Variety (Sep 1935)

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^ediMsdaf, September 25* 1935 r ic 9 Holcbvers, Heat Retardloop 'Boss'-Apollon Best, 266 Second Wk.; , Sept. 24. (Best Expibi : Apolto) Summer returned to the midwest wltb a vengeance that sent th^ ther- mometer" into record highs. Aa a result the theatres In the Loop took a crimping which sliced their ..^.ESQises. considerably. Loop, , which had "^lieien" doing exceireht" business for the past four weeks, is now In somewhat of a slump, and - It will ,' ta^ke a " cooleir-, thermometer plus ^stronger pictures to bring back the sinfles.. •" ■ ' , Flood of holdovers In the major houses is curtailing the possibilities of top figures curi-ently. On the holdover spree are Palace, with 'Top Hat,' third week; Chicago, with 'She. Married Her Boss' and Dave Apollon unit and United Artists with 'Dark Angel.' Even the State-Lake is a repeater, bringing 'Front Page Woman' back after a previous run in the GarriCk. Roosevelt is set with a string of Alms. Opened Saturday (21) with 'Big Broaric:\si,' and tiien will have •Bright Lights,' 'Broadway Melody' iand 'Anna Karenlna.' B.& K. is hold- ing back on the Garbo picture, due to the appeairancei of Fredric March at United Artists currently In 'Dai'k Angel.' Chicago and Palace remain the creeih of town. B, & K. flagship turned in. 133,600 last week; with a great part of the grpss accountable to the Dave Apollon show on the bocrdu. "Top Hat* will make It four veoks at the Palace at the present pace. ' Ai>olio press agents had a lot of tun with ^Red Heads' on exploita- tion and caused plenty of comment on several stunts. Estimates for This Week Apdrio (B&K) (1,200; 25-35-53)— ■•Redheads' (Fox). Publicity helping picture to good take at $4,000 cur- rently. Last week 'China Seas-' (MG) okay $3,300. Chicago (B&K) (3.940; 35-55-75)— •Married Her Boss' (Col) and DaVe Apollon unit. Holding over for sec- ond session after above average $33;- 600' last week. Apollon doing big piart of the business. This week around $26,000, good enough. Garr'rck (B&K) (900; 25-35-35)— •Goose and Gander'. (WB). Kay Francis name doing business here for $3,500, neat. Last week 'Miss Glory' (WB) oke $3,100 on second Loop session. Oriental (B&K) (3,200; 25-35-40) —'Calm Yourself (MG) and vaude. House rises considerably above figure of previous session to $17,000, pleas- ant profits. Last week 'Flying Tra- peze' (Par) off from recent average at weak $11,000. Picture had been milked pretty much in the Loop be- fore getting the Oriental. Palace (RKO) (2,500; 25-35-65-65) —'Top Hat' (Radio) and vaude. (3d -week.)' Turned in bangup $27,900 for its second week,: and is gallop- ing along cuiTently to an Indicated $22,000, good. May make it four weeks at nace. Roosevelt (B&K) (1.500; 25-35-65) —'Big Broadcast' (Par). Started Saturday (21) at neat gallop on a host of strong names. Hea:dlng for $15,000, powerful for the starter. Last week 'Annapolis' (Par) lammed after a saggy week at 87.100. State-Lake (.Tones) (2.700: 20-25- 35)—'Front Page Woman* (WB) and vaude. House has hit a highly prof- itable stride lately,. with the gross climbing more than $2,000 on the average. Cun-ently around $13,000, excellent. Las?t week 'Indiscretion* (MG) with, house unit snagged strong $13,900. United Artists (B&K-UA> (1,700: 35-45-G5)—'Dark Angel' (UA) (2d week), . Will go at least 18 days and likely to see three weeks. This w^ek may be $10.000:, fine ehoun:h aftev last week topped 5115,000, big, 'Red Salute' (UA) to follow. melody' Smash $8,000 In Port; Agent, $5,000 Portland, Ore., Sept. (Best Exploitation:' United Artists) 'Broadway Melody' Is hitting the high spots this week with another heavy exploitation splurge by UA, alter . two iexceptionally strong weeks with ^Karenlna.' 