Variety (Sep 1935)

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8 VARIETY P I C ¥ E GROSSES Wedne8da7, September 25, 1935 lelody Sews Up L L on BaHy And Biz, Big M in 2 Houses: lyits! Ice M ! Spots Los Angeles, Sept. 24. (B6st Exploitati ; Chinese-Stated Chinese and State are to the fore current week with •BroadTyay Mel- ody.' Heaviiy exploited, results at box pfflce were ftnormoue from, start,. wUiii none ot^S^ Ihg any att?-actlon resistance against this duo. Pic will hold heris 12 days, to be followed by "Barbary Cbast.' Downtown and Hollywood playing the Joe E. Brown pic, 'Bright Lights,' plcited up bit on, current weelc. Paramount, holding, over "Big Broadcast' for four and half days. Is gathering up the odds and ends it missed on first stanza which was plenty oke. RKO and Pantages are winding up the stay of 'Top Hat,' which stood the b. o. test for three weeks and Ave days, both houses showing plenty on profit side of the ledger. 'Dark Angel' shifted to £he U. A. from State, with former house agaiii diverting, back to the single bill, with trade fairly good. ■Gay Deception' at Faiir Star held, up In good style for second stanza and will probably linger lor two more weeks. SzpJoitatlon on 'Broadway Mel- ody' at Chinese and State was big- gest and most thorough campaign town has seen In a . loiig "while. Wbltbeck, from the studio. ^ guided the :piioceedlngs. "Went -very heavy on xadio announcements, had 100-^4 sheet Illuminated boards; heavy ad campaign In six large dallies, with the 14 radio stations having put plxu: on for two weeks in advance through use. of .Victor song records fr6m;pic. ' Bobbins Music company, publish- ing: the songs, had 20 store windows witli enlargements of song title pages, with music stores putting out 20,000 wrappers-plugging songs. Special section in L, A. Jierald on merchant tleup^d every plug idea imaginable. Estimates for This Week Chinese (Grauman) (2,02S; 30-40- SSli'-r-'Broadway Melody' (MG). OA to skyrocket start and headed for Imtnense trade which will hit around |14,tU)0. That brings house back to its. old Sid trrauman form -wJ\en top trade' was done here. Last week 'bark Angel' (UA). Just a century less than calculated, to a profitable $10,900. Oowntown (WB) (1,800; 30-35-40) -rr*Bright Lights' (FN). Joe B. Brown is always a cinch here for reAl trade with current pic drawing In excellent style to tune of $6,600. Last week 'We're in the Money' (WB). Not HO -forte but better' than expected at $6,300. Four Star (Fox) (900: 80-66)— "The. Gay Deception' (Fox) (2d week). Holding oke for this stanza and will wind it up xrith around $3,600. Last week, first, skidded bit toward end week to a total for first seven days of $4,700. Grand. International (Bosener) (785; 36)—'Moscow' Liaughs' (Am kino) (2d week). Holdover of this one iceeps house .in profit division by getting around $1,100. First week very big at $1,900. Hollywood (WB) (2.766; 30-35-40 55)—'Bright Lights' (FN). Figured one of the best Joe E. Brown's and gettinfr coin In accordance; will tag off with, around $7,500. Last week 'We're In the Money' (WB). Much better than dreamed off with pre view helping it to hit an even $6,100 Orpheum (Bdwy) (2,270: 26-30 35-40)—'Thunder Mountain* (Fox) and 'Hot Tip' (RKO) split and vaudeville. First run pics when they do hit here do not vary take much._ Current week with two Ini tial runners, they must depend on vaude to draw the regular $5,800 b. o. count. Pantages (Pan) (2,700; 25-36-40) —'Top Hat' (RKO) (4th week). For final five-days taking odds and ends of trade but having strong opposi- tion in "Melody' at Chinese. Will bow out with $3,800. Last week third stanza came through with the . expected eight grand. Paramount (Paxtmar) (3,595; 30- 40-66)—'Big Broadcast' (Par) and stage show (2d week). Having 'Melody' jiist block-away opposition pretty terrific for the final five da,ys, which will reach around $10,500., Last week, first for the revue, was plenty big though short of calculations, at $22,000. RKO (2,950; 25-35-40-56)—Top Hat' (RKO) (4tli iv<4eiv). MlHtin.f; 'this Fred Astalre pic will briui; fnv final five days around $4,000. Last week held up oke to a'$7,700 finale. State (Loew-Fox) (2,024; 30-40- 65)—Broadway Melody of 1036' (MG). Started oft to overflow trade Sat. (21) and keeping up at heavy pace which will draw around $15 r 000 for inltla:i seven days. Last week •Dark Ang:el' (UA). Came little be hot as heavy as figured, with finale being $11,600.. United Artists (Fox-UA) (2.100; 30-40-55)—'Dark . Angel' (UA). Though not the tvpei of pio they generally go for here, will prove to keep house out; of red with around $5;^00-.