Variety (Sep 1935)

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10 VARIETY PICTURE CROSSES Wednesday, September 25, 1935 'Big Broadcast' and Downey on Stage Good for $31,iG;'Anger 28G, Boston Boston, Sept. 24. (Best Exploitat! Locw) 'Big Broadcast' on the screen, and Morton Downey on stage at the Met Is bis, hovering around a predicted $31,000 or better. 'Top Saf is go- ing Into Its fourth week, and pos' slbly a flith at the Memorial will drag In somathlng like $13,600, 'Dark Angel,' dayrand-datlng at the State arid Orpheum doing bettfef than fair biz, will hit about $28,000 between the two. 'Crusisides' will start a road show run at the Majestic Oct. 2. In gen- eral fllm trade is very good in Hub this week, considering the fact that no sock attractions decorate the screens; Exploitation- not spectacular around town, but Loew space pry- ers seemed to get their lion's share of breaks this week. Ran a classl- Jied ad contest, tied ■ up with Lux- soap on Merle Oberon, won a fea- ture story oh the star, v and tied in with a fur istore on Oberon arid Marshall. Esiimates for This Week Mot (M&P) (4,200; 35-50-65)— •Big Broadcast' (Par) and Morton Downey topllned in the stage shby/. lio6ks oke at the- deluxftr, around .^31',<)00..on th^ w4y-, liast week t2%- 000 for.'Two for Tonight' (Par) and IrTajor-Bowes aiitiittcurs". . State (lioetv) (3,200; 26-:36-40-50) —•Dark Angel' (UA),' single, also " at 'the-Orpli.. A'bit slow,, then, pick-- ■ ed 'up .over -the- weekend, $1"4,0bo •promised. - Last- week off, vfabout $10,000 .for 'Gall of Wild'., (UA), t. Orpheum .(l>oew) (3,000 ; 25-36-.40r B5)—t)4rk Aingel' (UA). Turning ' In a- satisfactory ^13,600.' Bast Week $11.50() for 'Gall of. Wild' (UA). -Keith Boston (RKO.) (2,300; 35- Btf^S6)—"Farmer Takes • a. . Wife' (pox) and Art Jarrett headllnlns dn stage. . Heading fdr about $12,000, ' dlisappblnting. Pic. figured to dra"w and getting ■ som6 " family trade. Stage show's weakness a sour note. $16,000^ last. week, for /Superspeed' (Col)' and Sophie Tucker, on stage, oke. ' . \ Keith'-Mcmbriar.CRKd) (2,900; 25- 35-50)'—'Tbp Hiit" (Radio) (.4th wK)'. Still hanging on and..pleasing :the customers. Fourth weels looks like $13'.500, sodd;; Maybie' ,:qne "Tnore. 'Dtamidnd. Jim' nelst on the list. Thlrdvweek of .'Hat* $l»i000, - . Paramount',(M&P) (1,800; 26-35- 60)—'Goose ahd Gander' (WB) and 'Welcome. Home* (Fox), dual. Do- ing all right at $8,000: Last week a bit off, .$6'800 -for 'Gay Depfe{»tlon' (Fox) and 'Here Comes Cookie' (Par), double. Fenway (M&P) (1,600; 26-30-40- B0)-^'Goose and Gander'. (WB). and 'Welcome Home', dual. Oke at $1,000. Lai^t week around $3,700 for 'Gay Deception' (Fox) and 'Here Comes Cookie' (Par). . Scbllay (M&P) (2,700; 25-35-40 60)—'Annapolis Farewell' (Par) a.nd 'Here Comes Cookie' (Par), double. Opened with promise of $7,000, oke. Last week around $7,000 for 'Bright Lights' (WB) and 'Accent on Youth' (Par). K.G. Shows Some Class; 'Boss' IIG;'B'castVS^SfiO 'Big roadcast* (Par). Steady play from the start over the weekend and going nicely. Expected to get close to $8,500, big. Last week 'Accent on -YiMith'.. f^ar.}.^.