Variety (Sep 1935)

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VARIETY P I CT H illE S Wediidsday, Seiptember 2St 1933 Now It s the Ethiopian Sitnash as ■'By Ilike Wear Amueements were firm to higher, j:eat{ai4flyJXye^ day). RKO managed to edge up to new high at 6% while. Columbia Pictures ctfsl, CqnsoUdated Film pfd., Loew's, Radio JB, Paramount Ist pfd. and ifladisbh SfttiUjf*-Gar- ideh showed Waitiiy: feinns. Para-. "ioBunf-IlIfoaawayrr^ tufes, RKO, and Wairner Bros, bonds went to b^st 1935 auotatlons. Threat of warfare between Italy and Ethiopia hit the" amusement sector of the stock market last week the slahie" ad' It aflEected the entire mart." Contention' of some that the mirket was due for a'more severe technical reaction contrib- uted: to.ithe decline - Thursday and Friday last. Before this pressure, was felt, the Amusement Group edged up to a new peak for 1935 tit slightly above 37. But this feroup, as measured by the averages" for 12" Stdcks, showed (Continued on page 39)' NO POP FOR'CHARLIE,' ZANUCK SNIPS BUDGET •Hollywood, ,34. 20th-lB'ox haa 'clipped £he produc- tion hudget oii-'ChampaBn'e Charlie,' orlginallj^ planned as" a 'speclai" by Fox. Picture '^ylll be produfeed' by Sol V^urtz61; at 'thB Wesierri stiidlo' as a programmir, * " . Original story'Is by Gerie Markey, screen, p'iay by Allaii RlVkliu Ed- mund, Lowe jand Rochelle ^udso'n have the leads. James Tlnllng will direct. TOUHTGCLAUS' ALLIES New Pio Alii Lincoln, Sept 24. Nebraska's Ko. 1 ihdle exhib bat tlfer, wmiaim M. jTou.Og*?I*Mi?t;..$l, Grand Island, Is readying to choose the chain b6ys here aga,ln and he's choosing able partners In his pro- posed combat, too. rents his Empress theatre from former Sena- tor W. HT. ThohJps'oni^ who' has a rag to. chew with tliei'mbnopoUstlc attitudes of the strings which con- trol film bu;trlng and .aellinjg pretty largely he^^, TouDgcIaus- ' Thompson. are hiaylng an audience with Nebraska's well knowii-.Senator George . Nprrls and North Dakota's ;Senator 'Nye, who has. a-riBp -tcT Investlgatibri' In senatorial circles, about breaking the circuit stranglehold on pics. Legislation Is the aim to make it a part of the' Dept. of Justice jiirls- dlQtlon. YoungclsLus, , proposes ^furnish th.e lnv>.3tigatlon when'and if, ,4' considerable, amount of evi- dence regarding the bulldlns of ^sevr eraI :of the Nebraska circuits^ Joe Brown to Renjew jit ^ Waraer$, Dae 18% 13% fltt- Yesterday's Prices .. , Net 0alea. 'HlKh.IiOW.I<ast.ct>ee. 600 Col. Plot.. 66 e& 66 +1^ 200 Ea«t. K..166 165 166 +3 ~ MWO"*Swnr lfih-.v »5V -rSSVr^ ' 2,200 I/oew .....••14% 43% 44%+%: 8,100 Far, new. 11% 11% 11% + H 6,200 Do 2d pf. 18% 80O Path? new 6% 17,800 RCA ..... 7% 3,84)0 Radio B.; 66% 16,100 RKO ..... *e% 10,000 Wi B....< S% CURB 700 Tech 19% 100 Tr»nB-lj .. .8% BONDS lO.OOO Gen. Th.. 1!S ,6,000 Loew ....101% 104% 104%:- % 126,000 Par. Pic. .«0;% 90lJ 97%+1 8,000 RKO ...,;»'71% 70% 71%+1 30,000 W. B.....*83% 62% 83%+1% 6% «<4-h ?t 7%. 7% + % 84% 65% +1 6 6% + % Afl»....:w%—.M,.. 7% 8 + H • 19% 8% 19% - % 8%-.% 14% 16 .+ % • New 193^ blgh^ hside Stuff-^Pictures Paramount Is in an odd position pn^lts roadshow ehgasdment of 'Cru> <fiaK£«a'•«rt-th«-:As43tH-'-N^r--3^ ^-as-th«. r«jeult~ is experiencing through a union controversy with Joe Plunkett, who haM house under a. year's lease from the receivers. Thi.r Is powerless to intervene in the unloh squabble, since Its deal pujt^ tin'g 'Crusades' into the. Astor is with Plunkett on percentagfe. ' Though piclcetlng of Astor.and operating with non-union boothmen; Par mlghtf ' :ntic-ba'fi,ijte' t-o- paJ^•pietvlr«■-i^^it-^\•a3li•«a i'& sir.ce it is- hrtiMi - Itcuttv in- nrac&- - the same manner as pictures are booked, on percentage, length of runi being up to exhibitor. Understood that Local 806, New York operators,! out of house, attenipted to get Pa,r to influence a settlement With Plunlcet^ without satisfactory results,. New^O-Foxfact Assures McLaglen PO^O a Yr. • Hollywood. Sept. 24. Gtiaritntefe: of three pictures a year 'a,t $100,000 ^ach is provided In the three -year contract signed by Victor McLaglen at 20th-Pox. This exceeds the figure drawn by McLaglen and Edmund Lowe as a team • when they were' amons • the studio's top drart^a. : , Hollywood, Sept. . I Joe E. Brown will reiiew with .Warners . for another term, deal when, .'his contract expires In No-, vember."