- Last Aveck -'eiairvoyant'- (G;- B) and 'Red Heads' (Fox), Strictly not a b. 0. .combo as house went oveiboard aplenty with a final count of $1,80.0. Ist Runs on Broadway 'CHINA seas; 266 San Francisco, Sept. 24. 'China Seas' is town's big: attrac- tion this week, and-while the War- field may not tilt a record with It; It wiU be close to It. •'Top Hat' living vP big smack- ing' record as at the Golden Gate. Could do another stanza, but the ex- change Is now clogged 'With product waiting screening. First week of this -winner set an all-time record for the Gate, almost 73,000 climbing over the hpld-out ropes to see the Astalre-Rogers combo. Other houses are doing normal to slightly better. Deal for.Herman Cohen to reopen bis Embassy as a mpveover house for the Golden Gate is. still perking, but hgsn't come to boil yet. Football g«ts under way next week, with some effect reflected on Saturday mat business, as it usually does here In fall. .. -Estimates for This Week Clay (Roesner) (-400; 26-35)-- Nora O'Neal' (Erin), Might do better than—$1,000. Last, week re- tubit engagement of 'Dame Aux Camellas' and 'Romance in Buda- Test,' good for $950. Fox (Leo) (5,000; 25-40)—"BlBhop Misbehaves' (MG) and 'Runaway Queen' (UA). Should pass the $5,000 mark, less than ifalr. Last week LltUe Big Shot' (WB) and 'Storm Over Andes' (U) a little better than $3;000. Golden .Gate (RKO) (2,860; 30-^6- 40)—'Top Hat* (Radio) (3rd week) Nice-proflt still at $13,6.0(). Last week (2nd) aces at $17,400. Stage show with houde band and guest vaude. Orpheum (F&M) (2,440^ 30-36-40) —'Married Boss' (Col) (2nd week) Strong at $7,200. Last week, better than $11,000. Paramount (FWC) (2,740; 30-35 40)—'Redheads' (Fox) and -Gtoose and Gander' (WB). Should have take of at least $J.1,S00. Last week, 'Annapolis Farewell' (WB) and 'Thunder In Nlghf (Fox), nice around $12,000. St. Francis (FWC) (1,470; 30-35- 40)—'Special Agent' (WB). Move- over from Warfleld, ought to see good going in .this at $5,600. Last week 'Karenina' (MG) all well at $6,100. United Artists (UA) <1.200; 25- 40)—'Call of Wild' (UA) (3rd week). Easing out for five days at $2,500. Two days of 'Dark Angel' (UA) ought to get at least $2,000. Last week (3rd) of 'Call' all right at $3,900. Warfield (FWC) (2,680; 35-40-55) -r'China Seas' (MG). Has .'em cry- ing to get in, and ought to do a landofQce biz of $26,000. Last week, 'Siieclal Agent' (WB), very good going at $22,000. House has band, stage features, line and guest vaude. to $8,700, and movies over to Strand. Ritz (Wllby-Klncey) (1,600; 25)— Diamond Jim* (U). Good exploita- tion and moderate -^eek In vlev, i;2,850. Last week 'Redheads' (Fox) strand (Wllby-Klhcey) (800 ; 26)-t. Steamboat' (Fox). Moved over from Alabama but replaced yesterday (Aion.) by 'Daring Yoling Man' (Fox); got only $1,700. Last week Hopalong Cassidy' (Rep) $1,700, above average for western. Empire' (Acme)—'We're in Money* (WB). Around $2,200. Last week Going Highbrow* (WB) ^2,600. (Subject to Change) Week of Sept. 27 Capitol—'Broadway Melody' (MG) (2d wk.). •- •Mosle" • Hall^'She Married Her Boss' (Col) (2.6). Paramount—'Big' . roadqasf -(l=*aT;- (3d-x*k.): - • - Rivoli—"Bed Salute' (28). Roxy—'Girl Fi-lend' <Ccl). Strand — 'Special A ge n t* (WB) (2d wk.). Week of Oct. 4 Capitol — 'O'Shaughriessey's Boy (MG). M«sic_ Hall —'She Married Her BosB' VCoi). (2d wit.). RIvoli—'Red Salute' (UA) (2d wk ). Roxy — 'Little (WB). Strand—'Dr. Socrates' (WB) (2). Mpls. Century Ups Scale for 'Anna' And Diff Means $11,000 Week 'Scoundrel* (Par), also gCts .four weeks, mo9tly.on BPod.nlte. bla, •Brewstef's Millions' (BD) is the best of the English six", with 'Bull- do.?. Jack'. fG^P). a. close second. . Other current pix include 'Alibi Ike' (WB). 