$7rZ<ltL..frX)Qi^.. ■ - Tower (Rewot) (2,200; 25-36)— 'Married.Her Boss' ,{Cpl), and stage show. Heavy lines for the opening days and no notlcable letups on ac-. count of dime tilt for evening shows. Lots of show for the nioney and should check up near $11,000, big. Last week 'Girl Frifend- (Gol)v $6,400, fair. Uptown (Fox) (2,040; 25-40)— 'Redheads' (Fox). Musical looks sure-fire for the younger set and the Saturday opening was big. Nicely publicized ihd will click close to $4,000. Last week 'Steamboat' (FOX) (3d week), $3,700, good. Buifalo Herdin' 'Em In; Hat'Wow 17G, Rogers 15G , Kansas City, Sept. 24 (Best Explbitation: Neyvman) With 'Top Hat' now In its thli'd at the Malnstreet, and 'Steamboat Round the Bend' transferred to the Apollo, at the siime prices, after a third week at the Uptown, this town Is realjy showing somp class. . ..'Dark Angel,'. Midland's feature .failed to show any strength the opening Friday, but changed. Satur day and was. going strong over the y^eckend. Tower with 'She Married Her Boss' and prices for the eve nlnp shows advanced a dime to 35c, Is n,iso doing business After three ■week.?. of 'Steamboat the Uptown has 'Redheads on Pa rade.' House la. glvlni? tvafllnp Btamps, arid also .free parking to its customers. Buslress' this .week is •also helped by the free screen testa In Unlversal's 'Search for Talent' Gag., while restricted to prospects over W years of age. iTi drawlrip. Newman ' with 'Big Broadcast' used large extra newspaper ada, had numerou.'' radio spot plugs, and was lenefltted greatly by the announce- ments on .the Ariios 'n'. Andy pro- gram nl&htly for several nights pre- cefedlng the opening. Estimates for This V/eek Mainstreet (RKO)' (3 200; 25-40) —'Top HaV ..(Radio). Third week for Astaire-Rogers and still going. Expected to retutn close to $C,pOO, .fine attier $11,000 second week. • .Midland (Loew) (4.000,' M-25-40) .«*-.'Darlc.Jtaiecl'. <.UA). Got away to ,Ju8t.'.a ^alr.Btartr but iias 'cliarices of .Inlilding: -Wlll^prDbaSJly .reach tH,' HOO, nice. Laet -week,' .'Call 'of Wild' (UA),"Tll,700T"EOod . Sept. 24.1 (Bssi Exploitaii ; .Qreat Lakes) Takings, hitting, the /peaks again ,at downtawnvhoxofflces, contlnul^i; In-a- strong upward.isUrge* from the exceptionally fine .grosses of-last week. Honors are being divided he- twaen 'Toip Hat', and 'Steainboat.* The .Astalre opus .looks, like the mTost" c0risist6nt. business. getter the Lakes lias had In a long time, with the, Roger^ . feature -coming along both on-Its own and due. to the over flow; The leveling oft elsewhere Is about as expected. During the last brace. Gable pulled takings., up strong at the Buffalo, and 'Diamond Jim' rari a close sec prid. 'tThln Man' on a dual blU for la .return at ..the . Century also clicked 'Top Hat' offered what seemed to be 'endless exploitation possibilities. Aj)' unusual, number of cooperative ads;.-some with the leading >deparjt ment stores, noticeable. Radio used for question contests and for plug- ging of - the picture song. hits. Dan6e halls were tied In for the first time locally, ..with night clubs Included and a special screening for the danc Ing masters: Every song shop In town fell for a window tleup, and window displays were strong both downtown, and in outlying sections. Plenty, of screen book tieups,-cards and . herald distribution In evidence. Estimates for This Week Buffalo (Shea) (3,600; 30-40-60)— 'Steamboat' (Fox). Doing nicely at opening and drew strong on the Lakes overflow. Indications are for fine pickup-to aroUnd $16,000. Last week 'Call of Wild' (UA). Improved anticipated takings considerably at $12,500. Hipp (Shea) (2,400; 26-40)—'Peter Grimm' (Radio). Opinion divided; looks good for "medium returns at ?6,500. Last week 'Goose and Gan- der' (WB) did