Variety (Sep 1935)

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Wednesday, September 25. 1935 C d R O S i E S VASIETT 11 Cugat and Casa Loma Orchestras Up'fo$s;i9Q^andM;24G,Wash. Washlnerton, Sept. 24. (Beat Exploitation: Fox). Vaudd houses are way out iii front thlfl "week, tlianks to holdovers occupying all the other crack film temples. Repeats are doiiig oke, -■however,- in- fiiufof- Ave i;>«malhlng spots and bid to keep total gross for. town up to snuff. Fox is giving Casa Loma band credit jfor niost of big week, also featuring 'Here Comes Band.' Combo ■■ttiaJ«is"flWBll- li^Blit biU;,-buc;yo-unger: geiierAtlojx ;here..:haa...been; JhojyUnK. for Glen Grey for two seasons and Is turning out en masse. • Rialto, which Tom Moore opened in attempt to pull pop trade to east end of gay white way again, folded Saturday (21) with threat to enlarge stage and comeback sopn with heavy footlight fare to support pix. House hasn't got. film franchise and had to scramble for flicker product first two weeks. Evien 25- . piece pit. ban^ under. Ci'eatore couldn't offset lack of celluloid names. Belasco is playing first foreign language pic of season, 'Red Head,' and is taking licking as judged ,by three weeks of British stuff. -House Is going , heavy on gags with free coffee and cigarettes In louiige and midnight preview of coming, attrac- tions every week amounting to only double feature offer on first-run row. ' \ Best bally honors In week when the press agentry took a test go to Fox for staging party for Glen .Grey and pulling both drama and radio scribes. Estimates For This W^ek Earie (WB) (2.424; 25-35-40-60- 70)—:MarrIed Her BqssV (Col) and vaude; ~ Colbert rep plus Xavier Cugat radio popularity on stage ad- ding up to nice $19,000. Last week •Bright Lights' (FN) took satisfac- tory ?16,B00. . Fox (Loew) (3,434; 25-35-60)— 'Here Comes Band' (MG) and Casa Loma ork on stage. Latter gets most credit for big $24,000. Last week 'Redheads' (Fox) . ballyed Into oke $19,000, Keith's (RKO) (1,830; 2^-36-60) "—'Top Hat' (Radio) (4th week). 'March of Time' helping fourth week toward swell $9,000. Last Week same pix In third week won big $ii;ooo. Palace .(Loew) (2,363; 26-3E>-(S0)— 'Steamboat' (Fox) (2nd week). Probable nice $12,600. Last week same film chalked up very big $22,000, Columbia (Loew) (1,263; 25-4:0)—: 'Karenlna' (MG). Garbo getting big $5,600 for third week on malhstem. Last weiek fourth of 'China Seas' (MG) took good $4,000. Met <WB) (1,853; 25-40)—'Accent on Youth' (Par). Repeat after big week at Earle getting by with oke $3,000. Last week repeat of 'Annap- olis Farewell' (Par) shuck through with same figure. Belasco (Radin) (1,100; 25-35-50) ^-'Red Head' (Auten). French flick- er is first foreign language pix of season in stronghold of European films here. Despite critic's pr&ise for kid star, week won't better $1,000. Last week 'Man Who Knew Too Much' (GB) stayed 10 days to get oke $3,000. 'BOSS' A SMASH $12,000 IN SEATTLE, GARBO 91G Seattle, Sept. 24. (Best Exploitation: f^ifth Ave.) 