Variety (Sep 1935)

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to VARIETY RAD I O Wednesday-, Septcinber 1$, 1935 COM M E R CIA L S WEEK OF SEPT. .18-24 (ALL TIME IS EDST) ~Thfa"i5epaffmMrt'n Mutual networks arranged alpbabetlcally under the advertiser's name. All time Is m nlese otherwise,hoted.. Where one..advertiser baa two or more proj^rams they are listed consecutively. An asterlsk'/^before name indicates advertising agency handling aocoiihtv- '-r— Abbreviations: ( onday); W (Wednesday); (Friday): S; ACMB PAINT Smiling McCnnnell •Henri, H, ft McD A A F 9-M-IVEAF Harry Hnrltck Jail Peerca •Paris & Peart ' AMKRICAN aOME PRODiJCT^ (Anacin) WJZ—4:16 P.M. Tuea.-n'e<t;-Tliur. 'Easy Aces' Qoodman Ace Jane Ace Mary Hunter Helen Spring Bveret' Sluan ■Blackett-S-H AMRRICAM TonAcro 8-S«t-WEAF (Lucky Strike) Lennle Ha.vtoD On Freci: Astalre Johnny Hnuser Kay' Tnoinpson Charles Carllie Rhythm Klnija Girls Glee Club •Lord tt Thomas AftlRRICAN RAIHATOR 7:S0rSan>\VEAF 'Fireside Recitals' Sigurd .Nllssen Hardesty Johnson '({raliain "llcNakiie'e '' *B)ak6r Advt. ATI.ANTIO BBF. , 7-Sa-\VABC 'Atlantic Family Tour' Frank Parker Jack McBryde Rita AUyn Rosemary DeCamp Everett Sloane Wallace Slaters ♦N; W.- Ayer ATWATJER KENT MFG. CO. 8:30-Tli-n'AB0 Jessica Draeonctte William Daly's Ore •B., B„ D. & O. BltiODUL 8:S(l-WWAItr .'Broadway Vinltles' Oscar Shaw Garmela Ponselle- l!)ll'<subeth Ijeniiux Victor Ardon's Ore 'Blacliett : nOIII>EN- 11:45-W-WEAI 'Maglo: Recipes' BUI Bradley lane Ellison 'Ynunc ft Rt'hlrom ItOUKJOIS SALES, INC. MoD-8:30-tVJZ ('Evening In. Paris') LITTLE JACK LITTLE iand His Original Orchestra ON TOUR Broadcasting Daily for Niagara Hudson Electric Light and Power Co. ALSO ON COLUMBIA RECORDS ABE LYMAN AND .HIS CALIFORNIA ORCHESTRA COAST-TO-COAST TTABC—Taesdnj, 8:3U to 9 P.U., DS1 (riillllpo Uental) WE^F—Fridny, 9 to 9:30 P.H., DST (PbllMue Milk) AL And niH OBCAUSTBA . PALMOLIVE BEAUTY BOX EVERY FRIDAY. WJZ 9 P.M., EDST, 7:30 V. P8T, NBC — Lehn and Fink Hour SaDclayH at 8 P.M., WABC-CBS COAST-TO-COAST No "r" In: My Name Briefly: Original- —Stage. 1th Plenty ot iidlo—Pictures DAVID SANOFF 201 EiiHt 35th St. New York City LExIngton 2-8570 EMERSON GILL ' Ins ORCHESTRA HOTEL WEBSTER HALL DETROIT*, MICH.' MCA' btreotlori Odette Myrtll Plcklns Sisters Mfito'n' ^Wkwuic- - " ■Mark -Warnow- Ore- •Lord ft Thomaa A. S. BUYI.K CU. (Old English Floor Wax) Frl-7:I6 p.m.-WAB( l.azy Dan, the Minstrel Man' .rving Kaufman •Blaokett ■ IIUIS'i'Ul,-MYKItS (Sal ' Hepatica) (IpanaV Frank . Crumit .lacU(. Smart. Lionel Stander ISIIeen DouRlas IrwIn belmore .Minerva Plou." Peter- Von Steednn •Ronton ft Bowipp JtVICK MOToitS 10 p.m.