well to hold up to estimates arid a little better at $6,200^ Great Lakes (Shea) (3.400; 25-40) —'Top. Hat' (Radio). Blew the lid off and hiad the whole town talking over opening week-end. Looks like a walkaway for $17,0fl0 and perhaps better. ' Last week 'Accent on Youth' (Par) riot very forte fore .week was over got dO'^^n. to $8,700. Century (Shea) (3,400; 25)—'Here, domes 'Band' (MG) and 'Behind Green Lights' (Mas). Doing nicely with this dual arid contlnuirig to Im- prove takings evidenced since Labor -Day: Maybe $6,500. Last weeik 'Thin Man' (MG) atid 'Westward Ho' (Rep), fine business for this and 'drew the. beat gross of the month ' for the house at $7,8C0. Lafayette (Ind) (3,400; 25)—'Dia- mond '.Tim' (U)'(2d week). Held over with indications of a- letdown at probably not much 0ver -$6,500.. Last wetek . excellent and Just what the management ordered at almost $12i000. higher and prices, too, so larger pile of cash doesn't figure so. good. This Is the last week of vaude at the Varsity for some time. Best exploitation stir of the week was E; A. Patchen's Quint plugging wherein five college boys were togged In white nightgowns and baby caps and wheeled baby bug- gies rfghttfirougrff^^ Pic Is at the Lincoln helping 'An- napolis. Farewell.' Estimates for This Week Colonial (LTC) (750; 10-15)— 'Hopalong Caasldy' (Par) and 'Storm Over the Andes' (U), split. Gw)d m.'OOO, LasT week, 'S&daT«f Aces' (Res), 'Kentucky Blue Streak' (Rep), and 'Hong Kong Nights' (FD), for thrce.changefl got $900, better than average. . Lincoln (LTC) (1.600^ lQ-2.''-2Ji— 'Annapolis Farewell' (Par), "wm probably get $2,300, which is fair. Bolstered by Dlonne Quint short which Is getting heavy ' plugging- Last week, 'Ever/ Nlghf (Par) came out about even with $2,200. Vaude competition Is digging in on this house. Orpheum (LTC) (1,200; 10-15-20^ 26)—'Manhattan Moon' (U) and stage Show headlining Roscoe Ates and backed by 'Sirens In Satin' unit (three days) and following-Is dual 'Return of Peter Grimm' (MG) arid 'SU^amllne Express' (Mas). Take will near $3,000 aiCter strong vaude turnout. Last week 'Smart Girl' (Par) and the -Bill Hogan band gathered In $2,800, with the. slight help of the 4-day dual 'Thunder in the East' (UA) and 'Calm Yourself (MG). Stuart (LTC) (1,900; 10-25-40)-^ Kaxenlnia' (MG)., Likely to get $3,- 400, nice enough, cpnslderirig (Sarbo' has never been-a sock In this houe^e." Last'we^ T>lamond Jlni' .(Uy.turned but to be chipped glass arid could barely tarawl over the $8,000 mark In a very dull week which sliiriiped badiy the-last five' days. ' ' ' V.«(r»ily. (Wcfltlahd) -(1;100; 10-15- 26)—rPnbllc 'Jienalce' (Col) and stage'Show. Improved opening Iri- dldates possible $2,300 this ■ week which- will be the 'first: winner since the flesh shows started. Last -we^k ,'39 Steps' (fiG) and stage hill got $2,160, bariely.;irieetlrig expenses. 'Angel' Br^ht $15,000: Stageless Fox and Earle, $10^00 and IIG, Fair mOADCAST 9G, DENVER SMASH ianbattaii Moon' With Ates' P.A., $3,000, line. Lincoln, Sept. 24. (Best Exploitation: Lincoln) The largest money ' maker this sti-etch In town is the Orpheum which bowled 'erii over on a vaude bill headlining Roscoe Ates. and'with the "Sirens In Sathi' unit; Pics, ."