'Top Hat' goes into second big week, from aU appearances, at Orpheum, showing enough stuff the first week to change usual policy on move-over to smaller seater. Gross stepped well ahead of 'Call of Wild,' which held year's top. Fifth Ave. Is going heavy for Garbo, while Lib- erty is pluggingr.with big space for Colbert, heralding 'Married Her Boss' as comparable to 'It, Hap- pened One Night,' which set the house's long-run record, Nfew shows all around except at Orpheum. Puyallup fair got great Weather breaks' past week, closing Sunday with Hoot Gib£(on emceeing a rodeo. The fair cut a bit Into the theatres, as it has both day and night shows.. Best exploitation for Garbo at Fifth Ave., being serial story of her life run In local Swedish newspaper, with special advertising calling at- tention to Btorj', This getting re- sults from the Norse, population. Estimates fop "Yhis Week Blue Mouse (Hamrlck) (950; 27- 37-42) — 'Peter Grimm' (Radio). Banking on Lionel Barry more ta help b.o., but bad at $2,500 pace; Last week 'Diamond Jim' (XJ) (2d week), $3,200, okay. Coliseum (Evergreen)' (1,800; 21- 32)^'Escapade' (MG) and 'Men Without Names' (Par) dual. Good for $4,000. Last Week. 'Doubtinsr Thomas' (F6.\) alid 'Calm Yourself' (MG) dual, good $3,600. . Fifth Ave. (Everigreen) (2,400; 27- . 37-42)—-Karenlna' (MiG). Big cam- I>algn for Garbo, biz started off big- gest for her In years, looks to reach strong 49,500. Last week, 'Miss Glory' (WB) $6,900, good. Liberty (J-vH) (1,900; 16-27-37) —'Malrried Her Boss' (Col). Plenty of bally, and biz smashing through to $12,000. .-Sunday broke all records under present regime. Last week, •Atlantic Adventure' (Col) and 'Out- lawed Guns' (U) dual, up at $4,100, good. Music Box (Hamrlck) (900; 27- .&7-=.-42)ir:--'.Ga7"Be!T.'eiTtlGn' (Fox); • Led-' .erer, in . li&h.ts„.an)d. ads. ..slow-trad.* .at $2,800. Laist week, •Steamboat' (Fox) 3rd week, $3,300, good. Orpheum (Hamrlck) . (2,700; 27- 37-42)—'Top Haf (Radio) (2nd week). Still big, $8,000, on holdover. Last week, flame film, $16,300, im- mense. Paramount (Evergreen) (3,106; 27-32-37-42)—'Here Comes Cookie' (Par) and 'Jalna' (WB) dual. Fair at ■ $4,^00. Last week, 'Hot Tip' (Radio) and.'Redhfead' (Fox) dual, $4,800, good.. mtTip'and W Coihbo Not So Hot $11,000 in Cohmbds Columbus, Sept. 24.. (Best Exploitation: Palace) . Last season's last stage show was 'FoUes Bergere' at Palace. "This season's first stage show is same name at same theatre, which may account for public's partial lay-off at b.o. window. , Evident superiority of last show to this may have got around town. , Big mistake made somewhere booking 'Foiles' in for two weeks. Central offices making Ijig efforts to shove it into Detroit for next week, if. union busTness smoothed over In that city. Second week for 'J'oUes! in Columbus would be fatal. With G::and (RKO) set for open- ing Friday night, and. workmen giv- ing it finishing touches. Major Bowes troupe to open same day it Ohio, and spcond week of 'Folies' at Palace, business should be cat and dog next week. Grand looks swell, built from bot- tom up by Dusenbury Bros., estate, owners of building,- and with RKO putting in little cash. Palace worked hard on 'Folies' with tie-ups a,ll. over town. $800 neon sign on marquee. Expense for sign will be split with Cleveland, when show goes there. Best plug of week was 'Folies Bergere Handi- cap' run off Saturday at Beulia,h Park, local nag track, with French dames passing out cup. Estimates for This Week Palace (RKO) (3,076; 30-42)— 'Hot Tip' (Radio) and 'Folies Ber- gere' on stage. Week should shoot out $11,000, not enough with French expenses added. 'Accent on Youth' (Par) broke even; $7,000, last week. Broad (Loew-UA) (2,500; 30-42) —'Irish In Us' (FN). Doing swell, in spite of opposish across street; $5,500 in sight. 