., . Brqwni ,onei of. the few bne-iot. stars, has been with Warners, since 1928 and n?y6r ^^^V .from- thje studio for a picture. After clicking for years in. tailor-made yarns ,to fit his unique comedy style, studio, now .^gures player for a bigger buildup due to his. work In 'Bright. Lights.' 2 Die from Booth Blaze . -Kansas City, Sept. 24. Jack Malone;. manager of a- pic-* ture house, in Boonvllle, Mo., and bis operator,-"B. .V. Brooks, were burned fatally. In a booth- fire. - The two were" dblng- some repair work In the b<DOth when a hot soldering Iron was .accldently dropp<6d Into a con- tainer 6t films. The victlms clothing was? on. 'lire as" they ran from tho building - and they were so badly burned'that-they died In a few hours later. No performance- was being: given at the- time.' Boston Bankroll for indie Tintt^r Setup oilywoo'dl Sept. "24;. , George ■Hirllman, -whA"^-wllf pro- duce a irrpup of features via miagna coloji process under brand name of Regal, has . Incorporated ' Pacific Production^ to turn put a group of action'picture's .of the G-man type Nie'w", prgaiiifcation is., x'eportedly tacked by Boston capital. DEL JLUTH'S AIM ■ Holl^y^obd, Sept, 24 Roy Del Ruth, In an attempt to get a vacation, is trying to duck the dlrectloiilal assignment on 20th Cen tury-rFox's. !A Message to Garcia, the Wallace Berry picture.. Del Ruth, wants, to go to- Europe for a few -weeks. He has worked without a br^k since the first of the year.. Robesda's $5,000 at U London, Sept. 24. Universal iias signatured Paul Robeson for the talkei* version- of 'Shbvi^boat' and latter sails ■■tofnorA" TOW (25). Will do some radio iand concert dates in New York prior to coast-in'g, since' picture is not due to start before November. Understood that U will pay Robe- son $6,000 yreekly on a Beyeh-weeit guarantee. lutes For Labor Board Lo9.Angele», Sept. 24; Semi-Judicial system instead of customary* panel procedure, pro- viding trial examiner to hear col- leQtive bargaining disputes in films and other industries, hai been or- dered here by National .Labor Rfe- ilatioAs "Board'at Washington; p. C. I .InStri^ctipns sent to Dr.' Towne Nyian<}erk. regrlohal director here, Inf • dicated! that examlnfer, yet to be .named, will be dispatched to Coast if r o m capital. Meanwhile com- i plaints will be received by Dr. Ny- lander and his aides and hearings for disputants' wilt Ije' held at' which efforts yrlil be made to Iron out dlf-, Acuities. If ho solution can be reached'trral date' will be set, ex- aminer wUJ-hear both sides and re- port his recommendations to Wash- ingtont Final decisions rest with National Board. Total of a complaints filed ^Ith NylaAder now await investigation. Work of office tMIi be delayed, how- ever, until arrival of examiner. ■ Na- tional Association of Cinema Crafts- men and Studio Soundmen's Union, local' B95, International" Alliance '"Theatrical Stage Employes, have been notified that their^ requests for an election among studio "workers to determine collective bargaining representatives has been deferred several -weeks; ■-^he-*rew^Tork--R-K-0-theatr6s-tbla-(Weto Baer-Louis fight films on exhibition, by virtiiie of an Intensive preparation schedule of developipg and finishing the prints, via a series of relays.... Instead of waitlnguf or the fight to be conipleted, Salknd Picts. plan rush it down round-by-round for develoi>in|ir, dubbing and printing. , y,-; RKO is paying at the rate of W,000 a Veek, per'house, and .more, in thfli,.., bigger houses. ^ ' ' " Salahcl, reported^ paying $26,000 for the fight rights, was also sald . tO have, refused $6S,Opo for a, turnover dea,I, but .lis distributing on Its owp*. Saland Is a competitive group to Oliver, (Harry O. Voller) -wliich heretp.5 fore had th^ fight films. >■ i th an effort to emphasize educational ..features .of its reel, 'March o%.:: Time' Is attempting a ooinplete canvass teachers throughout tho .