^Manhattan Moon' and dual of four days- after-'vaude .over, - 'Return .df PetcT Grimm' and 'Stretunllne Ex- pieBfl,''little-help. Whole week' 4b get '$8,000 easily. Only thing- near It Is Stuai-t with 'Karenlria' and an ^ewmRo' (Par) (1,800; ^26'-40)— expected $3,400; -but the nut la much .Denver, Sept. 24. ([Best Exploitation: Denham) Another big week at Denver first runis, all but one doing over average. "Dark Angel' stacked them In. the second week at Aladdin, and, al though no holdouts, crowds ste.^dy enough to -cap third, week for film Denver woriien go for the crier, and men go along. 'Steamboat' in for four days did even better than average for week only. Reason film did not stay three -weeks first run is because house be- ing used for roadshow of 'Big Broad- cast,' giving Denham. repeated hold out over week end and In spite of competition of. Bowes amateurs at 'Municipal Auditorium, who did big business. 'Broadcast' will probably get two weeks. Irish in Us' doing great and with several standouts; should warrant another week at Broadway It time can be. secured which is doubtful. Rriadshow this week at. Broadway, then second week of 'Married Her Boss,' which played Denver last week. 'Karenlna' doing so-so and gets only 10 days, Too much stiff comiietitibn. 'Thun der' doing close to average at Par ariiount. Reason Denham is given rating for best, exploitation Is that they have two big giveaway nights^ whereas Huffman has only one at present. The Denharii Is iri on string of theatres glving away a car and with a bank night eabh week. Huffman Is giving a car and a $100 refund on a used ear purchase, but will start a house, refrigerators radios, etc., giveaway soon. Estimates for Thia Week' Aladdin (Huffman) (1,500; 24-35 50-.60)^'Dark Angel' (UA), 2d week Strong holdover $3,500. Last week V^Jgel* took $4,000. Broadway (Huffman) (1,600; 25 40)—'Steamboat* (Fox), 4 days fol- lowing a week at each the Denver and-BroadwayHouse being used 6-days by 'Three Men on a Horse', leglt Nice $1,200 for 4 days. Last week 'Steamboat,' $2,500, more than double average, following a bl week at the Denver. Denham (Cooper) (1,600; 25-35-40) —•Big Broadcast' (Par). Smash $9, OOO. Last week 'Two for Tonight (Par).'held house up above average; and finished with $5,000. Operiirig day now Frlda.y, which gives the house two giveaways closer to the end of- the week—Tuesday and Thursday. > . . Denver (Huffman) (2,500; 25-35 50)—'JrJsh in Ua*' <FN) and stage band. .Strong- trade, T8;000. :Jjast we^k 'Marrlfedv Her Bess' '(Col) big 19,006 ^nd ^11 -go "to -the Broadway for an extended -run after the close of the 6 days of 'Three Men on a Horse,' legjt. . Orpheum (RKO) (2,600; 26-35-40) —'Karenlna' (MG) following 4 days last week. Garbo stays 10 days; $5,000r ofcay, 'figured tor current week, liast week'Top Hat'(Radio), 3 days following a week and a half, and 'Karenlna' (MG), split, did $9,- 500. ^ -ParamoKnt •{F-eLi^-<2>OflO;-aB."iO)— Thunder in Night* (Fox). So-so : 1^,000. tast 'week^Bonrile'BcbtTarid' (MG) topped the average and took In $3,500. W Relights Indiana with $14,500 Bang Indianapolis, Sept. 24. (Best Exiiloitation: Indiana) •Top Hat* Is doing a 18fty $14,600 to reopen the -deluxe 'Indiana with a .bang. It's sure to holdover at its present pace; *rhlch. Is far better :tha.ri a^nythlng "the house . did In many nionths before it closed for the sumnier. Nothing else In town Is doing any- thing' in the face', of thid picture's strength.- Frank and MIU-Britton band unit on the stage at the Lyric with ''Little Blg'^ Shot' on the screen is barely fair at $7,000 in view of probable Increased nut for the week. tDark Angel' fs mild at Loew's witli $4,200 in prospect, while the Circle flounders at - $3,000 on a dual with 'Here Comes Cookie' and 'Annapolis Farewell.' 