'Steamboat' (Fox) C2nd wk) dried out for $4,000. Ohio (Loew-UA) (3,006; 30-42)^ •Dark Angel' (UA). Low, with $4,500 expected. 'Call of Wild' (UA) swell last week, with a $8,500 take. Majestic (RKO) (1,100; 25-35)— 'Top Hat' (Radio) (3rd wk). Still holding up, with $3,500 coming up. Last week about same. L'nlle Lopes at the B.O. With OK Weather and Pix Louisville, Sept. 24. (Best Exploitation: Loew's) The filial "showings of 'Steamboat* at the Strand and 'Top Haf at the Brown, completing their respective three weeks' runs, provided. the needed acceleration to biz In first- run houses here. With the advent of cooler weather, and the unusually powerful draw of 'Steamboat' and 'Hat,' patrons in this town seem to have again be- come theatre conscious, and prac- tically all downtown houses again becoming accustomed to seeing a line at the box office, a sight long missing. No outstander in town this week, major houses running an even race for business. Dual 'Here Gomes the Band' and 'Thin Man': at Loew's State copped top honors with $5,200, but other first runs were close be- hind and it's really a toss-up thl.s week when It comes to selecting a town-topper. Infantile paralysis situation has abated considerably, schools In city opened (23), and children under 14 are asaln allowed in the. theatres. Some housps are scheduling special Saturday morning matinees, and Loew's State has announced a Mickey Mouse Birthday Party for Saturday morning (28), at which an all-cartoon bill will be fihown. Exploitation nod this week goes to Loew's State, with a stilash on white space, -and liberal use of win- dow displays, tie-ups with music counters, etc, Estimates for Thisi Week Brown'(Ind) (1,500; S5-40)—'Top Hat' (Radio) (3d week). Riding along oh a tremendous hatiohwlde surge to see this latest Astalre- Roigers opus, final week garnered a gbod $3i40d, to -bring to a- close an engagement which broke records for this house. Last week same film came thr/)ugh for a nice^ $.1,500, Rialto (4th Ave.) (3,000; 15-25-40). —'Annapolis Farewell' ..(Par). Got its share of the cool Weather pick- up, closing to a nlcer-$4,600. Last week 'Two for Tonight' (Par), fair enough at--{a^-aOO." - Loew's State (3,000; ^26-40)— 'Here Comes the Band*. (MG)" and 'Thin Man* (MG), dual. Decidedly not In the smash class, but getting its fair share of the biz; $5,200 should about tell the story, not so forte, but also not so bad. Last week 'Call of Wild' (UA) garnered fair $6,300: Strand (4th Ave.) (1,450; 15-26- 40)—'Steamboat' (Fox) (3d week); Wound Tip a sbcko three weeks' ses- sion, with mighty nice $3,500. Last week saniie fllm garnered a big $3,- 90O. House making swell splurge on next week's 'Red Heads' (Fox) which should keep this Chestnut street, theatre well up irt the. run- ning. Mary Anderson (Libj?on> (1,000;- 25-40)—'Special Agent'. (WB). Get- ting Its reasonable share of the cooler weather upturn In biz, and should garner a net $2,800. Noth- ing startling, but good enough. Last week 'Bright Lights' (WB) okeh $3,000. . National (Ind) (2,400; 25)—'Run- away Queen' (UA) and Radio City Revelis. Pickup being noticed hferej with class of stagie attractions def- initely of a better grade. Plenty of customers In this , town who still go for live talent, garnished with a flicker. Gross looks like a pretty fair $3,500. Last week, 'Nell Gwyn' (UA) arid vaude rather weakish $2,800. Alamo (Ind) (900; 15-25)—'Raven' (U) and 'Streamline Express' (Mas), dual, splitting with fHelldorado' (Fox), and 'Whoopee' (UA). House 'plays to dependable class of trade, with grosses consistently holding to practically same figure each week; $1,20& about the mark here, on par with last week's 'She' .