'Top Hat' continues to pile up a top sco:;e at the Orpheum, whore It smashed fill retfent house! i-ecorSs on Ita first week, with second going strong and may hold. 'Sp?e!al Agent' is great stuff nt the big Pa-.-amount and lifting that house from a fairish hnsU last week Avith 'Here Comes .Cookie' and Annapolis Farewell." All ■b.o. biz in the "burg is better and though warm weather still keens vp the gasoline atid tall tlrri'-ev- oompetish. all hpuKC<; are profit-of heavier" evo'^'-.T- tion cainpaigns with new biz being created. Estimates for This Week rpad\Aray (Parker) (2,000; 25-40) ^'Gbose and Gander* (FN) . Going nicely and keeping above average at okay $5,500. Last week 'Diamond Jim' (U), closed strong. second weefc"afT4,e0flrflrst week big United Artists (Parker) (2,000; 25-40)—'Broadway Melody* (MG). Hitting; a big" stride and: may hold. First week gjreat J$8,000. -Last week 'Karenlna' (MG) scOritC big second week at $4,300; first huge success and collected raves getting $8,600. Paramount (Evergreen) (3,000; 25-40)—'Special Agent' (WB) and 'Old Man Rhythm' (Radio).. Nicely exploited and getting good enough $5,000. ' tiast week 'Here Comes Cookie' (Par) and .'Annapolis Fare- well' (f>ar) hit a, fair pace around $4,300, Orpheum (Hamrlck - Evergreen) (2,000; 25-40)—'Top Hat' (Radio) 02d week). Well about usual first week average, should hit big $5,000 and may liold longer. First week great $10,600, and broke house records. ayfair (Parker -Evergreen) (1.400; 25-40)—'She' (Radio) and 'Hot Tip' (Radio). Good combo getting extra biz for this house and will close for nice $2,.800. Last week 'Heaiei:' (Mono) and 'Hopalong Ca:s- sidy* (Par) Just fairish at $1,700.. 'Broadcast/ 'Agecf Both Big at $16,000 In Newark; 'WSd/ I2G Newark. Sent. 24. (Best Exploitation: Loew's State) It may be a scramble for tops this week between the Brahford with 'Special Agent' and 'Storm Over the Andes' and the Paramount- Newark with 'Big Broadcast' and vaude. Both expect -about $16,000. Par film will probably mean a con- tinuous draw but the capacity at the Branford and its better location- are assets. for the Warner house. Loew's will do fairly well at $12,000 with 'Call of the Wild' while Proc- tor's won't be in the running at maybe $8,000 for 'Jalna' and 'Hot Tip' on six days. •The Beacon got away to its open- ing Friday but did only fair, busi- ness, up to Sunday. However, the low- prices with vaude may mean something day in and day out. Com- petitors figure out the house must do regularly nearly capacity to profit and they have found only big films will do that sort of trade. Mme. Piagstad is announced at the Mosque for October 15. Unless some one takes over the big house It will presumably be used for such big amateur affairs which would doubtlessly prove serious competi- tion for a legit hOuse but there is none here. For 'Call of the Wild' Loew's State put a big float In the Newark Festival of Progress parade, using two other floats to ballyhoo two other M-G films, and took six West- ern Union windows and five book windows. Station WHBI is broad- casting an -air record' of the picture with the Ledger running a feature story on Buck, the dog, 10,000 photos of Gable and, Loretta Young have been distributed by merchants. Estimates for This Week Branford (WB) (2,963:15r65)— 'Special Agent' (WB) and 'Storm Over Andes' (U). Opened to smash trade which held over the week end though Sunday's midsummer weath- er was not favorable, but they came just the same. Should reach $16.