-Tues- WEAF-WJZ, Baer vs Loula Fight Edwin C. Hill ♦Erwlh-Wasey CAft:l*ANA e:30-Su-AVJZ Grand Hotel'' .Ann, :Seymoiir Don Ameche- 10 F-(VEAF Klrat NlRhter- Anne Seyniour itiirlion Brlckert Clirr Soubler. 0. Sadcrnulst Ore •Aubrov VVfillare CASIPBELL (Souti> O-F-lVARO Hollywood Hotel' Dick Powell r.nuellH Paricins Carole Lombard Fred MacMurray . Raymond Paige A)ri Frances .t.nniiford Anne Jamison Igor Gorin , •F W nrmstronc CARNATION MII.Ii lO-M-WEAF 1. ullAby t,a(1.v Ireene Wicker M T. Boslman Ruth Lyon 'Brwln. Waaey CKNTArR CO. (ZBT Bftby Pow- der» 11 a.m.-MWAISC Dr. Louis I. Harris- T.ouls A. WItteh •Hanff-Metjiupr CHARIS CORP. 1:45-Su-WABC 'Slaters ot the Skil- let' Kd -East Ra^h Dumke •John L. Butler Co. CHEVROLET D-Snt-Wr4F ,'FlngerprInt Case' UMen Phillips Lord *Campb'ell-E CITIEN ilKRViri- 8-F-WEAF lessica DraRonette Itosarlo Bourdon Oi ■Juartct •r.ord ft Thnma» COI.GATR-PALM D-Frl-MMZ '■Peimoiiv* .^nari)- Beauty Bok The- atre' 'Cfirmen' Rose Bamnto'n Theodore Webb Jan Peerce M Gonilmnn Orr 8:30-\V>i1 \V,IZ (Super Suds) Hotise of Glass' Gertrude. Berg Joe Groenwald . Paul. Slewnrt Helen Dumas nertha' Waldcn George Tobias Arllne Francis Anne Teeman Sanforrt ' Melsner •Renton & Rnwie^ CONSOLID.ATED CIGAR (Harvester Clgnre) 8-Tli-WABC 'Harv and Esther' Teddy Bergman • Jack Arthur Audrey Marsh Rhythm Girls Victor Arden's Ore •Altken-Kynett \OH\ I'KIHU'rTS .n?:in-M-w-F- >VABC The C.iimiis' Wllmer Walter Agnes Moiirehond r.PHter Jay ileorge Graham Rrtlth Spencer •B. Hellivl COTY (Pace Powder I I0:30-\V\VBAI' Uny N(SI)la Ore \l Bowlly -Blow ' CRUSADERS M<tn-H:4n-t\OR 'The Crusaders' Li're.d O. Cinrit' 'MarschRlk «[ I'lui' R. B, DAVIS (C.oi'otnalf I O-M-Tii-W-TIi »A«C HiicU Rogers' 'u'rlls A mall Allele Ronann William Shelley Elaine Ualchlor ISdgar Stehll •UwtffUf W«iafr-— - 'eggy Ailenbr Joe Granby nralter Tetley •RuthraufT & B EMERSON DRUG (Bronio Sel7er> TaM.-»-WtlZ. N T Q & Olrla N T Granlund Kelson Case 'J. Walt. I'Uompson FlTCn 7:4n-Su-»'RAS , Morln Sisters Ranch Boya ■K. W -Ramsey FORD tlOTUR 9:30-Tn-WABO Fred Waring Stella Friend Stoopnagle & Budd Rosemary & Priscll- la Lane Poley McCllntocb Tom Warlrtg Stuart Churcl: .Tolmny Davis Tubby- Hanlon Gene Conklln •N W .Ayer r.EN. BAKINO S:30-Sa-n'ARC Julia Sander Pronk Crumlr Ted dl Corsia Kay Benwick . farlyle ^(e'vejis . Jack Shilkret Ore *B.. B.. D. * O. GENRRAI. CinAlt (White Owl) iO-W-WABC H. Poleale. Dir; Burns Mt Allen IPerde Crofe .