'Mystery Liner (Mono), 'Society Doctor* (M-G), 'Baby Face Harrington* (M-G), and 'White Lies' (Col). Melbo'ume-,- A-ug-."-29.- - Okay biz here with 'One More Spring (Fox), 'White's Scandals' (Fox), 'Brown on Resolution" (G-B), 'Escape Me Never* (BD), 'Rumba* (Par). 'David Copperfleld' (M-G),. 'The Scoundrel' (Par), "Now Ilm a Lady' (P'ar) and .'Folies Bergere' (UA). ST. L TOE OPEN FOR AM. LEGION Alabama State Fair Slams Picture Houses Birmingham, Sept. 24. (Best Exploitation: Ritz) Alabama State Fair in town this week, and if business Is anywhere like It was last year theatres are going to suffer. Realizing the oppo- sition, weak sister .pictures have been brought In. Last ycai''3 fair mopped up'and caused fair, ofllcials to go to a little extra expense this year, including a new exhibition building.. Ritz has becnttrying mighty h.ard with 'Diamond Jim' with increased new.spaper ads and special stories with art recalling the life Of Dia mond Jim; In addition, a man and a givl, 4resBod in suitable costume,, drove one of the old-time horseless carriages around town. Business iust a little better than average. Eatrmates fdr This Week Alabama (Wilby-Kincey) (2,8C0; 30-36-40)—'Irtsh in Us' (FN).. With the Cagney fans the type who also like to go to fairs, business will be thiis week, No Alibis in B'klyn This Week; Holtz Show22G/Hat'19G Brooklyn, Sept. 24. No alibis from anyone this week In downtown sector of City of Churches. It looks like old man prosperity has been dug up from a deep grave-and Is highly touted by managers, etc. Picture fare and stage show, for a change, top with plenty at all b.o.'e. Albee with 'Top Hat/ Para- mount with 'Big Broadcast' and Loew's Met with a wow stage show (Lou Holtz, Belle Baker and Bloclt and- Sully) plus *Here COmee the Band' on screen, reporting bang biz. Estimates for This Week Paramount (4,000; 25-35-50)— 'Big Broadcast* (Par). Local radio- lators, of which there are plenty, are flocking to see their fave ether attractions on scrden. Looks like good $16,000. ikst week 'Two for Tonight' (Par) $10,600, mild. Fox (4,000; 25-35-50)—'Stream- line Express' (U) and stage show featuring Natacha Nattova. This week's display copy in local ga- zettes stressing fact that Fabian's Fox is only house in Brooklyn of- fering 'permanent' stage shows, taking a sock at Met stage show this week, which la here on tem- porary basis. Looks like $12,000, satisfactory. Last week 'Two-Sin- ners' (Col) $14,500, nice. Albee (3,500; 26-35-50)—'Top Hat' (Radio)—Astalre-Rogers pic scoring aplenty. May go to $19,000, splendid. Last week 'Jalna' (Radio) and 'Red Heads' (Fox) $13,000, fair. Loew's Met (2,400; 25-36-50-75)- 'Here Comes the Band' (MG) and stage show, featuring Holtz, Belle Baker and Block and Sully. Mighty fine results, should do $22,000 with- out too much' trouble. HOuse jacked up price scale to top of 75c with five shows daily. Stage show in for one week. Last week 'Karenina' (MG), second week, $13,500, good; no Vaude. Drops stage, show next strand (2,000; 25-35-50)—'CJonse and Gander' (WB) and 'Moosier Schoolmastei"' (Mono),.' satisfactory $5,500. Last week, 'Manhattan Moon' (U) and 'Without Regret' (Par), $5,500. only moderate thiis week, $6,000, low 'expe^tatfons as mat trade was Last week 'Steamboat'(Fox) Jumped IDEAL WEATHER NICKS TAKES IN AUSTRALIA Sydneyr .Aug. 29. Ideal spring: weather Is- respon- sible for vacation trade being no .imash. Rain before holidays con- clude .should bring big biz, however. ;Our Little Girl'. (Fox) and 'Ba boona' (Fox) ran 9 a.m. mats to catch early biz before kids get out for the out-o'-doors. 