(Radio), and "Sweepstake Annie' (Lib), dual, splitting with. 'Born to Gamble' (Lib)., and 'Chasing Yesterday' (Ind>i •all right, following $10,000 on first week at Palace. Grand (RKO) (1,200; 25-40)— 'Sttantboar - (FbX)' Xith Week). Clicking $2,800; last week $3,500, strong. Pic drew $22,000 oh first ntao-viioys- €i4;--Pa}aGe-aRd--$6,<>00 Ik switchover week at Capitol. Family (RKO) (1,000; 15-26)— 'Black Room' (Col) ih for full week with four minutes of clips on Fred- die JVIlller-Nel Tartleton scrap in Mw|*England MiJier being Cincy's only ring champ in flstlc hlstqrx, FfetQh- Ing $2',2ff0. Last week 'Port of Lost Dreams' (MaJ) and 'Just a Thrill' (Fox), split, $2,000, alverage. Strand (Ind) (1,300; 15-25)— •Harmony Lane' (Rep). Effective press tie-up on Stephen Collins Foster angle. En route to $2,500, dandy. • Last week 'Front Page' (UA) revival, $2,300. 'boss; 17G, BIG IN CINCY, BUT 'GRIMM'NSG »GIncInnati, Sept. 24. (Best Exploitation: Albee) Traffic In the first-run district okay currently, biz on the first half indicating same take by and large as last week. Cooler weather, fol-r lowing brief spell of belated sum- mer, welcomed by exhlbs. •Married Her Boss' pacing the procession. with $17,000 for im- portant Albee money. 'Two for To- night' is next best screen draw fbr $9,500 at the Palace. Keith's, with 'I Live for Love,' is fetching $4,500, and Capitol Is getting $4,000 on 'Peter Grimm.' Shubert, combo palace, doing okay with 'Hot Tip' and Leo Carrillo, the extra flesh with 'Hollywood' Parade' unit, at $14,000. Jumbo advance on "Boss* sur- passed exploitations on other pix." Estimates for This Weak Albes (RKO) (3,300; 35-42)— 'Boss' (Col). Colbert the swing for $17,000, great. 'Last week 'Accent on Youth' (Par), slowed In last half, $9,000, n.s.g. Shubert (RICO) (2,150; 35-55)— 'Hot tip' (Radio) and Leo CJarrlllo personaling with 'Hollywood Pa- rade' unit. Carrillo. the b.o. boom for $14,000, okay. Last week 'Girl Friend' (Col) and Major Bowes' amateurs, $16,500, new high. Palace (RKO) (2,600; 35-42)— 'Two for Tonight' (Par). Crosby- Bennett combo tugging lightly for $9,500. Last week 'Diamond Jim' (U), $10,000. Lyric (RKO) (1.400; 35-42)—'Top Haf (Radio). Holding for third downtown week, $5,500, hefty. Last week $9,000, theatre's best biz for many months. Pix did $24,500 In Initial week at Albee, a record for that house at present scal6.- Keith's (Libson) (1,500; 30-40)—'I Live for Love' (WB). Del Rio the sales angle. Lukewarm notices, maybe $4,500, fair. Last week •Goose and Gander' ("VVB), $6,000. Capitol (RKO) (2,000; 35.-42)— 'Peter Grimm' (Radio). Barrymore topping title swell reviews but a tame $4,000 In sight. Last week 'Karenlna' (MG) (2d week), 15,000, enune Up 'AngeF and 'Boss/ 20G Each, Balto "Broadcast' $000, married Boss'$P00, Rah-Rah in New Haven New Haven, Sept. 24. (Best Exploitation:, Roger Sherman) Will Rogers doing a holdover'at the College. To fill in Sunday blank left, by nixing of Sally Rand unit, Roger Sherman dug up 'gcarface' and 'Gay Divorcee' revivals. Reaction favorable. Poll stage will light first time in couple of years with Major Bowes' amateurs Oct. 11. . Roger Sherman topped exploita- tion this week oh