Variety (Sep 1935)

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Wednesday^ September 18, 1935 RADIO VARIETY 71 Here and There Bill Mckinney, ork pilot, now has regular announcingr assignment on WMCi, A^land, Kd. station* which started, a nightly run Monday. (16), Alex Hyde's music for a background. "turned 'wftfi hf^ pTano'pfogfain over WMCI, Ashland, Ky. - W. H. Schaper, formerly editor of •Amusenieht Tab,* has joined the production staff of Bess & .SchllUn, Inc., RKO building, as general as- sistant to Walter; Kelly, program director. rs. Howard Chandler Christy re- ~i)laclne-Onfc^•Myns«rv--ot> L-ovtr■D<)c-' tor over MBS," during latter's Illness. Sid Gary's 'G Men Review' starts Sept. 18 over WMCA, New York. Goes on at 7:30 until 8:00 p.m. Jackie Walsh, last with McCalls Pubs., now with N. W. Ayer public- ity staff. New York. Dick. Fishel, sports spieler for WMCA, Into Mt. Sinai hospital this week for observation. r. Charles Fleischer out as com- mentator for WMCA. Tony Wons, who returns to New York this week as a freelancer, may take a flier in legit. 'Uncle Joe' Grace of WEEI, Bos- ton, just back from a trip through Bluet Ridge Mountains. Joe Martin, amateur prize winner on WHN's novice spread on Tuesday nights, head the talent on Barney's new commercial over the New York ... persoiiality 9et to music emery deutsch Dance Rhythms 8:15-8:30 P.M. WABC Coast'to-Coast CBS AL SHAYNE Radio's Ambassador of Song EVERY SUNDAY WOR 12:30 to 1 P.M. FOR ANSONIA SHOES Foot Fashlonii for Footllglit Femmes Ma I. Ktimp^K .. -vocallats, Maxliie- Gray, Bob Allen. Jack Ennis and Saxy Dowell, will share the warbling assignment with Ed Smalle's Seven G'b on the Phil Baker show for Gulf. Peg LaCeritra, Babs and her Brothers and the Four Showmen will guest on next Sunday's (21) At- lantic Reflhing stanza over CBS. RECORDINGS "OFF-THE-AIR" **lN-THE'STUDlO** ftADIO &. FILM METHODS CORPORATION 106 E. 41st St. (at Park Ave.) CAIedonia. 6-7630 — 7531 — 7C33 ALEX HYDE musleal director WHN new york .W.L^l.H^ l*oweJ], .wM-the .<Kiijr...sta» tibn- irt: New-England that iarrleU the full hour broadcast of the Will Rogers' funeral servfces from Hol- lywood, Dick Cobb, formerly of WMEX, Boston, and an announcer at WLLH, iicwell, has been promoted to tho program directorship of latter sta- tion.' Second time- in past several weeks that a .program dlrector'is job has been acquired by a member of WLLH staff, Neil A. Wallace now having si liar position with WMAS, Springfield. Greater Louisville Ensemble, mixed quartet, with ieight years of continuous brpadceisting, a,nd first program ever commercially spon- sored in Louisville, nwitche.s to WHAS October 5, after two years on WAVE. E. K. Carjjill, of WMAZ, Macon, has turned down an offer from Mer cer University to broadcast their home games on a money basis. Local station has been offered Auburn and University of Alabama:games free WREC has bought 31 acres of land near Memphis to build a new $35,000 station. Leslie E. Marshall latest addition to announcers' staff at WCAE, Pittsburgh. He succeeds Alan Trench, who has resigned to Join his ailing father in London. Texas Quality network, which in- cludes KPRC, Houston; W'OAI in San Antonio; WFAA in Dallas and WBAP in Fort Worth, celebrated its first anniversary September 10 with a salute to the sponsors. Pat Flaherty of the KXYZ. Hous- ton, announcing staff, has resigned Don Daley has resigned from the staff of WCAX, Burlington, Vt., and Joined the Dow & Peterson Adver tislng Agency. * iRRY SALTER Musical Director .N B c Maurice differ, KMOX, St. Louis announcer, in hospital" two weeks due to operation. Colleen Moore, exhlbtlng her doll house in St. Louis, airing exclusively over KSD. kSD, St. Louis, has purchased new 5,000-watt RCA high-fidelity trans mltter and installation will start soon. Derby Sproul, continuity writer at KOA, Denver, has gone over to KLZ, Denver,' where he will do continuity and assist In produc- tion. Memo Balleni, baritone, Chi cago, added to artists staff at KOA Denver; Dick Fishel of WMCA, New York for two weeks .recuperating from an op. Myrtle Leonard, Met. Opera warbler' on WiXS, New Ybriv, for series. Sid Gary moves into WMCA New York, for eight weeks starting next week on a program labeled 'Sid Gary and his G-^cn,' to be broad cast Thursdays at .7:30 p.m. Pro gram is sponsored by William P Goldman Clothiers. Clarence Putnam, p. . for station KROW,-Oakland, Cal., got stuck In studio elevator and stayed there-un til five a. m., when fuse blew out and lire department couldn't get to juice box. THE VIRGINIANS Radio's Best Ail-Around Colored Quartet M«TU.l 1. ■ JN ET WOUK 'niarsdayB, 10:nO r..M. EDST •;4nnnKcnient MAKX L. SHANK Wl.W, CINXINNATI MoiMliiyN, 0:1.'