'One Night of Love' (Col.) swings into Its 9th month and maintains remarkable biz. "Call of Wild' (UA) is a aur- prise hit and will stay four weeks. St. Louis, Sept. 24. <Beat Exploitation: Ambassador) Just about, the biggest array of entertainment events this old Mis slsslppi liver town has seen in many a moon, what witli the Annerlcan Legion holding its convention here this week, the opening of the Fair- mount Jockey Club across the river, the Cardinals and Cubs fightlng .lt oiit for the National League pen- nant, a world premiere of a United Artist pic, and half a dozen old dark theatres, springing their doors open for first time in years. Town, which has been fleshleas fbr past six months, suddenly takes on a wide-awake theatrical front with three stage shows In full blast and about 10 nlterles battling for Le glonnaire business. Opening day for the film houses proved plain lousy in all spots, not excluding the Orpheum, ^here 'Top Hat,' -with the city's favorite stars, Fred Astalre and .Ginger Rogers, who had a good day's gross, but not in keeping with the Importance of the attraction. Second day, however, proved pickup all around. 'Top Hat' and 'Red Salute* at the Ambassador taking a healthy jump upwards. The boys handling this world pre- miere must have been given unlim- ited expense accounts,, because the streets, skies, parks, newspapers, billboards and even the gutters.' are loaded -with handbills, moving signs, pennants and more whoopee than even the 15O-,O0O visiting Xieglon naires expected. Strong shows all over include 'Dark Angdl! at Loew's State and 'Platinum Blondes,' mu sical comedy tab, at New Grand Central, where the pic is second rate and doesn't count, anyway. Half a dozen night clubs Installing house bank games, with orders from the big shots for the cOppers to go easy and' show out-of-tOwners 'real southern hospitality.' To top It off, Sophie Tucker arrived in the flesh to head a new nightery opened at the Coliseum for the week only. This spot really a mass meeting hall, re cehtly used for prize fights, wres tling and what have you, even by names such as Caruso, John Mc- Cormack, Woodrow Wilson, et al In other words, 'There'll Be a Hot Time In the Old To'vvn Tonight, is easily the theme song this week. Estimates for This Week Fox (F&M) (5,038; 25-35-55) 'Dante's Inferno' (Fox) and 'My Song for You' (GB). Jt is up to the Legionnaires to help this program do better than $9,500, which will be flop business. Last week 'Farmer Takes Wife' (Fox) and 'Welcome Home' (Fox) a disappointing $11,700. Ambassador (F&M) (3,018; 25-35- 55) —'Red Salute' (UA). Pretty good rated at $11,800, but hard to. gauge because of Legion week. Last week 'Farmer Takes Wife' (Fox) and 'Welcome Home' (Fox). Nosedive business for no better than $8,400 Missouri (F&M) (3,514; 25-40)— 'Storm Over Andes' (U) and 'Old Homestead' (Lib). Points to a good $7,000 week. Last week 'Red Heads (Fox) and 'Motive for Revenge (Maj) closed a surprisingly good i-un with $7,300 in the till. Shubert-Rialto (WB) (1.725; 25- 35-55)—'Bright Lights' (FN) and 'Wanderer of Wasteland' (Par). N'ice business, looks like $8,500. Last week 'Two for Tonight' (Par) and .'This Woman Is Mine' (Par) ; Cro-sby got 'em to tlje tune of $9,000, good, Orpheum (AVB) (1,950; 25-35-65)— 'Top Hat' (Radio)' Sln.sjle bill, af- fording ciulck turnover, should give house $13,800 for biggest week since 'Roberta.' Last week 'Alice Adams' (Radio) and 'Smart Girl' (Par) did very satisfactoi-y business and- closed with $9,600. plenty of 'black,' Loew's State (Loew) (3463; 25-35- 56) —-Dark Angel' (UA). Got away to a good start despite warm weath- |er and 'Arlth most of delegates and visitors to American Legion stop- Minneapolis, Sept. 24. (Best Exploitation: Century) 'Anna.karenina' and 'Top Hat' arei hogging the gross spotlight cur-^- ren.tly, setting a pace that rivals ciaimot bBgStn ■ u> Bippfruiimate. Gavlw film is a newcomer and bas the Cen-. tury well out in front. Holding oyer for A...second week at the Orpheiim,. Hat' continues to chalk up sensa- tional busini-ss, the .momentum of the $17,600 first week carrying It alongr-to -well-'above average^4re6ults^ Probably figuring that its appeal Is