectures In Adyertising Agencies George Bljur, CBS promotion manager, is on a lecture tour of tlie advertising agencies. On tlie first assignment of its .kind undertaken by a Columbia executive, Bijur is addressing groups from within each agency on the meaning find pur- poses of the network's new listen- ing area maps. Included In his audiences are ac- count executives and others In the various agenbleia who are riot nor- mally active In radio. In his talks Bijur trfcs. to clarify the points airid facts contained In the day and night study of station coverage, and at the conclusion of the lecture he Inr vltes questions. Tour gives CBS an opportunity to call attention, to Its exploits In the field of radio promiotlon. WHN Ballyhoos 'Melody' station WHN, New York, will handle the opening tonight (18) of 'Broadway Melody of 1936' at the Capitol theatre on Broadway. Metro film's Manhattan premiere''will be ballyhooed Qver the air in the man- ner common to simlllar first nights In Hollywood and environs. Celebs .will be snared for lobby Interviews, etc. Sarnie picture opened month ago in film colony and got the radio bulld-up. ' . Four-Unit Call Letters Prescribed for Cuba DX Havana, Sept. 17. Local radio stations with three letters call wer^ ordered to add one more to make it four, but the long- wavers kicked and CMQ, CMX, CMW and CMK will remain as Is, but the shortwavers CQC and COH have turned to COCO and COHI. There are plenty of Jokes about station COCO which has a mean- ing something like- "the big bad wolf." Silk Hat Reporter Pittsburgh, Sept. 17. 'Man on street' radio program which has become so popular re- cently has been picked up by w;alt Framer for new commercial set-up on "WWSW. Broadcast sponsored by Tucker" arid Tucker, hat concern, with local theatres also tied in. 'Silk Hat Reporter' he'll be called and each program Framer is to single out an outstanding Pitts- burgher for mention and ai free chapeau from his sponsors. CHSJ's 2-Hour Silence St. John, N. B., Sept. 17. CHSJ here Is silent from 3 to 5 p.m., due to lack of customers, but the expectation Is that It will re- turn to continuous operation In the near future. It has been found difficult to snare advertisers, iand the sustaining pe- riods have caused deep penetration into the stock of records. Public Warned Imposters Bob Up in Radio Sponsbrs are going to some lengths in warning listeners against 'impbsters' persbnal-appearancing as characters or troupes which havie clicked on the networks. Dr. Miles Laboratories, which present 'Uncls Ezra' on a thrice-weekly swing, oyer the NBC red circuit, recently had announcements ma:de: that 'Uncle Ezra' was not trouplng with .any unit, that he lived In and broadcast from Chicago, and that the only bther ethereal pirogram on which ho worked was Alka Seltzer's 'Satur^ day Night Barn Dance.' Stated that letters had been recielved from dial- ers asking about traveling 'Uncle Ezras.' On the Chase & Sanborn Hbur, over NBC, Major Bowes lists the cities, and often the- theatres^ In which the various 'Amateur Hour' troupes are stage-appearing during the current week, and. adds that theatre mianagers billing other groups as 'Major Bowes' Amateurs.' etc., are guilty of fraud and will be prosecuted. Paris Radio Exhibit Paris, Sept. 8. Annual radio show, with 225 ex- hibitors, has opened iat Grand Palais, giant Paris exposition hall, which covers nearly 10 acres. Growth of local biz Is shown by fact that last yeia.r exhibitors numbered only 160. State radio pccuples place of honor, and star, showpiece of its ex- hibit is an explanation of 'directed short wave broadcasting' by which programs will be exchanged with Japan. Newspapers also have stands, demonstrating systems they use for radio reporting of news events, Pbste iParlslen, leading commercial station, has an exhibit In which It puts on personal appearances of Its star announcers. Long Funeral on WDSU New Orleans, Sept. 17.' WDSU broadcast details of the funeral of the late Senator Huey P. Long, assa.sslnated last week in the state capital, from Baton Rouge. Mlcrophomes were placed at various points between the state house and the final resting place. Every de^ tail was