\ iidtlon. Instructors-are being contacted, through two pamphlets with the suggestion that others or additional ones, of the .same are; available foi; their pupils. , •. - " i , ' ; New department has been set upi by 'March of Time' with Mary Losey' In charge. Teachers ar& sent a) 'Teachers' Manual for Class Study*^ of the monthly news magazlnfe of thfe screen. This outlines how each sub-i ;iect In the reel may he adaptod to classroom study.-. Krims on Script of ^Beethoven' at WB >' '• Hollywood, Sept; 24.' Milton Krims has been , engaged by "Warners'to write the screen play for 'The Life Pf Beethoven' from an original <he' is developing' on the 'dramatic phases of the composer's life. ■\Vrlter recently did-the script for Mi^scbt's-'lite: of 'Stephen Fbstier, 'Harmony-Lahe." ' -Henry ' Blanke- Is supervising 'Beethoven,' and' William Dleterle wlil'dlrefct. RKQV Boalers Playing I'op Hat'as a Solo Pic RKO's theatres in New York get 'Top Hat' the week of Oct;, B, .all switching policy frPm double-fea- 'tures to solo for the Fred Astalre- Glnger Rogers,film. ' 'General release follo-ws its first week' at the Palace, opening Fri =dky (27). • Margtir^t .MorrU Bapk,.. . ; - Hollywood, Sept; -24... After a, long absence from pic- tures, Margaret Morris goes Into Beaumont's 'Desert Guns' as the lead oppoeilte' Conway . Tearle. . Mit- ichell Leichter produces. ! Actress for many years was a fea- tured player at Paramount and IXadlo. TILDEN'S BAQQUET EXPOSE William Tllden, 3d, top pro tennis player, of America, hai jyieen Signed by,, universal for ""The Amateur Racket,'-yarn by Albert J. Cohn, also a racket expert. Sd^'jpDse^ to' be Inside story of Tildeh's experiences as amateur and explaifi Why he'la how. iri profes- sional rankei!i:e?i»ni no ijijuUdi-J; KELIAKCE JOmS HAYS pBG. Reliance Plctqres, Inc., Is no\y a member of the Hays olflcfr. - Harry Goetz and Eddie Small are the prin- cipal pwrters of Reliance-which re- leases through United Artists. H. ^Goetz, prez of Reliance, will repre- sent the company In the Hays !group. Eddie Small Is -in charge of 'Reliance production. Hollywood, Sept.-24;-^ ' Reliance Is the first Independent 'company releasing through ^ajors 'to be glveh ' special membership without voting- power In the Hiays 'organisation. Application ^Vas ac- cepted last week, with the board'Of directors to act this week on-' sis^ otheo^'S. hio^'iii i-'i*'/ fci...i>vi!;•,?; >v.i L. A/to N, Y. Edward G. 'Robinson. Elmer Richardson. Donald. Ogden Stewart. -.Robert Benchley,, Ripardo Cortez. - Geza Herczeg. : Constance Cummlngs. ' Clarence Dervfent; . Rjdiscpe Karns. Ina CJlalre. , Jane. Frpman. Behn W. Levyi Irving Berlin. Edwin Lester. Victor .Young,. Frank Pay. George Hlrliman. kettl Gaillan.. Richard Barthelmess. . Quentin Reynolds.' Ian Hunter. ■Wiiilam "Wyler/ George Brent. Raymond' Walburg. Bill Welman. Wilson Leahy. Franchot Tone. Joan Crawford> Fred Quimby.. N. Y. to L, A. Prank 'Skinher. ■ John E, Otterson. ' Jaclr-^Hulbert.--' Jltmiiy'Conlln.'''''' 'fi.Otto KrugCR'H^' Employes In offices of the Producers' Association in Hollywood werA upset one afternoon last week when a sudden shuffling and pounding on the roof of the building. Irive'stlgat'lpri resulted In discovery ln« dependent stunt feature -itras being' made on the roof, with the unit sneaking through without the Knowledge of anyone with authority. ' Payoff Is that the building Is bwned by Louis Mayer, who not only did not collect location rental but may have to rebuild the roof If it leakM when the riains hit. It's a standing'tag in Hollywood that Irving Thalberg is the toughest executive in pictures to reach. It's a fact, but Thtlberg cannot he blamed. For Instance, he returned from'New York-last week-and after goins home to see his children, Thalberg Immediately hopped In a car and motored to Santa Barbara to see the preview of 'Mutiny On the. Bounty.