- 000. Last week 'Goose and Gander' (WB) and 'Manhattan Moon' (U) good at $12,120. Capitol (WB) (15.-20-40)—'Accent on Youth' (Par) and 'Annapolis Farewell (Par). Beacon may hurt this house a little but this bill prob- ably doesn't mean very much here anyway. Maybe $3,000.. Last week 'She Gets Her Man' (U) and 'Even- Night at Eight' (Par) on six days did well enough by Just going over ?3.500. Little (Franklin) (290:30-40— 'What Does My Husband Do at Night?' (Blok Musa) and 'Mem- ories of Poland' (Franklin) boMi Polish' and pulling them in. Expects a nice $1,000 this week. Advertised 'Waiting for Lefty" on stage can't be shown as New York showing .it Betasco must flnish first and mav"- he roadshowing. Last .we?k 'The Queen' (UA) and •'Brokeh Melody' (Olympic) not so bad at $7.')0. Loew's State (2.7o0; 20-30-35-40- 55-76)—'Call bC Vv'ilrt". (.TTA) .Jusl pas.sable with .$1",0T1 which sHl" might, be much worjje. Too much of a M'esto"n to i)lf"»f!e modern taste. Last week second of 'Karenlna' (MO) okay at $8,000. Paramount-Newark (Adams-Par) (2,248;15-20-30-35-40-55-75) — 'Big Broadcast' (Par) and vaude. Pack- ing them in and maybe a big $16,- 000. Last week 'Without Regret* (Par) nearly $10,Qa0. Proctor's (HKO) (2,200:15-55)— .'Jalna*' . (Radio) - and .. .'Hot- Tlrt-' (Radio), Tailing six days, to get in the fight pictures on time but will be. okay, at $8;.<l.0,0. SWrlev .Temple Club still going big second Satur- day. Last week '39 teps' (GB) and 'Keeper of Bees' (Mono) and 'Majoi: Bowes Amateurs* on screen gj-eat at over $13,000. Terminal (Skouras) (l,600;15-25- 40)—^'Night -Cargo' (Marcy) ' and 'Make a Million' (Rep) with 'Old JJan Rhythm* (Radio) and 'Alic^ Adams*. (Radio) split. Unques- tianabiy hurt "by-Beacon and If -tli'is cpntihues with other handcaps of house unchanged' might do a bad $2,500. Last week 'Dante's Inferno' (Fox) and 'Death From a Distance' (Rep) with 'Farmer Takes a Wife' (Fox) and 'Welcome Home' (Fox) split nice at over $3,500. Even Grand Opera In Montreal Strong For 25G;'Seas'$13,000 Montreal, Sept 24. very house on Montreal's. Broad- way is lit and the overflow of shows, has even taken the Forum. 13,060- seater devoted tO; hockey and wres- tling. Fall season has .opened with a bang likely because to some ex- tent of the big pickup. In the film housc-3 headed by Loew's. Opera at $1 top filled the Forum in three-Ttlte show of San Carlo Grand Opera, "Thursday-Sunday, grossing around $26,000. Palace has •China Seas', and this Gable-Harlbw combo is expected to take $13,000, very good. Capitol down a little lately, looks like a Jump to .$10,000 with 'Dante' and 'Rt-dheads.' Loew's has-the usual big yaude unit and a brace of pix, 'Pampas Moon* and 'Welcome Home,' a show that will be good for $12,000. Princess re- peats 'Dark Angel' and 'Bainl>ow over Broadway' for $7,000. Cinema de Paris breaks away from four weeks of 'Angele' to give 'Mysteres de Paris' which ought to gross $2,600. . Cinema Imperial has French version of. 'Merry Widow' which may gross .