carried tb listeners includ- ing the eulogy by the Rev. Gerald K. Smith, organizer of the iSharc- the-'Wealth societies. The station also broadcast details of the sena- tor's condition at Intervals after he was wounded. Staltlon was the only one describ- ing the.funeral. WDSU Is the sta- tion over which the senator broad- .cast all of his political speeches in his Louisiana campaigns. NEW YORK RADIO PARADE By Nellie Revell Pen Bestor's Sti Local 802 ruling expelling Don Bestor from union for one year and fin- In g"him''ii',000' 1 d'r, 'und'el-scall'rig""was' uphgia by' J-ogeph• Webeiv"NjtVloi Union head. Men of th.e ork were fined $100 per for accepting 'job below' price. Bestor has two weeks in which to clean up any business contracts, but while men in ofk may play out .'the two weeks at French Casino; Bestor is not allowed to lead the ork. As In aU such decisions the leader must also pay the men in ork ^he. difference between what he paid .them and wiiat union scale" • " " '''veir"a" perlo3 Tof fM^^ makes a hunk of back pay. Nine Cohcertmasters In Orchestra Aftdre" Kbstelaneti's new Chesierftejfljrcig Grk^'ts'-oomposed of 45-men including nin^^Wt-concertrnJlUfers »1T''iiadition':tb"syiri^^^^ and '9iW;-men.- Conccrt'mas"fersTfe'"J."C'o'i-^ larsky, M. 'Wblnberg, I. Kraman, C. Guberman and G. Besroday. (Sounds like the roster of the Fordham football team.) Kostelanetz choir has the highest sopranos, and deepest bassbs. Touring Privileges New Gulf ahow opens In Ncav York but both Phil Baker and Hal Kemp ork have privilege of going oii tour and being piped Into program from whatever toWn they may be in. Kemp is set: at the Hotel Pennsy for the next few, months. Baker, however, expects tb go Hollywbod sbon. acy-^No Relation Ed Pinaud, sponsor of new program over MBS, titled 'Jearinlne in Lilac Ti ,' brought Jeannlne Macy, the Jeannine of program, in froni 'WLW on a two-day trip to iheet clients' execs, agency men'and newspaper boys, not to fbrget the press agents. Sponsor had bought program by car and eye at audition piped in from Clncy. Program was six-month sustainer over WLW as 'Macy and Her Men' and aired locally over WOR. Program name was changed cause execs feared papers would not list 'Macy and Her Men' for commercial program sincei .WOR is controlled by Macy Interests. Scrambled Notes Gene and Glenn new commercial for a hair tonic will keep the lads barnstorming. The contract calls for 13 weeks in bne town, 13 in other, etc. . ..Osborne and Souyalne showed Herbert Taryton Cig the D'Areaga ork of St. Louis. . .O&S also will produce a show for DlGarmo-Kilbourne Agency client, the Gruen Watch Co.. .Louis Prima .and ork. bound for Calif via New Oi'lieans. Boys will take four-day rest In New Orleans and then to Codst. Another small ork from New Orleans with a trombone tooting leader takes the Prima spbt at the Famous Door .. .Harry Mac- Fayden, the NBC productioneer. Is readying a new show. Program Is about Life of Oscar Hammcrsteirt.. .Lois Long of the New Torkejr mag, starts a one-hour CBg su3ta:iner on the 24th. For a change thts show will be aimed at a wbmah about town Instead of housewife. Hattle Carnegie will guest star on first shew.. .The Harvester Cigar program at CBS. produced by Walter Craig office, got good- Harvester dealer reaction— someone usually has beef about the best of programs.. .Lucky Strike pro- gram on Cbast will have to pay fbr, standbys for the expensive expert musicians trouped from NY...M9dern Choir augmented by two new voices giving a total of 18 for the group. ..Ted Herbert of WOR sales back from vacash Jaunt to see frau bn.West Coast...BBDO sold Du,Pont a program to start airing on. Oct. 9. Show la 'Cavalcade of A™erlca.' Shsrt Shots United Press bought by station WFBE In Cincy. iiNotre Dame hired a Detroit sports: announcer to travel with their football team and radio the games. . .Clyde Kittel has a birthday on the 22nd.. .Courtenay Savage back at desk 10 pounds heavier.. .Little Jack Little ork and Clyde Lucas at the New Torker Hotel, are beihg considered for the new Campbell- Burns and Allen program at CBS. Client likes Lucas but Little is under contract to CBS with riet putting on pressure