! r.M. KD.ST Tiiuriu1;i.v»', lOl.tO A.»l. EDST Saturdiij-N. 6:16 P.M. £UST Can't Please 'Em Chicago, Sept. 17. They were at a recording laboratory, trying to get an effect of a bowling ball rolling down the alley and striking a ■stack" a£- duck- pins; • ■ After working for a long time, they finally' hit upon a set-up of having a hard rubber ball roll- ing acriiss a tympani top and striking a board. It came over the michrophone esiactly as the effect wanted. Representative of the bowl- ing equipment manufacturer who was having the discs made, jpipcd . up , and said: ' 'Tiiat'V swelll"" ■Thiat's-'^g^^ Only one thing is lacking. It doesn't sound like maple.' BIRMINCHAM ALWAYS WAS AlHATEUR TOWN Irmlngham, Sept. 17. Statement of an executive of a radio station when queried about the number of aihateur programs op the air explains the local sit- uation In a nut shell. The execu- tive was asked how many amateur shows the station had. His reply was'all of them.' Only two amateur pirograms In the broad sense of the word are- being used here. One. is styled ipretty much after the Major Bowes show and is sponsored .by a local bakery over WAPI. Winner Is given a weeks engagement at the Alabama Tiieatre. Other amateur program is over WBRC and sponsored by a dairy. This latter program is prin- cipally for kids and is to run 13 weeks. Winner is to be given a trip to New York and an audition for Columbia. WSGN has discontinued Its amateur program. WBRC show has been promoted In two other southern oitles by the dairy company having plants there. Cities are Atlanta, Ga., and Jack- sonville, Fla. As far sis competing with profes- sional t»lent is concerned there Is very little to be said locally. None of tiie three stations here hire very much pro talent for the simple rea- son that they, are offered as much amateur stuff as they can use. Quality Is pretty sour but stations have found it hard to convince sponsors that they should make budget allowances for talent. Inside Stuff-Radio Spotting of Frances Langford In Lucky Strike's Sept. 14 airing of 'The Big Broadcast,' from the stage of the Paramount -theatre, Los Angeles, set off a heated controversy between Campbell Soup and NBC. ..S.0UP .outfit, to which singer Is under contract, demanded a courtesy credit to which agency agreed. When NBC heard. of it they served a. gentle reminder that the web permits no double sponsorship. Campbell* therefore, withdrew Its credit deriiand, being reminded that most of the talent for 'Hollywood Hotel.' Is recruited from films and that It Wouldn't be smart to incur any enmities; New York Telephone company has asked the State Public Service Commission for permission to use its facilities, on an experimental basis, for wire transmission of news photographs. The company in its appllr cation specifies that It reserves the right to limit the length of a. conver- sation or connection in tinies of emergency or shortage of facilities. Pro- poses Tates" for the t'elei^^ talks. The pfoylsions" would expire Augusf 7, lff36, unless they are can- celled, changed, or extended before that date. KNX broadcast of the Will Rogers memorial services on the Coast drew the highest rating from Crossley Reports of any California pro- gram since the survey was Inltiatedi Listening audlenc6 of 94% is cred- ited to the station for the hour period, said to be unprecedented in the history of western radio. Although every frequency except KNX had agreed to remain silent for 30 nttnutes during the services, six took the program on a rebroadcast. General idea of Ted Hammersteln's MusIc^Hall series which Kolynps sponsors beginning Sept. 30 over NBC will be'slmilar to programs of last season. It's to be a combo of old-timers and present-day names, with an overtone of Oscar Hammersteln's Victoria Music