$3,500. St. Denis has 'La Bctaille' and 'BIbi La Puree' .for $5,000. Nabes are picking np all oyer town. Estimates for This Week Forum (Ind) (13,O0O; 50c-$l)— San Carlo Opera Conipany for 3 nites and matinee which grossed $25,000. Palace (FP) (2.700; 60)—'China Seas' (MG). Big star pic holding up, should gross $13,000. Last week 'Escapade'. (MG) disappointing at $7,500. Capitol (FP) (2,700; 50)—'Dante's Inferno* (Fox) arid 'Redheads' (Fox). At $10,000, good. Last week 'Every Nite at 8' (Par) and 'Men Without Names' 'Par) $8,000. Loew's (M. T.) (3,200; 50)—'Parti- pas Moon' (Fox) and 'Welcome Home' (Fox) witji vaude unit. Should hold to average, around $12,- 500. Last w:eek 'Lamps of China' (WB) and 'We're in Money' (WB) with vaude, $12,000. Princess (CT) (2,300; 50)—'Dark Angel' (UA) , -and 'Rainbow Over Broadway' (Regent) (2d wk) okay $7,000, after a smashing $10,000 last week. Cinema de Paris (France-Film) (600: 50)—'Mystei-es de Paris'. Nice $2,500.. Last week fourth holdover of 'Angele* grossed $1,500. St. Deni«s (France-Film) (2,300; 34)—'La Bataille* and 'Bibi La Puree" . Nice $3,500. Last week •Barcarolle* and 'Clown Bux" $4,000, Cinema Imperial (Ind) (1,600; 50) —'La Vcuye Joyeutfe*. Ok, $3,000 Last wee.k 'Famille Nombreuse" $3,500. lelody OK $45,000 in N. Y With 'Agent' Pushing 3*FwceJ0allfespile 'Steambraf 6iG, Tacema Tacoma, Sept. 24. (Best Exploitation; Roxy) The weekend saw many Tacom- ans go to the nearby Puyallup fair, which proved competition for the showshops.. However, with 'Steam- boat' at the Roxy there is plenty of b.o. wallop there, and Music Box has strong dual in 'Glory' arid 'Scoundrel.' Best exploitatiori at Ro.^cy with spec, lobby built-in, to carry Idea of river steariier, and spec. blUboai'd adv. Estimates for This Wcel( Music Box (Hamrick) (J.400; IC- 27-37) —.'M1.S3 Glory' (WB) and 'Scoundrel' (Par) dual. ^Look.s to reach big $4,700. Last week*'Bright Lights' (WB) and 'Accent oh Youth' (Par), S3,900, good, Roxy (J-vIT) (1,300; 16-27-37)— 'Sto.-imboat' (Fox), Will Rogers great draw here always* and a smashing ,?6 -SOOi w<">k. 'K-cep- of iRpp'-i'. (Mono) and 'HIKi Hat' (Ij'ox) dual, four d.^y-s, i?.M^. troid. .■fplit with 'Pur.'uiif (MG) and 'N. Y. Night' (MG) dual, three Aaya. 7.1.400, fair, for S<,2''>0 w'.':, good. (Best Exploitation i Capitcl) Fight was expected to cut into takings last nl ht (Tuesday), but the visitors are offsetting that in- road through being here over week- end or remaining for -a- dr.y or two aftep the-fight,- Busineas on Broadr way Is generally strong. Three new pictures i,eached town this week. "Special Agent' is strong at the Strand, around $3B;000, whiie •Broadway Melody,' at the Cap, is also up front. Musical was feiven a Wednesday night. (18) premier. That and first eight days of run through to Friday (27), regular change, day, will add up near nice $45,000, Big midnight trade la a factor at the Strand. 'Melody' will be held over, also 'Agent.' Atriong houses changing Avill be Music Hall, which will be lucky to hit $70,000 with 'Steamboat 'Round tlie Bend.' The Roxy is forced to Vaude Gives Fay's Prov. Edge; Paralysis Scare Still Harting Providence, Sept. 24; (Best Exploitation: Loew's State) ' Infantile paralysis scare is still on, school openings been de- layed once more and newspaper omphasis is having much effect on keeping the crowds away from do^vntowni theatres. l^rograms are better than average and exhibitors all along the line hope to do at least average busi- ness. This week's leader looks like 'Dark Angel* at Lbewls. Opening augurs for $12,000 ^ross at least. Other stands are figuring on keep- ing awuy from, the red Ink with such attractions as 'Peter Grlriiin' at Albee; 'Two for Tonight' at the Sitrand, 'Bright Lights' at Majestic .and 'Gay Deception' at Fay's.