\lnlo Octet •Thorn pson (iKNRRAL FOOI>^ 2:30-F-\VRAF I rape Nut Flakei sind SanKat •Kitchen Party' M. W Harn'im. DIr Marie De Villi .llmmy VVIlkliiaoo Al & Lee Raiser Jack Arthur I'^ranvee Lee Bar.tor *Touns &.Rublcam e-Tli-WRAF (Mnxfvell) Show Boat' r.aijny Ross (/"i-ank MtMntyre -"^onrad Thibnult Helen Oelhelni .Muriel Wilson 'Molasse.q Jan'ry Ilia Hnenschen •Benton ft Bn.wle' 7-Sii-W,1Z (.TellO^ r.anny Ross Stale Fair ttowaid Barlow On •Vonne * Riililram 7:15 p.m, Dnil.r F.x Snt. ft einn-W.IZ . (Bran Flakes) Tony & Gus Mnrin Chamlee Oeorge F Brown •Rcntnn & Rnwl^f liRNRRAI Mll.ic in:4BjtV.F.WEAF Betty Oronkcr booking Herlpes •McPord Co. :T:30-Dnlly Rx. Ba SotWABC Inck Armstrong All Amerlcno Bo> .Tim Gnas Robert Flsko H. R. Hoffman r.oster Tremoyne •Blackett 4-Dal(y-W.IZ Ret ty ft • Bob' Beatrice Churchill Loulae Bnrclle Olan Soule Henry Saxe Hilda Graham Don Ameche John Goldsworthy Sunda r.ove Rlennor Horrlott ':Rlnckett 11:40-Mon. to Fri WOR (Blsqul'ck) 'Gold Medal MIn strels' Arthur Stowe Danny Duncan; r;eh Harrison Billy Chandler Five Rangers Denn Brothers •Blnokett 7:45-Mon-WEAF (Whcaties) Fritz Crislcr -•Knox itceves til l.lf 8:30-.«iu-WABC James Meltun Uevelers 4 Picl:eiia Sisters Haille Stiles Fr.-xnk Tours Orr J Paslernack's Or •Cecil. W. & C. PROD 0-(iu-WABC (Feen-A'MInt) Amateur Night' kny Perkins. M.C Arnold Juhnaoh Oi< Wm. ICsty IIKCKKR n-0 C:ln-M-W-E WAItC M Rnr-u Rnncer* Dolihy Densnn Nelll O'Mnlley !i"lorence Ualop Billy Halop Eddie Wragge John Battle Detmar, Poppon Lorraine Pankovr Joe WlltOD John Shea Potcr Dixon •Erwln-Wasey EDNA WALLACE HOPPER ~:io ftutrj-VTi-BS:- Su-WABO 'Romance of Helen . Trent'. Elizabeth HInea Ed Preatiss Cathrlne Hibbon Bob Blakeslee ■Jess Pugh ■ Alice Hill •Blnokett HOUSEHOLD FINANCE 8:30-1'u->VJZ nidga'r A. UuesC .■nertmrdlfie'- fivna- ' Sidney Btlatrom' Galllcchlos Ore •C. D Frer FIRRSTONB B:3U-M-n'EAr Vncnl Ensernbia Wm. Daly Q'rch.; Margaret Speaka ♦Sweenv -.|ar riee HdBMck'S H to F-7:30-W<IZ.. (Malted Milk) Lum £ Abner Chester Lauck Norria GofT •Lord & Thomaa . JERIiBN lt:30-fln-lf.lZ Walter Wlnchell •J WhIi< 'rhr>mpaon. -lOHNHON & HON (Floor Wax) 8 p.m.-Mon.-WJZ 'Fibber McGee '& Molly' MsrUin ft .1 Jordan Lvnn Martin Charles La veer Master Singers U. MaroelU'B Ore •Nee'll'nrr JTLIAN at BOKENGB (Footeaver Shoes) 13:30-Sa-\VABd 'Musical Footnotes' Vlvlaii della Chlesa Franz Imhof R (ilnsburgli's Ena f A Moore & Wallace KEI.I.4iUd n:3n-Diill.v Ks. Sq.- Sn-WJ2 .Singing Lady* Ireene Wicker . 8:30-F-WJSE Ruth String Stanley Woodward Arch Ward Bill Henry Iteil Nirhnl'a Ore •N.