'Steamboat' rounds out a full month at the Appollo with $2,200 likely for the fourth and final stanza. Exploitation honors go to the In- diana for Its excellent, campaign on 'Hat.' A full page co-op ad in color, six or seven tleup ads with various Important downtown department stdries..on such .Items , as hose, hair- dressers, cdats.and jewelry, together with a flock of -worthwhile window displays In the shopping district and riiiscellaneous gags' including 'Top Hat' sundaes, etc., fiooded the city with propaganda for the re-opening of the Indiana. Estimates for This Week Apollo (Fourth Ave.) (2,000; 25- 40)—'Steamboat Round Bend' (Pox). Fourth and final week of strong run ending up with $2,200 for this stanza, okay. Same pic iri third week did all right at $3,200. Circle (Katz-Feld) (2,600; 25-40) —'Cookie' (Par) and 'Annapolis' (Par), dual. Slow iat $3,000; double bills don't go downtown here; Last week 'Two for Tonight' (Par) moderately good at $5,000. Indiana (Katz-Feld) (3,100; 25- 40)—'Top Hat' (RKO). Smashing gross at $14,600 fdr reopening of house dark since sprlhg. Probably will hold-over. Loew's (Loew's) (2,800; 25-40)— 'Dark Angel' (UA). March and Oberon. seem to be Insuflflclent cast strength here and take will be so- so at $4,200. Last week 'Call of Wild.' (MG) didn't hold up to early pace but finished well enough at $7,000. Lyric (Olson) (2,000; 25-30r40)— 'Little Big Shot' (WB) and Britton band on stage. Latter not strong enough to buck competition of 'Top Hat' arid biz only fair at $7,000, Last week 'Special Agent' (WB) and va;ude okay at $7,900. 'STEAMBOAT,' SOLO, IN OMAHA, BIG $11,000 Omaha. Sept. 24. (Best Exploitation: Orpheum) After two solid years of double feature or combined vaude arid single feature policy, Orpheum this week changes to a one ^picture schedule. . Occasion is the new Will Rogers picture which will play by Itself on an Informative campaign from the riianagement to effect that they feel no other film suitable to double with the star. This arrangement allows seven features daily with six complete shows and will give the house pos slbllltles it hasn't had In months and months. Capacity and turnover sure to spell Increased business, but whether or not It hits expected high has to be seen. At any rate will get around ,$11,000, -virtual top; any- thing more -will bp a recprd. --Buslnesd .all around looking, up land town over-average *t. all spots, tOmaha playing -to more than aver.- ( 23) Philadelphia. Sept. 24. •Dark Angel' at the Aldlno has the spotlight this week and should not only do the best proportionate biz "but figures "fo 'acfualiy "leadf the' downtown sector in actual gross. Only the fact .that no more than six showings can be <:rowded into a-day.--le-llkel.y...t«--koep-4t»d.own.- "At-- ■ that. $15;009.. shio.uld. .be..reachfid arid; that's plenty heavy. Crix all raved. Wiseacres figure that, although it starts no stronger than 'Call of the Wild,' its predecessor, it will hold up stronger and won't have ariy trouble at all in getting three weeks. Fox and the Earle will again suffer without fiesh and promise to be liicky, to hold last week's pace, which was at the $11,000 mark. Fox has- 'Redheads' and the Earle 'Spe- cial Agent.' Of the two, latter looks slightly the stronger. Stanley will droop from pace of last two weeks. 