- Fay's is likely to have the- edge over the others since it is the only spot in town with vaudeville. In pushing its bally .on 'Dark An- gel' this week, Loew's grabbed off a half dozen window displays in downtown department stores. Not often any theatre can get depart- ment stores to go for windows like Loew's managed to get this week; In addition theatre.sold stores idea of co-operative ads. Then there was some special plugging via the radio, beside the usual routine stuff. imates for This Week. Loew's State (3,200; 15-25-40)— 'Dark Angel' (tJA). Although this is the only spot in town with a solo, program, indications are this one will be the leader. Opening good and figures for $12,000. Last week, 'Here Comes the Band' (MG) and 'Public Menace' (Col) took it on chin with the others In town; n.s.g. at $7,000. RKO Albee (2,600; 15-25-40)— 'Peter Grimm' (Radio) and 'Storm Over Andes' (U). Considering everything, business is-not so bad; Thursday opening had much to do with house getting early start; at least $6,500 in prospect. Last week 'Sweepstakes Annie' (Liberty) and 'Folles Bergeres' on stage; boost In prices to 65c, divided comment and parialysis scare had much to do with low gross, although $13,800 was much better than house had figured on after slow opening and poor week-end. Show plenty in the red. Strand (Indie) (2,200; 15-25-40)— "Two for Tonight' (Par) and 'Make a MiUIon' (Mono). Not up to liie usual Bing Crosby films, and as a consequence gross is not what it should be; house not figured to go over $7,500 at the most, okc, but should be better. I.,ast week 'An- napollH* (Par) and ' Cheers for Crowd* (Mono) disappointing at $6,500. ' Fay's (2,200; 15-25-40;)-'Gay De- ception* (U) and vaudeville. That this is the only spot in town with a .stage show is helping things along this week; should have no trouble in garnering at least $7;n0O. Lust week 'Thunder in the Night' (Fox) and 'Xlght Life Soandal.s' oh stage, so-so at around $7,000. Majestic (Fay) (2,20(1; 15-25-40) —'Bright Light.s' ^KNJ and 'Big Little Shot' (7-'N). Nice opening should keep thia around the .'J7,000 Last week 'Irish In Cs' (WB) and 'Got Her Man' (U) closed stronger than expected at ST.CbO. RKO Victory (1.601; 10-15-2!;) — 'Top Hat' (Radio) i,2d wk). At this ' after 10-day run at the Al- bee; still going fltron.^ arid, should wind up run In thlx hou<" wi'h 5.- .100 in the till, swell. take o«t '39 Steps' boca'.w«- it Is-com- mitted to play the WHN Barn Dance unit, and RIv opens 'Red Salute' Friday (27); Hall brings in 'She Married Her Boss' (Col) tohiorrow CThursday); 'Steps' on current (sec- ond) week will go to fine $3-1,000 or so.. Hous?..wpuld_like:to;have played it a' third week, especially in view of the coming Je\yi8h holidays. Pictures on holdovers include 'Dark. Angel' at the Rivoll, which riiay hit $21,000 ;on its third week, and 'Big Broadcast,' which on sec-, ond; week at the Paramount is fig- ured to do $21,000 and will be re- tained.a third. The State is enjoying good busi- ness \yith 'Karenina' on its screen and Louis Sobol, columnist, ,on stage; Indications point to $22,000 or better. Palace, oh Its final weeV of vaudeville. Is playing 'Page Miss-- Glory' and Just fair, $9,000 or over. House goes straight pictures Friday (27) with 'Top Hat' first attraction That will leave only the State as a vaude combination on Broadway,. 