* Maklhi? his-first appearance on the 'lotithe next morning. It took him 20 minutes to get put of and Intb'ithe barber shpp through a barrage of agents.' Hence, Thalberg's cautious as to. his time. H. A. Fprtlngtpri, who ca'me into tiie paramount reorganization picture through English'Insurance and .other iht^rests, becoming a director of the new Par company as well as- chairman of the executive board, la taking a very active hand In affairs of ithe' concern. He is at Par head'< quarters. praCticWly 'every dayi Jnteresting himself in..administration,. Another Par" director^-who Is taking'iani i6tive, in^ In Paramount Ifl Gerald Brooks. ■ ' To avoid dupilcatlo'n of production ,ldeas and straighten out personnel differences, Metro, is initiating a cohcillatlon setup of producers to han« die various problems as they arise. Sitting as a board these men wllj pass o.h irtattertf Svhlch"'would^ otherwise hold up production' or militate against the Int^riest of the particular units. Ultimate obje<;t Is. to promote a better unit morale while working and to speed production, Paramount theatre, T^. ., decided'on riesumptlon of stage sho-ws only after it learned that the Capitpi, -which went straight film five week* ago, -was gojng to'bring back rostrum displays about Jan. 1. The Par has decided to revive the policy Oct. 4. Realizing the_ market for draw -name attractions Is lean, the Par may return to straight pictures, at the lower admission scale the minute the Cap goes combination around the first .of the year. "Warners/iormally consummated the four-year pact for the full "WB prograni with, the, RKO theatres on. Thursday (19). "This deal provides the RKii theatres .with an .ampJ,ej«upply pf necessary major company product as the circuit previously closed: -with 20th Century-Fox for seven' years, and has-Its own aiBflllated Radio product additionally., The Warner deal was begiin"for...RKP by. K^erijeri Bayard Swope. it was broken oft and consiimhiated with the iritervenltlon ot'M. H. AyleswPrth, Janet Gayivor has two pictures-'to do for 26th-Fox on lier contracli. Rumors have been current that she would not coipplete the agreementi but last -week Miss (5aynor announced that; these pictures -nrould be'made :by her'on "the present program, . She' did n^t sa.y Sybether'of'hot she will remain with 20th- the agreement has ter Inated'. ' " Major'film coihpany'executlVts fall'to ^ge^ over rentals'.they might obtain'frohf pictures used" in fiirn theatre railroad c^ars. Ca.n't see- .j where t'here''will be either quantity,or important prices'on rentals..'A.'! .fe\v want to'te'sho'-wn. wl^^^ them m.uch even in the „' • dlstdnt futHr.e'.' . Sonle^ o .clal's 'a.l^P |ca,h't see where they would coilectp"'. much.'of anything, except 'Vli'pulilfcity^ " ' - > -All Coast, studios are co-ppemti'rig -yvlth Warners in turning Put one^ minute trailers, each featurlng'a.staY speaking on behalf of Sunday the- atre openings in Pennsylyania. .. | George Biison of the .X^B studlp is in charge, of the trailer campaign. Subject matter all has to do with the' bettering of general community conditions, upplng of real estate values and Increased employment. Oct. 9 is the p cia,l premiere of 'Midsummer Night's Dream' (WE) but as a convenience to the dally, trade and general press in New York, a special screening at the Hollywood theatre will be staged the night before. This Is, also to permit dally reviewers to have more time for*- their.revlewg, request Jawing, that reviews be he-Id back until Oct. 10. ' " Chosen by .committee of artists, Spanky MacFarlane will pose for 24* sheet posters typifying the American Boy in Los Angeles Community Chest drive. HEWAEK'S newsreeler Newr^el TlieaLres; Inc., operaters of' the Embassy, -.on -Broad^ye|.y, • will open another hewsreel - house, in Newark, on''Broad 'street early In Deceinber. .* ' -' ' /■•• • ' John ' Eb$rsori' " dbmmlss'toned for the architectural' Jot).'' "■''.•• 'MAID' LEAD TO ERTOER Hollywood, Sept. .24, Otto Kruger gets tlie lead op- ' poslte Ruth Chatterton in 'Maid of; Honor' at (iolumhia.' .■•-.. PJayer Comes' west this week for '. the picture which is slated to get" under way within 10 days.