mainly for the class trade. Publlx upped the Century scale from 4(lc to 65c for 'Karenina'—the second time "in recent years that this has been, attempted locally tor a straight picture layout, the other occasion having-been with 'Barretts of Wim- pole St.' last year. It apparently has proved a, smart move, for the additional 15c ante doesn't seem to be deterring attendance. If any- thing, it's probably a stlmulantt the announcement 'prices this engage- ment only' having a favorable psy^ chological effects. As for 'Hat,'Jt seems to have this town by the ears, the same as every- where else^ and its takings are the talk of the Industry 4iere. Indica- tions are that It will finish in sec- ond place with. room to spare after being miles ahead of the rest o.f the pack the first week. 'Two For Tonight,' at the. State, Is a considerable letdown after 'China Seas' and, despite Bine Crosby^ does Jiot seem to be making, much box office progress. On the other hand, the World and Lyric are faring moderately -well with 'Nell Gwyn' and 'Bonnie^ Scotland,' respectively. Boost in Century admissions for Karenina' construed, as another move in the direction of higher scales. The Initial steps 'were the a^'- reement on 66c toil as a minimum for stage entertainment plus pic- tures at the A houses and the shift from 6:30 to 5 p.m. for the cliange of prices from matinee to higher night levels. It apparently flnds the public in a receptive mood;; Century gcirnered exploitation honors through distribution of 'Ka- renina' literature in doctors' offices and bookmarks Jn the public li- braries and . through a tletip ■with Swedish restaiu^nts. Estimates for This Week Century (PubliX) <1;600; 25-35-55) —'Anna Karenina' (MG). Boost in admish prices for this engagement only duly impresses upon public film's importance. Also swells total substantially. May hold over. ■ £n rbute to big $11,000. 'Last week, 'Here Comes Cookie' (Par), $2,200 for five days, light. proheum (Singer) (2,890; • 25-35- 40)—'Top Hat' (Radio) X2d wk). Despite enormous first week attend- ance, still getting crowds. Looks like big $11,000 for last seven days after $17,600 for initial cantos. State (Publix) (2,400; 26-35-40)— 'Two for Tonight' (Par). Not caus- ing any considerable stir. Will be lucky to hit more than fair $7,000. Last week, second and last of 'China Seas' (MG), good $6,800, making more than $20,000 for fortnight run. Big. World (StefCes) (350; 26-36-4,0-55) —'Nell Gwyn' (UA). Going along at pretty good clii with about $1,800 In prospect. Last week, 'Man Who Reclaimed Head' (U), $800. light. Time (Wathnell) (290; 15-20-26)— 'Chicago's World Fair' (Bowers) and •Tumbling Tumbleweeds' (Repub.), dual. Unusual attraction and receiv- ing some attention, thanks to clover newspaper advertising and attrac- tive front. Looks like fair $1,000. L^st week, 'Giil Friend'(Col) and $7l00^'fair «P'"' Lyric (Publix) (1.300; 20-25)— 'Bonnie Scotland' (MG). Laurel- Hardy full lengther getting nice play and well received. Heavy weekend returns at this house. About $2^300 in prospect, okeh. Last $2^500 Wanted' (MG)', Uptown (Publix) (1,200; 25-35)— Curly Top' (Fox). Headed for gdod ?3.000. Lait week, 'Broadway Gon- dolier (^V13) and Dlonnes quintup (Radio), $2,700. pretty good, .^^.r*"** (Publix) (1,100; 15-25)— •Call of Wild' (UA). Second loop run. Going along at $2,000 pace, good. .Last week, 'Love Mu Forever' (Col), second loop run. $1,600, bkeh. Aster (Publix) (900; 15-25)— Front Page. Woman' (WB) and Don t Bet on Blondes' (WB), loop second tuns, and 'Pursuit' (MG), first run, split. About $800 in sight, ■ fair, woe-k, 'Men- Without Na.mes' (Par)- and 'Black Sheep' (Fox), second loop run.s, and 'Mad Love' (MG), first run, split, $1,000, okelr. !, ping downtown week's business .should be close to $13,000. Last week 'Call of Wild' (UA) tamed by •Farmer' and dualer at Orph, and closed with a good $12,750 week. New Grand Central (F&.M) (1,726; 36-65)—'Fighting Lady' (Ind) and .stage show, 'Platinum Blondes.' Four midnight shows, .shouldn't m'-^s $10,600.