'Crusades' got $8,000 last week, Itp third, and on first five days of th»f fourth week current has dragged ir but $-i,000. House is being picketed by Local 300. This began JPridaj night (20). Cap land Metro went to town on selling 'Melody.' Jimmy Durante was on hand to buy the. first ticket at the premiere Wednesday night (18) and together with others broadcast from the lobby on a hook- up with WINS. Eleanor Powell, June, Knight, Abe Lyman, "Ihree Ritz Bros., and others figured In the lobby air buildup. Songs from the- picture were planted on the ether In advance of the opening as well. Several weeks back .a sneclal broad- cast on the Liicky Strike hour was arrar;<;d on a cross-country hodk- up. Lucky Strike people also gdlng for a tieup on advertising. Another important, tieup wrn .•'.rvanged to. cover dealers handling a grocery item; •Melody' was taken up t& the Mar Baer training camp and sliown tliere to spoi-ts editors and a blimp wat' hired to fly over New York last night (Tues.) when Baer-Loiils fight viras on. Town wan i3'-sheeted on the picture and In ."^(idition to spending more' than usual on the ad cam- paign. Cap Went to e::tra expen::e on Its front. Estimates for This Week Actor (1,012; 65.-S3-$1.10-$1.65- $2.20)—'Crusades' (Par) (5th week). Perked up a bit last week (4th), getting $8,000 but on . first five day.s of current (5tii) v/eek only $4,000. Capitoi (4,620; 25-S5-75-S5) — .'Broadway Melody' (MG). Biroughl in Wednesday night (13) and plur-. first eight days, will be around $45,000, good. Holds a second week. Final 6% days of third v/eek for 'Karenlna' (MG) around $13,000. Paiace (1,700; 35-50-65^—'Page Miss Glory' (WB) and vaude. May mount fair $9,000. week '.Talna' (Radio), hero on first run, $10,000. When 'Top Hat' (P^dio) comes in Friday (27), vaude v/lU be dropped but may be out onl.v for this and a couple of other pictures. Paramount (3,664; 25-35-65-75-85) —'Big Broadcast' (Par) (2d week). SlufCed off to $35,000 on first week but that's good here; second week (current) looks $21,000, and being held a third week. Next picture and opening attraction on planned stage show, policy not yet set. Radio City Music Hall (5,930; 40- 60-85-99-$1.10-$1.65) — 'Steamboat 'Round the Bend' (Fox) and stage show; Posthumous Will Rogers starrer riot drawing well and prob- ably riot over $70,000. Rogers films .'jeldom big in New York. Last week went to terrific $98,900 on third week of 'Top Hat' (Radio) but couldn't hold it a fourth due to pressure of pictures waiting. Rivoli (2,092; 40-65-75-85-99) — Dark Angel (UA) (3d week). Looses to get, $21,000 but won't, stick a fourth week. Last week (2d) wai« $26,500. 'Red Salute' (UA) opens Friday (27). Roxy (5,336; 25-35-55)—'39 Steps' (GB) (2d week), and stage show.; On holdover will maintain strong pace for $.14,000 but can't be held again due; to bookings. First week :;plcndld $43,000. ' ^ Strand (2,707; :35-55-66-85) — •.Sp(?clal Agent' (WB).. Off stoutly and oxpp'i'tcd to stretch, to $35,000 week, .staying a .second. I^ast week 'Go .se And Gander' (WB) ?21,200, State (3,450: 35-55-75) -■ •Ka- renlna' (MG) and vaude. Louis '^obol, l-f|p;ng talie to fine $22,000 or more. Last week •An- napoll.s Farewell' (Par) and return datp of Lou Iloltz, Belle Baker and Ulock-.Sully stage comblrii.tlon, over $26,000, »wdl