'Annapolis Fare- well' is the fllrii and $11,500 will be plenty. 'Goose and Gander' at Boyd also dubious, with $9,000 figured. Stan- ton may pull $6,000 with 'Harmony Lane' but that -will be difficult, 'Top Hat' in its second run show-^ ing should, however, clean up $4,500 or better at the Karlton. 'China Seas,' also second-run. Is another which looks big. Should get $2,600 at the; little Arcadia. 'Top. Hat' case surprised . the street last week. This musical hit $17,000 In its second week at the Stanley and that's miles above house average and certainly rated hold-over for third wefek. A plllrigf- up of films, especially musicals,' is reported as S-W's reason for not holding -the Aataire pic for another week. Not wishing to have the musicals all in a row they brought In 'Annapolis Farewell' for a sin- gle week prior to 'Broadway Mel- ody,' Next will probabl" be 'Big Broadcast.' Rest of last week's layout was pretty featureless. A prize fioppo was 'The. Clairvoyant* a first-rpn at Keith's which usually has sec- onds. It was held five days. Also dismial was 'Bonnie Scotland,' sec- ond-run at the .Arcadia. It got $600 or less in three days and scrammed with 'China Seas' figured to take the bad taste out of everybody's mouth, 'Call of Wild' skidded swiftly when it did start to slide. Sensa- tional first week, fairly good second week, then nothing left. Went out a day earlier than expected and only pulled $3,500 in last four days. A second-runner which -did click was 'Karenlna' which had a nice $3,500 at the Karlton. Stanley-Warner putting plenty of attentlori and exploitation gray- matter on 'Midsummer Night's Dream' which comes to the Chest- nut (legit) as roadshow Oct. 14. Engagement supposed to be strictly limited to two weeks. Estimates for This Week Aldine .(1.200; 40-55-65)—'Dark Angel' (UA). Started very big. Length Which permits only 6 shows a day only- thing to hold down gross; $15,000 likely. Last week, 'Call of Wild' (UA), skidded at end with only $3,500 take in last four days after two good weeks. Arcadia (600; 25-40-60)—'China Seas' (MG). Second run and looks very hot, $2,500 should be easy, maybe more. Last week, 'Bonnie Scotland' (MG), second run, only $600 in three days. Boyd (2,400; 40-55)—'Goose, and Gander' (WB). Ordinary looking, mebbe $9,000, but likely less. Last week, 'Married Her Boss' (Col), fairly good $10,500. Earle (2.000; 40-55) — 'Special Agent' (WB). House missing vaude but clai Ing to get by with lowered operating cost; $11,000 will be tops. Last week, 'Two for To- night' (Par), a trifle better at $11,- 700. Fox (3,000; 40-55-65)—'Redheads' (Fox). Also missing stage shows now, $10,500 figured. Last .week, 'Gay Deception' (Fox), $11,000. . Karlton (1,000; 25-35-40)— 'Top Hat' (Radio). Second run and should clean-up if last mlriute rush at Stanley means anything, $4,5.00 or better. Last week, 'Karenlna' (MG), very riice $3,600. Keith's (2,000; 30-40-50) — 'Mar- ried Her Boss' (Col). Second run, figured for okay $3^200. Last week, 'Clairvoyant' (GB), initial $1,200 in five days. Stanley (3,700; 40-55)— 'Annap- olis Farewell' (Par). Single week only and won't get more than a fair. $11,600. Last week, 'Top Haf (Radio), second, and atlU very fine at ■$17,000. Mystery why it wasn't hfeld again. •Stanton (i;700; .30-40-50) —'Har- mony. Lane' (Mas). -Notices, gen- erally Tather- good, -maybe a- scant -$6i000. --lia^. week, - 'Peter Grimm' (Radio) satisfactory ^5,300,