Sally . Rand cam- paign. Plenty one-sheets all. over town; teaser newspaper advance campaign; lobby display of bubbles, nude stills a,nd' a blinking neon- effect sign; window tie-iii on fan display; interviews and persona.! appearances at advertising club, American Legion, police and flremen gatherings; fashion show In femi nine apparel store put on by Sally and her line girls. Estimates for This Week Paramount (M&P) (2,348; 35-60) —'Big Broadcast' (Par) and 'Dressed to Thrill' (Fox). Looks to pick up a good $6,900. Last week 'Two for Tonight' (Par) and 'Together We Live' (Col) stood up pretty well at $6,206. Poll's (Loew) (3,040; 36-60) •Married Her Boss' (Col) and 'At- lantic Adventure' (Col). AroUnd $8,- 000 is okay. Last week 'Steamboat' (Fox) and 'Superspeed' (Col) snared good $8,800. Roger Sherman (WB) (2,200; 36 60)—•Goose and Gander' (WB) and Sally Rand unit. Campaign aimed at stage show bringing In heavy money but top heavy nut will mean red, even at estimated $10,000. Last week 'Special Agenf (WB) and 'Harmony Lane' (Mas) Just wouldn't sell, light $4,600. College (Loew) (1,666; 35'60) — 'Steamboaf (Fox) and 'Superspeed' (Col). Holdover set for fair $3,800. Last week 'Top Haf (Radio), on second week, ran second best to house record at $6,400, bringing total run to elegant $19,800. mODY'$13,000,1K)SS' $22,000, DETROIT UP Detroit, Sept. 24. (Best Exploitation: United Artists) Box offices are back In a more joyous mood this week in the down- town area after a considerable drop last week, picture product Is better and everything looks rosy again. Nabes continue to plug merrily along. Plugged nicely in advance, 'Broadway Melody' is doing an ex- cellent $13,000 for the U. A. Fox, with 'Married Her Boss' plus vaude Is nnaking a gallant comeback after a week In the doldrums. Gross should hit $22,000, nifty,' Michigan, which also slumped badly last week, stays low with an $18,000 on 'Big Broadcast.' 'Diamond Jim,' which did swell business at the Fox two weeks ago, has been brought back downtown for a second :flrst run at the Adams, where it will bring in an excellent $5,500, First time any pic hajs been brought back. Downtown is enjoying • a nido $4,000 on 'Top Haf . (fourth week) Flicker likely to be held over for a final fifth week. Estimates for This Week United Artists (United Detroit) (2,000; 25-35-55)—'Broadway Mel- ody' (MG). Had a tremendous opening and should coast in for a swell $13,000, Grossed a nice $8,000 last week on 'Dark Angel' (UA). Fox (Fox). (5,000; 25-35-55) — 'Married Her Boss' (Col) plus stage show. House jumps ;back Into the good time after a bad gross last week. Looks like a fine $22,000 this week. 'Alice Adams' (Radio) only $15,600 week, ichigan (United Detroit) (4,000; Baltimore, Sept, 24. (Best Exploitatioh: Century) TJiree ;.nlc6-fat. ,hens . and two scrawny ones In .the Balto b.o. basket this week. Topping the town is Keith's ^here ^Blg BrpadcaSt' "bifoke away at start Sunday '(S2y for what looks like ia real rampage; $9,000 looming for session, which will be biggest In moons here. H.o. assured. >. IThe pair of. vaudfilmers rldlr>.g nicely, with edge In the Hipp's favor, where Btrbhg conibo of "'Mar- " Tied Her Boss' and ITed Weems' ork on stage has 'em all agog; They're standing all over house in the eve- nings, and mats are very bright. Looks, like splendid $19,000. The Century is peg behind, but still,very gala with 'Dark Angei' fascinating f emmes,. plus a stag0,show headed by ina. Ray Hutton band that the men like, Pace has been steady from start and looks to be moving toward $20,000. 