Variety (Sep 1935)

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Wednesday, September 25, 1935 VARIETY 2S AND THE NATION'S MUSIC MASTERS • The broadway Melody of Success lingers on with the great* est hit'team In^on^ biz» Nacio Herb Brown • Arthur Freed JACK DENNY ''It will be a privilege and a ptea- lure to play the fongs trom 'Bn>ad^ayMelodrofl936'whlch in my . opinion teptescnt vour greatest contribution to date." " RUOYVAtLEE "Accept my ilncere plaudit* for a masterly and highly interesting •core. Bro#n andrteed continue 'to Jive up to the very high stan- dard they have alwaya act." BEN BERNIE ^'Well done my lads! Just heard your new score. It's even better than the &rst'Broadway Melody'. I thought nothing could equal that. Congratulations!" LANNYIIOSS "You've even exceeded mygreat* cat cst>cctationi with your.ionai for '.Broadway Melody of 1936'Tc will be a pleasure co'sing themr* ABE LYMAN "Orchema leaders should throw you lots of orchids for your s^ell icote for 'Broadway. Melody of 1936' which will maVe bUr 'jobs caiyduringtheneittfewmnnths.'* LORING "RED" NICHOLS " 'Broadway Mdody of1936' marks a new cn In Attn mu-' ■Ic. Hats off to the gieatett of all song-writtng comblna- donsl" TfOHORITO "Conaraiulatlonti Your •core tor 'Broadway Melody of 1936' atampi you as the 'tops'." JOHNNY HAMP "Your icote to 'Broadway Mdody of 1936' is beyond dcsicripiUon. All I can say is that you deserve the bou' :quet you are sure to get," ISHAM JpNES "With your score for 'Broad- way Melody of 1936' you will thrill a nation. Congratu- lations!" . ■.'^i.WW.'A* Mm WAYMEKING "The score for your new picture is a genuine thrllli and beats anything you have ever done." OZZIE NELSON "Congratulations! 1 t's great to teach the heighu but tough to repeat. That's why you deserve more than the usual amount of credit." VICTOR ARDEN "Some pcoplc'write history: you boys make hlstoryl I tsfet to Tout new scotrfor 'Broadway Melody of 1936'. h's your best." ALROTH ''Congratulations to two] master sonuroithson'BroadJ way Mtlody of 1936' score.] You're icpeatinH as a fuf^ after a dinner of garlic and.' salami." FRANK BUCK "You boys have rendered ■ ' great service to music lovets with stmt excellent score." JOERlNES "Youtsooredeserves parade* .|n the streeu." CHARLES DORNBERGER "For your score you .detetve wreaths and 'halos.'' EDDIE OUNSTEDTER '"Congratulations to Brown and Freed." GUSTAVE HAENSCHEN "Hats off to Brown &Fieed." FRED WARING "Yours is a de6nite contri* liution to America's song- dom. You. are to be com- mendcd.'Broadway Melody of 1936' scu a new niark as far as music Is concerned." JOE SANDERS "Thanks, boys. In 'Broad- Way Melxjdyof I936'you've given America a bag full of glorious music" DONBESTOR "I'm very cntfausedovetyour new 'Broadway Melody' score. It typifies the high quality of songs you boys generally write. Bestrcganh." PAULWHITEMAN "Congratulations! Your score tor 'Broadway Melody of 1936' reaches a new high In musical importance." GUYLOMBARDO "You are to be commended for creating your best collab- oration since your first *Broadway Melody'. ore power to you!" EDDIE I "Add mine to the manyi plaudits you will receiveon your n£,w 'Broadway Melody' score. They're the kind of songs I love to GLEN GRAY. CASA LOMA ORCHESTRA ."Congaiulations I You've, done It again, only bigger and. better (Kan ever before!" BILLY BISSET "It look* like history and Brown and Freed always re-, peat." JANGARBER "Your new score gave me A genuine thrill." ROSARIO BOURDON _ "^m's"oTriJk«to. LUIGI ROMANEtLI " FRANKIE MASTERS the hall of fame." i "Congratulations! You've ' Just heard your new score 0 done it again." for .'Broadway Melody of — 1936' and it's great." JAN S.AVITT "What tunes. They'res well I" TEDWEEMS "Take a bow for the great- est musical score In many years." m. HAL KEMP '"Your new score for 'Broad- way Melody of 1936' in my opinion tops everythlne vou've done so far. It will be a thrill to play the songs." LEOREISMAN "Brown and Freed haye done it again. It's some- thing we auiomatically cx- lect. Congratulations, 3V»!'- PHIL HARRIS "Congratulations on th«| 'Broadway Melody' score.; You're 'tops'." MORTON DOWNEY CONRAD THIBAULT "Fifty million people will be grateful for your Vftni songs and -Bfty rtiillion ' people can't be wrong!" GEORGE OLSEN "You are to be congratulated on your score for 'Broadway Melody of 1936', but you've made it tough for others to follow you." FREDDIE RICH "The score for 'Broadway Melody of 1936' convinces me that the topmost rung of the hit ladder has been reached. What will you do for an encore?" RANNY WEEKS "When belter songs arc written, Brown aiul Freed will Write them, but better songs than those In the 'Broadway Melody of 1936' will never be written." FRANK PARKER "In my otHitioti you've ex-' cceded everything you've both done so far, with yours musical .oonttlbutions to 'Broadway Melody of 1936.' Most tuneful score I've heard in years. Regards." JIMMY and TOMMY DORSEY "Howwill you ever follow theij score for 'Broadway Melodyl ol 1936'r It's your greatest effort to date and entitles yoli to a spot In songdom'»' h^lloffame."