to sell Little... Hinds Honey and Almond Cream with an open spot following the Cantor ^Bhow had been dickering with Crosby to take that spot...Eight men w&re auditioned for the part of 'SteVe' opposite Helen Hayes in the new pro- gram.. .McCann-Erickson auditioned a dramatic script for Consolidated Gas Co. at NBC...Walls of studio 3A at NBC were recovered in an at- tempt to deaden the liveliness of the studio.. .Lester O'Keefe, NBC pro- ductioneer, will see his 'Venus in Silk' operetta produced by Larry Schwab. Show will do two weeks put of town;..Th6 Annenberg's (con- trol. Radio Guide, Morn Tele, etc.) now control Tele Flash also...Ray Hedge, Clarence of Myrt and Marge shovir, visiting NY, Arrived by boat via Canal. . .Henry Nassberg Is papa. stand By Jrvlng Rose, Just folded his ork at the Jack Dempsey eatery, was fined $350 by union for underscaling. As in Bestor case he must repay men difference between what he paid and Union scale rate...Marty Lewis is in Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago and very 111. Did four hburs on operating table having stomach troubles removed.. .Henry Haywood of CBS commercial program dept shifts to F. Wallis Armstrong Agency and will open their New York office.. .Connie Gates to Cleveland, the home town, for a month vacash away from mike...Bunny Berigan re- turns his ork to CBS after a two month vacash.. .Lester Gottlieb has been appbinted NY Radio Correspondent for the Screen and Rafllo Weekly of Detroit Free Press..;B111 Haworth shifted the desk and Ice box to a new apartment but still has his old phone number.. .Daly Pask- mari set a nice bit of Hollywood talent, on programs in. east. He set the two Robt Montgomery appearances en Lux, Daly gbes West In two weeks to line up more talent.. .Vic Erwin ork set for 39 weeks of Popeye ...Bob Crosby and ork will air for Rbger & Gallett from NY for one month and then air from road while doing one nighters.. .Joan Buxbairn, ex-secretary to Lawrence Holcomb, Is now secretary tp the National Advt.Mgr of the Bklyn Eagle...Jack and Dot Reid preening for a radio comeback.. .Congress Cafe will have a CBS wire. Gimbel as Stage Juror Philadelphia, Sept, 17. Ben GImbel, WIP prc^cy, served on Jury in 'Night of January 16th, cburtroom stage melodrama, last week. He thought defendant was guilty. It so happened that station exec served, same night pictures were to be taken after performance. 'Jurors' were asked to stay and 'act' for stills, so Gimbel was photo- graphed In numerous cburtroom shots with cast. Pictures were for publicity purposes by the theatre. Nemo Joe Katz Agency engaged the Bob Taplinger o ce tb handle publicity and exploitation for its spot recording campaign on Ex-Lax.. .Jack Rose- leigh of Red Davis program and George Tobias of House of Glass are set for leglter 'Path.s of Glory'...Now that Gabe Hcatter airs Sat and Sun- day for Scott's EmuLslon at NBC^ he does his weekending at home on Mondays and Tuesdays, ..Dick Gasparre shifts from the i311tmore to SaVoy-Plaza on Oct 3...Maria Silvelra birthdays on Oct, 2...'The O'Neills' which return to air over NBC on 30th, may go movie short... Bob Carter who vbcals with the Red Nichols ork Is being tested by Para- mount,..'The Westerners,' a cowboy quintet, wear city clothes Except- for their ten-gallon hatSi. .Ge-orge Ol-sen and Ethel Shutta appear to- gether for first time In months at Mayfair club In Kansas City, Mo.... Allyn Jocelyn to play Tod Harris; Jack McBrJde aa Mr. (Sbrman, and Paul Stewart as thug Chlco, are new additions to of Five Star Jones at CBS. . .John MacIntIre, the Jimmy Wallington of West Coast radio, in NY for a crack at free- lancing. . .Dick FlKhcll, WMCA special cventcr, goes to Mt. .Slnal Ilo.spital for minor operation as result of Injuries suf- .fered as footballer years back.. .Ill Brown set 'Flash Gordon'for WOR; Sold just on idea. Sponsor saw no script and audition... Josephine Dillon Gable, first Mrti. Clark Gaijlo, in town for visit. Watch- ing about CBS, She i.s expert in voice training.. .Cella Brantz, contralto^ docs a IS-minutc. stint on WJOAF net on Sundays and. an hour latep she is playing the lead in Gilbert & Sullivan operettas on WJZ net.