- W, Aycp KISSPROUF. INL. M-lV-F-r "The" f.oye Poptor" Mrs. Howard C. Christy •Blarkett-Sample-B KLRRNE)^ 1!C:30-U to F-WAB( Story-of Mary Marlln' Basil Lnughrane, Dir. .Fane Croslnberry, AD. Joane Blalna Art Jacobaon Corleton Brickert Betty Lou Gerson. Francis X. Bushmati .ludlrli I.owery Rob FIske Murray Forbes Mar.lorle Hannon Anne Davenport 'Innald Rrlgiis Isiibei Randolph r.urlile Husting •Lord & Thomaa R0I.TN08 1:45 n.m-M to F- WABC Just Plain Bill' Arthur Hughes Ruth Russell James Melghan Curtis Arnall Irj Latham •Blackett-S-H KRAFT-PIIENIX in-Tli-U'EAF P vyhitpmnn Ore George Gershwin Mildred Bailey Ray Knight Itamonn Helen Jcpson '.1 Walt Thomp. LADY .nSTHER IO-VU:.M-IVABC Wayne King H:3«-Tu-U-WEAI' Wayne King 'StBok -Goble LEHN .&■ FINK (Lysol 1 8-Sii->VAItC W Goodman's Ore •Lenncn Kt Mitchell LEVER BROS, (Lux Soap) O-M-WABO 'L\i)c Bnrtio Theatre Ethel Barrj^more 'Mary, Mary, (Julte Contrary' •J. Walt. Thompsor. LORIi.lARD (BrtgiTs Tobacco) (Muriel-. (Cigars) 7:45-8u-\VEAV 'Sports Review' i'hi)rni(<ii Fisher Pop Warner 'lieiinen & M' ■ .oris VMII.LIPPI'. i Daily Ex. Sa-So- WABO ^larle.l.lilie French Princess' Ruth Vorlte (ati-tee Meighan l.cater Jny 'BliicUett M 'ri"\«»l)F'N 0:30Tr-WEAF. ( i'i-u4 Story) ^ fJourt of Uumai' Relntlona' I'erry. Hemus Ned Wever Wllmor Walker .(nnct Lee Alice Rheinhenrt Helen Spring Vera Allen Ffed Felkel, rg Lucille Wall Allyn Joslyn •Lord & Thomaa STALTED CEREALS 10:36 o.m.-Sa- WABC Dale Carnegie Vornii Oaborne Dorothy Miller Veronica AVIgplna . fleo.rjFft..SJlRfJf,le.y._. Mme, Olga Attlo SnmUcl Kissel . •S., C. Croot Co, (lAYBRLLINE.. . 3:30-So-\VEAF 'Penthouse Senin- ade' I>6n' MarYb Dorothy Hamilton Chas. Gay lord Ore *Cramer Kassult OB. MILKS LAU'S (AlkaSellzer) ..„..8i3«»-Sa5W,IZ WL8 Barn Dane* q;ldge itunhera ^ Uncle Ezra. Lulu Bellf Maple City 4 7:1S B1-W-F-WEA» 't)nele Ezra,' Radio Sutlon EZRA Pat Barrett Cliff Boiibler Ctirteton Guy Norn Ciinneen •Wade MODERN FOOD FROCE£iS CO. 4:16-M-n'.lZ Charles Sorqe Harry Swan •Clemantn Oo. MOltAWK CARPET HILLS 12:45 Diiily Ex. Sa- su-w:abo '6 Star Jones? Johnny Kane Elizabeth Day Bill Johnston Phil Van Zante Florence Malona Eddie Marr •Blackett-S.H. JOHNC. ftlORRELL 6:3Q-Su-\TJZ (Dog Fond) Thos. Mblllnn Marlon Claire •Henri H ti Ucp. MOBTHAM WARREN (Cutex) «:45-Sa-n-,IZ Ntele Qppdelle OUTDOOR UIRL. Ine. 11:15 a.m.-M-W-F WABC Blanche Sweet •Blackett-Satnula- Hunilmert( Inc. PAClFli; BORAX • B-TIVtIVJZ -Death Vall'y Day* Tim Frawley Edwlo W Whitney l.onesome. Cowboy Jean King Jack McBryde Joseph Bnnlnie Ore Mrrnnn-Hrfrk ' FACKABD MOTOR CAR CO. 8:30-Tn-WABC Lawrence Tlbbett Don Voorhees Ore •Toung & Rublcatn FEP80DEN1 T-Dally Rx Snt $ud- WE.