'Two for Tonite' at the swanker Stanley is brutal right froni open- ing, won't top $4,000. Presence of Crosby also In 'Broadcast' at oppo- sish Keith's not - accountable since 'Two for Tonite' , had three-day Jump and biz was negligible from, draw of the gun. Herb Morgan's campaign for stage and screen features, at the Century, nosed out laudable layout airranged for Hipp's combo bill by H. Ted Routson. Estimates for This Week Century (Loew-UA) (3,000; 15- 26-36-40-55-66)—-Dark Angel' (UA). and vaude heaided by Ina Ray Hut- ton band;' Pic the puller, with all- ork getting good word-o'-mouth, which will evidence Itself last half- of week. "Very good $20,000. Last week 'Here Comes Band' (MG) and vaude headed by Casa Loma ork under expectations, .$19,000, n.s.g., with stage show nut very lofty. , Hippodromtt (Rappaport) (2,300; 16-26-36-40-65-66) — 'Married Her Boss* (Col) and Ted Weems' ork on stage. Pic very well liked; ork also. Good bill grrabblng IJtself. a nifty $20,000. Last week, final'five days of 'Top Hat' (Radio), after pic bad stowed away an opening fortnite, Just under grand $13,000. Keith's (Schanberger) (2,600;-16- 26-30-35-40)—'Big Broadcast' (Par). Off to the races at swell $9,000; h.o. a certainty. Last week 'Harmony Lane' (U) Jerked after 4H. days; leiss than $2,000, distressing. New (Mechanic) (1,800; 16-25-30- 36-40-SO)—'This Is Life' (Fox). No notable names nixes chances, con- sequently it isn't, so" much of a life for the b.o. this' week; with pros- pects dour for more than* $2,600, off. Last week 'Redheads' (Fox), $3,900, fairish. Stanley (WB) (3,450; 15-2B-35-40- 65)—'Two for Tonite' (Par). First Crosby filck ever to drop down Into dumps, and it's a mean drop to poor $4,000. Last week 'Accent on Youth' (Par), good $8,000. 26-35-66)—'Big Broadcast' (Par) with vaude. Stays below the 20 G mark for the second successive week. Won't gross more than $18,000 this week. Under $16,000 last week on 'Bright Lights' (WB). Adams (Balaban) (1,700; 25-40)—! —'Diamond Jim' (U). Demand so heavy that pIc was moved back downtown for a second first run. Will clang ian excellent $6,600. 'She' (Radio) and 'Old Man Rhythm' (Radio) brought In a wow $7,000 last Downtown (RKO) (2,600; 25-36- 56)—'Top Hat' (Radio) (4th week). Nice $4>000 la due this week, after weeks of $15,000, $7,500 and $5,600. May be held over for fifth and final state (United Detroit) 3,000; 25- 40)—'Without Regret' Par) and 'Hopalong Cassidy' (Par). Figures for an o. k. $4,200 this, week. Last week took , In $4,000 on 'Little Big Shof CWB) and 'Don't Bet on Blondes' (WB). Lafayette (Maxmar) (1,500; 20-25- 40)—'Clairvoyanf (GB). Should gross'around $1,500, fair. 'Loves of Dictator' (GB) did $2,000 last week. Storms Aid BA B.O. Buenos Aires, Sept. 5. .Annual storms due about this time arrived with a yenegance and brought on a cold snap, all 6f which is very good for box office receipts. 'Rod Hot Tires' (WB) has started at the Astor, 'People Will Talk' (Par) Is at the SIhe Sulpacha, 'Escape Me Never' (UA) just opened at the Monumental, iahd doing excellent biz; 'First 'World War' (Fox) at the Renacl lento; Naughty Marietta' (mGM) Is still running gaily at tlie Ambassador; 'Love Me Forever' (Col) Is at the Ideal; and 'Stolen Harmony' with Lupe Velcz In person at the Broad- way.