Hall surrounding the spread. Sentimental line between the two groups airing, is to be more marked than last yean WAAW Pro Tern Basis Omaha, Sept. 17. Station WAAW awaiting comple- tion of the deal which will chan:;e its ownership from the Omaha Grain Exchange to a midwest chain now being organized is worKlng under a temporary executive setup. New md temporary arrangement requires signature from Secretary Manches- ter of the exchange on all con- tracts and biz deals. Former Manager Ernest Bad'jr has severed all connections with station, although he maintains his ad agency office next door. Frank Phalen in charge of'commercial relations, and James Douglass handling programs, production and chief announcer's spot. WJR Turns on Juice Detroit, Sept. 17. When WJR switches from the NBC to Columbia Sept 29, Its new 30,000-watt transmitter near Tren- ton, Mich., will go liito operation, making it the most powerful station In the state. The station's present wattage, is 10,000. The highest structure In Michi- gan, the new 733-foot steel tower at Trenton Is equipped with station- ary and revolving lights to warn aviators. New plant has been built to accommodate television and other possible Improvements. VISITING NEW YORK Fred Hart, KGMB, Honolulu, Albert Swlnsky, KRLD. Dallas. F. J, Jarinan, Jr., WDNC, Durham, N, C. Jack Gross, KWKH, Shreveport. Richard Shafto, WNOX, Knoxvllle. Jim Hunter^ CFRB, Toronto. Phil LaLonde, CKAC, Montreal. Lee Armer, Southwest network. Bill MacDonald, WLLH, Lowell, Mass. Dick Cobb, WLLH,. Lowell, Mass. Garcia Grande, placed through Peck Advertising agency.. Spread- ing spot announcements--on vari- ous outlets. Although July net Income slumped as compared With same itionCh In 1934, Radio-Marine Corporation of America, RCA subsid, last week re- ported a net Income of $71,264 for the first seven months this year, against $65,203 for the same period In the preceding year. The com- pany's July net this year was $11,300 as compared ^vlth $14,292 In this month, 1934. An experiment is being watched In Coast radio, that of. a credit house taking a straight recording program of three hours on Sunday afternoons. KFWB starts the discs spinning at 1:30 p.m. with Only Intermittent plugs between changes to vary the routine. Believed to be the first time that a sponsor has tied up a station for this length of time. Contract calls for four Sundays. Thornton Fisher of Briggs Sports Review trekked up to Saratoga per- sonally to get Alfred Gwynrie Vanderbllt, youthful turfman,, down for his weekly series over NBC. Socialite sportsman finally consented to airing Sept. 14, only after Fisher gave him a,sales talk. It was purely a guest date.. DEALERS STEP IN AS FACTORY OFFS RADIO St. Paul, Sept. 17. Play-by-play broadcasts of all 1935 Gopher football games will be aired over WCCO under sponsorship of the Minneapolis Zone Chevrolet Dealers assn. Last year games were sponsored b/ the Chev Motor Co., but when the Co. gave up Its option on the ser- vices this year, the dealers In this territory laid it on the line. Schedule Includes broadcasting^ of all home games, together with re*- moto control pickupi} of the Nebras- ka-Minnesota battle at Lincoln. Stix May Betnrn Thomas Stix dickering with WOR, New York to return with 'his 'Lunching Today With...' series which was broadcast last spring from the Mgonquin Hotel. It was heard thrice weekly at noon, with Tuesday program sent over full MBS network. If set, series will be back by Oct' 1. Literati lunchers are interviewed by. Stix. Hclinn Joins WIF Philadelphia, Sept 17. Stoney McLlnn, veteran Phllly sports scribe. Joined regular WIP staff yesterday (16) as 'Director of Sporting Events.' Formerly with Evening Ledger and Phila. Record besides having done previous sports commercials. DON MA RIO RADIO, STAGE and SCREEN FAME ow Going on Hi 2iid Y«aiP As Stur of "Pent House Serenade" The IVIiaybelline Show Heard Over NDO Coast-to-Coust Each. SaDday Afternoon IVMAQ, 2:30 P.M.—W£AF, 3:30 F.M. JACQUES FRAY AND HIS ORCHESTRA EVERY SUNDAY 6:30-7 P.BI., EDST WEAF. Manatrement MBC MARK WARNOW AND HIS ORCHESTRA tHE EVENING IN PARIS ROOF' A NEW RADIO FEATURE B O U R J O I S MONDAY EVENINGS, 8:30-9 P.M. WJZ—NBC MARK WARNOW, Managed Exclusively by CBS ARTISTS BUREAU * r-