>F Amos 'n' Andy Freeman Oosrten Charles Correil •Lord & Thomaa PHI LCD 7:46 fliifly ex. Sn- Su-WABC Boake Carter •Hutcblns PHILIP MORRIS 8-TU-WF.AF Oliver WaUeneld Leii ReLMiiian's Urc Eton Boys Phil Duey S-W-WABO .fohnnle Foursome 10:4S a. ni.-So-wbit Graphologist Mme. N. Olyanova •Blow Co: Pli.l,.SnURY io:»ii-niiii:^-.WJZ Today's Children' irma Phillips / Walter Wicker Besa Johnson Irene Wicker liiicy Glllman Fred Von Amon Jean McGregor •Hutchinson II a.m.-W-F-WAnt Cooking Close Ups' Mary Ellis Ames •Hutchlnaon PREMIER PABS1 0-Tu-WEAF Ben Bernis ♦Morrla-W. & B.. FRINCI<SS PAT U:30-M.WJZ Sketch •McJunkln. PTT'H. ft"0'MBI.H 3:15 Dally Rx. Sa- Su-tVEAlf (Crisco) Vic & Hade' Art Van Harvey Billy lilelaon Bei'nndine Flynn lO-Sii WEAF (Ivory Snap) 'Uncle - Charlie's Ivory Tent Show Chas. Wlnninger Adele ROnson .SongsmltiVs wuart'i ConrnO Thibnult Jack & L riemeni" Lois Bennett Don Ore Ci4.->-M-W-F-\V,IZ Ivory Stamp ("lub Capt, Tim Healey •BlhckmJin 3:31) Dully Kxrept Sa ti Hn-WKAV (Ox.vdfil) ■Ma Perkins' Virginia P.aytie Marjorle Hnnnon Chas E.qclaon Hilda Graham Charncr Batson Jolin Mathows Corlne Dearth Butler .Mundevilla Ken GrlOlD •Blackett 8:46 p.m.-Ta-W- Th-WEAF (Camay) 'Dreams Coma True' .BarTy.,.UpJUa.UixL Ray Senatra Ore •Pedlar & Ryan 3 p. m. Dally Es- - eept Sat- -A Sun- WE.AF (Chlpso) Homo . Sweat Home* C. VI. Sccreat Harriett McGlbboo' Billy Halop •Blaekman Mon-Wed •Frl-12:l5 . WEAF -Bat—E»sncp.. •Blackett-S- BEAL SILK 0-!)u-%VJZ Chaa. Previn Orch Betty Bennett Singing KniKhta. •Erwln-Wasey- REMINtiTON- BAND « TIME 10:S0-Ually . Except Sat-Sn-WABO 'March of Time' •B B D ft O SCOTX & BOWNE Sat-Sun-6:46-WJZ' Gabriel Heattor •Marschalk & Pratt SHEII'IELD FARMS A;4fi-H-Th-F-WEAF BUly and Betty •N. W Ayer SHELL ^ (Petroleum) 6:30-Su'.WEAr Al Jolsnn Wllmer Allison Howard Hughes Rlcardo Cortez Frank McHugh Allen Jenkins Jack Gardiner Peggy Stanton Victor Tcung Ore •J. Walt.. Thompson • SINCLAIR O-M-WJZ ■Oene Arnold Bill Chllda Mac MrCloud i.Foe. Parsons Cllir Soubler trnrry Kogen •Fedet-nl STiOAN'S 9:30 p.m.-W-W,IZ '20.000 Tears In Sing Sing' Warden LaweS •C.-W.-Cecll SOCONY VACUUM 8-F-lVAMC :Socony. Sketches ('brislopher Morley Virginia Verrlll Jimmy Fa'rrell Mar.lbry Logan Eton Boys Max Meth Johnny Green's Ore •J P Getcheil E. B. SQUIBB tt SONS 9:30-Tli->VABO 'World Peacewaya' Luorezla Borl Son, W. -B. Borah Deems Taylor Howard Barlow 'Journey's End" •Geyer, Cornell Nowell SSS CO (S33 Tonic) 8.30-F-lVOR 'The Mnsic Hox* Mary E Wood Billy Alton •Johnson-Dallls STAND. BRANDS 8-Su-U'EAF (Chase & Snnborn)' A. K. Speni'er. Dir. Amateur Show Mnl Rdw Rnwep Graham McNamee 8- W-tVEAl< . (Royiil Rel.itine) One Man's. Family Carleton E, Moore. DIr, 1 Anthony Smythe .MInettn Alien .Michael Rafetto Kathleen Wilson Barton Varbnroueb Rernlro Berwln 8-TlinrN-WKAI^ ,(Fleisphniann) G. Thompson. Dir. Rudy Vollee and HI." r-onn. Tanks Lee Trncy Tim & Irene J..Harold Murray Nancy McCiord Tom Hov/arfl Oeorge Shclton 7;30-Sn-WMZ r Royal C^latlne) Voice of the Peo- .pie,' •lerr.v Belcher Parkes Johnson •I WsU Thomo 8TANI»AUD OIL OK N. .i. R-M-WAIIC Guy Lombnrdn & hlf Ro.val Cnnndinns •Marschalk * Pratt STERLING PROD 9:30-Su-n'EAF (Bayer's) Frank Munn VIvlenne Segal Ohmnn & Arder Gus Haensoben Ort Bert HIrsrM 9- F-W'EAF (Phillips Mag) Walli TIma' Abe r.yman Ore li'rnnli Munn Bcrnlce Clnlre ■ 8-Tn-WAllC °La\ender and Old Lace' Berplce' Ciaire Prnnii Munn lus Haenschcn'S'Of 5-.SU-WABC Abe Lymiin Bcri\lce. Clairo OUvqr Smitit •Blackett STEWART. WARNEB (Alomlte) lO-Th-WABO Lysbeth nugtiet Bob McCoy Art Thorscn. Horace Heldt •*fhtS"Sfstcru ■'" Steve Merrill Jerry' Bowne Alyce -King .Att<lno Rev Charles Goodmah Al Diipont Harold Woolsey ,f.'P.u.lB VAiiflpvqeii; Al White •Blackett-Sampla STUDEBAKEB lO-F-WAIIC Richard HIniber Stuart Allen •Rocho W ft O -.?-.-•—stK-ou;:--. 6t46-l>ully Except dii'Sa-lVJZ Lowell Thomaa •Rochft-Wllllatna SWIFT 10 p.m.-Tu-WEAF 'Studio: Party' Slgmund Romber Deema Taylor' Helen Marislvall Morton Bowe Rise: Sfevens George Britton ♦J. W. Thompson TASTYKASl '12-Sd-WJZ Amateur Shpw Chubby Kane Horace Fehyl Johnny Johnson Ore •Clementp TEXAS CO. ' 0:80-Tu-We:AF Grahath McName* Eddie Duchin Ore •Hnnff-Metzue.r UNION CKNTRAI. (Insurance) B-Hii-W-IZ . Rosee ft Druma* ■ H. Williams, Dir. Helen Clnlre Reed Brown, .lohn OrlgcB Eric Dressier E'lward .iTomt Jack Rosleigh KrivTn Mutch •J. Walt: Thompson UNITEIi ItRI'O C-SorW.EAF Rhythm Symphony DeWoIfe Hopper •Street St Finney U. S. TOBArCO (nill'p Beat) 8:30-M-WABO One NIcht Stands' Pick ft Pat Josef Bnnlme Ore •Mr«ann-Erirk VICK CHEMICAL M-0:36-\VEAF. Grace Moore Pasternack's Ore •C-W-Cecll WANDER CO. (Ovaltlne) S:45-Dnily-W.IZ 'Little Orphan A' Henrietta Tedro Jack Mather Art Van Slyke Forrest Lewis Vic Smith Eugene McGIllen •Bjacketl CHAS. WARNER - (Sloans' Liniment) 9-W-W.I* J. Charles Thomas Willi Morris Prank .Tours Ore •Cecil, W. & C, WAPRY PHn|)•CT^ 7:30-p.m.-Mon. WABC 'Singing - Sam' Harry Franiiel tS-Diilly Ex. Sa-Sn- 2-Su-WOK 6:4n-Su-WABC 'Voice Experience' M. Su'yles Taylor •Brwin Wasey U. L. WATUINB O-Su-WEAF (Dr. Lyons Tooth- nnate) Georges Meta,xa I'lerre Le Krceun Racliel Cnrlay Men About Town Andy Snnnella Un •Blackett WELCH (Grape Juice) 8-F-W.IZ Irene Rich •Kantnr WESTCI.OX 6:30-!Sn-WKAF 'Big Ren Dream Dramas' Arthur Allen Porker Fennclly •B. R n ft o WHRATENA 7:16-Tu-WEAP 'Popcye the Sailor' •McKee; Albright WOODHIRV 7:45-M.W-F-WJ2 'Dangerous Para- dise' Gllsle HItz Nick Dnwaon •Lennen & M. WM. WHIG LEY 7-Dnll.T Ex. Sa- Su-tVARC Just tSnterlaln-^ nieiit.' •Fronccs Hooper WYETH 10:45 n.m.-Dully Ex. Sii-Su-(VAB( Mrs. WiggB of Cabbage Patch' Betty G;irde Alice Frost Joa Latham An'dy IJoiinclly Amy Scddlle lilstelle Levy •Blankett-S-H Pat Rynn ANTI-RADIO RULE ON MD. GRID GAMES HOLDS Baltimore, Sept. 17. WCBM here la trying to get. the -Atbtot-J<v-Assoclatlon-oS-tfe©^ Unlv-er—- 3lty of Maryland Interested In going up before the hetmen of the South- ern Conference, and seeing If gome- thing can't be done this year to dis- card the Cbhference'a Iron ruling* against the broadcasting of any- footbalT garties In which a Confer- ence club plays. WCBM Is Inter- ested In broadcasting the Maryland- South Carolina gaitie In October, and the Maryland-Syracuse scrap here TimfiKKfrving."Da>'r 'Trd' aa ~' ovef, the ■ aufhprltrea at the , Md. haven't appeared very ' Inter- ested In bringing the matter to at- tention of the Conference. Greyhound Bus Renews San Antonlp, Sept. ^7. Newest renewal for Texas Quality Network Southwestern Grey- hound Bias Lines quarter-hour ■ weekly stanza, renewed for 14 weeks. To hit the air via WFAA, Dallas, WOAI, San Antonio and KPRC;, Houston, each Thursday fromi 6:30 to 6:45 p.m. Begins Thursday (12). Stint embraces dramatic talent In exposition of historical locations In Southwest, all being Greyhound bus stops. Jan Isbell Fortune, story. writer and 'poet,, scripting. Ork of symphonic proportions supplies the musical background, Beaumont & Hohman, Dallas agency, handling. second year french casino new york carl hoff and his orchestra nbe-wjz—thurs. 11-11:30 p.m. mba-wor—^fri. 11:15-11:45 p.m. Fickards Sponsored Pjckard Family, now originating, nightly IB-mlnutc series from KYW a-nd beginning Sept. 30 will do dally GO-minute program from WCAU. Sponsor, is Drug Trade Products Co. B E N A Y V EN U TA Every Tiiarsauy, 0:15-0:30 P.M. E.D.S.T., WABC And Entire Columliln Network Kow Appenrlng in "Anything Goea" Ah'ln, New Vork Management CBS Artists Bureau Personiil' Miiniigeinent Jules Albert!, 515 IVIadison Ave. New Vorli City JOHNNY AUGUSTINE + His Music Featured on "MARTY-MAY-TfME" THURSDAYS, 0:30 V. CoaHt-to-Const Columbia Network REED L AWT ON "The Carlsbad Cavalier" AND HIS MUSIC Tues., Thurs., 1-1:15 P.M. WOR Carlsbad (Sprudel) Program Persnnal RepreNentutlvoR E. MARION GRIMES unci J. EATON 910 Park Ayenur, New I'ork IRZL Soleta MIRPHA With Otto Thorn's Orchestra TUBS.. SAT.V'fl P.M.. E.D.S.T. WJ2, NBC, WHAM